THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 21, 1903. ARMY BADLY CUT UP Sultan of Morocco. Loses 6000 Men in Battle. REBELS' ATTACK A SURPRISE Pretender to the. Tbcoae I aa'Yet Ignorant of tlio Great Victory "Won by His Sap porters. MADRID, June 20. The Correspon denola's representative at -Tangier tele graphes that the Benhaya and Ergunba Kabvles yesterday surprised the -Sultan's army, inflicting a loss of GG00 men. The troops were under the command of the Moorish war minister. The pretender to the throne, the Correspondencia'a repre sentative adds, Is as yet ignorant of the victory of his supporters. ITALY EXPECTS LOUBETT. If King Vllt France, the President Mast Come to Rome. PARIS, June 20 The officials here are not desirous of freely discussing the re ports of complications arising from Pres ident Loubefs projected visit to Rome, owing to the delicacy of the questions in volved. When shown the "Vienna reports to tho effect that tho visit had been given up because the pope would not receive the President, it was stated that it had never been officially determined .that the Pres ident should visit Rome, the early re ports being largely a deduction that King "Victor Emanuel's visit to Paris would naturally be followed by M. Loubet going to Rome. "While this probability con tinues, no official decision has been reached, and no announcement made as to the time or programme. Senor Prinetti had an hour's talk with Foreign Minister Delcasse yesterday. He said afterwards that if King Victor Em manuel came to Paris, Italy Would ex pect M. Loubet to go to Home. He added that Italy did not want a repetition of tho difficulties whjch resulted from the fact that Emperor Francis Joseph did not return tho late King Humbert's visit to Vienna. Slgnor Prlnette added: "It is to bo distinctly understood hence forth that each time a King of Italy visits the chief of a foreign state at the cap ital that chief of state will return the visit at the Italian capital, Rome." The latter part of this statement appar ently dismisses the reports that M. Lou bet would avoid Vatican complications by visltln& King Victor Emmanuel at a point outside of Rome. Th? official pro gramme of King Victor Emmanuel's visit to Paris, given out, makes no mention of a return visit. The King will etay here from July 16 to 18, and will be entertained with elaborate fetes, a military review, state banquets, and a gala' performance at the opera. Ho will occupy sumptuous apartments. Tho King will be accom panied by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, which will be given political sig nificance. 2fAVAL EXPANSION BILL CARRIES. 2Iaro.nU Ito "Wins a Great Victory at tho Cost of a Vcvr Votes. TOKIO, June 20. The term of three weeks of the present session of the. Diet expired on June 1, but in view of many important bills untouched tho session was extended to June 4 by an Imperial ordl nance. The naval expansion bill was ap proved untouched by both houses. Mar quis Ito thus gains a victory, but bis com promise with the cabinet has cost his party some 25 members who have seceded. Only four cases of plague have occurred at Yokohama in Ave weeks and thero Is no hint of the disease spreading in the face of the drastic preventive measures taken by tho authorities. Thero were 117 cases of plague last week and 99 deaths in Hong Kong. The number of cases to dato Is G7S. The Uraga Dock Company on May 24 suspended the construction of the remain lng coastguard boats for the United States Government and will, it is said, carry out a wholesale dismissal of employes at the Uraga yard In a few days. The event is due to tho fact that the first two vessels cent to Manila havo been found defective by the civil government. Mr. Tsukahara, president of the Uraga Dock Company, who went to Manila the other day, was told -by the Government that the author ities "would not take delivery of the boats unless the Uraga Dock Company reduces the cost of the vessels by 20.000 yen apiece. A dispatch from Hong Kong says: The Chinaman -who was arrested here for the murder of young Kue Wan, one of the leaders of the reform party. In January, 1901. has been convicted and sentenced to death. Tho evidence revealed that tho Chinese government sent emissaries to Hong Kong with the order either to kill or kidnap the reformers. Young Kue Wan was then deliberately killed while teaching in a school near the Central Police Sta tion. The murderers have been afterwards created Mandarins, received monetary re wards and given official position in Can ton. The birthday of tho Empress of Japan was duly celebrated on May 20, OLD CABINET IS RECALLED, Crista In Italy "Will Brins Only Tito Changes In Ministers. ROME, June 20. The Cabinet situation has developed many difficulties, Premier Zanardelll being unable to get strength ening material from tno other parties. as the leaders vote against the govern meat, while the best men of tho majority are already in power. Therefore it has been decided that tho Cabinet will remain as formerly constituted with the exception of Interior Minister Glolettl and Marine Minister Retollo. . The Chamber of Deputies will reassem ble Juno 25, when the government will ask for six months' extension of the exist ing credits, thero being no time to dis cuss or approve the budget before the close of tho fiscal year, June 50. This request promises to glvo the government only