The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 14, 1903, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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First Cantaloupes Arrive and
Bring a Fancy Price.
Kerr Prices for IS OS Pack at Califor
nia Canned Km it Favorable
Indications for Good Price
for Oregon Prunes.
The Summer season must be near at
hand when melons are on the market.
Tho first cantaloupes came up from Cali
fornia yesterday, one In a regular crate.
two In grape crates. The large crate sold !
at $12, the small ones at $4. These melons, ' ONIONS Yellow Danvers 4050c per cen
, j tal; Australian Browns. UtQQOc; new onions,
according to Timothy Pearson, came I n per sack.
from Coachello, In San Bernardino I
County, 80 miles east of Kedlands. That
district supplies tho earliest cantaloupes,
and will continue shipping them until
Fresno cants are in
the market. The
retailer, who took up the entire lot. said : cenial '
they were the finest early melons he ever i f.aiiiilia
saw, perfectly sound and ripe. Another j FLOUR Valley. $3.70 per barrel; hard wheat
lot will be in Monday, and is sold to ar- ! 2$5&?S?i8Xl l&2?8
rive, watermelons will be on the market : j3.i6ff3.55.
as soon as there is any demand for them. iSgjfifc tiSSu. t& aaataMX3
It is probable that mixed carlots of mel- J I T
ons will be received in about two weeks, j Batter, Egrg-a, Poultry, Etc.
Strawberries were plentiful yesterday, 1 BUTTER Fancy creamery. 2022c per
fancy stock only bringing 85 cents. Early i jS. ' mlxedf" IO9U0 per
la the day a Vancouver canneryman : pouad; Spring, 171oc; henB, lignc; broti
cleaned ud Front street, takintr the entire ' P ":' IT Pr
. - "
lot at 4 cents. California cherries were
scarcer, but plenty came In from The
Dalles and Medford. A few Alexander
peaches have arrived, but they were too
green to excite much demand. Apricots
are in large supply. Two cars of bananas
were unloaded yesterday. The market
will hold steady until after the Fourth,
and then, when dealers cancel their
standing orders, the Dispatch Company
at New Orleans will send In consign
ments. Wool.
There is much more activity In the wool
market In the West than In the East.
Competition is especially strong among
local buyers In the Willamette VjiIIpv.
country merchants paying even more
than the market value. In order to get
the wool. For this reason, prices are
higher up the country than at Portland.
In Eastern Oregon considerable wool Is
changing hands at private sale, and
large amounts have been disposed of by
means of sealed bids. Pool sales sched
uled for the coming week are: At Baker
City, Monday and Tuesday; at Ontario,
Thursday, and at Elgin. Thursday and
Friday. "Wool quotations In this market
are as follows: Valley, 15froc; Eastern
Oregon, U15c
According to the circular Issued by a
Philadelphia house, the average of 100
quotations of domestic wool on June 1
was 20.13 cents, a slight decline as com
pared with the average a month previous,
but a very material rise compared with
the average of 17.59 cents a year ago.
New wool Is reaching the Eastern market
slowly as yet, and holders are insisting
on full quotations. Dealers are carrying
light supplies as a rule, but the strong
statistical situation is somewhat offset by
labor and other complications in the man
ufacturing industry. Cables tell of firm
markets abroad.
The Boston Commercial Bulletin says
. , , .. .
or the market in that city:
Wool Is quiet and very firm. The
peek's busings Is made up of odd lots at
full prices, which are better than could
be obtained three weeks ago. A prob-
able shortage of 40,000,000 pounds in the
United States clip and small supplies
East and abroad are the supporting in
fluences which have induced heavy oper
ations In the new clip at comparatively
hlgh prices. Two-thirds of the clip of
Vtah, Wyoming and Idaho has been al
ready marketed. The shipments of wool
Irom Boston to date from December 31.
1902, are 99.222,661 pounds, against 111.997.
S77 pounds at the same date last year.
The receipts to date are 90.955,640 pounds,
against 110,341,099 pounds for the same
period last year.
Canned Fruits.
Advices to the trade announce the open
ing prices of 1903 pack of canned goods
made by the California Fruit Canners'
Afsociatlon. Using tho 2t-pound extra
standard as a basis of comparison, apples
and apricots ate 10c higher than last
year; Royal Anne cherries unchanged;
whites 10c higher; blacks 30c higher;
grapes 15c higher; cling peaches 5c high
er, and white heath. 10c higher; pears 15c
higher; raspberries 25c higher; strawber
ries 10c higher; and plums 15c higher. In
Ste-pound standards apples are but 5c
higher; Royal Anne cherries 6c lower;
free and cling peaches 5c lower, and
white heath unchanged; pears 5c higher;
raspberries 20c higher, and strawberries
Cc higher.
Oregon prune prices should be high this
year. The French crop is estimated at
9.OW.000 pounds as a maximum, which is
practically a failure. The California crop
will -undoubtedly be light, but there will
be a largo proportion of large sizes; 40s
to 60s will probably predominate. A San
Jose dealer estimates 40,000.000 to 45,000.000
pounds in .the Santa Clara Valley, against
135.000,000 pounds last year, but this esti
mate is probably several million pounds
too low. There are about 20,000.000 pounds
of old crop left In the Santa Clara Val
ley. Salem "Wool Pool Sold.
SALEM, June IS. (Special.) Tho Ma
rlon County wool pool was sold this after
noon to A. R. Jacobs, of the Oregon City
Woolen Mills, at 16 cents a pound for
coarse and 17 cents a pound for medium
and fine. This is c advance on coarse
nbove what was offered last Saturday,
but the bid on medium and fine remains
tho same. The bids on both grades are
c a pound less than the price for which
tho association held last Saturday. The
bids today were as follows:
William Brown, Salem, lStc and 17t;c;
Theo Bernheim, Portland, lo-ic and liiic;
A. R. Jacobs, Oregon City, 16c and 17tc;
demanded by the association last Saturday,
lGHc and ISc.
The pool will probably amount to 75,(00
to S0,0W pounds.
Fifteen-Cent Hop Contract.
SALEM, Or., June 13. (Special.) D.
Kavanaugh. of Gervais. has contracted to
Valentine Loewls Sons Company 5000
pounds of hops of the trop of 1S03 at
15 cents.
Biff Prune Crop at Ncrrberfr.
