The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 14, 1903, PART THREE, Page 30, Image 30

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Church. Miss Chrisa Edith, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Bills, of Brush Prai
rie, was married to Mr. Dean L. Roun
tree, o Vancouver. Rev. J. B. Little,
the Presbyterian clergyman, officiated.
Only Immediate friends were present. Mr.
and Mrs. Rountree -will be at home to
their friends at tho Burkhard after June
Hoyt Campbell.
At the residence of the bride's sister,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Allen, corner of Fargo
and Commercial etreets. Vernon C Hoyt
and Miss Blanche H. Campbell -were mar
ried on June 6. Rev. J. B. Bowersox per
formed the ceremony. The guests were
the immediate relatives of the contract
ing parties. After the ceremony a boun
teous repast was served. Mr. and Mrs.
Hoyt will be at home to their friends at
663 Commercial street.
A Quiet wedding took place at the First
Christian Church. "Wednesday, June 10.
when Miss Bertha Trowbridge, of Gar
field, "Wash., and Frank R. Reeves, of this
city, were united In mariage by Rev. J.
F. Ghormley. The bride was a prominent
young woman in Garfield society during
her residence there. The groom is well
known in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves
will be at home at 172 East Thirty-fifth"
street after July J.
Tho marriage of Bayard T. Merrill, of
Independence, Or., to Mies Iva I Haley,
of Multnomah County, occurred at the
home of the bride's parents near Boring
on Sunday, June 7. after which the young
couple started for their new home in In
dependence. Rev. C. A. Nutley was the
officiating clergyman.
Alfred J. Stout, of Groshara. and Miss
Grace A. McKerrow, of Orient, were
united In marriage June 11 at the resi
dence of James Dixon, near Orient, Rev.
C. A. Nutley officiating. They will make
their home near Gresham.
Barretli ltoprem.
John Barreth and Louisa Rogers, both
of this city, were married at the manse
of Calvary Presbyterian Church on June
7 at 5 P. M.. Rev. William S. Gilbert offi
ciating. Rummell Waller.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Waller announce the
marriage of their daughter. Miss Clara, to
Frank M. Rummell. of Joplln. Mo. They
will make their home at Coos Bay. where
Mr. Rummell will practice law.
Hibberd Wade.
On Wednesday. June 10. Charles R. Hlb
berd and Carrie L Wade were married by
Dr. Alexander Blackburn at the First
Baptist parsonage.
Mr. and Mrs. Oneslme Sovcy, of Asto
Tia, have announced the engagement of
their daughter, Marie Adele, to Mr. Sher
man Grant Trulllnger. The wedding will
take place July 1.
The wedding of Belva K. Drain and
William P. Llllls will take place at St.
Lawrence Church on June 24. at 9 A. M.,
to "be followed by a reception from 8 to
10 P. M., at 605 Fifth street.
Mr. Albert Eisner announces the en
gagement of his daughter Clara to Mr.
Charles O. Richards, the wedding to take
place June 20.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Nudelman announce
the engagement of their daughter, Nettie,
to Mr. Abo Kamusher.
Invitations have been issued for the
moonlight excursion Saturday, June 20. to
be given by the February class of '04 of
the Portland High School, In honor of
the June class of 03. Through the efforts
of the entertainment committee, consist
ing of George D. Gerson, Carl F. Neth,
Mary E. Shache, Florence Ells-e Burbank,
and Alice Eberhardt, the steamer Bailey
Gatzert has been secured. A very en
joyable time is anticipated. The officers
of the February class of 04 are: Arthur
Barendrlck, president; Annie Dltchburn,
vice-president; Ellen Driver, secretary;
Camilla Herz. treasurer; Mabel Millie,
jergeant-at-arms. The patronesses' are:
Mrs. T. T. Davis. Mrs. F. Rigler, Miss C.
