THE SUNDAY OEEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 14, 1903. IT IN THE DOMAIN OF MUSIS .ORTLAN2 singers -who participated In the second annual saengerfest oi the North Pacific Saengerbund, held at "Walla "Walla June 6 to" June 8, say that the affair was a great success and that the object In view was fully realized to' brinr: more closely together all the 'Ger man-Americans of the Pacific Coasi and to perpetuate the , German songs and tongue. The Walla "Walla people kept up their reputation for kindly hospitality, and everybody had a genuine good time- The Portlanders, about 45 in number, went to "Walla "Walla In a special car, and: when they arrived there early on the morning of June 6 the happy Germans met them with open arms. "Gentlemen," said Mayor Hunt, 'Walla "Walla Is yours. Slake of It what you will." "When the members of the singing societies of Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Fali-haven. TValla "Walla and Spokane got together such a mass of Ger man volcesTWose that 'one might have Imagined that "Walla JValla was In be Kaiser's dominion. j, A formal reception was held at the Odd fellows Temple on Alder street, and the programme at the concert that evening at the Opera. House wasr Overture, "Light Cavalry," Suppe. orchestra; mama chorus. "Des Ucutschen Saengers. Jubel lled." Zeltler, North Pacffle Saengerbund; vlo llncello solo, Ferdinand Konrad; address of welcome. Mayor Gilbert Hunt; mass chorus, a capella, -t'Old Folks at Home," North Pacific Saengerbund; eoprado solo, "Die Lorelei." Franz Liszt, Mrs. "W. A. Brat ton; chorus, & capella. Concordia, "Whatcom; chorus, a ca pella, Arlon, Portland: chorus, a capella, Lle derkranz, Seattle; chorus, with orchestra, "Soldiers' Chorus," (Faust), Gounod, Saenger bund, Tacoma; piano eolo, Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Dlerke: mass chorus, with orchestra, "Waldharfen." Edwin Schults, North Pacific Saengerbund. The programme for the concert June 6: Overture, "Marriage of Figaro, Mozart, or chestra; inaes chorus, a capella, "Trlnklled." J. Schulz-Welda, North Pacific Saengerbund; piano solo, Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Dlerke: cho rus, "Columbus' Last Night at Sea," Arion. Portland; mass chorus, a capella, "E steht elne Llnd," E. Forschner, North Pacific Saengerbund; soprano solo, "Erlkoenlg," Franz Schubert, Mrr. IV. A. Bratton; chorus, a ca pella, Harmonla, Spokane; chorus, a capella. Saengerbund, Tacoma; chorus, a capella. Maen nerchor, "Walla Walla; festbymus, with or chestra, Herman Mohr, Llederkranz, Seattle; vlollncello solo, Ferdinand Konrad: mass cho rus, with orchestra and baritone solo. "Lan dexkennung." Edward Grieg; "The Star Span gled Banner." It Is unnecessary to analyze the sing ing of the different societies, for they all sang their best and sang well. The most elaborate singing was heard when the Portland Arlons gave "Columbus' Last Night at Sea," a cantata they recently sang with such success In this city. It was heartily received, especially the solo work of Paul "Wesslnger, baritone. One "Walla "Walla newspaper remarked: "Perhaps the real choral gem of the concert was the 'Columbus' number by the Portland Arion, with solo by Paul "Wesslnger, the finest baritone ever heard in "Walla Walla, This number required about half an hour for its rendition, and although It ls'pre tentlous, the Arlon chorus and soloists met the requirements admirably. Miss Pearl Scott, of Portland, played the piano accompaniment." Louis Dammasch, the director of the Portland Arlons, was high ly complimented on the efficiency of his chorus. Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Dlerke, of this city, met with an ovation for her mag nificent piano playing, and of course she was encored. The Walla Walla Union said: "Mrs. Beatrice Barlow-Dlerke is a brilliant planlste. She played the Tann- hauser overture perfectly. Her playing has the force of a storm and the subtlety of a zephyr. She is both gracious and "beautiful. She won applause and admira tion for her artistic. playing of the S:hu-bert-TausIg 'Maixhe Mllltaire.' " Ferdi nand Konrad. vlollncello player, of this city, was also a favorite, and his work was warmly praised. Mrs. W. A. Bratton was the soprano soloist, and she made many friends by her artistic singing. Much of the success ot the musical events is due to the untiring energy and ability of the musical director of the saenger fest. Professor Edgar Fischer. Last Sunday afternoon there was a pic nic at McCool's Grove, and banquet In the evening at the Oddfellows' Temple. Last Monday the saengerfest pilgrims said to each other: "This Is our last day to getner. Behold, let us be merry." So they inspected Fort Walla Walla and 11s tended to an excellent concert by the gar rison brass band, composed of colored mu sicians, directed by a white bandmaster. The singers also called at Walla Walla penitentiary, the Blalock fruit farm and other places of Interest. One of the most pleasant Incidents of the trip was an ac cidental meeting with the German agri culturists who are now touring the coun try, and the