KEWBERG, June IS. Special.) The
prune crop in this vicinity this year la
expected to be something Immense. Or
chards are loaded, and as this Is the
staple crop and principal resource in this
section the fruit growers are Jubilant.
A. C Churchill, the largest grower In
the neighborhood, says his crop will
be a record-breaker.
Vegetables, Fralt, Etc
VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.25 per sack;
carrots, California, 51.50; beets, $L4U per sack;
c&bb&ee, 2c; lettuce, head, 30c per doren;
pari ley, per dozen. 25c; sreen artichokes,
&40c Pr dozen; asparagus, iOfjfrOc per dozen;
rhubarb, l$2c per pound; cucumbers, $ly
1.25 per dozen; tomatoes. 92.35 per crate;
cauliflower, SL1Q per dozen; Summer equasn,
$1 per box; beans, 10 lie
POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, 453C3c per
sack, growers' prices; new potatoes, lc
DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 6Jsc per
pound; sun dried, sacks or boxes, 6c f apri
cots, 6c; peaches. tJTc: pears, KSS&c;
prunes, Italian. 4Gc; nss. California blacks.
6c; do whits. ric; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted,
DOMESTIC FRUIT Strawberries. S5c
rer crata. gooseberries, 712c per pound; cher
ries, $1.111.35 per crate; apricots. 51.2531.50
per crate; apples, Ben Davis, &0c1.2S; Oenl
tan. JK&1.25; Spltzenbergs. Baldwins, Xcw
tefwn Pippins, $1.502; peaches, f 1.25.
TROPICAL. FRUITS Lemons, 405 per
box; oranges, navels. $233 per box; seedlings,
$202.75 per box; blood oranges, $1.25 per
half box: Mediterranean sweets. $2.2502.50 per
box; grape fruit. $2.50 per box; bananas, 5c
per pound; plnsapplea, $4L50 per dozen.
RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4 -crown. 7c; 3
crown, 74c; 2-crown, 6c; unreached seedless
Muscatel raisins, 7c: unbleached seedless sul
tans, 0c; London layers, 3-crown. whole boxes
of 20 pounds. $Lb5; 2-crown. $1.75.
HONEi l&c oer .No. 1 (mm.
Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 74c; bluestem. 77c;
Valley, 7577c
R1HLEY Ked. 120 Mr ton: hmrlnr.
' "''th50?2?:.....-
1 pounas; aressea. zogzzc; aucKs, xoe per
cozen; gerc. :bo.uu.
CHEESE Full cream twins, 15c; Young
America, 16c; factory price, l-lc less.
isuus uregon ranch. iBVitJiuc
Groceries, Nuts, Etc
COFFEE Mocha, 2$g2Sc; Java, fancy. 29
22c; Java, good, 20gr2tc; Java, ordinary, ityi
1 xu:; Loaia ruca, xancy, hmo-vc; uoeta luca,
good. 1 Oil 18c, Costa Rica, ordinary, iojjl2c per
1 pound; Columbia roast, Jlti.To; Arbuckle's,
I $11.13 list; Hon. $11.13.
I c it inv rAi..M.A r .. ,...... .n.
$1.65 per dozen, 2-pound tails. $2.4U; fancy
1-pcund flat. J1.S0; -pound flats, $l.lo;
Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. 75c; red, 1-pound
tails, $1.20; sockeye; 1-round talis, $L50; 1
pounds flats. $1.00.
SUGAR Sack, basis, per 100 pounds; cube,
$5.'fe; powdered. S5.U2; dry granulated,
55.52; extra C, $5.02 Hi golden C. $4.D2h; less
c per pouna tor spot cash. Advances over
ri "r.- v.- .j.- inn l...A.
I&S10c per pound. Beet sugar, granulated.
ubaas-small white, 4c; large white, 4c;
pinks. 4c; bayou. 4Vc. Lima. 5c per pound.
RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. $5.75; No. 2,
$5.37; Carolina head, $7.75; broken head, $4.'
NUTS Peanuts, 654c per pound for raw, a(i
Sfec for roasted; cocoanuts. 85&lXc per dozen;
walnuts, 13H-&i4Vc per pound; ptnenuts. 10a
12c; .hickory nuts. 7c; Brazil nuts. 16c; fil
berts. l5i10c; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, 10
15c; chestnuts, 16c.
SALT Liverpool. 50s. 45c per sack; half
grornd. per ton, 50s, $14.50; lOos. $14; Worces
ter salt, bulk. 220J. $5 per barrel; linen sacks,
50s, 66c per sack; bales, 2s. 3s, s. 5s and It.
$2.10 per bale.
WHEAT SACKS In lota of 100. 66c.
Meats and Provisions.
BEEF uross steerb, to&o.25; dressed. SQ
3jc per pound.
VEaL 0&?c per pound.
MUTTON Gross, $3.50; dressed. 6G0ic
HOGS Gross. $5.757i dressed, 7HSoc
HAMS lOifll pouna. 14sc per pound; 140
1C pounds. HAc per pound; lSS'-X) pounds.
13&c; California tpicnio, IIV4C; cottage ham,
UVtC; Union hum, 4470 jxjunoa average, none;
'shoulders, 11c; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnic
hams, boneless, lCc
BACON Fancy breakfast. 18c; standard
breakfast. 17c; choice. 15lc: English breakfast
bacon. 11014 pounds. 15c.
DRY SALT MEATS Regular short ccars.
12V4c, 13ViC smoked: clear backs, llfic salt
125ic smoked
; Oregon exports. 20tjo pouna
average. I2c dry salt; 13VrC smoked; Union
outts, irjfis "pounds average, v&c ary mi,
lOVic smoked.
LARD Kettls rendered, tierces. 12c: tubs.
12c; 50a. 12Vic; 20s. 12c; 10s. 12Hc; 5a.
12c Standard pure: Tiercea. lltc; tubs.
i? -c: ; J1: -0s. ll5ic; 10s. llTc; 5s. 12c
I Compound lard, tierces, fee; tubs. Sc.
1 SAC SAGE Portland, ham. 12&c per pound;
' a,,ncd h&n. lOfcc: Summer, choice dry. Hiac;
' eauiage. link, 75-
i . PICKLED GOODS Portland, pig's feet,
barrels. $5: Vx barrels. 12.85: 15-pound kit.
