18 THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, PORTLAND', JUNE 14, 1905. BROAD IS KNOCKED OUT HEHRERA FXXXHLS HIM IX THE FOURTH RQUXD. Mexican' Pecaliar Guard and CroHch Prove a Pazzle te the Cleveland Lad. BUTTE, Mont. June 13. Tfarea thou sand people atf "Kid" Broad, of Cleve land, most decisively knocked out at Sut ton's Theater tonight by Aurello Herrera, of, Bakersfleld, Cal. At the ringside Her rera was the favorite at 300 to 80. Broad was never In the argument. Both men weighed in Tinder 128 pounds. Broad was the aggressor from the start until the fourth round. The Mexican's pe culiar guard and crouch was a puzzler to the Cleveland lad, who, try as he might, was .unable to land an effective blow. In the first round both men sparred to feel each other out. In the eecond Broad missed several Jabs, and only landed once on the kidneys. The Mexican played a waiting game, while Broad was very eager to rush matters. In the mix-up, be got In an upper cut on the Mexican, but that was the last blow he scored. Her rera let 'out a right swing in the third round that made Broad more cautious. In the fourth round the Mexican bore in closely and kept himself well protected from Broad's rushes. The latter was pounding away at Herrera'e gloves and arms. The Mexican then cut loose, and, with one of his noted right swings, caught the Cleveland boy squarely on the jaw and floored him. Broad was com pletely dazed, whllo the Mexican danced around him. Broad took the count, and then got up staggering, when Herrera was on him like a tiger, and with a hard smash to the Jaw Broad went down again. He got on his feet before the count, however, and Herrera gave him-another hard left jolt on the Jaw, and Broad was out for keeps. He remained out seven seconds after the count, and had to be carried to his corner. Herrera did not receive a mark. Challenges to light the winner were re ceived from Billy Klley, Buddy King, Mc Qovern and Eddie Hanlon. This was Broad's 100th battle, and the first time he was ever completely knocked out. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. Xels Larson, 35; Anna C. Johnson, 34. Myer Erody, 25, Polk County; Gertie Freed oran, 23. Contagions Diseases. Helda Nerrlg, 113 ICorth Fourteenth; ecarlet lever. James Cain, St. Vincent's Hospital; measles. Births. June 7, elrl, to the wife of C F. Goodwin, E36 East Eighth Xorth. June 0, boy, to the wife of J. H. Blackwell, E87 Yamhill. Juno C, boy, to the wife of J. 2T. Mathews, B75 East Eleventh. June 12. girl, to the wlfo of Ara Martini. Llttlo Italy. June 11, boy twins, io the wife of Bernard Albers. D47 Hoyt. Dentha. June 10. John Nyhan, St. Vincent's Hos pital, aged 31; laryngeal tuberculosis. June 12. Frederick Knapp, 440 Clay, aged 18, tumor of brain. Bnildlnir Permits. "Western Clay Manufacturing Company, Seventh and Burnslde, building. ?5000. Edyth Nicholson, Twenty-fourth and ilar tfcall, dwelling. $5S00. "V. L. 'Whlttock, East Twenty-flret and Clinton, cottage, $500. Iteul Estate Transfers. C. M. Purdue and wife to Matilda Grim, lots 1 and 2. block 1, Henry's Fourth Addlsion; lots 21 to 24, block 1, Henry's Fourth Addition C50 M. C. Georjre and wife to Silas M. Till man, lot 2, Linn Park 300 S. Hatfield and husband to Irene A. Beal, lot 32, and north 30 feet lot 34, block 1, Woodlawn 600 Hawthorne Estate to Eva D. Hayner, lot 4. block 8. York 300 J K, Bowles and wife to J. T. Bowles, 303 acres, tectlon L T. 1 R. 1 E.... 1 Therese "XVlederhall and husband to J. E. Blackburn, lot 8, block 9. Paradise Springs Tract 176 Augusta Miller and husband to J. E. Blackburn, lot 13, block 13, Paradise Springs Tract 150 Sisters of Charity of Providence to Jose phine M. Van Horn, lot 13, block 203, Couch's Addition 1200 Iella M. Shriner and husband to E. L. Thompson, 15 acres, section 24, T. 1 S., R. 1 E 2250 Thomas H. Smith to Mary Morley. lots 1 and 2. block 4. Menlo Park Subdi vision 125 Daisy C and G. E. Bruere to "YV. H. Jones, lots 3 and 4. block 12. Ken worthy Addition 0000 J. Hlrsch et aL to Columbia River Land Company, lots 5 and C, block 12. North Portland 3000 H C. Leonard to William Flnley. lots 7 and 8. block 3, Riverside Addition to Albina 270 L. Sinner and husband to II. E. M111I gan. lot 11, block 3, Lincoln Park 000 Peter Olson to H- E. Noble. E. of W. H section 4. T. 1 S., R. 5 E 1 Security