singers gave them a sere nade, singing "Wacht am Rheln," with brass band accompaniment. Portland was reached early last Tuesday morning. Next year the third saengerfest will be held at Tacoma, but the grand ef fort will be made in 1903, when this city will be chosen as the meeting place. It is too early yet to talk definitely as to plans, but It is certain that the occasion will be a red letter day In the memory of all music-loving Germans of the Pacific Northwest. It is proposed to bring sing ing societies from California and the Mid dle West, and possibly among Ihe visitors will be found the famous Arion Society of New York. MISS COXXELIS JJEBUT. Her Piano Recital "Was an Artistic Success. An enjoyable event was Ihe testi monial recital given to the talented young planlste. Miss Ella M. Connell. last Tues day evening, at Pareons Hall, under the management of Marie A. S. Soule. Miss Connell was ably assisted by Miss Ethel Webb, elocutionist.; Tom Dobson, Jr., the boy soprano; Luclle Collette, violin ist, and the Misses Williams and Holmes. The programme: a. Rhapsody Hongrolse (Liszt), b. "Hark; Hark! the Lark" (Schubert-Liszt). Ella M. Connell; a. "Butterfly" (Grelg). b. "If I Were a Bird" (Hensell), Lucille Collette: "The Part ing of King Arthur and Queen, Guinevere" (Tennyson). Miss Webb; Caprlccloso, B minor (Mendelssohn). Ella M. Connell. orchestral ac companiment played on second piano by Veda Williams; vocal, selected. Master Tom Dob pon; "-Shadow Dance," tE. A. McDowell). Lu clle Collette; humorous recitation, selected. Miw Webb: a. Tarantelle (NIcode), b. Polonaise op. 63 (Chopin). Ella M. Connell; vocal, se lected. Master Tom Dobson; piano Quartet, Jubelouverture (Von Weber), Misses Connell, Holmes. Socle and Williams. Miss Connell. who Is a pupil of Marie A. S. Soule. proved herself not onlv an able student of piano technique, but also an artistic performer of compositions re quiring strength, skill and delicacy of touch. The latter was particularly notice able In her dainty Interpretation of tho Schubert-Liszt transcription, and in the allegro movement of the Mendelssohn con certo. The audience, though critical, was a responsive one, especially at the con clusion of the Chopin Polonaise, onus 53. which Miss Connell played with skill. She orougnt out the volume of tumultuous harmonies at the climax of the long crescendo In a manner worthv of the flery spirit of the Polish composer. Miss conneii was encored enthuslasticallv and responded by a sweet and plaintive ren derlng of Chopin's Berceuse, onus 57. A pleasing variety in the programme was proaucea oy the sweet-voiced boy singer, Tom Dobson. Miss Webb's elocu tionary selections were a delight to the car. The violin playing of Luclle Colette NORTH PACIFIC SAENGERFEST AT VALLA VALLA tr VHXIAM "WALLACE GRAHAM'S VIOLIN RECITAL MISS CON NELL'S DEBUT AS PIANISTE 'ti . . . MRS. 'FLETCHER LINN, HisBBrlrHi iJlm'rinMlffMBBIM Those in charge of the programme In connection with the commence ment exercises at Eugene University this week have paid .a compliment both to Eugene and Portland by asking Mrs.. Fletcher Linn, the well-known soprano of this city, to sing twice during these exercises. Mrs. Linn taught music at Eugene University for several years, arid Eugene was her home town. Since her marriage she has made Portland her home, where she has a host of friends. She is one of the most esteemed and hard-working mem bers of the Musical Club, and she is well known as the solo soprano In the First Presbyterian Church choir. Her voice is a lyric soprano, with com bined strength and sweetness and she Is noted for her -artistic interpreta tion of songs and graceful phrasing. was also enjoyable. The programme was fittingly closed by the martial Jubelouv erture, rendered by Misses Connell, Holmes, Soule" and Williams. PUPIL OF JOACIII3L TV. W. Graham' Violin Recital at the Marqunrxi, Jnne 20. A violin recital of more than usual In terest will be given at the"Marquam Thea ter Saturday evening by William Wallace Graham, for he Is not only an Oregon boy, but he is probably the only pupil of the great Joachim now playing In the Pacific Northwest. The recital will not only be an artistic event, but a society one as well, and Is certain to draw a large attendance. The list of patronesses: Mrs. J. Wesley "W. W. Graham, Violinist. Ladd. Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mrs. C F. Beebe, Mrs. Walter J. Burns, Mrs. R. Koehler. Mrs. H. C. Wilson. Mrs. F. H. Hopkins and Mrs. W. a Langfltt, Mr. Graham was born at Graeme, Clack amas County, Or., and he played in pub lic in the Hall-Street Methodist Church when he was 9 years old. He Is the son of the late J. W. Graham, a native of Scotland, who came from ari Eastern state across the plains in 1S59. His mother be longs to the Zumwalt family, and crossed the plains nine years earlier than her hus band. From his earliest childhood Mr. Graham evinced quite a remarkable talent for the violin, arid In the Fall of 1S96 he was sent to Europe for study. He chose one of the music centers of Europe, Ber lin. Germany, and studied in succession with four