$1.25. -Tripe, barrels. $5.50; & barrels, $2.75;
15-pound kit. $1: pigs tongues. barret $61
U barrel. $3; 15-pound kit, $1.25. Lambs'
tongues. 15 barrel. $S.25; i barrel. $4.75; 15
pound kit. 52.25
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc
HOPS 1902 crop, 20c per pound.
HIDES Dry bides. No. L 16 pounds and up,
l&tfl&hc per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to IS
pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds,
10c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less
than dry flint: salted hides, steers, sound, 60
pounds and over, SSJc: 50 to 60 pounds. 7⪼
undtr 50 pounds and cows, 7c rtaga and bulls,
sound, 565Vic; kip. sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c,
veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound,
under lu pounds, Sc; green (unsalted), lc per
pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse
hides, salted, each, $1.5062; dry. each. $191.50;
colts' hides, ea?h. 254350c; goat skins, common,
each, 10&15c; Angora, with wool on, each,
TALLOW Prime, per pound, 4S6c; No. 2 and
grease. 24CfSc
WOOL Valley, 15ffl6V4c; Eastern Oregon. 11
15c; mohair, 35337i4c
COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil, cases, 22c
per gallon; water while oil. iron Drrel, 15fec;
wood barrels, 18c; eocene oil, cases, 24c;
elalne oil, cases. 27c; extra star, cases, 25c;
headlight oil. 175 degrees, cues, 24c; Iron
barrels, 17Hc.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 24c; Iron
barrels, 18c; Sli degrece gasoline, cases, 2Sfec;
iron barrels, 22c
BENZINE 03 degrees, cases, 22c; Iron bar
rels. 15C
LINSEED Boiled, cases. 59c; barrels, 64c;
linseed, raw, cntes. 57c; barrels, 02c; lots of
250 gallons, lc less per gallon.
TURPENTINE Cases. 70c; wood barrels.
COVsc; iron barrels. 64c; 10-case ots, cOc
LEAD Collier Atlantic white and ned lead
In lots of 50 pounas or more, 6c; less than
tOO pounds, 6c
Minlnjr Stock.
SAX FRANCISCO. June 13. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Andes $ .15Just!ce $ ,14
Belcher 45lMexiean 1.15
Best &. Belcher. 1.75 Occl. Con 28
Bunion u Opnlr 1.65
Caledonia 1.20KDverman
Chal. Con. 4iPotosl
Chollar 25'Savage
Confidence 1.55 Ses. Belcher
C. C. & Va 1.55 Sierra Jfev.
Con. Imp 56 Silver Hill .
.. .34
. .19
. .19
. .80
. 1.20
Crown PL 26'UnIon Con. SO
Gould & Curry.. .41iutah Con 22
Hale & Nor 60rellow Jacket .. .60
NEW YORK. June 13. Mining stock quo
tations today were as follows:
Adams Con. ..$ .15
Little Chief .
Phoenix ,
Sierra Xev. .
Small Hopes
.$ .06
. 1.70
. .OS
. .34
. .15
. .75
. .29
. 3.25
Bruns. Con.
Comst. Tun.
C C. & Va.
Horn Silver
Iron Silver
Ontario .....
1.50 1
1.70 I
BOSTON. June 13. Closing quotations:
Adventure S20.25Cfceola $57.00
Allouez 6.50,
Parrot 27.S0
Amalgamated . 66.62
Quincy 101.00
Bingham 2S.12I
fcanta Fe Con... 1.2s
Cal. & Hecla...
Copper Range .
Dom. Coal .....
Isle Royale ....
Old Dominion ,
475.00Tamarack 119.00
20.75iTrlmountaln .. 90.00
Trinltv 6.37
United States .. 22.55
9.25lCtah 30.25
7.00VIctorla 4.25
45.50IWlnona 9.62
14.751Wolverino C6.50
Coffee and Sasrnr.
NEW YORK, June 13. The market for
coffee futures closed barely steady, net
unchanged to 10 points lower. Total sales,
11,000, Including July at $3.70; August.
$3.80; September, $2.83-5' 3. 95; November, $4
4.05; December, $4.35. and March. $4.50.
Spot Rio quiet: No. 7 Invoice. 5Hc; mild
steady: Cordova, TaiOHc
Sugar Raw steady; fair refining, 3c;
centrifugal. 96 test, 3 19-32c; molasses su
gar, 2 29-32c: refined steady; confectioners"
A, $4.70; mold A, $4J0; cut-loaf, $5.45;
crushed, 55.45; powdered, $4-25; granulated,
LS5; cubes. 9S.18.
Stock Prices at Xevr Tork Rhb OX
Saarply neversal of Seatlmeat
in. tae Paat Week.
NEW YORK, June 13. Some hesitation
was manifest in today's stock market aft
er the violent recovery in prices of yes
terday and the day before from the effect
of the tremendous depression of Wednes
day. Many stocks have regained from 3
to 1 points during the two days. The ef
fect has been to lessen the demand from
bargain hunters and to develop some sell
ing pressure from the speculative con
tingent which "was fortunate enough to
secure stocks at the low level. This ele
ment showed some anxiety to take profits
today, and took advantage of the strong
bank statement to sell stocks. The les
sened demand was demonstrated -by the
Inability of the market to absorb these
offerings, so that prices ran off sharply
and closed generally below last night's
level. The day's losses were generally
Operations for the advance continued
this morning, especially in Baltimore &
Ohio and In Reading, the former stock
rising at one time nearly two points and
the latter a point. The earnings reported
by Baltimore & Ohio were the motive for
the buying of the stock, and reports were
current that Reading would show extraor
dinary earnings for May. The decision
of the Interstate Commerce Commission
to exact certain Information from the
coal carriers was made much of by the
buyers of Reading Some of the Inactive
stocks which had suffered from recent
heavy declines were bid up sharply today,
members of the Canadian group being
The loan contraction of $11,776,100 by the
banks was regarded as gratifying evidence
that the stock market liquidation nad at
last become effective in the recuperation
of the bank resources. The cash Increase
of about $1,750,000 about agreed with the
expectations, and the rise of $4,701,525 in
.the surplus about makes good last week's
loss. The statement was as good as ex
pected in every respect, but the demand
for stocks thus induced was not sufficient
to absorb the sales to take profits.
