The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 21, 1903, Image 1

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    J . .
New Oregon Sites for
Malheur-Harney Tract
Their Ultimate Reclamation
is Assured,
' Vs.
Geological Surveyor Satlnfy Them
aelves Tli at the Government Can
"Well Afford to Utilize the Mal
heur and Sllvles Rivera.
Oregon's prospects of securing Gov
ernment Irrigation reservoirs continue
to improve. In addition to several
withdrawals already made with this
end In view. 1,880,000 acres in Mal
heur and Harney Counties were set
aside yesterday.
"Whether this section will secure the
first reservoir will be determined later
on, but that It will ultimately be fa
vored Is certain.
This latest project has to do with
the storing of the -waters of the Mal
heur and Sllvles Elvers, whose waters
are deemed ample to Irrigate the largo
area set aside.
ington, June 20. On the recommendation
of Irrigation engineers of the Geological
Survey, who have been examining pro
posed Irrigation sites in Southern Eastern
Oregon, the Secretary of the Interior to
day ordered the temporary withdrawal
of 1.030,000 acres of land lying In Harney
Valley, along the Sllvles River, and along
th Malheur River In Malheur County.
The engineers, who have been in the
field since early Spring, are convinced
that In both of these localities the Gov
ernment can well afford to undertake the
construction of storage reservoirs, with a
view to reclaiming large areas of fertile
but dry land.
The engineers convinced themselves from
preliminary examinations that the Sllvles
and Malheur Rivers afford plenty of water
to irrigate considerable areas. Now that
the lands have been withdrawn, they will
hereafter bo examined In detail to deter
mine Just how great an acreage can be
irrigated at reasonable cost, by impound
ing the waters of these two streams.
The Harney rnllcj- Project.
The Harney Valley project, lying south
east of Burns and north and east of Lake
Malheur, embrices G22.0S0 acres, as fol
lows: Townships 22 to 26, ranges 31, 32
and 23; township 22, R. 32; townships 23,
21 and 25, ranges 52, 33 and 34; township
26, ranges 33 and 34, all south and east.
The Malheur River project proper em
braces about 415,000 acres, lying on either
side of the Malheur River and around the
Own of Yale, extending from the Snake
River westerly half way across. In addi
tion there has been withdrawn over 51,-
000 acres lying Just west of this main
tract, and directly on the river, which is
to be utilized as a reservoir site.
The main Malheur withdrawal Includes
towrshlp 16, range 46; township 17, ranges
44, 45 and 46; township IS, ranges 43. 44,
45 and 46; townships 19 aud 20. ranges 44,
45 and 46; township 19. range 43; fractional
townships 16, 17. IS. 19 and 20, range 47.
lying west of the Snake River; township
16, ranee 48, all south and east.
Rules Applying to the La.ii il.
In the main withdrawals the lands are
withheld from all save homestead entry;
in the caso of the reservoir sites the lands
are withdrawn from all entry, as the Gov
eminent hopes to head off any settlement
on lands which will ultimately be includ
ed within the reservoir limits. Where
.settlers are encountered, some arrange
ment will have to be made to . exchange
their lands for others within the proposed
irrigated district.
In addition to the two new withdrawals
the Secretary has withdrawn from all
entry nearly 19,000 acres lying In town
ship 8, ranges 25 and 26, and township 2,
Tange 25 north. These lands were recent
ly withdrawn from all entry save home
stead, along with other lands In the pro
posed Umatilla project in Morrow Coun
ty, but later Investigation has shown that
the specified tracts are needed for res
ervoir sites, and all further entry has
been accordingly cut off.
Significance of the Withdrawal.
Great significance attaches to the with
drawals. While it is not assured that the
Government will undertake at -once the
construction of storage reservoirs at any
of the slte,designated, it is safe to say
that such work will be done at some
future time. The fact that the with
drawals are made Indicates that the field
engineers under Chief Hydrographer New
ell are convinced from personal Inspec
tion that the Government can construct
Irrigation systems in Harney Valley, util
izing the water of Silvles River, and in
Malheur Valley, utilizing: the -water of
Malheur River. Moreover, these en
gineers are convinced that Govern
ment irrigation systems can be "built on
these localities at a reasonable cost, and
from their preliminary investigations they
know of no obstacle that would prevent
the Government undertaking: the work.
