THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, . PORTLAND,. JUNE 14, 1903. 19 XEW TODAT. SPECULATIONS AND INVESTMENTS Business property on Morrison street, ooxiuu. rays per cent on investment. Quarter block on Morrison in business section at bar gain price. Warehouse location on Termi nal switch, 100x100, for $8000. RESIDENCES CIA ftnn For beautifully located 4IU,UUU lo-roora dvrclllncr -with XWX.1UV, in cnoice neigiiborlieoa ot Holladay's addition. All modern conveniences. $7 finft For modern dwelling of Muuu 10 room la Holla day's addition. Lot 100x100. rtrt For odera home on J,OUV the East Side, Xear Will iams avenue, with highly Improved quarter bloglc; good barn, cement walks and driveways. This is a gooa uuy. $1 ftft For ewly-fcullt modern J,vJUU home ot g rooms; lot 50x100 with stone coping in front. On Bast Side in best locality. $r? ftOft For residence of seven J)uuu rooms, lot 40x100, on the "West Side, south of Washington street. $1 0(1 For three lots in Dunn's l,OUU addition if sold at once. This is a. snap. $ 7K( For nevr six-room cot--jiOU tns-e th SOxlQO, on East Davis street; porcelain plumb ing: fixtures, mantel, piped for fur nace, electricity and gas. For sale on installments. $8000 RESIDENCE $8000 For one of the best Quarter blocks on Gllsan street -with good substan tial nine-room dwelling. A splen did buy. $! KHft For O'-rooa dwelling I9OUU with all modern conven iences, on Mount Scott line within 25 minutes' ride of the P. O. For sale on small cash payment, bal ance in monthly installments. $1 fififl For C-room dwelling on I ,DUU East Side, new. For sale on Installment plan. $1 flft For C-room dwelling l,vJUIS with all conveniences, East Side, on car line. $1 dOfi For 5-room dwelling l,tUU xvitu modern conven iences. $1 1 0H For OIle story 5-room IjlUU dwelling, Just complet ed, on car line, for sale at a bargain. Six choice lots on the West Side, north of Washington -street, in the best residence locality. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 Chamber of Commerce A Real Bargain 15 ACRES JVear Lents Station, and within 15 minutes' walk of the Mount Tabor car line. One-half under cultivation, with good barn, -i-room house, wagon shed and chicken-house. One horse, two cows, one heifer, one calf, wagon and a variety of agricul tural implement,- suitable for the plnce. Owner's price Is 93000, but will let it go for ?250O if taken at once. Half cash. A. H. BIRRELL Real Estate, Generat Insurance and Financial Agency 303-4 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Muin 1132. NEW HOUSE 33Xxl00 on Seventeenth street, between Hoyt and Irving streets, with a new and modern dwelling of nine rooms and bath. Full concrete basement with cement floor, fur nace, stone laundry tubs and toilet. Fine Reception Hall with handsome mantel and grate, parlor, dining room, kitchen and large pantries. Four large bedrooms on second floor and bath -with separate toilet. Porcelain tub and high grade plumb ing fixtures. One bedroom in attic. Is especially well built, walls are double with building paper between, and floors are also double. For further particulars apply to R0UNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark St., Corner Second. McENTEE & MALLEY 287 Stark Street S 750 $1200 $3250 $3250 $ 650 $2250 room cottage, rents for (10 month. E. 22d and Paclflo sts. Lot 50x110, C-room house, with bath, on WocxJstcck car line. Modern 8-room bouse, barn, fruit trees, 5 lota; choice suburban home. 8-roam. house, on Commercial st., near Rufeell; Rood buy. Lot 50x100, E. 9th and Thompson, West Irvington. 6-room bouse, bath, stationary wash tubs, beautiful lawn. Glbbs st Acreage NEAR CITY and CLOSE TO car lines. Banks Pay 3 We sell you for $5000, 100x100 improved East Side property, paying 8i per cent net. 204 Abington Building NOTICE Parties desirous of mak ing Investments In City or Suburban property should examine our lists for sale. Fine farms in Oregon 'and Washington. W. A. SHAW & CO. 2-13 Stark, Xear Second. Renumerativo Investment From (2C.C00 to $30,000 Invested In lncorce paylns property, situated ono and two 'blocks from Psrtland Hotel and postofflcc, will return 7.33 per cent to about 10 per cent net Interest on amount Invested. P. V. Andrew & Co.. Htfallton slag; XEW.TODAT. CHOICE BUSINESS PROPERTIES On Sixth, Washington and Burnslde streets Also other central property producing good revenue. RESIDENCE PROPERTIES A large list of desirable homes In all districts at prices cheaper thnn yoa can build. UNIMPROVED LOTS In Northwestern part of city, be tween Irving: and Pettygrove streets, and in other good localities at low prices. SUBURBAN LOTS AND ACREAGE HOMES Choice selectl on 'which at pres ent prices are sure to he money makers. CHOICE EARM LANDS At reasonable prices and on fnvora ble terms. If you Intend buying real es tate give me a call. It Is a pleasure to show good proper ties. A.H. BIRRELL (Formerly of Macfctesier & Birrell.) Real Estate, General Insurance and Financial Agents 303-4 McKay Building-, 3d nnd Stark. , Phone Main 232. $75 a Lot 'AT- St. Johns Beautifully located on the high grround only n few minutes' walk from the Mills. These lots will largely increase in value In the near future. Buy now while they are cheap. City Water on the Property. Improved Car Service. TITLE PERFECT EASY TERMS Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6. and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Irvington! Irvington! Irvington! The