THE SUNDAY 0 REG OKI AN PORTLAND, 3CAT 31, 1903. 51 NEWS OF afternoon. June 8, at the Selling-Hlrsch building by the Portland Chapters of Eastern Star. All representatives and members of the Grand Chapter are in vited. The Corinthian Social Club will meet on next "Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Merwln Pugh, 169 Meade street. Fifty Tears of Wedded Life. May 25, 1803. at Oak Grove Farm. Clack amas County. Oregon. Captain and Mrs. John W. Cochran celebrated the 50th an niversary of their marriage. It was a reunion of relatives and a few old-time friends from Oaklandt CaL, Portland. Al bany. Shedds and Canby. The spacious farmhouse was literally filled with mag nificent roses. Under the spreading branches of the gigantic oaks, a large blue and white tent served as a banquet-hall. Heavy ropes of evergreen entwined with white roses festooned the walls and hung from the dome to the four corners. The poles supporting the roof were wound with golden-yellow ribbons, and streamers of the same silken material, crossed and re crossed In a network bf gold, above the long table covered with the same snowy cloth, which had done service upon a simi lar occasion 50 years before. Reve d'Or and Bride roses were used In lavish pro fusion upon the table, and with the dainty old-fashioned china, glass and silver, made a picture which can never be for gotten. The dinner cards were heart shaped, with monogram and the dates 1S53-1903-done in gold. The wedding-cake was ornamented with 50 golden candles, and the bride's cake baked in the same mold as the one in 1S53. was decked in bride roses. An exquisite vase, filled with white roses, was the center of ap preciative Interest. This vase, "which was used at the wedding-supper 50 years ago, had also graced the marriage feast of the bride's mother and grandmother. It had been used in three-.successive centu ries. The dinner was served In the early afternoon, followed by a banquet hi the evening. The achievement of old-fashioned cookery displayed upon this board would be a revelation and an inspiration to the young ladles who are studying do mestic science today. Congratulatory letters and telegrams ar 1 rived during the day from distant frlend3. The gifts were golden testimonials of the love and esteem In which this worthy couple are held. When the evening shades hung low and the lamps were lighted, the house party gathered beneath the hospit able roof which for so many years had sheltered both friend and stranger, and before the blazing fires In the wide stone fireplaces, they sung the old. old songs, and these old pioneers awoke the slum bering echoes of 50 years In recounting their experiences and adventures in the days when Oregon was young. Captain John W. Cochran was born in 1823 In Belmont County. Ohio. He came to California in 1849. and to Oregon in 1850. settling In Oregon City. Miss Maria Bird. Sprenger was born In McConnels vllle. O.. and crossed the plains to Oregon In 1852. with her parents, who settled upon a farm In Linn County. Captain Cochran and Miss Sprenger were married May 25, 1853. For 18 years they lived In the City by the Falls, and in 1871 moved to the beautiful farm on Elliott Prairie, where they still reside. Probably no citizen of Oregon has done more to build up the commercial interests of the Willamette Valley than Captain Cochran. In 1S56 and 1857 he built and owned the steamboats De Witt Clinton and Surprise. Captain Cochran was the first man to reach Eugene by water. In June. 185S. he took the Clinton up the river to that city, and .the whole Valley shouted for joy. A few years later he organized the People's Transportation Company, composed of the following prominent capitalists of the state: Cap tain J. W. Cochran and Captain J. D. Miller, of Oregon City; A. A. and David McCully. E. N. Cooke. S. T. Church and John H. and I. R. Moores. of Salem; G. W. Vaughn. J. D. Biles, Captain Joseph Kel logg and L. E. Pratt, of Portland. Captain and Mrs. Cochran have but one child Captain James S. Cochran, of the steamer Arrow. Mrs. James S. Cochran is a daughter of Captain J. D. Miller, of Oregon City. They have one daughter, Rowena. SOCIETY PERSOXAIiS. Mrs. E. E. Coovert has returned from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Van Dusen have returned to Astoria. Mrs. Meyer Goldsmith, of San Francisco, Is visiting Mrs. Levi White. Mr. Abram Tenbrook, a pioneer of 1S50, Is visiting Mrs. N. A. Dowel. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Whitney, of Salem, arrived on Friday for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander have re turned to their home in Pendleton. Mrs. J. F. Batchelder and pons are en joying country life at Hood River. Miss Gertrude Freedman will be at home to her friends Sunday, June 7. James Lotan left on Wednesday's steamer for San Francisco and San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Goode have re turned from a month's visit In California. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Goode have re turned from a month's trip to California. Mrs. P. J. Bannon. of Granite, is visit ing Mrs. N. A. Dowell, No. 291 Eugene street. A benefit concert for a sick family will be given in Firemen's Hall, Sellwood, Tuesday. Miss McEIroy. of the Young Women's Christian Association, returned yesterday from the East. Dr. Amelia Zlegler, who has been tak ing post-graduate work in Chicago, will return June 1. Mrs. Sidney E. Roberts, of Denver, Colo.. Is visiting Mrs. G. A. Seyde, at 313 Tillamook etreet. Miss Rosemary Baldwin has returned from a visit at the home of Mrs. Bettin gen, at The Dalles. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Buddemer have re turned from a three months' business trip through California. Mrs. O. K. B. De Lin Is rapidly recover ing from an operation performed last week at the Good Samaritan Hospital. Mesdames George Luper and H. P. Evans, of Pendleton, have roturned home, after a brief visit with Mrs. J. M. Goar. Mr. J. H. Dundore left on the over land, Monday rilght. via San Francisco, to visit his mother at Upper Sandusky, -O. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mack. Mrs. Henry McCraken and Mrs. Raymond will leave on next Thursday for an extended Eastern trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kellogg leave today lor tne i-ist. where they will spend elx or eight months visiting friends and rcla tlves. Mrs. Fred C. Bell, of Seattle, and Miss Stella Bethel, of Lewlston. Idaho, are rived on Thursday for a visit of several weeks. Mrs. L J. Harris and son Sidney, of Chicago, are here to attend the Freed man - Brody wedding, which takes place June 11. Miss Ethel Sabln. of Harrisburg. daugh ter of J. C. Sabln, a well-known stock man, is visiting her friend. Miss Ethel Woodbury. Mrs. T. A. Stewart and daughter. Miss itta Stewart, nave returned from a two months' visit to San Francisco and South ern California. Mrs. George Black and her little daueh- ter. Naomi, of El Paso. Tex., are guests of Mrs. Black's sister, Mrs. J. A. Drake. on .cast uenui street. Dr. E. E Van Alstine returnedsTues day from a five weeks' visit to relatives and friends In Seattle, Snohomish and otner points on the Sound. Mrs. J .H. Norrls and daughter. Miss rem morris, reached Portland last week. They are vlsllias at the home of Miss Sfa Ross for a couple of weeks, at the end' of I! I! soeiETg which time they- Journey to the far Eact. to be gone several months. Mr. and Mrs. Kuettner. of Astoria, ac companied by their daughter. Mrs. Fred Leipenwcber. of this City,- are expected home from Seattle on Monday. Miss M. E. Picrcy, who has been enjoy ing a vacation at Los Angeles since the middle of April, writes that she will re turn here about the 15th of June. The wife and children of M. P. Mace have taken up their residence for the Summer In their lately completed and very cozy cottage at Clatsop Beach. Mrs. George B. Cellars and children and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hays expect to leave very eoon o spend the Summer at the Cellars cottage at Gearhart Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Frailer Baker, 6f Seattle, visited this city early last week to attend the wedding of Miss Louisa Bell Corklsh and Mr. Hellyer. Miss Gertrude Hammond, of Juneau. Alaska, is visiting Mrs. Oscar It- Meyer. She will leave for home Jate this week, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Spencer sailed from Europe on the 23d, and on their arrival in New York will start for Los Angeles and San Francisco, arriving home on tho 15th. The friends of Miss Winnie Millar will be pleased to know that she Is rapidly re covering from a surgical operation for ap pendicitis performed at St. Vincent's Hos pital on the 22d Instant. William T. McGurrln, a prominent busi ness, man of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Brigadier-General of the" militia of that state, and Joseph Van Rcssum, also of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent a day In Portland last week. They are on their return trip from the Master Plumbers' convention in San Francisco and ar ranged their itinerary so as to view the site of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. To their former Michigan friend, Mr. M. C. Grlswold, the gentlemen expressed themselves as highly pleased with Ore gon. H. B. Lltt. Corner Fourth and Washington streets. At