EBglBeem Will Continue Work.
In each case, as in the Umatilla project,
the field engineers -will continue their in
vestigations to ascertain the actual cost of
getting water on the land, and will de
termine approximately bow much land can
be reclaimed at a fair cost. They will
also make a careful study to determine
the best sites for reservoirs and for re
taining dams. If, in the detailed exam
ination, the engineers find that the cost
of the work will be excessive, or the ex
penditure disproportionate to the bene
fits, or If it is found impracticable to
erect the necessary dams, the projects
will have to be abandoned, but there have
been no developments to Indicate that un
satisfactory conditions will be encoun
tered. Hydrographer Newell and his repre
sentatives In the field recognize the fact
that Oregon Is one of the largest con
tributors to the reclamation fund, and is
therefore entitled to early and liberal con
sideration in the way of Government Ir
rigation works. Moreover, Mr. Newell,
having been over a large part of East
ern Oregon, and having been deeply In
terested in Its welfare by ex-Representative
Moody, is anxious to assist In re
claiming much, of the fertile lands east of
the Cascades. It Is not possible that all
of the projects that may be found satis
factory will be constructed at one time,
but the one offering the most promising'
results will undoubtedly be taken up first,
and the others in the order of their Im
portance. Upon the examinations made this Sum
mer, It is expected that by next Spring
Secretary Hitchcock will set aside a stip
ulated sum for jsc In constructing Irriga
tion works in Oregon, as the examinations
made this Summer will demonstrate the
practicability of the several works that
have- been suggested, and the department
will be able to satisfy Itself of the gen
eral merits or deficiencies of each.
Before the examinations are concluded
other withdrawals may bo made in Ore
gon, but it Is considered here that the
most Important sites for Government ir
rigation works have now been taken from
speculative entry of all sorts.
Branch, of Rnsso-Chinese Bank.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 20. According
to the Novoe Vremya the Russian-Chinese
Bank has been authorized to "open
a branch at San Francisco.
The Heppner Disaster.
Nine more bodies found and all the big drifts
have been searched. Page 1.
Outbreak of sickness stopped by prompt action
and sources of dlseas cleared away.
Page L
List of relief subscriptions received at Hepp- total $7590.30 for the day. Page 1.
Indian squaw predicted the flood two days
before. Pace 1.
Portland relief fund now exceeds $17,000, and
will pass $20,000 xaark; subscribers to the
Fourth of July fund to vote on transferring
It to Ileppner fund. Page 24.
Immense Oregon tract Is withdrawn, as con
taining good sites for Government Irriga
tion reservoirs. Page 1.
Navy's determination to ignore court order
tying up cruiser is for purpose of establish
ing a precedent. Page 15.
Eastern capital will build Alaska Central
Hallway to Tanana Itiver from Resurrection
Bay. Pas 2.
Fear of Kentucky feudists causes witness
Ewen to refuse to swear out any more
warrants. Page 3.
More troops sent to Dubuque, la., to prevent
rioting by strikers. Pago 3.
Eervia is Indignant over withdrawal of British
Minister. Page 1.
Sultan of Morocco loses 0000 men in battle.
Pago 2.
Explorer Just out from Thibet tells of its
strange customs. Page 3.
The Picket, an unknown horse, -wins tne
American Dirby. Page 1.
Reliance again wins the yacht race; Constltu
tlon second; Columbia third. Page 14.
Scores of Pacific Coast League: Los Angeles
J3. Portland 4: San Francisco 3, Seattle, 1;
Sacramento 10. Oakland 0. Page 14.
Scores of Paclna National League: Butte 2,
Portland 1; San Francisco 12, Spokane 8;
Seattle 11. Los Angeles 0. Page 14.
