The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 28, 1903, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. XO. 26.
N HOI 11
Roosevelt Arrives at
Oyster Bay.
Local Dispute Causes the
Reception to Be Double.
They Form a Solid "Wall for the Line
of March to the Reception Hall
The President Makes a.
Ilappj Addrens.
Under smiling skies, President Roose
relt stepped from his car in his homo
town of Oyster Bar yesterday after
noon at 4 o'clock. Tho city was sally
decorated, the citizens and school chil
dren were out en masoe, and added to
the great welcome boomed by cannon.
A special committee, headed by the
president of the Oyster Bar Town
Board, met the President at Long
Island City, and escorted him home.
OYSTER BAT, L. I., June 27. President
Roosevelt's homecoming for the Summer
was xnado the occasion for a fete here.
His reception was notable for Its enthu
siastic cordiality, and likewise for its
vigor. The latter quality was due to a
slight factional difference among the
townspeople, the result being that the
President was accorded a double recep
tion. The Oyster Bay Board of Trade, headed
by President J. Morgan Griffin, had
planned an elaborate demonstration, and
ox-Assemblyman Maurice Townsend had
arranged another. Both were carried out
according to programme, but as both were
directed to the same end, the friendly
rivalry between tho factions resulted only
In adding to the enthusiasm of the recep
tion. - - L p-fiaLffliig
Escorted I lo in cbyCo mmlt te e.
Prenlaent Koosevelt and his party were
met at Long Island City by a committee
headed by J. C. Travers, president of the
Oyster Bay Town Board, and escorted
home on a special train, the President oc
cupying the private car of President Bald
win, of the Long Island Railroad.
Under smiling skies, the President
stepped from his car at 4:30 o'clock, and.
while tho cannon crashed out its salute
and the people cheered, he was escorted
by the reception committee to the Town
Hall. The mach to the hall was between
lines of school children, each child waving
a tiny American flag. Business houses
and residences throughout the town were
handsomely decorated with flags and
bunting, and scores of largo American
ensigns swung across the principal streets.
President Mnkcx an Addrcttx.
Arrived''at the hall, President Roosevelt
unveiled the Civil War trophy gun pre-4
Eented to the people of Oyster Bay by the
Navy Department. Then, standing on a
chair placed on the steps leading to the
hall, ho delivered a brief address to the
crowd, of his friends and neighbors
massed in front of the building. The Pres
ident said:
"My friends and neighbors: I thank
you heartily, more heartily than I can ex
press, for your coming out to greet me
today. I wonder it some of you remember
what I shall never forget the way that
you came -out to greet me nearly Ave
years ago, when I got home from San
t'.ago. I thought some of you would re
member it.
"Since I last saw you I have been across
the continent. I have traveled from the
shores of the Atlantic Ocean, across tho
Mississippi Valley, by tho side of tho
Great Lakes, over the Rocky Mountains
to tho shore of the Pacific, and the thing
that has struck me most In that Journey
of nearly 15,000 miles right across the con
tinent 'has been the essential unity of our
peopi that wherever an American Presl
dent goes here in the United States he
feels himself to be at home among those
who feel as he does, and who have the
same ideals to which he can appeal.
Not the President in Oyster Bay.
"And now I am coming back to you
whom I know so well. The older among
you I have known for some 30 years and
over, and my children are now growing
up here. Just as I grew up, and I hope
they will do better in keeping out of "mis
chief. And naturally it pleases me very
greatly to have you show me the feeling
that you have this afternoon. "When I
get tack here. I am not the President. I
am your old neighbor and friend, and In
welcoming all of you I want to say I
am particularly pleased to see here the
children. As you know, I believe in chil
dren, and I am very glad that the chil
dren of Oyster Bay seem to be all right
in quality and also in quantity.
"I shall Just say again, my friends and
neighbors those with whom I am knit by
such close ties I thank you from my
heart, and I am deeply touched by your
greeting this afternoon."
At the conclusion of the speech, tho
President entered the hall and greeted
Mrs. Roosevelt and his children, who had
been in waiting there for him. "While he
was holding an informal reception in the
hall, the school children were drawn up
in front of the building, and under tho
leadership of the bands sang an original
song of welcome to the President.
Delights the Children.
Attracted by the singing, tho President
appeared on the steps and, to the delight
of the children, requested them to repeat
the song. It was repeated with a vim,
the great crowd of the children's elders
Joining in the. chorus. Mrs. Roosevelt
stood in the entrance to the hall during
the singing.