world-famous masters Joachim, Hallr, Markees and Moscr. He is one of four violinists who played before Emperor William, and after completing more than a six years' course of study he came homo to Oregon last month. He owns two valu able violins, a Joseph Guamarius del Jesu and a Johannes Granchlno. Those who have heard Mr. Graham play say that he Is an able violinist, and that an artistic treat may be expected at his recitaL Organ and Vocal Recital. The organ recital to be given by Mr. Lighter, at St. David's Protestant Epis copal Church, on the evening of June 24, Is arousing unusual Interest among the musical people throughout the city. The programme, in which some of Portland's foremost artists are to participate, is ex cellent, 'and is certain to- delight all those who hear 1L It is a rather happy colncl- occasion is tie one on which Mr. Lighter I played and gave a number of recitals dur ing his five years' incumbency in Trinity Church. The instrument has been entirely rebuilt and very much improved, and sounds at its best in St. David's beautiful new edifice. There are numerous fond associations connected with this organ for many of Portland's people, and they, with others, will doubtless gladly avail themselves of this opportunity to hear It again under such favorable conditions. Mr. Lighter will be assisted In his recital ) by Mrs. nose Jiocn aauer, J. w. Belcher and Dom Zan. The high standing of these singers, together with the recognized abil ity of the organist in question, furnishes a strong guarantee of the artistic success of this approaching musical function. Recital at Tne Dalle. Miss Mamie Helen Flynn, one of Ore gon's brilliant young planlstes, assisted by Mrs. Walter Reed and Reginald L. Hid den, of this city, "will give a recital In The Dalles, June 23. Miss Flynn is con sidered one of the best musicians of the Northwest, and her remarkable skill has received wide and favorable comment At this recital Miss Flynn will play: Sonata op. 27, No. 2 (Beethoven); Erlking (Schu-bert-LIszt); valse, op. 64, No. 2 (Chopin); two etudes (Chopln-Godowsky); andante finale, from "Lucia" (Donizettl-Llsche-tizky), and "Hungarian Rhapsodic" No. 2 (Liszt). Miss Flynn will appear in recital In Portland during the early Fall. She graduated with the highest honors at the Conservatory of Music and bchool of On. tory. at Denver, Colo. Xaalcal Talk. Emma Lucy Gates is mentioned as the new soprano soloists of the Salt Lake, Opera Company. The musical, department of the Univer- SOPRANO SOLOIST. slty of .Oregon is enriched by the posses sion of a piano Vidued at $1600. Lemaire, the Pittsburg organist, is going to Colorado "Springs to play, and then to San Francisco on his way to Australia. Jacques Thlbaud, called in Berlin "the new Joachim," has been engaged to play in 50 cities in the United States next sea son. He Is a Frenchman and 23 years old. William L. Whitney has resigned from the New England Conservatory. Boston, to establish a vocal school of ills own. Mr. Whitney, like his father, Myron W., Is more of a success as soloist than as teacher. The opening concert of the Northeastern Saengerbund opens today in the Fifth Regiment Armory. Baltimore, Md. German-American singers from all parts of tho Eastern states will attend, and com pete for the valuable prizes. Mrs. Walter Reed and Reginald L. Hid den will assist at a concert to be given at The Dalles, June 23, by Miss Mamie Helen Flynn. Mrs. Reed has also been engaged as musical director of the com ing Chautauqua Assembly, which meets in July at Gladstone Park. The Arcadian ladles' quartet, of San Francisco, sang at San Jose, Cal., last Tuesday. The members of the quartet are: Mrs. A. Reinhold Denke, first so prano; Miss Maybelie E. Craig, second soprano; Miss Olga Hermann, first con tralto, and Miss Lydla Sterling, second contralto. Mary Garden, a Philadelphia 'girl, who has made a hit in Paris as a prima donna soprano, is to sing in London this month. The Kneisel Quartet will continue Its regular series of concerts in Boston next season as heretofore, except that there will be six instead of eight concerns, as the quartet's foreign tour begins in March. 1HM. Mme. Schumann-Heink, the famous Boy reuth contralto of the Metropolitan Opera Company, has signed a contract to sing in English comedy roles for the next three years under the management of F. C "Whitney, at a salary said to be $2000 a week and share of receipts above a certain amount. Stanislaus Stange and Julian Edwards have been engaged to- write the first opera for the new star. A matinee musicale was iven last Mon day afternoon at Arion Hall by Mrs. Wal ter Reed's pupils, and the students showed commendable progress. It was a very pleasant occasion, and those who took part were: Mrs. May Frlck Mueller, Mrs. John Lang, Mrs. C. W. Sherman, Mrs. S. B. Ferree and Misses Kathleen Lawler, Llllyn Glendlnning, Mabel Johnson, Fay Rosensteln. Anita Trenchard. Esther Leonard. Chloe McClung and Hazel Gil- ham. Rumors to the effect that the Phlladel phla Orchestra Is to be abandoned for lack of sufficient popular support are pos itively denied by