a month's extension, which It can not accept because King Emmanuel has promises to bo in Paris July IB, and he does not wish to- leave Romo until after the financial situation is settled. - Killed In Mine Explosion. RATON, N. M., Juno 0. Fivo men were killed today by an explosion which completely wrecked mine No. 3 of the Raton Coal and Coke Company at Blods burg, N. M. Tho dead are: Joe Fresnlc Tony Nation. Jack Stolm. Tom Polser. Alfonso Dome. Jack Bell, fire boss, was badly burned and Harry Mussell .suffered' several broken ribs. The explosion Is believed to havo been caused by a windy shot. Tho .mine was Inspected less than two weeks ago. Church Riot in 'France. ,ST. ETTENNE,vFrance, ' Juno 20. Tho appearance of the'Capchins In the police court hero today kas the occasion of seri ous rioting, and sharp fighting occurred between the Catholics and Socialists, in whlcvh several persons were badly hurt. Fines were imposed on tha Capuchins. Sta&eatB. Meet Deatk la Riot. . BERLIN. June 20. Apparcntly.Tjef erring to the' same rumors which were published by the Tageblatt recently and -which, -were subsequently denied In a letter from Con stantinople, the Cologne Gazette men tions reports that 40 -wounded soldiers -were removed from the palace In one night. cays troops were employed to suppress disturbances at a certain school, resulting In a number of students beias killed or wounded, and asserts that Bulgarian ves sels are closely watched. HevolHtioHnrj- Agitator Seized. BERLIN, June 20. A dispatch to the Lokal Anzelger from Eldkuhnen says that the revolutionary agitator, Gerchunin, has been arrested at KlelT. GercS-unln. It Is asserted, was the organizer of the murder of 3X. Bogollepoff, Russian Minister of Public Instruction, and of M. Slplagulne, Russian Minister of the Interior. Royalty to Honor Americans. BERLIN, June 20. Tho American ban quet to bo given on board the. United States battleship Kearsarge during, her visit to Kiel will be attended by Emperor William and the Empress, the Grand Duke of Hesse-Mecklenburg and Baden and Count von Waldersee. LIGHTNING WORKS HAVOC Six Men Are Killed, Many Injured and a Mino Shaft Destroyed. CAMBRIDGE. O.. June 20-Llghtnlng struck a house stored with 3000 pounds of dynamite at the new mines now being opened near Senecavllle. 12 miles from here today during a storm and killed six men and Injured a score of others, besides ruining the mine shaft and breaking near ly all the windows In SenecavlUe, a min ing town of 300 people half a mile from the mine. The men killed and wounded were carpenters. When the storm came up the men took refuge In John Saltz- burger's barn, some distance from the mine, and suddenly a blinding flash came. In an instant the bam was demolishes, and the men scattered within a radius of 100 feet, over a Bcoro bleeding from In juries sustained from heavy rocks torn from the earth and from the timbers from the blacksmith shop. The dead: "WILLIAM MAHONEY. SAMUEL HARTUP. RUSSELL HARTUP. HIRAM WILSON. RATES HUTCHINSON. ROBERT WILSON. TUXXEL CAVES IX. One Pole Is Killed, a Second Is In jured, and Another Mlsslnsr. BOSTON, June 20. A section of tho East Boston tunnel, near the foot of State, street, weakened by the action of the compressed air used In connection with the excavating, caved in during the night and one man, a Polish laborer, was killed and another Injured; A third workman is missing, and it is feared ho is buried in tho tunnel. A force of diggers was put to work, but at 3 o'clock had not found any trace of the missing man. The cave-In was about 25 feet long by six feet wide, and will not seriously Im pede -work on the tunnel. The tunnel between Boston and East Boston, the latter an island and com prising tho 'First and Second Wards of the city, Is about a mile long, and has been in process of construction for several years. It is to be used for passenger and vehicle traffic, and when completed prob ably will form, a continuation of tho sub way system of the city. The only means of direct -communication between Boston and East Boston at present is by ferry. The tunnel Is being built by the city as one feature of its transportation improve ment projects. CARS PLUXGE IXTO RIVER. Lantern Is Later Dropped Into the "Wreck and Xapta Ignites. NEW RICHMOND, Wis.. Juno 20. A serious freight wreck occurred last night on tho .Wisconsin Central road east of here, when 112 cars plunged into Wil low River. A lineman later dropped his lantern Into the wreckage and Instantly there was a tremendous explosion. The contents of a tank of naphtha In the wreck was ignited. Louis Anderson, a farmer, was terribly burned. Several oth ers were burned, but all will recover. Later another car of naphtha exploded. sending the flames hundreds of feet into the air. The cars were destroyed by Are. Killed In Explosion at Factory. CINCINNATI, O., Juno 20. The build ing of the Central Manufacturing Com pany, at Court and Rusaell streets, was wrecked by an explosion today. Fred Paper, the principal owner, was killed, and his partner, Joseph Kllchowskl, was fa tally Injured. Several girls employed at the plant were injured, but none seriously. SPREADS BIBLE TEACHINGS American Tract Society Reports Its Protrrea In the Past Year. NEW YORK, June 20. The 78th annual report of tho American Tract Society was mado public today. It states that in this society a consensus has been reached as to