8 THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, POBTL'AKD, JUNE 21, 1903. KICKED OFF A GAR Highwayman Is Met -By a Passenger's Bpot BOBBER DRAGGED ON ROADBED His Companion Is Daaated Y the Actios, of One Brave Man, nad Althonsh Armed, AbBBdou Attempt to itob. But for the prompt and fearless action of a passenger on a- Sellwood car last evening the car '"would bave been held up and the usual collection of money and valuables made from the passengers. The car, which was bound for the iillwaukle barns, left First and Alder streets at 10:50 last evening, and -at illdway station two masked men made a desperate effort to board the car. Standing on the station platform as the highwaymen -were, the znotonnan saw nothing unusual about them and slowed down. Before the car stopped one of the men attempted to swing upon the rear .platform. A man, whose name could not be learned, saw the linen mask covering the man's features and immediately kicked him from the step. The pistol In the robber's outstretched hand did not de ter the passenger from giving the high wayman a vigorous kick, which sent him eprawling. He didnot release his hold upon the rail of the car, however, but the conductor gave the signal to go ahead full speed and the would-be robber was dragged along the rough roadbed until his band relaxed its grip upon the rail. The other robber seeing the treatment given his companion, made no attempt to board the car. The car was filled with passengers, who, learning of the danger, began tosecrete their valuables. The car following the one held up was caught by the dispatcher at Gratton's Grove and warned qf the possible fate ahead. It ran through without stops. The car which was boarded stopped at the Crematory that the conductor might tele phone to the company office. Soon after It left Frank B. Gibson, superintendent of tho Cremator, saw two men standing at the gate to the grounds. Ho went out to ask them what they were doing at that hour of the night. They turned their faces away and replied gruffly that they wanted nothing. Returning to the house Mr'. Gibson secured a revolver and ordered the men to leave. Upon their refusal he marched them some dlstalce down the track at the -tfolnt of the gun. The descrip tion of these men tallies very well with that given of two of the three men who held up the tiellwood car some weeks ago , and a week before robbed the "Vancouver , car. An effort was made by the police to saddle the crime upon two deserting . soldiers from Vancouver, but both men were able to prove an alibi. AN OLD WITCH'S PROPHECY ' Indian Sauarr Predicted Flood Two Days Before It Cnmc. HEPPNER. June 20. (Staff correspond ence.) "Pretty soon," prophesied an In- ' dlan hag, two days before the Heppner cataclysm, "Pretty soon heap Boston , man, heap Boston kloochmari; all drown. Pretty soon horses, cows, chickens die." This prophecy was uttered by a weaz ened squaw who looked as if, while play- ing before her 6ire's wigwam, she might ' have seen Lewis and Clark como down the Columbia. The prophecy came like ' an imprecation on tho white man. The kloochman's leathery faco grew fiendish , as she spoke. Tho white man that very hour had played a prank on her. An ln , nocent prank It was, but It made her , shake her head thrice and onco and eay: "Look out, big nood." Where now Is the Indian witch? She's gone, and nobody of , Heppner knows whither. This Incident Is perfectly authentic, ac cording to R. F. Hynd. a resident of the 1 devoted city. Mr. Hynd lost his wife and . children in the flood. Every day since k the disaster he has restlessly hobbled up ", and down the streets of Heppner, for grief will not let him repose and a dls- nbled leg will not let him walk. llr. i Hynd fought for tho lives of his family f la tho flood. Wife and children were ' swept away from his sight, but fate to f him was kinder, or, as ho himself thinks, less kind. Mr. Hynd is not a superstitious man, i nor do any of his friends doubt the epi ' sode. Though he does not regard it as prophecy, yet it was a very strange coin cidence. , Ono week ago last Friday, two days . before the disorder, two ugly squaws . came to a wool warehoueeVt Heppner to chaffer for a trade In something or other. JUDITH, A ROMANCE An Appreciation of Mrs. L. Altaian's ON TUESDAY evening last. In the presence of an audience composed of tho best and most highly cultivated people of our city, a lecture was delivered by our talented townswoman,Mrs, L. Altman, that it was my grateful privilege to hear. One of Shakespeare's characters, ad ; dressing the heroine, says: , Lady! thou vert tho cruelest she alive To -take those sr&ces -with-thee unto