The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 14, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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I'll Jackson," Says
l Waicott
Tbe Jack on Camp Tcll a. Tale of
Walcott's Hoodoo, Sad Sara Al
Herford Laaenti Loss of a
$ 20,000 HoBse.
Joe Waicott, ebon pugilist, and modern
gladiator, quailed when, Pete Grant ap
proached him in a corner of his training
quarters yesterday. ' .
"This gentleman," said the debonair
fight manager, as he Indicated my retir
ing self, "wishes to Interview you."
Mr. Waicott vras much flustered.
"Ma sakes, Mr. Grant," be expostulat
ed, "I'se no talker. You tell him some
thin', and I'll jlst nachelly keep punchin
the bag. But," he added, as Grant
turned away, "be sure and tell him I kin
beat that Peter Jackson nghtlnV
Before the squat, gross figure of the
Barbadoes Wonder swung a regulation
punching bag and to It Waicott, eager
to perform his part of the Interview,
turned his undivided attention. With
easy grace, the muscular arms beat the
leathern globe to and fro. At each re
bound a ready fist met It, and as it
flashed from side to side the tattoo grew
more rapid, until the drumming swelled
Into one continuous roar.
"Bifflty, blfflty, bang," sang the bag,
and as the fighter stepped In closer to his
work the rhythm changed. "Bifflty,
bang," it went; "bifflty, bang!"
In another corner another bag pattered
against its bulling platform under the
fistic energy of some minor light of the
pugilistic world, and In still another por
tion of the room two copper-hued gentle
men, clad in ragged bathing trunks and
gymnasium shoes, wrestled fiercely with
each other. For the training of a fighter
for a fight is a serious matter, and en
tails' the keeping of a stable of athletes,
on whom the pugilist may practice the
dizzying short-arm jolts, half-hooks and
swings with which his prospective oppo
nent is to be induced to He quiet while
the referee counts the decisive ten sec
Around the room stood various expo
nents of the sporting life, and as the
principals in the coming fight are of the
race who usually expiate their crimes by
being lynched, the exponents were chiefly
decided brunettes.
If He Only Beats the Race.
"If Ah can beat the races good on
Wednesday," said one of these to every
body, "I know what Ah 11 do Thursday
with ma money."
A nearby friend helped him along by
inquiring what would bo done with the
"Ah'H sure bet it all on Jackson," said
the Ethiopian gentleman defiantly. "Ah
can't see no way for him to lose."
And between 18 and 23 of the spectators
informed the Daniel in the lions' den that
he could bet with them.
"Walcott's going to be the favorite,"
said a snort at my elbow. "Ten to
The tumult of the wrestlers and the
minor bag-puncher had died away, but
still the black, bull-necked Waicott fought
his leathern foe. Apparently tireless, he
beat the bag In varying rhythms against
its platform for a full ten minutes longer,
and then, with a smash, behind which
Dressed all the giant muscles of his
mighty shoulders, he tore the bag from
its fastenings of Manila cord, and sent it
"bouncing across the room. "Get a new
rope for it." said he. and half a dozen
trainers and rubbers-down jumped to do
his bidding.
"Come on, you boxers." cried the
quencher of pugilistic ambitions, as he
vaulted Into a ropea ring, ana a nuge.
raw-boned, slmlan-skulled, prognathous
negro arose to afford Waicott some prac
"Walcott's training hard this" time,
explained a fight follower to me. "He
didn't train to fight "Mysterious Billy'
Smith last month, because he knew he
could whip him easy."
"Is Jackson going to be a tough nut to
crack, then?" I queried.
Afraid of Jackson's Head.
"It Isn't that so much." the admirer of
Waicott hastened to explain, fearful of
making any admission that there- was a
question as to who would win. "but, you
see. Jackson fights in a crouch, with his
head down, and Waicott is afraid that he
may break his hand on Jackson's head.'
This is without a doubt the gospel truth.
Personally. I would as soon pound my
fist against a cannon ball as against the
cranium of either Mr. Waicott or Mr.
