THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAT. "10, 1KZ. CITY NEWS "IN BRIEF Tbc Orcgronlaa's Telephone. OREGON. Counting Boom . .Main 657 II. W. Scott. Editor Mala Oil il&aaclne Editor Mala C36 City jidltor Mala 1C3 Compotlnc Room Male 6S5 East Eldo Office Eait 61 Superintendent Bnlldlnc Bd 2S35 COLUMBIA. , Counting Room 087 Editorial Room .........--1'- Eaglns Room 2a AMUSE3IENTS. CORD RAY'S THEATER This afternoon at 2; evealntr. 7:30. Edward Shields' "Coatla- uoaa Vaudeville." tHB BAKER THEATER Tonight at 8:15, Ralph Btuart aad company In "Master at Anns." BASEBALL "TODAY, 2:30 Doors open dallr games 2 P. M.: Sundays, 1 P. iL Grounds 24 th and Vaiurhn. BASEBALL TODAY, 8 P. M. E. th and Hawthorne ave. CENTRAL PARK, Grand ave. and East Yam hill Outdoor vaudeville, 8:15 P. M. "Victoria Dat CnLEBRAMOif. The com mittee appointed under the British Be nevolent Society for the entertainment to be held in commemoration of tho late Queen Victoria's birthday has ar ranged that this shall be held in Elks' Hall, Marquam building, on Saturday evening, May 23, as the Queen's birthday falls on Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Robinson is chairman of the entertainment com mittee, which has arranged a most at tractive programme, -with speeches by Mayor Williams, Robert Livingstone, Judge Foley, and some good singing from Mrs. Sheldon, Miss Hemming, Mr. Hod sdon, Mr. Zan and others, and recitations by Miss Webb. The programme is not yet fully made up. Mr. Denton will have charge of the music. The price of tickets Is 25 cents, children free, so that all can participate, and are meant for all of British birth, but if any American friends care to go they will be most heartily welcomed. Mrs. E. T. C. Stevens is in charge of the refreshment committee. The tickets are going like hot cakes, and can be obtained from any member of tho committee, which is composed of the leading members of the British Benevo lent Society, St. Andrew's Society, Clan Macleay and Caledonian Society. Woman's "Meets Monday. A meeting of the Lewis and Clark Woman's Club will be held in the Board of Trade rooms at 2:30 P. M. Monday for the pur pose of discussing details, appointing committees and beginning systematic work. There will be no election of per manent officers, as it is intended to con tinue the organization of new clubs after May 20, when tho convention of Women's Clubs will be held, and another rally will bo held in the Fall. Every woman interested in the success of the Expo sition is invited, including members of fraternal lodges. Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution and all other organiza tions of women. It is intended to arrange also for a reception to the visiting wom en's clubs on May 20. The women of Oregon are not awaiting the result of tho referendum on the Fair appropria tion, but are working with enthusiasm. The calls for visits from Mrs. Weath erred and Mrs. Galloway are more nu merous than they can respond to in the limited time remaining, for every day is filled. The farmers' boys are readily taking up tho work laid out for them. All the names of those enrolled will be published as members of the Boys' Agri cultural League of the Lewis and Clark Centennial. Boxing. World's Championship Boxing. Jon Gans, Lightweight Champion, vs. Tommy Tracey, Western Champion, 20 Rounds. Jimmy Reilxy vs. George Memsic 15 Rounds, For Coast Championship. Exposition Building, Wednesday, May 13. Doors Open 7:30 Sharp. Exhibition Commences 8:30. General Admission, $1.00. Side Balcony, 52.00. Reserved Seats, 53.00. Box Seats, 55.00. Sale Ofens at- Schiller's, Fourth and Washington, and The Sportsman's Saloon, Tomorrow. Baseball Today, 2:30. Baseball Today, 2:30. Bee "Iberg," the Great, Pitch Today. See Shields, Our Only, Pitch Today. Two Great Pitchers in Box Today. A Game for Your Life Today. Pacific Coact League Season 1S03. JProfessional Grounds, 24th & Vaughn! Portland, vs. San Francisco See Iberg, the Great, Pitch Today. Beb Shields, Our Only, Pitch Today. Two Gbb.t Pitchers in Box Today. A. Winning Streak Has Overtaken Us. Don't Fail To Be There Today. Pacific Coast League Season 1303. Professional Grounds. 24th & Vaughn. Baseball Today, 2:30. Baseball Today, 2:30. To Attend Memorial Sermons. George Wright Post and Lincoln-Garfield Post, G. A. R., have accepted Invitations from Rev. Alexander Blackburn, pastor of tho First Baptist Church, to attend services at 10:30 A. iL, May 24, the Sun day preceding Memorial Day. The Woman's Relief Corps of each post has also accepted an Invitation "to attend at the same time. The organization known as the Ladles of the Grand Army has accepted an invitation from Rev. H. J. Talbott, of tho Taylor-street Methodist Episcopal Church, to attend services on Sunday evening, May 17, one week earlier than those held at the First Baptist Church, and has extended an invitation to tlie posts of the city to be present. Unitarian alliance Reception. There will be given tomorrow evening in the Unitarian Church parlors a reception to the new members and friends of the church, tendered by the Woman's Alli ance, at which a short programme and a Boc!al time will be enjoyed. The ladles hope that as many members and friends of the church as possible will attend and thus meet the new members of the con gregation. To The Dalles. Grand railroad excur sion given by the Portland Printing Pressmen, Sunday, May 17. Trains stop both ways at Troutdale, Multnomah Falls, Bonneville and Cascade Locks. Round trip, $L Tickets for sale at Wood ard & Clarke's drug store. The Copeland Medical Institute is now equipped to treat patients as usual. Office hours from 9 to B. Sundays from 9 to 12. Patients attending the night ses sion should call during office hours. En trance on Washington street. A delightful ride to ML Tabor in the C. & S. Ry. Co.'s cars, folowed by a Whirl on the Miniature Railway, is a proper way to spend Sunday afternoon. Cars from Third and Yamhill every six minutes. Obeoon City Boats Sunday. Round-Trip, 25a Leave Taylor St. 8:30, 10, 11:30 A. M., L S. 4:30. 