what the Bible teaches on many, if not all essential points, as held In common by tho jeveral evangelical denominations, in printing it in various forms and many languages and sending it to the people in all quarters of the globe. xno new year begins with a revenue from rentals from tho society's building. which will yield a considerable sum avail able a g a elnking fund toward removing the burden of debt. Tho society is now publishing several periodicals four in English, two in German and one in Span ish, The average circulation of period lcals during the year has been 3,000,000. Union missionary colportage finds among the immigrants anarchistic organization. .infidel literature bitterly hostile to Chris nanny ana grossly immoral, ana cate chisms for the young. Colportage among the Immigrants In cities has been dill gently prosecuted. The gospel has been published in 155 languages and dialects, and the colporteurs and gratuitous dis trlbuters distribute it far and wide among tho people. The demand for Christian literature In tho mission stations through out the world is greater than it has been for three-quarters of a century. On the Pacific Coast colportage has a peculiar power In the families, where churchgolng and Sabbath-keeping are less than in most states. Over 100,000 missionary- colporteurs hava been commissioned in more than CO years of the society's activity in the Mississippi Valley to carry the gospel to the homes of tho settlers In the wildest regions of the country. Out. of 70,730 families. 9150 wero found last year defitltute of -all religious literature; 3150 were found, destitute of the Bible, 12,370 wera found that never went to' religious worship. Over 125,000 in cash baa been sent to India for printing tho gospel In many; of the varied languages. The whole number of publications approved for circulation at the society's expense is 6013, including 912 volumes, and the society and the in stitutions it thus aided havo issued pub lications in 155 languages and dialects; The society has expended in 77 years In creating a Christian literature for -Turkey, Including tho Armenians and Jews, and for Greece, SU7.7W In cash grants. NOTED PRINCE TO SEE WEST Henry of Prassta Will Tonr the Pacific Coast Iacograito. NEW YORK, June 20. Today's court circular will say, cables the London-correspondent of the Times, that Prince Henry of Prussia, when he visits the United States next year for tha World's Fair at "St. Louis, will not go' In an official capacity, but will travel Incognito. The Prince will tour the United States,' Including-the Pacific CoasU - The Crown Prince' of Germany will also be a visitor to the World's Fair and may bo accom jpanled by one of his brothers. TO TANANA BY RAIL I Project Backed by Men National Prominence, of TO 0PEH LAND OF VAST RICHES Roate Is -From Resurrection Bay Xorthtrard Through Coolc Inlet Country, Up. the SusUltaa to . the Tabs tin River. ' CHICAGO; June 20. Tho gold output of Alaska, now XX,0d),OCO per J-t-arv will be greatly Increased by the early building of a new railroad from" the "southern coast of Resurrection" Bay northward to the Tanana River, definite announcement of which was made here today. The Re ward Constructioji Company, of Chicago, has secured tho contract of tho building and equipping of 413 miles of Alaska Cen tral Railway, from Resurrection Bay northward through the Cook Inlet coun try and up the Sushltna Valley to the Tanana River, 150 miles" above its Junc tion with the' Yukon. ' Tho construction company is made up of Illinois, Michigan and Ohio capitalists. Its general manager is John Dowdle, of the contracting Arm of Nash & Dowdlo. Tha president Is George A. Skinner, a Michigan banker, and .the treasurer is George II. Ford, National Bank Exam iner, of Cleveland. The company has placed an order for 70-pound steel rails, which will bo shipped via Seattle and Vancouver. Locomotives and cars' also havo been secured, and will be forwarded with tho rails. Construc tion, must start boforo July 15, and, be pushed with all possible speed. Tho now railway is projected by prominent men of tho Pacific Coast. The headquarters aro at Seattle, and the. financial offlco is in Chicago. Tho president is George W. Dickinson. ex-general manager of tho Northern Pa cific. F. Augustus Heinze also is heavily interested in the railway company, and la one of tho directors. John E. Ballaln, of Seattle; chairman of the. finance- com mittee, has been In charge of tho finan cial arrangements, which, aro now defin itely concluded. Tho Central Trust Com pany, of Illinois, is trustee for tha stock holders. Tho chief engineer of construction is W. A. Swanltz, of Chicago, representing di rectly some of tho financial interests be hind the enterprise. Ho. has . been in charge of large railroad construction. In New York, New Orleans and Chicago, having recently completed tho terminal clearing yards of Chicago. Tho terminal of the Alaska Central is open every day of the year. Owing to the influence of the Japanese current, the weather there never falls to zero in Win ter weather. The route of the railway. which was surveyed last Summer, is through a valley heavily timbered, and opens a vast country rich in gold and copper. The northern terminus is In tho midst of the new Tanana gold fields. many times mora extcnslvo than, the Klondike. The road will make interior Alaska accessible every day