Earlier in the afternoon Mrs. Roosevelt
had been escorted to the hall by the chil
dren and a great procession of residents.
not of Oyster Bay alone, but of all this
part of Long Island. She then reviewed
the procession from the steps of the hall.
At the end of the ceremonies the Presi
dent and his family entered carriages and,
still under the escort of the committees,
drove to their home at Sagamore Hill.
The President's trip from "Washington
was without notable incident, except that
his train was held up la the Jersey City
yards by the derailment of two or three
cars of a freight, train. This delay
amounted only to a few minutes.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor Toole Trust
Checks an Marie of Friendship.
ST. LOUIS, June 27. "Injustice has been
done to me by the publication of the re
ports about my having received H000 from
Havemeyer, of the sugar trust, and $750
from the American Tobacco Company. It
is also falsely stated that John H. Car
roll offered me $25,000 to keep out of the
country after Folk has left the Circuit
Attorney's office."
Exi-Lleutenant-Governor John A. Lee
today made the foregoing statement to the
"It has been stated that I received the
$1000 from the sugar people in the
middle of the last session. Look at this."
Mr. Lee then showed a statement from
his banker showing that August 19, 1902,
he had deposited a check received from
the American Sugar Refining Company, of
New York. He also onowed a small
pamphlet, chiefly made up of letters from
grocers throughout the country, relative
to the proposition In Congress to remove
tho tariff from raw Cuban sugar. The let
ters had been first printed in the St.
Louis Grocer and then in tho Interstate
"Not only were these communications
printed in both of my papers, which was
worrisome, but I spent $240 In sending
12.000 copies of them to the newspapers of
the country. I had no understanding with
Mr. Havemeyer about the amount which
I was to receive, but he voluntarily sent
me a check for 51000 on the date you see
here in this statement. It was for services
rendered, and had absolutely nothing to
do with candy legislation, as has been as
"Two years ago the bill passed the Sen
ate and upon my solicitation was killed
in the House committee, as I told the
chairman it wa a sandbagging measure.
This year when they came to me for as
sistance, I told them to watch out for
themselves and took no further interest in
the matter. Jewel was not my representa
tive on the committee and that bill was
his own business.
"Years ago I was' on friendly terms with
members of the Liggett & Myers To
bacco Company. I wrote some of the
obituaries of them and boosted some of
them when they got promoted.
'I was nominated for Lieutenant-Governor
June 5, 1900. I received a check for
J750 from Attorney Fuller, of Chicago, rep-
resentlngthevAmerlcan,'Tobacco Company.
This money was for campaign expenses
and I took it simply as an act of friend
ship from the dozen or so ex-St. Louis to
bacco men, who are now at work in New
York. Another tobacco man gave Mr.
Wickard, one of my managers, a check
for $250 for tho same purpose. It was sim
ply friendship on their part and nothing
Cry Over Defeat of Kansas Flood
Relief Bill Falls to Disturb 111m.
TOPEKA, Kan., June 27. A great storm
of criticism has been caused by the failure
of the Legislature to appropriate money
for the relief of the flood sufferers. In an
swer to the attacks being made upon him.
Governor Bailey tonight said:
"I have been too long in politics to
worry over these matters. "When I feel
that I "have done the right thing, under
the best information I have, that settles
It, and I am content to take the conse
quences. "I also desire to say at this time that
the demand for an appropriation has
come up since the Legislature finished Its
work. "When I was trying to decide what
was best to be done, the newspapers of
fered no advice. "When I declared In oppo
sition to an apprSprlation, the papers and
the people remained silent. "When the
Legislature decided to make no approprla-.
tlon, a few men, with a political graft to
work, started a back lire on me. I am
not worried about tho outcome."
Bailey Turns Down Prohibitionists.
TOPEKA, Kan., June 27. A committee
of home-defenders called on Governor
Bailey this afternoon, and asked him to
help suppress the sale of liquor In tho
Topeka drug stores. Governor Bailey said
he was powerless to do anything unless
he Is appealed to by tho authorities after
they have been unable to enforce the law.
"You should elect the right men to office,"
said he.
Lore "Washington Tracts Set Aside
for Irrigation Purposes.
ington. June 27. Secretary Hitchcock to
day withdrew from entry public lands in
127 townships, embracing 2.S26.O00 acres,
situated In North Yakima, ' "Watervllle
and Walla Walla land districts, "Wash
ington. This action was taken under
authority srivenrthe Secretary of the In
terior by the so-called reclamation act,
and land thus withdrawn is to be utilized
to complete the Big Bend irrigation pro
"Washinprton Rural Mail Carriers.
