The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 14, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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utlng to the food supply, "who have not
already done so, "will kindly communicate
with the chairman of th6 respective com
mittees; Deaths 1b tie Lait 'Tear.
The following is a record of the deaths
of members 6i the association from June
Pioneers of Oregon Assemble
This Week.
Ranks of Association Recruited by
Addition of Two Octogenarians
Committees of Women Pre- ,
pare Banquet
The Oregon Pioneer Association Trill
hold its 31at annual reunion next Wed
nesday. Satisfactory progress Jls being
made in the preparation for the reunion
and indications point to a better attend
ance than that of last year's meeting,
which numbered nearly 1000.
A goodly number enroled yesterday,
among them Ben Simpson, 1S46. -who has
IS, 1S02, to the present date, so far as it.
nas seen possiDie ior tne secretary to se
cure their namea. The list of deceased
pioneers is, of course, much larger than
this, but their names are not made a part
of the records of the association because
they were never members, and hence the
secretary his no data relating to them:
J. S. Rlsley. 1S43, Oswego.
Edward E. McClure. 1S3L Portland.
Mrs. M. J. Black. 1S52. Portland.
John Catlln, 1S48. Portland. '
Sylvester Pennoyer, 1&4, Portland.
Silas B. Smith. 1SS9. Astoria.
Mrs. G. R. H. Miller. 1S15.- Oregon City.
W. R. Dunbar. 1S17. Vancouver, "Wash.
Colburn Barrell, 1S19, Portland.
S. Gatton, 1850, "Woodland, "Wash.
John Hughes, 1E32, Salem.
Mrs. Rosa F. Burrell. 1S33, Portland.
H. W. Cbrbett, 1S5L Portland.
Mrs. E. D. Shattuck, 1S33. Portland.
TVilliam M. Case. 1844, Champoeg.
TVlllard H. Rees; 1544. Portland.
J. H. D. Gray, 1S39, Astoria.
N. K. SItton. 1843, Carlton.
"William H. Ruddell. 1S5L Elma, "Wash:
A. R. Burbank 1S53. La Fayette.
David McLaughlin, 1824. Poot Hill,
Mrs. Zllpha Rigdon, 1S4S. Pleasant Home.
Mrs. J. H. Eagan, 1S54, Portland.
A. Jj. Craig Attends Passenger Meet
in bS. G. Falton Joins in Dis
cussion of Coast Rates.
An exodus of prominent railroad officials
from Portland has been the feature of
the-week in traffic circles. It is exceed
ingly rare that so many of the prominent
railroad men whose headquarters are lo
cated In this city are absent at the same
time, and the circumstance has created
a great deal of comment along Third
street, where the railroad offices are lo
cated. Of the higher railroad officials General
Passenger Agent A. I. Craig, of the O. R.
& N., Is now in Chicago, attending a
meeting of the Transcontinental Passen
ger Association, and looking after other
details of railroad work. He has been ab
sent for a week, and is not expected to
return until July 1.
Somewhat of a coincidence Is the fact
that Allen Cameron. Asiatic representa
tive of the O. R. & N. and Portland &
Asiatic Steamship Line, came "West from
Chicago about the time Mr. Craig left
not come into personal touch with the
pioneers before for 20 years. He is look
ing forward to the reunion with great
pleasure, and anticipates having a very
pleasant time in recounting Oregon ecenes
and experiences of the days long past.
Among other things he Indulged In some
regrets, as he spent a little time with
Secretary Hlmes at pioneer headquarters
In the City Hall. Soon after his arrival he
established a sawmill on the Clackamas
and rafted the lumber, which was used
in the construction of some of the first
frame houses In Portland, for which he
received $150 per thousand. His conscience J
does not sting him for that, however; but
he is sorely .trpubled when Jie recalls the
fact that he was at one time offered 160
acres of land, now in the heart of
this city, for 5000 feet of lumber. Mr.
