The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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Til 111"
Machen and Beavers
' Too Ambitious.
Postal Frauds Largely. Due
to Wire-Pulling
Many Broken-Doim Politicians Were
Object of Hi Political Charity
Young Beavers Suffers for
the Sin of Ills Sire.
ington, Juno 27. When tho Investigation
Into the affairs of the Postofflce Depart
ment was begun last April, no one, aside
from the men Implicated In the frauds, had
any conception of the extent to which the
corruption had spread. Not even Fourth
Assistant Postmaster-General Brlstow,
who has so successfully ferreted out in
numerable unlawful acts, dreamed that so
many offices or so many officials were so
grossly abusing the trust reposed in them
as public representatives. That the af
fairs of the department had been handled
loosely no one doubted, and that unneces
sary appointments had been made from
time to time waa common gossip, but there
was no idea that public funds had been
misappropriated in huge lumps over a pe
riod of five or six years by men holding
some of the most responsible positions in
the Government service in Washington.
Mil c lien. Too Good a. Fellow.
August ,W. Machen, until lately chief of
tho free-delivery division, had the reputa
tion of being a competent official, but with
a leaning to overliberallty. He had espe
cially gone out of his way and lost sight
of discretion in complying with the re
Quests of Senators and Representatives.
But this was an error that can be charged
to many officials in Washington. When
men .in Congress asked for the establish
ment of rural free-delivery service in their
districts Mr. Machen made every effort to
aee that such service was established, and
often went outside the rules laid down in
order that his friends at the Capitol might
not be disappointed.
He established rural routes in communi
ties where there were but few settlers,
where the roads did not meet require
ments, where tho service would have to
be operated at a heavy loss to the Gov
ernment. He knew of these unfavorable
conditions, but it was only where the cir
cumstances were exceptionally unfavor
able that he declined to accede to requests
made by his friends in Congress. And un
til lately the term "his friends in Con
gress" meant nearly every man who rep
resented In whole or in part a country
district. This same indiscreet liberality
he showed toward the men from the large
cities, for he favored them with excessive
and unnecessary free-delivery service
whenever they requested it.
He Ever "Worked for a. "Price."
Machen was ambitious; he was ever
looking to his own interests, and to show
how great was his influence, as a result of
his liberality, he was able in tho last ses
sion of Congress to have his own salary
raised tSOO per annum over the protest of
the Postmaster-General, while Congress
simultaneously refused to advance salar
ies of other officials who were recommend
ed for promotion by Postmaster-General
Payne. But very few people suspected
.Machen of other wrongdoing than this.
Every one recognized that he was build
ing up for himself a strong backing in
Congress, but the public believed and his
friends believed he was working for re
turn favors at the Hands of -his friends in
Congress in the way of an increased sal
- Beavers Also Was Too Liberal.
And what la said of Machen in -this re
spect applies with equal force to George
W. Beavers, who suddenly -resigned his
office as chief of the salaries and allow
ances division. He, too, was looked upon
as' a "good fellow," and, like Machen,
went out of his way and beyond the die
tates of his discretion in appointing un
necessary carriers and clerks and in pro
mo ting postal employes whose' services did
not warrant promotion. Ho likewise was
most liberal in furnishing postofflces
throughout the oountry often beyond their
need and beyond their request. But he
was not suspected of committing any
criminal act. Llko Machen, with whom
he co-operated, he could look upon nearly
every man in Congress as his friend, and
could consistently ask of them favors in
the way of increased salary. His salary
was raised along with that of Machen at
the recent session, the Increases being
Soon after the postal investigation was
Instigated a number of papers untagon
lstlc to tho Administration took up tho
charges that were brought to light and
made much of them. Other papers were
inclined to regard the matter lightly, for
investigations into the affairs of Govern
ment offices were not uncommon in Wash
ington, and seldom led to any startling
disclosures. Moreover, practically all of
the charges filed with Postmaster-General
Payne had been laid before his predeces
sor, Charles Emory Smith, and the inves
ligation at that time, so far as the pub
lic was aware, had cleared the accused
one knew of tho seriousness of the
report rendered by General Brlstow about
two years ago; no one was aware that
Postmaster-General Smith had been
warned of general wrongdoing 'among his
subordinates. It was commonly remarked,
and particularly by newspaper men sup
posed to be familiar with the affairs of
the Postofflce Department, that there "was
a. great deal of smoke, but not much fire.'