History of the American Derby. Pago 25.
Tennis touraa.-nent opens this week. Page 11.
Pacific Coast.
Mrs. D Lartlgue confesses to murdering her
husband with an ax. Page 4.
Jew plumbing law affects Incorporated cities
of 4000 population. Page 4.
Writ of habeas corpus for Spokane gambler
returnable July 10. rage 4.
Thunder Mountain miners hurrying to lm-
menso gold And In Idaho. Page 4.
Mrs. Elgar K. Sutro Is awarded alimony and
custody of her young son. Page 0.
Commercial and Marine.
Outlook in tho salmon market. Page 2S.
Wheat closes at Chicago at a slight advance,
Page 23.
San Francisco produce quotations and con'
dltion. Page 2i.
Xew Tork weekly bank statement shows slight
ln3-ease In cash. Page 22.
Small volume of business on New Tork stock
exchange. Page 23.
Summer freshet reaches Its highest mark.
Page IS.
Coal ship com'ng from Newcastle. Page IS.
Portland and Vicinity.
Martin V. Leasts Is convicted of murder In
the second degree. Page 24.
. Portland Ross Society holes annual show.
Page S.
Highwaymen attempt to hold up Sellwood car.
Page S.
Oregon Historical Society buys valuable col
lection of books from Captain Wyatt Har
ris. Page 10.
Editorial office of Japanese newspaper wrecked.
Page 10.
Election of Queen for Woodmen Carnival be
gins this week. Page 17.
Lewis and Clark Fair Commission urged to
have great mineral exhibit. Page 11.
Fentares and Departments.
Editorial. Page 6.
Church announcements. Page 22.
Classified advertisements. Pages 18-21.
Loneliest mall route In the world. Page 40.
The Two Vanrevels. Page 33.
Personal side of Sir Thomas J. Ltpton. Page 50.
Old Man Hogan on the President's trip. Page
Mr. Carpenter's letter. Page 34.-'
Pudf-ln'hend Wilson's plan. Page 22.
Social. Page 2S. . "
Dramatic. Page 28.
Musical. Page 17.
Fashions and "household. Pages M-ST.
Youths' deparCMBt. Page 86,
British Snub Held to Be
Cabinet Disclaims Responsi
bility for Murder.
Political Foes for Years, They Bary
Their Differences for Sake of
Country and Think This Should
Satisfy England.
BELGRADE, June 20. Great Britain
has practically cut off diplomatic rela
tions with Servia. The British Minis
ter, Sir G. F. Bonham, will leave here
Monday for England. The Consul of
Great Brtaln, "W. G. Thesiger, will take
charge of British Interests.
BELGRADE, June 20. The Foreign Min
ister, M. Kellevlcs, In an interview today.
expressed Intense Indignation at the an
nouncement from London that the British
Minister had been Instructed to withdraw
from Belgrade on the arrival here of King
Peter. The Minister said It was inexplica
ble why tho British, government intended
to make the provisional Servian Ministry
responsible for tho deplorable events of
the nlghfof June 10. The members of the
present Cabinet, he added, had really dis
played great patriotism In coming to the
aid of their country In the sad crisis.
Minister Kallevics' statement was made
carefully for publication, and may be re
garded as an official expression of the
views of the government. The Minister
"It Is with deep indignation that we find
in a recent telegram from London an In
dication that It Is intended to mako the
present eovorniaentrfespcnslble for the de-
pi or able events which occurred on tho
night of June 10. It is known that tho
events of that night were carried out by
Servian officers, who had resolved to pre
vent the probables-proclamation of the
brother of Queen Draga as the successor
to the throne.
Regret for Killing- of Queen.
The fact that a woman was among
those who perished In tho struggle pro
voked by the attack of an aid do camp
upon officers is regrettable, more so as her
death was by no means necessary, even
though she had been deserted by the
whole Servian people from the moment
she presumed to place the crown upon
her unworthy head. The upheaval of Juno
11 was the work of a large number of of
ficers. The consequences of tho revolu
tion, however, were sanctioned by the
.whole army and the whole people.