John H. Ingham, sec retary of the board of managers. There is every expectation of Increasing the guaranteo fund from $40,000 to JS0.CO0 or 5100,000 by wider solicitation of subscrip tions, which have hitherto been confined to a comparatively limited circle. Con tracts with all the members of the orches tra have been renewed. m The last recital of the season, given last Wednesday night by the Boyer chorus. when they sang Sullivan's "Golden Le gend," was easily the best of the series. Those who were not present missed genuine musical treat. The Boyer choir is certainly well organized at present- thanks to the untiring energy of its con ductor. W. H- Boyer. It Is to be hoped that tho choir will keep together, and that the members will so keep, up their musical studies during the Summer that better than ever thls Fall George Creswell Burns, of Salt Lake City, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, George Burns, is a musical prodigy who will be heard from later in the musical world. His mother is a talented musician and has taught her young son to read mu sic and to know the keys of the piano. Although of such tender years, lie plays a number of pieces, and not only does ho play them as taught, but after learning a piece In one key, 'transposes it into an other and plays with frequent variations of his own. His tiny hands move the keys with a familiarity and precision which is little less than wonderful in one of his years. It will be remembered that Frederick the Great was a fine flute-player, but re cent monarchs and Princes of Prussia have not been very musical. Music at the Prussian court has now been much improved through the influence of Prince JAaclllm Albrecht, the son of the Prince Regent of Brunswick. Prince Joachim Albrecht, who is 27 years old. Is an en thuslastlc musician and a composer. A "dance poem" entitled, "Fruhlingswun der" ("Spring Wunder"), was recently performed with success at Lubeck. Much is also expected of a new pantomime opera composed by him, to be given at the Royal Opera. Emperor William of Germany, delivered a characteristic address recently when addressing a conductors' Jury met to hear the work of 5700 voices trying" for a prize 4 for the best chorus work. He said. In part: "We have already reached In in strumental music the acme of Intricacy. That may be characteristic I cheerfully admit, but it is not beautiful. When however, this style Is carried into song. you lorget mat- tne numan voice has 'limit. What this style of composition leads to Is proven by the fact that most of your societies pitched their prize songs half-tones too high, because they were too excited as to whether they would be able to master the technical difficulties, and, therefore, they did not have the com posure necessary for striking the right pitch. You should not try to imitate the Berlin Philharmonic Chorus. Tou must devote yourselves to folksongs and ' not venture upon music in grand style. Leave that to others. I do not demand that you sing exclusively folk-songs, but these must be more cultivated. 'Kallwoda' was composed here, in Frankfort, in 1S3S. That is a beautiful German song- which none of you sang. You have the Rhine in your vicinity, yet, who of you sang. a Rhenish folk-song? T"can only say to-'you that if a. single one of you had siing Men delssohn's 'Yon Beautiful Forest.' that would have been a real relief for us. Gentlemen, I repeat, I can only admire your achievements, but you are on the wrong path I am going to have a col lection of folk-songs published which you can buy cheaply. Study them, and then, being In the right path, show the next time we meet to Germany'and the world what a wealth of poetry aid art lives in the German folk-song." WHAT UNITARIANISM STANDS FOR Seattle Post-Intelligencer. t SEATTLE is privileged. again to be the. entertainer of representatives of a strong and progressive religious denomi nation. The Unitarian conference of the Pacific Coast is holding its sessions here this week, and its meetings are of large -interest not. only to the members of this church, but to the public at large. For the Unitarian la a man of a creed that Interests itself in all the vital prob lems of humanity. Nothing human, as the old Latin poet put it, is foreign tolhe attention of Unitarians; nothing that tends toward tho elevation of humanity is -alien to their creed.. .They are a peo ple of progress Intellectually, morally, spiritually, and they see in their true rela tions the problems of the material and those of the spiritual life. Unltarianism is a faith that appeals, with particular force to people of strong Intelligence and liberal education. It Would be very far from the truth 'to say that all highly intellectual people are Unitarians; but It is the fact that among Unitarians it is a rare accident to find a man or woman greatly lacking in mental power and In general culture. This is necessarily true because Unl tarianism is the final reconciliation of the reason, with, the conscience and the will. Other forms of belief make faith or. emo tional experience op acceptance of certain specified dogmas