Some of the oldest Washington correspond,
cnts, men who have followed up lnnumer
able, other investigations in the depart
ments here, and some who went through
the star-route Investigation of many years
past, were of the opinion .that .the present
investigation would be a tame affair. They
did not believe that Machen or any other
Government official nad been guilty of un
lawful conductin office. And they tafew
Machen, too. 'They likewise knew Beav
ers, or thought they did.
In passing- it may be said -that these two
shrewd Individuals had taken tho. precau
tlon from the start of making friends
with the vast corps of Washington cor
respondents. This fact is partly account
able for the early views of many of Wash
ington's most experienced newspaper men,
for though they watched the early stages
of the investigation, and had the benefit
of what might be. termed "Inside informa
tion." . these men were not aware of the
enormous wrongdoing of these two bureau
chiefs. It was tho anti-Administration
papers that at once began an onslaught
on the department that proved to be cor
rect, while the fair writers were almost
to a man misled.
Perry Heath Imposed Upon.
Perry S. Heath. ex-First Assistant Postmaster-General,
was one of the most pop
ular men that ever held office in Wash
ington. He was for many years a Wash
ington correspondent, and throughout his
term of office -under President McKinley
was one of the best friends the newspa
per men had in official circles. Always
ready to give out what news came within
his reach, always approachable, cordial
to everyone, he was supposed to be a thor
oughly competent official. How much of
the blame for bad appointments and un
necessary expenditure of public funds
belongs on the head of Mr. Heath per
sonally the public must determine for
itself. He was and still is secretary of
the Republican National Committee, and
to him were sent "heelers" and cheap poli
ticians who demanded recognition for
services they had rendered, or alleged they
had rendered, in the campaign of 1595 and
at other times. That many ot them were
"cheap men" is shown by the class of ap
pointments they were willing to accept.
It is hard to believe that Heath, or nnv
other man, would have assumed entire
responsibility for putting these "hangers
on" into office. Some one else in the
party, no doubt an endless string, includ
ing men ia Congress, must have brought
pressure to bear on Heath to give such
alleged politicians Government positions.
Public Treasury Had to Suffer.
In his good nature and his anxiety to
oblige, Heath yielded to pressure, and fed
the suckers with offices, where promises
would have done aa welL The public
treasury had to suffer in consequence.
Many of his appointments, as shown by
the Brlfltow report, did not even deem it
necessary to perform any work for the
salaries that were bestowed upon them.
They condescended to present themselves
only on pay days. Others drew fair to
liberal salaries for small and Inconse
quential services to the Government.
Numbered among those who were un
lawfully added to the postal rolls by or
der of Mr". Heath were many women. They
had ' rendered the party no service, hut
were - appointed or promoted at the in
sistence of ifcen in thd party who did not
wish personal advancement or who were
not in a position to accept it. To members
of Congress should be laid much of the
responsibility for this class of the Heath
appointments. Perry Heath was not as
shrewd a politician as he was credited
with belng4 He lacked firmness, and the
will power necessary for a successful ad
ministrative officer. He did not know
how to say "no."
Why Talloch Was Discredited.
Returning to the original charges, and
especially to those brought by ex-Cashier
Tulloch, of tho Washington Postofflce, it
may be said that these allegations of
wrongful acts were discredited in many
circles for two reasons. In the first place,
Postmaster-General Smith apparently
f oind nothing in them when he ordered an
Investigation two years ago. No dismis
sals, no rebukes resulted. Then, too, Tul
loch was personally discredited because It
had been established that he himself.
as he should. A large part of his time
was devoted to private business, for while
holding Government office, he was a high
official In a local electric lighting com
pany. Moreover, he made use of Postofflce
clerks and stenographers in the perform
ance of his private business, facts which,
when they became known, tended to dis
count any countercharges he might have
made- against his superiors. Being him
self culpable, it was not thought that
Tulloch had much ground for complaint,
but was rather attempting to "get back"
at those who had Interfered with his own
conduct in office. It develops, however,
that whllo Tulloch abused his privileges
in office, he- was not dishonest in any
sense, beyond the. misuse of time belong
ing to the Government, and he stands to-
-day more than vindicated by the ex
posures made by General Brlstow.
Shrewd Game of a "Physician."
A -story is told about tho department,
and its truth vouched for, which throws
considerable light upon tho methods of
Machen and Beavers. Among the men ap
pointed to office without authority was a
Dr. Jones ,of Washington, a personal
friend of Perry Heath, and a man of un
enviable reputation. Jones was a reporter
on one of the leading Washington papers,
and, having graduated in medicine, and
being licensed to practice, secured through
Heath an appointment as physician to the
Washington letter-carriers. As shown in
the Brlstow report, there was no author
ity for tho -appointment, although sev
eral other physicians had been appointed
in other large offices, and always at a sal
ary of $1700 per annum.
