ll 12 THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND', JUNE 21, 1903. RESCUED FROM CAPTOR ..Meier d& Frank Company.. Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Screens, etc., in the Basem't ..Meier & Frank Company.. Custom Shade Work a specialty Best workmanship ..Meier & Frank Company.. Go-Carts and Baby Carriages 40. models All prices JgrVE-TBAR-OIiXJ DAUGHTER SAVED EROX A KIDNAPER. Ksbtth to Police si Tommy Ladies' Fabric Gloves and Mitts Pleasing variety of the newest and best styles. Sole agents for the "La Grecque" Corsets The most comfortable and graceful ever made. New arrivals in t)otted and Figured Pongee Silks for Summer Waists Fifteen styles. Artisfac Picture Framing to your order-Largest line of new moldings-Lowest prices. BrS aP4A?n Bi Matoees Kanfcete Comforters, Pillows, etc., on Third Floor. Our "Willamette" Sewing Machine at $25 is the equal of any $50 one on the market 2farlc Iji Pariaed b4 Bar ronnded, fcut Escapes. 1 ' wmvaMBMnaMwaanMMOMMi Lfiinoat caught -crlth the 5-year-old daughter of J. Pfeifer In bis -arms, a. man known to the police as Tommy Marks managed to elnde the officers in a lumber pile and make good his escape from a crowd which would have lynched him had the policemen not "been, present. Mrs. S. B. Bunch and Mrs. Wakefield, both living on Thurman street, saw late yesterday afternoon a. man carrying a. lit tle girl who was kicking at her brutal captor and protesting most rigorously. Immediately they gave the alarm. When Marks saw that he was discovered, he dropped the child and ran behind a. lumber pile .t the corner of Seventeenth and Thurman streets, near the warehouse of Mitchell, Lewis & Staver. The startled women ran for help to some men working near by, and the men re membering their little ones at home lost no time In taking after the kidnaper. Slipping In between huge piles of lumber Marks managed to avoid his pursuers. Po licemen Kay and Relsing happened along and took part In the chase, but they did no more than the workmen. The whole community was rapidly aroused and men and women Joined In the man-hunt. Several times persons were positive they saw the wanted man dart from one lum ber pile to another, but In every case be fore the policemen arrived at the spot no Marks could be seen. For more than an hour the crowd hunted through the block, but neither they nor the trained sleuths of the law could find the man whom they had surrounded. At last the crowd disbanded and the policemen came down town to report to the station. Borne hours later they returned to the scene, evidently believing that the man whom they wanted would come back and try the same thing over again or give himself up. But Marks preferred to stay away, so up to a late hour last night the vigilant policemen hod not captured tho kidnaper. It Is almost Incredible that he left the lumber yard while the women were bo close behind, but In the game of hide and seek which followed the kidnaper certain ly got the best of the policemen. , J. Pfelfer, the father of the little girl, who came so near being the victim of a brutal kidnaper, lives on Upshur street. From the description of tho would-be kidnaper Detective Frank Snow Identified him as Tommy Marks, a man known to the police as one capable of doing such a deed without a moment's hesitation. He wears several aliases and may give an other name when captured If he remains in the city long enough for the police to find him. Had not the women seen Marks when he had the girl in his arms, he had an open field to spirit the little girl away. Marks is described as a young man, 25 years of age, -wearing a gray suit and a gray crusher hat. The detectives say they know the man and will not hesitate to arrest him wherever found. TRAILS IN THE FORESTS Adolph. Ashoff Says Tliey Are Tfeces tarr to Thorough Ranging. Adolph Ashoft, assistant supervisor of the Cascades and Bull Run forest reser vation, came home yesterday from the Marmot, where he has been directing the opening of trails for protection against forest fires In Marlon, Linn. Clackamas, Wasco and Multnomah Counties. Ha went out to his home on Salmon River, widely known as the "Ashoff's Place." Mr. Ashoff Is a very enthusiastic moun tain and forest man, and a member of the Maxamas. He likes nothing better than running over the most rugged of moun tains. ,Va "What wev-need," said Mr. Ashoff In a brief Interview, "are men who have an Interest in protecting the forests and not men who go out for a vacation, and we need to cut wldo, well defined trails so the rangers can get through the rugged wild country to the most Inaccessible points. The main thing to do effective work In case of fire Is to stop it at the start, as when once It gets under way there Is little hope of getting it stopped. We have hardy - mountain men In the division I Just came from. They know their business and will do their work well. There Is now a trail from Mount Hood to the McKenzIe and to Marlon Lake, the most beautiful body of water in the world. 