the test. The Unitarian body accepts the enlightened reason as the best guide of the conscience; seeks a God who may be loved not because he Is Inscrutable but because he may be known. ana Dccause he Is such a one that to know him is to love him. Within this denomination have been In cluded some of the crealest thinkers. some of the most intrepid leaders, some of the rarest and gentlest natures that this country has produced. In proportion to numbers its roll of greatness is the proudest that America can boast. The prominence of the intellectual element has cast upon it sometimes In the nodular mind the reproach of a certain coldness: duc in uie largeness of Its hope there is room for a love as wido as the" universe and as deep as human life. The Unitarian Church stands above all things for religious liberty. It would not lay so much as a silken thread on any conscience. Its profoundest faith Includes belief in the fatherhood of God. the brotherhood of man, the uplift of hu manlty and the life which most helps the whole world upon its ascending path. .So generous and unlimited is ithls 'creed that differences elsewhere unreconcllable may be sheltered comfortably within it. Yet so comprehensive are its outlines that no man can be faithful to it and leave un discharged his duty toward his brother or his Maker. ' - The atmosphere of the American po litical and social system Is peculiarly congenial to Unltarianism. Here it finds the toleration that is to- It the breath of life, the freedom of spiritual experience that means as much to religion as the free search for truth does to science. He who lives up to the teaching of the Unl tartan pulpit will be a good citizen and good man. A denomination that means so much for the spiritual development of the ln- aiviauai ana lor tne growtn or ngnteous ness In the state is one to be honored everywhere. Today it grasps the extend ed hand of the orthodox who, a genera tion ago, looked upon It as a heretic. Today it has the respect and sympathy of ail wno understand Its principles and pur. poses. Ana the future of this country and this people as we believe in them and portray their coming greatness would not be all that we conceive it to be without the potent activity of such a faith and such an organization as are now repre sented by the unitarian Church. RUBINSTEIN AND GODO WSKY Anthorlry for Declaring- These Mnsl clans to Be Jewa. PORTLAND, June 10. (To the Editor,) In response to Mr. Rlcen's well-written article in Sunday's Oregonlan, June 7, .In referenco to Anton Rubinstein, wherein he says that that eminent artist was not born a Jew, his parents having been previously Christianized, and, also refera to the absolute Impossibility of a Jew be ing raised to noble rank in darkest Russia, he following from "Groves' Dictionary of Music and Musicians," the most reliable work of Jts kind extant, will not be amiss 'Anton Gregor Rubinstein, an eminent composer and one of the greatest pianists the world has ever known, was born No vember SOth, 1529, of Jewish parents at Wechworynelz, near J assy. In 1S3S he Fettled in St. Petersburg, and was there appointed concert director, with a life pension. In 1S69 the Emperor decorated him with the Vladimir order, which raised him to noble rank." In Volume ni, of the Encyclopedia Brit annlca, we find the following; "Anton Rubinstein, a Russian composer and pianist, was born near Jassy. in 1829. His parents were Russian Jews; his mother's family name was Lavensteln. He founded the Conservatory of Music at St. Peters burg in 1862, and was its director for many years. The Czar ennobled him in 1S69." In the Berlin correspondence of April last, to the Musical Courier, w.e find that but six months since in Intolerant Rou mania, Leopold G-xlowsky, the eminent pianist was decorated by royalty. So art has tnumpnea aiter an: Not that tne presentation or a mere bauble would. In the mind of any deep or right-thinking person, add one spark to. tho greatness of an already great artist. for the crown or genius, God-given. a far more precious diadem than any gift or decoration offered by man. MRS. SIMON HARRIS, Mrs. Dcpeiv Before the Camera. New York Press. There are few women more amiable than Mrs. Chauncey M. Dpew. Realizing the prominence or her busband, she Is willing to bear publicity with good hu mor. Whenever she has a portrait taken her photographer Is ordered to give copies to newspapers on demand, and her invita tion lists are not her private property. No better example of Mrs. Depew's dignified complaisance couid have been shown than her demeanor in Fifth avenue on Easter Sunday. Camera "fiends" expected her to join the church procession. Sure enough, at her husband's side, she braved the stares, and, instead of rebelling at the many cameras leveled at her, she walked Into the sunlight and smiled, to fthc deep Joy of the photographers. Not once, but five times, was she caKed upon to - pose, aad la the presence of & gaping throng'. FROM MUSICAL CENTER MISS EMIZ.IB F. BATTER. TALKS ABLY 'ox anjsicr- ; Portland "Woman "Who Has Gained Distinction, in tke East Discusses -Composers