Jones performed absolutely no service
in return for his salary, but occasionally
hired a practicing physician to make a
show at attending sick carriers for him.
All the while he continued to draw his
salary at the rate of $1700, but served only
his newspaper. One day the man who
vouches for this story dropped into Mach
en's office. Machen was pacing the floor,
apparently much worried.
"What's the matter, Gus?" asked, hla
visitor, a close friend.
"Why," he replied, "that man Beavers
Is the limit. He has asked all sorts of
unreasonable things ot me, and I have
done them, but now he comes down and
wants me to buy an operating table for
Dr. Jones, and charge It to rural free delivery-"
Beavers' Worlc Injures His Son.
"Among the young men who recently
passed a creditable examination for en
trance to the West Point Military Acad
emy was the young son of George W.
Beavers, the- discredited postal official.
The reputation earned by his father can
not but injure young Beavers to some ex
tent, for, although his associates at the
academy, under the training they receive,
will not allude to the unfortunate circum
stances, he will nevertheless rest under
somewhat of a cloud. It is unfortunate
for him that, tho postal .frauds were dis
closed at Just the time he was about to
enter th.e military academy, for it is -said
the young man possesses fine qualities
which are susceptible of development. It
will he another case Id which a young
man has to live down the unsavory repu
tation 'of his -father, but probably nowhere
would young' Beavers be leas subject to
slurs and ostracism on that account than
at West Point, where a man Is made to
stand solely on his ' own merit.
Beautiful Young Woman at
Hunt Trial.
Roommate of Portland Student at
Harvard Maintains His Innocence,
and Is Bitter Toward His
CAMBRIDGE. Mars., June 27. (Special.)
A beautiful young girl, whose name the
police withhold, but who Is known as the
daughter of a wealthy Boston business
Joseph L. Brlstoiv.
man, now appears in the Harvard burg
lary case, for which Guy L. Hunt, .of
Portland, Or., and F. E. Rich,, qf Wln-
throp, aro held. Rich was arrested at
this young woman's Summer home In
Kennebunk. Me., and ahe accompanied
him when the officers brought him back
to Cambridge. It was said that she was
married to Hunt, but this he denies, and
Rich also denies that she Is his wife, al
though he Is deeply Interested in her.
Rich still maintains his Innocence, and
is very bitter toward Hunt, whom he says
has lost much money lately in gambling.
Hunt is a bright fellow, he says, but
never studied until just before "exams,"
when he would somehow pull through
with high marks in all his studies.
Hunt is said to havo received no money
from his parents lately, owing to his pro
pensity to spend it too freely. He has
been going at a rather fast pace, and his
allowance was not sufficient to keep up
the dizzy round.
The young woman- in the case was in
court during the hearings, but all efforts
to learn her identity beyond tho fact that
she lived in Wakefield have proved un
availing. She takes the matter very coolly, as If
she knew a great deal about the case.
She Is about 20 years old, and is an ac
complished musician. She was singing to
Rich when the officers appeared on the
scene. About $800 worth of tho property
has heen recovered.
St. Louis Man Who Calls Down Flip
pant Men to Be Sent to Jail.
'NEW YORK, Juno 27. Because he pun
ished a couple of men who insulted his
wife and afterward attacked him, James
Van S. Barrett, of St. Louis, has passed
an hour In a tenderloin police station.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett had visited Madl-
Bon-Square Garden with Mr. and Mrs.
Walters, also of St. Louis, md wore
about to enter a hotel at Broadway -and
Thirty-second street, when, they- allege,
a man describing himself as Richard Col
lins, an architect, made an insulting ges
ture" toward Mrs. Barrett. The ladles
were walking about sir feet In front of
their husbands.
Barrett stepped forward and pulled
down the man's hand, saying If he did
anything like that again he would ' get
knocked down. With Collins was a wait
er. As Barrett passed the latter struck
him on the back of the head. Barrett
turned swiftly and landed a terrific blow
between his assailant's eyes. The man
dropped like a log. Collins took a hand
and was also felled.
The crowd gathered, and two detec
tives who hurried up found La Pointe, the
waiter, unconscious, with blood oozing
from his mouth and ears, and Collins
much dazed. La Pointe was taken to a
hospital, and Collins, with Barrett and
his friends, were taken to the station.