As the boxers mixed It a little, some
youth. Inexperienced In prize ring ways
laughed as Waicott blocked a slow lead
and slapped his opponent twice In the
"Gee!" said the youth.
"Sh!" came the sibilant warning fipm a
dozen bystanders, and Pete Grant ex
plained it.
"You see," said he. "when men are box
lng. they have to be very careful not to
let their tempers rise. It Is hard work
for men to play at fighting. Some men
can't help becoming Infuriated after box
lntr even one three-minute round. And so
no comment or laughing is allowed. This
helps the men to keep their tempers while
they are practicing."
It seems hard to believe that Waicott
could ever lose his temper. From the
fiercest mix-ups he always emerged smil
ing an expansive smile, measuring about
three feet In diameter. At times he would
bubble" over with mirth. His sparring
partner swung heavily on his Jaw, once,
twice, three times.
"Huh. huh!" giggled the burly African.
"Keep peggln away, huh, huh."
Presently wa proceeded to the training
quarters of Young Peter Jackson to give
him his official title and as we journeyed
on the street-car, I asked Pete Grant
about the betting.
Not Much. Money in Slsrkt Yet.
"Not much money in sight yet," he
said. "The colored sports will make the
betting, and they won't .start until within
21 hours of the fight. Walt till Wednes
day." At Jackson's headquarters we found the
pugilist busy skipping vigorously round
the gymnasium. Watching his every
movement stood a limited throng of men
who would gain wealth by predicting the
winner. Every movement of the swart,
amorphous-eared fighter was noted. The
bullet head, the massive shoulders, the
easy play of the muscles, the sturdy
trunk, flat abdomen and agile step, all
went to swell the total of his charms.
For his mind or morals the watchers
cared not, they asked only that he be a
fighting machine, a man in whom the lust
of battle grew with strife, and in whose
heart the yellow fear had never entered.
"Oh, but it'll be a bruising fight, all
right, all right," crowed a bediamoned,
patent-leathered and fancy-vested ex
jockey. Al Herford, Jackson's manager,
heard the remark and sighed. Herford
knows the value of a fight wherein two
bruisers, mixers or lnfighters are matched.
"If the game was open in New York,"
Tie complained, "and these two men were
matched, we'd have a $20,000 house. Both
Jackson and Waicott are known to be
men who gladly carry the fighting to
their opponent, and in the East the sports
would travel many a mile to see such a
In the ring Jackson was boxing with a
member of his training stable.
- "Jackson has had . three tries at Wal
oott," resumed tho ex-jockey. "If he
can't beat him this time, he'd better draw
the color line."
"He'll beat him easy," the next man
assured the Jockey. "Walcott's got a
Jonah in his corner. There's a feller
called Sad Sam handling a towel for Wai
cott that'll sure hoodoo aim."
"I dunno," insisted the doubtful horse
man. I dunno. I figure like this: Jack
son go$ an awful beatln from Waicott at
tneir last fight. A fighter never gits over
beatln. He never forgets it. Them
sore, spots Is always there, -and they .com
mence palnin' him whenever he steps into
the ring with the tame maa as gave 'cm
to him in the first place. When the fight
in' commences, and Joe begins dlggln' into
Peter, Peter will sure remember them
sore spots, and them sore, spots 11 beat
him sure."
The next man began searching his
clothes for money.
"If you think so," he began, "if them's
your thoughts on tnis ngnt, in Dei
you "
'I wouldn't bet. I done lose my money
already," said the Jockey. "An , anyway.
it's too tough a fight to bet on. I'm
playing sure things. There's enough of
them. Joe's 31 years old now. Pretty
old to fight. All of 'em got to quit some
time. No. suh: no. suh; I wouldn't bet
A. C.
TV". F". IiOclcTrood and Joan Gould
Fijfht With Platols.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. June 13. A
Eaccne Cattron.
bloody battle occurred this afternoon be
tween neighbors in Slater's addition.
near the Sacramento River. W. F. Lock-
wood shot and killed John Gould, an em
ploye of the Southern Pacific freight
sheds. Lockwood thenehot Gould s wife
in tne side, but he disclaims intention
to harm her.
