The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 14, 1903, PART THREE, Page 29, Image 29

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The Olds, Woftman & King Store
tlandPs Greatest Trade Event
Fifth & Wash- ' j
tagton Streets fek't M JzXfo '
X$ fik F 1 ent" Stre
as Clearance Occasion! Tie Most Remarkable Baying Opportunity Yet
Clean-Sweep Sale means a week's series of special sales of seasonable Summer
Price efforts on the most worthy merchandise from loom and factory at the time you're likely to need 'them most.
A business stirring sale on hot-weather goods at the beginning of hot weather, just when the ordinary shops reap their
greatest profits. An example typical of this store's way of doing things. As you read this announcement you can almost
hear the clink of money saved. We will have a large force of salespeople to wait on you that as little delay as possible
may occur to prevent pleasant shopping. For tomorrow and the coming week we have gathered vast assortments of THE
You know from past experience that when we make such an announcement we have values that the most aggres
sive competition cannot equal. Nothing but the most seasonable, desirable and reliable merchandise will be offered. No
other kind is EVER offered here, but many of the following prices are so low that they might cause doubt on that jpoint
unless we gave you assurance to the contrary. "We urge you to visit this store tomorrow because we know that it will pay
you handsomely to come .here. Every item mentioned below points the way to a most desirable money-saving opportun
ity. The Reliance White Sale is over, and in its wake we find many oddments, ends of lots too little of this and too
niuch of that most stores wait until buying time is over and people have left town for the Summer before they reduce
(goods for a clean-up of stocks. Not so here we're "different." "We want to sell the goods, so offer them now while
you're buying while you need them for use, present and future, and while you're in town to take advantageof
Staffs Kg flR"
In the sale Staple and Novelty Weaves, all new, smooth and
rough effects, and this season's goods, including the follow
ing fabrics: Cheviots, Serges, Zibalines, Hop Sackings,
Canvas Cloth, Etamine, Basket Weave, Granite, Camels
hair, from 44 to 50 inches in width. Regular 7 9c
price, $1.00 sale price '
Lot 3.
Stamped Linens Swept Out
(From Second Floor Art Section)
Lot U Odd lines of fine or heavy linen, stamped.
Most of them partly silk embroidered, all choice de
signs, in 20, 22 and 24 inch squares, or 8x27 and
J 8x48 inch scarfs. Regular $J.25 values, JC
swept out at O 7c
Lot 2. Same as above linens, including stamped hot
roll cloths, center-pieces and doilies. Reg- n
ular values to 75c, swept out at
Fine stamped linen, 6 by J2 inch doilies. Reg- T
values to 20c, swept out at
Royal Woceste Cofsets
Get the Broom
We now offer at specially reduced prices our broken
lines in this world-famous brand of corsets. There
are J5 different styles and prices for choosing, sizes
to fit every woman. Colors drab, white and
black. They are in short, medium and long,
straight front, bias cut, and include the famous
"Bon Ton' We have arranged them in 4 lots, as follows:
Lot J. Regular $f.Q0 and $L5Q qualities, swept out at . .79c
Lot 2. Regular $2.50 and $3,50 qualities, swept out at. .$J.87
Lot 3. Regular $4.00 and $5.00 qualities, swept out at. .$2.88
Lot 4. Regular $7.00 and $9.00 qualities, swept out at . - $5.25
In the Path, of the Broom
(Second Floor)
Something for Women to Think Of
Fag ends. ."What good are they to a store like
this? One coat, one suit only a drop in the bucket.
Just about as much use as the little scraps of stuff
left over after making a gown ot even big enough
for patches. You gather up the scraps and dispose of them
with a broom we do the same thing by changing prices. A
woman who is on the lookout can often get some of the best
things of the season in this way, for no more than ordinary
things would cost. For instance, such reductions as these on
the second floor tomorrow and week.