The Sergeant ordered Barrett locked up,
but later, when Informed that La Pointe
had recovered consciousness, ordered his
New York Mall Robber Cannot Begin
Serving: His Sentence at Once.
NEW YORK. June 27. William J. Smul
len is having trouble about getting Into
JalL He was arrested on a charge of
robbing the mails. When his case came
up before the Federal Judge, Thomas, his
attorney, told the court Smullen wished
to plead guilty and begin serving his
sentence at once. The prisoner had been
held In bail ot $2500. which he has not
heen able to furnish. He has not been
indicted and the court will not reconvene
until October. Judge Thomas said he
could not sentence the prisoner until he
had been Indicted, but upon the assurance
in writing from Smullen that he would
appear when wanted, he would release
him upon his own recognizance.
Rcvengre Is Sought Because He was
Stripped of Booty While Asleep.
CHICAGO, June 27. John Engvahl. one
of the three men under arrest for a (15,000
diamond robberv in the Hotel Melrose.
Los Angeles, told today why he confessed
Baer, who was arrested yesterday; -pawned
a diamond sunburst for HOOO, he said.
Of this amount bo admitted having re
ceived $370.
"On the way from New Orleans to St.
Louis," he continued, "I was touched for
every cent of the money whllo I was
asleep. I always thought my companions
robbed me. When I was arrested and
Baer was free, I did not propose to get
all tho blame after being shabbily
Entranced Husband Then Tarns the
Weapon Upon Himself.
NEW YORK. June 27. After a- desper
ate struggle with Lulu Miller, his step-
daughter. In "The Hermitage," one ot
the finest residences In Walllngton, N.
J.t William Dewier shot and dangerously
wounded his wife and thea shot himself
in the heart, causing Instant death. He
had been estranged from his wife for
more than" a year, and went back. It
said, to seek a reconciliation.
Dessler, after leaving his wife, opened a
salobn at Guttenberg. His venture was a
failure. When he returned to his wife's
house the stepdaughter answered his ring
atthadoor. Des3ler pushed her aside and
rushed to his wife's aartments. Firing
two shots at hl3 wife, Dessler then turned
the pistol on himself, after having over
turned all the furniture in a desperate
struggle with the'glrl. who had followed
him upstairs and attempted to secure pos
session of the revolver.
Naval Surgeon and His Wife Are
Given Chloral in Lemonade.
SAN JUAN. P. R., June 27. Leslie
Lumsdea, an Assistant Surgeon In the
Marine Hospital service, who is tempo
rarily acting as Quarantine Officer here,
and Sirs. Lumsden. were drugged and
robbed at the Hotel Inglattera last night
with chloral which had been placed in
lemonade. While they were under tho
influence of the drug, all their money
Charles II. Robin
and Jewelry- was taken. A porter who
served the lemonade was arrested on sus
picion. The Lumsdens have recovered.
The Incident has caused a great sensa
tion here, as the Hotel Inglattera Is one
of the best hostelries. Lumsden was for
merly employed in Washington.
They Are "Respectable" Burglars.
NEW YORK. June 27. Owing to the
curious rumors, according to several pa
pers circulating In the West End,
the greatest Interest has been felt in the
case of two men who have Just been
sentenced to four years' penal servitude
on a chargo of attempted burglary at
the residence of Mrs. George Keppel, in
Portman Square, says a London dispatch
to the Herald. At the trial, counsel for
the defense pointed out that the men
were not burglars In the ordinary sense
of the word, while the police Inspector
gave evidence as to their respectability.
The prisoners seemed to have opened the
front door and walked to the very spot
where the Jewels, which were ot much
greater value than was previously stated,
were, kept. What basis there is for the
rumors inquiries at the best sources of
information have failed to discover.
New York Poolroom Raided.
NEW YORK, Juno 27. Six alleged cool-
rooms In tho Tenderloin district, Including
"Tne Allen," have been raided and 592
prisoners captured, making, the raid the
biggest of the kind ever" executed here.
Allen's place was ralded-whlle the alleged
proprietor was burying his wife. None of
the Inmates ot any of the six places es
caped. A lot of racing paraphernalia was
"Herb" Doctor Guilty of Murder.
PHILADELPHIA. Juno 27. The trial of
George P. Horsey, a negro herb "doctor."
for the murder of William Danz, has re
sulted In a verdict of murder .In the first
degree. Horsey was indicted with Mrs.
Catherine Danz, who Is charged with ad
ministering to her husband poison fur
nished by the "doctor." She Is awaiting
Quarters ot Noted Thief Raided.