Barnes. Miss G. Balrd and Miss C. Mac
Connel. The pupils of Marie A. S. Soule are
busy preparing for final examinations,
which commence June, 20. These exam
inations are compulsory to those of the
students who wish to take part In the
annual recital, and include not only piano
forte playing, but history, harmony and
science of music Miss Soule leaves June
27 for New York, where she will spend the
Summer studying, and will be accom
panied as far as Chicago by Ella Connell.
who has been offered a free scholarship
in one of the leading music schools.
The women of the Methodist Episcopal
churches of the city will give a reception,
from 3 to 5. on Monday afternoon. In the
parlors of Taylor-Street Church, to Misses
Walden and Holt. Miss Walden is editor
of the Heathen Woman's Friend, the offi.
1 1
Miss Sadie M. Warren, youngest daughter of Judge and Mrs. Seth Warren, was quietly married to Charles M.
Davis, a prominent merchant at Hoqulam. Wednesday, June 10. at S o'clock A. M. at the residence of the bride's
parents on Tenth and L streets.
Promptly at S o'clock Miss Leo Fosnot began playing the bridal march Vom Lohengrin and the couple marched
under the arch of Ivy and snowballs where Rev. Mr, Banadon. of the Methodist Church, performed the solemn ring
The bride was dressed In white crepe de chine, over white silk, with chiffon trimmings and carried a bouquet
of white roses. The groom was attired In the conventional black. Miss Augusta Hoffemlth. of Montesano. acted as
bridesmaid, being attired In white tucked organdie with white satin ribbon trimming, Mr. Lennard Warren
being best man. After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis are both popular in Hoqulam society, and will return to make that city their home after
a visit to Puget Sound and British Columbia cities.
Continued From Page
cial organ of the Woman's Foreign Mis
sionary Society. Mies Holt Is the secretary
of the New England branch of the W. F.
M. S.
The John Ivey Water-Color Club will go
for a sketching trip and picnic to Willam
ette Heights, on Saturday. June 20. They
will meet at the end of the Washington
street car line, at 10 A. M.
The members of St. Ann's Charitable
Society will give a musical Thursday after
noon, June IS, from 2 to 5 at the residence
of Mrs. Alex. Mayer, 67 North Fourteenth
street. Admission 30 cents.
Invitations are out for the commence
ment hop of the officers and cadets of the
Hill Military Academy, to be given In
the academy armory cn Thursday even
ing, June 18.
Tne Grand Cabin, Native Daughters of
Oregon, will meet in the Alisky building,
corner Second and Morrison streets, Mon
day, June 15, at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Carnation Social Club Intends to
give their first series of launching parties
commencing June 21. Invitations will be
issued in the near future.
The Wisteria Club will give a lawn
social Wednesday evening, June 17, at
church grpunds, Eeleventh and East Pine.
The commencement hop of Bishop Scott
Academy Is to be given at Parsons Hall
on Wednesday evening. June 17.
Mrs. Alice Schuyler has returned from
Castle Rock. .
Dr. Homer L Keeney left on Friday for
San Francisco.
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Miller have re
turned from Victoria.
John H. Howe, of Eugene. Is making
a brief visit In Portland. A.
Lee M. Travis, of Eugene, visited In
"Portland during the weeK.
Miss Henrietta Lauer is the guest of
Miss Friendly, at Eugene
Miss Miriam Strong has returned from
Pendleton for the Summer.
MLs Pansy McKee, of Olympla, Is visit
ing her friend. Miss Dora Winkler.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wolf have moved from
510 Clay street to 486 Market street.
Miss Carstcns Is visiting friends at Wal
la Walla, and will be absent a month.
Mrs. Russell Catlln has returned to
Salem, after a week's visit In the city.
Mrs. W. G. Carroll, of Bandon, Or.. Is
the guest of her sister. Miss M. M. Wil
liams. Mrs. J. J. Panton will be at home
Thursdays at 201 Tenth street, corner of
Dr. John Sellwood Is out of town on
a hunting and fishing trip In Clackamas
Mrs. S. Delovage has discontinued her
afternoons at home for the Summer
months. '
Mrs. W. E. Robertson returned on Tues
day from an outing of ten rays" at Locks
ley Hall.