Abstract & Trust Company to L. E. Anderson, lots 3 and 4, block 203, Couch's Addition 2S00 Sisters of Charity of Providence, St. Vin cent's Hospital, lots 3 and 4, block 203, Couch's Addition 2S00 Sunnyslde Land & Improvement Company to Toll Thompson, lot 11, block 28, Sun nyside - , 150 B. Z. Holmes and wife to A B. Prael, parcel land near Twenty-flrst and Flan ders streets 3000 Mary A Roy to TV. A. Campbell, lot 1. block 00. Sellwcod 150 Houte Good Shepherd of St. Paul to House Good Shepherd ot Portland, lot C subdivision No. 2. DeLashmutt & Oat man's Little Homes: lot 11, block . Multnomah; lot 10. block 7. Southern Portland; block 20. Sullivan's Addition; lot 6. block 10. Central Albina Addition 1 J. R N. & M. S. Bell to Jeanette Wlm bertey, lot 2. block 5. Glencoe Park.... 200 Conrt Held at Eugene. EUGENE, Or., June IX (Speclal.)-Judge J. "V. Hamilton convened an adjourned term of the Circuit Court here yesterday afternoon and this forenoon to dispose of a number of matters left over from the last regular term. The regular Juno term will convene Monday. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT. PORTLAND, June 13, S P. M. Maximum temperature, 63; minimum temperature, 55; river reading. 11 A M., 22.8 feet; change In 24 hours, .3 of a. foot; total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .30 of an Inch; total p're cllptatlon elnoe September 1. 1002, 30.20 Inches; normal precipitation since September 1. 1802. 44.00 Inches; deficiency, 5.40 inches; total sun shine June 12, 1003, 0:00; possible sunshine, 16.42; barometer, reduced to sea level, at 5 P. M.. 29.80. PACIFIC COAST "WEATHER. K - 3 Wind. oj 3 -j jfF S d STATIONS. I uf f a ? 5 o Q o : : ? : . . Baker City BUmarck Boise Eureka Helena Kamloops, B. C... Pocatello Portland , Red Bluff ......... Ropeburg Sacramento ....... Salt Lake City.... Ean Francisco .... Spokane Seattle TO tooth Island .... "Walla "Walla 70i0.0012! NW Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy S4.0.001 6 KB B N NTV 6 T 14 4! T 12 ;0.00 12 0.001 0 0.00 s NW SE NW 0.33' 10 0.00 :0.00 0.00; 6 121 S 0.00' 10! TV fl.00'201 SB 0.001 NVT G2k).00 S N 56 T 1 ! 7610.00! E WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for tho 2S hours ending midnight. Sunday, June 14, 1003: Portland and vidnltr Partly cloudy and oc casionally threatening;, westerly winds. OregonPartly cloudy, with showers south and east portions; westerly winds. "Washington Partly cloudy with shower?, east portion; westerly winds. Idaho Showers and thunder storms. THE RIVER. The river at Portland reached a. stage ot 23.0 feet at 5 P. JL, cafl it will continue slowly WE KNOW IT WILL PLEASE VOU HAVE YOU HAZEL W0 OP ICE CREAM n So, Comments From Us Are Unnec essary; If Not, We Would Esteem a Trial Order as a Favor. Both Phones Main 154 rielng for several days, reaching a stage ot 24 feet by Tuesday afternoon or "Wednesday morning. "WEATHER CONDITIONS. Except local rains in the Willamette Valley and along the Washington coast, so rain of consequence has fallen In the North Pacific States during the last 24 hours. It Is cooler in Eastern Oregon, but elsewhere west of tho Rocky Mountains It is slightly wanner. The indications are for showers In this district Sunday. River Bulletin. Portland. Or I22.fi 33.0 50.0 34.5 53.0 58.0 24.7 20.0 2&S The Dalles. Or..; 41.1 24.4 .4 .4 1.3 Umatilla. Or Northport, Wash Wenatchee. Wash 25.0 33.6 50.0 45.5 1.0 40.0 Rlparla. Wash . . . lewleton. Idaho . 15.3 24.0 Welser, Idaho ... 10.2 10.0 WEATHER NOTES. The temperatures this morning over the Up per Columbia and the .Snake River basins range between 48 and 5S deg., and the weather la partly cloudy. Moderately cool weather will prevail at the headwaters of these rivers dur ing the next two days. RIVER FORECAST. The following stages will occur at Portland: Sunday, 23.2 feet; Monday. 23.5 feet; Tuesday, 23.8 feet, and Wednesday, 24 feet. The river at The Dallis will slowly rise for several days. EDWARD A DEALS. Forecast Official. CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. "Rooms." "Rooms and Board." "Housek Ing Rooms." "Situation Wanted." 15 words or Ires. 