"With regard to the members of the
provisional government who were called
upon to take the reins of government In
the absence of all other authority, they
only proved their patriotism and personal
courage by accepting so delicate a mission
as that which the people unanimously and
with gratitude solemnly confided to them.
Political Foes Work Together.
"It Is forgotten that the men compos
ing the present government were drawn
from all parties, and were "hitherto en
gaged in bitter political strife. Only de
votion to their country could unite them
at this critical moment Proof of the
fact that they rendered good service to
their country is found in the peace and
order prevailing throughout the land. "We
have, therefore, good reason to regret tho
fact that an attempt is' now being made
by England, as the result of erroneous
information, to cast suspicion on a state
of affairs which has for Its object the
maintenance of order and the eventual
regeneration of a young- nation, which
has passed through a time of trial, and
which is attached to the cause of liberty
and civilization."
The new Servian constitution was ga
zetted today together with a decree abol
ishing the constitution ol April.6, 1901, and
all ordinances contravening the new con
Unless King Peter is prepared to Ignore
altogether the foreign demands for the
punishment of the assassins, his only
means of satisfying any requirements ap
pear to be to persuade the criminals to
absent themselves until quiet is restored,
when they will be permitted to resume
their places in the army. The provisional
government holds office solely at the will
of tho army, and should King Peter prom
ise to punish the officers Implicated it Is
as likely as not that the army will with
draw the invitation to occupy the throne.
It Is suggested In official circles that
Russia may possibly advise the officers
concerned to so absent themselves.
Question of the Kind's Recognition
Has Sot Been Passed Upon.
PARIS, June 20. Foreign Minister Del
casse's colleagues express the belief that
he is likely to deprecate the Servian
tragedy by an explanation similar to
those of Russia and Austria, but It is
pointed out that King Peter took tho
Initiative in the cases of Russia and
Austria by telegraphing to the Czar and
Emperor Francis Joseph, thus affording
them the opportunity for Russian and
Austrian responses, whereas the Servian
King has not addressed the other powers,
and, consequently, has not given them an
opportunity to make rejoinders. Tho op
portunity however, will come when the
question of recognition of King Peter
In the meanwhile, tho French Minister
at Belgrade has been instructed to re
strict his action to current routine aflalrs,-
and to remain in a neutral attitude
toward the new regime until the question
of the King's recognition Is formally de
MlnlMter "Will Xojt Present Himself
Until IClng: Shevvsv His Hand.
WASHINGTON, June "20. The United
States Government bad adopted an atti
tude similar to that of England toward
the new Srvian dynasty. It will be In no
haste to recognize the new government In
the absence of some exhibition of a dispo
sition to punish the guilty. Therefore Mr.
-JacksonA who besides being' Minister .to
-w,. rs -T "
ureeco itr uuao onmsur ui oe. via, wiiirw).
present his credentials to the government
oi iving .feter at present, in tact, tnese.
credentials have not been prepared..
Holland. Also In Line.
THE HAGUE, June 20. The Dutch rep
resentative at Belgrade has been in
structed to assume the same .attitude as
Great Britain to tho provisional govern
ment of Servia.
Servia Is Playing: Foxy Game.
BELGRADE, Juno 20. The alarmist re
ports regarding alleged events at Con
stantinople are deliberately concocted and
circulated with tho connivance of the
Servian officials, with the object of divert
ing tho attention of the people from the
hostile criticism of events in Servia, In
now arriving foreign newspapers.
Servian Delegation at Geneva.
GENEVA, June 20. The Servian Parli
amentary committee arrived at 7:40 to
night. They were received by the chief
of King Peter's military household and
His Majesty's secretary, and proceeded
at once to their hotel.
IClng to Reach Capital Wednesday.
VIENNA. June 20. King Peter will ar
rive here Tuesday evening. At the rail
road station he will receive the homage
of tho Servian colony, and will continue
his Journey by way of Budapest, arriving
at Belgrade Wednesday.