Novelty and Fancy Dress Skirts Reduced
All this season's latest novelties
In blacks, whites, navys, tans and
grays materials of plain and fancy
Btamlnes. Crepe de Chenes, Voiles,
Broadcloths. Cheviots, Venetians,
in fact, all proper and seasonable
stuffs marked from
JS5 to . 556-50
J.o to v ll-t
JG5 to I. 78.50
$30 to 39-50
$10 to 34.o0
535 to 50
528.50 to .. 23-50
525 to
522.50 to.
$20 to 16.50
And some between prices at simi
lar between reductions.
SCITS. all of latest design, mate
rial and trimming, a few Walking
Suits in the lot bountiful and
beautiful choosing. These stylish
suits have been here during the
past month at prices ranging up
from $15 to 535. You may take
your pick this weekg
ens. Lawns and Imported Chev
iots, trimmed elaborately and
protUly with elegant embroldes
ies and antique laces. They aro
splendid values at 57.50 It's &
shame the broom touches 'em,
but out they go
All on one table choose.
All of this season's Coats. Includ
ing the modish close-fitting, man
tailored . garments and the Monte
Carlos. In the path of the broom,
half the price is swept awav-the
other half only remains take
your choosing 1 -nrino
at a price
Bargains Tfiat WiH Be Swept
Ftom the Miilineiy.
(Second Floor)
One lot of flowers and foliage, overlooked in Satur
day's sale, will be swept out of our store by eager
purchasers tomorrow. "Bunches of beautiful flow--no
one worth less than 50c, nearly all of them over
75c values, and some on from that up to $3.00 a bunch.
They'll change owners tomorrow at per f Qr
bunch yC
Twb hundred handsome Tailored Hats those that have sold
up to $5 in price, sweep out of our-sight tomorrow
Boating and Picnic Hats, prettily trimmed with mull and
quills splendid $1-25 'tis a pity, but they're TQ
Out Great Clean-Up Sale W&idi Begins Tomorrow Morning
For several days past there has been a hasty census taking of the last of lots in every depart
ment. Every good housewife knows the benefits that are to be derived from housecleaning, and
while the "liege lords" may grumble, yet it "has to be gone through with." So it is in a great, heav
ily stocked store of this kind. A radical cleaning up must be done semi-annually, else counters,
shelves and cases will become burdened and cluttered up with small lots and last of lines. Tomorrow
we begin it. How deeply in earnest we are and how thorough we mean to be you may learn by
reading the following quotations:
IJndetmmtms Swept "Out
(From second-floor annex.)
Odd lines and broken sizes of children's muslin gowns, ruffle and embroidery edged, or
children's cambric skirts, lawn flounce, two clusters of tucks, regular prices
to 65c, swept out at
Lot 1 Broken lines of Ladies' fine Cambric Drawers, deep Valenciennes or torchon lace, in
sertion and edging, tucks and hemstitching. Ladies' fine Muslin and Cambric Gowns,
round and V-shaped neck, yoke of embroidery insertion between clusters of hemstitched
tucks, lawn hemstitched ruffle at neck and sleeves, or yoke of four rows of embroidery
insertion between six clusters of tucks,yoker neck and sleeves trimmed with em- rj
broidery edging, regular $1.25 value swept out at wC
Lot 2 Broken lines of Ladies' Cambric or Muslin Drawers, closed or open, clusters of tucks and fine
embroidery edging; Ladies' Muslin Gowns, yoke of lace insertion between clusters of A(
tucks and lace edging at yoke, neck and sleeves, regular 85c values swept out at ttUC
Lot 3 Long and Short Chemise of fine muslin or cambric, square and round neck, yoke of lace or
embroidery insertion between clusters of tucks, yoke and armholes trimmed with lace or embroi
dery edging; Ladies' Muslin Skirts, deep flounce trimmed with torchon lace insertion r jr
and edging, regular $1.00 values swept out at OOC
Fine Cambric Skirts, deep Spanish flounce, wide Valenciennes or torchon lace, insertion between
clusters of tucks and deep lace edging, or rows of embroidery insertion between tf QH
clusters of tucks with embroidery edging, regular $3.00 values swept out at P s J
Prices on all fine Lingeries reduced in proportion to the above
price per pair QZT
(Fourth Floor)
5o pairs Hazard Phoof
carics (Oriental) Cur
tain Drapes for cozy
mrflCK. TfiR fistiaf
is $2.75. Sale price ea.