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 20 centi; 21 to 25 word. 25 cents, etc No discount for ad ditional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cent, etc. first Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAT" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per lis for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian, and left at this Office, should always be inclosed in eealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregsnlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. GEORGE WRIGHT W. R. C. meets every Friday evening at G. A R. Hall, corner First and Taylor streets. Visitors from other corps welcome. COURT SCANDIA NO. 7. F. OF A The F. of A's memorial exercises will be held at the English Lutheran Church, corner West Park and Jefferson streets, this evening. June 14. All members are earnestly requested to meet at the Foresters' Hall. cor. 2d and Yam hill, at 7:30 P. M.. in order to attend to It. AXEL E. SCHWARTZ, Sec. EUREKA COUNCIL. KNIGHTS AND LA DIES OF SECURITY, will give a musical social, each person to dress to represent some song, at their hall, Ablngton bldg., Monday evening, June 15.. Admission 25c NELLIE GUSTIN. President. A L. CHILDS, Secretary. BOItX BIBBINS June 11. to the wife of Mr. T. E. Blbbins, San Francisco. Cal., a girl. Mrs. Bbblns Is a daughter of Mrs. H. M. Grant, of this city, and formerly resided here. MARRIED. GEISY-SHANNON At Trinity Chapel, Wednes day, June 10, Julius Gelsy. of. Portland. Or., and Miss Bertha Shannon, of Denver, Colo. FTO'EUAL NOTICES. MORELAND Friends and acquaintances are ' respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral services of the late William H. Moreland, which will be held at the family residence. No. 4S0 East Ash St., today at 2 P. M. In terment Lone Fir cemetery. SENEY The funeral sen-Ices of the late Mrs. W. EL Seney will be held at the residence, SS3 East 10th su, today (Sunday) at 2:30 o'clock. Friends Invited. J. X. FIXLET fc SOU. Progressive Funeral Director and Embalmen, cor. 3d aud Madison streets. Com petent lady aaa't. Both phones No. O. EDWARD HOLMAJi, Undertaker, 4th and Yamhill ts. Rena Stlason, lady assistant. Both Phones 2Vo. 007. CLARICE BROS., FIMD FLOWERS, Floral Designs, SO Morrison. F. S. DUXXIXG, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone. DUXXIXG CAMPIOX, UNDERTAK ERS, hare moved to 45 X. 6th. SCHAXEX & XEU, MONUMENTS, cemetery work, etc., 20S First. NEW TODAY. Quick Sale Of your real estate can be effected by listing It with C. H. KORELL, 251 Washington st. PARRISB,WATKINS&CO. Est&Kllsfce 41872 REAL ESTATE Rental, Insurance and Loan Agents 250 ALDER ST. FOR SALE Lot and two houses on Fifteenth street, between Flanders and GII- nn rent $50 per month; S5S00. Fine corner lot ivitb two houses on Twenty-second and Flanders; rent $75 per month) $0230. 100x50 on Burnslde and East Eighth Trlth two-story frame build Intr and old cottage; rent if 70 per month; ?750O, Fractional corner lot on Seventh and Ankeny with old house; f 70O0. Good location tor a. store by alter in? hoase. Lot with lnrjce rooming hoase en Sixth near Montgomery; rent $100 per month; 910,000. 200x100 oa East Seventh, between E. Yamhill and Taylor, with three largre doable houses; good income; ?13,G00. 20x100 on Sixth street sear CoHch, fOOOO. Many ether properties ef all "kiads. RUSSELL & BLYTH SSJi Third street, corner OftJc TRIED- SEW TODAT. A J. FARMER, WHOLESALE AND RE tall grocer. Third and Jefferson. You can fare 20 per cent by dealing with roc 2 cans Blue Ribbon peaches, 25c; 2 lbs. .soft-shelled walnuts, 25c; 1 lb. soft-shelled almonds, 15c; 1 package Scotch oats, 10c; 2 pkgs. Grape Nuts, 25c: 1 pkg. chred wheat biscuit, 10c; 2 pkgs. Malta Vita, 25c; 1 pkg. Force. 10c; 2 pkgs. Cero Frulto, 25c; 1 pkg. Poitum or Fig Prune, 20c; 1 box macaroni, 35c; i lb. Royal Baking Powder. 40c; 1 lb. Arm & Hammer Soda. 5c; 1 bar Naptha. soap, 5c; 8 bars Santa Claus Soap, 25c; 12 bars Royal Savon soap, 25c. S bars Diamond C soap, 25c: 3 pint bottles bluing, 10c: 3 cans Carnation Cream. 25c; 2 pkgs. Gold Dust Washing Pow der, 35c; 1-lb. can pork and beans. 5c; 3 pack ages Acorn matches, 25c; 4 -lb package Moth er's Starch, 25c; 1 can Alaska salmon. 5c; 50 lbs. lard, compound, $4.50; 3 lbs. broken Java coffee. 25c: 1 lb. good English break fast tea, loc; best sugar-cured hams, lb.. 14',ic; 4-gal. packet table syrup, $1.50; 10 lbs. No. 1 head rice, 50c; 1 lb. Gunpowder tea, 25c; 1 sack best D. G. sugar, $5.25; 1 sack good hard-wheat flour, S5c; 10-lb box crackers, Goc; 1 sack good Valley flour, 00c; 1 Little Lady broom, S5c; 1 dor. deviled bam, 40c. FOR SALE COAST COTTAGES. 