and Performers. An unusually Interesting talk on the re-" suits of the musical season in New York and the creative worlt now being done to shape the' course of music in this country was secured in an interview j-esterday from Miss Emllie Frances Bauer,, who Is recognized as one of our best-known American musical critics- Her writings have a distinct musical v.alue. from the fact that she is the New York editor; and' critic of the Musical Leader and Concert Goer, of Chicago, and Is a member of the editorial staff of the Music Trade Review, of New York. She was formerly a mem ber of the editorial stall of The Orego nlan, and has recently made her home in New York. These past three years her sister. Miss Marion Bauer, who is' study ing the piano, and has written several In teresting musical compositions, nas her home with her, and last Friday the two sisters came home to visit their mother, Madame Julia. H. Bauer. .123 North Nineteenth' street. Intending to spend the Summer here. v '.'What has been the educative value in a- general sense of the Metropolitan opera in New York?" she wa3 asked. The price of admission is prohibitive to music students," replied Miss Bauer. 'Society people who can pay the price asked are regular patrons of the Metro politan Opera-House events, but the large mass do not understand what Is going pn before them. How can they? It Is gen erally agreed that the people who really understand and do enjoy grand opera are those who have studied mimic in the tru est sense. In order to thoroughly enjoy uch musical events, music students must have pleasant surroundings, and be in a sufficiently contemplative frame of mind to grasp what is befng portrayed on the- stage. For the sum of Jl. they can get a. seat In one of the galleries of the Metro politan, near the ceiling, but they axe too far removed from the stage, and their quarters are so uncongenial that they cannot get Into a congenial frame of mind to enjoy what we call grand opera. Now and then society people Invite music students as their guests to attend the grand Metropolitan events In their pri vate boxes but these occasions are far between. Many people pay their social debts in this manner, during the course of tho .season. "Mr. Grau, recently the managing -di rector of the Metropolitan Opera-House, -is entitled to the highest praise for what he has done. He has been successful. artistically and financially, where other people have failedi It is too early yet to forecast what Mr. Conned is going to do. but it Is conceded that he knows his bus! ness. What do I think of the future of music In America? We do not yet have any great musical composers. Art suf fers from commercialism." There's Edward Macdowell, professor of music at Columbia College, for in stance,", was suggested. I was just going to mention MacDowell, who has greatly enriched music in this country by what he has written. He got "the public ear very quickly, because it was at first erroneously suggested ne is acotcn. Even If this had been so, I do not see that this would have been the all-powerful fac tor in determining his success. It Is pecu liar that Americans do not generally laud an American musical composer. I look to the men who are born under the con dltlong surrounding the Civil War in America, or - those from , the West who are reiatea to tne lnuuence oi pwnret mc and Indian lore, to make musical history In this country. Among the composers who have done great and serious work for music in America are Henry Holden hubs. the New York composer and pianist; Charles Martin Loefller. who is an Al satlan by birth, ibufwho has been in this country for.2T years, and was until re cently a member of the Boston sympnony; Horatio Patker, although England really first recognized his undoubted ability; Ar .1 -c.;fi- .xrmo -Vrlj- RiMvn W. Chadwick. who Is greatest in oratorio work, and others. Then we have among us writers of great promise who, without belne widely known, are the simple bal lad-writers of the country, who have given to the world better songs than any ever written by Abt, Denza or Tostl. Among these are women writers Ellen Wright, Edna Rosalind Park, Mary Salter, Kate Vannah, Jessie Gaynor, Carrie Jacobs Bond and Mrs. H. A. Beach. Among those who are doing meritorious work In light onera are Henry K. Hadley, who wrote the music for "Nancy Brown," and Albert Mlldenberg. whose opera, 'Wood Witch, has been very well received In New York, "W, C. Seeboeck and W. H. Nedllnger are two of the great artists who are doing small work they are writing the most de lightful songs for children." "Whom do you consider the greatest pianist?" , "There Is no one great pianist. Pade rewski is a great artist, but he Is also a good actor. You feel the effect of the darkened stage when he plays, and" you can never tell what he Is going to do next. One moment he is among stars and clouds in artistic dreamland, and the next he Is smashing and abusing his piano. It is an exhibition of strength, and he takes hand fuls of notes at one time. Gabrilowitsch is essentially a poet, and he Is intellect ually equipped with