Simpson's conscience troubled him a good
many years ago becauee he let that op
portunity slip; but now, as he sees pres
ent conditions, with the future prospects
in store, after an absence of a score of
years, he is more sorely distressed in mind
than ever. Mr. SImpeon was born in
Tennessee in 1S18, and hence is now in
his 86th year, but aside from somewhat
impaired sight he is in good condition to
survive a good many years. Henceforth
he will make his home in Oregon, sd that
those still living who knew him years ago
will have the opportunity to renew their
Another stout old octogenarian, F. X.
Matthicu, also in his SCth year, and who
came In 1842, registered yesterday. His
wonted health has returned, after a some
what discouraging period of Illness two
months ago, and he is now as genial as
The secretary would again urge upon
resident pioneers the, necessity of securlng
thelr badges before tlie last hour, so as
avoid the rush, which inevitably takes
piace, ween it is put off to the last:"
moment- Anyone who came to, or was1'
born in. Oregon prior to February 14, 1S59,
is ellgiblle to membership; A considerable
number of those already enrolled never
were members of the association before.
Committees on the Banquet.
The Pioneer "Woman's Auxiliary, having
In charge the preparation of the banquet
next "Wednesday afternoon, is as follows:
Chairman, Mrs. C. M. Cartwrlght; sec
retary. Miss Mollle Burke.
Committee on tables-Irs. , Benton
IClllln. chairman.
.Table No. 1 Mrs. P. L. "Willis. Mrs. J.
A. Strowbrldge; assistants, Mrs. D. F.
Sherman. Mrs. M. A. M. Aehley.
Table No. 2Mrs. J. M. Freeman, Mrs.
A. B. Croasman; assistants, Miss Daisy
Belle Freeman, Mrs. TV. TV. Harder.
Table No. 3 Miss Failing Mrs. Eliza
beth Hamilton; assistants, Mrs. H. C.
Cabell. Miss Failing.
Table No. 4 Mrs. TV. R. Sewali, Mrs.
Charles T. Kamm; assistants. Miss Bessie
Sewali, Miss Caroline Kamm.
Table No. 6 Mrs. George L. Story. Mrs.
F. R. Strong, assistants, Miss Lucy Fall
ing. Miss Estelle Killin.
Table No. 6 Mrs. Harriet Kl McArthur,
Mrs. George Taylor; assistants. Miss Mar
garet Catlln, Miss Virgina White.
Table No. 7 Mrs. L TV. Pratt, Mrs. M.
C. George; assistants, Miss Gertrude
Pratt, Miss Jessie George.
Table No. S Mrs. John McCraken. Mrs.
George TV. TVeldler; assistants. Miss TVeld
ler. Miss Hazel TVeldler.
Table No. 9 Mrs. J. C. Moreland, Mrs.
John Labbe; assistants, Mlss Nellie
Strowbrldge. Miss Marguerite Labbe.
Table No. 10 Mrs. J. TV. Cook, Miss
Eueie Cos grove; assistants. Mis3 Clarissa
Wiley, Miss Jessie FarrelL
Table No. H-Mrs. TV. S. Slbson, Mrs. D.
A. Robertson; assistants. Miss Alice Sib
son. Miss Kathleen Burns.
Table No. 12-Mra J. H. McMllIen, Mrs.
T. T. Struble; assistants, Mrs. G. H. Lam
berson. Miss Leona Noltner.
Table No. 13 Mrs. Grace "Watt Ross.
Mrs. H. H. Northup; assistants, Mrs. R.
Prael, Miss. Marguerite TVlley.
Table No. 14 Mrs. H. TV. Ogllbie, Mrs.
A. fit. Clair Gay; assistants. Miss Kate
Holman. Miss Maude Gllllland.
Table No. 15 Mrs. L. A. Lewis. Miss
Clara Teal; assistants. Mrs. S. B. Llnthl
cum. Miss Clementine "Wilson.
Table No. 16 Mrs. John Gill. Mrs. J. K.
G1U: assistants, Mrs. T. T. Strain. Mrs.
TV. A. Montgomery. .
Committee on bread, cake, etc. Miss
Nannie E. Taylor, chairman; Mrs. E. E.
