29 OLDS, WORTMAN & KING 1 m and waonl OLDS, WORTMAN & KING m;qwfcsta The different Store" 'Second Week H - Second Week , OP THE . JUNE Clean-sweep SALE OF THE JUNE -sweep. SALE THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 21, 1903.' Fo Women Who want the latest fash ions, want them good and at lowest prices, this col umn is what the stock ticker is to men The Great Sale of Silk Foulards Continues the coming week all our 85c qualities go at a Clean Sweep price of 59c a yard first floor anndx. Need Grenadines? We've not many left, but in or der to make a clean sweep of what we have we will give you choice of all at 59c a yard first floor annex. Here's for the Go-Aways : Summer Bathing Corsets, rub ber, ventilated, short or medium lengths, regular 85c values, this week in the Royal Worcester Corset salon on second floor at 59c a pair. Don't Miss the . Bathing Su it Sale Here this week, told of in an other column. If you don't live near where there's wet, you may still use one, tor a signt at our Bathing Suits will make the mouth "water." $.50 Black Goods for $.09 The coming week will see "things doing" in the Dress Goods Section of the first floor annex. We offer an absolute choice of our regular $1.50 lines of stripe mistrals, etamines, voiles and grenadines, 44 inches wide, the very latest and swelj cst, most popular thin fabrics, at $J.09 a yard. Tomorrow's Oregonian Will contain news of 3 more great sales here at this store this week Wash Goods in Domestic Section Shoe? and Men's Furn ishings. $X.OO Colored Dress Goods, 79c To keep things lively in the Dress Goods Section we shall make the following very excep tional offer this week all the new and staple weaves, smooth and rough finish, cheviots, serges, sibalines, hopsackings, canvas cloth, etamines, basket weaves, granite, camel's hair and melton cloth, regular $J val ues, will be sold this week, in the annex, first floor, at 79c a yard. Infants' Shoes, 48c In our popular Shoe Section we shall offer a sale special this week of Infant's Button Shoes, in reds and blacks, in sizes 2 to 5, for 48c a pair. Misses' and Children's Strap Slippers Strap Slippers in patent leather or kid, 6 to JJ, $1.25 values for 83c;. U to 2, $L50 values, for 98c Embroidered Swisses And Lace Striped Hulls, very fine, sheer qualities in combina tions of, greens, tans, pinks and blues, extra good values at 25c, will go out this week at a Clean Sweep price of J 8c a yard. Drive Out the Moths With crystalline camphor, large size, 8c boxes this week special at 5c Don't Miss an Item On this page, scan every col umn carefully or you'll miss some dollars from your Summer vacation money. 50c Cushion Tops 19c ? (Second. Floor.) A grand "round-up" of broken lines of Cushion Tops with plain backs, about 35 different designs for selection, comprising floral and conventional de signs, also Cushion Tops with designs representing the four seasons, regular to 50c, clean sweep 19c each. (See Fifth Street Window showing.) VEILINGS (First Floor. AT SPECIAL PRICES A genuine clean-up on Veils, black and white ef fects, brown and fancy mesh, col'ed chiffon, dotted nets, etc Your .choice J 5c yard; worth from 25c to 75c Embroideries A lot of nainsook, Swiss and cambric Embroideries at special prices. Lot S, yard 1 5c Lot 2, yard 19c Lot 3, yard 25c Lot 4, yard 37c LEAN ON THIS STORE Going on a vacation? Take this store with you. Let the store's good service follow you wherever you wander this Summer. If you board, lean on us for the what nots of the toilette and the little things for the. Summer rooms things that Summer landlords don't furnish; if camping or keeping cottage, lean on us for everything you may need for the furnishing from the hammocks to the bedding and table linen the crockery the cutlery and the glassware. Our prices, as, you know, are based on the lowest plane of fairness. Uncje Sam works for us thro jhe. mail-order section, which, by the way, is not mentioned half often enough in our newspaper talks to patrons. Tis an immense, busy adjunct to this store. Ask or send for one of our catalogues, take it along with you to the seashore, lake or mountains, use it liberally while gone a -penny 'buys a postal that Uncle Sam will fetch us without delay, write your order on it and goods will be shipped you day your order is received by us. When you return, leave your catalogue behind to benefit your Summer neighbor who stays. "We charge