PAGES 13 TO 24 PRRT TWO AT NO. 25. vol. xxn PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNTNO, JUNE 21, 1903. 0 a ec 000000000000 000000 0000000000000000 00 ee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 O0 I 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0O 00 00 00 00 00 00 O0 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 J00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Book Store An unprecedented opportunity 40 copyrighted titles, originally published at $1.50 and $1.75 A,r per volume; your choice at TJ Here are a few of the titles Forty Modern Fables by Ade Tommy and Grizel Barrie Making of a Marchioness Burnett Methods of Lady Walderhurst .'by Burnett In the Palace of the King by Crawford In the Fog .-by Davis Mr. Dooley's Philosophy by Dunne Wolfville by Lewis Graustark by McCutcheon Blix v by Norris Checkers '. : by Blossom Resurrection. by Tolstoi Etc., etc. Black Rock, by Ralph Connor 20c Janice Meredith, by Ford 50c Forest Lovers, by Hewlett 65c Caleb West, by Smith 65c Sherlock Holmes, by Doyle 65c Notion Store Shell Hairpins and Combs, regular 35c, 30c, 25c, 20c, 15c, reduced to 17c, 15c, 13c, 10c, 8c. Gold Dust, regular 25c, now 12Jc Pearline, regular 15c, now 8c Enameline, regular 10c, now .5c Bonton Cream Shoe Polish, regular 15c, now 10c Hardwood Toothpicks, 1000 in box, now Paper Plates, per dozen 2c Paraffin Paper, per dozen sheets 2c Thermometers at half price All Notions at reduced prices. Souvenir Spoons, sterling silver Mt. Hood, Webfoot, Oregon views, etc, regular 75c, at Gilt Desk Clocks, regular $1.50, at Silver Thimbles, regular 25c, at All Jewelry reduced. .45c 85c 15c Wrappers, Kimonas Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, small sizes only, in light, me dium and dark effects, in plain and trimmed styles, regular $1 and $1.25, at ,C?V- Ladies' Lawn Kimonas, in plain and fancy t.fZe figured effects, at yC7t All Wrappers and Kimonas reduced. Ladies' Ribbed Underwear Ladies' ribbed lisle-thread Vests, lace trimmed, OQp low neck, white only. Regular 35c at fJ Ladies' lace trimmed lisle-thread Drawers. if Regular 50c at All Underwear reduced. Ladies' Walking' vSuits Ladies' high-class tailored Walking Suits, of fancy mixed materials, regular $25, 1 2 All Suits reduced 5ilK Waists One hundred Ladies' Waists, of fine quality taffeta-silk, in black and colors, hemstitched, pleat-3 A. S ed and tucked styles, reg. $5 and $6 . . (JO7-? All Silk Waists reduced Children's Wash vSuits Children's Chambray Wa$h Suits, made in blouse and Peter Thompson styles, blue and red, 4 regular $1.50 and $1.75, at qjJU A;7 All Children's Suits reduced. Stationery Dept. Wire Card Holders, regular 25c, at 12c Odd Envelopes, some 15c and 20c, at 5c 25c Box Paper at 17c Fountain Pen Ink, regular 25c, at 15c 24-Sheets of Paper and 24 Envelopes to match, S g in box, color blue and pink, regular 15c, at GJI Two-Tone, the new paper, regular 50c, at 25c New Decorative Paper, in Dresden designs, regular 25c, at All Stationery at reduced prices. Millinery Dept. Roses, Violets, Bouquets and Foliages, former f ff prices 50c and $1, your choice at Trimmed White Duck Hats, regular 75c, at 49c Children's Trimmed Hats, mixed braid flats, prettily trimmed -with small field flowers and AQr ribbons, regular $1.50, at All Millinery reduced. Art Embroid'y Dept. Stamped Shirtwaist Patterns with materials QQr to embroider, regular $1.25, at O V. All Embroidery materials reduced. Our Store Will Close for Repairs About July 15 s And Will Be Reopened About September 1 Our entire establishment will be given over to the carpenters, painters, plasterers plumbers and electricians. The doors will be closed to business about July 15, and when we reopen about September 1, an entirely new store will greet you. Extraordinary bargains will be the powerful force that will clear our counters and shelves of all our present stock The people of Portland and Oregon and the surrounding states will right now have a feast of bargains that has never been equaled in America. Our stock is composed of entirely new, up-to-date, first-class goods,, bought,since the fire. All prices will be cut and slashed to close out the stock as speedily as possible. As lines of goods are closed out none will be replenished again this season, as we want bare counters and shelves when we close. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ITEM. There is not one that you can afford to miss. Each day will see many lines of goods entirely closed out. You must be prompt and secure at once the bargains you desire, as when lines are closed out they will not be replenished again this season. Infants' Goods Infants' Swiss and Mull French Caps, hemstitched tucks, lace frilling, insertions and fancy stitching, regular $1.00, at JJ Infants' Long Bedford Cord Coats, double and single capes, tancy ribbon and cord tnmmed, "I regular $2.75, at A1 All Infants' Goods at Reduced Prices. At Linen Department J9x30 Hemmed Huck Towels, f QT regular 18c, at v A -A2 16x33 Hemmed Huck Towels, Qr reduced to . 25x52 Extra size Bleached Turkish Towels, 01r reduced to aJLL 21x42 Unbleached Turkish Towel, reduced to $1.00 White Crochet Bedspreads, at Bedspreads, patent satin, actual measure 80x90 inches, regular $2.50, at 54-inch Swiss Spachtel Bureau Scarfj regular 35c, at. , All Linens Reduced. 75c $1.75 19c Wash. Goods Embroidered Dot Swiss white grounds with colored printed floral and figured designs, also a large col lection of white and black designs at Q per yard , 1000 yards Mercerized Imported Madras, Pink, Blue, Nile grounds, Dresden and Persian O Q stripes, regular 50c yd, at per yard 700 yards Mercerized Scotch Madras, Black and White, ( Blue and White, Pink and White, Fancy C.f Stripes, regular 30c yard, j)er yard xvj"L 500 yards Linen shirtwaist'suiting, blue, green, cadet, black and white effects regular 60c - yard, ,pery ard .- WHITE GOODS 500 yards Mercerized Mat Oxford, 32 inches "f O f 1000 yards white Mercerized Oxford, fine basket weave, regular 50c yard, per yard. . . All Wash Goods at reduced prices. 28c kSunboranets Ladies' and Misses' Colored Sunbonnets, ruffled edges, navy, cardinal, blue, white, pink, regular 25c at W. B. Corsets 35c W. B. short, straight front Corsets, drab only, sizes 19 to 22. All Corsets at reduced prices. Men's Underwear Root's well-known Shirts and Drawers, light weight wool for summer wear, natural and fawn X, color. Regular $1.50 at D JK All Men's Underwear reduced. Dress Goods COLORED Lot 1 1500 yards Koechlin Freres, this season's all wool French Challies, genuine r 50c value, per yard CJOI- Lot 2 1000 yards all well-known popular fabrics, navy and royal; Serges, Cheviots, Sicilians and Mixed Tweed Suitings, our best 75c values, c per yard nr ' Lot 3 1200 yards all new weaves and colorings, in cluding all-wool Mixed Canvas, Homespuns, Crash and Sanglie Suitings, and navy and royal 2 Mohair Sicilians,"! $1 values, per yard Lot 4 800 yards new effects for tailor-made suits; English Checks, Stripes and Mixed Tweeds and Mo hair Sicilians, our $1.50 and $1.25 values, A7p per yard j i K. BLACK Lot 1 lOOO yards all up-to-date weaves, 50 to 54-inch all-wool Sanglies, Burlaps, Bisons, Crashes, Hop sacks, Worsteds,- Sicilians, Serges, fGlc etc., $1.25 and $1 values, per yard J Lot 2800 yards, all fast sellers, 52 to 56-inch all-wool Blind Cheviots, Meltons, Thibets, Unfinished Wors teds, Basket Weaves, Whipcords, Tailor Serges, Kerseys, Sicilians, etc., $1.75 and $1.50 values, per yard OOl All Dress Goods at reduced prices. Homefurnisbing's Comforters, summer weights, covered with dainty silkaline, filled with pure white cotton. t QQ Regular $1.75 at tpi.rO Figured Burlaps, new designs J c3C Oriental Stripe Tapestry, extra quality. fcQ- Regular 60c at U Gray Camping Blankets. Regular $4 JJ All homefurnishings at reduced prices. Silk Bar Rains 250 yards 46-inch all-silk black satin striped Grenadine, our regular price $1.50 at 7t 500 yards this season's best styles fancy Silks, all de sirable colorings, regular price $1.00 and $1.25 at, yard 400 yards white fancy Waisting Silk, corded Efffs and figured, regular price $1.00 at, yard Zs- All Silks at reduced prices. 