4600. 5- rooui collage ana lurmiure. laces ocean, large porch; Stout's Addition, Long Beach. See photograph In 15 Lewis bldg. M. G. Griflln. agent. FOR SALE. 11400 NEW", . UP-TO-DATE 5- room cottage; every convenience; one block to car; Williams Avenue Addition; $300 cash, balance efjry. M 13. Oregonian. $1000 TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT ON GOOD collateral or other security, w. J. Siemens, 273 Stark ft. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITr REAL ESTATE In sums to suit. Farrish, Ytatklns & Co.. 250 Alder. TO LEASE A 10-ROOM RESIDENCE, ELE- gant location. West Side. Parrisb, ttatklns &. Co. M0ETGAGE LOANS Oa improved cltr a&U (arm proptrtr. Bslldlsc loan. Installment loans. WM. UaCMjusTSu. 811 Worctcr. block. 75x100 1 On corner, choice location. on 23d st. Price. $3200; eay terms. C H. KORELL, 251 Washington st. MORTGAGE LOANS William Denholm Falling Building $2100 Corner 50x100, very choice; 10th and North niD. Easy terms. C H. KORELL, 251 Washington. Unsinoss Property Corner lot on the leading etreet. only $12,500. Buildings are all rented and return 11.31 per cent net interest. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. SKOS 50x100. E. 27th and E. Washington 0u su.; corner. CI KKfl 100x100. 32d and Belmont; best cor viOOU ntr j sunnyslde. For terms address owner, F. A Keany, care Portland Hotel, city. MORTGAGE LOANS Cm Portland real estate at lowest rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce THE WIBERG PROPERTY For Bale: situate.! -mlle west of Mt. Tabor, cor. of Biee Line road and Wlberg Lane. Comprises 5 acres of land; beautiful lawn, flowers and shrubbery: fruit of all kinds in abundance; eplendid 10-room house, convenient to cars; just tne place lor an elegant close-in suburban home, a country club or to subdivide for speculation: worth now $15,000. but will be told at a less figure. Inquire on premises. Telephone Union 544. Mortgage Loans at Lowest Bates Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIItRELL Formerly of MacMaster Birrell, REAL ESTATE, GENERAL INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. 803-4 McKay Building. Third and Stark. Phone Mara 232. ELEGANT RESIDENCE $7,000 Situated oa Lovejoy street. Nob Hill, near 24th; new ana etnctiy modem; beautiful grounds; go ana see it; very attractive. Gold smith & Co., S. E, cor. 3d and Oak sts. Jewelry Auction Diamond Auction Beglnnins; Tuesday, May 20, 2 . X. M., entire stoclc of Fritz Abendroth, Jeweler, Formerly 311 Morrison, cppolste Postofflce. and at present 207 FIRST ST.. must be closed out at auction, without reserve or limit, to mako room for new stock purchased lor the new store. 3S4 WASHINGTON ST., opposite Imperial Hotel, which has been leased for a long term and will be opened on or about June m. jto gooes moved to new store. Two sales dally 2 P. M., UP, JL J. M. ROT. Auctioneer. Watch Auction. Silverware Auction. PHriTPP CTTPV I'l'l lllf CT- Prt TDnvt BEDS. VELVET RUGS. STEEL RANGE. fcPC. On Tuesday Next, Jnno 16, At Baker's Auction House CORNER ALDER AND PARK STS. We are Instructed by the owner to sell the following first-class furniture, etc, comprising costly parlor pieces. In mahogany frames and best silk damask coverings, large couches. In bordered elour. folding Davenport In ricn coverings, oak and mahogany parlor tables, costly "overstuffed chairs, lady's parlor desk. genuine mahogany parlor cabinet, with plate mirrors in back; Roman chairs, large mirror in goia-iear xroroe. isatner and saddle-seat rockers, quartered oak combination bookcase, oil pointings, tapestry, portieres, fine lace cur tains, velvet rugs, uxl-. good Brussels carpets. various sixes, all-wool Smyrna rugs, golden caK dining-room suit. viz.. sideboard, with French plkte mirror, extension table, with large twist lees; and sec of box-seat chairs, silverware and cutlery. Domestic sewtnc ma chine, massive iron bes. pea green and white. Eastern oak bedroom sets, three-quarter iron beds, blrdseye maple and golden oak dressers, chiffoniers with mirrors, best springs, hair and otner maiiresses. prime learner pillows, toilet ware, cabinet folding beds, steel range. 