technique . enougn to do anything. Mark Hambourg Is prob ably the greatest technician living. Har old Bauer thrilled me with his piano-play- Ing. But why go on? Each great pianist has a something in his playing that an other nianlst lacks. One excels In tech nlque, and another in Interpretation, and so on. "Nordlca has jfreatly surprised and shocked me by accepting the engagement to sing with the Duss orchestra. It is so unlike a great artist, and has lessened her dignity. The other night she entered Madison-Square Garden In a gondola. Think of It! She does not need the money. as she is known to be well off financially. Then another great prima donna, Schu mann-Helk, has just slgneM a contract to sine in light opera for three years. He: share for next season's concert work is already $40,000. I wonder what our great artists are coming to. "New York remains the great music center of this country. We hear of local preferences here and there, for each sec tlon thinks its own the most musically favored. Boston people, say that Boston is the musical Athens, and Chicago peo pie assert the same for their city, but when one really wants to be In the real music center. New York is the place WILL HOLD CARNIVAL. Mnltnoman Clab Plan Great Open AIr Festivities in September. The Multnomah Club has decided to hold a carnival and a street fair from September 14 to 26 inclusive. Arrangements are in charge of the Multnomah Carnival Association, consisting of members of the club. The officers of the association are R. F. Prael, president; E. L. Powell, sec rotary, and C. H. Buckenmeler. treasurer. The Jabour Amusement Company's shows have been secured, and are expected to nrove a blg attraction. They will be lo cated on Multnomah field, whlle the booths will be erected on Chapman and Yamhill streets, upon which the club bouse fronts. A number of athletic events are being provided, together with other features of special importance, which will be announced later. The cluh announces that in no respect will the carnival be brought into conflict with the Woodmen of the World celebra tin in July, and Its members will do everything to Insure tho success of the former. The Multnomah Athletic Club is one of the strongest organizations in the city having 1000 active members. It has grown SUNNYSIDE $350 to $400 ACCORDING J js u K F5 S-fl t i - 1 P a. a I i C; "ii gig I s c Sewers, City Water, Electric LightsvNew Street Improvements, Splendid Car Service. Within five minutes' walk of one of the fl nest on the East Side. Only ten minutes' ride from the center of the city. We haye an off ice at Sunnyside, corner of E. 37th and Belmont streets. An agent will be there to give you full information and to show you the property. j Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 6 AND 7 CHAMBER T If your teeth need attention. A applies to dental work very forcibly. We have all of the best appliances known to the profession. Our offices are commodious and comfortable. DR. E. HL WRIGHT. GrajJuxte Iowa. Stat Voir. very rapidly and a few years ago oc cupied second-floor rooms in a jmira street bulldlns. The club was founded In 1S91 and at the present time occupies an elegantly appointed clubhouse, and main tains one of the finest athletic fields on the Coast. It Is remarkable In that no intoxicants are permitted to be sold In Its buildings or on Its grounds, and gambling la siricuy prumuiieu. it tumiiuscu largely of young men and its gymnasium and apparatus are as gooa as money wm buy. The club has taKen hold ot tne carnival project with great enthusiasm and there seems no Question as to Its ultimate suc cess. "WHERE DO THEY ALL GO? Sale of the Gilbert Bankrupt Stock Arouses Widespread Interest. Thirteen Instruments were sold on Mon day last, 4 on Tuesday, 19 on "Wednesday, on Thursday, 9 on Friday, and more than a" dozen yesterday during the closing-out sale of the Gilbert bankrupt stock, together with the clearance of ac cumulated Instruments of various makes. The pianos have no doubt been sold at the very lowest prices that have ever been made on instruments of similar grade and quality, and this immense rec ord, which simply applies to sales at the Portland house, and does not include the numerous Instruments that have been sold by the establishments of this house at Spokane, San Francisco or Sacramento, again snows conclusively mat unies are prosperous, and that when a favorable opportunity for investment presents itself there are buyers galore and money plenty. A number of choice bargains still re main. Among them three instruments that have been displayed In the spacious show windows during the past week. The one for $237, reduced from $475, is a beauty. The Schaeffer in mahogany, for which same style a former dealer has frequently asked as much as $450, goes now for $150. Others at correspondingly low prices. Easy terms of payments will be made to responsible buyers In or out of town. Ellers Piano House Is the place, corner of Park, Eighth and "Washington streets. SORROW FOR G. C. STOUT Bar Hean Eulogies on Him and Adopts Flttlnsr KeaolHtions. Members of the bar met in