Ington. June 27. Rural carriers were ap
pointed today for Washington routes as
follows: Enumclaw, regular, George A.
Tamm. substitute, Otto Tamm; Spokane,
regular, Henry Grlbbohm, substitute,
William Depner; East Spokane, regular.
Frank J. Hanson, substitute, Fred Shir
ley; Vancouver, regular, James M. Mat
thews, substitute, Hermit E. Gregg.
Additional rural free delivery will be
established July 15 at Vancouver, Wash.,
with ono carrier.
Bljr Froraotlns Company- Formed.
HARTFORD, Conn., Juno 27. Charles
W. Gross and Arthur L. Shlpman have
filed with thn Secretary of State articles
of !ncorpors.tlon for the Manila Railway
& Lighting Company, with JS,(Ktt.0 capi
tal. The company has the right to build
any kind of railroad anywhere, to run
steamship lines and to establish gas and
electric plants outside of Connecticut. The
backers of the new company ore said to
be New York capitalists.
T ' T
New Shamrock Is Again
Tried Out.
Challenger and Trial Horse
Race Off Sandy Hook.
Sir Thomas' Latest Creation "Wins by
Ten Minutes on Fifteen Miles to
"Windward, and by Xlne Minutes
in Same Distance to Leeward.
NEW YORK. June 27. Sir Thomas Lip-
ton's new cup challenger Shamrock. HI
was given her first test In American wa
ters today, In an informal trial with the
Shamrock 'off Sandy Hook. In the first
10 miles of a 15-mile beat to windward In
a very light air, the new boat beat the old
one about 10 minutes, and in a run of 15
miles to leeward, nine minutes. There was
a long, gentle sea and the new challenger
slipped .cleanly over it, making little- fusa
under her bow.
Taking Into consideration the assertion
by English yachtsmen that the Shamrock
Is 10 minutes faster in a 30-mile course
than she ever was, and fully as much
faster than the Shamrock II, the new
boat's first performance on this side of
tho Atlantic marks her as probably the
most dangerous challenger Sir Thomas has
brought over. In a light air and smooth
water, she showed herself to be very fast.
Tho chief purpose of tho trial was to
stretch the sails and resumo the tunlng-up
Sir Thomas and Designer FIfo were
aboard the Shamrock III, and Colonel Nelll
sailed on the Shamrock I when the yachts
started to beat seaward against a four
knot wind. The Shamrock III was slightly
in the lead at the start, and began at once
toadd to It. The new boat pointed higher
and footed faster than the Shamrock I.
They beaded out to sea for more than two
hb-ura, and during all that me the Sham--
rock ill gained steadily. At 2:io. when the
challenger was leading the Shamrock I by
10 minutes, the Shamrock III turned about
and ran back to rejoin the other.
Crossing the wake of the old boat, the
Shamrock 1H was given a freer wind, and
went off for a five-mile run at a fast clip
down along the Jersey Coast.
As the Shamrock I did not keep in close
company with the new boat, there was no
opportunity to compare the boats on that
point of sailing. The Shamrock, HI had
passed Long Branch seven miles off shore
when, at 3:40, both boats came about,
starting close together, started for Sandy
Hook with spinnakers set. Before a light
breeze, they ran 15 miles along tho Coast
to tho Scotland Lightship and were sa
luted by passing steamers. The Shamrock
III quickly began to gain on her trial
horse, and in an hour's sailing, and when
the boats had covered about half tho
course, had established a lead of nearly
half a mile. This is called the best point'
of sailing for the older boat. The Sham
rock HI passed the lightship at 5:52, while
the ex-challenger was about a mile astern.
The Shamrock I reached the lightship at
6:01. ljut had lost time by taking in her
spinnaker before reaching tho finish.
The fleet anchored at Sandy Hook. The
Shamrocks will go out again on Monday.
Sir Thomas has on board the Erin the
beautiful silver cup which he will present
to the San Diego, Cal., Yacht Club as a
racing trophy. It Is Inscribed "Tho Slr
Thomas Upton Cup."