the "Women's Union, Miss Ottilia Eklund came on Thursday for a short stay. Miss Edith Allen registered on' Friday for a week's stay. Miss Frances Hills, of Beaverton, was here over Wednesday night. Misa M. Lone was the guest of Miss A. Rltters at dinnner on Friday. Miss Emma Meador left on Friday morn lng for a visit to friends at Monmouth. Miss B. Grazlc was the guest of friends on the -excursion up the Columbia ysrer day. . Mrs. Warrener has been the guest of Mrs. L. Morgan for several days this week. OREGON". Salem. S. A. Koser spent several days this week In Josephine County. Mrs. J. D. McCully. of Joseph, Is visit ing at the home of E. C. Patton. B. Frank Meredith has returned from a visit with friends at The Dalles. Miss Helen Calbreath went to Grant's Pass last Wednesday for a few days. United States Senator C. W. .Fulton spent a few hours In Salem last Tuesday. Mrs. John Fechter. Jr.. and Miss Nina McNary were visitors at Gearhart Park this week. Mrs. S. R, Jessup has returned from an extended visit In Chicago and other East ern cities. Dr. B. L. Steeves. of Welser, Idaho, Is In tho city visiting his brother.. D. B. Steeves, who was injured by a fall from a window last Tuesday. Miss Gertrude O'Brien, of Albany, was a guest of the Misses Coshow this week. Hon. Frank Davey and family have re moved to Portland, a here they will re side. W. A. Manning, a member of the fac ulty of Stanford University, is in Salem to spend his vacation with his parents. He w-as formerly a student at Willam ette. Miss Laura G. Thomas, a graduate of' the Willamette College of Oratory, who recently returned from taking a post graduate course In Chicago, gave a read ing In the First Methodist Episcopal Church last Monday evening. Her sub ject was "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch." Miss Thomas delighted her many friends, and received many compli ments upon her success. The reading was given for the benefit of "Wallulah." the annual to be issued by the university students. Axhlnml. Herbert McCarthy has returned to Ash land from Oakland. Cal. Mrs. C. C. Presley, of-Grant's Pass, is visiting Ashland relatives! A. F. Shultz and wife, of Jefferson, are visiting their old home in Ashland. Mrs. L. E. Cooper Is over from Slsson visiting in Ashland among friends. W. H. McNalr left during the week on a visit to relatives at Versailles, Mo. W. H. Matthews, of Ada, Minn., is vis- " From the Illustrated Sporting- News. ; VIEWS OF COSSTAXCE S. TITUS, CHAMPION OARSMAN. . Constance S. Titus, the champion oarsman, expresses the following forcible views oa rowing as a means of physical training, -In an article In tha Illustrated Snorting News: If those wealthy men who are In the habit of donating a public library or two before each breakfast, or who endow a few beds In their favorite hospitals every other day, would pause a moment to consider the Inestimable blessings of physical culture, and especially rowing, they would, I venture to say, found a few boat clubs during the course of each year. Exercise means physical culture, and physical prefection reduces to a minimum the necessity for hospital beds. Libraries are all right to train the mind and improve the Idle hour, but the mind can never be healthy without a healthy body. There will always be many opinions as to what is the superior method of training the body and acqulrlnga desirable degree of gymnastic perfection. But neither the sprinter, nor the wheelman, nor the walker, nor the golfer can say that rowing has an equal as a generous distributor of exercise. It has somewhat of a rivaL in swimming, which really brings every muscle into play, but which is too exhausting to the vitality; and boxing, too, is a' sport to send the blood through every vein. .... But rowing, above all,. and by rowing I mean the correct way of manipulating the sliding seit,and the. oar, benefits legs as well as body, arms as well, as mind. The millionaire who will remember rowing In his gtftswlll be the world's surgeon, and will .straighten crooked spines and deformed limbs, , and reconstruct puny frames that even the public reading-rooms and private hospitals, with all their salubrious effects, carinot remedy or make right. ' ' ..