Miss Clara Fished, of Corvallls. is
visiting Portland friends and" will remain
until July.
Mrs. Ross E. Hibler, of Scio. has been
the guest of Mrs. Max Frledenthal the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer have taken
apartments at the Hotel Portland for
the - Summer.
The Misses Green, of Jacksonville, HI.,
are guests of their cousin, Mrs. W. L.
Mrs. Jasper Toung, and children, of
Castle Rock, .Wash., are visiting Port
land relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. Will Northup axe visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoyt on their house
boat, "La Siesta."
Mrs. Jennie C. Nixon, of New Orleans,
Is visiting her son, MrsvRlchard Nixon,
at Mount Tabor.
Mrs. John Genn, from Cebu, P. L, Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Edith Daly, at
the Imperial Hotel.
Miss Minnie Harris, of Rutherford,
CaL, Is visiting at the residence of her
uncle, J. B. Harris.
Mrs. M. J. Gootsteln, of Seattle, is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wolf,
at 4S6 Market street
Miss Carrie Garrow, of Mlranette. Wis.,
Is paying her sister. Mrs. Thomas B. Wal
lace, an extended visit.
Mrs. B. F. Weaver, of Omaha. Neb., Is
visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Lee Boss.
Mrs. M. Nowlen and Mrs. M. J. Badol
let, of Astoria, are visiting Mrs. W. G.
Howell at Mount Tabor.
John Zieglcr. of Kansas City, Is here to
spend the Summer with his daughters, Dr.
Amelia Ziegler and Mrs. L. E. Sauvaln.
Mr. Ziegler' Is delighted with the western
climate, this ielng his third Summer on
ihe Coast
Mrs. Mary Dlckman and children, of
Belleville, 111., are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs..Tannaneee.
Mrs. von Bolton, Miss von Bolton and
Miss Nicholson have moed for a few
months to 706 Everett street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drake have moved
Into their new home on the corner of
East Couch and Thirty-first.
Mrs. Sarah A. Evans leaves tomorrow
for a month's 'islt In Bedford, Pa., In the
foothills of the Alleghenles.
Miss Osborn, of Honolulu, will spend
the Summer with tho Misses Hill, and Is
expected to arrive on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Batchelder and sona
have returned home from a month's out
ing at The Firs. Hood River.
Miss Frances Wcrthelmer, of San Fran
cisco, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Benjamin
Latz; at home Tuesday, June 16.
Mrs. F. C. Brewer, of Tacoma, Is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Lounsbury. at 3S9 Hancock street.
Miss Retta Steele and Miss Anglo Haun
schlld, of Indianapolis, are spending the
Summer with Mrs. E. E. Coovert.
Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway has re
turned to Portland after an absence of
several months at Palo Alto, Cal.
Mrs. M. J. Gottstcln, of Seattle, arrived
Thursday for a visit to her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Wolf, 510 Clay street.
Miss Ellle C. Fleckenstein returned
Thursday from a few weeks' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bcrkman, Seattle.
Rev. O. T. Ottcn. of Oakdale. Wis., is
in the city visiting his sister, Mrs. T.
K, Williams, at 290 Sellwood street.
Mrs. George G. Brown and Mrs. A. A.
Cunningham, of Salem, were guests of
Mrs. Harry A. Green during the week.
Frank Whalley Watson, who has been
attending, Columbia . College for the past
two years, will return home next week.
'Mrs. Wr. O. Hadley, of Moro, Sherman
County, was the guest of Mrs. J. B. Hoa
ford last week, at her residence, 412 East
Ninth street. Mrs. Hadley was attend
ing the Eastern Star Lodge as a delegate
from Sherman County.