Reductions on Ruffle Curtains
continue during the Clean
Sweep Sale.
20 Persian Stripe Couch Covers,
$1.65 values. Q JT
Sale price -P
25 Heavy Reversible, Oriental
effect, Couch Covers, $5.00
W Dongola Smyrna Rugs, 00x60 In.,
and $1.75 values Sale it; Sc
price 4.&J
Reduced prices on Enameled Beds
continued during the Clean-Sweep
HAMMOCKS at Clearance -prices
biff values from 55.50 down
Headquarters for
Whitaey Go-Carts.
the celebrated
Laces at Spe
cial Prices
A Clean Sweep
All nice, clean goods
in an endless variety
of styles, divided into
a dozen or more differ-
-JA ent lots, consisting of
LJ black chantilly lace
edges and galloons, black cro
chet lace and bands, black lace
for skirts, silk or wool; cream
and ecru net top Oriental lace;
Venise bands and edges, cream
and ecru; Venise medallions
from the very small to the ele
gant large ones, very fine qual
ity all at such sweeping re
ductions that will insure a
quick transfer of ownership.
Lot 1 special at 10c
Lot 2 special at 19c
Lot 3 special at 25c
Lot 4 special at 37c
Lot 5 special at 48c
Lot 6 special at 98c
Etc. See the window.
and Parasols
At prices that sweep
y3k competition from our
path. The crowning glories of a
woman's gown are her neck
wear collars and ribbons
at least if we provide them.
Ladies' Linen Collars, a lot of
different styles camein toolate
for last season's wear, will
close them out for 5
- for ,
Parasols at Clean-Sweep
J Prices.
RIBBONS Our 4-in. and 4-in.
all-silk Satin Taffeta, extra
nice, special, all colors and
black and white, per
A Clean-Up of
Qot&s, etc.
First Floor, Domestic Aisle
Satin strioe waistincs.
Mti&l in pretty combina
tions of green and
white, black and white, also
tan and blue ground, with
fancy J ace effects, OCT
35c value, per yard. -OC
65c quality Swiss mulls, hand
some embroidered effects, in
colors green, pink, blue,
tan and white, o Q
to close, per yard ZfC
500 shirtwaist patterns, in
striped madras, oxfords, chev
iots, damasks, weaves and jac
quards at i off regular prices.
English outlngr cloth, an Ideal fabric
for summer wear. Wo show 'em In
checks and plain colorings, 25c val
uesspecial at, f CT
per yard -JC
Among the
Table Clotts,
Towels, Napkins
and Wash Goods
First floor
$5 values this week. . . . .$3.75
$6 values this week. . . . 4.50
$9.50 values this week . . 7.10
stitched $ .60 values this week. .$ .45
.85 values this week. . .65
1.00 values this week.. .75
1.25 values this week.. .95
1.85 values this week.. 1.40
$2.50 values this week. .$1.35
3.50 values this week. . 2.65
3.75 values this week. . 2.80
4.00 values this week. . 3.00
Goods. In "all colors, lor a Clean
Sweep this week, per o
yard , oc
Sweep Sale
Of Third Floor
Odd lines dosing out at
special prices.
Decorated Cups and Sau
cers, with gold f A
line, each wC
Decorated Plates, with
gold line
Decorated Pickle Dish
es, with gold line . .
Decorated Meat and Vegeta
ble Dishes at half usual
Johnson's -white serol-porcelain tea
plates, set of six 31c
3-pint pitchers, each .13c
And all other odd articles In propor
tion suitable tor cottage at seaside or
Decorated dinner sets, 100-plece
sets $7.50
Decorated and stippled gold dinner
SO-pIece Eets, set LS0
60-plece sets, set 6.30
100-plece sets, set 0.55
A large line of odd dinner sets In
American and German decorated
China at special clean sweep sale
100-plece Austrian China set... $16.00
. 100-plece French China set 18.00
All odd Unes at clean-sweep prices.