In tho year and save three weeks of travel now necessaryMd' Interlttr points by tho cir cuitous routes up the Yukon River. The projectors say that the building of the Alaska Central will increase tho annual gold production of Alaska from the pres ent output of 530,000,000 to $200,000,000. and attract an increased immigration of scores of thousands. Tho Agrioultural Department of tho United States Government has carried w experiments for the last five years in Southern and C6ritTal!fAIaska, and has demonstrated that vegetation can grow successfully thero which can be grown in tho Northern States -of the Union. The climatic conditions are about'the same as In England and Southern" Norway. Tho shores are tempered by the Gulf stream similarly as Southern and Central Alaska are tempered by the Japan current. In addition to the resources of gold, coal and timber, the new railroad will penetrate a copper belt; which has been pronounced by Government and private mineralogists to contain tho most exten sive and highest grade copper deposits known in the world. Mr. Dowdle will leave Chicago with his construction equipment next Wednesday via Seattle, en route to Seward, tho northern terminus of the Alaska Central. Mr. Ballaln left for Seattle today. THE PICKET WINS. (Continued from First Page.) race was over, and a Kentucky horse had won. Claudo was easily tha best of the other starters. He came fast into the stretch, but llttlo John Daly saw he had no chance to catch Tho Picket, and also eased up. but almost too Eoon. Bernays, backed by Cincinnati enthusiasts, came on grandly from tho center of the field, and hitched up in a drive with Savable for tho shortest end of tho purse. Bernays got It by neck. Judge HImes, the horse that had Jumped Into popularity and been heavily backed within a week, failed to make a showing, Tho fast track was against him. He rap idly went to last position after tho start and stayed there. He was 40 lengths behind when The Picket reached the wire. The Picket is a bay colt by Falsetto- Volltario. Ho waa bred by his owners Mlddleton & Jungbluth, at Louisville. Ha ran last year but never won, and conse quently carried the light burden of 115 pounds. Tho Picket was regarded as a dangerous candidate. Last Tuesday - -he "was worked over the Harlem track In 'preparation for tho Derby In almost record time. He coh ered the mile and a half In 2:33. The time was so fast that many people doubted the truth of tha reported workout. Tho race today proved The Picket to be a wonderful horse. Ha practically repeated his worn out In the race this afternoon. Neither of The Picket's owners saw him .win. Carl Jungbluth is In Asia, and John Middle ton heard the result of the race at Louis vine. Betting at Track Is LlRfct. The betting on tho Derby at the track was the lightest in years. The bookmakers wrote as many tickets as usual, but the amounts were small. All the big betters laid their money in the future books, and did not engage in any battle in tha betting ring today. The Picket opened at 6 to L and advanced to 10 to 1 before post time. Claude advanced from 6 to 7 to L Bernays remained stationary at 6 to 1, while Sav able went from 5 to 2 to 3 to L Fore and Aft, the Tennessee horse, was probably the best played of any on the flcld.tThe largest bet was won by Joo Yeager, who had a ticket calling for J1S.000 to '$300. -He mado the bet thres months ago. Successor to Dr. Parlcer Arrives. . NEW YORK, June 20. The Rev. Regi nald Campbell, hwo succeeded the lata Dr. JOEeph Parker at the City- Temple, Lon don, arrived here today. Cafe a a Postal Treaty Is Signed. WASHINGTON,. Juno 20. A treaty with Cuba, continuing- the present postal arrangements between that republic and the United States, was signed today by tho President and Postmaster-GeneraL and then transmitted to the State De- parment for ha signature of Secretary Hay. NOTED VICE-ADMIRAL DIES Arseatlae Officer Expires While ea a Yachting: Trip. NEW YORK. June 20.--The death of VI ce-Admiral Daniel do Soller is reported In a dispatch from Buenos Ayres to the Herald. It occurred suddenly, while he was on a yachting trip. A wave swept the deck, carrying tho body "overboard, but after a three hours' struggle it was re covered and landed at Montevideo. (VI co-Admiral do Boiler was tho ranking officer of the Argentine navy. Since tho Chilean-Argentine naval disarmament agreement he has had few active duties and has devoted much of his time to yachting, of which he was a fearless devotee, preferring small craft and cruis ing in the roughest Waters;) Actor Jdhn B. "Walsh. NEW YORK. Juno 20. John B. Walsh. an actor, who began his stag career in 1S57. with Thomas Hamblln, and later played with Charlotte Cushman. John Mc- Cullough. Edwin Booth and Lawrence Bar rett, is dead at the Actors' Fund Home, on Staten Islapd. He had been 111 about ten years. CATTLEMEN FIGHT DUEL One Killed, the Other Injared, in Dispute' Over Grazing; . Grounds. HOLBROOK, Ariz., June 19. News reached here of a desperate battle be tween cattlemen on the Apacho Indian Reservation, 10 miles south of Holbrook, in which Henry Barrett was .killed and Prime Coleman was probably fatally in jured. Both are prominent cattlemen, and havo lived in Apache County for many years. Only' meager reports aro obtainable, but it appears that tho men became involved in a dispute over their respective grazing permits on the