Miss Esslo Dennis Is the guest of Mrs.
Will Dennis at her charming Southern
Oregon homo at the Black Butte mines.
Rev. D. Thompson, the new pastor of
the Sellwood Presbyterian Church, ar
rived from Princeton last week with bis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleckenstein re
turned Friday from a week's outing at
their Summer residence at Centervllle.
Mrs. W. M. Howes and her sister, Mrs.
M. Whitehead, have returned from San
Francisco, after visiting their sister for
a month.
Mrs. Langell, the genial hostess at Cloud
Cap' Inn, has spent three weeks In the
city visiting Mrs. L. H. Adams, and Mrs.
John Cran.
Fred J. Zelgler, cx-captaln of the Uni
versity of Oregon football team, left yes
terday for Eugene to attend the com
mencement. Mrs. A. C. McElroy, who has been vis
iting at the residence, of Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Harris, has returned to her home
at Eugene.
Mrs. Ed M. Cousin and daughter, of
Chicago, are here for a two months visit
wth Mrs. W. T. Everson, 433 East Sev
enth street.
Mrs. A. L. Shreve, of Stayton. and
Mrs. A. B. Muir, of Dallas, have been
visiting their sister, Mrs. Charles Jacob
son, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruchler announce the
engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth,
to John Wagman. The wedding will take
rlaco on June 24.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Helly'er have re
turned from a trip to the Puget Sound
cities, and are at home to their friends
at SS3 Missouri avenue.
Miss Minnie Dutcher left, Thursday
evening, for San Francisco, to visit her
brother and sister." Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Isolkees. of that city.
Mrs. W. B. Edwards, accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. E. A. Belllon, and son,
Chester Edwards, has returned home af
ter a trip to Yaqulna Bay.
Miss Hattle Hand, who has been the
guest of her aunt. Mrs. W. J. White, dur
ing the past year, left on Thursday for
her home at Oquawka, la.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. Curry and
Master Clarence." of San Francisco, who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Ames, will be at the Hobart-Cuctls next
F. H. Park, a prominent mining man of
the Blue River district, passed through
Portland last week on his way home from
England, where he has been visiting since
Mrs. T. J. Armstrong left last Wednes
day evening over the O. R. & N. and
Great Northern for Boston and Nova
Scotia, where she will spend the Sum
mer visiting-.
Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt, who has been
seriously ill in the East and California
since September last, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Piatt have taken a house
at 255 King- street for the Summer.
Arthur H. Ball, of Salt Lake City, has
been the guest of Mrs. K. D. McBrlde
during the past week. Mr. Ball departed
for Seattle on Thursday, but will return
this . week, spending several weeks in
Portland before departing for his home.
Miss Elizabeth K. Matthews, of St.
Helen's Hall, left on Thursday via the
Canadian Pacific for her home in Des
Moines, where she will spend the Sum
mer. At the "Women Union.
Mrs. Lenora E. Armstrong is one of the
latest comers.
Miss Hattie Gaskell" was a guest for
dinner on Monday.
' Mrs. W. H. Reed, of Warrendale, was
a guest over Monday night.
MIes Alice Livingston, of Ashland, was
one of this week's transients.
Miss Sturgeon, of Tillamook, was a fly
ing visitor .to the Union in the middle of
the week.
Miss Julia Plattenberg has'been visiting
at the home of friends on the East Side
this week.
MIsa Edna Allen, of Albany, has re
turned home after her visit to Miss E.
Mrs. Thomas Wilson, of Canyonvllle, a
delegate to the Eastern Star convention,
was the guest of her daughter. Miss Flora,
for several days in the first of the week.
Mrs. M. V. Douthlt. of the Tlmcs-Moun-taineer.
The Dalles, accompanied by her
daughter. Miss Winnlfred, were the guests
of Miss M. S. Douthit at dinner on Sun
This Eminent Lady Will Lecture in
Portland Next Thnrnday Evening.