nothing for this service it's good business good service. "We do nothing for buncombe or effect our mail order renders practical, efficient service for you and for us. Twould be better, of course, for you to come in and personally select your outfits before you go but whether you do this or -use the mail order whether you are a '-go-away" or a "stay-at-home," 'twill pay you at a'll times to LEAN ON THIS STORK Below we print the splendid BARGAIN NEWS of this store's second week and last of the MONSTER CLEAN-SWEEP SALE 'twill pay you to read what the brooms are doing. LADIES' NECKWEAR (FIRST FLOOR.) LADIES' STOCK COL LARS, in pinks, blues, whites, greens, blacks, and black and white effects. Some with stole ends, worth from 79c to $1.75 ea AQf sale price .... OC NEW SILK GLOVES 27 in". Black or White Sllktfjf yr Gloves, very durable h J 27 In. fancy lace meslu. Black C ff or White 4 UU 10 in. Black, White, Tan, Mode or Gray Lisle thread, 2 clasps, fC very swell: price .V. p VV A finer grade at $L00. Fancy Mesh Gloves, the kind so much in demand now. Whites, ; er llodes and. Grays .H -"J Oriental Rugs At Vety Umstal Prices K (FOURTH FLOOR) . ' wc were able to acquire between seventy and eighty beautiful Ori ental rugs at two-thirds what they would have sold for in the regular way. All well made, in small and medium patterns, and not an im perfect one among them. " For dining-rooms, sitting-rooms and libraries the Oriental rugs are unequaled as a floor covering, for besides the beauty of their coloring and design, they are easily kept clean and last for gen erations. A - "We have never before offered so fine a collection of these desirable rugs at such favorable prices as now. We'te Going to Mate a Clean Sveep of These. Oriental Rags We have an exceptionally strong line of runners for stairway or hall also -Kiskelincs, Cashmeres and Khivas,in large, floor pieces. "We have about 300 small rugs, including Daghestan, Shirvan, Karak, Mossoul, Giianghes, Bokhara, Teheran, Oushak, Sarouk, Schha, Kirmanshah, etc Value 510.00-Speclal 5 S.00 Vaiue 12.00-Sneclal 8.G0 Value 13.50-Speclal 10.S0 Value 16.00 Special 12.00 Value 1G.50-Speclal 13.20 Value 17.50 Special 14.00 Value 18.00 Sieclal ..... 14.40 Value 0.0-Speclal 16.00 Value 22.00-Speclnl ... 17.S0 Value 25.00 Special ... ....... 20.00 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR CHILDREN'S HATS and BONNETS SPLENDID VALUES Made with the carefulness and generous cut of home-made Underwear. All the end less tucking and ruffling and buttonhole making skipped. Prices that seem hardly to pay for-materials. Nothing is shoddy or the kind to go to pieces in the wash-tub. ' Having hut a limited quantity loft from last week's sale of those fine Val. and Torchon lace trimmed cambric drawers and embroidery trimmed gowns, regular $1.23 values. We have added to them a lot of Jong and short chemises of fine muslin or cambric, lace or embroidery trimmed and muslin skirts with deep lace trimmed flounce, $1 values, to close at clean sweep sale, we've marked 'em . Oriental rugs, like diamonds, have an estab lished market value which fluctuates but slightly. Itsome times happens, however, that in , the exigencies of business, dealers are compelled to realize on these wares at prices considerably be low their mar ket value. Such an opportunity was presented to us recently when Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value 27.00 Special . S0.l Special ., 35.0iV-Special .. 37.50 Special .. 4Q.0Cfc Special ., G5.00 Special. .. To-OGSnecial., JlOO.OO-fepecial 125,00-48peclal . 175.90 Special , 1.60 24.00 27.00 30.00 33.00 52.00 60.00 SO.OO 100.00 .... no.oa (SECOXD FLOOR AJfXEX) Fine cambric skirts, deep Spanish flounce, wide Val. or Torchon lace Insertion between clusters of tucks and deep lace edging or rows of em broidery insertion between clusters of tucks with embroidery edging, regu lar $3.00 values, ff-f Q7 swept out at HJ'' Children's White Lawn Bonnets, somo in full front or the plain French style in fine 'hemstitching; AO -value to 75c; Clean Sweep price Big Summer Hat Sale Tuesday in Millinery Salon See the' Hats in out It 1 1 WAW I f AAA WW 1 w (2nd Floor.) Untrlmmed Mllans, Cuban braids. Wood straws and combination straws in the newest and latest of the season's shapes. Values up,to ?5. All go- on sale at 8 A. 31. Tuesday none before at one price aQ for choice that price Js& A Monster Sale of Women's Weat Starts