reser vation, which are only issued at certain, times of tho year, and are of consider able value only a limited number of cat tle being allowed on tha reservation. A duel with six-shooters followed, in which Barrett received three wounds in the abdomen, from which he died within a few minutes after tho shooting. Cole man was shot through both thighs, and- was also badly bruised about the head by blows from Barrett's six-shooter. Cole man was still alive at the last report, but there Is very little hope for his, recovery TWO MORE HOLD-UPS. Gangs of Five and Tito Men, Re spectively, at Work. R. L. Short'and' C.' F. Gaufleld, both liv ing at 267 Taylor- street, were Keld up two blocks from Midway station last evening within an hour after an attempt to rob tho Sell wood car. Five masked men worked together, relieving Short of $46 S3, and Caufield of 12. Short telephoned the police station after tha robber, and said he would come this morning and give a de scription of the robber. Within the same hour, though several miles away, Samuel Smith, of 271 Twenty Fifth street, was held -up by two young men at the corner of Twenty-Fifth and Overton streets. The robbers bled him to the extent of $5. Ho could give no other description other than that the highway men were both young and wore mas&s. Pistols completed their equipment. WOODMEN ADJOURN. Retirlngr Read Hlcli Xorthcott Honor.. Is Paid INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., June 20. The 13th. annual convention of tho Modern Woodmen of America closed today. The officers ' recently elected were Installed, and the report of tho law committee was considered In detail. Lqcal camp clerks will hereafter receive 5 conts per month per member. Retiring Head Consul North cott was made a member of the Head Camp for life. . Saenscrfcat Comes to a Close. ST. LOUIS, Juno 20. The North Amer ican Saengerbund today closed its 31st National Saengerfest, which began Wednesday with a volksfcst, ' or people's picnic. Indianapolis was chosen as tho place in which to hold tho next saenger fest. In 1S07. CANADA RISES TO PROTEST Root's Plan to Rebuild Fort Ontario Held to 116' a Hostile Move. OSWEGO, N. Y., Juno -2tX Tho recent visit- of Secretary of War Root to thl3 city and the subsequent announcement of plans for rebuilding of historic Fort On tario and its conversion Into a battalion post have been the subject of unfavorable comment by the Canadian press. "Tho American Government has decided to spend S250.OOO on the preliminary con structlon of a fort at Oswego," says an Ottawa paper. "That fort can only havo one object the protection of the harbor in caso of war with Canada and tho pro viding of a stronghold from which vessels of war can issue to prey upon Canadian lake commerce and cities." TRUST NOT TO BE CHANGED Morgan Denies That Mercantile Com' paay Is to Bo Reorganlxed. NEW YORK, June 20. The following statement was Issued tonight by a mem ber of tho firm of J. P. Morgan. & Co "Any statement or report that tho In ternational Mercantile Company is to. bo reorganized and it3 stock assessed is ab solutely untrue." Meet Next at Chattanooga. ST. PAoL, ..Juno 20. Chattanooga, Tenn.. was today" chosen as the next meeting place of tho" Supremo Lodge, A. o.- u.r. ON THE SICK LIST. Xo Hope for Frey. SEDALIA. Mo., June 20.--J. J- Frey. ex-general manager of the Santa Fe Railway, Is no better today, and all hope of recovery has been abandoned. His .physicians, say tho patient may live two o.r three days. , . - Heary Saaford Critically 111. NEWCASTLE. Ont., June 20. Henry Sanford, of Bridgeport, Conn., vlce-presi dent of the Adams Epress Company, critically 111 of paralysis at the forme h?ime here of his wife, who died suddenly yesterday of paaralysls of thebrain. Canadian -Jadsc Is Dying; LONDON, June -20. Justice Armour, of the Canadian Supreme Court, one of tha Alaska boundary commissioners. Is dying here of stomach trouble. Liberty Bell Arrives Home. PHILADELPHIA, Juno 2a The Liberty Bell arrived home from Boston this after noon. The historic relic was escorted from tho railroad station to Independence Hall by the Second Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry. the Second Regiment National Guard, and a committee of Councllmen. Postal Bareaas to Be Investigated. -WASHINGTON, June 20. An investiga tion will be mado of the money order bu reau end the dead letter office. Both of tho bureaus handle considerable money. and- the Investigation Is to be made as precaution. 'There are no specific" charges. NINE MORE FOUND Latest Addition to Heppner's . Big Graveyard. BIG DRIFTS ARE CLEARED Sickness Averted fey Prompt' Actloa arifl Sources of Disease Removed Nearly $8000. Added to' Relict Fund. (Continued from First Page.) Many workmen proceeded to speculate. It's the body, of his master under there. boys," said the foreman. "Let's get at" it." A moment mora and the space was cleared. A man got down on his knees, and. reaching far under, drew forth a be draggled, mud-covered shepherd dog. Tho animal had unquestionably been under several feet of water for some time dur ing the flood, though: doubtless protected by tho dense drift so as to breathe a lit tle. After his five" days' confinement ho seemed a bit groggy when first brought to light, but presently pulled himself to gether, shook himself, wagged his tall faintly and trotted oft up the street in the wake of his friend, tho