4G00 feet elevation. Trails are being cut to Elk Lake, Hot Springs, Mlnto Mountain, Permllle Lake, so It will be possible for the tourist to reach these points. "I am a crank on forest and mountains. I am In this work largely to aid In open ing up our most magnificent scenery, so that our people may see what we have right here In Oregon. I have travoled In the Alps and In other widely-known mountains in foreign lands, but we have as good If not finer scenery hero in Oregon." "How would you better protect the forest?" "By cutting more wide trails and by getting a class of rangers who love the mountains. Then tho rangers are not paid enough. They get JOO a month, fur nish their own horses and everything. This Is too small a sum for what Is re quired of them. They should be better paid than that. I would cut more trials and employ enough men to make their work effective. A firo once started is hard to stop until it burns itself out. To 8 top a fire In the forest the ranger must be on the spot, or so he can get there at once without loss of time. With men enough to cover the territory and with trails this can be done." "Is there much danger now?" "Yes, there Is constant danger from now on. James Branhlll, who has a saw mill on the Sandy River, Just told me that the lightning struck several trees In that district and started fires, which, how ever, did not spread. Provision will bo made for the Bull Run reserve. I am to see M. C Isenberg. forest supervisor or head ranger, of Hood River, about nut ting men in that reservation at once. We .have good men at work where I came from and we will try to get tho same class out there." BAND CONCERT TODAY. Second of the Sunday Afternoon Series la City Park. A big crowd Is certain to attend the con cert to be given by Brown's band this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock la the City Park at the head of Park avenue. It waa thought the band would have given two concerts last week, but the sections of the bandstand could not be completed in time on account of the committee being busy with the fund to help the Heppner sufferers, but the contract was let a few days ago and this week will see tho In auguration of tho Wednesday and Friday night concerts. Tho band has been stead ily rehearsing, and fine concerts may be looked for. The programme for this afternoon's concert: XMrre in memory of the Heppner Dtad.Cbcraln March "Captain O. X. Stoele'a" Carlton altxes-'-Lazarre;; Blancke Overture "Oberon" Weber (a) Celebrated Minuet Paderewskl (b) "Xu Moulin" Glllet Medley oi popular airs O'Haro Ten minutes' intermission. A Bummer night man "The Spooks Parade" Scenes from "L'j'jis. di Lamraeimnlr"SoS2etti Intermexro "Jfalla" DellbM Bcenes from "The Viceroy" Herbert Halleluiah chorus, from "Hessian".. Handel MOTtIXE BYB REMEDY. A bom cure for Eye troubles. Never fails to win friends. Used for Infant and adult. Murine don't smart. Soothes Eye-pain, THE CLOAK STORE Reduced prices in the Cloak Store. The ready-to-wear section could hardly have a heartier wel come for you than is expressed in the paragraphs which follow. We are going to clean house thor oughly in the Cloak Store this season going to make possession of new wearing apparel so easy these late June days that distribution wfll be ouickly accomplished. Exquisite creations some of Dame Fashion's most recent efforts greatly underpriced. Who will be the fortunate ones? Ladies' Monte Carlo Coats, made of linen. The rich est, most stylish and reasonably priced, as well as serviceable, coat, ever shown, and rt f the price of all the new arrivals is J Ladies' Blouse and tight-fitting Jackets in cheviots and coverts, stylish, well-made coats that we have always sold regularly at $12.00 and $12.50, tff MT A P we offer tomorrow at the very 16w JJ -41 price of - " Ladies' Box Monte Carlo Coats, in tan covert, black rVipvinr and hlack silk. New efFecfivft sfvlfv? fhit always sold regularly at $7.00 and $7.50, will be on sale G? C 0 C tomor- SJ.OJ row at-- Shirtwaists Reduced Shirtwaist counters have a summer story to tell today. With the calendar near the first of July, it's high time for women to know about the bargains in the Shirtwaist line. The need can't be deferred long. Style and economy lock arms in the following items : Our entire stock of ladies' cotton Shirtwaists, in white and colors, all the newest and best styles shown this season. Not one held in reserve. Choose at the following low prices: $1.25 Waists $ ,95 $1.75 Waists $1.39 $2.25, $2.50 Waists ..$1.89 $4.00., $4.25 Waists ..$3.22 $6,00, $6.50 Waists . .$4.85 $10, $10.50 Waists ..$7.95 $3.00, $3.25 Waists ..$2.48 $5.00, $5.50 Waists . .$4.28 $8.50, $9.00 Waists ..