Through the efforts of the leading so
ciety ladies of Portland. Mra Waldo
Richards, of Boston, has been Induced to
offer her services for a lecture In Portland
next Thursday evening at Parsons Hall.
Mrs. Richards special fort Is In dramatic
and dialect recitals. The patronesses of
her Portland recital Include the names of
the following well-known socletv "matrons:
Mrs Frederick Eggert, Mrs. Wlnslow B.
Ayer, Mrs. Frederick Arnold, Mrs. Walter
J. Burns, Mrs. William L. Brewster, Mrs
Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Henry C. Cabell
Mra George Good. Mrs. Richard Kbehler'
Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mrs. L. Allen Lewis,
Mrs. H. H. Northup and Mrs. Holt C.
Beauty Cnltare Explained.
Madame Vaughn will be pleased to meet
tho ladles of Portland Tuesday, June 16,
to explain tho advantages of the French
system of facial Improvement. Each lady
will receive a souvenir In a sample jar .of
Orange Flower Skin Food. Parlors 306, 303
310 Fajllng building. Open evenings.
H. B. Litt.
Corner Fonrth and Washington streets.
Mr. Earl C. Gaddls, of Roseburg, arrived
Monday to visit his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Court Hall and son,
who have been at Colestln several days,
returned Thursday.
John Young, of Seattle. Wash., arrived
Friday and Is visiting here, the guest of
his nephew, Fred Luy, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sayles, of Ashland,
visited here several days this week, the
guest of their daughter, Mrs. Ranse
Mrs. O. R. Everett, of Redlands, Cal..
arrived recently to visit several months
wuu her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N.
Mrs. H. L. Mumford and children- arrived
Wednesday from Forest Grove, Cal., to
visit Mrs. Mumford's parents, Captain and
Mrs. W. Carroll.
Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Plckel left Sunday
for a week's visit with friends in Port
land, where Dr. Plckel attended the State
Board of Health.
Mrs. H. U. Lumsden and daughter, who
have been visiting relatives and friends
in different parts of Washington, and also
in Portland, arrived home Friday.
, Herbert K. Hanna, sonof Hon. H. K.
Hanna, returned this week from Oakland,
Cal., where he graduated from the St.
Mary's College with high honors.
W. L Vawter visited Ashland Tuesday
to attend a meeting of the board of the
regents of the Southern Oregon Normal
School, of which he is a member.
Mrs. J. D. Heard and daughters left
Thursday morning for Steamboat, where
Mr. Heard is superintending the opening
ol the Heard-Whitman placer gold mine.
Rev. and Mrs. Ml E. Patterson leave
next week ior Turner, Or., where Mr.
Patterson will attend the Christian Church
state meeting, after which they will visit
relatives in Portland during the. summer.
Mlse Vera Kem, who has been visiting
with br f isttr, Mrs. George Faucett, .str-
cral months, left Tuesday for Salem,
where she will visit her sister. Mrs. C L.
Hurd, and then return to her home in
Dr. T. B. Ford and Miss Sidle Ford
visited in Salem the past week.
Mrs. J. E. Bronaugh. of Portland, is
visiting her parents, Mrt and Mrs. G. B.
Miss Henrietta Lauer, of Portland, Is
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. B. C Jackway, of Portland. Is
visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs.
J. W. Johnson, in this city.
Mr. and -Mrs. S. H. Friendly tendered
a reception Saturday evening to Miss
Stella Pitt Dorris. the fiancee of Dr.
Charles Macrum. of Portland.
Professor Frederick S. Dunn, of the
department of Latin of the University,
arrived home Sunday from Harvard,
where he has spent the last year.
Mrs. C. S. Williams. Wednesday after
noon, entertained the Fortnightly Club a
her home In honor of Mrs. Laura Bradley,
who Is soon to remove to Portland. The
ladles spent the afternoon on the spa
clous lawn with their needlework. Re
freshments were served by the hostess.