-.. v . CONTINUED FROM PAGE 28 Itlng F. M. and S. M. Calkins In Ash land. Victor Low Is spending a vacation at Brain, Douglas County, visiting "relatives. Professor Percy Wells, principal of the Scio Schools, is home for the vacation season. Mr- and Mrs. H. Mattern were visiting In the city from Hornbrook. CaL, a few days this week. Miss Gertrude McCallcn. of this city, attended the Gale-Colvlg wedding in Jack sonville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Butler are staying at the Bybee Springs for the benefit of Mr. Butler's health. J. R. Norris has returned from a visit with his family, who are staying Indefi nitely at Oakland, Cal. Professor Irving" E. VInIng, who is a student at Frohman's school of dramatic art In New York, Is home for the Summer vacation. The Misses Carrie K. and Fern Bentley. of the Ashland Public Schools, left for their home at Salem. Sunday, to spend their vacation. Miss Grace Johnson, of Yreka, school superintendent of Siskiyou County, Cal., was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Howell, in Ashland, for a few days last week. Professor T. A. Hayes has returned from Stanford University, where he has been taking a special course of study, and received a degree of Bachelor of ATts In history. William A. Long and Miss Luclnda A. Spencer, both of this city, wore married on Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adln C. Spencer, the Rev. G. W. Nelson officiating. Forest Grove.- . .MiS3 "Nora Smith visited in Portland this week. Dr. R. L. Smith, of North Yamhill, spent last Wednesday here. Mrs. M. Antoinette Smith, of Eau Claire, Wis., has located here. Mrs. W. E. Beauchamp and daughter. Miss Bessie, of Easton, visited here this week. Mrs. H. H. Clark is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. A. G. Lambert, at 'Pioneer, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Van Dusen, of As toria, visited the family of Dr. F. Crang, this week. A very pretty reception was held on Monday, evening, the 25th, at the borne of Rev. and Mrs. Clapj, of Forest Grove. The occasion was in honor of Mrs. Raley. of Portland, and Miss Chase, of this place, teachers of lo;al and instrumental music In Pacific University. The reception was given by the ladies of the Congregational Church to show their appreciation of the service these, ladles have freely rendered the choir during the past year. The even ing was exceptionally bad. but In spite of the Inclement weather, a goodly num ber of friends called and were cordially welcomed by the host and hostess. Mrs. Watt, Professor Fletcher and wife, met and presented the guests to Mrs. Raley and Miss Chase: they were then Invited to the dining-room, where cake and Ice cream were served by Misses Roc and Watt. The house was fragrant with dec orations of snowballs and wild roses, and with Its happy company presented a charming contrast to the darkness out side. Antorin. Miss Pearl Cole entertained the Thurs day Afternoon Club this week. J. E. Gratke and Mrs. Gratke have re turned from a tripTo California. . Ross Trullinger ha: returned from Cali fornia, where he is attending college. Mrs A. J. Taylor entertained a number of her friends with a tea Thursday after noon. Mrs. R. C. Wright, of Portland, is In tho city visiting her mother, Mrs. J. H. D. Gray. Carl Ross returned from California Mon day, where he has been attcndlns Stanford University. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patton have re turned from a pleasure trip to Loa An geles, Cal. Mrs. A. C. Pearscn'. who is a teacher In an Indian school In Arizona, la at Merrt wether Dowro. visiting her brother, Charles E. Miller. Dr. Alfred Kinney has returned from Pullman. Wash., where he visited his son, who is attending the State Agricultural College. Hon. Benjamin Young and daughter Carol have started for Sweden, where they will join a party of excursionists and visit all the principal cities In Eu rope. Tho Astoria Reading Club held Its an nual meeting at the residence of Mls3 Amy Powell Monday evening and elected officers for the coming year: Mrs. -P. A. Trullinger. president: Mrs. C. R. Thom son, vice-prcsldrnt; Mra. A'. J. Taylor, secretary; Miss E. C. Warren, treasurer. Baker City. Mr. Charles Palmer and daughters, Ethel and Myrle, returned from Portland Monday. Miss Mae Cleaver, of Portland, is visit- LET MILLIONAIRES FOUND BOAT lng Mr. and Mrs. Jaraaa Goodwin. Jr. Mtes Cleaver formerly resided In this. city. Mrs. E. Gelser and daughter have re turned from Portland, where they had the pleasure of seeing President Roose velt. Mr. and Mrs. William Pollman have re turned from Portland, where they have been enjoying a vacation for several weeks. Mrs. Joseph Barton has returned from Portland, where ehe went to attend a ses rfon of the Woman's Lewis and Clark State Club convention. Hon. William EL Grace has gone to Port land for a vacation outing of three weeks' duration. Ho will, while there, attend the annual session of the Grand Lodge of Masons. John Gilbert and Miss Lena Yaeger were married at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, of thie city. Wednesday even ing. Rev. George T. Ellis, of