$6.95 $ 12.50 Waists riow. . . .$9.45 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Bathing Suits, Shoes and Caps at the lowest prices. Misses Walking Skirts A ereat special offering of Misses' Walking Skirts. The comfortable garment for vaca tion and seashore wear. Made of good ijuality homespun, gray, tan or d j Q L blue, all the $6 values tomorrow Special values in Children's Wash Dresses and Suits, new styles. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Bathing Suits, Caps and Shoes, all sizes, all prices. Many styles, second floor. $5.00 Wrappers, $2.52 Ladies' fine figured Lawn Wrappers, nicely trimmed with large tucked collar, em broidery and lace, assorted colors; beautiful styles; every one regular $4.50 and $5 values. While they last .... Ladies' black satin Petticoats, pleated ruffles and stitched bands or tucked flounce and ruffle; regular $2.25 value. Tomorrow only zkcu nounce ana $1.58 Wash Goods Bargains An economy such as this is of very rare occurrence. With Sum mer gowns to be provided you should, get your share of these splendid values. Unless signs fail, you'll need these cool, filmy fabrics ere long. You may thank the cold days in the East last Summer for these splendid bargains. A most liberal assortment of colorings and designs. 32-inch Silk and Linen Tissue about 6000 yards white grounds with colored stripes, and linen colored ground with white and colored stripes. Beautiful fabrics for hot weather wear. Best wash Iff goods bargain of the year; 65c value, yard $i C 3800 yards of Imported Dimities, guaranteed the best quality and col orings on the market. A grand assortment of style- for you to choose from. The price, quality considered, the lowest ever quoted "? in Portland. 25c value, yard 17C 4000 yards of Linen Batiste, tan grotfnd only, with white and colored stripes; veryneat and pretty material; always sold regularly at 35c and 40c yard. Tomorrow, yard.. 5000 yards Lawns, Dimities. and Batiste, in a splendid variety of pat terns a m coionngs, io ciose out at a traction of their real value. Come early if you want first selection. Yard 10c Men's $5 and $6 Shoes $3.85 Pair Scores of shrewd men took advantage of the great offer ing of the famous French, Shriner & Urner shoes, $5 and $6 values, at $3.85 pair last Saturday. The successful selling inspired us to continue the sale tomorrow and Tues day, for every pair of these good shoes we sell makes a friend for the men's shoe store. The latest and best styles in patent colt, patent kid, patent horse, velour calf and cordo van shoes or Oxfords, in all the above leathers; also patent calf blucher Oxfords and black Russia Oxfords, all sizes. All are $5 and $6 values. To morrow and Tuesday, your choice, Marvelous Ribbon Bargain We ask you but a very small part of the regular price for this great lot of Satin Taffeta Ribbon, which goes on sale tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock Over 8000 yards, all told, and it's the finest quality, 4 inched wide, and an assort ment of colors that will please every one, white', black, pink, light blue, red, mais, tur quoise, etc. We've given you many good ribbon offerings' in days gone by, but none to equal this lot at the ridicu lously low price of, per yard Ostermoor Mattresses Are made of patent elastic Felt. The most satisfactory mat tress ever made. We've sold two thousand of them without hearing a complaint. We are sole Portland agents. Great Carpet Value This Carpet Store has been ex ceedingly generous this spring with those in need of floor covering and this generosity does not seem to be at an end yet. Subject under con sideration today is a great lot of Ax minsters at $1.23 yard. Quite un necessary for us to go into any dis cussion regarding Axminsters The most satisfactory carpet we know of. 35 patterns to select from, borders to match, sewed, laid and lined, regular $1.50 grade, this week at, yard.. Slimmer Curtains Special sale of Curtains for the Summer home, Snowflake Curtains, fringed at both ends, silk stripe running through, very pretty styles. .25 values $ .98 pair 2.00 values 1.55 pair 2.75 values 2.1? pair 3.50 values 2.77 pair , lam aim uneu, 1 23 Trunks Reduced A Trunk sale of more than usual importance commences tomorrow and continues through the week. Best trunks at reduced prices at just the time when you are preparing for the vacation trip and very likely need one. About 72 of them all told canvas covered, full steel bound, heavy clamps, Eagle lock, extra dress trays, "secret drawer, etc. 30-inch, 32-inch, 34-inch, 36-inch, 38-inch sizes. $10.50 vai. $8.77 $11.25 vai. $9.35 $12.00 values at $ 9.8? $ 1 2.75 values at $ 1 0.45 $13.50 values at $10.93 Steamer Trunks, all prices. 