America Is Determined That Cattle
Disease Shall Not Gain FootholcL
WASHINGTON. June 27. A matter of
a Rood deal of Importance has come to
the, attention of the Department of Agri
culture. A shipment of bulls for breeding
purposes has recently gone from Indiana
to Argentina, in south America. xney
developed loot and mouth disease before
they got there. Nothing of this kind ex
ists ia Indiana, nor anywhere along the
line of travel to New York, from which
port the animals were shipped. They un
questionably contracted the disease on
board the vessel that has been bringing
wool from Argentina to the United States,
The department has reliable information
that foot and mouth disease not only ex
ists in Argentina, but has existed there
for a considerable time. Sheep are Just
as liable to this disease as cattle.
The question presented to the depart
ment Is whether it will stop the importa
tion of wool from Argentine and such
other countries as have foot and mouth
disease. The department will make care
ful Inquiry Into this subject. Two prop
ositions are presented. One is the shut
ting out of wool from these countries al
together; the other is the possibility of
disinfecting at our own ports.
If exhaustive inquiry Into the countries
from which hides come shows that we are
in crave danger of getting foot and
mouth disease from those countries, one
or two tmngs win oe imperative, viz
Importation be stopped, or- that such dis
infection be had as will prevent the pos
sibility jof our getting this disease.
Government Slakes Adroit Move in
the Pious Fnnd Award.
"WASHINGTON. June 27. The State De
partment, through Judge Penfleld, the
solicitor, by an adroit move, has broken
what appeared .to be a corner in the sil
ver market. When the Mexican govern
ment recently deposited $1,423,000 in Mexi
can sliver in the national bank of Mexico,
subject to the draft of the United States.
in payment of the Pious award, the State
Department was confronted with the ne-
cessity of turning the money into United
States cash and depositing it here. For
some time silver brokers had been watch
ing the elections, and when they were
applied to the department was informed
that it would cost about $40,000 United
States money to convert the fund and
transfer It as desired. This was regarded
as an exorbitant change, but no better
bid was offered.
Finally Judge Penfleld hit upon the plan
of turning this Mexican sliver Into Fili
pino money. Director Roberts, of tho
Mint Bureau, who has been buying bullion
for the Philippine account, has beea con
fronted with a strongly rising silver mar
ket, and something very like a corner in
that commodity. He therefore readily ac
cepted Judge Penfleld's offer of a big lot
of Mexican silver and closed an agree
ment by which, at an expense of less than
$4200, the amount of the Pious award can
be placed In the hands of the Catholic
Church, the beneficiary of the award, and
the 70 tons of silver can be transferred to
the United States Mint.
.Mexican Tariff on Corn Is Suspended
on Account of Floods.
"WASHINGTON. June 27. A quick and
effective piece of work on the part of
the State Department to prevent loss to
American exporters Is disclosed In a re
port to the department from United
States Ambassador Powell Clayton, dated
Mexico City, June 18. It seems that by
a new tariff to go into effect July 1,
the duty on corn Imported Into Mexico
was to be enormously Increased. Amer
ican shippers were prevented by tho
.Western floods from delivering for tho
June account moro than $1,000,000 worth of
At the instance of tho State Depart
ment, Mr. Clayton on June 14 appealed to
Mr. Mariscal, the Mexican Prime Minis
ter, and the latter, after a consultation
with President Diaz, suspended the oper
ation of the new tariff for one month,
thus saving the American exporters from
ruinous losses.
Mexicans Are Not Only Homeless, but
Are Living; on Short Rations.
EL PASO, Tex., June 27. The high wa
ters of the Rio Grande, north of this city,
in New Mexico, have driven hundreds of
families from their homes, and these have
taken refuge In the foothills. Mrs. Will
iam McDonald, of Berino, N. M., is among
those who have taken refuge In El Paso.
In describing the situation Mrs. McDonald
The high water has practically ren
dered homeless every resident from Mes
qulte and Earlham south to White Spur,
N. M. All along the road In the sand
hills, families can be seen camped with no
shelter. The heat of the sun In the hills
is Intolerable. Many alfalfa fields are
ruined and many Mexican families are
not only homeless but living on short ra
At El Paso the river continues to fall
President Koosevelt Is royally feted by Oyster
Bay on his homecoming." .Page' 1--- .
A "beautiful young- Boston girl Is Implicated
with Guy U. Hunt, of Portland. In the rob
bery of the Harvard store Page 2.
Harvey Logan. Montana tralnrobber. In prison
at KnoxvlUe, Tenn.. makes his escape.
Page 2.
Body of McCann. the missing St. Louis horse
man. Is found, and "Lord" Barring ton la
held for his murder. Page 2.
President Roosevelt is backed up by precedents
In rending the note of the Jews to Russia.