the Baptist Church, officiated. Mr. Gilbert owns a ranch near Prairie City, where he and his bride will make their home. The closing social dancing party of the season was given by th,e Knights of Py thias at their hall ' Monday evening. A large number of the social leaders of the city were present. It was' decidedly the meet enjoyable party, of the series. The Rathbone Sisters served refreshments. Itoscimrgv Mrs. J. Henry Booth is visiting her parents In Grants Pass. Mrs. S. Zlgler is visiting her son. F. M. Zigier, and wife, in Portland. Mrs. Rolla Ramp Is visiting .her parents in Cottage Grove for a month. Mrs. Stella Hertz, of San Francisco, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Wollenberg. . Miss Rose Parrott Is visiting her sis ter. Mrs. B. Casey. In Dallas, Or. Mrs. Hallle Wallace, of Astoria, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. D. T. Allison. Mrs. Burrows and children left this week for their new home In Burns. Or. Miss Emma Bolter, cf Brooks, Or.,' is virtting her two brothers and their wives here. . 1 Mra Lee WImberly Is home from a visit In Portland, Cottage Grove and -Drain. Mrs. F. W. Benson- and her son, Wal lace, are home from a visit with relatives In San Franclo:6. C. P. Barnard and wife have returned from a six weeks' trip to Minnesota. They were accompanied home by Mr. BarnardJs mother. Mrs. A. Riley and daughters. Misses Georgle and Theo. of San Francisco, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. C. H. Harrison. Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride's parents, Hon. B. C. Agee. at Winston, Or.. Rev. Mr. Townsend mar ried MISS BflBl Aran onil TT A T-'.. Salem, Or. Only most intimate friends were in attendance. VbodbH'rn. Herman McKee. of Goldendale, visited his father and sisters here over Friday nlsht. Mrs. Luella McKinley and son, of Oak land. Cal.. were the guests of Mrs. W. A. Leonard the past week. Mrs. Walter L. Tonzo j Ethel; left Tuesday for a few days' visit i mm menus in sorest urove. I Mrs. W. G Holt and fhllrirnn of .Tpffpr- i " I son. on the way to Idaho, stopped for a snort visit with her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Austin. L. E. Woodworth, wife and children, ar rived Thursday from Columbus, Ohio, to visit his twin sisters, Mrs. J. H. Settle mer and Mrs. Martha Stalgcr. Misses Nellie Ingle .and Maggie Phy, trained nurses of Portland, were the guests of the former's brother and wife, i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ingle. last week. Mrs. M. E. Tasker. lately a resident of Salem, visited her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Flnzer, the past week. She departed Wednesday evening for Victoria to take steamer for New Zealand, where she will Join her husband, who Is in business at Chrlstchurch. Eugene. Dr. T. B. Ford returned Wednesday from a trip north. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ham returned home to Portland' Wednesday. W. H. Matthews, of Ada, Minn., is vis iting at the home of W. W. Calkins. Miss Grace Holden Is home from Port land, where she has been pursuing mu sical studies. Little Adah Yoran returned Wednesday from school In Salem, to spend Summer at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whipple, of Seattle, arrived Tuesday, and are the guests of friends in Eugene. Mrs. Thomas Watson, of Port Angeles. Wash., arrived Tuesday on a visit to rel atives and friends. Miss Amy Dunn, who has been attend ing Stamford University, California, re turned home Saturday. J. F. Hlxon, of Michigan City. Ind.. ar rived In Bugehe. Wednesday on a short visit with his cousin. Captain J. M. Will iams. Miss Cora Johnson, of Ashland, "who has been the guest of Miss Rose Dodge for the past two wees, returned Friday to her home. Dr. George E. Bushnell, of San Fran cisco, has been visiting the past week at CLUBS INSTEAD OF LIBRARIES the home of his mother, Mrs. M. A. Bush nelL of this city. Miss Bele Keeney, who ha3 been teach ing, school In Baker City, arrived Tues day In Eugene, She Is one of the new teachers in the local schools. Rev. and Mrs. Webster, of Phoenix, Ariz., who have been bfte on a visit with Mrs. Wcbster'e aunt. 