Gloom and despondency overhung the
stock market In the early days of the
week, but Thursday there was a sudden
reversal of sentiment. It Is certain that
nothing Justified the extreme views held
by operators Monday evening and Tues
day morning. Wednesday, the prevailing
view was that the country was facing a
crop shortage; that the Iron and steel
trade had passed the culmination of Its
prosperity for the present movement, and
that a general Industrial reaction was in
Thursday morning the more mercurial
of the operators were willing to prophesy
a new period of expansion In all direc
tions. In other words, the prevailing
sentiment took its tone from the move
ment of prices In a groping attempt to
fathom the motives of the sellers and sub
sequently o the buyers. It was evident
that the bulk of the selling was prompted,
not by despondency over the outlook, but
by special necessities of the sellers grow
ing out of the over-extension of the obli
gations In new projects, which had over
taxed their resources of capital and cred
it. There was good evidence that some
very heavy holdings of a speculative
character were also being thrown over,
presumably from necessity, owing to tho
great shrinkage In the market value of
securities, with a corresponding contrac
tion in the basis of credits which re
quired the placing of additional collat
eral for loans and the supply of collateral
for additional margins for holding stocks
on credit.
The prolonged period of the decline and
the lack of recuperative power in the
market had made the bears very bold.
To sell stocks and borrow them for de
livery and then offer prices down seemed
to have unvarying success In uncovering
stop loss orders, wiping out margins and
bringing a flood of offerings which could
be bought In at the lower level and yield
a handsome profit. The great financial
interests, which are usually ready to come
Into the market and buy simply for sup
port, seemed indifferent, and it was sus
pected or feared that many of the wealthy
men had their own needs to look after In
protecting holdings of unmarketable se
curities. The level of prices was getting
down to an attractive basis from a strict
ly Investment standpoint, and the fact
that the decline was still unchecked gave
rise to fears that Insiders had knowledge
of unfavorable conditions not known to
the public, and which prompted the sell
ing of stocks. It Is characteristic of the
genuine investment buyer, however, that
he does not concern himself with protest
ing market prices, and Is content to ac
cept offerings at a level which agrees
with his judgment. While the market
early In the week gave the Impression
that all were eager to sell and all re
luctant to buy. the conception grew that
the buying which goes necessarily with
every sale was of a substantial character.
Buying orders on a scale-down, which
took a given amount of stocks for every
fraction of the decline, became conspicu
ous. As a result of widespread inquiry and
exchange of views -and Information by
bankers, capitalists and financiers on
Wednesday and Wednesday night, the
conviction crystallized that the current
rumors of coming failures were unwar
ranted, and that short selling played a
large part In what was attributed to'
urgent liquidation on Wednesday. Great
financiers abroad agreed with advices
from New York in response to inquiries
that some standard stocks had- fallen to
an attractive investment level, based on
the present rate of dividends and pros
pects for continuance. When the bears
were confronted with the knowledge that
the stocks they were selling and making
themselves responsible to deliver were
getting out of the market and Into strong
boxes, and that they were "selling Into
a pocket," according, to the phrase of the
street, they were overtaken by something
like a panic, and their rush to buy stocks
caused a rebound In prices equalling the
drop of the first part of the week. The
arrest of the decline in Itself checked the
forced selling demand due to the shrink
age, and there was apparently relief also
from the recent persistent selling, sup
posed to be due to necessities elsewhere.
Confidence Increased that the general sit
uation had been greatly strengthened by
the liquidation effected.
It is not believed that very large loans
have been repaid to tho New York trust
companies as a result of the liquidation,
as the loan accounts of the banks have
not been notably reduced. While the sell
ing on the Stock Exchange was in prog
ress, heavy payments of obligations to
foreigners are known to have been made,
and the likelihood of embarrassment from
future requirements In that field Is there
by much lessened. The Government crop
report of June 10, with Its promise of an
unprecedented wheat yield, after allow
ing for damage to that crop, relieved most
of the apprehension on that score. Re
ports of railroad earnings show effective
Increases in the net returns and have
proved reassuring. The doubtful Outcome
of the corn crop and the unsatisfactory
reports from the cotton crop remain to be
considered, and the labor situation con
tinues a dsturblng sentiment
Bonds have moved moro narrowly, but
lri sympathy with stocks. United States
2s and 3s advanced Vi per cent, and the
new 4s Vi per cent, as compared with the
closing call of last week.
Dnlly Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. June 13. Today's state
ment of the Treasury shows:
Available cash balances $226,940,139
Gold 106,S26,S65
Imports and Exports.
"NEW YORK, June 13. The total im
ports of merchandise and dry goods at
the port of New York for the week, were
valued at $12,486,319. The total Imports of
specie at the port of New York for this
week were $41,749 In silver and $13,SS2 In
gold. The total exports of specie from
the port of New York for this week were
J1SS.490 in silver and $L642.938 In gold.
O c r Ho
description. f r : : 3
: i 1 P
do preferred
Baltimore & Ohio ...
do preferred ........
Canadian Pacific ....
Canada Southern ....
Chesapeake & Ohio..,
Chicago & Alton
do preferred
Chicago & GL West..
do A preferred
do B preferred
C. & N. W
Chicago, Term. & T.
do preferred
a a a & St. Louis.,
Colorado Southern ..
do 1st preferred
do 2d preferred
Delaware & Hudson.
4,850! 70 69 69i
SS5 9531 S5 I 94fe
29,710 S74i kSTil
I 91
750125H .123 ,123 ft
1001 661 67
1.275 391 381 3Si
600! 2IH 27H 27
3,700 19?i 19;
100J 74 74H:
100 ttfcj 14i
L7001 25V-) 24
1.525 19 1191
100) 60- 60
400 294l 29
2(X): 173J172&
200,253 1253
910i 3Hi 29i
600j 85 j 84
DeL Lack, & Western
Denver & Rio Grande,
do preferred
Erie 1st preferred....
do 2d nreferred
44.1801 62?,
150 i 66
Great Nor. preferred
nocxing valley ....
do preferred
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do preferred
610 2Stj
134 134
Lake Erie & Western)
100; 33
do preferred ......
Louisville & Nashville
Manhattan L.
Metropolitan St. Ry.
Mexican Central
-Mexican National ....j
Minneapolis & St. L..
1.3U0 23151 23
20O 2U5J 21
L355! 23i 22
-.Missouri Racine
Mo. K. & T
do preferred
51 50
New Jersey Central.