The 13-year-old son of Gould raised his
father's pistol at his assassin, but the
cartridges had all been exploded.
The trouble arose over a fence. There
was a board out of Gould's fence, through
which he permitted pedestrians to pass.
He stopped Mrs. Lockwood from doing
so. and bad feeling resulted between
the two men. They met on the street and
a fist fight ensued.
Pistols were secured by both men and
the shooting began, both sides firing.
Lockwood was not harmed. He was ar
Twelve-Acre Tract - on the "Hillside
Near the Reservoir.
ASTORIA, Or., June 13. (Special.) The
Astoria Park Commission held a meeting
last evening and selected a 12-acre tract
on the hill near the big reservoir as a site
for a city park. The property was pur
chased by the Push Club five years ago
for 52500, to be paid for in ten annual pay
ments of $250 each. .
The club has paid naif of the purchase
price, andf under the terms of the agree
ment made last evening the commission
takes the existing contract off the club's
hands, and after the deed to the property
Is secured will reimburse the club for the
amounts it has advanced.
McMInnvllle High School Grndnates.
M'MINNVILLE. Or., June 13. (Special.)
The annual commencement exercises of
the McMinnville High School were held
in the Opera-House here Friday night.
Diplomas were presented to the largest
class in the history of the school, 27 re
ceiving honors. An interesting pro
gramme was rendered.
Miss Florence A. Ypdegroff, one of the
youngest and smallest members of the
class, delivered the valedictory, and for
her high grade of school work was pre
sented by President Boardman with a
scholarship which entitles her to a year's
free tuition in McMinnville College.
Speared Salmon In Fish-way.
ASTORIA, On, June 13. (Special.)
Deputy Fish Warden Webster returned
today from a trip to the Umpqua River.
Wrhilc there he arrested two men for
spearing and gaffing salmon as they were
ascending the fishway around the Win
chester dam, near Roseburg. The men
were tried before a Jury, which, failed to
return a verdict.
The defendants were held under bonds
to appear for another trial, but the date
has not yet been fixed.
Concert at Monnt An eel College.
13. (Special) Mrs. Walter Reed, Mrs.
Sheldon, Miss Lawler and Mr. Belcher
visited Mount Angel College on tho Hth
Inst., where they gave a delightful con
cert. The programme consisted of duets,
trios, solos and quartets, all of which
were warmly applauded by the small
though appreciative audience.
Astoria Wants a New Trial.
ASTORIA. Or., June 13. (Special.) An
amended motion asking for a new trial in
the damage suit of John L. Bock vs. the
City of Astoria was filed In the Circuit
Court today. The motion recites the fact
of the arrest of Bock and his confederate
for perjury, and includes several affidavits
on which the charge of perjury Is based.
Picnic of the A. O. U. W.
M'MINNVILLE, Or.. June 13. (Special.)
The A. O. U. W. held Its 12th annual
picnic here today. A great concourse of
people fromaIl parts of the county gath
ered in the beautiful oak grove northeast
of the town to take part in the festiv
ities. The weather was in fine shape for
Coast Telegraphic Notes.
The Spring Valley Water Company, of
San Francisco, estimates that city's pop
ulation at 410.000. The last Federal cen
susgave the figures at 342.7S2.
Two men, Svenson, a Swede, and Ruvi.
an Austrian, were killed and several wero
Injured by a falling rock In the Iron
Mountain mines yesterday morning, near
Redding. Cal.
H. B. Dunbar, proprietor of the Rainier
Grand Hotel at Seattle, is free from the
charge of conducting a swindling gam
bling game in his hotel. The case was
dismissed on the ground that the In
dictment was Ineffective.
Millie Brlenner, a French housemaid,
about S3 yeirs old, tried to commit sui
cide by turning on the gas in her room.