PARIS, June 27. The police last night
raided the apartments of Parmaggianl.
the well-known anarchist, who returned
here after being expelled from France
He escaped to the roof, but tho police
seized many objects, pictures, eta, valued
at over $200,000. The authorities believe
the property to be the proceeds oi rob
beries committed by international thieves.
Anarchists Forfeit Their Ball.
PATERSON. N. J., June 27. William
Macqueen and Rudolph Grossmann, the
anarchists convicted of having taken part
In the labor riot, here last June, have
failed to appear In court to have their
five-year sentence put into execution, and
their ball bonds of $5500 each were de
clared forfeited. It is said they have left
tho country.
Mining: Man Guilty of Larceny.
NEW YORK. June 27. Frank S. Woller.
a mining engineer and well-known club
man of Brooklyn, has been convicted of
grand larceny in the first degree, and sen
tenced to serve not less than one year nor
more than 2 years In the State Prison.
He was tried In connection with the
"Horseahoo Copper Mining Company
No Clew to Missing' Jewels.
BUFFALO, June 27. There is no clew
to the missing Jewels of Senorita Lopez.
sister of the Filipino leader. The girl Is
the guest of the daughter of Mayor
Knight, of this city. The porter of the
sleeping-car on which the girl arrived
here denies all knowledge of the affair.
Hard to Get Jury for Wife-Murderer
HAMILTON, O., June 27. At the open
ing of the Knapp murder trial today the
fifth special venire was called, and ef
forts to complete the Jury were made.
Bishop Potter Slakes Warm Reply.
NEW YORK. June 27. Bishop Henry C
Potter has taken notice of the open let
ter sent to -him by the Rev. R. C Fel
lingham. vicar of Hexton. Hertfordshire.
England, and has sent to the vicar a reply
that Is vigorous and pointed. Further
more, he has written to the Rev. Dr. G. M.
Christian, rector of the church of which
complaint was made, advising him to ap
ply for a detail of police, and in case
the Hexton vicar and his 'followers pre
sent themselves and interfere, to direct
the police to throw tho party Into tho
"Via Great Northern Railway.
Chicago and return J7L50
St. Louisiana- return 67.50
Peoria and return 63.25
est. Paul -and return 60.0
Mlnneanolls and return 60.00
Dalurn-and return . .60.00
Dates or sale June z to w, inclusive.
July 15 and IS and August 2S and 36, Tick
ets good for 90 days.
For full information call on or address
id. uiuivtau. wiry xicKet-Ageat.
222 Third St.. Portland, Or.
From Tennessee Jail.
Harvey Logaa Was Under SO Years'
Sentence Sheriff's Animal Appro
priated by the Desperado in
Making; His Escape.
KXOXVILLE, Tenn.. June 27. Harvey
Logan, the Montana tralnrobber under
sentence of 20 years imprisonment, es
caped from the Knox County Jail this
afternoon at 6 o'clock. While his guard's
back was turned, Logan threw a wire
over his head and lassoed him, tying
him tight to the bars of the cage. Having-
one entire floor of the Jail to himself,
Logan next secured two pistols that had
been placed in the corridor of tho jail for
use by officers If needed.
When Jailer Bell appeared in answer to
a knock from Logan, the prisoner passed
out a bottle, saying he wanted some med
icine. As. the jailer put out his hand to
get it, he covered him with a pistol,
forced him to unlock the door and take
him to tho basement of tho jail. Then he
forced Bell to take him to the Sheriff's
stable and saddle the Sheriff's horse.
This done, Logan mounted and rode
away In the direction ot the mountains.
A posse started In pursuit ot the desper
ado within an hour.
Member of "Kid" Curry Ganp That
Held Up Great Northern Train.
HELENA. Mont, June 27. (Special.)
Harvey Logan was a member of the notor
ious "Kid" Curry gang of cattle and horse-
thieves which for years operated in North
ern. Montana. Te most thrilling affair In
which this gang participated was the hold
ing up of the Great Northern through
train near Wagoner, Mont., on July 4,
In order to secure the booty it was nec
essary to literally blow the express car to
pieces. In doing so a great deal of cur
rency contained therein was torn to pieces.
but It is estimated that the robbers got
away with 130,000 of tho 540,000 unsigned
National Bank notes, consigned to the Na
tional Bank of Montana at Helena by the
Treasury Department at Washington. The
train robbers forged the signatures of the
bank officials to these notes, and as they
used the wrong names, this furnished an
important clew.