home of our Govern or and other decent people We have been appointed exclu sive agents for the sale of some of the most desirable lots in Irvington. No use to dwell on the virtues of Irvington as a home site. Every body knows. If you don't, call and we will tell you. GRINDSTAEF & BLAIN 246 Stark Street. LAMARGENT PARK! LAMAPGENT PARK, contain ing 200 acres, good soil, situate on Gresham car line 30 minutes' ride from the city. Station on the land. Just the place for a nice little coun try home. You can get five acres for $300, one-third cash, balance easy installments. Don't miss this chance to get a bargain. Free transportation daily from our office to inspect the property. LAMBERT & SARGENT 3S3 E. Washington St, BRONAUGH'S ii ADDITION :: FOR BARGAINS " FRESH MEAT Healthy cattle sad sheep, property bled and Inspected bv II. K. CImtT tmmM-tnr- nltn. YiV Jewish ratbl. Lowest prices. WESTERN MARKET 30 1st, cor. Market. PJwaa Xzlz 21CC SEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY THE Title Guarantees Trust Co. CI OCA A fine corner 100x100 vPtLJU on East Twelfth street, bet. Tillamook and Hancock. Easy terms. ClAflft A fine corner 100x100 l t UUU feet, on Williams avenue. House of six rooms and lot 50x100 feet at St. Johns. Easy terms. CCflfl Two fine lots on Ganten JUUU bein avenue. Only two blocks to Williams avenue car line. Clflft Nice lot 50x100 feet in 4JUU Central Albina, only one block to UU" car line. Street im proved, v ClflCft Cottage of five rooms and 41UJU lot 50x100, corner East Sherman and East Fortieth streets. C?CHf New;house of six rooms, OLJUU aii modern conveniences. Lot 40x90 on Rodney avenue and Eugene street. COCnn A fine building site lOOx .JJLJUU 120 feet, corner Rodney avenue and Eugene street. Sewer, water and gas all in. C9Cff) Modern house (new) six JLJUV rooms, Broadway and E. Second street. Easy terms, eon A A Lot 50x100 feet and mod LJUu ern cottage of five rooms, on East Thirteenth and Tillamook streets, Irvington. 07A A new house of sLx rooms JLJJU and fine jot 46Xso feet, cornej E. Salmon and E. 23d sts. CQ9(( Two first-class cottages JJLJJ five rooms each, and 100 xlOO feet, nicely situated, near West avenue, Mount Tabor. C375fl At Arbor Lodge, over JJLJXJ looking the river, a well built house of eight rooms, with grounds 110x133 feet. Sjnnn Etegantmodern residence 0JvUV of eight rooms and a fine quarter block 100x100 feet corner Benton and Halsey streets. If You Need Money TZ&t purchase we can accommodate you at lowest rates. TITLES I.VSURED. ABSTRACTS FURNISHED. Title Guarantee STrustCo. O- and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Ground Floor. Fourth-Street Side. 5-Room Cottages I have several very desirable places for sale, on and nenr Williams ave nue, new and modern in every par ticular. Payments to suit purchasers. A. H. BIRRELL (Formerly of SlacMastcr fc Birrell.) Real Estate, General insurance and Financial Agency 303-4 McKay Building, Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. Acreage Snap Six Acres, improved, near East Ankeny car line. Just the place for any one wanting a suburban home. Will be sold for one-half of former value. Fine soil; no gravel. GRINDSTAFF & BLAIN 246 Stark Street. New Houses Several new houses for sale at prices and on terms that any one can buy at Let me show you these bargain. Own your own home. You can. F. W. TORGLER 10G Sherlock Building. Choice 100x100iyi easy terms. C H. KOREI.Ij, 231 "Washington. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. VERY DESIRABLE HOME. 100x100; GOUl) 8-room house, furnace, gas, porcelain bath, fine fruit: healthy, sightly, cheap; vrould di vide. 80" Corbett. S car to door. FOR SALE 5 AND 6-ROOH HOUSES OX Williams ave., full basement, baths and re ception halls, cheap and on easy terms. F. Hastings. 078 "Williams ave. f ST. OXB OF THE BEST QUAit ter blocks faclnc south and east; beautiful views: price reasonable. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton building-. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME FOR SALE larse house, 1& acres land; fruit of. all kinds; direct on Orecon City car line. Ad dress D 1C Oregonlan. FOR BALE THE OLD HUMMEL HOME etead, 2 acres of tend and three houses; head of Grant st., near 7th. W. F. HuraraeL foot of Davis st. TWO LOTS. E. 17TH AND SCHUYLER STS.. Holiday's Add.; street and sewers; for sale by the owners. Morgan "Wall Paper Co.. 134 Second st. $26.000 100x100 sood buslnes property, brick Improvements, rented $300 per month. Chance to increase; no arents. Address Box 2104 City. THREE ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION . good 6-room hov.w, assorted fruit. West Side, 3 Tnllee out. S. B. RIesen, 300 Abington bldg. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND LOTS. FULL basement, brick foundation, modern plumb tnR. A snip. Address Owner. 4DS East I7tn. CHEAPEST LOT IN HOLLADAY'S ADDI tlon. East 10th near Hancock. 55x100. Price $G50. Goldschmldt's Agency, 2C3 Stark st. (2100-IRVINGTON: MODERN C-ROOM COT tagc; sanitary plumbing; connected with sewer; full lot. COS Tillamook st. BUY A HOUSE AND LOT AND SECURE A horn. We have, them. Palmer Bros., room SS. 1C5H 4th st., cor. Morrison. COZY COTTAGE PRETTY GROUNDS roses, beautiful view, near car line. 240 Ban croft ave.. South Portland. (300 LOTS IN EAST HOLLADAY ADDI tlon. near car line; only three left. SOf Chamber of Commerce, LOTS IN LENTS. 