100 Parasol Bargains 0 white Japanese silk, regular $1.00 and ffr $1.25 at, each 50 white Japanese silk, 2 and 3 ruffles, "iE regular $2.00 and $2.25 at, each P 20 white Japanese silk, 5 ruffles, regu- tf t f lar $2.50 at, each , pi.V? 25 black surah silk, 1 ruffle, regular $3 20 black surah silk, 2 ruffles, regular &Q f $4.00 at, each pf0J All Parasols reduced. t Music The popular piece of the day, "Dixie Girl," White Shirtwaists Ladies' Fine White Shirtwaists of lawns and Oxfords, reduced to All Waists reduced. 69c Fencing' Girls 9c 1000 Fencing Girl Pictures, artistically mounted Of on heavy mat board. Regular 14c at All Pictures at reduced prices. $LOO Golf Shirts 59c Monarch, Griffin and Wilson Bros. Cheviot, Madras Golf Shirts in light anddarK colorings, all Oir this season's newest style. Reg. $1.00 at. All Shirts at reduced prices. " 25c Men's 5ox at 18c Men's fancy and plain black Half-Hose, lace effects, s. neat stripes, dots, figures, side clocks, double sole, high-splic'ed heels, guaranteed fast color. Reg- S".7f?f. 18c, 3 for 5qc AUMen's Sox at reduced prices. 20c Men's Linen HandKerchiefs at lOc Men's all-linen Handkerchiefs, full regular size, hem stitched borders. All Men's Handkerchiefs reduced. Wool Waisting's 27-inch All-Wool Fancy Waistings, in cream, light blue, pink, red, cardinal, navy, black, 7Lr regular 65c quality, at jSr 27-inch Striped Scotch Zephyr Flannels, fyQr regular 35c, at : At- All-Wool Waistings Reduced. Laces, Ribbons, ILin broidery(SiNecliwear Valenciennes Laces, 5 inches wide, many styles 10c and 50c quality, at - Torchon Laces, new patterns, 3 inches Vide, A,r regular 8c, at Cambric and Nainsook Flouncings, 6 to 12 Q?f inches wide, regular 50c, at JJ White Cotton Applique Lace, all new styles, f regular 25c, at Black Chantilly Wove Lace Bands, regular "j r 40c, at JL Best Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 6 inches wide, fQr- white, black and all colors, regular 65c, at Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 4M inches wide, white, QA black and all colors, regular 40c, at JJ Fancy Pique Stocks, in many attractive styles, Qff $1.00 qualities at 49c; 40c qualities at All Ribbons, Laces and Embroidery reduced. 35c Ladies9 Aprons 19c Large size white lawn Aprons, with and without bibs, plain lace and embroidery trimmed. All Aprons reduced. Ready-Made Veils Ladies' Chiffon Veils, all latest combina tions. Regular 75c at AH Veils at reduced prices. Kercbief Barains Ladies' all pure linen white hemstitched Hand- T p kerchiefs. Regular I2Kc at Ladies' all pure linen lace trimmed Handkerchiefs and fancy colored embroidered shirtwaist Hand- 1 kerchiefs. Regular 20c at A w v. Children's plain white hemstitched K-inch hem Handkerchiefs. Regular 7c at r All Handkerchiefs reduced. Leatber Goods One hundred Keratol Suit Cases, pigskin, seal and alligator. Regular $4.50 and $5.00 Q Ladies' Wrist and Chatelaine Bags, seal, 1. Q O alligator and walrus. Regular $2 at tp Ladies' and Men's Coin Purses and Combination Pocketbooks, plain and mounted. Regu- G!r j -v. All Leather Qoods reduced. lar 35c at. Druggists9 Sundries Ponce de Leon Florida Water, large size. 1'Qr Regular 35c at Cameo Pure Olive Oil Imported Castile Soap. Regular 10c cake at Kirk's Vraie Violette Soap, 3 cakes in box. . Regular 15c box at Selected trimmed Chamois Skins. Regular Toilet Paper,- Champion 1000-sheet rolls, pure tissue toilet paper. Regular 10c roll at .L- Wood back Nail Brushes. Regular 13c value J r at. 25c Black Rubber Dressing Combs 13c AlLDruggists' Sundries reduced. . Ladies' Gloves Ladies plain, and lace lisle-thread Gloves, OQ v white only. Regular 50c at 12-button-length silk Gloves and 16-button- EGbr length silk Mitts, black and white, reg. 85c &t.Zs ' All Gloves reduced. 0 o c o ao o et o o u c Q a o e o eo o o o Q C c ec e B U s ? 90 eo eo o eo eo c efe e ft ee o ee e ee ee ea ee eo ee ee e e e e q e ee o a o e ea e e e e o s e e o e e e e e e e e e e e e 9 r e e 9i V e t" e ea e as ee e ee ec ee e ee ee 9 ae e ee ee ee ea ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee e ee ee e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e a e e e e e.e e a e e e e e e ee e e e e e e ee e e ee ee e ee ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee .ee e e e e e e e ee ee e e ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee ee ee ee m ee eo ee. ee e e ee ee ee e e ee ::::e:::::ee:.":::