here tomorrow. "We're'going to move every thing . out of the second floor Women's Wear Salon and do it by the force of bargains, we've cut and slashed prices right and left nothing has escaped thetwo-edged " price knife. Lack of space fbrr bids more than mention here today, but come tomorrow if you need or expect to' need wearables within the next twelvemonth 'twill pay you to select now. . About 20- SILK ETON JACKETS, values from $6.50 to A Q $12.50, go at , 4Z.k:7 Every Novelty Suit in the store radically reduced in price. AH the Novelty Skirts reduced as follows: $20 skirts now $15.25 25 skirts now , 19.85 30 skirts now v. 22.50 40 skirts now............ 34.50 50 skirts now 39.50' Ladies' form-fitting jackets and' Monte Carlo Coats, in colors, at Half-price All the new Summer Street or Call--ing CostumesT reduced : N . 520.00 and $22.50 values now .514.28 15.00 values .now , .". 11.53 2i00 and S&M values jiow 18.73 S2.4 and 35.59 Tallies now 36.73 3 A A. line of children's white lawn, gulmpes tucked and lace trimmed, also a quantity of children's white dresses of different fine materials, very neatly trimmed; all to be XJ-ff T)in( Bwept out at Xiail XTlCe Children's white Mull Hats, trimmed with .ribbon, embroidery lace and lace insertion through crown. Regular values to $2.75; Clean Sweep f Ck1 price kp7J Ladw Bathing Suits SUOES AND CAPS First Floor, Underwear Section. Some of the styles this sea son don't invite a wetting. Those of silk, for instance. Better suited for a beach promenade though some silk suits are worn in the water. But there are styles both natty and wetable, giv ing one free choice as to 'what she may elect to do. Quiet effects rule, however, .with just enough trimming by way of contrasL Broad white sailor collars are fav ored; white is mostly used for trimming. There's a certain degree of safety in choosing from the largest and best seTerted o ' stock of Bathing Suits one is pretty sure to be satisfied. Ladles Dark Blue S. S. Mohair Bathlnp Suit, 4 rows of white braid about saUor yar and skirt: two rows white braid down, front. V-shaped front, fr ?2.00 ea. Same in Black, ea,.... .7. ..iuU Ladles' S. S. Mohair Bathing Suits, Dark Blue or Black. White Sailor collar, wide band or white about .walst and skirt, four rows of Blue-.braid trlm-' ca mlnsr on wide bands of white, ea. ipjCe.xJ Ladles' Blue or Black Mohair 'Bathlnsr Suits, with three rows of White 5 jr braid about Sailor collar front, waist and skirt, ea. pZ'0 Better grade, with same tflmraing. ea ? j 53.50 Ladles' .Black or Blue Mohair Bathing Suit with "frhite Sailor collar. White tie. wide band of White, trimmed with four rows of Black braid about tfS 1CZ. Sajlor collar, waist and Skirt; beauty; ea. , ipOJj Ladies Black S. S. Mohair Bathing Suit. Red Duck. Bailor collar barid cn and about skirt, trimmed with 4 rows of "White braid, ea. kp.QU Ladles' Black or Blue Mohair Bathing Suits, trimmed witli one row of wide white braid and two rows, of narrow wave braid about Sailor collar, waist fTi and bottom of skirt, ea. rr.W Ladies' Dark Red Bathing Suits, "whie wiijarowg wcite Praia aoout vest front, waist .and bottom fJJ QQ Indies' Blue Mohair Bathing Suit, -wide Sailor collar, vest front. White tie. This Suit Is trimmed with twelve rows of narrow White .braid about t Sailor collar across front and about bottom of skirt; a beauty; ea. ..pu.w BetterQualitles In Bathing Suits at 512.50, 510.00, 5S.50 and down to, QQ Ladles' Bathing Shoes at 00c, 50c and 35c pr. nfzr down to , "JC Ladles' Bathing Caps at 75c, down to 4 tZ each JC Children's Bathing Suits, Mohair with White braid trimmings, at, suit, f trr 53.50 down to .. , .V.........-.ff 3w Children's Flannelette Bathing Suits, -f f suit, 51.25 down to .717. , t'tUU Royal Worcester Corsets Reduced (Second -Floor Annex.) To our greatly diminish- ft ed lots of broken lines of Royal "Worcester Corsets which were on special sale last week, we have added some new numbers and will continue the sale for an other week at the follow ing reductions: Lot 1. Res. 51.00 to 5L50. at..$ .79 Lot 2. Reg. $2-50 to $3.50. at.. l.ST Lot 3. Reg. 54.00 to $5.00. at..$2.SS Lot 4. Reg. $7.00 to $9.00, at.. 5.25 Radically "Reduced (First Floor.) Laces that are the cor rect thing for trimmings. A fine big assortment will be added to our special lot of laces at prices never before quoted on equal values. Laces that ere wide for flounces from 4, In. to 12 In. wide In Cream and Ecru, Black and Butter. Narrow, "wide and med. Venise Gal loons, In Ecru and Cream. Somo very fine, worth up to $7.50 yd. Black fine Chantilly Galloon. 