50X209. (70 TO $100. EASY terms. Take Mt. Scott car; 5 vnts. O. R. Addition. Lents, Or. HAVE 2 MODERN, UP-TO-DATE. 0-ROOM houses, new. Call on owner, SOS E. 7th. N. Phone Rus 12L GOOD SIX-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH. IN iurbL close to car line; $1200; part cash. Q 1G, Oregon as. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY - 2S4-acre Improved stock farm at La Center, Wawh... with stock and farming Implements. Bargain at (4500. 40 acres good land: 4 salle from creamery, P. O., store and school; 10H miles from Van couver; land all fenced; running stream of water; 20 acres cultivated; 20 acres fine f timber; sawmill U mile; good plastered oouse, barn; 4 acres nice orchard; 5- cows1. 1 year ling, some hogs, chickens, and turkeys. 2 plows, cultivator, barrow and other tools, farm, sto;k and tools, all goes cheap at (2200. SO acres, all good bottom land;, nearly all fenced; 30 acres cultivated; G-rcorn painted house; large barn; sheds, etc.; 3 acres in nice young orchard and berries; 2 cows, 1 team, harness, wagon, farming implements; crop in oats." wheat, hay. peas and potatoes; situated In Clackamas County, 4ft miles from good railroad town; good, level road; all way planked, and graveled to within Vi mile of the house; price for all (2550. 20 acres all nice land. 12 acres cultivated, email house, running wate;, V4 mile to school. P. O., storo and creamery: 4 cows ; fronts on good road; price only (1000. 20 acres of land. 7 miles east of Portland, on fine level road; one-half cultivated: or chard; good 0-room, plastered house; large barn; to settle an estate and pay off debts; will sell cheap. 60 acres Nice improved farm, well fenced and cross-fenced, nice orchard, splendid Up-to-date modern barn, cement cellar, comfort able house, nice outhouses, land nearly all cultivated and in crop; good water system piped Into house and barn; 11 miles east of Portland, on fine, level road; one of the best located farms about Portland. 74 acres, nearly all rich creek bottom land, watered by beautiful stream; fenced and cross-fenced, house, barn, orchard, 85 acres cultivated, balance nearly all seeded to pas tore, 8 cows. 2 horses, harness, wagon, farm ing implements, crops now in; distance ot about 300 yards to school, P. O., store, cream ery, S miles to Vancouver, Wash.; good, level road; owner very anxious to sell. &0 acres land on Tualatin River; well fenced and cross-fenced, nearly 20 acres cultivated now In crop. 20 acres pasture, house, barn, orchard, on good road. 14 miles to Portland, 1 mile to P. O., creamery, store, school and church. A splendid farm. On account ot .sickness will sell cheap. Six acres on Oregon City car line, all cul tivated; J$ aero in grapes. 4 acre in straw herrles; assorted tree fruits; 7-room bouse, plastered, double parlors, hall, basement, bath. 2 bay windows, fireplace, etc.. oil new ly painted, burn, good water: might trade for Portland property, or will sell cheap; only (2000. 10 acres all choice land, :io gravel, all well fenced, nearly half cultivated, running water, fronts on nice level road leading to city; about 4 block from electric car line. Cheap at (1250 CITY PROPERTY Neat 5-room cottage, choice fruits and ber ries, on Upper Albina car line; cheap at (1100. 0-room house, new cement basement, near Woodlawn car line. (1400. 0-room house la Stephens' Addition, near car line, (1350. 7-room modern house in nice order In Woodstock, on car line, a tttautlful view of the city and surrounding country; large grounds. (2300. 5- room cottag, hall, basement, bath, toilet, closets, fireplace, marble mantel. In nice or der: 50-foot front lot. on car line: choice West Side locaUon; want to sell; owner leav ing town. 6- room plastered cottage, porches, bay window, bath, pantry; all newly painted: 100x200 feet of ground, some flowers and fruit; a bam; good car service; (1C00. 7- room house, all well finished, up-to-date Eitry, bath, tolfet. closets, basement; nice arn; on car line; cheap at'JHOO. 0-room plastered house, 100x100 ground, on East 16th St.; cheap at (1650. 0-room modem house, nice reception halt, double parlors, fireplace and mantel, wired for electric lights, bath, toilet, full basement, hot and cold water up and downstairs and In basement, 100x100 feet ofiground, nice and sightly; some fruit, berries' and flowers: one block to car line; nice carpets, good window shades, niw range. Might taka smaller cottage or lots as part pay. Price only (3000. Have many choice farms to offer now. Also houses and bulldlag lots, in all parts ot the city and suburbs. Business properties for investment, small acre tracts, good trades to offer. Call and see our complcto list. HENKLE &. BAKER. 