heaven, Ani leave tb world no copy. If such a remark could be used In con nection with the children of the body, with how much greater force should It apply to those airy and beautiful brain children, of which this lecture was one. Mrs. Altman, unfortunately for tho pub lic, had prepared no manuscript of her address, but for years she had studied her subject: she had steeped herself in its atmosphere of romance, and had drunk deeply from its wells of pathos, poetry and tragedy. And so ehe came before us In her quiet, modest fashion, and In a voice cttuned to the rhythm of her perfect diction told the tale. To attempt to describe t,he lecture In de tail would be a work of supererogation; let a few brief references suffice. She flrst dwelt upon the Apocrypha as a whole. She said that the Apocrypha Is a neglected child of literature, a very Cinderella among books, which Is being rescued by that modern Prince, literary criticism, from its obscurity. Rich and varied. It contains many phrases to which frequent allusions are made in modern literature, which would be incom prehensible without a knowledge of it. Numberless works of art find their in spiration in tho story of Judith and Holo fernes. At an early date the Catholic Church canonized tho books of the Apo crypha, and it ha3 inspired some of Italy's The one was of great years and had waxed unwieldy from age. The other was younger and more agile, and yet she looked to be of more annual cycles than sho could count. While this younger of the aged couple was bartering with the men.-ill at once the floor beneath her feet lifted and bore her upward. The woman stormed and cursed, but up she went without a stop, and if she held any charms of witchcraft they availed her nothing. It was tho wareboil ft elevator, which was Invulnerable to hw impreca tions. The men had enticed her to stand upon it, and, while she was bartering for a trade, up she went. Terrible was the woman's rage when she alighted. Dark was her countenance as dark as the great cloud that hovered over tho horizon south of Heppner. Draw ing her piebald-colored clothes about her, she pointed with . a bony finger at the cloud and muttered: "Pretty soon heap Boston man, heap Boston XGootchman, all go down." The day before a heavy thunder storm had burst "upon the town. Many citizens were anxious yet not alarmed. But, violent, as was this storm. It was but a gentle shower compared with the explosion of rain and hall two days later. The new Sunday will dawn tomorrow upon change Indeed. It will find a valley once full of happy promise, now full of mournful ruin. It .will find a town once a bright center of culture and commerce now a dark center of desolation. It will "prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn mnisiTrnimnqiiiii in All LEX fc GIIiBEItT-nArAKKK. COS SEW BUILDING, CORNER, SIXTH AXD 3IORIUSOX STREETS. And a bill back of town on which are nearly 200 newly-made mounds. In those mounds are husbands, wives, children and neighbors. All week long surviving husbands, wives, children and neighbors have sought to find the faces which nqw repose on the hill above the city. But hope Is still with the living and it has engendered determination to repair the damage. Human bodies may be in those great drift heaps, but farmers are thinking of the next crops. New blades of vegetation are shooting up through the black mud; chickens are picking susten ance out -of the ruins. Birds have resumed their song and jackrabblts are restoring their subterranean parlors. Even the townsmen of Heppner are planning to replace what the waters have carried away. But will they build their homes againso much at the mercy of Willow Creek"? Prudence says nay. The business part of town may stay where It It, but the dwelling part will be on higher ground on the east bank, perhaps, where the courthouse and schoolhouso stand. A deeper and wider and stralghter channel may be cut for the creek.' Such a channel Is not enough to insure the safety of the town: the people must have their homes on higher ground. A flood like this last one would rise over tho banks of a straight channel 12 or 15 feet. The "creek" is now shrunk to a mere thread of water, eight or ten feet below the edge of Its banks. More floods are to be expected in Willow Creek Valley. Vague memories of earlier floods exist In Indian legends. Distinct marks of earlier floods exist In this valley. Pioneers hereabouts remember cloudbursts In early days. Judge "W. P. Dutton, a farmer, who lives below town, recalls.. a mighty flood -in Hlnton Creek 27 years ago. Probably never again will n. rush of water down the "creek" work such havoc on human life. The