6-nole. china cupboard, leaf table, household treasure and other miscellaneous lots. Sale Tuesday at iv a. GEORGE BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. On Thursday Next, Jane 18, AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE. We will sell various cwwlrnmeaU of general airiacaoia lurouure, c&rpeu, COOK stoves, etc. tXWTJ Bb XV A. A. CCORGQ BAKER CO., Auctioneers. XEW TODAY. GILMAIN Auction & Commission Co. S. L X. 8tim ASCT13XEE3. Psoae Mala 2473. We are Instructed" to Sell by Public Auction on Tuesday Next, June 16th, at 411 and 413 Washington St., 10 A.M., ALL THE NICE FURNITURE, carpets, rugs, lace curtain, "draperies, parlor furniture, dining-room furniture, pretty tinted Iron bed- kitchen furniture, fruit In glass. Including all iac iurauure ana rulings Ol residence irrauvra uuiu jia uiorac avenue 10 111 ajmj h WASHINGTON ST. Sale Tuesday. 10 A. M. THIS SALE. AS THE GOODS ARE ALL S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale of Fine Furniture At Residence, No. 572 Sixth street, Corner of urant, Wednesday Next, June 17th, 10 A. M. THE FURNITURE AT THIS RESIDENCE IS AS GOOD AS NEW, and INCLUDES oak hall rack, carpets and lace curtains, shades. handsome oak sideboard, round extension table. o cnairs en suite, Ingram carpets, art square, pretty tinted bedstead, with springs, mat tresses, pillows, etc. bed lounge, matting. books, heating rtove, complete, pretty parlor tamp, center table, rockers, good No. b cook stove, complete: kitchen treasure, kitchen fur niture, etc Sale at 572 CTH ST.. CORNER GRANT, WEDNESDAY NEXT. JUNE 17. 10 A M. BUYERS WILL DO WELL TO AT TEND THIS SALE. S. L. N. GHpMAN. Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale House hold Furniture We ate Instructed by a Lady Leaving the City to Sell by Public Auction -Thursday Next, June 18th, 10 A. IY1., at 41 1 Washington Street, THE RECENTLY PURCHASED FURNI TURE OF FLAT. The tale Includes very nice SOLID OAK PIECES, and COMPRISES THE PARLOR. SITTING-ROOM AND FINE DINING-ROOM FURNITURE. DRAPERIES, CURTAINS, tc. Sale Thursday. 10 A. M. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctlpner. Auction Sale of House hold Furniture We are Instructed to Sell by Public Auction on Friday next, Removed to 411 and 413 Washington Street, All the furniture, etc. of a residence. All this line of houtehold effects Is in flrst-class condition. Sale Friday, 10 A. M. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. FORD'S BUSINESS Is the AUCTION BUSINESS, and If you have FURNITURE or anything ele to sell. ITS YOUR BUSINESS to see Ford, at 162 1st st. Phone Main 1C26. We buy for cash or sell for you at auction. 3 Big Auction Sales Each Week at 182 First St. Beginning 10 A. M., Mondays', Wednesdays, Fridays Tomorrow's Sale Mr. Kumbell has favored ua with the selling ot an the fine furniture rrom his resi dence. You will be pleased with the assort ment. There are box-eeat dining chairs, side- ooara, witn r. I mirror, pretty metal Decs, wardrobe, mantel mirrors, carpets, hall tree, numerous chairs, rockers, center stands, tables. couches, lace curtains, portieres, etc. cook stoves, heaters, crockery, granlteware, bi cycles, good cabinet bath. graohODhone. etc light fixtures, gasoline lamps; & few good card tables, etc Sale 10 A M., at 1S2 let st. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sale AtEesidenco 368 North 17th St., Tuesday, Juno 16th MISS MYRES has reauc-sted us to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION all her lately purchased and carefully kept FURNITURE, etc of which some ot the items arc: Extension tame, dining chairs, rockers, stands, mantle bed, odd dress era and commodes, carpets, matting, lace cur tains, bedding, fine mantle clock, kitchen treas ure, crockery, granlteware. good goud coin RANGE, etc Sale at 3C3 North 17th st. Tuesday next, at 10 a. ii. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sale Wednesday, at 182 First St. When the amount of furniture sent to 182 1st st. was only enough to make one sale a week, this was our sale day. and many of our customers seem to tnink this is tne iDesi eaie of the week. We dare not disappoint them, so we always reserve some special consignment of FURNITURE for this sale, and this time we have a pretty lot of all kinds of FURNI TURE, from which you certainly will be able 10 caoose just me uings you an loouns xur. Sale Wednesday, 10 A. M., at ik: 1st st. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sale Friday, at 182 First St. This Is the sale you must not miss. Ask the people who were here last Friday, and find out just wnai tney mink ot it- we sen uu- KITURE. BOOTS AND SHOES. DRY GOODS. LADIES SHIRTWAISTS, CORSETS. LOTS OF SMALL WARES. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS-. FELT HATS, assortment of BOOKS, etc Sale begins 10 A M. sharp. Jr. FORD. Auctioneer. ASTER PLANTS For Sale at The Piedmont AsterOarden 19M Cla An., RfRta Streit Siitlss Ch Ytasscrtr 6ir Lta, sitr fli iswat 3000 specially grown aster plants, fine and strong; now at their best. All colors, earlr and lnte-bloomintr. Best varieties. many novelties. All at the uniform price of 10c per dozen, 65c per 100, while they last. Our plants can safely be set until July 16. we are aster specialists. SNAP $1450. Ceraer Twenty-third and Q,Hlmby, beaatlfiil bulldinc site, .IOxOO i easy term. Inquire Owners, 5-1 Front St. $3700 Home Good seven-room. hottee and BOxaU. near 2Sd and Lovejoy. C. X. XOBELL, 351 Washington K, JfEW TODAY. AT T. JOHNS WE HAVE LOCATED A Veneer Factory An Excelsior Mil! A Planing Mill And Two Sawmills BESIDES THE Great Drydock All these will be in operation by FalL St Johns Has a Great Future, Lots $5 Down $5 a Month Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BRAND NEW COTTAGE ON AN ACRE LOT AT ST. JOHNS ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE. CITY WATER. SmallCash Monthly Payments HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND HEIGHTS llCyinn Northwest corner of IIJAlUU 20th and Myrtle streets. 1lv10n Southwest corner of I IJAIUU 20th and Clifton sts. IfifiyinO Southeast corner 19(h 1 vUAlUU and Laurel streets. IIKyOAA On east side of 21st 1 IJALXJv street, between Elm and Laurel streets. For further particulars apply to ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 2-11 Stark. Corner Second. 800 Acre Stock Farm Near Jacksonville, Southern Oregon. 300 acres fenced, about 150 acres cultivated, 4 million feet of good timber, fine outside range, nicely watered, will sell at , A BARGAIN. Henkie & Baker, 219 Ablngton Building FOR, SALE Two Second Hand 100-Ilght Sprague Dynamos, with extra interchangeablearrnature. Also one second hand 120-Iight American Engine Co. dynamo, low voltage, suitable for mill work. 110 or 115 volts Address- A.W. COCHRANi Oregonian Bldg, Portland Or. Acreage On Mount Scott Car Line At Sterrart Station. "Will sell one or more acres In this tract: all lu fruit: easy terms: good water. TV have also a good 8-room house, barn and chicken bouse; will sell with 3 or more acres ot ground, all In cultivation. All buildings in good repair. Prices and terms on application. MAXWELL & KNAPP Room 2, Chamber of Commerce. This Week Only THREE SNAPS One and one-half lots In block No. 10, Ports mouth for $140. 240 acres land In Clackamas County, near Sandy Postofflce, for $800. lftft acres fine fir and cedar timber, will cut 6.000,000 or more; In Lane County, S miles from cottage urove, lor MAXWELL & KNAPP Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. Six-room house, with, large attic and full basement. In sightly location. Upper Albina, convenient to ears and schools; first-class Tjlumblne: Tired for electricity, and piped for gas. Will be sold on easy terms and at a bargain. WHALLEY,, Benson Building, 5tn silo aslimgton ts. JOHNSON'S ADDITION Excellent location for sale. Ono of the best 4 blocks fort a rood residence on King fit.. also a good, well-arranged 0?room modern house and lot. cheap for $7500. F. V, Andrews & Co.. Hamilton mag. $32,000Takes It Full U block partly lmn'vM on 5th St.. about 3 blocks north of "Washington street. A splendid buy. Only $000 cash, bal ance Ion; time at 5 per cent. t C H. KOn.EL.Xs gal -Washington. FOR SALE Let ana gead new S-reom faoHae in Willamette Heights, onlr 98750.00, Eaxy Terms. RUSSELX, Jfc BLYTH, 82 THIRD STJW3BT, CORNER OAK. NEW TODAY. A FINANCIAI, INSITDTIOX. That baa crown old, but that preserves ths.energs: and vigor ot its early days. Is apt to do a large J end rapidly Increasing business. The PORTIiAKD TRUST COMPANY J OF OREGOX. Is the oldest Trust Company and Savings Bank In the State. Its officers are as follows: 3ENJ. I. COHEN. President. H. L- PITTOCK. VIce-Pres. A. S. TttCHOLS. 