219 Abington bldg., Portland, Or. COME TO US IF YOU WANT THE BAR GAINS (450 1 lots, 60x1-15 each, a neat, new three room coftage, half-block electric cars, Oak Grove. (850 For a comfortable 6-room house; splen did lot. Eafet 10th sc. near Alnsworth ave. (000 Cozy, new 6-room cottage, large lot, near Mount Tabor. (1300 Cozy 5-room cottage., modern con veniences; fine barn: 50x200 feet of ground; CO bearing fruit trees; all kinds small fruit; two blocks Montavllla car line, (1500 For a brand new, modern 5-room cottage; full lot. East 22d. near Clinton. (2500 For an elegant, modern flve-room cottage; beautiful landscape and .terraced lawn: beautiful situation. East Morrison st. 32750 Beautiful corner lot. 0-room. cottage. East Morrison St.; walking distance business center. (2$50 For a full one-quarter block, with beautiful 7-room cottage; beautiful home; all kinds of fruit and shrubbery: one block An keny car line. (3000 For a full acre of land, 8-room house, large barn: all kinds of fruit and shrubbery; Close In, on Belmont st. (S500 30x100 feet of ground on 4th st. with buildings, bringing In a rental of (100 per month. (100 Each for desirable building lots con venient to Woodstock Station. (500 For fine building lots on East Yamhill st, near 20th. (S50 For a very desirable building lot on Ea3t 10th and Everett. (550 For a beautiful 5-acre country home; neat and cozy buildings; choice fruit ana living water; 3 miles Vancouver. (1500 For an excellent 36-acre fruit and garden ranch fronting on the Willamette River, 3 miles from Ncwberg; comfortable buildings; choicest variety of fruit and ber ries; team, stoek, crop and implements; big buy for the money. (7200 For one of Multnomah County's most beautiful 160-acro farms; soil and Improve ments magnificent; half-mile from Pleasant Home store. IK YOU DON'T COME TO US, YOU WON'T GET THE BARGAINS. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 14014 First st. (4500 10-ROOM MODERN. LOTS 100X10O, located on West Side. Very sightly location. (3500 New modern 7-room house with some furnishings. In Holladay's Addition. This Is one of the best buys in the city for a home. (25007 rooms, colonial, full lot. East Port land south. (2500 Half block with small house, splen did buy for Investment. (2250 New 0-room cottage with all modern conveniences. East Portland. (2000 Large new 7-room house with every thing strictly modem. Riverside, near car line. (21005 rooms newly built, with furniture and many furnishings. Everything new. (22007 rooms, new. Lower Albina. (17006 rooms, comer lot. Lower Albina. (SCO and up for houses on monthly pay ments In East Portland. Cheaper than paying rent and in a short time you will own your own home. Investigate. We have small house in Lower Albina that we must sell. Call and make offer. LOTS (150005 feet frontage Garrison's Division. (120063 feet frontage Holladay's Addition. Fine location for residence. (400 SO feet frontage near Woodlawn car line. Good Investment, good terms. Lots In East Portland South on monthly payments, (350 and up each; also good res idence lots in all parts or the city. LEWIS & CLARK R. E. CO., 553 Worcester Block. (2500 A NICE HOME AT VILLA HEIGHTS, on the river bank, East Side; commands a magnificent view of the river and East Side, house strictly modern. (220 Modem house of 6 rooms In South Portland: sightly location. (1700 Nearly new, modem 5-room cottage on E. 37th st. (1600 Modem cottage of 5 rooms on 34th St., Sunnysldc: (1000 The nicest little home in Monta vllla, 4 rooms, lot 40x123. nice lawn, trees, etc.. everything neat and In first-class shape. (S50 Nice lot on East Ankeny st. (250 Nice lots at Cloverdale, 1 block from Union ave. (200 each Lots at Glencoo Park and Par adise Springs tract. H. N. Ross. .266 Stark st. 12 PER CENT NET INCOME A new close-in property, which now nets 10 per cent after paying all expenses, will net 12 per cent on all. the money invested after putting up another building on ths property. Price (8000. Address for particu lars. Owner W 17, Oregonlan. (4500 NEW. THOROUGHLY MODERN 8 room house. 22d and Burnslde sts., or will sell with 100x100 on comer, with stable. C2000 Niat 6-room cottage, with 100x100 feet. In Highland, cheap. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE FOUR VACANT LOTS. 50X100 feet each. In Park View Addition, near Hawthorne car line; must be sold at once. Call or address .005 East Belmont st. Phone Scott 3092. HAWTHORNE PARK FAVORABLY SIT uated. new 8-room modem residence, with comer lot; price only (4S0O. cash or Install ments. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton building. SPECIAL BARGAIN. BUSINESS PROPERTY ' paying a handsome profit on (5500; worth double the price; room for more improve ments; fine Investment. Owner, S car. SU7 Corbett. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE yearly, buys you the "best aed cheapest 5-acre bosses sear the city. Call betweea 2 aad 4 P. M.. PostoSce. Milwaukie. Or. SPLENDID LOT ON GOOD CAR LINE; WA ter piped to lot, whieh Is cleared, -ready for building; low price. Installmests ot (3 pr month C 17, car Qregoslaa FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE HOMES, EASY PAYMENTS. BAR galns (COO down, balance to suit. 7-room new bouse, 3 lots, near .Mt. Scott car; gesuina snap, for (1400. (400 down, (15 monthly 5-room modem cottage, now building; one block Ankeny car; close in, (1250. (275 cash 2-room new house. 50x100 Tot, Woodlawn car; can be added to. and made & sice home. (500 down 7-room. up-to-date style bonse. near St. Johns car. (1000. Will trade for farm. 17 new, modem houses near Woodlaws car. (1200 to (2S50; one-fifth down; easy In stallments. (1000 down 5-room house, brick basement; 17th st. West Side; a bargain for the lo cation; (1750. LOTS. .(150 EACH (3 per month Sightly, full lots, on Wood stock car line. If you want lots that will grow in value, or for a pleafant convenient building spot don't fall to see the Beauvolr Heights track. Cash talks. Call and see us. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.. 