FORTY PAGES Of PAGES I TO 12 YOL. XXII. NO. 23. POETLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1903. I'RICE FIVE CENTS. M'BHIDE IS SLY "Boss" in Thurston Will Not Go Away. TRADE ON REFORM SCHOOL Mills Is to Succeed Reed on Board of Control. LATTER SHIFTED TO CHEHALIS Governor Changes His Mind About liamlni; Olynipln Man n Head of Reform School More Uaefnl In His Own Bailiwick. TVlth the idea of capturing Thurston County, Governor McBrlde has decided to appoint Sheriff Jesse Mills a mem ber of the board o control Instead of superlntndent of the Reform School at Chehalls. To do this, he -will make Charles Reed, now on the board of con trol, superintendent of the state institu tion mentioned. Superintendent West erndorf, a Republican, who will retire, was round in office by the late Governor Rogers, and retained there, despite strong protests of the Lewis County Populists. He has been the subject of a bitter fight for six years, but overcome all opposition until last week, when Governor McBrlde requested his resig nation. OLYMPIA. "Wash., June 6. (Special.) Instead of receiving .the appointment as superintendent of the State Reform School to succeed Thomas P. "Westendorf, as sur mised yesterday, Sheriff Jesse T. Mills, of Thurston County, has been appointed a in ember of the State Board of Control. Mr. Mills takes the position on the board now occupied by Charles Reed, and Mr. Reed is appointed to the position of super- tendejf,, thejgteform SchooIThe thls vantfouncemenW today Mr. Reed 16 now In Illinois on a month's vacation. The change will occur on July 1. -Mr. MUlsV term tn the board will ex pire on January 1, 1905. The removal' of Westendorf Is the culmi nation of a six years fight; one that be gan with the first Rogers administration, and has existed ever since. Originally, It was a Populistlc demand for Westendorf s place that stirred up the trouble and near ly split the fusion parties in Lewis County. During recent years, or more particularly the past 14 months, the antl "Westendorf people of Lewie Count have been centering their fight against the superintendent in the Republican party. Roscrs Stand Cost Mnch Support. Governor Rogers refused to remove "Westendorf, and his course cost him the friendship of Lewis County Populists. They wanted the superintendent's post and the patronage of the Reform School. Governor Rogers announced, shortly after his first term began, that he would insist upon Westendorfs retention, although the superintendent was a Republican. The Governor's obstinacy over the West endorf matter was partially responsible for the split between the fusion Execu tive and his first Board of Control. This board, it will be remembered, consistod of etate officers and they refused to follow the Rogers plans to the letter. This led to their removal and the appointment of a more pliable board. The messages of Governor Rogers, to gether with several of the interviews the late Executive gave out, frequently men tioned Westendorf as an unusually cap able official. Possibly Governor Rogers was led to force Westendorf to the front because of the early and bitter fight that had been made against him by a faction of the Lewis County Populists, but there is no doubt the late Governor regarded the superintendent as a very efficient man. Welt j- Renevrs the Flsht. State Senator J. R. Welty, a. close friend of the McBrlde administration, took up the antl-Wcstendorf fight after the death of Governor Rogers. He tried repeatedly to have Westendorf removed and another man appointed, not being particularly urgent in the selection of any one man so long as Westendorf gave way. The men who had been fighting Westendorf in Lewis County lined up behind Senator Welty and continued the fight. During the last Legislature, - serious charges, involving the standard of morals at the Reform School, were preferred against the Superintendent. The State Board of Control Investigated and dis missed the charges; a number of members of the Legislature took the opportunity of looking Into the matter, but nothing canto of it that reflected upon the superin tendent. Senator Welty, however, persisted that the charges were well founded and he threatened to Introduce a resolution in the Senate calling for an investigation. Welty made a fight before