Department No. 1, State Circuit Court, yesterday to honor the memory of the late George C. Stout. There was a good attendance, and thje speeches were impressive and re plete with kindly sentiments and words of praise -for the young lawyer, who was beloved by all, and whose untimely death is deeply mourned. "Whitney L. Boise, the first to address the gathering, was a partner of Mr. Stout and the late Judge Stott. and they lived together In the same house for years. He spoke -very feelingly of the loss of his" friend and professional associate. John F. McKee, who also occupied the same office with Mr. Stout for a long time, like wise made a vers touching speech. There, was much sadness and eloquence in the remarks of Dan J. Malarkey, who was the playmate and schoolmate of George C. Stout, and his Intimate friend in after-life. Mr. Malarkey was deeply affected, and spoke touchlngly and with great pathos ot how greatly he mbsed his 'companion, whom he had known since childhood days, and of nl3 many nooie and sterling qualities. " Addresses commendatory of the fellow ship, kindly nature and worth of Mr. Stout were also made by Arthur c. spencer. Judge N.-H Bloorafield and Judge M. L. - LOTS Each. TO LOCATION j-C R O sj I R j I A D D. I b h tl S3 g sr. f rfirn Jtn es3 OF COMMERCE stitch in time will save nine. This Most important or au, our wonc cannot De ex celled. No pain whatever. WE GUARANTEE PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Full Set ef Teeth, with rubber plates, as low as $4.03 Gold Crowns as low as $4.08 DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S S 342s Washington, Cor. Seventh Fees Iteasonnnle. Conaaltatloa Free. Otaba hours: S A. y. to 8 ?. 11.: eTealaks, 7:30 to 8:3. Bandars. 10 A. M. to 12 M. Telephone Main 211B. Pipes. The concluding speech was made by Judge Sears. The committee on resolutions "Whitney Jj. Boise, Arthur C. Spencer, Dan. J. Ma larkey, John F. Logan and John Tv Mc Kee submitted the following resolutions, which, were adopted: Georse C. Stout was a sterling character, a young- man who had endeared himself not only to the members of the bar, but to a host of friends, who with keen interest and grati fication, saw his efforts constantly resulting in worthy achievements, and merited success. He was klndhearted to a fault -'and of gentle and cheerful disposition, but, at the samQ time, resolute and determined In forgln' to a successful Issue his undertakings. Ha met the menace of death with quiet. courage, and resisted the encroachments of the inevitable enemy with determination and fortitude, until the unequal contest closed with his life. Ha was cut down in the full vigor of his .youth, and In sight of the rewards due him by his In dustry and ambition; and we, to whom tho future Is a sealed book, bow to the unscru tabic decrees of Provldencft as those of a wisdom be yond our utmost ken. As a sonand brother, no words can adequately express those, quali ties that endeared him to loved ones of his home and hearth; Therefore. Be- It resolved: First That we hereby express our deep regret at the untimely death of our deceased brother, George C. Stout, and our sincere sorrow at the loss this bar has thereby sustained. Second That we tender to the members of his stricken family our heartfelt sympathy la this, their hour of sorrow and bereavement. Third That these resolutions be spread upon, the records of this court: that an engrossed copy thereof be sent to his family, and. a copy furnished to tho dally press of thlsclty for publication. SHOW THEIR AMERICANISM Porto Ricans Celebrate Flag; Day as Jfever Before. SAN JUAN, P. R., June 12. The flag celebration- day here today broke the .rec ord, and there was a display- of? Ameri canism throughout the place. Fifteen hundred flags were carried In procession by the pupils of the public schools of San Juan, and there were patriotic ex ercises at the theater,- which was deco rated with the Stars and Stripes. All the other cities of the Island report similar enthusiasm. ' Xotcd German Sinners Arrive. NEW YORK, Juno 13. Among the pas sengers who arrived today by the steam er Augusta Victoria, from Hamburg, were Katherlne Fleischer-Edel, "Wilhelm Bir renkoven and Max Loafing, singers for the National Saengerfest to be given next week In the Liberal Arts building at St. Louis, under the auspices of the North American Saengerbund. Piatt LBHChes "With. President: "WASHINGTON, June 13. Senator Piatt, of New York, was the President's guest at luncheon today. 1 Skin ot Beauty is a Jot Forever. Dr. T. Felix Genrana'a Oriental Cre&m, mi Magical Bea-utixer. SmnrM Tin. Tisrolst. Freckles. Moth ratc&ei. Rub, aad Skin. Alt- ucs. sac eT7 nest, tah. oa tJeautyvxiKl (te sts detection. It hu stead the test cf 25 Tens, aad Is ishtrm. less we tuts-H to bo tare it is properly made. Accept nocoua tertettsfsimilUBiiM Dr. L. A. Sarre sJf to xladr of the. hiut-toa (1 pities r): "As you ladies will toe tbea. I racsaraead Goto, lad's Cream tho Itut harmful of ill tin SUa crtpacatleas." For sale br all Drac Dsersla tU. 5.. Cauda, sad Esrepa ?ERD. T.HOPKINS, Prop. 37GrwtJosSfc,X.Y. LA4 ftK.