234& Morrison st. cor. 2d. FOR SUBURBAN ACREAGE TRACTS 17 acres at Gray's Crossing on Mount Scott cars, will cut up In steal I tracts as de sired at bargain prices. 10 acres all cleared, very sightly, on good suburban road and 10 blocks to cars, 3 miles east of river, at a great Bargain. Easy terms, long time, low rate of Interest. 4 acres at Mount Tabor, mostly Improved. House, barn, near school; terms to suit 2-acre block, all cleared, at Anabel Sta tion, Mount Scott cars. Very cheap. F. W. TORGLER. 10C Sherlock bldg. (ISoO FINS MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE, Sunnyside. (1700 Very good modern S-rocm house; Sun nyside. (2C0O Fine modem 0-room residence, larga comer. Sunnyside. (1000 Fine Improved comer lot Holladay Addition. (3000 Fine 7-room ahd one 4-room house. West Side. Charleson & Staub, 24514 Morri son. Phone Red 2971. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR IM proved residence property, a beautiful fruit farm of about 3500 bearing, assorted fruits; here Is an opportunity for a gentleman who wants a fine country home, two hours' drive on Base Line road, one hour by rail and short distance by steamer up Columbia Riv er: property is valued at (6500. Address Owner, S 16. Oregonlan. t i ACRE TRACTS ON CAR LINE. SOUTH MT. Tabor; highly cultivated: set In young fruit trees; water piped; beautiful site; only (500 per acre; very easy terms. See It today. Take Mt Scott car. alight at Stewart's Sta tion, right on the property. Cannot mistake. Twenty minutes' ride. J. E. Balnea, care Lang & Co., Portland. THE BEST LOTS NEAR THE EXHIBITION and mills in North Portland are for sale In Blackstone's, Batch's and North Portland Additions by F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamil ton building. 15 ACRES FINE LAND. NO GRAVEL: 8 miles out -on good road, no hills, low price, and easy terms. For particulars address Box 326, city. EW. MODERN. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. IN McMUlen's Addition; easy terms. See owner. H IS, Oregonlam (1350 TWO NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGES, near car line, E. 25th and Irving. Phone Dr. Darling, (CO FOR LOTS ON ST. JOHN3 CAR LINE; (10 down. (5 per month. Sherman D. Brown, S51 Stark. FOUR HOUSES AND TWO LOTS; BENTS (32 per month; only $3300. Inquire 504 Gold, smith st GOLDSMITH'S ADDITION A CHOICE LOT only 51850. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton building. 4 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION, AT MT. Tabor; 2 hothouses, house and bam. J 17, Oregonlan. SIGHTLY O-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER OR 2 lots; E. 11th, near Hawthorne. W 3, Orego nlan. 11-ROOM HOUSE. HARD FINISH: RENTS (10 per month: only (1000. 504, Goldsmith st FOR SALE MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. E. 6th and Shaver; corner lot .Phone Pink 19S4. FOR SALE Small orchara.- within 2 mllej of Statehouse. Derby Wilson. Salem. 2 NICE LOTS FOR (50 EACH. (10 DOWN, balance (5 per month. H 15. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 8-ROOM COTTAGE AT SEA vlew. F. T. Berry. Phone Clay 1841. GOOD HOUSE AND LOT. SELLWOOD; IF sold at once, (650. Room 4, 167& 1st FOR SALE LOT, ON LARRABEE ST. Very sightly. . Address K 18, Oregonlan. FOR SALE A FINE 5-ROOM HOME, (1300. 943 Albina ave: TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE 0-ROOM HOUSE AND full lot N. 24th st near Fair grounds, for house and lot In Albina, or will sell very cheap. 3 lots and " buildings N. E. cor. 12th and Kearny rts, for business lot up town. Will pay cash difference and assume mortgage or will sell for (liOOO. This is a 10 per cent Investment. John M. Plttenger, room 552 Sherlock bldg. TRADE 160 ACRES IN JAMES RIVER VAL ley. North Dakota, fenced and broke, all till able, tor cottage or small farm or chicken ranch. J 15, Oregonlan. I HAVE REAL ESTATE VALUED AT (21, 000: rent, (180 per month; Incumbrance. (7000; wish to trade equity for good improved ranch. V 7, Oregonlan. SW. U SE. M. SEC. 10, T. 2 N., R. 1 W., cutting one. and quarter million feet lumber or 2000 cords wood for dry lumber. Box 103. Oregon City. Or. GOOD EAST SIDE BUSINESS LOCATION in exchange for East Side vacant property, E. L. Thompson. 3 Chamber of Commerce., 2-SEATED SURREY; ALSO BUGGY; FOR milch cows and chickens. C21 East Salmon, Phone Union 3181. . WANTED TO EXCHANGE 320 ACRES OF timber land for Portland .property. Address F 12, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE FOR GOOD TYPEWRITER, a fine seaside lot at Newport Q 18. Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE FINE LOT AT LONG Beach for diamond ring. L 15, Oregonlan. WILL TRADE REGISTERED JERSEY COW for work horse. Otto Smtth, Tremont Or. FOR SALE FARMS. 420 ACRES. ABOUT HALF-PRICE; ALL fenced; 110 acres In cultivation; 5 acres beating orchard; fine soli; good buildings; water, timber and pasture; quarter-mile electric ear line; close to town: with graded school; 19 miles out; price, (12.50 per acre. O. R. Addlton. Lents, Or. Take Mount Scott car; fare 5 cents. THE CELEBRATED GEO. V. JAMES STOCK farm of 640 acres of rich prairie pasture and woods; good Improvements, well watered, finely located; at the low price ot (30 per acre; Is a splendid buy for some one. See or . address T. Wlthycombe, room 8 Hamilton buldg., Portland, Or. (16.500300 ACRES JOINING THE CITY OF Woodburn. lu northeastern extremity of French Prairie. In Marlon County, Or., In Willamette Valley; a snap at (55 per acre: one-half cash, balance on time to suit 6 per cent interest W. B. Brown, Gervais. Or. FOR RENT DAIRY FARM, WELL LOCAT ed, 3 miles from Salem, 2 miles from cheese factory; 60 acres in grain and hay for sale; plenty ot fruit; well watered; cows, horses, implements, etc., for sale. Address J. J. Clark, Salem, Or. R. F. D. Route 5. FOR SALE FINE SO-ACRE FARM; GOOD house and bam; good well and running wa ter; 500 choice Winter apple trees; one mile from school, church, depot and boat land ing; must be sold at once; (3500; a. bargain. Frank Bartlett Rldgefleld. Wash. 100 ACRES. 