New York Central..
Norfolk & Western.
do preferred
Ontario & Western.
do 1st preferred...
do 2d preferred...,
St. L. & San Fran..
do 1st preferred...,
do 2d preferred...,
St. Louis S. W.
do preferred ,
St, Paul ,
do preferred ,
Southern Pacific ...
Southern Railway .
do preferred
Texas & Pacific ....
Toledo, St. L. & W
do preferred
Union Pacific
do preferred
do preferred
Wheeling & L. E...
do 2d preferred...
129, 129
66 W
6,420 26
1.3501 1S
1.000 40 39
10.4001 50
4,S00j 25 I 25
360; 89
3,6101 30
510 25
2,2751 46
26.4001 83!
4.500 44Ti!
310 22fc
Wisconsin Central ....
650 21
do preferred
Express companies:
United States
Amalgamated Copper.
Am. Car & Foundry..
do preferred
Am. Linseed Oil
do preferred
190 .
Am. Smelting & Ref..
do preferred
Anaconda Minlnc Co.
300 90
Brooklyn Rap Transit
2.9ca 09
Colorado Fuel & iron
Consolidated Gas ....
Cont. Tobacco pfd....
General Eltjctric I
Hocking Coal
Internatl Paper I
do preferred
International Power ..
Laclede Gas
National Biscuit
National Lead
North American
Pacific Cost
Pacific Mail
People's Gas
Pressed Steel Car
300 18
15 15
es. 6S
100i 17
100! SS
3001 55
1.0201 55
do preferred j
Pullman Palace Car..
Republic Steel
do preferred
Tenn. Coal & Irion...
Union Bag & P. Co...
U. S. Leather
do preferred
U. S. Rubber
do preferred
U. S. Steel
do preferred
Western Union
Am. Locomotive ......
do preferred
Kansas City S. W....,
do preferred
Rock Island
do preferred
200 16
1.510! 54
1.445 9
I.8OO1 23: 23
10J 90
300! 25
500; 73
Total sales for the day, 414.900 shares.
U. S. ref. 2s. reg.lOGIAtchlson adj. 4s. 90
do 2s coup
iwic A. w. con 7s.lC0
197'D. & R. G. 4s... 98
do 3s reg..
do 3s coup .
new 4s reg.
do coup ...
old 4s reg .
Nor. Pac 3s.
.. 11,
.. 87
Nor. Pac 4s....
So. Pac 4s
U. P. 4s
do coup Ill
West Shore 4s.
Wis. Cen. 4s...
5s reg 102
do coup 102
Stocks at London.
LONDON. June 13. Consols for money,
91; consols for account, 91.
Anaconda 4 Norf. & Western 66
Atchison 71 do pfd 91
do preferred .. 97 Ontario & W 26
Baltimore & O.. SS Pennsylvania ... 64
Can. Pacific 127IReading 24
Ches. & 0 40! do 1st nfd 43
Chi. Gt. West... 20 do 2d pfd 33
C M. & St, P...151
So. Railway ......26
do preferred ... 91
So. Pacific 52
D. & R. G 30
do preferred .. 8
Erie 34
Union Pacific
do preferred
U. S. Steel ..
do preferred
do preferred
do 1st Pfd 6S
do 2d pfd 57
111. Central 13S
L. & Nashvllle..U4
M. K. & T. 23
N. Y. Central ...132
Bank Clcnrlnfra.
Bank clearings of the leading cities of
the Northwest for the week ending June
13 were as follows:
Portland. Seattle. Tacoma.
Monday ....
Tuesday ..
Thursday .,
..$ 7S4.S95 $ 6S5.337 $ 340.607
Saturday 359,137
Totals $3.322,0S3 $4,307,142 $1,749,733
Clearings for corresponding weeks in for
mer years were as follows:
1SSS $1,769,532 $1,255,901 $ 932,186
1859 L747.6S9 1,729.435 710,720
1900 2,051,660 2.56603 977,515
1901 2,279,374 2,977.60S L16L347
1502 2.965.357 3,867,245 1,360,695
Clearings-and balances Saturday were as
Clearings. Balances.
Portland .
Seattle ...
Tacoma ..
Spokane .
$ 60,972
Money, Exchange. Eta.
NEW YORK, June 13. Time money,
firm; 60 days, 4: 90 days, 4; six months,
5 per cent. Call money, nominal. Prima
mercantile paper, 535 per cent.
Sterling exchange, steady, at $4.87.45
for demand and at $4.84.70 for 60 days;
posted rates, $4.85 and $4.SS; commer
cial bills, $4.84.
Bar stiver, 52c
Mexican dollirs, 4lc
Government bonds, steady; railroad
bonds, strong.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. Silver bars,
Mexican dollars. 41c
Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 2c.
Sterling on Ixndon. sixty days, $4.85:
sterling on London, sight. J4.SS.
Dairy Produce at Chicago.
CHICAGO, June 13. On the Produce
Exchange today the butter market was
easy; creameries. 16321c; dairies, 15c.
Eggs-Steady, 13?14c
Cheese Steady, 10gllc.
Liverpool Market Closed.
LIVERPOOL, June 13. Wheat market
closed; holiday.
4S.550 49
'606 67'
400 71
Trade in Fraits Active on Extra
Selling Demand Batter Firmer
for the Best Grades.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 13. (Special.) j
All leading cereals had a weaker tendency. J
with trade of a hand-to-mouth character.' I
Flour was steady and fairly active on ex- j
port account. Bran has a weaker under-
tone. Hay closed easier on larger ar
rivals. Local trade in fruits was quite active.
Cherries, apricots, peaches and Clyraan
plums are -offering freely at easy prices.'
Green apples and pears are In sufficient
supply. Melons and figs from Southern.
California and Arizona arrived moderate
ly, but the demand was light and prices
easier. Strawberries sold higher on the
extra Sunday demand and light arrivals.
Raspberries, blackberries, Logan berries
and currants ranged lower, 'as receipts
were liberal. -
. Mexican limes were too scarce, to quote,
but fresh supplies are hourly expected.
Fancy oranges and lemons were closely
cleaned up and strongly held. Choice ba
nanas were firm.
New potatoes were plentiful and easy.
Old potatoes were scarce, with an ad
vance in Oregon Burbanks. Red onions
are going out and new yellow coming in.