dog that dug for him. A live hen was also found by "a gang of Portland workers yesterday. Tho bird was Jammed under a heap of debri3 near tho creek. It uttered a glad' squawk when released. One of tho men said that cireful search was, made, and it was found that the hen had neglected to lay any eggs while in confinement. Humor and Pathos Mixed. Humor .and pathos share attention in all tragedies, and Mrs. Mary K. Britten first laughed and then wept as she toll of two of the orphaned, children yesterday. They had 'been .Sent to the Women's Relief headquarters for clothing Mrs. Britten patted, them on-the head after supplying them, and'-then asked what mora ohe could give them. The elder replied: "I guess wo did need theo clothes, but thatJs.aH.". . .... The younger looked up wistfully at the lQdv:v ?' "If you could, only give me my mamma," he said. GOES' TO . GET GOOD XEWS. Prlneville Fatner Will Find His Son Alive and Well. FRINEVTLLE. Or.. June 20. (Special.) Word has been received hero by mall to day announcing the safe arrival at at llngton of four men supposed to havo been drowned at Heppner, their names being oil the register at the Heppner Ho- ter--Bruce Gray, of Prineville, and J. H. Brady, Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Kellay, of Tacoma. These men left Prineville with a band of horses, and only left Heppner in time to bo safe. This information was a great relief to tho relatives and friends of Mr. Gray, who is the son of J. H. Gray. ex-Sheriff of this county. Mr. Gray- is now on tha road across the country" to Heppner, and so far has' no knowledge of the safety; of his son. SANG FOR CHARITY'S SAKE. Salem Musicians Give Entertainment In Cordray'at Taeatcr. SALEM. Or.. Juno 20. (Special.) Tho mustclans of Salem gave a concert this evenine for the benefit of the Heppner relief fund, and raised about J70. The at tendance was small, aa the event oc curred on Saturday evening. John F. Cordray donated tho use of the Grand Opera-Housa and paid all bill3 for light ing, etc Those who participated in the pro- gramma were the Salem Oratorio So ciety, under tha directorship of Professor Seley, Miss Florence Tlllson, Mrs. Hal- lie Parrish Hinges, Miss Mabel I Car ter, Miss Mabel Johnson, Miss Llllie, Stege. and Messrs. Wenger, Roth, Baker, Eppley, Snyder and Parvon. NEARLY TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. The Dalles Relief Fund Increases Committee Sent to Investigate. THE DALLES, Or.,. June 20. (Special.) Tho sum of $72.50 was tpday added to the Heppner relief fund, making a total of $1SM. Messrs. W. A. Johnston and J. L Kelly left hero for Heppner foday, having been appointed by tho relief com mittee to ascertain what further help might bo needed from this city, and how the work of clearing tho debrl3 Is pro ceeding. SWELL BAKER CITY'S TOTAL. Over ?3500 Has Been Contributed, by the City. BAKER CITY, Or., Juno 20C (Special.) Baker City's contribution to the Heppner relief fund up to date exceeds $3500. The last subscription was $120 from tho miners at the White Swan mine. Mayor Carter returns tonight from Heppner. Moro money can be raised if called upon. All La Grande at Worlc for Relief. LA GRANDE. Or., Juno 20. There Is great enthusiasm In raising1 funds for Heppner's relief. The stores are making percentage sales, lodges emptying their treasuries, societies . donating surplus funds, ladles giving socials and entertain ments, solicitors touring the valley and towns, ladles gathering bedding and clothing and ,provisIon3. A separate fund has been created for the maintenance of tho orphans of Heppner. The total raised to date Is $2300; by Island City, J375. Give Services Wltaout Pay. WALLA WALLA, Juno 20. Up to to night the Union subscription contributed by citizens of Walla Walla; had reached $700 and with the amusement and baseball benefit funds will reach about $1200. A crew of 20 men. in charge of L. C Goodwin left for Heppner tonight to work as laborers without pay so long as their services aro required. Hood-River Will Sead More. HOOD RIVER; Or., June 20. (Special.) Hood Rlver'e contribution, to the Hepp ner rbllif fund amounts to $156. Of this amount .$305.50. has been forwarded to the stricken city. This does not Include the contribution of $75 In caskets furnished by Undertaker S. E. Bartmess. The remain der of tho fund will" be ssnt Tuesday. 'Astoria Contributions Coming: Ia. ASTORIA,. Or.. June 20. (Special.) Con tributions are still being made to the Heppner relief- rund", ' Stnd the' Indications are that fully 52000 will be raised here. Donations by various organizations were made today as follows: Modern Woodmen of America, $25; Im proved Order of Red Men. J 23; Woodmen of the World, $25; Sons of Hermann. $25: Salmon Workers' Union. $10; Central La bor Council, $10: United Artisans, $10. Preparations are being made to give a benefit entertainment at Fisher's Opera- Housa during tho coming week, and quite a sum Is expected to be realized from it. Retarns Wltk Her Dead. THE DALLES, Or., Juna 20. (Special.) Mrs. A. C. Gelger, whose husband was among those who perished at Heppner, arrived here from Atchison, Kan., today. Mrs. Gelger will start for Atchison again tomorrow, . taking with her the remains of her husband for Interment at that place, where sho intends making- her home. Play Ball tor Flood Faad. OREGON CITY, Or., Juno 20. (Special.) The barbers and clerks play