story of this last disaster will go Into the fireside tales of Willow Creek homes. to teach the youth to beware of tho pitiless wiles of the "creek." Prohibition Lair Will Be Tented. TOPEKA. Kan., Juno 20. Attorney General Coleman has been asked for an opinion as to the practice of outside liquor dealers in shipping liquor into Kansas. The shippers are now trying to work up an express business, whereby thcy can sell liquor In any quantity through an agent. It Is alleged thaf by this method thcro will bo no violation of the prohibition law. The courts -will soon bo called on to settle that question. SUanrit River Bridge la Use. . WHATCOM, Wash., June 20. (Special.) The Great Northern today ran Its first train across the Skagit River bridge in three weeks. The approaches to tho bridge were carried out by the high water about the flrst of the month and the hot weather since has melted the snow In the mountains In which the river rises so fast that tho water has remained too high to attempt the work of reconstruction. AND AN INSPIRATION Romantic and Fasdnatine Lecture most famous artists to choose -Judith for the tribute of their glowing pencils, among them Allori, Michael Angelo, Romano and Boticelll. Great oratorios and dramas In many languages have been written about this romance, and fine poems have also found their Inspiration therein. The tale furn ishes us with historical types of the high est dignity, force and purity. Judith la the very embodiment of lofty and heroic womanhood, to which her ideal beauty lends an added charm. Holofernes Is strength, might, majesty and force of will personified. The epic of Judith and Holo fernes Is a model for writers of all time to strive to Imitate. If Is a story of life among the Jews In the pre-Christian era; Its detail of the campaign of Holofernes, Its description of the distress among the Jews, all told with Oriental richness of coloring, and with a force and verve that holds up spell-bound. Tho closing song.of Judith is a triumphal ode to the Most High, and to humanize it all through it is a touch of lovo and romance, contending with a great moral purpose that goes straight to our hearts. Such a lecture was worthy to have been delivered before a great metropolitan audi ence. New York or London would havo appreciated It quite as much, or even more, than our own people, and I sincerely hope that other cities may yet have the pleasure and enjoy the treat that has been ours. In conclusion I have but to say that It has been my privilege In past years to hear many noted lecturers, but never havo I heard an address that more fully and beautifully portrayed tho splendor and the pain: the poetry and the passion of the glorious people that Divine guidance led forth from slavery Into light. BENJ. L COHEN. Portland, Or., June, 3303. - BIG FIRM'S SUCCESS Remarkable Growth of Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co, FINE NEW BUILDING GOING UP Enoraioai .cpabiIob of Its BHsIaess Requires Modern and Elegant Quarters at Sixth and Morrl- aon Streets. - - .People passing the northeast corner of; Sixth and Mprrl.sbn streets often stop to view the "preparations being developed there for the construction of a large building to be occupied by the Allen & Gilbert - Ramaker Co., tho well-known piano and organ dealers, originally known as the Wiley B. Allen Co. If each passer-by knew the magnitude of tho business that makes the construe- tlon of this building a necessity; If be had been told of tho Interesting history of the Arm that will own it, of how they have built their business up from a mod est little beginning to the most success ful of its kind on the Pacific Coast, he would marvel at the success to be won by enterprise, integrity and fair dealing, and he would feel an unusual interest In what the busy workmen are doing. An Elegant Building;. The building is to be a modem affair, and will be the only complete one of its, kind on the Coast. It will have a front ago of 100 feet on Morrison street and "0 feet on Sixth street, and will have four floors. In addition to the basement. It will be fitted up with every modern ap pliance. Including elevator, steam heat and both gas and electric lights. It will be substantially built of compressed brick and hardwood floors, and the Arm will utilize more than 30,000 feet of floor space for the conducting of their business. Money will not be spared In making It the most complete and up-to-date store of Its kind on the Pacific Coast, and It will be worthy of the fullest apprecia tion of the people of this city. One thing that adds very much to Its value Is Its central. location. On tho three blocks adjacent to It aro