the appropriation committee of the Senate, endeavoring to Stave those Senators take up the matter and jthen tried to secure support for a struggle on the floor of the Senate. It Is understood that two or three Senators pledged themselves to stay with him, but the showing of sympathy was so meager that Welty was put out of the fight. "Westendorf Asked to Resign. It is understood that the J-ewis County Senator has persisted ever since the ad journment to get Westendorf out of the Reform School. Whether this had any effect upon Governor McBrlde is a matter of doubt, as toward, the end of the session SrXcBride and Welty drifted apart some- what. But, la any event. It Is an open secret here that Westendorf was sum moned to the capital and asked for his resignation.. The appointment of Charles Reed to succeed Westendorf assures the adminis tration of the presence in Ivewls .County of a man -who will follow instructions, in political matters closely. Mr. Reed has not asserted himself to any extent, either against the Rogers or McBrlde pro grammes. At the same time, there is no question that he is a capable official. The plan of retaining Jesse Mills at Olympia was well conceived from the Mc Brlde standpoint. Mills would not have been of much use to the administration In Thurston County were he to drift away to Chehalls. But at home Mills, if he makes an open alliance with the McBrlde faction, will be a strong factor in local politics. The Scobey-Madge fiction did not have any margin to spare during the last campaign, and deflections will cripple Its prospects seriously. Successor to Mills n Sheriff, OLYMPIA, Wash., June C (Special.) The Board of County Commissioners to day named Charles Billings, of this city, to succeed Mr. Mills as Sheriff. Mr. Bill ings previously served four years as Sheriff of Thurston County, and is a son of 'William Billings, who occupied the same position for 24 years. Mr. Billings is now in Snohomish County on a cruis ing trip for the State Land Office, and is not aware of his appointment. HANDCAR IS RUN DOWN. Two Men Are ICilled and nn Equal Xuiuber Fatally Injured. COLUMBUS, Neb., June 6. Two men were killed and two fatally injured on a hand car that was run down by a stock extra near Genoa this morning. The stock extra was coming down the Cedar Rapids Spaulding branch of the Union Pacific The section men were going to. work up the track. The engine on the extra struck the hand car about a mil west of town. The dead: Frank Vrovas. John Mekus. Fatally Injured: "W. Steele. X. Ikansach. Drowned "While Crosnlnfr Strcnm. DUBLIN, Tex., June 6. While crossing a creek near here today, James Parish, his daughter and two of her children were drowned. CONTEXTS OF TODAY'S PAPER. Political. Secretary Root is being boomed for ifce Repub lican nomination for Governor of New York. Page L Senator Hanna declares Ohio's Indorsement of Roosevelt Is unequivocal. Page 1. Governor McBrlde will make "Boss" Jesse Mills, of Thurston County, a member of the board of control. Instead of superintendent of the Reform School. . Page ,1.. v . ' - ' , kxk v- Torrential ram at Spartanburg, S. C, causes 30 deaths and property loss of millions. Page 1. Flood at St. Louis places 200 people in grave peril, and water is still rising. Page 2. Belleville. 111., mob hangs and burns a negro schoolteacher for shooting County School Su perintendent. Page 3. National. President Roosevelt orders a thorough Investi gation of the postal scandals. Page . President Roosevelt will soon announceWash- lngton and Oregon appointments. Page 3. President and Cabinet discuss matters of state. Page 3. Foreign. Mormons ordered to leave Germany. Page 2. Socialists threaten to make trouble If the Czar visits Rome. Page 2. Sllgo, Ireland, tenders Bourke Cockran, of New York, the freedom of the city. Page 1. Sports. McChesney wins the f 10,000 Harlem handicap. Page 14. Scores of Pacific Coast League: Seattle S, Port land 7; San Francisco D, Sacramento Oakland 7. Los Angeles C Page 14. Scores of Pacific National League: San Fran cisco l. Portland 0; Tacoma G, Seattle 1; Spokane 12, Los Angeles 2; Butto 12, Hel cna C Page 14. Famous crews of the Portland Rowing Club. Page 23. Brains count In baseball. Page 25. Frank Robertson, on McKlnley, wins paper chase. Page 14. Pacific