2d Vlce-Pres. B. UEE PAGET, Secretary. J J. O. GOL.TRA, Asst. Secretary. "W. J. GILL, 2d Asst. Secretary. E. J. ALSTOCK, Auditor. Its Board of Directors is com- posed of: H. L. Plttock. Earl C. Bronaugh Dr. A. S. Nichols B. Lee Paget, E. A. Noyes, J. O. Goltra, IX Soils Cohen. A. F. Flegel. . J l Vr. Decker, BenJ. I. Cohen. And it has ample resources for J the conduct of any business that may he entrusted to Its care. It receives deposits subject to check and savings reposits. It also issues time certificates of deposit tor six months or one year, COUPON CERTIFICATES OF DE POSIT running for five years and SPECIAL, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT payable on ten, thirty or ninety days' call. Full particulars as to rates of interest, etc, are contained in its book of v ILLUSTRATIONS, which will bo furnished upon ap plication. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 THIRD STREET. Lots! Lots! Lots! X U11UI1 larh M,t fmntT hltrh and uleht- ly: each. $100 Park Additiont-oxigo et.block 7; 100 "Rrn-wn'a Trarf Zat 5 Dlock 2- within UrOWU B XruCt 100 of th car line. 150 Arbor Lodge STaf olw of " ven 125 to 150 Tibbett's Addition g& 16th St., betweeen Clinton and Tag gart sts., 300 Smith's Additional: rV0Pa4 1 terminus Brooklyn car line. 300 West Iryington ?2thbl0Cst91neaS Thompson sts., 650 SulliTan's Addition SLcVEffl by 20th and 21 at, East Gllsan ana Sandy road. Schnyler St. Jgfc s- w- cor- 1750 WAKEFILD, FBIES & CO. 220 StarJc Street. IVladeline Addition Located directly soatb. ot the Ladd tract, on East Cllatoa, betvreea 16th. and 17th utreetst on Waverly. Woodstock:, Richmond and Ivanhoe car lines, and ionr bloclcs from the Oregon City line. These Choice Lots 50x100 $25 Down BALANCE IS INSTALLMENTS OF $10 a Month HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 Chamber of Commerce Desirable Residence' Lot IN NORTHWESTERN PART OF CTTT. 'WITH BARN AND FRUIT TREES. CEMENT SIDE WALK AND MACADAMIZED STREET. AN EXCELLENT BUT AT $2350; WITHIN A BLOCK OF 23D-ST. CAR LINE. A. H. BIRRELL (Formerly ol 3Iac3Iaster &. Birrell.) Fcal Estate, General Insurance and Financial Agency 303-4 McKay Buildinfir, Third and Stark. Phone Main 232. NORTH PORTLAND We offer for sale at very reason able prices a number of lots in this addition which immediately adjoin the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds. There will be millions expended in this locality during the next two years, and every one -of these lots will double in value under twelve months. For further particulars apply to ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark, Corner Second. LINN PARK THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS will buy a five-acre tract in the beautiful suburb of Linn Park, sit uate on Powell's Valley road, con venient to the city. Terms one third cash, balance easy quarterly payments. Don't miss this oppor tunity. Just think of it, five acres for $300, the price of a suburban 50-foot lot. LAMBERT & SARGENT 3S3 IX Waahlnerton St. SOMETHING JflCJB A very pretty suburban home, on good ear Una. ano not iar oui; iwroora up-io-oaie ccuagc. large grounds, choice fruits, ornamental trees, .ahrubs. flowen. lawn. I0O varieties of roses. It you want something about right, see this. HENKLB St BAKER, Booms 210 and 221 Ablngtcn bid?.. 106& 3d st.. Portland. Or, $11,000 Special 100 x 100 partly Ira proved, near Sd and Jef- fersoB. Easr terms. CV II. XORE&L, 251 WftblD5ton t XKW TODAY. FOR SALE rountree! diamond C Q7 & and upwards for lots 50x100 oa lm- uiu proved street, with sewer and water. In Central Albina. convenient to Up per and Lower Albina car lines. $qOK and upwards for fine lots. 20x100. la Rumsey's Addition to "Mount Tabor; handsome property At a low price. $ 550 A5100 cor- ;E5t 32d and E. C CKft 50x100 on E. 11th st.. bet. Tillamook uou and xnompson sts. 1 9 fVfl 50x100 north side.