Kid Curry and Longbaugh, two of the
gang, were arrested at St. Louis and af
terward convicted, receiving long sen
tences. Logan, tho third member of the
gang, was apprehended near Knoxvllle, af
ter killing a policeman, and was finally
convicted. Only last week the Court of
Appeals affirmed the decision of the Dis
trict Court, and he was ordered sent to
the Columbus, O., penitentiary. He is a
native of Kansas City. Mo., and 26 years
"Wilmington Police Now Have Con
trol of the Situation.
WILMINGTON, Del.. June 27. What
was considered the most exciting week in
the history of Delaware's principal city.
a week stained with the record ot a horri
ble lynching and mob violence, closed
calmly and quietly tonight. Despite .the
fact that peace hovers over the town, it
cannot be safely predicted that the pres
ent tranquil condition of affairs will con
tinue. The entire police force is on duty.
and 100 National Guardsmen are stationed
in the Armory ready for any duty. The
police apparently have control of the sit
uation. The bitter feeling exhibited by the
whites and blacks against each other ap
pears to be rapidly disappearing. There
have been no encounters of the races since
Thursday night. An order similar to the
one sent out last night was again issued
this afternoon, and every one of Wil
mington's ISO saloons closed at 6 o'clock
to remain closed until midnight Sunday or
Monday morning.
Mayor Fisher sent out a suggestion to
the storekeepers generally today to close
their places of business at an early hour
this evening In order that their employes
might go home early. The suggestion.
however, was not heeded and the streets
were crowded tonight with the usual Sat
urday night shoppers. The crowd was an
orderly one, and tho police had little more
to do thin to kiep the men and boys
from congregating on street corners.
There were no developments today di
rectly connected with the burning at the
stake of George F. White. A Wilmington
evening newspaper today quotes Rev. M.
P. Salter, of Charleston, a bishop of the
M E. Church, who Is -visiting in thl3 city.
as follows, with regard to the lynching of
"We are willing to take oft our coats,
mount our horses and ride into hell If
necessary Ho see that the law is carried
out, II one ot our race outrages a wniie
woman. We expect white men to do the
same, in case a similar crime Is committed
upon our race by white men.
Officer Charged "With Peonage.
MONTGOMERY, Ala.. June 27. L. A.
firnran a DeDUtv Sheriff of Goodwater.
Ala., was brought hero today by Deputy
United States Marshal uinson, cnargea
with peonage. He is cnargea wun assist
inc in holdlmr Emma Pearson, a negro.
In a condition of peonage. He was released
on a bond of
"Whitman Pioneers Elect Officers.
COLFAX. Wash., June 27. (SpeclaL)
The Whitman County Pioneers' Assbda
tlon closed Its picnic here yesterday, one
day earlier than was intended. This was
because of light attendance and lack of
Interest. The Elberton picnic, being held
at practically the same time, the old
eettlers attended the former and could
not attend both. The association will not
disband, but elected officers for another
year and will hold its third annual meet
ing in Colfax on June 21, 22 and 23, 1S04.
The officers elected are:
President, J. A. Perkins; vice-president,
L. D. Woodward; secretary, L B. Doolit-
tle; treasurer, Julius Llppltt.
Figuring; on a Mill at Ilwaco.
ILWACO, Wash., June 27. (Special.)
The Board of Trade Is figuring with E.
F. Wood on tho erection of a sawmill
here. Mr. Wood is a local citizen, and
has been appointed by outside capital to
see what can be done toward securing a
.mill site here. It .is the intention of the
company to build a sawmill, shingle mill.
planing mill, box factory and put a dyna
mo In connection for lighting the town.
Just who are backing the proposition has
not been given out.
Fell From a Telephone Pole.
GOLDENDALE. Wash!. June 27. (Spe
clal.) W. J. White, owner and manager
of the local telephone system of this city,
fell about 25 feet from a telephone pole
while engaged in making some repairs
last night. Both of his arms were broken,
and it Is feared he is injured internally,
Salraoa Axe Running- Now.
ILWACO, Wash., June 27. (Special.)
Fishermen are again reaping1 a harvest
of salmon. The run in the mouth of the
Columbia and Baker's Bay has been very
light all Spring, but for the past two days
several gfllnotters sv brought In as
; The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices s
j Special Values and Bargains
: For Monday and Tuesday
We might explode a lot of strong language in this ad, and per
haps attract more attention, like a small boy with a firecracker.
We choose, however, to tell the simple truth in our own plain
way, because we seek your confidence as well as your attention.