Green corn opened higher and closed
lower. Choice cucumbers and string
beans were steady. The best green peas
were firm. Tomatoes are arriving freely
rat concessions. Fancy asparagus was
higher. Common green peppers were
abundant. Summer squash and rhubarb
was steady.
Poultry was dragging except for choice
chickens. A carload of Eastern arrived
and were all sold ahead. Another carload
Is due Monday. Butter was slightly
firmer for best gradea. Cheese was firm.
Eggs were weak. Receipts. 70,000 pounds
of butter, 16,000 pounds of cheese and 50,
000 dozen eggs.
Local stoc'xs of Spring wool are low,
but the market Is quieter on account of
discouraging reports from the East,
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, S5c'$l-50;
garlic, 3;34c; green peas, $11.50; string
beans, 57c; asparagus, 75c$$2; tomatoes,
51.50S2.25? onions, 50cg$l.
POULTRY Roosters, old, $55.50; do
young, $S10; broilers, small. $23; do
large, $3.504.50; fryers, $5g6; hens, $56;
ducks, old, $3.5034.50; do young. $45.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 25c; do sec
onds, 22c; fancy dairy, 22c; do seconds,
EGGS Store, 1720c; fancy ranch, 23c;
Eastern, lS-20c
HAY Wheat, $12.50S15; wheat and oats.
$1214; barley. $9.5Ogll.E0; alfalfa, $10
1L50; clover, $10.5011.50: straw, per bale,
CHEESE Young America, 12312c;
Eastern, 16gl7c
MILLSTUFFS Bran,. $21.50325.50; mid
dlings, $2S.5030.50.
FRUITS Apples, choice, $1; do common,
40c; bananas, 75c$3; California lemons,
choice, $3.50; do common, $1; oranges,
navels, $1.2533; pineapples, $1.252.50.
POTATOES River Burbanks, 40375c;
river reds, 30335c; sweets, $2; Oregon Bur
banks, 85c$l.
RECEIPTS Flour, 15,190 quarter sacks;
wheat. 1S5 centals; barley, 7415 centals;
beans, 160 sacks; potatoes, 2450 sacks; hay,
521 tons; wool, 220 bales; hides, 780.
Wheat Clones Firm and a Fraction
Higher at Chicago.
CHICAGO, June 13. Extreme quietness
prevailed on the Board of Trade today,
and after remaining easy the early part
of the session, wheat closed firm, with
July c higher. July corn closed un
changed: oats were c higher, while
September provisions were unchanged to
7c higher.
Excellent weather waa the chief influ
ence in the wheat pit at the start, and
opening prices were easier on quite gen
eral selling by commission houses, with
July down c at 75c. There was a fair
scattered demand at the decline and a
rally ensued, steadying the market around
yesterday's closing figures. Bullish re
ports from Kansas, "showing a poor crop
outlook, helped in the buying movement.
There was a better demand for September
than for the near future and that deliv
ery ruled firm. Late buying by shorts,
together with a good demand from a
prominent operator, caused a firm close,
July being c higher at 7575c
after selling between 7575c and 753)
75c September closed c higher at
72373c, after ranging between 72373c.
Trading In corn was quiet. July closed
unchanged at 4Sc after selling between
4Sc and 48c "There was considerable
changing from July to September, and
the latter month closed a shade higher
at 47c
Oats were active, with July In urgent
demand from shorts. After selling be
tween 3733Sc, July closed 3&c higher
at 3S3Sc September closed c higher
at 33c
Provisions were dull, and there was
enough selling pressure on lard from
packers to cause an easier feeling through
out the entire list. September pork closed
7o lower; lard was down 5c and ribs
were unchanged.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Wheat. No. 2:
July, old $
do new
September, old
do new
Corn. No. 3:
September ....
Oats. No. 2:
September ....
Mess pork, barrel:
July 17.02 17.02 16.97 17.02
"September ....16.SS 16.85 16.S0 16.82
Lard, per 100 pounds:
July 8.82 8.82 8.77 8.80
September .... 8.97 8.97 8.92 8.92
Short ribs, per 100 pounds:
Jul- 9.30 9.30 9.25 9.30
September 9.27
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Quiet and steady; Winter patents,
$3.5533.70 straights, $3.3033.50; Spring pat
ents. $134.10; straights, $3.403.65; bakers',
Wheat No. 2 Spring. 777Sc; No. 3. -743v
77c; No. 2 red. 75376c.
Corn No. 2, 4Sc; No. 2 yellow. 49c.
Oats No. 2, 3Sc; No. 3 white, 3S338c
No. 2 rye 61c
Barley Good feeding $4534Sc; fair to
choice malting, 60364c
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.09; No. 1 Northwest
ern. $1.11.
Prime timothy seed $3.35.
Mess pork, per barrel $16.87017.
Lard, per 100 pounds $3.728.73.
Short ribs sides (loose) $9.J539.30.
Dry salted shoulders (boxed) $83.12.
Short clear sides (boxed) $3.5039.75.
Clover Contract grade. $11.50311.75;
Articles. Recta. Shpts.
Flour, barrels 17.000 12.000
Wheat, bushels 19.000 60.000
Corn, bushels 352,000 300.000
Oats, bushels 239.000 245.000
Rye. bushels 5,000 ......
Barley, bushels 55, 0 l.Ott?
Grala and ProdHce at Nevr York.
NEW YORK. June 13. Flour Receipts,
24,360 barrels. Exports, 36,53 'barrels;
Market firm but quiet. Winter patents.
Downing, Hopkins & Co;
Established 1593.
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
$3.75440; Winter straights, $3.65-33.73;
Winter Jow grades. $2.60330.
Wheat Receipts. 24.338 bushels. Ex
ports. 17,263 bushels. Spot dull: No. 2 red,
S4c, elevator, and S3c, f. o. b. afloat. After
an easier opening, wheat rallied and ruled
steady. The late market was quiet, and
prices worked within a narrow range,
closing partly c higher. July closed
$lc; September, 77c; December, 77T4c
Hops Quiet; state common to choice.
1902 cropV 1723c;- olds, 59c; Pacific
Coast. 1902. lS320cr 1901, 14317c; olds,
5g9c.. . .
Hides Steady; Galveston. 0 to 25
pounds. ISc; California. 21 to 22 pounds,
19c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds. 14c
Butter Receipts, 4600 packages; market
steady; state dairy. 17321c; creamery. 18
Eggs Receipts, 7S00 packages; market
Irregular: Western extras, 18c; do sec
onds and firsts. 15317c.