-of Savler at., bet. C 1 0 K f a 100x100. unimproved, on S. B. con 1"uu of E. 12th and Hancock sts.; this Is the cheapest quarter-block In Hol ladays Addition, and Is a fln buy. SI Jinfi 100x100. unimproved, on S. W. cor. of E. 19th and Broadway; very nice, neighborhood. SI Snn 50x100 eh- Kerby st. Jn Central Al v u" blna. with 5-room cottage, with base ment. SISSO30! on San Rafael sL. east of uu" Union ave.. with 6-roora cottage; easy terms. If desired. SlnOO SOxlCO. unimproved, on Northrop st., iouu between 19th and 20th sts. SI 800 3100 on Corbett st., bet. Pennoyer v and Gaines sts.. with one and one- half story dwelllnr of lx rooms S2100 100x100 on S. E. cor. lof East 13th vw""and Broadway, la Holladay's Ad dition, unimproved. S2200 100x100 on E. 43d st. near E. Taylor st-, with 7-room house; soma nice fruit trees. S532SO 100x100, unimproved, on north slda u"uu of Marshall st.. bet. 19th and 50th sts ; these are the cheapest lots la Couch's Addition, are In a nne neigh borhood, and are offered at far less than their value. 5?27nO 30x100 on Hoyt at., bet. 22d and 23d. u,u" sts. with house of 7-rooms and bath. Nice house and fine location. QJ-finn 50x100 on Irving St.. bet. 23d and v uu 24th sts., with good 8-room house. SSnOn COxlOO on X. W. cor. of 15th and vuuuu Northrup sts.. with house of 6 rooms and bath: in nno condition. C7nnrt SOxlOO on 'north lde of Washington. ft. bet 19th and 20th sts.. and op posite main entrance to Exposition bldg. Call on as If yon want to liny or sell real estate. ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Stark St., Corner Second. GREAT PROSPERITY The question is often asked: Why is it that real estate continues to sell and the building boom goes on at University Park, when compara tively quiet in other parts of the city? The great Columbia Univer sity makes a permanent demand for homes at University Park. The better class of persons engaged in manufacturing along the water front from Albina to St. John's, are build ing homes at University Park in the pure air of culture and refinement. Those who have money to lend, are quite willing to lend it for building purposes at University Park, be cause they know that such property will always pay the interest. Uni versity Park is the center of 2000 population of the better class of purely American citizens. It is the besfplace on earth to bring up your sons and daughters; saloons are prohibited. Shanties are not per mitted in this suburb. It is the de sire to be somebody, and to live among good people planted in the human heart, that is causing the boom at University Park. We have every convenience of a great city. Portland public schools, city water, electric lights, theaters, public parks, churches, many business houses, electric street cars and scenery that cannot be surpassed on earth, are among our attractions, and"yet you can buy a beautiful lot for $200, one-tenth cash down, balance $5 monthly. You will soon double your money by investing now. UNIVERSITY LAND CO. 151 Sixth St. A. W. Bagley, Resident Agent. . NOB HILL HOME A "very desirable residence of O rooms, in choicest locality within, one nnd a half blocks of car line, strictly modern in every respect- and rery desirable. 60x100 feet of groand. Don't miss this opportunity to acquire an ideal home. A. H. BIRRELL (Formerly of MacMaster & Birrell.) Real Estate, General Insurance and Financial Agency 303-4 McKay Buildingr, Third aBd Stark. Phone Main 232. DESIRABLE DWELLING We offer for sale at a very mod erate price, a corner lot 50x100 on 23d street, in the best neighborhood on the street, with a modern home ,of eight rooms and bath, exclusive of servants' rooms. Cement base ment, furnace, stationary laundry tubs, porcelain bath, etc., etc., etc. For further particulars apply to ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 241 Starlc, Corner Second. 200ft Water Frontage Just below the Steel Bridge, at a price 25 per cent below present val ues. Has paid 6 per cent net on present price for several years. Choice water frontage like this is scarce. HARTMAN, THOMPSON & POWERS 3 Chamber of Commerce eonnn "Will buy one ot those fine quarter IptS UUU biocks on Pine, Ash. East 12th and 13th sts- The only desirable (close In) property ottered at this price. All streets fully Improved; sewer. E3. water, two car lines, school, churchfs. everythipg- to make a pleas ant and lovely home. "Will bur 10 acres, 10 miles east. ouu near BocJcwood. CI Kflfi Will buy 27 acres, near Gresham: fciiif-mi:ft car line. 200 3Q bny flno Iot ln Jnw001 on J. L. WELLS & CO. 100 Grand Avenne. WASHINGTON STBEET Excellent quarter-block once worth over f40. 0CO. can now be bought for $26,000, easy terms. F. V. Andrews &. Co.. Hampton bldy. Fine Corner I 50x100 on S3d st.. near Jiortnrup; pnc $2380; eaay terms. WashlBftoa mtr