tha teamsters at Canemah Park Sunday afternoon. The Oregon Water Power & Railroad Com pany has provided an additional attrac tion in a crowd of cblored singers. Tho receipts go to the Heppner fund. MEDAL FOR MATLOCK. Congress Granted One to Similar Hero Thirty Years Ago. ASTORIA. Or., Juno 17. (To tho Edi tor.) The catastrophe at Heppner recalls to my memory the Williamsburg flood norror, in Massachusetts, in 1871. when. ,by a bursting dam the towns of Wllllams- Durg, Haydenvllle. Florence and Leeds wera all very much damaged, and about 140 lives were lost. This flood occurred at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, and a young farmer lad. Just starting out on his dally milk-peddling trip, heard the crash of the oncoming waters, whipped his old horse into a gallop, and rushed down the thickly populated valley, through the sev eral towns, giving tho alarm and warn ing the people to flee for safety, thus sav ing hundreds of lives. The attention oC Congress was called to his noble work, and a magnificent gold medal was pre pared for him and presented to him by Congress on behalf of the United States. You probably have in your books of ref erence arr account of the incident 'and of tho young man's name, which, unfortu nately, I have forgotten. I call your attention to this instance because Heppner had Its hero as well as Williamsburg, and his bravery and pres enco of mind should not be permitted to pass unrewarded. AH honor to him. say we all. I trust our Oregon Matlock may be. In like manner, rewarded, and write this letter that attention of our represen tatlon at Washington may be aroused and that they will look up the Williams burg case and see to it that Matlock Is similarly rewarded.. The picture and de scription of tho above-mentioned medal was printed in Harper's Weekly at tha time of the presentation, probably in tha year 1S75. SAM T. GILL. GAVE CLASSICAL MUSIC. Annnal Recital of McMtnnvllle Colv. lcg;e Conservatory of Music M'MINN VILLE, Or., June 20. (Special.) The college conservatory last night gave its annual recital. The college hall was crowded to suffocation. The music, wluie classical, was also of a very pleasing kind. Misses Gordon Allen and Lowney had to respond to encores time and again. This will be tho last time Miss Allen will appear before a McMlnnville audience. Sho will go abroad for study next year. The lay symphony was a new feature in recital work, and was well received Herr Dlebcl, of Welsnlchwo, Germany was the director, and assigned the different parts according to the characteristics of tho players. This was the meat success ful recital during the history of the col .lege. , . . Woodmen Welcomed to Forest Grove FOREST GROVE. Or., June 20. (Spo cial.) The Woodmen of the World's Con vention at Cornelius today drew a crowd of several hundred visitors and the little town made its guests free of tho city and everything in It. A baseball game, big procession, oration by William Hare, ono of thl3 year's graduates from Pacific Unl verslty, dancing and concert by the For eat Grove band, occupied the day, and this evening a large class .will be initiated into tha mysteries of woodcraft. New Hospital for Hoqnlam. HOQUIAM, Wash., June 20. (Special.) Hoqulam Is to havo another hospital to be located on the corner of K and Sixth streets, near the Hoqulam Theater, where a site, 125x110, has been secured. The main building will be 40xSO, and three storlea high. It will contain two wards with 35 beds and 16 private rooms, Tha wing building will be 24x40 and two stories high. The building must te fin lshed by October L Drain Gives Up Celebration Money. DRAIN, Or., June 20. (Special.) At a citizens' meeting held here laet night to consider a celebration of the Fourth of July It was unanimously voted to turn the fund already subscribed tor that pur- post, amounting to over $100, over to the relief of the sufferers of tho late disaster at Heppner, and it will at once be for warded to tho Mayor of that stricken town. Antelope Wired. $450 to Heppner. ANTELOPE, Or.. June 20. (Special.) At an informal, meeting of the. Council Thursday, tho City of Antelope donated $100 for the relief of Heppner sufferers. A subscription, list was then circulated, and by private contributions the relief fund was increased to about $450. Tho money was immediately wired to Heppner. Charity Ball of Foresters. OREGON CITY, June 20. (Special.) Court Robin Hood, No. 9, Foresters of America, at a meeting last night decided to glvo a charity ball next Wednesday evening, all of the proceeds to be donated to the Heppner flood sufferers. Tho man agement of Canemah Park has con tributed freo of cost the use of the danc ing pavilion. Weston's Contribution Grovrlner. WESTON. Or., June 20. (Special.) Weston s contribution to the Heppner re lief fund eo far totals $330. Rumor an Invention. VIENNA. June 20. The Turkish Em bassy here, through the semi-official Fremdenblatt. declares that the rumor of the Sultan's Intention to abdicate is pure Invention. Auers Hair Vigor Hair falling? Then you are starving it. You can stop .hair-starvationt with a hair- food. Ayer's Hair Vigor nourishes, feeds the hair. And the deep,rich color of early life comes back to the :grav hair i&&3i: MORE TROOPS SENT Dubuque Streetcar Strikers Must Quit Rioting, LOCAL OFFICERS' POWERLESS Fear of a Moaster Demoastratloa Causes the Goveraor to Reverse His Decision