'Mrs. John Whlt aker, went to SaJenv"Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowra and two .chil dren, and Mr. Graham? from China, arc guests at the home of Consul H. B. Mil ler. Mr. Bowra Is Commissioner, of Cus toms in the Chinese service, and Mr. Graham is the British .Vice-Consul In China. The Dalle. Mrs. C. Rcuter, of Jacksonville, is the guest of her son, Dr. J. . Reuter, in this city. Mrs. George Mans and Miss Mans have gone to Spokane for a visit with relatives in that city. Miss Prudence Patterson left on Thurs day for Seattle, where she expects to pay an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Patterson. Mrs. G. C. Eshelman. of Salem, has spent tho past week In The Dalles visit ins her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Myers. Mra. H. Carey, of Portland, accompa nied by her daughter. Miss Elsie Carey, have been the' guests of Judge and Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw the past few days. Mrs. Joseph T. Peters and Mrs. J. H. Hostettlcr gave two receptions to their friends on Thursday afternoon and Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Peters, on Liberty street. The house "was" hand somely decorated for the occasions. About 50 guests were entertained on each occa sion. Independence. Miss Pearl Cooper Is visiting for a few days with her parents in Independ ence. Miss Nellie Pomeroy returned1 from Washington Friday, -where she has been teaching. Miss Nellie M. Burke left this (week for a visit at Tacoraa, Wash., with Vela tives and friends.- Miss Nora Miser, of Seattle, was visit ing with Miss Bessie Butler 'for several days this week. Miss Lola Stark, who has been attend ing tho Mount Angel. College, returned home this week- The Rebckahs, of Independence, gave a very enjoyable ball at the Auditorium Friday evening. The hall was beautifully decorated and 'there was a sumptuous repast served. The hall, which la the largest in the whole Valley,' was crowded to Its full dancing capacity, i .Heppncr. Miss Irons, of Por;land. Is the guest of her brother. Dr. F. F. Kistner. of this city. . Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cohn and two chil dren are visiting relatives in Boise City, Idaho. Miss Grace Tlllard Is visiting friends In Portland and Oregon City, and from there will go to Alaska to spend the Summer Miss Jones, who has been teaching In the High School, has gone to Portland for a short visit before returning to her home In Michigan. A commencement ball was given by the j students of the High School on Saturday j evening in Roberts' Hall. A very good ume was reponeu Dy an wno attended: Albany. Miss Eva Greenwalt Is the guest of Al bany friends. Miss Stella Robinson, of Eugene, Is visit ing frlendo In this city. Mr. A. J. Hodges returned home Monday from a visit with friends in Portland. Miss Flora Mason entertained the La dles Mandolin Club Saturday night, May 23. Mrs. F. W. Bier and daughter, of Van couver, Wash., are the guests of Mrs. G. E. Sanders. Mrs. Edward D. Cusick gave a very en joyable linen shower for Miss Emma Pfeiffer Wednesday evening. May 27. Oregon -City. Mrs. Grant B. Dlmlck visited In Salem this week. Miss Loomis, of Eugene, Is visiting rel atives here. Miss McGrath, of Seattle, has been vis iting the.Mlsses Hart In this city. Mrs. Nina Divine, of Goldendale. Wash.. Is the guest of Mlss Echo Sampson. Mrs. John Fechter, of Salem, was the guest of Miss Burse Reddlck Friday. Mrs. Mary C. Kirk, of Canby, was the guest of Mrs. F. A. Sleight this week. Mrs. James B. Upton, of Portland, was the guest of Mrs. C. D. Latourette sev eral days this week. MeMInnvlIle. Misses Pearl Emkens and Florence Mc Ayal, of Portland, are in this city, the guests ofLMlss Clara Walker. Mrs. C. Coad. of Dallao. attended the Snyder-Warren nuptials this week. Will Newell, of Boise, Idaho, has re turned to MeMInnvlIle for a short stay. Dr. J. P. Sharp, of Tillamook, Is spend ing this week with his mother In this" city. The Women's Lewl3 and Clark division of this city are preparing for a reception to be given on June 3, when they expect the hosor of the presence of Mrs. Lutke and Mror William Hancock Clark and wife. Mrs. W. Kratz. 5f San Francisco. Is vis iting her parents, Mr. an Mrs; Dielschnel der. in this city. Pendleton. Mrs. A. W. Nye is visiting-at Swllzer's Island. Mrs, Edward Swltzer has returned from Vancouver, where she has been visiting her parents. Mrs. Susan Welch has gone to Portland, where she will spend the Summer with her son, James Welch. Mrs. J. A. Boise will return Monday or Tuesday from a visit of several months with relatives in Los Angeles. Mrs. T. C. Taylor and Miss Nellie Beach will leave- next week for the East. Mrs. Taylor goes to Pontiac, 111., and Miss Beach to Ackley, la. Mrs. Charles B. Wade entertained the members of the various clubs Tues day at her home on Locust Hill In a very charming manner. ' Rev. William M. Bleakney will move his family soon to Pendleton, where he has been elected president of the Pendleton Academy, In place of Rev. F. L. Forbes, who has resigned to take charge of a church In Seattle. Myrtle DIzncy. Mabel Reynolds, L. Wil liams and Furnish Slater were- the four pupils of the high school