Special for Monday and
I uesday
1315 yards of 80-inch novelty silk and
linen, tan and castor, with Persian
effects and stripes. Material as fine as
a French mull. Standard value for COo
a yard. Monday and Tuesday.
I 37c a Yard
This Is the finest Summer fabric ever
placed on the American market, for
37c a Yard
Ladles, don't fall to see it.
; Dress Goods Department
to the Front
This department will and ought to
interest every lady in the City of Port-
land and surrounding country. We
jave the greatest stock of Dress Goods
to show you ever shown In the North-
west. Sale' Monday and Tuesday.
I mcallen &
Popular Dry Goods House,
Shipped by Express to Aii Points
And acknowledged by all to be the best ice cream manufactured
in the Northwest. All orders for the 4th promptly taken care of.
Special prices to excursions, churches, lodges and large con
sumers. Two Phones, Main 764.
Servant Gives Damaging Evidence
Against Accused, Who Is Friendly
With the Dead Man's Wife.
ST. LOUIS. June 27. The nude body of
a man, which was Identified as that of
McCann, the missing horseman, "by his
wife, was discovered floating in the water
of a deserted stone quarry near Bonfll
Station. St. Louis County, this afternoon.
Decomposition had set in, and the re
mains were hardily recognlzame. An
empty pocket-book, several envelopes.
some cartridges and a pair of low-cut
shoes were found oh the'bbdy.
The police have taken Into custody
"Lord" Barrlngton, with whom McCann
was last seen alive. He is held await
ing the result of tho investigation being
made by tho police. After the disappear
ance of Mr. McCann, Barrlngton was
taken Into custody by the St. Louis police,
but, despite the fact that he told con
flicting stories, was later released, the
authorities finding no positive proot or
Charles W. Morrison, a negro servant
at the Leland Hotel, kept by Mr. and Mrs.
McCann. told Chief of Detectives Des
mond today that since the disappearance
of his master, Barrlngton had been with
Mrs. McCann almost constantly, and that
the two had held many spirited conversa
tions. To a reporter Morrison said: I
"Barrlngton came home on the morn- ,
ing after McCann disappeared, and I no
ticed that his clothes were muddy ana
bloody. He said to me, 'Here, get my
clothes off quick, and wash them gooa
and set all the spots out of them, and
put them where nobody will see them. "
When Morrison asked where McCann
was, Barrlngton replied: "He has gone
off. He may never come back. I'm go
ing to run the house while he is gone. If
he ever does come back. I'll kill him."
A trunk belonging to Barrlngton wag
captured by the police at -Union Station,
where It had been taken today by
Barrlngton preparatory to leaving the
At a late hour tonight Chief of Detec
tives Desmond waa sweating the suspect
ed man. Barrlngton finally admitted that
he went with McCann on the St. Louis,
St. Charles & Western Railroad on the
night of June 18, but says he does not
know where he got off. He admitted,
however, lhat he and McCann got off to
gether. He also admitted that he walked
back, but said he did so because he did
not have any money, having given $27.50
to McCann four blocks from the sub
urban garden,
"Lord." represented himself to be a Colo- T SL i. zZT C
nel in the British Army after he came tragedy of the atr. Then they went baSc
here late in 1902. He stopped at the South- Slcc room to tell of the ternbla
ern Hotel and spent money lavishly. He struggle for life they had just witnessed,
was here for the purpose, he said, of It did not occur to them that under their
purchasing mules for the British army very eyes a mpre terrible, more pathetic
In South Africa, and as a special repre- struggle was going on daily.
sentaUve of the English government to i be nothing more pitiful
the World's Fair. Soon after coming thaa straggle the conaatnptive
here he became acquainted with Miss Wll- ' . m T.
helmlna Grace Cochran, of Kansas City. fkef nst jfiaease. The greatest
January 22, 1903, he was married to Miss helP F hIf. stggle 18 gained by the.
Cochrane, whom he supposed to be an U5e of Dr. Pierce 3 Golden Medical Dts
helress. She later repudiated him. , covery. It cures obstinate, coughs, weak.