Not to Order Oat Additional 31itlamea. DES MOINE3. Ia.. June 20. Governor Cummins, upon receipt of advices that a crisis was approaching in the street-railway strike at Dubuque. Issued orders to day mobilising three additional compa nies of militia at that point. Governor Cummins' action was based upon numer ous messages from the Mayor, Sheriff and leading citizens of Dubuque, expressing a grave fear that tonight would witness an outbreak on the part of the street- railway strikers and their sympathizers that might culminate In setting fire to some of the leading places of business. The Waterloo, Independence and Ma- quoketa Companies, which with tha Dubuque Company constitute the First Battalion of the Fifty-third Reglment- I. N. G., were ordered to Dubuque, under the command of Major Allen, of Dubuque, who will later ba superseded by Adjutant- General Byers, of this city. Tho strike was instituted May 7, slnco which time all efforts to operate street cars in Dubuque have precipitated riot ing. Early this week a determined effort to resume operations caused the most serious outbreak, resulting in the destruc tion of much property and serious injury to a number of persons. Since then re peated urgent appeals have been made to the Governor to send additional troops. the Sheriff and Mayor declaring that tha local police and Sheriffs forces, even when supplemented by the local company of militia, was helpless in tho faco of tho mob of strike sympathizers. The Governor refused to do more than hold tiie First Battalion In readiness to rush to Dubuque upon demands of a fresh outbreak. Today, however, alarming ad vices concerning a secretly planned out break Impelled him to act. He tele graphed to the Dubuque authorities that the troops are not there for the purpose of assisting the fight against the strikers in any way other than to preserve peace at all hazards. Demonstration 'Does Not Occur. DUBUQUE, Ia., Juna 20. Militia com panies from Independence, Waterloo and Maquoketa arrived today, and are now guarding tha property of the street-car company against any attacks by strikers, Operation of cars will ba resumed tomor row. People thronged the streets tonight. but there was no demonstration. Great Textile Strike Nearlng; End. LOWELL, Mass.. June 20. The great textile strike which began hera three months ago is thought to be nearing the end. The leaders of the striking textile workers admit a letter containing a proposal for a conference, with a view to bringing- about a settlement, has been sent to the mill agents. Meetings of every union will he called before Sunday to take action, upon the question of re turning to work. Xegroea Talce Places of Strikers. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 20. Railroad officials declare that the frelghthandlers strike is at an end. . as far as they are concerned. In the freighthouses of tha Santa Fe. Rock island, the 'Frisco and tho Missouri, Kansas & Texas, 200 ne groes, most of whom have been brought from the outside, are working in tha places of the strikers today, and 100 moro negroes are expected by tomorrow. Want Labor Presidential Caadldate. CINCINNATI; O.. June 20. The conven tion of tha International Pressmen's Union adjourned today, to meet next year In St. Louis. Among the resolutions adopted was one for a committee of 25 to com municate to all labor organizations "that the masses shall have a proper champion in tho next Presidential campaign." This vote on the resolution is claimed as a vic tory for the Socialists. In a constitutional disease. It originates In a scrofulous condition ot the blood and depends on that condition. It often causes headache and dizziness. Impairs the taste, smell and bearing, af fects the vocal organs, disturbs the stomach. It Is always radically and permanently cured by the blood-purifying, alterative and tonic action of Hood's Sarsaparilla This great medicine has wrought the most wonderful cures of all diseases depending on scrofula or the scrofulous habit. Hood's Pills are the beat c&tharUc CUTEEE' EVERBLADEYARRANIED f 1 4. Skin of Beauty is Joy Forever. D r. T, Felix G our ana's Oriental Cream, or JXagical Xseajtlaer. RfcioTel Tin. Pimales. Freckle. Moth Txtxhes. Ruh. and Skin dis- mcs. aacserery blem ish ott beautT.ud da. t'fies detection.. It has I tool the test of a reus, and Is so bans, less we taste it to ba sore it is properly aide. Accept nocoun tericltofsimilatname. Dr.L. A.Sayield to a lad of the haut-toa (a patient): "As jou ladies wlU ess ttem. I recot&acnd 'Gear and s Cream as tha leajtharmful of all tho Skin preparations. " For sale by all EJrar- ristsaad Fancy Goods Dealers ia the- V. S.. cRD. T. HOPKINS, Prop. 37 Great Jones St.,N.Y. Every Woman is istcTC3td and abcsld knqtr boat tba iraoaerfal MARYEL Whirling Spray The New Ladles' Syringe Best, iuii est, Most v-ocvamieni. If fcs cannot supply tfca other, bat sead it&sip for 11- Imtrntwt Tuvnlr MlltdJt ITiTRS fnll Tvtrtiralan and directions iO. TalnablatoliidlC- XCARVHItCB., sea TlraM Ed a.. New York. Far aale ay TVs o sard. Clarice A Ce CHICHESTER' SNOLISH fer cuiutLbBaJui-a juiuusa la KEB . Gal it mttalUo tax. mM vttiiUttritbn. Taken vtfcer. XeAu Baiprou Bakotttatiraa ail IH. tics. Stjtt you JDrafcgVt. r tt4 4. uap fer ParttwUn, TeaUilal asc ReHr fcr U T, T tars MaM. 1 TrinoolJ. EaKaf TlntrUti nimhrtim fTfc .M TfM I Vm Mjmfrt IM mm- MaiHaisi stun. PJULA cat m