Wool Firm; domestic fleece, 28332c
Petroleum Steady: refined New York.
$S.55; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $3.60;
do In bulk. $3.60.
Grain at San Francisco,
SAN FRANCISCO', June 13. Wheat and
barley weaker; oits steady.
Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. $1.323L35; milling.
Barley Feed, new, $1.0031.02; brewing,
$1.1031.15. .
Oats Red. $L151.25; white, $1.2031.30;
black. $1.1031.15.
Call Board jsales:
Wheat Weaker; December, $1.30;
cash, $1.35.
Barley Weaker: December, 8S.
Corn Large yellow, $1.20(31.27.
Nevr York Banks Gain Surplaa Eqaal
to Loss Last Week.
NEW YORK, June 13. The Financier
Tho notable feature of the statement
of the Associated Banks of New York this
woek was the almost complete reversal
of the reserve conditions as compared with
those of the previous week. The banks
gained In surplus an amount nearly equal
to that which was lost In the week end
ing June 6. The net Increase In cash was
much below the estimates, which were
based upon the traceable movement of
money during the week, these estimates
showing a probable gain of $1,237400.
while the actual net increase was but
$1,752,700. Today's discrepancy was most
likely caused by withdrawals of cash
which were not reported to the agencies
collecting the data for the estimates and
the possibility that some of such with
drawals may have been by country banks,
which early in the week caused to be for
warded to them the proceeds of liquidated
collateral loans. It Is suggested also that
some of the seceding trust companies
withdrew from the banks some of the
cash which they previously had on de
posit. The loans of the banks were reduced
$11,776,100, against $7,837,-S00 in the previous
week, reflecting the liquidation in stocks
which was large early In the week. The
deposits were reduced $11,793,300, an
amount just about equal to the decrease
of leans. The failure of this Item of de
posits to show the loss of cash makes the
statement Inharmonious. The reserve re
quirements were reduced $2,948,825 through
the decrease in deposits, which sum, add
ed to the net gain of $1,752,700 in cash,
makes $4,701,525 as the Increase In surplus
reserve, carrying this Item to $3,477,175, or
only $198,175 below the surplus on May
29. Computed on the basis of deposits
less. $37,204,000 of Government funds, the
surplus Is $18,778,175.
It may be noted that the loans of the
banks are this week again in excess of
deposits, such excess being $18,532,300, or
the largest since attention was first called
to this peculiarity of bank conditions. As
was observed last week, however, this
excess of loans cannot be regarded as an
element of bank weakness. It seems to"
show that the requirements of the coun
try are such as to make advisable the em
ployment of all the available resources of
the Institutions In circulation and capi
tal. The daily average of bank clearings last
week was $235,000,000. against $251,000,000 In
the previous week, notwithstanding stock
speculation was in greater volume. Com
parisons of loans show that contraction
was general: six of the larger banks re
port a net decrease of only $1,300,000. The
changes In specie show that five banks
lost about $1,000,000.
The statement of averages of the clearing-house
banks of this city for the week
Legal tenders ,
Reserve .'
Reserve required ...
Surplus ,
Ex.-U. S. deposits..
...$903,322,000 $11,776,100
... 886,829.700
.. 44,006.100
.. 75.O39.20O
... 15S.145.400
... 221.707.425
.. 9,477,175
... 18,778,175
Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha
nnd ICannaa City.
CHICAGO, June 13. Cattle Receipts,
500. Market nominal. Good to prime
steers, $535.33; poor to medium, $4-34.90;
stockers and feeders, $84.75: cows, $1.60
4.75; heifers, $2,503-43; canners, $L60
2.90; bulls, $15034.85; calves, $2,5036;
Texas-fed steers, $44.5o.
Hogs Receipts today, 15.000; Monday.
45,000; left over, 2000. Market steady.
Mixed and butchers, $3.9036.25; good to
choice heavy, $6.3036.35; rough heavy, $3.90
6.20; light, $5.8036.15; bulk of sales. $6
Sheep Receipts, 2000. Sheep and lambs
steady. Good to choice wethers, $4.6
5.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.2534.60; West
ern sheep, $4.6035.55; native lambs, $4.50
(g6.75; Western lambs, $4.5036.75.
KANSAS CITY. June 13. Cattle Re
ceipts 350 head. Market 1525c higher
than on May 29. Texas and Indian steers,
$34,40; Texas cows, $233.25; native cows
and heifers, $23-1.45: stockers and feeders,
$24.60; bulls, $2.4034.50; calves, $2.7536.25.
Hogs Receipts 850 head. Market 10315c
higher than Friday, May 29. Top sale.
$6.40; bulk of sales. $5.9036.00: heavy, $5.93
6-10: packers. $3.8036.05; medium. $5,703
5.85; mixed, $3.SO36.05; light. $3.7035.85,'
Yorkers, $5.8035.85; pigs. $5.3035.50.
Sheep No receipts. Market nominal.
Note. The local yards will be opened
for the receipt of full shipments on cat
tle, hogs and sheep Monday, June 15.
SOUTH OMAHA, June 12. Cattle Re
ceipts, 2000; market, nominally steady;
native steers, $4.3035.30; cows and heifers.
$3.5034.75; canners, $2.253.25; stockers and
feeders. $34.90; calves. $3.5086.50"; bulls.
8 tags, etc, $2.7534.25.
Hogs Receipts, 9000; market, 5c higher;
heavy. 55.1036.20: mixed, J6.026.07;
light. $5.953640: pigs. $535.85; bulk of
sales. $6.02360.
Sheep Receipts, none; market, steady;
fed muttons, $5Q5-70; wethers. $4.7035.30;
ewes. $3.7534.60; common and stockers,
$2.5034; lambs, $5.7537.25.
Weather In the Southern Belt Fav
orable to the Balls.
NEW YORK, June 13. Cotton futures
opened firm at a gain of 6$17 points and.
closed steady and higher. Spot closed
quiet. 15 points higher.
The Liverpool market again reported
great firmness, with prices lOglt- points
higher, when slight declines had been ex-
pected. Not only were -the cables favor
able to prices; but the weather In the
cotton belt was favorable to the bulls,
which caused the bears no little anxiety.