At the hospital the woman said she
wanted to die because a Chinese cook she
loved would not marry her, although she
.had often proposed to him.
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Election of City Officials Is
the Trouble.
No Nominations Have Beea Made and
tke' IacHmbeati Will Frobablr
Hold Over Effect en Improve
ments Proposed for City.
"THE DALLES, Or.. June 13. (Special.)
Through an apparent oversight on the
part of Its members the City Council of
The Dalles finds iteelf in an Inextricable
and unheard of muddle concerning the
annual city election, which should, under
the provisions of the .city charter, take
place next Monday. At Its regular meet
ing on June 3. when the Council proceeded
to appoint Judges and clerks of election
WASCO, Or.. June IX (Spe
cial.) Eugene Cattron has been
elected Mayor of Wasco by a
handsome majority over C J.
Bright, candidate for Supreme
Judge at the last state election.
Mr. Cattron is a native son. -was
born at Monmouth 37 years ago,
where he received his education
at Christian College. He is also
a graduate or the State Normal
School. He Is now serving hla
third term as Mayor of Wasco
and in a measure the city's
splendid financial showing Is due
to his honest, outspoken and
well-balanced executive abilities.
Politically Mr. Cattron is a
stanch Bepublican, in business
he ia the local representative of
the Pacific Coast Elevator Com
pany. according to tne terms of the city charter
and previous custom, attention was called
to the amendment of the Australian ballot
law, passed at the last Legislature, pro
viding that the cities of over 2000 inhab
itants should bold their municipal elec
tions under that law, and the point was
raised that as the amended law was now
in effect, the elections in The Dalles
should be held under Its terms, rather
than under the provisions of the city
charter, obviating a conflict of legal
In order properly to inform -themselves
the Council referred the matter to the
Judiciary committee, consisting of At
torneys F. W. and H. S. Wilson, and G.
J. Farley, adjourning until the next day
when a report should be made. This
committee reported on the following even
ing, that the provisions of the amended
Australian ballot law practically repealed
tne election provisions in the city charter.
and advised the Council to proceed with
the announcement of Judges and clerks
and to post notices In the various . wards
according to the emergency clause in the
Australian law.
This advice was complied with, and the
Council announced that the ward meet
ings for the nomination of members would
be held in the several wards on the fol
lowing Tuesday, followed the next even
lng by a mass meeting to confirm ward
nominations and to nominate a Mayor and
urty Treasurer. At the ward meeting all
retiring members were renominated with
the exception of H. S. Wilson, In whose
steaa J. h. Douthlt was chosen, the sren
eral Impression being that owing to the
doubt attending the procedure no change
in me council was advisable.
At the mass meeting the next evenine so
much doubt was manifested concerning
the legality of the proceedings that in
stead of making the official nominations
and confirmations the attorneys of the
city were called upon to advise together
and report their findings at an adjourned
meeung to oe neia the followlnsr Frldav
At this meeting last night N. J. Sinnott.
reported that the attorneys' advice to the
Council was to make no nominations and
aiiow ine city election to rto bv default.
and that in his opinion they could hold
over, unaer tne provisions of the charter,
until their successors were elected, stnt-
lng that if later on It should be concluded
that this was not a lawful Council, the
Circuit Court could issue a mandamus
compelling an election.
The meeting thereupon adjourned and
it Is generally understood that th
be no city election on Monday. In view of
me important improvements pending and
the probable sale of water bonds it is
generally believed that the election
muddle may prove a serious obstacle to
mo cixy s progress.
Unaccountable Disappearance
Robert. E. Pointer.
BAKER CITY, Or., June 13. (Special.)
Robert E. Pointer, a well-to-do rancher,
residing three miles north nt tha rif
has been missing since May 29. and it Is
feared that he has been murdered. Pointer
came to town on the morning of May 29
wiin tnree or ma children In a buggy. He
maae some purchases and was about to
start home when the City Poundmaster
informed nim that three of his horses were
in the city pound.