50 other styles of trunks from $3.25 to $85. Traveling Bags and Suit Cases largest stock in the far West. Straw and Canvas Telescopes, Trunk Straps, etc. Third floor. Camp Stools, Hammocks, Outing Goods. CLOTHING TRADE SALE Another Stirring Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing commences tomorrow and continues through the week. No matter what price we place oh our clothes, the style is correct according to the latest designs of the highest-class tailors, though our prices are never more than half what they must charge. We mean to make this "Trade Sale" an event you'll long remember for. the greatest Clothing Values you ever bought. Men's fancy mixture and blue serge suits, also all-wool d o e suits in browns and grays, reg. $10.00 values for vOjJ Men's all-wool Suits in cheviots, tweeds and cassimeres, handsome styles, all sizes. The regular $12.50 values go on f ff sale tomorrow at p v.O Men's fine quality worsted, cheviots and tweed Suits in pin checks and fancy mixtures, all the best $15.00 suits shown d f fr this season, go on sale tomorrow at P " Men's fine all-wool Suits in unfinished worsted, brown and gray plaids and mixtures, handsomely tailored, best tf A & e style cut, all the $18.00 suits for p Men's fancy worsted and tweed Suits in stylish checks, mixtures and over-plaids, every suit worth $25.00, sale price, j J PANTS .Men's all-wool Pants, gray, checks and stripes, the regular $2.50 values, 8L9S All 150 Pants $3.10 pair All S4.00 Pants 83.35 pair All 24.50 Pants $3.85 pair All $5.00 Pants L20 pair All 5.50 Pants $4.85 pair All 56.00 Pants $5.30 pair All Blue Sergo Suits Reduced. BOYS' CLOTHING Boys' blue flannel Bailor Suits, reg. $L85 now 8L60. Boys' blue cheviot Sailor Suits, reg. S2J.0 now SL83. Boys' all-wool blue cheviot Sailor Suits, 83.00 value 82.60. Brown homespun and gray mixtures, reg. 83.50 value $3.05. Bovs' blue sergo Sailor Suits, 4.50 values $3.85. 83.00 Norfolk Suits S2.60. $40Norfolk Suits faS5. $5.00 Norfolk Suits 830. 86.00 Norfolk Suits $5.20. Boys' all-wool and corduroy Pants all reduced. Youths' and Young Men's Suits all reduced. Kitchen Goods For Coast use Everything you need at the very lowest prices. Curtains, Bed Iiinens,Mattings,Chinaware,Glass ware, etc. For Coast use Best variety. Silk Offerings A change in a prominent silk manufacturer's plans enables us to offer you a great lot of handsome Satin Foulards silks at very invit ing prices. Foulards have enjoyed a great revival in the East this Spring and Summer and are in great demand for walking suits, being cool, stylish and serviceable. Here's dots and figures in navy blue, black and an immense assortment of other color combinations. $1.00 grade 69c yd $1.25 grade 95c yd A speciaUot of handsome black Grenadines for summer gowns, best patterns $1.25 grade at 93c yd $ 1 .50 grade at $ 1 .05 yd 2000 yards of Silk Striped Chaliics in the very best patterns and col ors, extraordinary value at the low price of per yd C EtamSnes 39c yard Let every woman in need of a dress skirt give ear a special offering goes on sale tomorrow of 38-in wire cloth wool in Tan, Blue, Brown and Gray, best dress goods HQ bargain of the year at, per yard 3VC 38-Snefa Monday Bargains In Various Departments Economical shoppers will wade through this list care fully. Grand money-saving chances in wearing apparel that you'll appreciate. A dozen departments join in this bargain giving. 350 pairs of women's cambric draw ers all are torchon lace trimmed all sizes, and excep- 'm f tional value at, per pair. i C Pearl button shirtwaist set, to sew on the waist, three large and two small buttons in the set, special, per sot . 1 vC Children's high neck, long sleeve, ankle length whito union suits, all sizes, big value at, per suit dr3C The "Korso" swiss ribbed corset cover, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and insertion, special y value at The "Korso" silk finished lisle cor set cover, lace trimmed, 9g SL00 value .... Z?C Dennison's ;repe paper napkins, regular 40c per hundred, 9 sale price Cdf. C 3fX) chiffon veils and hat drapes, black, white and brown, best " styles, regular 3L00 values, at OC Ladies' cambric short skirts, lace embroidery or insertion trim med, great value at, 9 each J& Misses' fast black fine ribbed hose, sizes 5 to 10, exception ally good value at, Tt SC per pair 1 JC "Hurd's" famous writing paper, old style linen, regular 15c quire, tomorrow Eoxboro antique cabinet box pa per, i8 sheets paper, 48 envelopes, 40c vaL, box C Boyal Stewart box paper, fancy fabric finish, 35o value, per box 9c 99 Porch Shade" are mada from Linden wood fiber securely woven with the best seine twine, and aro fitted with metal pul leys and a heavy maltre cord for raisin?. They are an ideal shade keeping out the sun, but let In the air; permit you to look out while you are screened from the view of others. Finished in dark rich green. 4s.S-tt. ulie, 92.75 SxS-ft. size, 9-iMO SxS-ft. iUc, 93.50 lOxS-ft. else, $.g