One of the most prominent affairs of
the week was the joint afternoon recep
tion tendered a large circle of their
friends by the Mesdamcs George Lilley,
Laura Bradley and Minnie Buckman at
the former's home Tuesday. Miss Marie
On Friday eve'ning, June 5, a large gathering of many friends of Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Fields assembled at their home, corner of Grand avenue
and Oregon streets, to celebrate the twenty-flfth anniversary of their
marriage. The lawn was gaily festooned with many-colored Japanese
lanterns, and afforded an attractive space for the outdoor games of the
young people. Within the tastefully decorated parlors the older guests
enjoyed a progressive contest of a series of games as varied as the game
maker's art could supply. The evening's merrymaking ended with a
dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Fields were the recipients of many costly and
handsome souvenirs of the occasion. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
L. R. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Fields. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Fields, Misses Vera Fields, Bessie Fields. Laura
Fields. Lucy Fields. Hazel Fields, Wilbur Fields, Mrs. S. Fields, Mrs. Fan
nie Fields. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Brubaker, Mr. Durand Fields, Mr. and
Mrs. Mead. Miss Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. Mead. Miss Crosby, Mr. and Mrs.
Younger. Miss Rhombeau. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vail, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Campbell. Mrs. M. J. Fox. of Astoria, Mrs. Emma Jones, Mrs. Isabella
Grout, Misses Mildred Vail, Mary Campbell, Frances Fuller. Leila Jones,
Edna Jones; Jessie Harklns. Mr. and Mrs. John Harklns. Mr. C. O. Hos
ford. Roy Fields, Arthur Fields, Misses Fannie Troup, Cora Hosford, Anna
Peterson, Louise Peterson. Mrs. Mathlot, Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Hosford, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. D. A: Grout, Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Hosford.'
Bradley ushered in the guests and Mrs.
Goldsmith assisted the hostess. The re
freshments were presided over by Mrs. O.
E. Roberts, aided by Miss Alice Brether
ton. Miss Ella Doble and Miss Mary
Cards are out for the wedding of Mr.
W. Almond Hemenway, of Cottage Grove,
and Miss Ora Elizabeth Read, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. D. Read, of Pleasant
Hill, to take place at the home of. the
bride's parents, June 14, 1903. Mr. Hem
enway 13 the son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Hemenway, of Cottage Grove, the Junior
member of the general merchandise firm
of Garman-Hemenway Company. Miss
Read Is a lady of known merit through
out this section of Oregon. She has been
a teacher In the Eugene schools for two
years past.
Paul Trulllnger has returned home from
San Franpisco.
Mrs. Oswald West entertained the
Thursday Afternoon Club this week
Miss Emma Summerfield spent the week
visiting Mrs. Herman F. Prael In this
Mrs. Bell, of Portland. Is In the city
-visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. D.
J. A. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter, of
Santa Cruz, Cal., is in the city visiting
Miss Janette Peterson entertained about
20 of her classmates Saturday afternoon
in honor of her 15th birthday anniver
sary. Miss McKlnley, a niece of the late
President McKlnley, of San Francisco,
Is at Fort Stevens, the guest of Lieu
tenant and Mrs. Tobln.
Mrs. George W. Wood and Miss Alice
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grenfell celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in a delightful fashion at their home
on Caruthcrs street. Seventy of their frienda were entertained and spent an enjoyable evening in games, music
and dancing. The parlors- wero decorated in Bride roses, the dlnlng-rooBa also had elaborate fioral "decoration
Mr. and Mrs. Grenfell received a great many handsome preseafce.
Wood went to Portland Tuesday to meet
G. A. Wood, who has been attending a
medical college in Chicago during the
past year.
Mrs. W. O. Wilkinson entertained the
"Art and Travel" clas3 of the Woman's
Club at her home on Fourteenth street
Wednesday afternoon with a talk on her
travels through Mexico. Refreshments
were served and a pleasant afternoon was
spent by all who were present.