The market here opened firm at a gain
-of 6317 points, and advanced still further
In the first half-hour, the new-crop months
reaching new high records under active
bull support and covering;
With only light receipts and a moderate
trade, the market continued very steady
all forenoon. July sold at 12.30c and Au
gust at 11.81c; September reached He; Oc
tober ll.lSc and January 9.8Sc, these being
new high records for the season. The
close was firm. The net advance was 13
29 points.
Futures closed firm. June. 12.27c; July,
11.27c; August. 11.72c; September, 10.9Sc;
October, 10.17c; November, 10.07c; Decem
ber. 9.9Sc. Spot cotton closed 13 points
higher. Middling uplands. 13.50c; do Gulf.
12-ioc: no sales.
NEW ORLEANS. June 13. Today's ses
sion In the cotton market was one of the
most exciting in the present bull cam
paign. Prices 'at the opening advanced
from 11 to 34 points and closed 7 to 31
points higher.
Metal MarkctH.
NEW YORK. June 13-. There was only
a small Inquiry for the leading metals tcr
day, and prices, as a rule, were un
changed, but steady. Copper was dull
and more or less nominal on the basis of
14.50314.73c for lake and electrolytic and
14c for casting. Tin was firm and un
changed at 28-2532S.50c. Spelter ruled
quiet, wlthva strong undertone, spot be
ing quoted at 6.25c. Lead was steady and
unchanged at 4.37c for spot. Iron quiet
and nominally unchanged.
Sherwood Growers Ccnnnre A. J. Ray
for Bearing the Market.
A delegate from the Sherwood Hop
growers' Association came all the way to
Portland today to correct the erroneous
article which appeared In this morning"3
Oregonian over the signature of A. J.
Ray, agent of Fox & Co., of New York,
whom he alleges to be using every effort
to bear the hop market and force prices
down if possible to a figure which will
enable him to purchase a sufficient sup
ply to cover short sales to Eastern brew
ers, who are supposed to be insisting on an
early delivery In view of the extreme
scarcity of the present supply among
"In fact," said he. "Mr. Ray virtually
admits this fact when he says the brew
ers are 'unusually stubborn this year.'
meaning no doubt that they will not ac
cept a cash settlement on account of be
ing obliged to have hops to tide them over
the next five months until the new crop
Is marketed.
"It eeema that many of the Sherwood
growers are still holding their 1902 hops,
and, on account of the deplorable failure
of their prospective crop for 1903, are
pinning their faith almost entirely to tho
prospect of getting better prices for their
present holdings, and they feel that It was
an Injustice to them for Mr. Ray to at
tempt to defeat their cherished hopes in
this respect, as he did in his article. It
is all the more galling on account of the
facts being entirely at variance with hia
statements concerning the prosperous con
dition of the yards In this district, as
will appear from the following statements
of 23 of the 32 growers whom Mr. Ray
was supposed to have visited, whose ad
dress is also given, so that he may have
no difficulty In. verifying their statements
if he will take the trouble to make a real
Instead of an imaginary trip among their
"Matt Baker, Sherwood One of my
yards will make absolutely nothing; the
other, one-half to three-fourths of a
William Murray,. Sherwood If weather
turns favorable I will have one-half to
two-thirds crop.
"Marion Young, Sherwood Hopo to
gather half a crop.
"Jay Baker, Sherwood Have abandoned
one yard entirely; will have about half
crop In other yard.
"Graham Bros, Graeme, Sherwood dis
trictWill be satisfied with half crop from
present indication?.
"Mr. Camehl and Mr. Jager each report
half crop.
"Ed Baker, Sherwood Less than half a
"Elmer Jones, Graeme One-fourth crop.
"W. E. Her, Buttevllle I will not have
more than two sacks hops in my entire
"A. P. Todd, Sherwood Best-looking
yard in the district, but many hills miss
ing. "J. P. Woods, Graeme Will have one
third of an average crop.
"B. F. Webster, Sherwood Will have
two-thirds to three-fourth of a .crop if wa
ever have any hop-growing- weather. If
present weather continues don't expect
half a crop.
"J. S. Roberts, Sherwood Has about
two acres good, balance are no good what
ever. "George Sneller, Sherwood Half to two
thirds crop. '
"Dan Herron, Sherwood Expect three
fourths crop.
"William Weston, Sherwood With tho
most favorable weather may equal last
"William Young and John Young, Sher
woodMany hills missing.
"W. D. Matthews. Sherwood Have no
hills coming at all In one yard; other one
"Charles True, MIddleton Very poor
prospects now.
"Messrs. David and Baer, Sherwood
Each Is hoping for two-thirds crop, but
will not have It unless weather changes
Sale of Hops at Oakland for 23c.
Stearns Bros., of Oakland, have sold
155 bales hops to Phil Nels. of Portland,
at 21c per pound. This sets a new peg
In the hop market, 1 cent In advance of
any sales that have been made since the
Tecent advance in prices began.
. tmrnoirn to tbs
profession. Permanent cures In 15 to SC
days. We refund moner if ire do not enre.
You can be trusted st hum, tnr thu . -
price aad the itoa guarantee; with those who pre
fer to come hero we will contract to enre them or
psy expense of comlnr. railroad and hotel bills, and
make no charje. If ttb fall to enre. If yon naro
takes mercurr. iodide potash and still hava aches
fUcoodsrr Blood Poison that ire guarantee to enre.
Tf a lollel the most obstinate cases and ehallenra
the irorld for a ease ire eannos cure. This disease
has alirars bafied the skill of the most eminent
phjitclsas. For many rears ire hara made a speci
alty of treatlnr this disease irlth our marie remedy
aad ire hTe swo.ew behind our unconditional raar
aatee. Write us for lM-paee book and absolute
1539 Masonic Temple. Chicago. Ulinol.
Every Woman
is mierewea u saoaui enow
aboat the wonderful
IK1 M'
MAKYlL YYMriiRg Spray
TheNtwLadlea Syringe
xsast, surest, Meat
AA TMr traasbt fcrK.
If Jy. eanaec sbbdIt the
MARVKI. aeeeetao
other, btu send stamp for 11
lmtrxtM boek Jajt srrea
roll nartlcBlars asd llreUons 1&.
ralaablarolsdk. ?" RVKI, CO..
"Roeai aee Hint Bdx New York.
I for sale by Waadard. Clark Co