Latest Addition to Hepp
ner Graveyard.
Sickness Among Workmen
Averted by Prompt Work.
Xearly ?S00O Received at Heppaer
Yesterday Generosity of Pendle
ton, Baker and Smaller Towns
To Prevent Disease.
HEPPXEK, Or., Juno 20. Staff cor
respondence.) Dead recovered today:
Mrs. Susan Leffler.
Mrs. Dan Stalter.
Mrs. J. Hod gins.
Helen Boyd.
Eunice Brlggs.
Little girl, not identified.
John Jenkins.
Clara Andrews.
Blanche Redfleld.
Total dead recovered to date, 170.
HEPPNER, June 20. Staff correspond
ence.) Search of all the big drifts of de
bris between Heppner and lone was com
pleted today. Stringent measures of sanl-
tatlon have lessened the danger of typhoid
epidemic. Heppner will bo cleaned thor
oughly by next Wednesday.
Heppner now has all the food and cloth
lng required. Money donations are still
welcome. The total sum received to date
is about $30,000. About $14,000 more is
Tho O. R. & N. construction train, ar
rived at Heppner at 10:30 A. M. today
and tho regular train arrived this even
An army of 30f4p.'K)0men, worklng-tvith
a will durlnif the past two days, has
rabout completed the seemingly herculean.
task of -overhauling- the. huge-piles of de
bris between Heppner and lone.'
Today's work has added nine to the list
of gruesome finds. Tomorrow all the
smaller remaining drifts, brush and the
creek bed will bo gone over. This work.
together with tho completion of the labor
of cleaning out tho cellars and fllled-ln
holes In Heppner, will doubtless result In
finding a few more bodies. The remain.
ing missing will have to be given up as
past recovery, as, being covered with
mud, no clue can be secured leading to
their discovery. It is remarkable that,
though nearly a week of warm weather
has elapsed since tho disaster, tho bodies
today showed only the preliminary stages
of decomposition. Of course the heaps
of hailstones heretofore mentlonel ac
count for this. Coated with1 mud, the
hailstones have not yet all melted.
All ISew Bodies Identified.
All the deid brought to the morgue to
day were easily recognizable, with the
exception of Eunice Brlggs. She was tho
eldest daughter of L. W. Brlggs, book
keeper for Gilliam & BIsbee. She chanced
to be away visiting her aunt, Mrs. Gur-
dane, and both were lost, though her own
home was uninjured. When brought In
today, the girl's face was found to have
been crushed, but strips of clothing and
a necklace served to Identify her.
As usual, all tho bodies showed signs
of terrible usage. Mrs. Susan Leffler's
head was cut open. The body of tho wife
of John Jenkins, who was brought In to
day, has not yet been recovered, though
tho daughter, Zella, was found some days
ago. Four orphans aro left of this fam
ily, two boys and two girls. Clara An
drews was the daughter of Clarence An
drews, ex-County Clerk of Morrow
County, and niece of Georgo Swlggart.
Andrews entire family, wife and four
children, were lost. He Is ln Skagway,
Alaska. Blanche Redfleld was the 13-
year-old daughter of C E. Redfleld. Hht
wife and daughter were alone In the house
at the time of the flood. Dan Stalter had
almost saved his wife, but a rush of
wreckage tora her from him forever. Mrs.
Hodglns, tho last recovered today, was
a widow of 66, who lived alone. All were
taken out of big drifts from four to eight
miles below town.
Sickness Due to Bad Water.
An alarming number of workmen yes
terday complained of diarrhea. It Is esti
mated that 40 per cent of them and many
other people about the town have been
affected. Dr. C. J. Smith, the State Board
of Health officer, promptly directed that
all drinking water served to the men
should be treated with sulphuric acid.
making a sour and quite agreeable drink,
which counteracts tho alkaline fermenta
tion in the intestines. It is much used in
cholera-infected regions, and Its effect
was very marked- today, there being a
decided falling off of tho complaints.