He sent the children home in the buggy
and -went with the Poundmaster to get
his horses. He started ' home about the
middle of tho afternoon and on the road
met one of his hired men. to whom he
delivered the horses and he returned to the
city. He visited an attorney's office to
attend to some legal business In regard
to a land entry, saying he would go to La
Grande and attend to It; the next Mon
The last seen of him was at 7 o'clock
that ex-enlng when he stopped for a minute
at the residence of a friend In the north
end of town on his way home. When in
vited-to remain longer he said he must
hurry home, and he started down the O.
R. & N. track in the direction of his
home. Since that time he has not been
heard from.
A search is to be made in Ihe brush
along the railroad track for fear Pointer
has been murdered by tramps and the
body secreted in the brush. The missing
man, was years of age. brown hair and
eyes, sandy mustache. He wore a black
coat and trousers and soft black hat. He
has a brother living at Walla Walla,
So far as known he was In good cir
cumstances. His wife feels certain that
he has met with foul play.
Slayer of HaUg-ata or Trial at
UNION. Or., June 13. (Special.) The
taking of the testimony in the case of
the state against Woodson Gray and his
son. Wade Gray, for the killing of A. M.
Hallgath, in progress here for the .past
three days, was completed at o:30 o clock
this afternoon. At the evening .session of
court one argument was made on each
side of the case, after which, adjournment
was taken until Monday morning, when
the argument will be completed. -There
are four attorneys on each side, and there
will be no limit as to the time of the ar
gument. The defense has been made on the
grounds of self-defense as to Woodson
Gray, and that of the boy was justified in
protecting the life of his father.
The case has been one of the hardest
fought legal battles in the history of
Union County.
Nevr Westminster Is Flooded In
Lower Section.
(Special.) Waterin the Fraser River Is
still rising. It Is now 5S feet In the can
yons. Lowland farms, are all flooded.
North Bend houses have three feet of
water and mud on the floors. The Can
adian Pacific Hotel and the Mountain Ho
tel at North Bend are uninhabitable, and
people are fleeing to the coast for safety.
The local mills are closed when the
tide la in.
In New Westminster the lower part of
the city Is submerged with water, the
overflow of the Fraser River. At high,
tide the city electric light station work
has to be carried on on platforms erected
to keep the men out of the water, the en
gineer firing from an elevated platform.
Considerable anxiety Is felt for bridges
in the vicinity. The flood is Interfering
with trains; all are delayed.
Yellovr Aster Mines-Are Closed Dorra
BAKERSFIELD, Cal., June 11 Because
of the miners' strike at Randsburg, all
business is at a standstill and the camp
is practically dead. A special from Rands
burg says:
All men employed on tho Consolidated
Mining & Milling Company's properties
were called out last night. The St. Elmo
group of mines are closed down and Man
ager Erlckson has gone East. A report
says that the men on the Baltic in the
Stringer district have come out. One .of
the officers of the Yellow Aster Company
says the mines will remain closed perma
nently unless the men will work at the
old scale. Business is at a standstill and
merchants give no credit to any one.
Great Northern. Abandons Service
North of Monnt Vernon.
WHATCOM, Wash., June 13. Train
service over the coast line of the Great
Northern Railway has been abandoned
north of Mount Vernon for the last week.
because of tbs washing out of the bridge
across the Skagit River. The. watera of
the river continue so high 'that it is im
possible to commence the work of rebuild
ing the bridge.
Chas W Wood and wf.
H Y Ross, San Fran
I N Manners, S F
H G McKlnley, Eugne
T Hammond. Columo
MUses Hammond, do
Mrs W J Hall. Balti
more Mrs E M Goodrldge,
Norfolk. Va
J A 'Bonn. New Torlc
ban Francisco
F C Davtdion. Spokne
W C Garrette, S P
.lira A SlacDonald.
Mr R S Cox, Jr. do
G W Holden, Spring- I
neia. .Mass
A E Swanson, Warren!