the postofflce, the Hotel Portland and tho Marquam building. The Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. selected this convenient and expen sive site as the .one. appropriate place to erect the elegant, and -costly structure needed In their business. Could the originator of the firm have looked forward and seen the result of his humble beginning, he would have undoubtedly been surprised beyond meas ure. What has been accomplished by this firm ought to prove an incentive to young men who are Just entering on their career in the business world. History of tho Firm. It Is now many years ago. In 1876, that Wiley B. Allen' opened up a little music store in the old Allsky property at Third and Morrison streets, this city. He had but 1500 to buy his flrst stock of goods, which consisted of one or more pianos or organs, -f ome sheet music and some sta-. tionery. The little shop In which he began busi ness was too large for his sole use, so he occupied the one-half of It, whllo the other portion was used by a dressmaker. As may be Imagined, It was not an easy matter to develop a paying business In those early days with so small a capital, but Mr. Allen worked hard, and at last began to prosper. In speaking of those early trials to his friends, he has told very oft,en how he has laid awake nights after his flrst carload of pianos had been ordered, thinking how ho could manage to meet the payments. He met his obligations, however, and soon found it necessary to order more. Slowly tho business grew, and at last It was necessary for him to obtain a. more commodious location. In 1SS1 he pur chased the place where the store Is at present located. The building was then but a one-story affair, and he paid $40,000 for It. As the business grew it was neces sary to enlarge the building, and thus three more stories were added to it, and later three adjoining rooms for retail pur poses, while a three-story building was secured on Second street for storage pur poses. But still the business continued to grow, and now the elegant new building in course of construction Is the result of this resistless development. Just how long even that will be able to meet the demands remains to be seen, but It Is evident that It, too, will be outgrown in time. In 1633 the firm was Incorporated, and In 1901 the name was changed from the Wiley B. Allen Company to Allen & Gil bert Company, Mr. F. If. Gilbert having bought Into it. The new firm was Incor porated for $100,000. and Mr. F. N. Gil bert became its president In August. 1902, tho Ramaker Music Co., of Seattle, purchased part of the Interest of Mr. Allen, and the two firms were merged Into one,' and the name was changed to that of Allen &. Gilbert-Ramaker Co. The capital stock was then Increased to $200. 000, all paid up. At the present time the capital stock is close to $250,000. with un divided profits. A contract was entered Into on Novem ber 2S. 1902, with Hon. L. B. Stearns for the construction of the new building, which 'will, as has been stated, be the finest In the city. It will be ready for use about October L MagraltHde of Their Business. But the Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. are not limited In their business In Port land, for they have an extensive trade throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. They have gained the dis tinction of being the oldest, strongest and largest piano and organ house In the Northwest, They have one branch store In Salem and another In Seattle, tho lat ter being a two-story building, covering a space of 50x100 feet and basement. Their Oregon agencies are at Pendle ton, La Grande, Grant's Pass. Roseburg, Cottage Grove. Hood River. Forest Grove and McMInnvIUe. In Washington they have agencies at Spokane, Colfax, North, GREAT REMOVAL SALE September 1 we move to 291 MORRISON STREET Our present stock must be sold out at once. Come early and get the real BARGAINS. 1200 PAIRS LADIES' OXFORDS 25e PAIR. Odd Lots. Broken Sizes. Yakima, Ellensburg, Prosser and Ta coma. In addition to these, they keep nine salesmen on tho road. Some Idee, of the scope of their business may bo had from their monthly shipments, which amount to ten carloads, eight being of pianos and two of organs. Handle Superior Makes. Tho renown of the Allen & Gilbert Ramaker Co. Is so universal that they can select from the manufacturing world tho cream of pianos. They have the ex clusive sale In this part of the world of the fine, artistic Instruments, among them being the Knabe, Steok, Fisher, Everett, Hardman, Ludwlg, Baldwin, Ma son & Hamlin and about 2i) other makes. As an evidence of the superiority of these Instruments, attention