Const. "Warrants will issue to Indian War Veterans this week: fund may run short. Page 4. The business part of Randsburg, Cal.. Is de stroyed by fire. Page 4. North Pacific Saengerbund elects officers and names Tacoma as next meeting place. Page . Ex-Go-ornor Gecr addressed Polk County Pio neers at annual meeting at Dallas. Page 4. William Hardee, condemned murderer, kills death watch, at Glasgow, Mont. Page 5. Eppinger Sz Co., San Francisco grain dealers, fall for large amount. Page 1. Commercial and Marine. Large stock of unsold hops In United States. Page 23. Wheat closes lower at Chicago. Page 23. Stock market free from liquidation. Page 23, Week In Wall street. Page 23. Bank statement shows" large decrease la cash. Tage 23. Apricots In demand at San Francisco for Port land shipment. Page 23. New Port of Portland Commission sustained. Page 1L Snake River Is falling. Page II. Gatzert opens excursion season. Page '11. Portland and Vicinity. Mazamas will climb the Sisters peaks in July. Page 24. Dr. Wise preaches against tendency to mili tarism. Page 13. Lewis and Clark Fair Commission advised to ask moderate appropriation from Congress. Page 10. Captain Van Otcrendorp, veteran Pacific Coast steamship man, revisits Portland. Page S. ; Harriman lines will change their timber policy. Page S. Woodmen of the World will dedicate monu ments looay. xuge i. South Portland citizens will have to accept bridge Instead of a nil for Marquam's Gulch. Page 10. Features and Departments. Editorial. Page 6. Church announcements. Page 22. Classified advertisements. Pages IS-21. The Two Vanrevels. Page 40. How the malls fof Portland are handled. Page 33. . Why My Photographs Are Bad. Page 35. Mirages of the Oregon Desert. Page 16. ,The song of the bird. Page 10. Torture dance of Indians. Page 3S. Frank Carpenter's letter. Page 34. (Municipal views of government. Page 31. jAde's table in slang. Page 15. 'fecial. Page 2S. Dramatic and musical. Pages 26-27. iFashlons and household. Pages GC-37. Youths' department. Page 28. How Barrows Mado Good. Page 2& " NOT Eppinger & Co., of San Francisco, Fail. SQUEEZED .OK WHEAT DEAL Trouble Began About Six Months Ago. CREDITORS ARE INVESTIGATING Committee "Will Report This Week "Whether Firm Will Be Forced Into Banlcrnptcy Fifty Cents on Dollar Can Be Paid Xovr. The following statement of the affairs of Eppinger & Co. has been given out: The liabilities exceed $1,250,000; the assets about $700,000. The principal creditors are: London, Paris & Amer ican Bank, aSn Francisco: San Fran cisco; San Francisco Savings Union, San Francisco; Nevada National Bank, San Francisco; Anglo-Calif omian Bank. aSu Francisco! International Bank, San Francisco; American Bank. San Fran cisco; Isaac Cohen, capitalist, San Francisco; Bank of Colusa, Colusa. Cal.; Bank of Monterey. Monterey, Cal.; Bank of Woodland, Woodland, Cal.; Bank of Yolo, Woodland, Gal. SAX FRANCISCO, June 6. Eppinger & Co., of this city, one of the largest grain- dealing- firms In the United States.srent to tne wan toaay. crasn came sua denly, and for a time threatened to com pletely upset the local grain market. As It was, the announcement of the failure caused a big bobbing of prices on 'change and wrought up such excitement as has not been witnessed on the floor for many years. The failure of the Eppinger concern Is thc greatest and most far-reaching crash inUtheXGaHfornlat.graln Mtradeslnce tbe me when William X) res beck was forced to the wall, some seven or eight years ago. Although there had been a whisper of uncertainty In Inner circles for sev eral days as to the standing of Eppinger & Co., none of the brokers were at all prepared for the startling announcement that was made on 'change. "Wheat Price Runs Up. It was known that the company was short on a heavy amount of December wheau, and the outcome of the announce ment in the face of this condition at once brought about the most marked activity. Creditors of Eppinger & Co. at once began buying against the amount short for the account of the suspended firm, with the result that December wheat quickly rose from $L32 at the opening to $1.34. After the great bulk of the pressing contracts had been filled the market weakened somewhat and the price declined to $1.34. The connections of Eppinger & Co. are numerous, both