Dr. Smith deputlzsd a man today to go
to Lexington to look after sanitation
there, and Dr. Reed, of lone, has agreed
Jo take similar care at the latter place.
Dr. Smith's Chinese pump has been work
ing most effectively all day clearing
water and mud from cellars. Tomorrow a
force of wheelbarrow men will completo
the work of clearing the debris.
'If tho work goes on as it baa been
dolnfr " said Dr. Smith tonight, "the town
will be thoroughly cleaned by Wednesday.
All deDends upon keeping an efficient
force at work. The Portland workers, by
the way, are wonders. This outfit, with
out decrying any of the others, Is the
most efficient that has como to Heppner.
It is because they work so systematically,
They are practical men. At least a third
of them are suitable foremen for gangs
of laborers anywhere.
More WUllng Workers.
The Sumpter and Baker contingents.
which have been doing much hard work.
left for home tonight, their places being
taken by 78 sturdy men from Pendleton.
Fourteen strong, capable women also ar
rived from Pendleton. They will take
tho places of women workers here, who
are now on the verge of collapse from
physical and emotional overstraining.
Ten men of the Baker City relief com
mitted announced tonight that they would.
stay as long as need for their services
lasted. At the suggestion of -Dr.' Smith
a portion of the Pendleton forco will be
set at. work converting the piles of broken
lumber into stovewood for the impover
ished families .here.
Tho generosity of outside towns and in
dividuals Is deeply appreciated by the
citizens of Heppner. The little hamlet
of Pilot Knob sent in ten men with Ave
team's today, and will contribute $500 in
money. The contributions of Pendleton
In money alone amount to $1 per capita.
Individuals here showi-Jthe same spirit.
Tonight Miss Pearl Shelton, of lone, who
has been working hard all week at one
of the eating places, contributed her en
tire pay to the fund.
Orphans Provided For.
George K. Rogere and Hermann Schade,
representatives of the Portland Wood
men of the World, arrived here today to
Investigate the needs of members of their
order and also to learn If the full fund
at the disposal of their relief committee
will be requled here. They will look after
the two orphaned children of J. II. Long.
These little ones are all that survived of
a family of seven, father, mother and the
three other children having gone down
in the catastrophe. Most fortunate for
them and interesting to record is the fact
that two nights before his death the
father Joined the Woodmen, thus securing
to the children the sum of $2000.
Nearly SSOOO Added, to Donations
Sent to Heppner.
HEPPNER, June 20. (Staff correspond
ence.) List of relief money received today
Salem O. E. S. Lodge
Hood River (additional) ,
Skagway Elks ,
Philadelphia ,
Bridal Veil Lumber Co ,
Medford ,
Hillsboro .
Astoria K. of P. .1
A. J. Jordan Cutlery Co.
Astoria Foresters
Astoria Eagles ,
Studebaker Bros, (additional) ....
Henry Heppner
Henry Heppner & Co ,
Portland Masonic Lodges
Eugene.Masonlc Grand Lodge
Portland Knights Templar ,
Astoria Elks
Bank of Woodburn
Bank of Ashland
Masonic Lodge, Ashland
rlrst National Bank, San Fran
cisco E. L. Naylor, Forest Grove
Pearl Shelton, lone
$ 20.00
. 1,000.00
.. 100.00
. 300.00
. 100.00
. 281.00
. 250.00
Total $ 7,800.30
Promised, exclusive of Portland:
Rosalia, Wash. J. $
Wallace. Idaho
Woodmen's Relief Com
Pomeroy, Wash
Everett Elks ,
Total ....
$ 633.00
IJog FoHnd hy, Brother-Dog Crawls
From Under Drift.
HEPPNER, June 20."-Staff correspond
ence.) Five- days after the flood, as
gang of workmen was clearing debris
from the rear of the Matlock building.
which had been hurled across Main street
against the Iront of the Fair store.
dog came along, stopped, and. snuffed un
der the. corner of the wrecked building.
He looked up at the workmen, wagged
his tail, sniffed again and began tp dig.
tCoaetadsd oa Seeosi Pars.)