J O walker. Seattle
J P Currier, San Fran
l E Jjevi. San Jose
Mr and Mrs E Long
J Williams. Denver
Ike New. Chlcagro
fellow, New York
H D Angell, Dalles
A E Reames and wllc.jw I Heed, Oakland
G Wallensteln. Clncin
W S Stltt. Chicago I
J B Williamson, Nev
C R Wayrick. city
Bob ilahrr. Frisco
E D Marshall. Phlla.
E W Ward. N Y
H S AVHHanson. S
Mr and Mrs W R "Wls-
G W Dorman, St Paul
K G KennaitJ. u s r
E W Bach and wife,
E F Chase, Seattle
C H Green. Seattle
S Shelck. San Fran
ter. Fhlladclnhta
Miss Halway, Cape Cd
Tii op J Leaner and wf.
Lanslnsr. Fa
N D Phelps. San Fran
E Benner. San Fran I
F P Foster. San Fran
E O Todd and wife.
O Hayter. Dallas
J M Balrd, Chicago
E K. Hughey, Bellevnej
B J Bidders. Sumner !E Younger.
W C Anderson, do
R H Robinson, Arllngt
l W Wlelde. Boise
A J Dillon. Echo
C Humphreys. USA
B D Bioomfleld, Taco
A W Swetman. Seattle
Li fiartman. San Fran
F D Karris, do
G O Knowles-, BohemU
.sirs Harris, ao
C W Wheeler, do
C A Khea, Heppner
C In graham, lone. Or
W R Babb, Echo, Or
F W Sims. Shanlko
N B Colt, do
o E Gates. Hiiisboro
A W WenDarser. Mitch
B O Vanhorne, Vancou
it u wane. Koseourg
K B Magruder. city
a at .ttominger. Mitch
B H Breckenfeld. L An
H K Robin, San Fran
M F Rapp. Roseburg
F H Boughton. Toled
Mrs Robin, do
Mrs Boughton. do J Foley. Mitchell. S D
Mrs sioKes, ao (Mrs Foley, Co
J B Tergarden. Chlcag'J H Easterbrook. Ill
H C Fomeroy, do (Mrs R Easterbrook. do
J D Edwards, Gts Fas IE Hoza. Llttel wash
T O Robertson. TacolA Martin, do
Miss Foster, Or City A B Hawk, Hedrlck. Ia
auss rosier, ao u uooson. unenaus
E H Tripp. Jollet, 111! Mary Dysart. Seattle
C Aultman. Alliance IA L Bratton. city
J E Stevens. Seattle IH M Hollenback. St L
A McDougall. Chip F1JJ A Cunningham. Carle
x u xeonara. xjau uiriairs uunrunKnam. ao
D W Kitchen. New T M E Hotchklss. Hlllsb
a Kernpie. iiuuerceiaiu J currin. Heppner
J Koller. do
C P Cleveland. Gresha
B B Penner. do
J Bergthoth. do
T T Geer. Salem
11 Bonner. Prosser
M Montgomery. Jmr Cy
cj a uroisan. saiem
H H Fazon, Spokane
G T Parker, Boston
Mrs Parker, do
Miss J G Perkins, do
E R Spangler. St. Le
W H Hun. city
J L Berry. -city
J Words. Hoqulam
D Sommer, Elgin
W E Young. Chicago
D E Henderson, Seattle
Mrs Henderson, do
Mrs W J May. Bak Cr
T A Holden. Gray's R
C A Murphy. Salem
W H Cook, Salem
H Houston. Albany
J O Johnson, Drain
J C Moore. St Louis
Mrs Moore. St Louis
Mark Hayter, Dallas
Mrs Hayter, Dallas
W H Slenstoff. Salem
COl A P Hodges. S F
H C Howe. Eugene
w 1m Robb. do
W J Smith and child,
C E Redfleld. Heppnre
Parson Parkhurst, city;
N lx can. The xanes
Wm Rowland, S F
Mrs Rowland. S F
S R Bell. Union" Cltr
Mrs S R Bell, do
F W Settlemier, Wood-
Mrs J D Robb, Fishers
Miss Settlemier. do
C Benham, S" F
W W Campbell. S F
Miss Bart g is, Dayton
V H Behne. Cottage
Mrs R H Foster,
Miss A Dlckerson.
Miss B D Fuller. X Y
J Dannhelser, S F
Mrs Dannhelser. S F
D E Vernon, Oakland
A Hall, Covington
Mrs Hall. Covington
J Levi. St Paul
Mrs A W Gowaa,
M Bradley, Salem
W H Byrd. Salem
C F Cramer, Salem
H J Miller. Aurora.
R K Montgomery,
W H Gray, Omaha
J W Irving. Tacoma
O Patterson. Dalles
J R Hagan, Redlands
m a Annis, Denver
Mrs Ann Is. Denver
G H Baker. Goldendale
J Dobson, Chehalls
S L-Hayes, Corvallls
H W Hall, Corvallls
C W Roberts, vnicago
J S Kelst. San Fran
Mrs W Madison. Astra
Lt F Kusterer, S F
J A Cunningham, Carl
ton, or
Mrs Cunningham, do
Miss Cunnlgham. do
Mrs O'Brien, S F
W H Storey, Castle Rk
W A McKay. Fort
B Wygant. Ft Stevens
W Wygant, do
C C Moyer, Yankton
R B Peals, Gray's
W B Dumars, Salem
A E Stearns, Lyle
S A McDuffee. city
L Rich. Coqutlle
W Rich. Coqullle
G W Reavls, Gardner
R D Tail, city
C W Merritt. Clatskne
L C Hill
Mrs T M Hill
R F Gtbons. Dalles
G R Shaw, Cleono
S F Atkinson, Cal
Henrv Palm
Mrs S L Barrett. Or;
H D Packard, omasa
C W Knott
G B Kellogg. Wasco
Mrs A H Andrews.
Woodland. Wash
J C Armstrong and I
family i
M J Rlordant La Cntr
11 a King. Dem-t:
Master Rlordant. do Mrs H A King. Denver
D P Mathews. AshlndjB O'Connor
P O Lyle, Lyle- jMrs R O'Connor
H Bangs, city IT K Palmer-
J S Ashbaush. Dallas Mrs T K Palmer
Lena Ogrln. lone
C Carlson. Boston
A Cronse, Houlton
C Crouse, Houlton
J Lavery. Oak Point
C McCall, G res ham
Edith Phelp?, do
H W Vlckersr. Woodlnd"
H S Ferris. Goldendale
Dr R B Freeland. F
J W Shaw, city
George Wenn
J L Hobble, city
Mrs J L Hobble, city
J B Manning, city
Geo Manning, city
J A Llvengood
B F Martin. Creswell
C C Cole. Rainier
S M Graham. Marsh
land E F Kelson, Oneida
V C Hodges. Pullman
lit xaiDot. walla Walla
(H M Burns
(Mrs II m Burns
Hotel DraBSTrlclL. Seattle.
European plan, popular rates. Modern
improvements. Business center. Near
Taeoaa Hotel. Tacoma,
American plan. Rates. $3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly, Tacomsu
FIrzt-claaa restaurant in connection.
Rainier Grand Hotel. Seattle.
European plan. Finest cafe on Coast.
Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men.
Rooms en suite and single. Free shower
baths. Rates. JI up. H. F. Dunbar, prop.
Eddy t Be Orator at Oresaa City.
OREGON CITY, Or., June 13. (SpecIaL)
Hon. B. L. Eddy, of Tillamook, will de
liver the Fourth of July oration in con-
Two weeks ago we predicted warmer weather. Last week we
predicted a run on Outing Suits. Both these predictions
came true. Our third pre
diction is "that all who
delay purchasing-their
After this week will find
very little in our stock to
choose from." BETTER
come in tomorrow.
kind, $8.50,' $10, $15' aiid
YOUNG MEN'S OUTING SUITS ages 15 to 19 years,
same kind as the men's, $7.00, $10.00, $12.00.