Ho has not yet explained what became ot , and bleeding lungs, emaciation, and
McCann, or what the two men were dolmr other ailments which, if neglected or
on the St Charles car at that time of unslrillfully treated find a fatal tennina
night. An admission was made by Barr- tionin consumption,
ington that he wrote the letter purport- Ia l5g8 one of ay daughters was suffering ea
ing to have been sent by McCann to his account of a severe cough, hectic fever, waicis;
wife, which told her that he was with j of fleb and other symptoms f diseased lungs,"
friends. When Barrlngton was brought writes Rev. Joseph H. Fesperaan, of Biua
into the police station he declared his in- Springs. Iredell Co it. C. promptly gave
...,. eovinn-- I her Dr. R-V. Pierce's Golden 'Medical DiscoTtry'
nocence saying. . ,. I with gratifying saccess, and she now eaoji
"I am Innocent of the crime. As I sit excellent health. This being true, 1 berebyi
here. 1 am Innocent. I did not know that henrtilv endorse vemr mMrfn
McCann was dead until I was arrested.
If I had killed McCann. I would not have
gone back to his home for I would have
Vtinirn tnaf Vila Vmii1t irnnM rrnvA nm
known that his body would have been
finally discovered."
At the station. Barrlngton was posl-
How It reddens the skin, Itches, oozes,
dries and scales I
Some people call it tetter, mlllc crust or
salt rheum.
The suffering from It la sometimes In
tense; local applications are resorted to
they mitigate, but cannot cure.
It proceeds from humors inherited or ac
quired and persists until these nave been
Hood's Sarsaparilla
positively removes them, has radically
and permanently cured the worst cases, and
is without an equal for all cutaneous
Koo'3 lllia no tie bica UmxUe, Prlce29eeasT
Black French Grenadines
Warranted all pure silk, 1H7 yards
-IS and SO-Inch hair stripes and plnhead
effects, which represent tho very best
and finest quality. Special sale price
for Monday and Tuesday:
$1.63, $1.15, $1.29 and
83c a Yard
Several Exclusive Pat
terns in Knotted Silk
Very choice and handsome $20 and
$25 values, special for Mondiy and
Tuesday extraordinary values:
$14.45 and $16.85
Elegant collection of nobby Bathing
Suits for ladles, misses and children,
at special prices for Monday and
Tuesday. Bargain in every depart
ment. McDonnell
Corner Third and Morrison.
tlvely Identified by Ike Bennett, John
Oelleln and Charles Sack, ot the St. Louis,
St. Charles & Western Railroad, as tho
man whom they saw accompany McCann
in the Bonfils Station on the night of
June 18, and as the man who walked back
along the railroad tracks the next morn
ing. During this ordeal, Barrlngton was
cool and Indifferent.
Barrlngton. who since his release from
the workhouse, has been manager of a
saloon, became a boarder at the McCann
home six weeks ago.
James McCann was a member of a blue
blooded Kentucky family with a large es
tate and many horses, on the- Winchester
Pike. His father was J. D. McCann. Mc
Cann, who was 4Z years of age, at one time
owned many race horses and was a suc
cessful turfman. He was once identified,
in the racing business with Noah Arm
strong, who owned Spokane, the winner
of the Washington Park Derby some
years ago.
Anti-Saloon law Is Constitntlonal.
NASHVTLLE, Tenn.. June 27. The Su
preme Court has held the Adams law,
passed at the last session of the LeglSJa
ture to be constitutional. The law Is a
temperance measure and provides for the
abolition of saloons In all towns having a
population of 5000 or under, on a- submis
sion of the question to popular vote. There
are only eight towns in the state that are
exempt from Its operation.
Situation Salts the Linemen.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 27. At the
headquarters of the striking telephone
linemen it was said today that everything
, standpolnt of the raen on strike. and that
I sQ far TepaiT3 were concerned the tie-
up of the lines of tho Pacific States Tele
phone & Telegraph Company was gen
TIi ere was a cry in
the streets. People
rushed from their
doors .and strained
their eyes on the
struggling balloonist
fightimj for life
Even the poor, pant
ing sufferer in the
sick room was for
gotten while the fam-
Accept no substitute for n Golden Med-!
leal Discovery." There is nothing Rjut!
good for stomach,
I . - .
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist tbf
acloa oi the Disco verv.
Powdered Wigs Formed aa Import
ant Adjunct to a Gentleman's
It is safe to say that the majority of
bild men of today would gladly ravlva
the old. dignified custom it they could.
But they can do the next best thing to
it; that Is, to revive the growth of th
hair nature gave them.
In cases where the hair root or hair
bulb has not been completely destroyed
by parasites that infest It, Newbro's Her.
plclde will do wonders in the way of stlm
ulating the growth ot lifeless and falling
hair. Destroy the' cause, you remove tha
effect. That is the successful mission ol
Herpiclde. For sale by all druggists.
Send 10 cents In stamps for sample t?
The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich.