121 I THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAT; -.PORTLAND, 14, 1903. wira la cn- I SI V they won't fade or stretch. dmon with one of our JPhil- J1 ff , V $- s ill ,No Summer garden is com- adelphia mowers easy run- mere are so -clr -r , I - I manv tnines I : -l - . ii , 1 K thingfor these warm days. In the basement. UW "1C wvc ucau"f iuaiicuiC iiCo v c ZAWr U . ; character we give you, representing tne largest varieties. 1 VVV I oletefcwithout one. thmgffor these warm - Outing Gloves Ladies' Outing Gloves, plain and leather palm, gauntlets with leaiher palm, regular vac and $1.00 values to close at j the special price of, pair . - .Ladies' Wrist Bags, assorted leather, just the handy As thing for the beach, special, each vO Bathing Suit Materials Alpaca is the materialised for the bathing costume. "We have it in black at 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per yard; and in the colored for 60c, 85c, $i.00, $1.25 and $1.50. per yard. necessary under the above heading that reliable news of the character we give you, representing the largest varieties, best qualities and lowest prices in all kinds of Summer mer chandise, is very gratifying. We have scores of splendid items that should be looked over very carefully and taken advantage of this week Used in decorating during the "June White Days" will be placed on sale each morning, commencing tomor row at 8 o'clock and until 9 A. M., until sold, at special price, ea., Center aisle. C Our grocery department is the most complete in its assortment of necessities and luxuries One must eat to live and why not have the best? Basement. Books for Summer Reading 10,000 Books in paper binding, 500 titles, in cluding all the standard and many popular authors. Send For a list ot titles, special per copy Cheap editions of some of the copyright books Graustark, Choir Invisible, Pris oner of Zenda, By Right of Sword,In Cffc, the Palace of the King & 75 others . JvC Gloves Silk net gloves are fash ion's latest decree for Sum mer costumes. We also have all the novelties in kid gloves, embroidered lisle and lace mlttS. (First Kloor.) n i Grocery Spec'Is Vasn Camp's Assorted Soups, 3 for.-.- 25c Van Camp's two-pound Pork and Beans, 2 for 25c JelMD, 3 packages for . .25c Libby's Chipped Beef, half-pound cans, '2 for 25c Libbys Chipped Beef, pound cans 20c Libby's Chipped Beef, pound jars 25c Libbys Veal Loaf 10c Libby?s Ham Loaf 10c Libbyfs Chicken Loaf.. 15c Libbyfs Deviled Ham, 6 for.. 25c Table' Peaches, 2 for 25c Table Pears, 2 for 25c Pie Peaches, 3$for 25c Swiss Cheese.. 20c Eagle Milk 15c Fiff Prune 20c Postum 20c Grape Nuts, 2 for 25c P. C. Parlor Matches, 6 for 25c P. C. Press Matches, 6 for...v. ...25c 'Walnuts, per pound.. 15c Paper Shell Almonds, 2 ft pounds for 35c Clover Oysters, 3 cans.2ac Neptune Sardines,3 cans 25c Rising Sun Polish 5c Malta Vita, 2 packages... 25c Three 3-pound cans of Sliced Pineapples 50c Alpha Salad Cream... -20c Refrigerators 'Gurney"and "La Belle" refrigerators need no intro duction to the public. Dur ing these warm days you will soon discover the need of one in your household. Call and inspect our stock. Freezers It is the good old Summer time and every household needs an ice cream freezer. You need one and we have them in all Sizes. (Daiement) Crockery We are offering specials in our crockery department: Knives and Forks, set of 6 54c White Dinner Plates, set of 6 45c White Pie Plates, set of 6 30c WhiteCups and Saucers, set of 6 45c Covered Vegetable Dishes, assorted dec orations, each 49q, Odds and ends in Plates, Bakers, etc., at reduced prices. (Basement.) Men's Clothing Men's Ali-Wool Blue Serge Suits, double and single breasted, all sizes. Reg. $12.50 Special Men's Fine Blue Serge Suits, single and double breasted, hand-padded collar and shoulder extra well made, best of trimmings. Regular $15.00 CM''fc Special Men's Fancy Tweed and Cheviot Suits, brown and gray mixtures. Regular $18 Special -. Outing Suits, a large assortment to d Q Q I ? Sf select from flannel and homespun k ojsj Men's Wear French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, French necks, self fronts and well finished, all sizes, reduced from flf 75c special price "r Men's Golf Shirts in new stripes, made of good qual- ity of madras cloth, reduced from 75c to "O' All $1.00 Colored Bosom Shirts, in figured and JPQ stripes, reduced to Men's Fancy Striped Half Hose, all new and desir- l q able, reduced from 25c to Light Weight Suspenders, just the thing for this Q- warm weather, reduced from 25c tp Men's Shirt Waists, in white and colored stripes, prices from . V W Wash Goods Swiss Plumetis fancy stripes, in all new and desirable patterns and colorings on sale Monday at the Qn special price of 10,000 yards Lawns, Dimi ties and Batiste on sale Monday at the sp.ec- f ial price of vC Shirtwaist Suiting in a good assortment of patterns and colors on sale Monday at the special price of, A, per yard. . IHfC New arrivals in good quali ty of Ginghams, all new and desirable patterns on sale at the special q price of Best quality 32-inch Madras Cloths, all new and desira ble patterns and colors, on sale Monday at the Qn special price of Ladies' Flannel Nightgown We have a large assortment of Ladies' Flannel Gowns which we have divided into four lots and will place on spe cial sale: LOT 1 Assorted stripes, lace trimmed, neck. SPE CIAL LOT 2 Assorted fancy stripes, trimmed in solid'col ors and fancy braid. SPECIAL LOT 3 Solid colors and fancy stripes, trimmed & i r9 in fancy braid. SPECIAL 1 .U LOT 4 Solid colors, white, pink and blue; also d a assorted stripes. SPECIAL P 1 mA3 EVERYTHING FOR THE SUMMER'S OUTING TO BE FOUND IN THIS GREAT STORE Picture Department We have a special lot of matted pictures, suitable for dec orating your cottage at the Beach you will be surprised at what a splendid showing you can make for a little money. Fine Picture Framing to your order. 200 new patterns just received making our selection not only the best but the largest in the Northwest. (Second Floor.) Boys' Clothing Boys dark blue Percale Blouses, stripes and polka dots, sizes 2 to 8 years, special. , Boys Khaki Suits in Military and Norfolk styles, . good quality, special P Boys' Washable Suits, in heavy crash, with blue or red trimming, special P Boys all-wool Sailor Suits, in blue serge, "brown & and gray mixtures, special tjM. Young Men's Suits, all the newest $1Q tO $!6, shades and styles, special v s Children's fleece-lined ribbed cotton- vest and pants, ages 2 to 14yrs. SPECIAL, ea. Ladies' hemstitched cambric handkerchiefs, A i to 1-inch hem. SPECIAL, each Ladies5 Underwear Ladies' ribbed combination Suits, cream color only, low neck, sleeveless, knee length e pants. SPECIAL, suit Ladies' lace white ribbed cotton pants. SPECIAL, pair 21c Suit Department fi- Special reductions on the remainder of our stock of Ladies' Tallor-Made Suits: Regular price, $14 to $16, special '. . .$ 9.45 - Regular pricev$18, special 14.45 .Regular price, $20 to $22, special 16.25 Regular price, $24 to $26, special 18.25 Regular price, $28 to $32, special.. 22.25 Regular price, $34 to $38, special 26.85 Children's and misses' Tailor-Made Blouse Suits in black, blue and tan, sizes 14 to 18 years: Regular price, $12, special $5.95 Regular price, $14 to $15, special 7.95 Extra good cotton blankets, full size, will be placed on sale at tf fQ the special price, pair . . v Gray all-wool blankets, just the thing for your outing, per ce pair Mottled all-wool blankets, QJP Feather pillows, covered with blue and white striped ticking, special 29(J Portland is to be the city of roses and beautiful flow ers. You must do your share towards making it so. Get a good garden hose, guaran teed new rubber, and your roses will look beautiful all Summer. (Basement.) It has been hot and is go ing to be hotter, and you must have shades to keep cool and comfortable. We carry window, porch and hammock shades, and with these comforts in your home you will not need to dread the hot weather. sa Floor.) Trunks It is not necessary to ad vertise our trunks, but it is just as well to state that we have them from the simplest zinc to the most elaborate and commodious wardrobe trunk. If you intend travel ing this Summer, come and inspect our stock beforej making your purchases. - Children's Waists Children's Nazareth Waists, ages 1 to 12, gj Ladies' Bathing Corsets, in white and as sorted colors. Reg. $1 values Special . . . Hosiery Ladies' Heavy Black Ribbed Cotton Hose, e just the thing for the coast Special pair. Boys' heavy two and one ribbed Cotton iff Hose, sizes 6 to 10 Special, pair JC Misses' and Children's one and one ribbed Black Cotton Hose, sizes 6 to 10 c Special, pair - lC Ribbons Neck Ribbons, in all colors, will be placed on spe cial sale, hour-inch tanetas at, yard '& We recognize the demand for stylish and serviceable bathing costumes and carry a complete assortment with all the accessories caps, slippers, etc. If you Intend going to the beach this Sum mer, a stylish bathing suit should be included in your wardrobe. Ladies' Wrap'rs Ladies' Percale Wrappers, best quality, fancy trim med yoke, front and back trimmed in embroidery and stitched, regular val ues $2.25 and $2.50, special. $1.82 Croquet is always a popu lar game, exhilarating and enjoyable and now is a good opportunity to secure a fine set. Our stock is complete. Third floor. ' SilkPetticoats Ladies' Silk Petticoats in black and colors, deep pleating and flounce, with tucks or five small ruf fles. Regular price, $12.00 and a v o C $12.50. SPECIAL $V.CO Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats, Ruffles or tucked flounce pleating, with ruffle. Regular tf f values $2.50 and $2.75. SPECIAL. . . $ Stoves The Peninsular stoves are the acknowledged best. Ranges, heaters and cook stoves are carried by us, also the Perfection and Blue Flame oil stoves, which we consider a credit to our housefurnishing department. (BascmeHt) Umbrellas Plain black taffeta,' 26-inch umbrella, with case to match, cord and tassel, Paragon frame, Dresden metal, gilt, horn and plain handles, regu- 1 fQ lar$1.50 values vvO Kitchen Necessities Specials for Coast Use. Tin Dish Pans, 12-qt., each 19c Tin Cups 3c Tin Coffee Pots, 2-qt 14c Tin Tea Kettle, copper bottom 32c Tin Pie Pans,9-in 3c Tin Sauce Pans, 4-qt 17c Tin Tea Spoons, heavy, doz 16c Tin Table Spoons, heavy 32c Frying Pans, 9-in 15c Great line of Outing Shoes at Reduced Prices. ALL MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY Cloak Department Ladies' Pongee Monte Carlo Jackets, regular val ues $10 and $12, special Ladies' black taffeta box Monte Carlos, regular AS values $7.50, special pJJ Ladies' black taffeta and pcau de soie Coffee Jackets, regu larprices $11 and $12.50, spe- JJP Trunks Dress trunks, canvas covered, full steel bound, steel fittings, heavy front clamps, Eagle lock, two steel center bands, canvas lined, extra dress tray and secret drawer A trunk that is priced low. Note our special prices: Size 30-in., reg. $10.50, special. .$ 8.77 Size 32-in., reg. $11.25, special . . 9.35 Size 34-in., reg. $12.00, special . . 9.87 Size 36-in., reg. $12.75, special. . 10.45 Size 38-in., reg. $13.50, special. . 10.93 Over 50 styles of trunks from $3.25 to $85.00 each. Canvas and Basket Telescopes for picnics and Coast use, from 25c to $3.50. Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company Meier &. Frank Company Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company Meier & Frank Company Sam