BOYS' OUTING SUITS 8 to 15 years,' $3.45, $5.00.
And now something
tomorrow, MONDAY morning, we will
Give Away Firecrackers
With EVERY purchase in our BOYS' and CHILDREN'S
department. BRING on the BOYS. We do the rest.
Ben Selling
Leading Clothier Leading Hatter
nection -with the local celebration. There
will be an industrial parade in the morn
ing, sports, including a game of basebalr
between the Monograms and the Oregon
City nine, in the afternoon, and a grand
pyrotechnic display at night.
One of the features of the day's enter-
tainment will be the leap from the sus-'
pension bridge Into the "Willamette River
by some local man.
Dominion Fays $500,000 Claim.
VANCOUVER. B. C, June 13. A spe
cial from Ottawa says:
The Dominion Government has decided
to give $50X000 to the bondholders of the
Chlgnecto Transportation Company as
settlement in full of its claim against
the Dominion. The Chlgnecto project was
always opposed by the Liberals. It Is to
carry out the agreement of the Con
servatives, which pave the bondholders
positively cures Rheumatism in any part
of the body. It seldom fails to cure
sharp, shooting pains in the Arms,- Legs,
Side, Back or Breast, and Rheumatic
Swelling or Soreness of any part of the
body in from oneto three hours.
It effects a speedy and permanent cure
of all forms of Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Lumbago, or pain, in the Back, Lame
ness, Stiff and Swollen Joints, and all
pains in hips and loins.
It does not put the disease to slesp
but drives it from the system.
Panama Hats
Latest shapes received
$8.00 to $15.00.
If you intend buying a
this season, it would
your selection NOW.
of interest to the BOYS.
a claim upon the Dominion, that the Lib
eral Government bas decided to protect
the bondholders.
CItixcns Raise a- Road. Fund.
EUGENE. Or.. June 13. fSnedal. Com.
misloner H. D. Edwards has returned
from a trip to Bohemia where he has been
inspecting county, roads and bridges. He
reports that many improvements are
needed and will soon be made by the
county on the road between Bohemia and
what Is known as the red bridge.
The citizens there are to raise $1000, and
to this the county Is to add another $1000
to put the road in good condition. The
citizens have their part of the fund half
raised now.
Director CanSeld Has Tio Opposition.
OREGON CITY, Or., June 13. (Special.)
Charles H. Caufield. the retiring chair
man of the board of directors of the Ore
gon City schools, will be re-elected as a
member of that board at the annual elec
tion Monday. In response to a largely
signed petition, asking that he be a can
didate to succeed himself, Mr. Caufield
today decided to accept a second term.
There will be no opposing candidate.
Croisan Xaxnecl for School Director.
' SALEM. Or., June 13. SpeciaL)-At a'
meeting of citizens of the Salem School
District this evening, Hon. E- M. Crolsan
was nominated as a candidate for the
office of School Director at the election to
be held next Monday. Mr. Croisan is a
member of the 'State Senate from this
Eureka Cannery in Sanger.
ASTORIA, Or.. June 13. (Special.) The
water In the vicinity of .the Eureka can
nery Is so high that there Is danger of
the warehouse, where several thousand
cans of Ealmon are stored, being flooded.
The salmon is being moved to a place of
Piece ef Steel la. His Eye.
OREGON CITY, Or., June 13. (Special.)
Charles E. Burns. Jr..- an employe la the
machine shop of the Willamette Pulp &
Paper Company, suffered a painful injury
by express.
be wise to
to an eye- A niece of steel penetrated the
eyeball, but fortunately did not destroy
the sight. The missile was extracted suc
cessfully. MAJLTftCai
Made in California
where 'materials are
produced. The lowest
priced roofing made.
Lasts longer than all
others. It Is weather
and water-proof and
fire resisting.
Send for booklet.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
Saa Fraackco, Seattle,
Portland, Let Anjeles
and Denver, Colorado.
Portland Offlce. 406 McKay BnlldlBff.