cn the Pacific Coast and in the grain markets of Europe. The firm embraced Jacob Eppinger, the founder; Herman Eppinger and E. Eppinger. Up to the dissolution of the great com bination, which controlled the grain busi ness, charters, prices and' contracts, Ep pinger & Co. were members of a com bination known as the "Big Four." This combination, which was In control of warehouses all over the state, notably those at Port Costa, dissolved about six months ago. The other members were George W. McNear & Co., Balfour, Guth rie & Co. and Garvin & Eyre. It is the general opinion that the cause of the failure of Eppinger & Co. dates backto an lnclplency, five or six months ago, when the "Big Four" combine was caught heavily long on ships chartered at the highest prices last year, and short on wheat which had been sold as low as 105 and which rose to 160. The combine was given a very severe squeezing, and it was currently reported In grain circles that the losses amounted to J3.000.000. In curred in covering the enormous short lines. Where Firm Lost Heavily. Of this big loss, Eppinger & Co. were forced to stand their share. It is the be lief that tha losers shared the loss on equal terms. This would have resulted In a loss of about $750,000 to the firm. It has been the custom of the firm, it Is declared, to advance considerable sums of money to farmers throughout the state on wheat crops, and it is probable that this was done this year. Present reports from the valleys are that the crops will be comparative failures, and this news has had a very depressing effect on the market. The final crash was precipitated by the London, Paris & American Bank, which, within the last two or three days. Tnade peremptory and heavy demands on the firm of Eppinger & Co. The obliga tions were pressing and the firm could not meet them. Therefore, notice of Insol vency was sent to the exchange. In addition to the grain trading the Arm of Eppinger & Co. did a large business In warehouses. Aside from the "Big Four" Interest in the Port Costa ware houses, the firm controlled immense -grain storage plants throughout the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, and in all the grain centers of the state. Among these were warehouses at Dixon, Woodland, Arbuckle, Modesto and Paso Bobles. The firm had connections in every European grain port, and, as a usual' thing, held many charters on grain-carrying ships. Jacob Eppinger, head of the firm, has been in ill health for some years, and has been forced to turn over his affairs in the management, much of the time, to his associates. A few years ago he was re puted to be worth $3,000,000. Two ol his sons, "Peck" Eppinger and Joseph Ep pinger, are in the racing business. .His other son, Herman, Is interested In the grain firm. PORTLAND FIRM XOT AFFECTED. Eppinger it Co.'s Affairs Carried, as Separate, Business. Since the Portland office of Eppinger & Co., maintained for some time in the lShcrlock building; -was- closed' last -year, the local business of the grain' firm Has been handled by the Northwestern Ware house Company, which has an office In the Union block, at Second and Stark streets. C. E. Curry, general manager of the Northwestern Company, said yester day tuat he did not expect the failure of Eppinger Sz Co. to have any effect upon the company he represents. "The business of Eppinger &. Co. was entirely distinct from that of the North western Warehouse Company," said Mr. Curry. "Our firm, which is a consolida tion of George W. McNear, Garvin & Eyre and Eppinger & Co., has an ample capital of its own behind it, and should not ba disturbed in any way by the fail ure of one of the firms which organized it originally. We are in no difficulties, and did a very profitable and large busi ness In this district in the last 12 months." CREDITORS WILt INVESTIGATE. Fntnre of the Firm Will Depend on Committee's Action. SAN FRANCISCO, June 6. At the meeting of the creditors today It was de- ' (Concluded on Second Page.) -FLOODED DISTRICT OF THE MISsisSD?PI VALLEY. TRftGK OF A Torrential Rain In South Carolina. FIFTY PEOPLE DROWNED Great Cotton Mills Go Down With the Flood. LOSS REACHES INTO MILLIONS Twelve Hundred Laborers Are Thrown Ont of Employment and Will Soon Be in Need, of Daily Bread. 1 ! HAVOC WROUGHT BY STORM. ' Mortality list, estimated 50 Property loss ? 2, 000,000 ' Homeless people COO ' Out of employment 4.000 SPARTANBURG. S. C, June C A tor rential rain storm -visited . this region shortly after midnight last night and con tinued today, resulting In general devas tation and destruction to life and prop erty. All the bridges and trestles on the main line of the Southern Railway were washed away. The greatest destruction of life and property occurred at the Pacolet and Clifton and Glendale cotton mills. Wires are down and reports conflicting, but it seems certain that 40 or 50 persons were drowned, mostly mill" operatives. The following Is a partial list of those who lost their lives by the inundation at Clifton r ? Augustus, Calvert and wife. " Miss Lizzie Calvert. K. Felix. Mrs. W. B. Tinsley. Mortay Sims. . - .Mrs. B. F. .Johnson. andifouruchlldren., "Mrs. Maggie Xirbyl ' 4 S3v Mrs. John Owens. Roy Owens. .""'!. Garland Long. Mrs. Long. Miss Fleeta Gosa. Will Soon Be In Xcetl of Dally Bread. The heaviest property loss was at the Ill-fated Pacolet mills, where President Victor Montgomery estimates the damage at $1,250,000. About 1200 operatives in the?,1 mills are thrown out of employment, and within a few days will be In need of daily bread. Soon after the mill began operations this morning the water pressure at mill No. 1 became dangerous, the boiler-rooms were submerged and tlfe workmen were ordered back. A little later the fury of the raging river struck mill No. 1, sweeping that plant entirely away. The strong current then swept against No. 2, demolishing the mill and leaving only the clothroom stand ing. The big bridge over the Pacolet Rlver, a steel structure, was carried away by the flood, which had burst through the dams. The wareroom. containing nearly 4000 bales of cotton and 4000 bales of do- J meotlc cloth, followed, all the cotton being carried down stream Five Stories of Mill Washed Array. At Kiill No. 3 one-halt of the picker-room and five stories on the left side of the main building were washed away. The main building, supported by a thick wall. Is s6ll standing, hut may collapse at any time- The boiler-room has gone, but the smokestack Is yet standing. The dam at No. 3 Is Intact. All the machinery in this mill Is ruined. At Glendale four ware houses fllled with cotton and cotton prod ucts were swept away along with the dam across Lawson's Fork and the trestle of the City Electric Railway. The mill at Glendale was not materially damaged. At Converse the main building of the Clifton factory collapsed, and the flood rose till the second floor of the mill was under four feet of water, 40 or 50 feet above the ordinary stage. The Converse mill is utterly demolished, nothing stand ing except the picker-room building, which Is badly wrecked. Clifton mill No. 3 also lost Its boiler-room, engine-room and smokestack. MANY PEOPLE CLIXG1XG TO TREES. They Cannot Hold On Mnch. Longer, and Prospect of Rescue Is Remote'. SPARTANBURG. S. C, June 6.-S0 many wires are down and communlcafton of all sorts Is so thoroughly demoralized that It Is impossible to form any definite calculation of' the loss of life in today's cloudburst and the resultant floods. The mortality list may go to 150, but vthe more conservative estimates place it somewhere around 40 or 50. The total property los3 In the entire section laid waste by the storm la likely to aggregate 52,000.000. The loss at Pacolet is placed at $1,000,000. More than 500 people are homeless and 4000 out of employment. There was no wind and no damage by lightning, the loss all being by water. This fell In veritable torrents, converting the surface of the earth Into a sheer lake of raging waters; rivers overflowed their banks to heights never before known; creeks became rivers, and small rivulets raging torrents, wiping out everything in their course. . Railroad bridges were torn from stone and iron piers; cotton mills were crushed like straw before the flood, and grist mills and innumerable smaller industries and cottages were washed away by the angry waters. Tonight scores of people were clinging to the branches of trees at Clifton and could not be reached. Unless help comes to them soon it Is feared that many will fall Into the water and drown. DIE LIKE RATS IX TRAP. People Are Cauiilit in Their Houses and Swept Away hy Flood. ANGUSTA, Ga., June 6. The Herald's staff correspondent at Spartanburg gives the losses la the flood district as follows: Arkwright mill. 20,205. spindles, slightly damaged, not over $3000; Beaumont mill, 3SS0 spindles, damage slight; Clifton, Nos.. 1, 2 and 3. 