is called to tho preference shown for them by the fa vorite masters. When Hambourg played at the White House, by special request of President Roosevelt, he used a Knabe; Gabrilowitch uses tho Everett; Raoul Pugno, tho Baldwin; Harold Bauer, tho Mason & Hamlin, and Theodore Thomas, the Fischer. Thus the list might be continued indefinitely, but the qualities of th,e Instruments are too well known and their popularity too well established to require further reference. Musical Center of the XortUTrest. At their new building the Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. will make a musical center for the Northwest. They will tastefully furnish a large recital hall, something that has never before been seen In this city. It will have a seating ca pacity of from 300 to 400. and will bo pro vided with select Instruments. One entire floor will be divided off Into compartments to be used as music studios for the use of teachers. The one great aim of the firm Is to attract and to please tho musically Inclined and to mako for them a headquarters that they will ap preciate. On the second and third floors will be fitted up elegant music parlors. These wlllbe so arranged that Intending pa- irons win oe aDie to -see me pianos as ; they would appear In their own home. ! In conclusion, it can be said that the I Allen & Gilbert-Ramaker Co. have every I reason, to bo' proud of what they have j accomplished. The firm's present pros- perlty Is the outgrowth of many years of 1 patient Industry and honorable methods, that have won for them an undying pop ularity. That they mean to continue in the same lines and to improve where It Is possible Is evidenced by the enterprise they" are manifesting In their now under taking. Xearly 1500 Pianos. As an Indx as to what this house is doing, the records show that during the last year they sold 1330 pianos and 6S1 organs, and with the combined forces and agencies wiey expect, iu uuuuio iue uusi- j ness tnis year, xnis increaseo success and expansion idea is largely due to Mr. F. N. Gilbert, president of tho concern, who directs its affairs from this point, while the retail management Is In the hands of Mr. G. W. Kennedy, who has had a valuable experience In the busi ness. TO WARN THE PUBLIC. State Board of Health. Adopts a Jfevr Device. Tho State Board of Health has adopted a new device for warning the public away from houses where cases of trans missable disease exist and the old system of putting up flags with a color for each disease has been abandoned. Placards printed on yellow pasteboard two feet by 14 Inches In dimensions havo been adopted on which the following Im perative order Is printed In black let ters: "No one allowed on these .premises ex cept by permission of attending physi cian or health officer, under penalty of arrest and fine-" At tho top will be printed the name of the disease and at the bottom that of Dr. Woods Hutchinson, secretary of the State Board of Health, and the name of the attending physician. A large num ber of these cards have been printed and are now In the hands of the Health Board for distribution. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Contagions Diseases. Ethel Justice, S9 Stanton; measles. Mary McHale, 81 Revere: scarlet fever. Births. June 17, jrlrl to the wife of William C North, Woodlawn. June 8, aoy to the wife of Israel Medradov sky. June, 8, girl to the wife of William. Oelsner, 756 Union avenue. June 17, girl to the -wife otGE Reyer. St. Johns. June 16, boy to the wife of A P. Flegel, East Tenth and Holbrook. Building- Permits. N. - O'Hare, repairs, Russell and Brendle; $1500. L. Therkelson, repairs. Third and Yamhill; $1000. Mary Fox. dwelling-. East Seventeenth and Beech; $18004 , Eastern Outfitting Company, repairs. West Park and Washington; $11G7. Bicyclists Appear In Court. Bicyclists xof all ages and both sexes were arrayed In the Municipal Court yes terday on a charge of riding on tho side walk. There were 23 men. and boys, and two blushing girls, with more than their share of good looks to break the monot ony of Police Court faces. Judge Hogue eyed them as sternly as possible and commanded them never to trespass again, and, like bad children, the whole bunch promised to be good In the future. They were fined sums ranging from $1 to 53. Whoever said that he or she had never heard of the antl-sldewalk ordinance got the limit as to fines. Americans Beat! EbkIIsIi at Cricket. NOTTINGHAM. June 20. The Phtladel- j phla cricketers won their three days ( match with the Nottinchamshlre team by I IS runs. - . 2135 PAIRS LADIES' LACE SHOES 50g PAIR. Tan and Black. ALL UP-TO-DATE GOODS, 25 PER CENT REDUCTION. ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS. SEE WINDOWS FOR GREAT VALUES SALE BEGINS MONDAY, 1 P. M. MARKS SHOE CO. 253 Morrison Street, near Third FINEST OF ROSES ON VIEW PORTLAND GROWERS DISPLAY THE QXJEEX OP FLOWERS. Parsons Hall Is Transformed Into Indoor Garden, for Annual Ex hibition of Rose Society. Parsons Hall was transformed Into the sweetest of Indoor gardens for the annual rose show of the Portland Rose Society, held there yesterday afternoon and even ing, and Was a cool and Inviting place, where roselovers enjoyed lingering to ex claim over the beauty of the flowers, and to discuss the best methods of rose-culture. Mrs. Rosa F, Hoyt managed the affair, with the able assistance of Mrs. George Lambcrson, who received and classified the roses. Miss Augusta Marshall was In charge of the decorations, and was as sisted by Mr. Otten. In addition to the splendid garden beauties in array, on the tables which lined the walls an abund ance of sweet brier, with Its fragrant foliage and dainty pink blossoms, wa3 used. A very pretty part of the show was a display of gorgeous carnations made by Clark Bros. The display of roses was quite bewildering In Its variety and was sufficient to convince any one that Port land Is an Ideal city for the cultivation of the queen of flowers. The Caroline Testout, which Is by many people considered the most beautiful of all pink roses, was shown la great pro fusion and In a high degree of perfection. Tho pink La France, which reigns with Caroline Testout in popular favor, was also lavishly displayed. The red roses shown were very beautiful, and Included many line, varieties.. Among these were. "Liberty," "Trlumphe de Fernet, pere" and "Ulrlch Bruner." Frederick V. Holman had a fine .Indi vidual display, In which -were seen Prince Camilla de Rohan, one of thcmostsplen dld of the red roses; Baron "de Baustel-' lln and Glolre de Bourg la Relne, also fine crimson varieties. Among the white roses one which at tracted a great deal of attention was the "Bessie Brown," a prize-winner at the London, rose show. Mrs. William M. Ladd contributed a basket of beautiful roses. Including Car oline Testout, Merlvale de Lyon and La France. Mrs. McLauchlan exhibited some fine Liberty roses, and also some exquisite specimens of Madame Wagram, cream rose, shaded with pink. Mrs. J. K. Locke exhibited the Admiral Dewey rose, ono of the new hybrid teas, flesh-tinted and very lovely. Mrs. Herbert Holman sent some splen did Ulrlch Brimers and Caroline -Testouts. Mrs. William Macmaster sent a flno collection of La France, Carolina Tntott and Ulrlch Bruner. Among those who sent Cfcflefctlons of roses were Mrs. George W. Bates, Mrs. Turner, of Irvlngton; Mrs. Samuel- Smith, Mrs. Seaman, of Portland Heights; Mrs. John Archer Bell, Mrs. Henry Weinhard. Mrs. Paul Wesslnger, Mrs. Earl C. Bro naugh. Mrs. Martha Webb, Mrs. M. KIrkpatrlck. Mrs. D. F. Dryden, Mrs. Lamberson, Mr. B. Labbe. Mrs. Bryden NEW YORK FURNITURE CO., 186 The newest thing In extension ta bles to be found In Portland we are showing on our second floor. "There Is a great deal to be said and a great deal to know when selecting- this Im portant piece for the dining room. Let us help you In choosing It. Our -line Is complete. We sell a 61foot oak extension table for $10. The same in fir. $5.00 The baby should not be kept Indoors this fine weather for want of a car riage, or go-cart while we are selling them at such low prices that they are within the reach of alL They sell upwards from $8.00 to $30.00 YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. 3560 PAIRS MEN'S LACE SHOES 7 mm DC PAIR. Odd Lots. Broken Sizes. NIchoL Mrs. Elijah Corbett. Miss Kath erlne Harbaugh and Parkkeeper Loety. In the evening there was music by Par sons Orchestra, and during the after noon and evening lemonade, punch and ices were served. Mrs. John Gill presided over the punch table, assisted by Mrs. T. T. Strain. Miss Francis Gill and Miss Daisy Freeman. Mrs. George W. Bates and Mrs. H. H. Northup served Ice cream, assisted by Miss Spauldlng, Miss Moore, Miss Lam berson, Miss Sylvia Knight, Miss Cqrinne Sheldon, Mrs. Cleland and Miss Mattie Webb. Mrs. J. P. Wager and Mrs. B. S. Pague did valuable work as a committee on signs and tickets, and Mrs. D. H. Stearns acted as doorkeeper. PICNIC FOR CHILDREN. Clackamas and Mllvraulcle Granges Make Merry In Rnslc Grove. Clackamas Grange, No. 293, and Mll waukle Grange. No. 2SS, Patrons of Hus bandry, held their annual children's day outing- yesterday Jointly In the Rusk Grove, midway between Mllwaukle and Clackamas. There was a large attend ance from both Granges, families coming in wagons and 