McClure, Miss Edna. Belcher. Mrs. L. M.
Parrish, Mrs. Milton TV, Smith, Mrs. Clara
"Watt MOrUn.
Committee on meats,. salads and fish
Mrs. John TV. Mlnto, chairman; Mrs
Herbeit Holman. Mrs. Archie Pease, Mrs
Thomas Crang. Mrs. Dan. McLauchlan. '
Decorating committee Miss Clara Teal
chairman; Miss Belle Ogllbie. Miss Hazel
TVeldler, Miss Kate Glbbs. Mrs. D. Mc
Leod, Those desiring the privilege of coatrib-
John. Baker, JS55, Portland.
Mrs. R. Williams, 1853, Portland.
If any members of the association
knows of other names which should be
Included in the foregoing list, ho will
confer a, favor upon the .secretary by re
porting the same to him. by letter or
otherwise, at the City Hall.
Meeting of Sons and Daughters.
At the second annual meeting of the
Sons and Daughters of the Oregon
Pioneers, held In the Courthouse last
night, the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: Judge M. C. George,
president;' Mrs. I. TV. Pratt, secretary;
Mrs. B. D. Hamilton, corresponding sec
retary and treasurer; board of directors.
Judge M. C. George, F. V. Holman. Judge
J. C. Moreland, John TV. Mlnto, Mesdames
Bessie M. Teal, L W Pratt, Henrietta
Falling, Louise Myrlck and Harriet B.
The question regarding eligibility to
membership arose. Mr. Minto moved, that
as during the past year no effort had
been made to increase the membership
the board of directors be authorized to
appoint a committee of three to solicit
subscriptions during the coming year, and
that the charter membership list be kept
open and the membership fee of $1 be un
changed. The board of directors appointed
Mesdames E, D. Hamilton and C. N. Mc
Arthur and George H. Hlmes as mem
bers of tho soliciting committee.
Tho society will make an effort during
the coming year to increase its member
ship. At the present time but few of the
eons of pioneers are members, the greater
part of the membership being made up of
tho daughters of the old settlers.
Pacific Monthly for June.
Portland's pet periodical, the Pacific
Monthly, for June, Is a beautiful publica
tion from the printer's and illustrator's
standpoint, and the character of its read
ing matter maintains the standard eet
by it in the past. The special features are
"Springtime in the Willamette Aralley"
and "The Counties of tho Willamette,"
two articles descriptive of Oregon's gar
den spot. These articles are profusely
illustrated with halftones. The monthly Is
growing In circulation and influence, and
is a publication of which Portland may.
well feel proud.
Pleads Guilty- to Jail-BrenUlng.
George Fowler, alias George Miller, who
ran away from the County Jail on May
2S, and stole two revolvers belonging to
Jailer Jackson, pleaded guilty In the State
Circuit Court yesterday, and will be sen
tenced on Monday. Fowler was. captured
at Troutdale.
for the Windy City. Mr. Cameron has
left Portland after a few days' consulta
tion with freight officials here, for the
far East He went by way of San Fran
cisco, and is expected to sail within a
few days.
S. G. Fulton, assistant general freight
agent of 'the Northern Pacific, is now in
Milwaukee attending the meeting of the
general freight agents of the country.
There are a number of important ques
tions on the docket, and many of these
are of particular Interest to Coast points.
There have been under discussion for
some time propositions for the reduction
of freight tariffs to Coast points in line
with the efforts of freight agents to en
courage the movement of Eastern prod
ucts to the Coast. These matters are of
particular interest to Portland and other
Northwest points, and Mr. Fulton is in
the East to see that the Northwest, as
well as his road, receives fair treatment-
W. E. Coman, general passenger
agent of the Southern Pacific, and Gen
eral Manager Richard Koehler, of the
same line, are out on the road. Mr.
Koehler is absent on his regular Inspec
tion trip, and Mr. Coman is visiting rep
resentatives of the road to check up traf
fie matters.