101,322 spindles, most serious damage of all, amounting to $700,000; Pa colet. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 39.352 spindles, cap italized at $1,000,000. damages, $756,000; Whitney. 10.000 spindles, damage $100,000. -ThIrty.-five9.Uve3 nre reported lost. The bodies of these "with two exceptions were caught floating in the river at Clifton. lO'miles from Spartanburg. Only mills Nos. 1 and 2 were completely destroyed at Pacolet, but No. 3 was se riously damaged. All that now remains on the scene of wrecked mills Is a mass of broken and twisted iron and stone in disheveled heaps. Most of the drowned people were operatives of the Pacolet River mills. So suddenly did the water rise that they were unable to escape from their homes, and went down in the tor rent with their houses. POPE IS WASTING AWAY Condition of His Holiness Gives Room for Apprehension. PARIS0 June 6. Tho Temps today prints the following dispatch from Rome: Leo XIII continues to receive, but those who see him notice the gradual decline, which, without exciting apprehension that any serious illness Is imminent, do not warrant a continuance of the recent confi dent optimism. His recent audiences were very fatigu ing. Each time the pope received he was obliged to rest, sometimes for two or three days. During the last few days tho pope has restricted his diet to milk. bouillon and eggs. -This regime counts severely against a man 32 years of age. Very little fresh air is admitted to the pope's apartments In the Vatican. His valet. Centra, opens the windows of the Pontiff's sleeping-room momentarily, night and morning, but the air is more or less vitiated, and there is a lack of suffi cient oxygen. The correspondent of the Temps adds: "I have had occasion during the last few days to see a number of persons on Intimate terms with the entourage of the holy father, and I find their opinion is al ways unanimous that Pope Leo has, been slowly wasting away; atrophying for some time. The pope rises late, and docs not celebrate mass, except on Sunday, when no one assists him except the falth lul Centra, who serves him at the masses. The Pontiff appeara not to de sire that others should see his infirmities. The trembling .of hl3 hands has become noticeable. "Dr. LapponI requires the pope to drink Iced medicinal water in the morning. The ice Is used mainly because tho pope Is subject to slight inflammation of the gums. "I do not wish to unduly alarm the de voted friends of Leo XIII, but neverthe less I am compelled to sjate that the condition of his health actually is far from satisfactory." Ailment 8l the Pope. VEN7CE. June 6. The Gazetta. dl Vlen Ita asserts that the pope is suffering from intestinal inflammation; that he eat3 practically nothing, and that his strength is diminishing. The paper adds: "Though there Is no Immediate danger, there is room for apprehension, unless an Improvement Is soon, manifested." Statement of Church Officials. ROME, June 6. Several high ecclesias tical personages who have been inter viewed regarding the reports about the pope's ill health say that during the last few days he suffered from a slight hem orrhoidal indisposition, which entirely dis appeared today. Appointed Bishop of Manila. WASHINGTON, June 6. The papal del egation in this city today received notifi cation by cable of the appointment of Rev. T. T. Harty, of St- Leo's Church, St. Louis, as bishop of Manila- The ap pointment was made by the pope, and has been accepted by Father Harty. Victim of Asphyxiation. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., June 6. John R- McFetridge. head of the publishing firm of John R. McFettridge & Sons, Philadelphia, was found dead in bed In his cottage here last night. The Cor oner's jury states that (death was caused by accidental asphyxiation. New York Wants Him for Governor. MACHINE IS WELL IN LINE Secretary Is Willing to Make the Race. STRONG MAN IS BADLY HEEDED Republicans Realize the Independent Voters Will Repudiate Any Candl- date Whose Honesty and Fear lessness Axe In Doubt. Career of Elihu Root. Born at Clinton, N. Y., February 15, 1W5. Graduated from Hamilton College la 1SG4. Graduated from University Law School of New Yorfc In 1SC7. Admitted to the bar la 1SC7. United States Attorney for the South ern District of New York. 1SS3-18S3. Secretary of War since August 1, 1S09. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, June 6. The New York Repub lican machine Is considering, with great earnestness, the advisability of making Elihu Root the candidate of tho Repub lican party for Governor next year. Tho administration of Root as War Secre tary has been so eminently successful that he has sprung Into National as- well as state prominence. Piatt, Odell and the rest of the New Tork leaders recognizo that It is necessary to have a strong man to head the ticket, and one who Is not machine made to such an extent that the independent voters will repudiate him. Piatt and Odell are also very friendly to-Mayor Low". Secretary Root was asked today re garding the talk about him as a candidate and simply replied that he knew noth ing more about It further than ho had read. At the same time he would not be adverse to leading the Republicans in his native state, and President Roosevelt would be willing to lose him from his Cabinet for that purpose. HAJiN'A SIXCERE IX HIS SUPPORT. Ohio Indorsement of Roosevelt for Re-election Is Unequivocal. NEWARK, N. J., June 6. The Newark News prints an Interview which a staff correspondent has had with Senator Han na at Cleveland. When told that the im pression had gone out "that the Admin Isratlon of President Roosevelt of Itself was not Indorsed by the Ohio Republican Convention, except enough to make tho state convention appear in good form, Senator Hanna replied: "President Roosevelt's Administration was unequivocally indorsed by the state convention at Columbus." Senator Hanna declared that in all probability President Roosevelt's name would be the only one presented to the convention. "The country has heard considerable discussion about yourself as a Presiden tial candidate, or as a Vice-Presidential candidate. Senator," said the interviewer. "I am not a- candidate for anything ex cept for the United States Senate, as my own successor," hequickly' replied. "If you are not a candidate at thl3 time, sir, there might como a time next year when the welfare of the Republican party demanded you for second place upon the Presidential ticket. It has been said that your name would strengthen the ticket with the great business and financial ele ments of the East," was suggested. "That is unfair," he replied. "I cannot talk about what the probabilities of the future may or may not be. I am not a candidate for any office except the one I have already told you about." IRISH HONOR COCKRAN. Prominent Nevr Yorker Is Granted the Freedom of a City. SLIGO, Ireland, June 6. The municipal corporation today granted the freedom of the town to W. Bourke Cockran, ofNew York, who delivered an address upon the future economic development of Ireland, In the course of which Mr. Cockran pre dicted that the island would become the clearing point for all products between America and Europe, because only on the West Coast of Ireland were the harbors capable of accommodating the great ves sels of the future, which he believed would reach a tonnage of 50,000. He was confident, he said, that a day of great industrial development was now dawning for Ireland. THE DEATH ROLL. United States Consul Ingerso'lU COI.ON, .June 6. X C. Ingersoll, of Illi nois, United States Consul at Cartagena, who was on his way to New York, died here today from dysentery. Mr. Ingersoll was a nephew of the late Robert G. In gersoll. President of Plebaldng" Company. NEW YORK, June 6. William Thomp son, who for 30 years had been president of the New York Pie Baking Company, Is dead, aged 75 years. Prominent Presbyterian Minister. PHILADELPHIA, June 6. John Cald well Thojnpson. D. D.. a prominent Presbyterian clergyman, died today at hl3 home, aged 72 years. Port l Xott Free From Plagrne. MEXICO CITY, June 6. The merchants of Mazatlan have petitioned the federal government to declare the pprt once more open to commerce, as the plague has com pletely disappeared. v