who went to Spokane Monday to see the President They took with them a handsome Ptn dleton Indian robe which they presented to the -President with the compliments of the Pendleton High School. Mls3 Edna Thompson gave a hankerchlef shower to Miss Mabel Nye on Thursday of last week. About 20 young ladle3 were present, and as the day was delightful the refreshments were served in the garden under a big apple tree. Thursday of this week Miss Nye will be given a pink shower at the Alexander home by Miss Stella Alexander. Medford. Mrst Z. A. Zimmerman, of Jamestown, Kan., arrived this week to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dally. Mrs. L. J. Sears left Tuesday for Ash land to visit her daughter, Mrs. R. T. Burnett. Mrs. VT. I. Brown and daughter left Tuesday for several weeks' visit with relatives .'n Columbia, Tenn. Mrs. Fred Farrier, of Salt Lake City, arrived recently to visit her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Straw. Miss Grace Whitehead returned Monday from Mills Seminary. Oakland, Cal., to re main with her parents during the Sum mer. Mrs. J. L. Thorndyke left Wednesday for Baker City, where she will' join her husband, who is engaged in business thre. Frofessor and Mrs. W. T. Van Scoy, of Ashland, visited several days here this week with their daughter Mrs. W. B. Russell. Mrs. E. L. Hoover left Tuesday morn ing for her old home at Lockhart, Tex., where she will remain several months for her health and to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rickey returned Saturday from Berkeley. Cal., where Mrs. Rickey remained with her mother during Mr.'RIckey's absence in the East. Dallas. Miss Orlene Hutton, of Portland, la vis iting Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. William Shreve. of Port land, visited relatives In Dallas this week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Willis, of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bryan over Sunday. Hon. B. F. Nichols, of Prlneville. is visiting at the home of his sister. Mrs. Judith Shelton. Mrs. J. M.Partridge. of Billings, Mont., and Miss Roanna Neel, of Gllroy, Cal.. are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ayres. AVASHIXGTOX. Chefcalis. Miss Maude Newland is visiting friends at Woodlawn, Or. Married. In Chehalis, May 2L by Rev. J. R. Monfort. of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Perry Sherman, of Harmony, and Miss Maude Madden, of Cinnabar. Mrs. Dorothy Bingham, of Portland, spent a few days with Chehalis friends this week. Married, Thursday, May 21. by Rev. J. R. Monfort. Mr. B. F. Esler and Miss Maggie M. Adam, of Toledo, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. William West, N. B. Coffman, and Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Han nah attended the Episcopal convocation in Tacoma this week. Mr. Thomas Erlckson and 3IIss Anna Hoerllng. of Chehalis, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoerllng. In Chehalis Saturday evening, May 23, by Rev. H. Poland. A number of invited guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson went to Portland on a wedding trip. Aberdeen. f John C. Hogan, a well-known attorney, has gone to Spokane to visit a brother. Mrs. A. D. Wood is at Westport, where she will plan to open her cottage at Co hasset Beach for the Summer season. Mrs. Charles McDermoth. wife of the pastor of the First Congregational Church, is visiting friends In Seattle and Tacoma. The members of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church gave' a social at the home of Mrs. McGIll on Friday evening. Ccntralla. William A. Swift and Miss Francis E. WIghtman were married at the Methodist Episcopal Church parsonage on May 21 by Rev. J. W. Miller. Only a few "friends of the couple witnessed the ceremony. Elmo. The Women's Reading Club gave Friday evening, a banquet, the occasion being their last meeting of the season; The club has about 12 members. The dinner Included their husbands. Opla Is different From other 5c cigars; It's better. CURES WEAK MEN FREE Insures Love and n Happy Hone for All. How any man - may quickly cure himself alter years of suffering from sexual weakness, lost vitality, night Icsses, varicocele, etc., and enlarge small, weak orcacs to full - siza and vigor. Simply send your name and address to Dr. Knapp Medical Co., 1722 Huil building, Detroit, Mich, ar.d they will gladly send free receipt -r:th full directions, so that any man may easily cure hlmeslf at home. This Is certainly a moat generous offer, and the fol lowlnc extracts taken from their dally mall show what men think of their generosity. "Dear Sirs Please accept my since thanks for yours of recent date. I have given