M. J. Roche, general agent of the Rio
Grande" lines, has not returned from
Huntington. Mr. Roche went East with
those members of the Modern Woodmen
of the World who are making the ex
cursion trip from the Northwest to In
dianapolis. It was his Intention to see
that the delegations from other Western
States joined the Oregon and Washing
ton members, and that the passengers
were turned over to his company's lines
upon schedule time, and without any in
conveniences being suffered.
James A. Clock, general agent for the
Wisconsin Central, is la Seattle, looking
after the business of his liner. The Wis
consin Central has taken a great Interest
in the lumber traffic of the Northwest,
and Mr. Clock has been Instrumental in
providing cars for the lumber manufacturers.-
His present trip Is taken not onlv
to look Into lumber conditions, but also
to check up the work of sub-agencies.
H. W. Goddard, assistant general agent
of the Burlington, with headquarters at
Portland, is traveling through Eastern
Washington in the Interests of his line.
Two Washington railroad men are now
in Portland. Alex Tinllng, general agent
of the Northern Pacific at Tacoma, is
here to consult with freight and passen
ger officials of his road, and Percy Sin
clair, of the same city. Pacific Coast rep
resentative of the Lehigh Valley route, is
in Portland on a regular; business trip.
While there is no-significance attaching
to the movement of these- railroad offl
clals, traffic men have been commenting
June, 1903, with floor
space of 25,000 Square
50,000 Square Feet in
Commemorates our first formal opening of OUR GRAND NEW .STORE. A multitude of people will recall with us our ad
vent into the business world of Portland. Also remark the most phenomenal progress of our store, ALWAYS ONWARD AND f)
Success, has crowned our every effort from the first.- - In eleven-short years -we have attained a commanding posi- f
tion as a great supply center, due to public confidence acquired, we believe, through certain principles strictly adhered to from
the beginning. - .- - -
Our New Store is centrally located, all car lines either pass our door or-transfer direct. It is strictly modern in every
particular, light, convenient and equipped with every modern appliance to give our customers perfection of service. Being so
well established, we are both happy and proud to'be able to state that we are better prepared to-care for our large and increas
ing trade than ever before. .
Come and spend an evening with, us. Come and be merry. We have arranged suitable entertainments
S Come and see how Royal Roberts Bros, will entertain you. Grand Opening 7:30 P. M. June 16, 1903 c
r Watch for our Advertisement in The Evening Telegram Monday, JunB 15. 7C
I woodmen)
Great Midsumme
r tarnival
Commencing July 14 to 25
Attractions Furnished by the
10 Big Free Acts . . Clean and Moral
15 Big Shows ... 3 Military Bands
Excursion Rates on all Railroads. Remember the Dates, July 14 to '25.
upon the singular circumstances that such
an exodus should occur at this time.
Grand Tronic Is Now Certain to
Build to the Pacific Coast.
NEW YORK. Jupe 13. Sir Charles" hir
ers Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk
Railroad, -who sailed for Europe t today,
says regarding the. proposed extension of
the Grand Trunk .Lines through the .Dp
minion of Canada to the Pacific Coast, to
cost $75,000,0007 is now practically assured
of success.. iThe enabling bill -which -will
be the charter of the new road, has passed
through all the committees of the Cana
dian Parliament, and Is about to be ad
vanced to the third reading In the House
of Commons at Ottawa.
.This charter provides for the organiza
tion of a s'eparate company to He known
as the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway with
a capital of 575,000,000. Under this char
ter there wiU he built a line 3SG0 miles
long, extending' from ' Quebec to Port
Simpson, on the Pacific Ocean, with sev
eral branches. The road will be divided'
into the Eastern, the Prairie" and the Ladies of the-G.-A. R. in the A. O. U. W.
Rocky Mountain sections It will take r Hall, and a campflre will, be held Thurs-
over nve years to complete the entire
The new route will provide the shortest
line between London and the Orient,, and
it will also shorten the distance between
many United States points and the Orient,
as Port Simpson Is about 550 miles nearer
the ports of China, Vladivostok and Ma
nila than Vancouver or Seattle or Port
land, and about 600 miles nearer than San
Francisco, while It 13 no further away
than these ports from Hawaii, Australia
and other Important South Sea ports.