50 CULTIVATED. SO OPEN pasture; CO acres fine timber, adjoining saw mill; good buildings; 3 acres orchard; living water; on good road. T miles south of Ore gon City; price. (5000. Call or address C N. Plowman. Orecon City. Or. TWENTY ACRES FOR SALE IN WHOLE or part between two car lines; all in culti vation, with house, barns, well and cistern; close to Oatman station, on Woodstock line. Address H. A., L O. O. F. Library, 1st and Alder. (16.000-400 ACRES OF CHOICE W1LLAM ette Valley land: fine location? 2 miles from two stations on S. P. R. R., 41 miles south from Portland: fine improvements. Address W. B. Brown. Gervais. Or. II ACRES OF LAND. WITH GOOD 4-ROOM house; over 60 bearing frait trees; three never-falling springs, for sale; small pay ment down, and balance on easy- terms. O 14. Oregonlan. (55080 ACRES GOOD. FARMING LAND. 10 acres cleared, two streams on laniL on county road. 0 miles, from La Camas, in Clark Co.; part cash. 335 K. 13th north. A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED LIST OF fruit grain, hop, bap and stsck. farEasr in vest now and secure crops and stock. Palmer Bros., room 38, 1S5& 4th st, cor. Morrises. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE 213 ACRES. NEAR BORING. ON R. R. track: flmA toll, plenty of good water, 100 acres "Qnder plow, good orchard. This is . a snap at (33 per acre. SO acres, one mlla from R. R-, all fine soil; SO acres under plow, balance very light clearing; new house and bam; - horses. 4 cows, -2 hogs, wagon, harness and all farm implements and crop go with ranch at (4500. GSiacres, near Damascus; 30 In crop. team, wagon and all farm implements, go at (2500. if sold by July 1. Wa have some choice 10 and 20-acre tracts, well Improved, near Gresham. ROBERTS & WIRTZ. Gresham, Or. (4000 FOR 74 ACRES. 13 MILES SOUTH east or Portland, nearly 50 acres .cleared. " good buildings, orchard, good -road. A bargain (4500 for 60 acres, lt miles east, 40 la cultivation, fine orchards, 2 acres strawber ries. (15 per acre, fine grain and stock ranch In Southern Oregon of 1035 acres, 400 acres in cultivation, running water, large house and barn, fine orchard. Charleson & Staub. 245 Morrison, room 12. IF YOU WANT TO BUT a GOOD FARM near Portland, from 10" to 040 acres. saw mill or flevx mill, se or address T. Wlthy combe. room 8. Hamilton bldg., 34 st. Portland, Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR BALL IN ALL rarts o' Oregon and Washington, payments nude to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER. 311 Worcestrr FOR SALE 23 ACRES NEAR LENTS P. O.; small house and barn, orchard: 4 acres In strawberries; price, (2600. L Vanduyn. 270 Washington st 10.000 acres ot choice grain, stock and dairy farm3 In Yamhill Valley. Further Informa tion address Dlnsmore & Hunt Sheridan. Or. 150-ACRE FARM, 1 MILE FROM NEWBERG; good grain or dairy ranch: take suburban home part payment Room 21. 261 Morrison. SEE MY 5 ACRES FINE GARDEN LAND; living spring; choice location; reasonable. Address E 13. care Oregonlan. 640 ACRES, ASSINIBOIa. SELL OR TRADE for farm 15 miles Portland. B. Monroe, Woodland. Cal. FOR SALE WHOLE OR HALF INTEREST In fine poultry ranch near Portland. Box 576, city. FOR RENT FARMS. TO RENT OR LEASE 20 ACRES LAND near Oregon City car line and access to river boats; good for any sort of vegetables. Ad dress P. O. box 836. city. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, CERTIFIED OR guaranteed. In 40s. 80s and lt50i, in large and small amounts, for Immediate delivery and use; we want good scrlpplng propositions in large or small tracts; alio desirable tracts of Hr, sugar pine and yellow pine, and a log ging chance of lOO.OuO.OOO. near Columbia River. American Timber Company. Marquam bldg., Portland. WE COULD ADVERTISE 9.000,000 AND 10. 000,000 feet of timber to the quarter-section. Would you believe It? If you want a good timber claim or homestead, not too far away. attend to being located before they are all S-ine or too far off. Palmer Bros., room 38, 16514 4th st. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 2493. ALL ESTIMATED TO CUT 12,000.000 TO section, (7 per acre. 4200 acres in Klamath Co., Or., (7 per acre. 960 acres In Douglas Co., Or., (20 per acre. 72O0 acres In Sho shone Co.. Idaho. C. E. Williams, 545J Washington st, Portland. Or. 12 CHOICE FIR TIMBER CLAIMS IN A bunch. Cruise 6,000:000 to each claim. Well located on driving stream to tide water. Good scrip proposition or for timber locations. Act quick. William Hawks, room 306 Commercial block. a 4 HEAVY FIR CLAIMS. ONE MILE FROM Columbia River. 20 yellow pine claims. 2.000, 000 and up. Some fine homestead farm lands, either timber or prairie. Location fees reas onable. G. S. Canfield, .room 306 Commercial block. v WE HAVE THE BEST HOMESTEAD AND timber claims that are now vacant; 70 miles from Portland, near river; location fee low; all good relinquishments very cheap. 