The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 17, 1903, Page 12, Image 12

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Meier &. Frank- Company
Meier &. Frank Company-
Meier &. Frank Company
Meier &. Frank Company
Meier Frank Company
Meier & Frank Company
Meier &. Frank Company
Perrin's Gloves
We have a large selection of Perrin's popular French Kid Gloves,
in pique and overseam, in white, berge, mode, gray, brown, red,
and black, at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.
And one of many opportunities
for the young as well as the old
The gates of Portland will be
thrown open to welcome oar
Chief Executive. Beginning
tomorrow morning and contin
uing until Thursday noon, we
are going to help you make
ready for this occasion.
Throughout "The Big Store"
will be found the most season
able and reliable merchandise
at the lowest possible prices.
Great Curtain Sale
400 pairs of Ruffled Swiss "Curtains, 36 inches wide and three
yards long. All the $1.15 and $1.00 values. A bargain and
value most extraordinary. The opportunity to secure a Q
good pair of curtains. For this week only, at
A Great Sale of Ladies' Waists
The latest materials in linens, madras, Oxfords, piques, vestings and linen
lawns, in the newest styles and latest weaves greatly reduced. This is a money
saving opportunity and the varieties we have to offer are bound to bring wonderful
jeturns. Here are the price reductions :
Reg. $3.50, $3.75, special $2.85
Reg. $4.00, $4.25, special $3.38
Reg. $4.50, special $3.72
Reg. $5.00, $5.50, special $4.35
Reg. $6.00, $6.50, special $4.95
Reg. $7.50, special $5.95
Reg. $8.50, $9.00, special $7.10
Reg. 9.50, special ". 7.45
Reg. $10.00, $10.50, special . . . 8.25
Reg. $11.50, special 9.15
Reg. $12.00, $12.50, special . . . 9.85
Reg. $14.00, special 10.90
Ladies' Suits at Special Low Prices
Everything that is desirable, new, stylish, combined with the. best quality at
the lowest prices, is always to be found here. We have to offer a trio of specials
for this week's selling that is bound to meet with the approval of all economically
inclined. We have divided them into three lots, which are
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits in bIuse .effeSilorebLaf-5luV5dJ)r2?
regular prices $22.00 and $22.o0, 25
Ladies' Tailog-Made Suits ? blouse and jacket styles in cheviots and granite
1 cloths, colors black, blue, brown and e Q cT
mixtures, regular prices $24.00, $25.00 and $26.00, special P
Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits in blusTe d iacket styles in cheviots, granites
and basket weaves, colors black, SCO 1
blue, browns and mixtures, regular prices $28,- $30, special 1
Here you will find the best assortment of Silks in the Northwest. New,
stylish and desirable patterns and the best qualities are offered below at prices
that should not be overlooked :
A splendid assortment pf Cheney Bros.' best Foulard Silks of the latest designs,
and especially adapted for Shirtwaist Suits, $1.00 quality reduced C
A great assortment of Silks in the latest colorings and patterns that are very
desirable and would make up splendidly for street wear at the special kf?g
price of Xj.
this special reduction sale in the Silk Department, and the regular fl?
values have been reduced to the following prices: 87c, 98c and H &
Desirable Dress Goods Bargains
One of the most important sections of our store to be found here. We devote
greater space to the selling of Dress Goods, than the combined space of many other
stores devoted to the same line of goods. The values that we have to. offer are al
ways good ones, and the prices the lowest. Here are two specials for your con
sideration :
Cream Wool Dress Goods, Crepe Armure, Sharkskin weaves, 42 in.
wide, regular value 65c, for this week, special
Black Dress Goods, latest novelties, , stripes and knotted etamines 1 CX
and vails, $2.00 and $2.25 values, special H J3
Muslin Underwear Specials
Our Muslin Underwear Department has always been looked up
on as the only place in the Northwest for finding the most desirable mer
chandise in the muslin underwear line at the lowest possible prices. Our
wondrous purchasing power enables us to give you reliable merchandise
direct from the best factories in the world. Here are the specials for this
memorable week.
trimmed, special
wide embroidery trimmed flounce
separate dust ruffle, extraordin
ary value, special j
Fine Cambric Corset Covers lace
and embroidery trimmed, 25
styles to select From,
special, each
Ladies' Cambric Gowns with
tucked and lace trimmed yokes,
lace and embroidery trimmed
neck and sleeves, special
Misses' White Cambric Under
skirts, lace and em- 1
broidery trimmed
Special Line of Summer Corsets
made of white netting, sizes
18 to 25, special, pair . . .