'buggies. Swings were put up and preparations made to have a good, old-fashioned picnic A. J. Andrews, mas ter of Mllwaukle Grange, and Arthur White, of Clackamas, rendered all the assistance In their power. At noon a luncheon was served on a long, Impro vised table which was highly, enjoyed by all. In the afternoon, under the charge" of Miss Anna Holmes, a short programme of songs and recitations was rendered, and In the evening all returned to their homes well satisfied with their outing. Modern Woodmen Memorial Day. Modern Woodmen of America will hold memorial exercises In Lone Fir cemetery this afternoon at 2:30. It will be the first memorial the order has held here. In the evening the members will assemble In the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, East Twelfth and East Taylor streets, where Rev. E. N. Allen will de liver a sermon on "Man's Duty to Man." East Side Notes. The funeral of Captain William P. Dil lon will be. held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from FInleys undertaking parlors. Charles Ballard, editor and publisher of the Waltsburg Gazette, Is visiting his brother. Postmaster Ballard, at Mll waukle. Marlon Stokes, son of William Stokes, of the East Side, has returned home from Corvallls, where he was attending the Oregon Agricultural College, Miss Pauline J. Walton, who for 20 years has been in charge of the publish ing interest of the Woman's Foreign Mis sionary Society, and Miss Mary E. Holt, corresponding secretary of the New Eng land branch of the Woman's Foreign Mis sionary Society, are in the city and at tonoisrd tho meeting of the Woman's Home Misilciar BoiAsli at Cnnttnary Church. Both are pleasing atttktoutt. Dr. Rockwell, presiding eldtff Bl Port land Methodist Episcopal churca didllet, gives Rev. Henry Moyes, pastor of the church at Rainier, large credit for tho erection of the eight-room manse Just completed at that place. Two lots were secured through his efforts and the build ing Is now practically completed. Port When you want an Iron bed see us. If you don't you will surely miss tho opportunity of a lifetime. . Our prices, always low, will be still lower this week. Our regular $3.75 bed at J3.25. Our $5.50 bed at $4.73 This cut represents one of our solid oak bedroom suites. We have lots of them. We sell a three-piece bedroom suit In fir at S1S.OO To dispose of a line of Dam ask and Tapestry Table Cov ers we will close out the entire stock at just what they cost us. 4185 PAIRS MEN'S LACE SHOES $1.22 PAIR. Tan and Black. land Methodist women will undertake thai worK or rurnisning. Mr. and Mrs. Moye are church builders and havo lifted debtl wnerever tney nae been stationed. The funeral of Charles H. Hill, ex Mayor Of Alblna. Will be held th! morn ing at 10 o'clock from the Central M. E.j t.nurcn. corner Russell and Kerby strets. I Rev. W. T. Kerr will officiate. The active ! pauoearers, who are from Industrial Lodge. No. 99. L0. O. pv J. C. Jameson. J. M. Crlder. J. T ThnrnTvl son, J. P. Menefee, Robert Warrick. A. ' a. Aianiey. Robert E. L. Simmons. George Wright Post No. 1, G. A. R. will fur nish honorarv Dallbearers. All Mr. Hiir children have assembled to attend tho funeral. They aro as follows: Pascal Hill, of St. Johns; Estus, Mrs. JDr. Elta Hill Schnauffcr. Albert and George Hill, Portland; Charles Hill, Albany. Pleasant Home Xotea. Stono & Creswell are putting up a mill on the Lewis Hoglam place, which Is about two miles east of CottrelL It will be In operation some time this week. They are going to cut railroad ties and lumber. W. L. Miller is finishing hl3 barn. It Is the largest barn In this part of the coun try. The prospect of fruit Is very good In tho eastern part of the county this year. There is a very good crop of strawber ries. The members of the Methodist Episco pal Church are having a new cement foundation put under the church. They had a new coat of paint on the Inside a short time ago. The completion of the JJlle works -within tho time sped fled has. says Sir John Alrd. result ed in a saving to the Egyptian government of $4,000,000. EXPERT OPTICIANS (Formerly with Wright, Jwder.) GLASSES THAT SATISFY Y O U . . . PHILLIPS BROS. corner rxrn axd alder. Office with White Sewttr Machine Company. FIRST STREET is tMi'l1 Mi l ' Ml H ssPlsTW1 P 1 8 We make them. Will give you any style or design. The price governed by the kind you get. Tho cheap est is ss.oo Our third floor Is packed full of pretty new rugs and carpets, lace cur tains and portlers. We will sell all wool carpets In short lengths to close them out at 57c per yard Bring the size of your room and come early. Small Weekly or Monthly Payments. A ssssssattpsm