From Liverpool the distance" to Yokohama
will be 310 miles less than by the nearest
existing line, and 1202 miles less than via
New Tork and Vancouver. It will even
be shorter than by the trans-Siberian Railroad.
New Burlington Railroad 3Iap,
The Burlington has Issued a new rail
road map that is one of the most com
plete ever put forth by a railroad system.
There is something- significant in the fact
that this map shows the Great Northern
and Northern Pacific's lines -with a prom
inence equal to that accorded the com
pany's own system. The Great Northern
Jlnes are shown In red, th Northern Pa
cific in green and tho Burlington in black.
Projected lines are shown In detail, one
of the most Important being the Great
Northern's proposed line to Oka, Mont.,
and the Burlington's extension from Bil
lings to connect with the Hill system at
that point. The map Intended for wall
use shows all the roads west of Chicago,
and each system Is indicated in Ink of a
different character.
Programme Includes Ride AbOHt
City Instead of Parade.
A meeting of the general committee of
arrangements tor the state encampment
of the G. A. R. held a meeting yesterday
and pracUcally completed all details for
the entertainment of the representatives
to the encampment and the conventions
of the Women's Relief Corps and Indies
of the G. A. R., beginning Wednesday
night, June 24. G. E. Caukin, chairman,
presided, and nearly all representatives
of Portland posts, were present.
It was decided that Wednesday even
ing, June 2i, a general reception would be
given in the White Temple, when" there
will be an address of welcome from Mayor
George IT. " Williams and response from
Colonel- Ormsby, of Salera. Thursday the
coRvestiera will open. The- encampment
will sit in the G. A. JL Hall, Women'
Relief Corps' ix' the Auditorium, zqd tb
day night.
Friday mornlmr at 3 o'clock an excur
sion will bo given In open cars on tha
City & Suburban .Railway lines In Port
land, Including trips to Mount Tabor, Al
bjna. South Portland, North Portland, to
the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds
and to some other points. Open cars will
be secured. .anT probably eight will be
needed. The street-car company will oir
nlshed as many' cars as may be wanted.
This excursion will take the place of tho
parade which waa first spoken of. It la
the general opinion that an excursion
through the city in open cars would be
preferred, and would give the visitors an
opportunity to. learn something of tha
growth of the city.
It seems to be . understood that Dave
Tourney, of Newberg, will be elected de
partment commander for the .coming year.
Sfate Board of Health Adopts Sani
tary ReKBlatlons.
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Oregon State-Bdard of Health will be held
at the office of Dr. Woods Hutchinson, be
ginning Tuesday at 11 A. M. The meeting
Is one of unusual importance and a full
attendance i3 expected. New by-laws and
regulations ore to be adopted and stata
quarantine regulations. The plague situa
tion in San .Francisco and the renovation
of Portland's Chinatown will be consid
ered. One of the most Important matters tp be
taken up is a circular containing instruc
tions concerning "hygiene In public school
rooms. It lis proposed to carefully pre
pare these Instructions in circular form
and distribute them among .school
teachers throughout the state.
A plan of campaign will also be pre
pared to prevent an epidemic of typhoid
fever In the Willamette Valley, which is
threatened on account of the present high
Dr. Andrew C. Smith, of Portland, is
president of the board, and Dr. Woods
Hutchinson secretary. The other mem
bers are: Drs. Alfred Kinney, of Astoria;
Harry Lane, of Portland; C. J. Smith,, of
Pendleton; E. B. Plckel. of Medford, a2
E. A, Pierce, of Salem.
1 desire to' express" my heartfelt thaaki
t the many friends for their kindness anj
sympathy shown 'me In the loss of my bei
loved husband. ' 1 1&R8. OTTO DAKE.
Enlarge Ensnt and Inflammation of tfce
Ut !&Bt are ckt4 fey Oregea XMaey Tev.