Special Line Ladies' White Lawn
Aprons, plain hem and
ties, special each Id5C
Special Line Children's Corset
Waists, sizes 1 to 6 yrs, c
special, each UC
Fine Cambric Drawers trimmed in
torchon lace and insertion,
wide flounce, special, each
Ladies Muslin Drawers, tucked
and hemstitched, good y i
value, each IC
Children's White Lawn Aprons,
lace and embroidery trimmed,
ages 4 to 12 years, spe- JC
Great Millinery Sale
This will be the banner week in the Millinery Section. .
Hats here are in a variety unequaled in- the Northwest.
Our Millinery Department today is looked upon as the
greatest of all departments. Wonderful facilities here for
securing prompt service and the best workmanship to be had
always at MEIER & FRANK'S. Here are some of the
items. The variety is large styles perfect prices ex
tremely low :
A Rare Opportunity. 200, Jjne black Chiffon Hats,
1 1 tucked and lined, ready QO
to wear, special at the low price of, each sJfks
Solendid Values. 150 ladies' trimmed Chiffon and Straw
" Hats; handsome lace and' jet trimming
a few with Ostrich Tips. Regular price 3?0 OA
$5.95, special. ty&mZ7U
wmocWalIrmrMnf In assorted colors, trimmed
with scarfs, silk
draoes, quills, at half price $1.50 values, special
Children's Hats a Special Feature. Children's ready-
to-wear Hats, 29c
up to $2.98 : children's Fine Milan Sailors ribbon trimmed
and handsome silk sashes $2.50 up to $4.98.
300 last season's Sailors and Walking Hats, to close JQ
your choice
Sale of Children's Garments
We will make this one of the greatest sales for the little
girls. A sale that brings the prices of a great majority of
our very desirable stock of children's goods within the reach
of all. We aim to eclipse all previous records. Facts are:
Children's Sailor Suits and Dresses fine serges and
cheviots, colors,
blue, red and brown, regular prices $8.50 to C Q C
$10.00 special tJfJ
Children's Sailor Suits and Dresses "lfin.e serfies and
cheviots, colors
blue, red and brown, regular prices $1000
to $13.00, special UJ
Children's Sailor Suits and Dresses ix merges and
1 cheviots, colors
blue, red and brown, regular prices $6.00 A
and $7.50, special CM
Children's Novelty Jackets, sizes 4 to 14 years, in pon
1 ' 1 gee, fine cloths and chev
iots, colors tan, blue, white and red.
Reg. $22.00, special . .$16.45 Reg. $18.00, special. .$12.85
Regi $14.00, special ..$ 9.90 Reg. $12.00, special.. $ 8.25
Reg. $11.00, special ..$ 7.25 Reg. $10.00, special.. $ 6.85
Reg. $ 8.50, special... $ 5.95 Reg. $ 6.50, special.. $ 4.25
Reg. $ 4.50, special... $ 2.75
For the Summer dresses we have a selection for your
choosing that excels all previous efforts. In our extensive
line will be found colors that are cool and pleasing to the eye,
and the prices are always moderate. All of the stock is new,
and our extensive assortment does not permit us to mention
everything we have to offer, but here are a few of the many
items for your consideration :
Courtrai Linen Batiste for ladJes' and misses' dresses,
our regular 35c value C
on sale, per yard at &j'Lr
Iris Corded Organdie with lace striPe and'fioral patterns,
1 a new fabric for this season, and
will be used extensiyely for ladies' and misses' A.lf
dressespon sale per yard for 2
Bicycle Cloth This DemS e season for cycling we will
offer you an excellent suiting at A If
the Jow price of, per yard 2
Cotton Huck Towels Size 19x38 in- and exceptional
fine values, on sale at the Q
special low price of, each
Fringed Bedspreads In Pink onIv ful1 size QQr
1 r special, each
Turkish Bath Towels 20x43 in. unbleached, 7
1 special, each v
Hosiery and Underwear Specials
The greatest bargains ever offered in Ladies' and Chil
dren's Hosiery will be found upon our counters this week.
Ladies' Black Lace Lisle Hose, large assortment
of patterns, every pair regular $1.00 value, special.
Children's Fine Ribbed Black Lisle Hose, extra fine
quality, every pair stamped uOnyx," sizesS to 9J,
reg. 35c, special
Ladies' Low Neck Sleeveless Ribbed Vests, with open
work yoke, white, regular value 25c, special, 1 Q
each . l
Ladies Low Neck, Fancy Drop Stitch Vests,
wing sleeve, white, reg. 25c values, special, each..