Page 1.
Withdrawal of Washington lands for irrigation
purposes embraces nearly 3,000,000 acres.
Page 1.
Extensive postal frauds are largely due to
wire-pulling and "good fellows" in office.
Page 2.
Enemies of the Panama Canal are defeated
in the first skirmish In the Colombian Con
gress. Page 3.
French Cabinet faces a crisis In Its stand for
community schools In place of congrega
tional Institutions. Page .3.
Croatia has fresh peasant disturbances of a re
markable nature. Page 3.
Shamrock III defeats the old yacht In their
first brush In American waters. Page 1,
Helena may be dropped from Pacific National
League, instead of Portland. Page 15.
Portland Hunt Club makes horseback riding
popular. Pace 25.
Scores of Pacific Coast League: Portland
Oakland 3: San Francisco C, Los Angeles 1;
Seattle 7, Sacramento C. Pag 15.
Scores of Pacific National League: Helena 8,
Portland 3; Butte 15. Spokane G; San Fran
cisco 9, Seattle 7; Sacramento 4, Loa An
geles 3. Page 15.
Pacific Coast.
Albatross, with scientific party aboard. In
quarantine on Puget Sound. Page 5.
Coeur d'Alene mlneowners secure temporary
injunction on Assessor about to sell property
for taxes. Page 4.
Washington School Directors cannot draw dis
trict money under any circumstances.
Page -.
Commercial and Marine.
New York stock market narrow and insignifi
cant. Page 23.
Week in Wall street. Page 23.
New York weekly bank, statement. Page 23.
Slump in Chicago wheat market. Page 23.
San Francisco produce quotations and com
ment. Page 23.
Second day of wool sale at Shanlko. Page 23
Indrapura arrives with full cargo. Page 8.
Portland and Vicinity.
Marie Ware and H. O. McKinley bound over
to Federal grand Jury. Page 1.
Episcopal convention -votes to favor adding
"Catholic" to name of church. Page 24.
State Teachers' Association adjourns. Page 11,
Constitutionality of corporation tax law to be
tested. Pace 10.
Low rates eastward fall to Increase traffic
Page 10.
Reunion of Clinton Kelly Clan. Page 8.
Woman puts robber to rout with her umbrella-
Page 11.
Exhibits from county fairs to bo collected for
Lewis and Clark Fair. Page 11.
Watchman confesses he robbed the onjee he
guarded. Page 8. '
Mrs. Montgomery discusses Oregon exhibit at
St- Louis. Pare 10.
Features and Departments.
Editorial. Paze C.
Church announcements. Page 22.
Classified advertisements. Pages 1S-21.
Most wonderful substance on earth. Page 10.
Finest rose garden In Oregon. Page 23.
"Women who tamed burglars. Page 40.
Roadmasters story. Page 16.
Mr. Carpenter's letter. Page 34. .
The Two Vanrerels. Paget35.
Photographic errors. Page 35.
Ade's fable. Page 34.
Household and fashions. Pages 2G-37 v.
Social. Page 2S. , " '
Dramatic Page 23.
1 Musical. Pagoj 20.
Youths' department. - Page 39.
Roosevelt Had Right to
Act for Jews.
Government Can Object
to Such a Petition.
Nation Making the Presentation Has
o Recourse If It Is Declined
Anti-Semitic Revolution in
'Russia. Fast Spreading.
WASHINGTON, Juno 27. The officials
of the State Department assert positive
ly that a close examination of precedents
justified the presentation by the Presi
dent of the United States of the Jewish
petition to the Russian government, and
that -no government has a right to ob
ject to the presentation of such a peti
tion, nor has the Government a right to
object if the presentation Is declined. This
means that the United States will not
And ground to quarrel with Russia If,, the
Czar refuses to receive the petition now
being prepared by the council of B'nai
There were no developments today re
specting the petition, save the announce
ment that it is the purpose of the frame rs
to havo It numerously signed by proml
nent Christians as well as Jews.
Russians Heretofore Peaceable Arc
Joining the Revolutionists.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 24. The rev
olutionary movement In Russia seems to
be spreading unceasingly and Is reaching
regions hitherto free from the radical
agitation. Leaflets directed against the
existing conditions of Russian home af
fairs and demanding radical changes,
were circulated -broadcast aunng iiay
In 34 cities and towns of the Empire.
Serious street disturbances have occurred
at -various places, asialready cabled. In
cluding Bakou, Warsaw, Berdechev, Ti-
flls, Batoum, Balakhna and Tomsk.