Mrs. Daniel B. Allen entertained a
number of young ladles with a linen
shower. In honor of Miss Sadie Suther
land Wednesday afternoon. The house
was beautifully decorated in' Japanese
effect, and palms. Scotch broom and
snowballs were used for the floral part
of the decorations, and all looked very
pretty under the gaslight. The game
of New Market was played, and Miss
Bess1 Reed won the prize, while the con
solation fell to Miss Luclle Cole. Mrs.
Allen was assisted in entertaining by a
number of young- ladles.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L Dunbar are spending
a few" days In Astoria.
H. H. Guild, of Prosser, Wash., Is
spending the summer In Salem.
Mrs. S. W.. Thompson has returned from
an extended visit in California.
Miss Myrtle Hunt, of Ashland, Is a
guest of Mrs. Ellen Bagley. of this city.
Miss Sadie Ford, of Eugene, was a guest
of Salem friends several days this week.
Mrs. La Blanche Young, of Walla Walla,
Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
S. Belle.
Mr. Ralph Watson, of Pendleton, was a
guest of friends and relatives In Salem
this week.
Miss Clara Reading, of San Francisco,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Zadoc RIggs.
Mrs. H. A. Dearborn, of Portland, was
a guest of Mrs. Amelia Miller, of this city.
early in the week.
W. N. Gatens, private secretary to the
Governor, went to Seattle last Thursday
for a few days' visit.
Mrs. W. H. Byrd and Mrs. C. L. McNary
were In Eugene this week to attend the
wedding of Miss Stella Dorris and Dr.
Macrum. The latter is a brother of Mrs.
Miss Donna Wolfard and Mr. L. P. Al
drich, both of Sllverton, were married at
the parsonage of the First Methodist
Church in this city last Wednesday, Rev.
John Parsons officiating.
Mrs. Claud Gatch, Mrs. C. S. Dyer, Miss
Ella Hodson, Mrs. F. E. Rlzer, Mrs.
George H. Burnett, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock
and Mrs. H. B. Thlelsen were anions: the
Salem ladles attending the Eastern Star
Grand Lodgo In Portland this week.
Miss Coybl Raley has gone to Boise,
Idaho, to visit Mrs. N. M. Perkins.
Mrs. T. G. Halley and children have
gone to Boise to visit relatives and
friends for two weeks.
Mrs. F. E. Judd and Mrs. E. Y. Judd
passed a few days In Walla Walla, as
guests of Mrs. Levi Ankeny.
Mrs. Llna H. Sturgis and her son, Wlll-
lam p. sturgis, gave an anagram party
on Tuesday evening in honor of Miss
Grace. Redman, who is a guest at tho
Sturgis home. A large party of young
people gathered and passed a delightful
Mra. John Rowland and Mrs. Jacob
Proebstel came up from Portland to at
tend the Macleay-Nye wedding.
Miss Edna Thompson gave a dinner on
Tuesday evening at which Miss Mable
Nye was the guest of honor. There were
12 young ladles who enjoyed the hospital
ity of Miss Thompson, and numerous
toasts were proposed to tho bride's fu
ture happiness. The guests, besides Miss
Nye. were: Miss Eva Switzler, Miss
Nellie Cameron. Miss Ezroa Sawtelle.
Miss Dena Hendley, Miss LaVelle Moore
house, Miss Bess Duncan, Mfss Fanchon
Bosie. Miss Blanche Home.
Misses Ida and Harriette E. Thompson
gave a "shower," on Tuesday afternoon,
in honor of Miss Elsie Folsom. who will
become the bride of Mr. Guy W. Wade on
June 17. About 20 young ladles were pres
ent, and the bride received many pretty
and useful presents. Some time was de
voted to puzzling over a puzzling menu,
which was one of the games provided for
the afternoon and which created much
merriment. Mrs. Frank J. Moule came
nearest to unraveling- the puzzle, and re
ceived for her efforts the handsome book
of drawing- of C. D. Gibson, "The Widow
and Her Friends."