2 in. to 8 in. wide, "also Black Chantilly Lace, 2 to 6 inches wide. We have taken out of our regular stock all of the above pieces and placed them on sale at the following special prices: 3c yd, 6c yd, 10c yd, 15c, yd, 19o yd, 25o yd, 37c yd, c yd, 65cyd, to $4.00 yd. SPECIAL SALE OF SILKS 85c vatees 59p All our S5o Foulard, choice no TV lor 00c per yard. CFirst Floor.) An immense assortment of Novelty Silks, includ ing French knot effects, Roman Stripes, Mummy "Weave, Taffeta Stripes. Moire Stripes, neat pat-1 i !lt i 1 etc, etc A special num ber. Black Taffeta. 27 inch. Two pieces Black Moire velour, $1.25 quality. Silks formerly selllatc for $1.00 and $1.25 a. yard, now 59c scalloped. White Mohair collar Uncle "Josh's" Breakfast Food "That noo feller acrost thJ branch on th' Brown place wont har'ly keep up ith th perces shun hyer 'bouts," remarked the philosopher one April even ing. "Haow d'ye know, Unc' Josh?" asked some one, "he haint been here more'n ' six weeks, an' he 'pears all right." "Wall, I wuz pas' his place a Tusday, an' he wuz plowin' fur oats. The groun' wuz fine, jus' 'bout dry enuf an' warm. It wa'n't hard an' tough like ol' sod, but nice, smooth plowin. "Wall, thet feller hed run a cou ,ple furrers acrost th' field, an' they wuz crooked ez a dawg's hin' leg. Thet's enough fer me a man thet can't turn a clean furrer ain't a goln' to hoi' his own a-farmin' in this nabor hood." It' so in business. A store must plow straight to hold its customers. No crooked work; no wobbling. This will enable it to plow the best furrow and attract more customers. To do this we have divided our business up into a great number of specialty stores all under the one general head, of course. Each section is managed by a man or woman who knows that branch of busi ness best; no manager is asked to know anything else than his own specialty, or to bother about anything else; all anyone has to do is to plow his or her furrow straight. "Plow deep and straight with all your powers," says Home. PICKUPS Here and There in the heathen Goods Stationety & ToiletStmeb's Section CFirst Floor.) LADIES' LEATHER BELTS. Black, Seal, Grain. Walrus and Pat ent Leather; Value 50c; r special , Swede Leather Belts, In Tan and cn. Gray, value 75c; special, ea.... J4-'t' Box writing Paper, 21 sheets paper and envelopes, assorted tints, value Qr 15c box; special, box 1 lb. package Royal High Grade Writ ing Paper. White, value 23c -fC. pkg; special, pkg., - Envelopes to match, special, C pkg. Fancy colored border Paper Napkins, value 10c per 100; special, per c 100 JC sewing Machine Oil, best quality, 0 special, bottle CurUng Irons, value Ec; special. 3 each ts?. 3C Amerlcaln Pins, 400 count, O special, pkg. Black Hump Hooks and Eyes, regular 5c; special, card Spool Cotton Machine Thread, all num bers, black and white, regular jr 5c spool; special 7 spools "JC Black Bristle Hair Brushes, solid back, value 35c; special, O cr each All Bristle Hair Brushes, values-sji Q to 75c; special, each Xc. Gloves I and lL Ribbons (First floor.) Kid Glove Special Our 1-clasp "Plympton" full P. K. and gus- setted between the fingers, made by the best glove makers and imported by us, every pair fresh and the best $1.75 Glove on the market, 4 Q Q special w Ctockety and Glassware at a Money- Saving (Third Floor)' 'Item Tito Tralftoc in r1Tr'c I special sale of glass and. crockery ware are decidedly un usual. The various articles of fered are household necessities, as staple as wheat, and their prices vary little ordinarily the countryjover; but for this sale we, have made reductions that m some cases even disregard cost. Buying one's housefurnishings here means an advantage at all times, and the savings are even greater than usual today. There are fairly liberal quantities of all the items mentioned : Jelly Tumblers, each '. 2c Fruit Jar rubbers, extra wide and heavy, per dozen . .. 7a Odd lines decorated china special re-ductlons- Decorated berry bowls. 35c; special. .24c Decorated tea pot3, 50c: special.. ..34c Decorated tracker jars, 50c; special..3te Decorated chocolate pots, 51.15 ; special.... t 77c All odd lines decorated china at re duced prices: Decorated dinner sets, 100 plece3..J7.59 Decorated and gold lined, 100-plece sets.., $8.5$