It is said that the anti-Semitic agitation
at Eastertide extended throughout the
entire pale of the Jewish settlements. Tho
monarchical society organized at Pinsk
circulated leaflets beginning: "Brother
Workers, Orthodox and Catholic: Christ
has risen. Let us embrace, kiss, and go
and kill the Jews."
At Rostov-on-the-Don It is said an offl
cer of the gendarme has been going about
the bazars telling the people that it is the
Jews and Socialists who prevent their
"little father," the Czar, from giving all
his children everything they need, and
that, therefore, the Jews and Socialists
must be killed off.
Swarms of detectives at .Rostov are
trying to locate a Socialist printing of
A theater demonstration at Kovno was
recently suppressed by detectives, who
scattered through the audience and
clubbed those who shouted "Down with
the autocrats." The multitude of arrests,
in addition to domiciliary visitations,
which have taken place among army offl
cers, literary men, teachers, worklngmen.
students, and other classes at St- Peters
burg, Kieve, Odessa, Virballen, and, in
fact, in the cities and towns throughout
the Empire, attest the colossal growth of
the revolutionary agitation. It Is natu
rally strongest In the pale of the Jewish
settlements, but it has reached such far
off places as Kostrom on the River Volga,
a region hitherto free from any radical
movements. ,
A magistrate at Kishlnef continues to
hear and dispose of accusations of breach
of the peace, theft and destruction of
property, reserving the more serious
charges for higher tribunals. According
to Kishlnef correspondence, the emlgra
tlon movement shows no signs of abate
ment. Almost every household is sending
members to tho United States, while
few are going to Brazil, Argentina and
South Africa. Considerable excitement
has been caused by the publication of a
letter from Chicago, which says that a
certain company will soon begin selling
steamship tickets to"" Russian Jews on time
payments. The poorer Jews of Kishlnef
fear this too good to be true.
In the meantime, the Kishlnef relief
committee Is supplying food to 20,000 per
sons. Business shows no signs of reviv
Official Circles Are Uneasy.
LONDON, June 27. The Odessa corre
spondent of the Daily Mail telegraphs
that the seizure by the Kishlnef police of
copies of a printed appeal to the citizens
to continue the attacks on Jews has ere
ated uneasiness in official circles. The
circular says:
"The Government's warning need not
be taken seriously. If the persecution of
the Jews is carried out with proper de
termination, the southern centers will ul
tlmately follow suit, resulting in the
wholesale exodus of the detested and de
testable Jew from the South of Russia.'
Rome Approves America's Action.
ROME, June 27. The decision of Presi
dent Roosevelt to send to the Czar
petition on behalf of the Jews in Rus
sia has produced an excellent impression
here. The Socialist Journal Avanti says
"America is worthy of praise for making
herself tho herald of the work of civil
Open Switch Causes' Wreck.
RICHMOND,- Va.. Juno Zl. The Cannon
Ball train .on the Norfolk. & Western,
which left here this morning for Norfolk,
collided near Petersburg with a freight
train standing on the track. The en
gineer and fireman of the passenger train
were killed; the conductor's arm was
broken and the passengers badly shaken
The wreck was caused by an open
switch. Both engines wero badly smashed.
Engineer Covington, of the Cannon Ball,
and his nephew. Fireman R. Covington,
were both Instantly killed. The engineer
of the freight saved himself by Jumping.
No- passengers were seriously hurt. Con
ductor Eckels, of the Cannon BaL, -of
fered the fracture of bis collar bone act!
arms, and R. E. Hawkins, express mes
senger, was painfully hurt, and J. P
Fahrer, of Richmond, was badly bruised.
Careless Disposition of a Match
Causes a Bad Blaze.
SOUR LAKE, Tex;, June 27. Much ex
citement prevailed In the oil field for a
time Just after the noon hour today,
caused by flames springing up on the
five acres of oil waste belonging to tho
Guffey3 and Texas Addition Company.
The Are was caused by some one throw
ing a lighted match Into the oil. For a
time the flames were fierce and led to the
belief that the big Guffey tanks were on
Are- The surface accumulations soon
burned overfl and by 3 o'clock the flames
were under control. The loss Is Insignifi
Explosion in Grent Grain Elevator
Results lu Loss of $200,000.
MILWAUKEE. June 27. A fire early to
day In the big elevators owned by the
American Malting Company Is shown to
have been caused by an explosion of dust.