Foratli-Floo Toy Stop
To Be Swept Clean
A Late Novelty Zimmerman's Flying Machines, a splendid
toy for the children, Jc, 3c, 5c, 8c 25c Baseball Mitts, J5c
Baseballs, 5c up to $.25. Skip Ropes, JOc, 5c.
Boy.'.' Iron "Wagons, $U0, $.25, $J.40 to $2.25.
Doll Buggies and Go-Carts, $J.00, running up to $6.00.
Clean Sweep of
CMc&en's Bonnets
Children's white lawn bonnets, lace or embroidery
trimmed. Regular 25c and 30c values,
swept out at
Better quality bonnets, trimmed with lace and
rosette of ribbon. Regular 40c and 50c
values, swept out at
Very fine lawn bonnets, some In French effect. In neat hemsUtchlmj and
tucks, others with full ruche, resular values to 75c, swept out
Children's white mull hats, prettily trimmed with ribbon, lace andij-f Q7
embroidery. Regular values to $2.75. swept out at I
1 9c
in the
Children's White Lawn and Cambric Dresses, nealty
trimmed in lace and embroidery. They are slightly
soiled, as they have been used the ipast two weeks
for decorative purposes, during the "Reliance "White
Sale," but one washing will restore them to the
condition they were in when they came from the
factory. Sizes J to 3 years. Regular values
to $.1.00 swept out at
Also a line of Children's "White Lawns, Organdie, Swiss,
Nainsook and Point d'Esprit Dresses, fashioned and trim
med in many styles, also slightly soiled, and will be swept
out at the same sweeping reductions. Below a few of the
many prices, $135, $3.65, $6.75, $9.00, ALL AT HALF
Sweeping Redactions in Underwear
and Hosiery Section.
The values onerea nere are Dotn nonest and un
usual because they are the direct result of honest and
unusual methods. Naturally you will ask yourself
why you should buy now or why you shouldn't wait
until later? That plan would be all right if these lots
would last. But they will not. Such offerings are al
ways eagerly snapped up. Better be early and be
surprised than late and disappointed. Here are a few
price hints. Price has nothing to do with qualities
during this sale:
Ladies white lisle knee-length Pants, 60c
quality, pair
Ladies' white cotton knee-length lace-trimmed Pants,
pair '.
Ladies' fine gauze white lisle Vests, high neck, long
sleeves, $1.00 quality, each ,
Ladies' low-neck sleeveless Vests, ecru, 20c and 25c
qualities, each
Ladies' pink and blue low-neck sleeveless vest, 45c
quality, each
Ladies' Swiss ribbed Vests, 12 l-2c qualities,
each .-
Ladies' high,-neck, long or short sleeves, ecru, 25c
quality, each ,
Ladies' pink, blue or white OQ.
sleeveless vests. 50c quality
Misses' balbriggan pants, -f OX,
25c quality, pair
Misses' ecru or cream union
. suits, iilgh neck, long" sleeves, end
low neck, sleeveless, knee length,
30c to SOc quality, all sizes, OO-suit
Ladles' black lisle hose, full fin
ished, with white double 5Q
sole, SOc quality, pair. 7C
Same In black; -.rehelleu OQ
ribbed, pair. "C
Ends and oddments in misses black
hose; have bunched a big lot of
25c qualities, alL go at, .
pair oc
$.00 Silks, 59c
(First Floor Annex)
The Broom, has touched the Silks and out they go.
Handsome Mummy (Crepe) Silks in French Knot
effects and nice color variety, Roman Stripes, flowered
and dotted stripes every pattern tht reguar dollar
Black and Black and "White Striped Moire Velours, Striped
Taffetas and all the 85c Foulards. A special number in
27-in. Black Taffeta SUk. Every number of above but one
is the usual SU25 or $1.00 values. Clean sweep Q
price per yard ... JZsC
U- - " " , - - ' ' '