Ladies Jersey Ribbed Pants, knee length, lace 1 Q
trimmed, white, regular value 25c, special
Ladies Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee C
length, cream, special fJf
Ladies Muslin Drawers, tucked and hemstitched, 1
good value, each :
Children's White Lawn Aprons,' lace and em- Al
broidery trimmed, ages 4 to 12 years, special VJ
Misses' White Cambric Underskirts, lace Q
and embroidery trimmed, special P
Men's Clothing Sale
This clothing store has been in existence for
almost half a century. Its success is greater
each season from the fact that the most desira
ble wearing apparel for men at the lowest
prices is always to be found at Meier & Frank's
It is always our aim to satisfy you thorough
ly in every purchase you make in this depart
ment, giving you a splendid fit in good reliable
merchandise. We are always here to rectify
any error or dissatisfaction should any exist
after a purchase. Here are some special items
for this week's selling that should interest
every man economically inclined:
,Men's Trousers, iine-quality worsted, neat
dark gray stripes, fifteen different patterns
to select from, all sizes, special O $kf
at the low price of prUU
jMens all-WOOl Suits, unfinished worsteds,
tweeds and cassimeres in brown, gray or,
freen matures, regular $12.50 l!Q
13.00, special p.JJ
Wen's All-Wool Suits, worsteds, cheviots
and tweeds, newest styles, extra well made,
regular values $15.00 and C 1 QO
$16.50, special P
Flags for Decorating
Decorating for the President's day will
assume great proportions. Everyone will be
thinking of decorating in some appropriate way
The American flag is of course the grandest
and best decoration that can be put forth. Our
assortment of flags exceeds the assortments of
all other houses in the city combined. Prices:
Best all-wool Bunting Flags, sizes 3 to 24
feet, prices $100 to $25.00.
Printed Cotton Flags, warranted absolutely
fast colors, 4x6 feet, $1.00; 5x8 feet $2.00;
8x12 feet, $3.50.
Silkoline Flags, warranted absolutely fast col
ors, 5x8 feet, $2.75.
Muslin Flags from lea dozen, to 30c each.
Mounted Bunting Flags with spear-ends,
15c, 25c, 35c and 50c.
60-pc. white semi-vitreous Dinner Set, $3.89
60-pc. brown or blue semi-vitreous
Dinner Sets . ..$4.99
5-pc. Chamber Sets, blue, brown of
pink decorations $1.72
Upholstery Reductions
We have to offer you this week a splen
did line of home neceSw.fies which you should
take advantage of at the earliest possible mo
ment, as the articles are all new and desirable,
such as drapery fabrics suitable for pillow
tops and other draperies. A splendid line of
Oriental striped Tapestry $ .29
Ramie tapestry, all colors 32
Heavy cotton tapestry, floral designs ... .59
All $1.25 tapestries, floral and oriental. . .93
All $1.50 tapestries, neat and pretty de
signs 1.13
All $2.00 tapestries, extra good qualities, 1.39
All $2.25 tapestries, special novelties in
this line . 1.77
AH $3.25 tapestries, high art novelties,
empire and oriental 2.68
Jackets m e lfltest styles, colors tan,
castor, Diue W 2 S
and red, reg. $18 value, special.
Hoasefarnisbing Specials
This Basement Department is complete in
every detail. We have everything necessary
for the home, and you will find in this Basement
Store things most needed for the kitchen arid
garden. Here are a few of the items for this
week's purchasing at special prices:
Good Fiber Scrub Brushes 14c
Steel Garden Trowels 4c
Mrs. Potts Iron Handles .7c
Genuine Dover Egg Beaters 7c
Stove Lid Lifters 2c
3 Packages Tacks 5c
Tack Hammers 4c
5-qt Granite Kettle, with cover 52c
Reyner Suede Gloves
2- clasp P: K. in black only $2.00
3- clasp Overseam black and mode $1.75
Fanchon uede in black, mode and gray.. $1.50
Novelty Waist Sale
A great sale Of all our Novelty Waists
in silk, net, lace, chiffon, crepe de chine and
peau de cyne, made in the latest styles arid
handled by us exclusively
Regular price $12.50, special $10.25
Regular price $14.00, special 11.35
Regular price $15.00, special 12.10
Regular price $16, $16.50, special,. 13.45
Regular price $18.00, special 14.85
Regular price $2000, special 15.45
Regular price $21.00, special ,15.95
Regular price $22.00, special ' 16.90
Regular price $24.00, special 18.55
Regular price $25.00, special 19.25
Regular price $37.00, special 25.65
Just Received a large line of lawn, dotted
swiss, all over embroidery, dressing
sacques and kimonos, hemstitched with
ruffle, lace or emhroidery trimmed. Prices
$1.25 to $15.00.
New Books at $ 1 .08. The Mystery of Murray Davenport, by Robert Neilson Stephens Mas
ter of Warlock, by Eggleston The Circle, by Thurston Under the Rose, by Isham.
Boys' Clothing Specials
For the little Boys and for those a little old we have styl
ish and up-tb-date garments in a splendid variety. We exer
cise that same judgment and exactness in style and fit in our
Boys Dept., as we do in our Men's ready-to-wear garments.