The buildings destroyed are malthouse C,
yearly output SOO.OOO bushels of malt; engine-house
and boiler-room, three stories;
elevator F, six stories, capacity 2o,O00
bushels; malthouse A, output 7CO.O0O bush
els; elevator E was badly damaged by
water, but the efforts of the firemen saved
It from - destruction. J. M. Reibs, local
manager of the American Malting Com
pany, made the following statement:
"The loss to the entire plant and con
tents will be about $300,000. I estimate
that about 400,000 bushels of grain and
malt have been destroyed. The build
ings destroyed contained 72 pneumatic
drums. In which all the malt and grain arc
Fire at Largest Tin 31111 In World.
NEWCASTLE. Pa., June 27. More than
$100,000 loss was inflicted by flro here
tonight at the great Shenango tin mill,
the largest plant of the kind In tha
world. The fire was either of Incendiary
origin or resulted from spontaneous com
bustion, to decide whlc ha searching in
vestigation will be necessary.
Powerful Eastern Company Will
Spend Much Money In Utah.
SALT LAKE CITY, June 27. State Sen
ator A. B. Lewis made the announcement
today that a powerful Eastern syndicate
had acquired heavy holdings of iron and
coal lands in Southern Utah, and would
spend between $25,000,000 and $3O,00O.0QJin
openings tho mines, Huilding railroads arid
putting up an immense steel plant. To
this end, the Utah Coal & Iron Company
will be Incorporated next week under the
liws of Colorado. It will have a capital
of $20,000,000, and will issue bonds ire an
equal amount.
Mr. Lewis absolutely refuses to tell
whom he represents, except that they are
experts in the iron business and amply
able to furnlshthe vast amount of capital
necessary for the undertaking. C. C.
Parsons, a Denver attorney, i3 in this
city now on business connected with the
Postal Company Secures Omaha.
Ogden Right of Way.
OMAHA, Neb., June 27. Arrangements
were completed here tonight between the
Postal Telegraph Company and the Union
Pacific Railway by which the former is
given permission to construct a telegraph
line along the right of way of tho latter,
between Omaha and Ogden. In addition,
tho contract provides that the Postal
Company may construct a line along tho
same right of way from Cheyenno to
Denver and from Ogden to Butte, Mont.;
along the right of way of the Oregon
Short Line Railroad.
Officers of the Postal Telegraph Com
pany In this city tonight say that the
work on the construction of new lines
will begin at once and be pushed with
the greatest speed.
Six to eight wires will be strung on the
line from Omaha to Ogden.
Paper Company Says It Is a Union
Shop, and Employs No Children.
"WASHINGTON, June 27. The General
Manifolding Company of Franklin. Pa.,
criticism of whose contract with the
PostofHce Department resulted in the
letter of Third Assistant Postmaster-'
General Madden to the Postmaster-General,
asking for an Investigation of the
matter, has sent to the Fostofllce Depart
ment a denial of charges that it was
a non-union shop, and says it has never
employed child labor In 'its plant. The
matter will be investigated by the In
spectors. This was a quiet day in the
PostofHce Investigation, and there were
no Important developments. The In
spectors were busy, and there were a
number of conferences between Postmaster-General
Payne and his assistants.
Sister of the Late General Stonemaa.
BUFFALO, June .27. Mrs. I Charlotte
Stoneman "Williams, sister to the late
General Stoneman, a cavalry leader in
the Civil War, and later Governor of Cali
fornia, died here today. She was a leader
In Christian Science In this city, being at
one time reader in a church. About seven
days before her death, she acquiesced in
the summoning of a regular physician. .He
could do nothing for her then. She "tiled
of paeumonia.
Head of Government Hospital.
WASHINGTON, June 27. Dr. A. B.
Richardson, superintendent of the Gov
ernment hospital for the insane, died here
suddenly tonight of apoplexy, aged E6
years. He was appointed from Ohio four
years ago by President McKinley.
Woodworkers Strike Is Renewed.
IRONTON. O., June 27. The general
strike of woodworkers was renewed here
today, causing a complete suspension In
this section of the Ohio valley. A recog
nition of the union is the principal de
Reduce Capital Stock.
NEW YORK. June 27. At a meeting
of the stockholders of the Trust. Company
of the Republic today. It was voted to
reduce the capital stock from $1,000,000 to
5500,000. ..
Wgre and McKinley Are
Sent to Grand Jury.
Commissioner Sladen Finds
Good Case Made."