Mrs. Kate Howell has returned to Ash
land from Portland to reside.
Frank Garrett, of Bolivar, N. Y., Is
visiting his parents In Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Butler have re
turned from a stay at Bybee Springs.
Mrs. C Johnson, of Wabasha. Minn.,
Is visiting R. A. Johnson and family in
this city.
MlSS Llnnie Smith. Of Knnnlgm tCnaVi
has been the guest of Mrs. George Englo.
for a few days.
H. C Galev. a bank- pashlpr nf T?i-
burg. Is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. C.
uaiey, ana iamuy in jvsniana.
Earl Jackson, who Is with the cruiser '
New York, was vlsltlrnr hla thev In
Ashland a few days daring the week.
Mr. and Mrs. T-T. L. WhltPrt nnfl rtaii-h-
ter, Esther, returned home Tuesday from
their visit to Iowa and the Atlantic
has accepted a call to' the Congregational J
uurcii ai Asmanu. xae new pastor ar
rived Saturday and will officiate at the
cnurcn toaay.
Rev. F. G Stranep. nf "Mnrshfiplrt for
merly Presbyterian pastor here, visited
irienas a iew aays aunns tne week on
the way home from the General Assem
bly at Los Angeles.
Mrs. E. T Stanles and snn rnrrm n-
from Her? "Rlnff Hp! rfiirini. tha -rt-n.v
where they have been living during the
winter, to mane tneir home In Ashland.
Professor G. W. Bishop, who has been
In charge of the department of sciences
oi tne ooutnern uregon .Normal at Ash
land thft nast vear. left Wodnasilot- tnr.
hla home at Bloomlngton, HI. He was
not an applicant lor re-election to tha
Oregon City.
Mrs. J. W. Loder is home from a visit
In Albany.
Gilbert L. Hedges ha3 returned from
San Francisco.
Mrs. C. T. Hockett, of Salem, Is the
guest of Miss Burse Reddlck.
Miss Rena Johnson visited at the home
of Sheriff Shaver this week.
Howard and Jack Latourette are homo
from the State University at Eugene
Miss Lulu Spangler, of Corvallls, visited
her sister, Mrs. L. L. Porter, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Byland, of Vale,
spent the week with friends In this city.
Mrs. C. L. Driggs, of Portland, was tho
guest of Mrs. C. D. Latourette this wqek.
W. H. Conyers and daughter, Mfcss,
Laura, of Clatskanle, were In Oregon City
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Palmer, of Silver
ton, were guests at the home of TV. a H.
Samson this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moores were In Sa
lem thl3 week attending the commence
ment exercises at Willamette University.
Professor and Mrs. W. G. Beattie have
returned from Alaska and will reside here.
Professor Beattie having accepted tha
prlnclpalshlp of the West Side School.
Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. E. S. Bol
linger entertained tha members of the
Eighth Grade graduating class and their
teacher, Mrs. Godfrey, in honor of the
birthday of her daughter, Miss Helen, who
Is &. member of the class.
The Dalles.
Miss Helen Lytle has been the guest ot-
Mrs. J. M. Patterson for tho past tea
Mrs. C. M. Grimes and Mrs. H Ik
Jones have spent the past week in Port-
Mrs. D. M. French and her daughter,
Constance, have been In Portland for the)
last few days.
Mrs. Franklin Menefee was the hostess
at a lawn party on Tuesday evening, la
honor of v Miss Laura Thompson.
Miss Goss, of Portland, who has been
the guest of Mrs. E. M. Williams for tha
past week, returned to her homa on
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lueddemann lef8
here on Monday for Portland, on their
way East, over the Canadian Pacific It
Is their intention to make an extended
visit in the Eastern States.
Mrs. G. C. Eshelman, who has spent!
(Concluded on page 31.)