your treatment a thorough test, and the benefit has bton extraordinary- It has completely braced me up. I am just as vigorous as when a boy, and you cannot realize how happy I am." "Dear Sirs Your method worked beautifully. Results were exactly what I needed. Strength and' vlTor have completely returned and- en largement U entirely satisfactory." "Dear Slrs Yours was received and I had no trouble in making use of the receipt as direct ed, and can truthfully say It Is a boon to weak men. I am greatly Improved In size, strength and vigor." AH coirespondence Is strictly confidential; mailed la plain, sealed envelope. The receipt Is free for the asking, and they want tVery man to have It. CHICHrSTCR'S ZNQLIOH ENNYR0YAL FILLS ..-rr-V erfx!ni and Oalr OtMuSme. for C1IICII JAX1KT JSMULOSH la UEB at Geld nxtallls text, mlvi vitafelnrftboa. Taka so ether. Kcfsia Vngcrtnf 8abtttaMmft sad Inlta Un. Bx or yir Drjln. r n't 4t. Im iuma for Particular. Testinoalals mat ftmltr ftrr t-avJlM.", Utter. kT ra. tBraMaH. 1.8 TertlavwUU. SoUlby ISrKEtot. - -ChleaegteirCfcatteal thaun fete si ja. 3t&ma Soaur-. FHILA- I'A, 53 MEN SPEEDILY CURED OF CONTRACTED DISORDERS We have reduced the time re quired for curing contracted disor ders about one-half. This Is an im portant achievement. It replaces danger with safety. It forestals chronic complications. It removes the infection and Inflammation be fore that vital center, the prostate gland, becomes involved. To many men it means the difference be tween perfect health and a lifetime of misery and functional -weakness. Our method Is ours alone. Our treatment Is original. In tome fea tures It resembles the ordinary. In Its chief essentials It is different. In results it is entirely different. It Is cafe, prompt and thorough. Dr. W. Norton Davis "WEAKNESS" We not only cure "weakness" promptly, but we employ the only treatment that cun possibly cure this disorder permanently; it is original with us, and Is employed by no physicians other than our selves. This may seem a broad as sertion, but It Is just as substantial as It Is broad. So-called "weakness" Is but a symptom of local Intlam matlon or congestion, and a radical cure is merely a matter of restor ing normal conditions throughout the organic system, and this we ac complish thoroughly and" with abso lute certainty. Specific Blood Poison Until the perfection of our system of treatment, specinc blood-poison was commonly regarded as Incur able, and the limit of medical aid was to keep the case dormant by the use of strong mineral drugs. We positively drive the last taint of virus from the system. Our cures are absolute. Every symp tom vanishes to appear no more. We use harmless, blood-cleansing remedies only such as were never before used in the treatment of this disease. Our Practice Is the Largest Because We Invariably Fulfil! Our Promises. Painless Cure For STRICTURE Without cutting or dilating, and by mild and absolutely painless treatment, we cure this disease completely. All obstructing tissue Is dissolved, all inflammation or ir ritation removed, and every mem brane of the system Involved Is thoroughly cleansed and restored to a healthy state. No failures a per fect cure in every instance. VARICOCELE Many who are but slightly afflict ed with varicocele believe that the trouble is of but little consequence. The opposite is true. Varicocele Is Is a disease of a progressive nature; as it advances nervous complica tions come, power diminishes and the general health Is Impaired. We cure varicocele 'without knife., liga ture or caustic, without pain and without detention from business. Quick Cures Certain Cures We cure the worst cases of piles permanently without the use of ointments, without pain, cutting or detention from business, in from two to three treatments. Our treat ment is entirely new and peculiar to ourselves. Remember, no mat ter who has failed before in your case, we will cure you with mild methods, and without danger, or else make no charge whatever for our services. Should you live at a distance, we can treat you successfully at home. WE ARE ALWAYS WILL ING TO WAIT FOR OUR FEE UNTIL A CURE IS EFFECTED. HOURS: 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5 and 7 to S P. M. Sundays 10 A. M. to 12 M. Consultation and Advice Free at our Office or by Mall. Oar Book Explaining Male An atomy, Free. DOCTOR avis & CO. 145 Sixth St., Cor. Alder Portland, Or. Iicsial Holiday. What are the legal holidays In the State of Washington? R. H. Lu New Year's day, Lincoln's birthday, Washington's birthday. Decoration day. Independence day. Labor day (September 7), general t election day (In November), Thanksgiving .Say, Christmas day.