Expert Says Accused Couple Filled
Out Fraudulent Papers-Jndgc
O'Daj; Chivalrously Indlgnaat
at Reflections on Miss "Ware.
Miss Marie "Ware and Horace iG. Mc
Kinley must each answer to the grand
Jury on the charge of fraud and con
splracy in connection with land loca
tions, t
They were "held In $2000 bonds each
by United States Commissioner Sladen
yesterday, and their cases will corns
up at the-October session of the grand
The Government's case was strength
ened by the testimony of a handwriting-
expert, that the Interlineations in
some of the incriminating papers wer
made by Mr. McKinley, and that soma
of the disputed signatures were written
by MIS3 Ware.
The troubles of Horace G. McKinley and
Marie L. Ware, formerly United States
Commissioner at Eugene, have apparently
Just begun, for at the conclusion of their
two days' preliminary examination yes
terday afternoon they found themselves
tied up to bonds of $2000 each to await
further attention by the Grand Jury,
which meets in October. Miss Ware was
prepared for the emergency and Dan W.
Tarpley, a Eugene notary public, and Al.
Walker, a saloonkeeper of the same town,
who Is also Miss "Ware's cousin, were on
hand to furnish the necessary bond, while
Mr- McKinley. lees thoughtful, will bo
given until tomorrow to supply ways and
means for a temporary release.
After the noon recess yesterday the
arguments of the opposing counsel were
begun, the defendants making no effort to
offset with testimony the convincing
showing which the Government had mau2
against them.
Enough Evidence for Jury.
John H. Hall, representing the Govern
ment, carefully reviewed the evidence sub
mitted, emphasizing the facts brought out
by John A. Wesco, tho handwriting ex
pert, as tending to show that Miss Waro
and McKinley were guilty of forgery and
fraud in the matter of six separate home
stead proofs and the subsequent convey
ance by deed of the tracts covered by such
proofs. He also referred to the testimony
of Clyde Lloyd and his statements that
McKinley had conspired with Miss Ware
to defraud the Government of the title to
valuable timber land by covering It with
spurious homestead entries. The testi
mony of citizens of Cottage Grove, where
the entrymen and their witnesses claimed
to'llve, that they had never heard of such
people and that no such men had eve:
lived In the country, was recalled. Mr.
Hall concluded his opening speech by de
claring that evidence enough had been
presented to warrant a conviction by Jury
and certainly enough to Justify binding
them over to the Grand Jury- He then
asked that on order be made binding them
over in a good and sufficient bond.
Judge O'Day Waxes Wroth.
Judge O'Day, for the defense, followed
in a speech an hour long. He Insisted thai
there be no presumption of guilt because
tho defendants did not produce any testi
mony to offset that of the Government.
"If this were a trial by Jury," said he,
"a verdict of acquittal would be directed
by tho Court. There has not been a scin
tilla of evidence produced here to warrant
holding the defendants to tho Grand
Jury." The Judge seemed to "have it In"
for Expert "Wesco, whom he cpntemptu
ously referred to as. "tho fidOter," and
each time tho Falstaff of Portland's
bar thought of what Mr..Wesco had done
to his clients he grew more mad. Appar
ently forgetting Nero, Jefferson and
other eminent lights of history whe
wero wont to scrape the wall
ing strings, he scouted the pre
sumption that "a fiddler" or one re
motely associated with "fiddles," was
competent to speak with knowledge ol
anything, much les3 when such speaking
was detrimental to his clients. The Jovia)
winnecof damage suits also told the
secret of his being, recounting his own ex
perience as a teacher of penmanship, a
farmer, and lawyer and by citing th
number or years he had spent In each ot
those vocations disclosed the startling fact
that he must be at least SO years of age.
The aged advocate also took a fall qui
of the luckless reporter who had denied
to Miss Ware the beauty of Helen of Troj
or Cecilia Loftus. He declared that th
newspapers were persecuting her and
holding her up to scorn. He was carrying
a full head of steam when with one Ti
tanic flst waving aloft and in tones whict
caused the Morrison-street bridge to vi
brate, he shouted:
"My God; of course she has a snut
nose. She can't help that. She was bora
that way."
After thl3 brilliant peroration he pro
ceeded to question the veracity of Clydi
Lloyd, and sought to discredit his entirt
testimony. He went so far as to charac
terize him as a "fine peacherlne." "Conn
again?" said Commissioner Slayden, but
the Judge refused to translate. In conclu-
I ; .
- (Concluded, oa Fate- 3.).