New Horse Lands the
Derby Easily.
laude Is Second, Ber
nays Third.
Favorite Is Beaten on His
Own Kind of Track.
Crowd Ts the Largest in the Hlstory
o tne Contest, and. the Stake
the Richest, With One
Exception. ,
The Picket, 115, Helgeson, 10 to 1
and 6 to 1. won; time. 2:33.
Claude, 127, J. Daly, 5 to 1 and 8
to 2. second.
Bernays, 122, T. Knight, 8 to 1 and
S to 1, third.
Sinner, Simon, Bad News, Bonnie
Burr. An Kevolr, Flocarllne, Kate,
McGowan, Maxey BlumenthaL Mon
sieur Beaucaire, Linguist, Savable,
High. Chancellor, Fore and Ait, Gil
fain. Judga Himes and Gold Bell also
Gross value of the race, $32,275.
Value to the winner, $27,025.
CHICAGO, June 2Ct The Picket, a horse
that never before flashed first past tho
post, won the American Derby toddy. He
set the pace every step of the distance,
was never challenged, and won in. a gallop
by six lengths. He ran Gje Derby distance.
one and a half miles, faster than It was
ever run before In the race. His time was
2:33. Claude, the winner of three Derbies,
was second. Bernays, the Cincinnati can
didate was third.
It was a race without the thrill of an
exciting finish. The weather was excel
lent and the track fine. The crowd of
;0,000 people, which witnessed the ISth run
ning of the event, saw a contest that had
been decided when the field turned Into the
stretch. In front of a struggling field The
Picket ran so easily and truly as to leave
no doubt where he would finish. The roar
of the cheers which greeted the successful
horse began when The Picket was more
than an eighth of a mile from the wire.
A Record-Breaker of the Tiirf.
The Derby was a record-breaker of the
turf. Nineteen horses went to the post,
the hist previous field having 15. The larg
est crowd that ever gathered on a West
ern race track covered the Washington
Park grounds. The race was worth $32,
275,,gros3 value, the richest In tho history
of the race with one exception. Betting on
the race began in March and continued
until the horses went to the post. More
money, it is asserted, was wagered on the'
Derby than on any other race ever run in
The victory of The Picket was no sur
prise, because a surprise was expected.
But there was some big disappointments.
Savable, the favorite son of Salvator,
Jhought by John A. Drake to be invincible,
failed to live up to his reputation. He re
ceived a ride from Jockey Lester Relft
that seemingly a novice could have dupli
cated. Savable was never dangerous, and
the fortune bet on him .by his owner went
to enrich tho bookmakers.
Picket Leads From -the First.
Starter Dwyer delayed the start nine
minutes before ho dropped the flag. Sinner
Simon, a "dark horse," was the first to
get In motion, but The Picket did not de
lay an instant. In the first rush for posi
tion he was successful, and he had the
lead in comparatively a few strides. Past
the stand, Au Revolr, the hope of Mem
phis, was running second with Gllfain,
with Maxey Slumanthal and other con
spicuous candidates In the next position.
There was no hustling until the Held
struck the back stretch. Savable was In
seventh place, and in front of him was
The Picket, Au. Revolr, Linguist, Bonnie
Burr, Gold Bell and Bad News. Behind
Savable was Claude. There was not an
Important move by a Jockey until the
field bad passed the half mile pole and
struck the big bend. The Picket, then
running at hi3 own clip, never faltered;
Au Revolr began to weaken; Linguist
waa all through and began to drop back;
Claude made bis move and quickly ad
vanced to fourth place. Savable. at this
critical place, only held his own. The grad
ually lengthening field of horses was at
the head of the stretch.
The Picket Has as He Pleases.
The remainder ofcAbe Journey was
through a lane of people, who were cling
ing to the rails 100 deep on each side of
the course. There was no electrifying
struggle. Tho Picket had his field beaten
and beaten badly. He was simply running
as he pleased. Jockey Helgerwra eased
him up a bit as he neared the wire. The
,(Co la mi Seea4 Pag-)