234j Morrison, room 2. THE MICHIGAN TIMBER CO.. 266 STARK st. has Eastern clients who will Invest from (23,000 to (250.000 In well-situated tracts of fir, pine or red wood. Submit your proposi tions. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS, 3,000,000 pine near river; location fee low; cash or time; also extra good relinquishment for tale cheap. 69 N. 13th. SW. -A. SEC. 32, T. 5 N.. R. 3 W.. PITTS burg, Columbia County. Gr.; 11,000,000; price (4000. It Goodrich, Chatham House, Taco ma. Wash. MICHIGAN TIMBER CO.. 266 STARK, Op posite Chamber of Commerce. Headquarters for Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin tlm bermen. EXTRA FINE HOMESTEAD RELINQUISH ment. 2 miles Columbia River, 40 mlle3 from Portland; only (330. Hall, 102 First street HOMESTEADS OF OPEN LANDS; ALSO Al yellow pine timber claims for location. Ogden, Maxwell & Perry, Abington bldg. 320 ACRES OF TIMBER ON MIDDLE FORK of Willamette River; good driving stream. 504 Goldsmith. FIFTY TIMBER CLAIMS; FIRST-CLASS yellow pin9 timber. E. W. Sanderson. Lost Valley. Or. A FEW CHOICE LOCATIONS OF YELLOW plno. Apply to the Michigan Timber Co., 266 Stark st FARM. FRUIT AND TIMBER LANDS FOR sale; sawmill site free. J. B. Godfrey, St Helens. 70.000,000 FEET OF TIMBER, 6 N., 5 W. 501 Goldsmith st Lower Albina car. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE. J. D. Wilcox & Co.. 202H Stark st WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED IMPROVED RESIDENCE PROP erty bet 5th and Park sts., not exceeding (000. Ooldschmldt's Agency, 268 Stark; also residence comer partly Improved this sids of gulch. (15.000 CASH AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE of business or good residence property, with income. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. WANTED PROPERTY OWNERS TO LIST their real estate with us for quick returns. Lewis & Clark R. E. Co., 553 Worcester blk. WANTED TO BUY, COTTAGE IN THE SUB urbs. give location and price with answer. N 17, Oregonlan. HAVE BUYERS FOR HOUSE AND LOT. (1C00. (1500 and (3000. McEntee & Malley. 287 Stark st A STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. AD dress, giving locality and price, S 14, Ore gonlan. BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY, RESIDENCE IN suburbs; about (1000; easy terms. Q 13. Ore gonlan. WANTED FOR CASH. LOT IN UPPER AL blna, suitable for residence. Y 15, Oregonlan. WANTED TO REXT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT FROM 20 TO 50 ACRES of land, between Courthouse and five miles round Portland. N 15, Oregonlan. TO LEASE. TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS, A quarter block on 1st st Inquire 415 Stark st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. YOUNG BLACK MARE. SINGLE DRrVER. buggy and harness, at a bargain, If taken at once. Inquire at Bussellvllle store, half mile east Montavllla. Hale &. Langenecker. FINE MARE. SIRED BY ALTAMONT. foaled by thoroughbred Tunning mare; broke to harness and saddle. Call 134 East 34th. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE, IN FINE CONDI titra: will sell cheap for cash. Inquire 218 Falling bldg., cor. 3d and Washington. DELIVERY WAGON, GOOSENECK WAGON, several heavy and light horses. Portland Livestock Exchange, 4th and Ankeny. FOR SALE. CHEAP A 3,i STUDEBAKER wagon and gravel bed; been used 2 months; Inquire Z. J. Riddle, Oswego, Or. FOR SALE ALTAMONT. SINGLE DRIVER and gentle; weight 1100 pounds. Anderson Bros, stable. 254 3d et 12 HEAD RUJING. DRIVING: ALSO SIX draft horses. W. E. Jacobs, 134 East 34th st. Phone Union 1632. GOOD BIG HORSE. SPRING WAGON, HAR nese. Must sell. 1350 sound team, (300. 8S6 Hendricte &r- SEVERAL NEW BUGGIES AND WAGONS, aeir aad 3d haad. 292 Frost, near Columbia, FOR SALE. Horses atsd Vehicles DOUBLE-SEATED SURREY: GOOD; NSAR ly new business buggy, and single baggy harness from defunct livery business; sell very cheap. Goddard. 5th and Irving sta. FINE 1500 HORSE. SINGLE OR DOUBLE; one mule about 1200. Dexter Stable. 13th, cor. Washington. FOR SALE A FINE LARGE FAMILY horse, suitable tor carriage or trap. H IT, Oregonlan. 100 VEHICLES. NEW AND 2D-HAND BANK rupt stock harness; must be sold. 211 Vash. FOR SALE A CARLOAD OF WELL-BRED unbroken horses at Unloa Stock Yard. TWO HORSES FOR SALE. CALL AND SEE at 521 Savler st Take "S" car. CITY-BROKE HORSE. ABOUT 1200. 292 Front st.. near Columbia. LIGHT 2-SEATED BUCKBOARD AT SEa slde. 192 1st st Pianos. LUDWIG PIANO. VERY ELABORATE CASE. (165; Lelcht. (1S2; old squares. (40 and up; one tor (23; second-hand organs, (17 and up; All on easy payments. Ellers Piano House, Washington sc. cor. Park. UPRIGHT DECKER, (117: ORIGINALLY cost (200; Weber, Stein way and others; squares. (42 up; old English piano, (S; or gans. $17. (20 and up. Ellers Piano House. 351 Washington. FOR RENT FINE UPRIGHT PIANO FOR the Summer, to responsible parties; reason able. P 14, Oregonlan. SPLENDID PLANO FOR (225; COST (550. Call between 1 and 3. 1S1 North 16th st. Miscellaneous. BICYCLE SALE WB HAVE THE NEATEST and finest line ot bicycles in Portland, and will sell you for one week, a- new 1903 mods! (30 bicycle for (13.30; second-hand bikes at any old price; come and see them; bring along your old wheels and ride a new one. Portland Gun & Bicycle Co., 233 Yamhill, near 2d. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTkY damaged machines at very low prices Sing er. U. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson an& White: dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler Jfc Wilson and Domestic office. Slgl & Smith, Agents. 335 Morrison st i ON ACCOUNT DEPARTURE FOR SALE AT great sacrifice, complete splendid furniture for small housekeeping. Everything first class and about new. Rooms could be rent ed. Apply 405 10th st FOR SALE EDISON'S LATEST KINETO scope and take-up device, with double dis solving stsreoptlcon, key and Darlot lenses, with 150 feet of film and 150 slides, for (130 ciih. J 5, Oregonlan. New TYPEWRITERS, alt makes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Ofilco sup plies; mimeograph work; public typewrltiag. Coast Agency-Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. Main 1407. FOR SALE 1 4x5" LONG-FOCUS CAMERA. 1 5x7 Imperial. 1 5x7 long-focus, reversible back; will take No. 3 folding pocket kodak as part payment Telephone Scott 2233. HANDSOME LITTLE LAUNCH: EXTRA speedy; safe and suitable for hunting and. fishing; seats 8 comfortably; special price tor few days. Call 311 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE TWENTY HORSEPOWER GAS ollne launch Rover, 50 feet length, adapted for fishing business; built 1002. Apply Page St Son, 120 Front st., Portland. FOR SALE BLACK SWANS, MANDARIN ducks, Mongolian pheasants and tame elk. First shipment of parrots will be in June 24, 304 3d st, Portland Bird Co. 1 FOR SALE FINE MOCKINGBIRDS. AN gora cats, French poodle, male; Cochin and seabrlght bantams, cheap to make room. Portland Bird Co.. 301 3d. 40 STANDS OF THE BEST ITALIAN STRAIN of bees; same strain took premium at Pan American Fair; cheap if sold at once. P. O. box SS0. Portland,, Or- NEW TOLEDO CASH REG SITE R. TOTAL adder, with printing attachment, latest im proved. Cost (150. Cheap. Call 81 N 9th, cor, Everett st FOR SALE A 10-HORSE-POWER STATION ary engine, only (100; a 12-horse-powcr boil er, only (50; a bargain. Geo. H- Finney, Gervais, Or. i 1 ONE THREE-GALLON POWER ICE CREAM freezer, and about 20 feet of belting; used a little; does fine work. Price, (30. K 14. Oregonlan. (1500-DROP SPRING WAGON. USED FTVH months, cost (123, for (75: 2CO0 Webb safe almost new, (100. Parks Fish Co., 5th and Burnslde. I- 400 SHARES WASHINGTON MATCH COM pany stock to highest bidder; need money Address It L. Stock wood, 252 7th st, Port land. , FINE SINGER SEWING MACHINE; ALL the attachments; must be sold; take (10 1C bought tomorrow. 484 Burnslde, comer 13th. MILUNERY STOCK FOR SALE, CHEAP; see business chances. Emmons & Emmosa. attoraeys-at-law, 544-5 Worcester bldg. LADY LEAVING PORTLAND WILL SELL at sacrifice two handsome walking suits, size 36; also raglan. B 15. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE DOUBLE DRUM. DOUBLH cylinder, 7x10 donkey engine, nearly sew. Mutual Lumber Co., Bucoda. Wash. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery byj H. C Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. THOROUGHBRED HATCHING EGGS: stamp for catalogue. Oakland Poultry; Yards,, dept 8, box 2602. S. F. FOR SALE. CHEAP SEWING MACHINE, metal folding bed, lounge, rocker, chairs, tables, etc 64 North 6th. FOR SALE FIVE FIRST-CLASS MILCH cows, with paying milfe route. 654 East Sal mon. Call after Sunday. - LADY GOING EAST WILL SELL STANDARD sewing machine, also lady's wheel; great bargains. 269 14th. FOR SALE THE FURNITURE OF A kitchen and bedroom; also sewing machine, 573 Ralelsh. FOR SALE 1-HORSEPOWER FAIRBANK Morse gasoline engine, in good repair. 193 Yamhill st FOR SALE- CHEAP MAN'S HARTFORD bicycle, In good condition. Room 7, 245 Morrison. FOR SALE FINE SCOTCH COLLIE BY Shady, prise winner of 1802 bench show. 214 Jefferson. ORPHENION MUSIC BOX NICKEL SLOT, plays 47 beautiful tunes, cost (150. Sargala, 192 1st st A FINE YOUNG FEMALE DEERHOUND for sale cheap. Inquire today. 410 San. Rafael street 4-FT. FIRE WOOD, WELL SEASONED. FOR sale, reasonable. S. Ban Flume Co., 34 7t& st, city. FOR SALE CHEAP. NICE GENTLE DRIV ing horse and buggy. Inquire room 219 Ablag ton bldg. BRICKS MRS. HOWE & SON'S BRICK yard, 39th and E. Sherman. Phone Whlt 778, LYMAN'S HISTORY OF OREGON. JUST IS Vued (4 volumes), reduced price, at Swing's. WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO. (150; FISHER. (40; organ. (30; one. (10. Upstairs I04H 1st- WEBER UPRIGHT PIANO. (150; Decker. (40; parlor organ. (30; one (10. Upstairs. 104 st FOR SALE, CHEAP NEW SET ENCYCLO pedla Britannlca, 30 vols. T 18. Oregonlan. Chlckerlng upright piano, used 6 months, (175 square, (35 organ, (15. Upstairs. 104 lit. FOR SALE, CHEAP GOOD COW; 4 GAL Ions milk a day. 625 East 25th st. South. "CUT-OFF" AND "KNOT" SAW, W1TK frame for ehlngle. 646 2d st. GOOD DELTVERY HORSE FOR SALS; cheap. 653 East Morrison. LADY'S WHEEL. IN GOOD CONDITION, Address X 15, ' Oregonlan. FOR SALE A SET OF TINNER'S TOOLS,. cheap. P 17. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ALMOST NEW RECLINING go-cart 168 N. 10th st HIGH-GRADE PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. Phone Union 1381. 0-FOOT COUNTER AND SHOWCASE. M Washington st TEAM FOR SALE. INQUIRE 736 CHAMBER of Commerce. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED NO. 1 BENCH HAND. ON STAIRS, Inquire 18th and Vausfcn. sts. J.. E. Sew. FIRST-CLASS BARBER AT ONCE; GOOD wages steady job, Occident shop. Aiteria. I