You will find this department always ready to assist you in
making a proper selection. After the young man has secured
his suit and desires further alterations, we are always here
to rectify the mistakes if any should exist Here are some
specials for this week's selling that should interest the par
ents of boys who are bound on saving The facts are:
Boys' Washable Sailor Suits !n dark blue and pink chev
- lots and crash, sizes 3 to
9 years, regular $1.00 values, special 28C
Little Boys' Washable Kilt Salts, blue striped cham
- brays with embroid
ered collar, white braid trimming,- blue striped percale,
Russian style, white braid trimming, also linen with white
braid trimming, sizes 2 to 5 yrs, special,
Boys' Bine Flannel Sailor Suits wif black, white or
r 1 red soutache braid
trimming, sizes 3 to 9 years, special J
Boys' Long Pants Suits in aI1 wo1 cheviots, brown
Y y gray and green
mixtures, sizes 12 to 187ears, special, suit
Riding Boots A cdmplete line of men's Dress Riding
Boots Shoe Department, First Floor.
Special Glove Sale
Splendid opportunity to secure a very, desirable pair of
good gloves at a special price. We have "to offer you this
week some splendid values at good price reductions.
Lfcdies' Lace Lisle Gloves in black, white and gray, all
sizes, 50c values, special at the extraordinary
low price of, pair J
Ladies' Plain Lisle Gloves, 16 button, in black and.white
only 50c values, special at the low price of,
Ladies' Perrin's Cape Suede Gloves in black, gray, tan
and mode in all sizes, regular $2.00 value, 1Q
special, pair S
Ladies P. K. 2-CIasp Heavy Walking Glove in tan,
gray, ox blood and white, regular $1.25, special
Great Ribbon Sale
Our stock of ribbons has always been up-to-date no old
stock everything fresh and bright from the manufacturers.
This week we have two splendid offers for your considera
tion: Latest Novelty in Ribbons, Dresden Crepe De Chine
4K inches in width in all the light shades, regular C?
60c values, special per yard
Best Washable Taffeta Ribbon,4 in. wide, in light blue
pink, red, cream, white maise, turquoise and old
rose, regular 30c values, special per yard "Vy
Ladies' Neckwear Specials
Always new and up-to-date in the thin js we show in this
department and prices to suit every one. Here are the
specials for this week's choosing:
New Silk Stocks with Persian silk stole ends. A.Qn
Regular 60c, special
Fancy Wash Stocks in white and colors. Reg-
ular 35c values, special r
Embroidered Chiffon Turnovers Reg. 35c 5Kf
values special , &rJ
Crepe Silk Ties Fancy embroidered turnovers
in white and colors. Regular 75c, special JJs
White and Black Ruffs A splendid assort- d? O 1 Q
ment. Regular $3.00, special
Baby Carriages and Go-Carts
Close woven reed body, adjustable Go-Cart, complete
with cushions, parasol, rests on best spring gear ever shown,
which we guarantee, patent brake, ball bearing wheels, with
half-inch cushion tires. Remember that no other make of
carts ace built like ours bear imnind the ball-bearing wheels
and half-inch cushion tires, and that our price is for the cart
complete, no extra charge for parasol or upholstery.
$2P.OO Values $15.50; $25.00 Values $20.00
Just Received, large assortment Knitted Golf Blouses
and Vests in all the latest styles and colors. Just the thing
for Summer outings.
Peninsular Stoves
The Peninsular Steel Range has double the baking
capacity than any other stove on the market Every one is
guaranteed and thorough demonstration given with purchase.
The large size Peninsular Steel Range, reg. $42, special, $37.
Cook Stoves No. 8-17, with steel base $12.25
Cook Stoves No. 8-19, with steel base $17.00
No. 1 Burner Oil Stove, special, each .49
Trimming Department
A value extraordinary in the Trimming Department and
the price reduction was given, as we anticipated an unequaled
selling beginning tomorrow morning and we think we have
enough to last until the arrival of our Chief Executive.
500 yds. Silk Chiffon Applique, regular $1.00, $1.25
and $2.00, black or white in medallion or sprays, "is
Button Department Specials
The detachable new pain.ted Shirtwaist Buttons, for this
week at special prices.
Small Round, Regular 35c value, special, each- 24c
Large Round, Regular 40c -value, special, each 29c
Oval, Regular 45c value, special, each 34c
Small Heart Shape, Regular 45c value, special, each 34c
Large Heart Shape, Regular 50c value, special, each 39c
Meier &. Frank Company
Meier &. Frank Company
Meier & Frank Company
Meier &. Frank Company
Meier &Frank Company
Meier & Frank Company
Meier &. Frank Company