6:15 P. M. Last Boat Back, 6 P. M. Choice property, quarter block Eight eenth and Hoyt streets; the choicest Nob Hill location for flats or residence; for eale at bargain. Goldsmith & Co.. Third end Oak streets. Finest Baths, Carlsbad system, mas gage, $L J. Friedman, graduate masseur. SO years' experience. 525 Cham, of Com. Roses, carnations and choice bedding Xlant,s. Bodley's, Powell Valley road, ilt Scott car. Strawderbt Ice Cream today. Two phones. Main 764. Washington Creamery. Company. Take Mount Tabor cars at Third and Yamhill for the Miniature Railway. For Rent. Eight-room house, 74S John son street. Carpets for sale. Dr. Swain, dentist, Sd floor Dekum. Loses Both Sleep and Temper Cur tis Monger, residing at 85 East Water street, was taken before Justice Reid yesterday -morning, charged with assault upon the person of little Charley Rog ers, the complaint being sworn out by Mrs. F, Rogers. Monger is a sight em ploye at the Standard Box Factory and sleeps during the day. Yesterday morn ing, shortly after he retired, some small boys were amusing themselves by seeing how much disturbance they could cause, and Monger, losing his temper, rushed out, grabbed young Rogers 'by the seat of his trousers and hair of bis head and precipitated him into the street. This action Mrs. Rogers resents, and she will endeavor to make things tropical for Monger in the Justice Court Monday af ternoon. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. The Games You Hear So Much About. The Games You Want To See. The Games You Can't afford To Miss. The Games the Crowds Attend. Pacific National League. East Eghth and Hawthorne Avenue. Portland. vs. Butte. See Cyclone Lundbum, the Michigan Giant. See Parrott Hit the Ball Today. See "Piggy" Ward Play Second. See the First Game of Your Life. See That You are There TodayI Pacific National League. East Eighth and Hawthorne Avenue. Baseball Today, 3 P. M. Julius I. Haas. Veteran Salesman, Dead. Julius L. Haas, formerly of this city, and at one time. a member of the firm of Dittenhofer, Haas & Co., died in Spokane, at the Spokane Hotel, yes terday morning. Mr. Haas was, at the time of his death, engaged as a travel ing salesman for Hart Bros., an Eastern furnishing goods house, and was well known throughout tho Northwest, having covered this section during the past 25 years. A wife, three daughters and a son, residing in Albany, Or., survive him. The body was shipped, from Spokane to Portland last night, and will be Duried here. Mrs. rHais will arrive in the city from Albany today. Laborer Severely Injured. Henry VIohll, a laborer in the employ of the North Pacific Lumber Company, caught his left foot in the live rollers while at work In the mill yesterday morning, suf fering Injuries which may result in tho los3 of his leg. His foot was badly lacer ated, and he suffered a cpmpound frac ture of the fibula in the left leg. He was taken to St Vincent's Hospital immedi ately after the occurrence of the acci dent, where Dr. W. H. Skeene made him as comfortable as possible. An effort is being made to save the Injured leg, which, it Is feared, will have to be amputated. What Mr. Brannick Said Iruthe report published yesterday of the debate on the flreboat which took place at the meeting of the Executive Board, Mr. Brannick was quoted as stating that General Beebo told him about the attempted bribery of Mr. Johnston. This was erroneous. Mr. Brannick gave General Beebe as author ity for tho statement that tho Hamlll had previously been offered In Portland for less sums than was now asked. McReynolds Alive in Astoria. Thornly B. McReynolds, a young man. was supposed to have been the victim of murder, because ho disappeared on Sunday morning with $50 in his pocket, but is very much alive. B. L. McRey nolds, his brother, reoelved a letter from him, written at Astoria, yesterday, but giving no reason for his sudden disap pearance. Sunday Trolley Tnips by the O. W. P. & Ry. Co. Motor cars with trailers every 30 minutes to Oregon City, Will amette Falls and Canemah Park, through Sellwood, Golf Links and Milwaukle; every 20 minutes to ML Tabor, Reser voir and Mt. Scott. To Gresham. 7:30 and 90 A. M., 12:10. 2:30 and 4:10 P. M. Cars leave First and Alder streets. To Address Central W. C T. U. The regular meeting of the Central W. C. T. U. will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A rooms. Fourth and Yamhill, and will be ad dressed by Mrs. Kuhl, who is national superintendent of work among miners. Removal Sale. Closing studio. Special prices for Monday, May 11, only. Tapes tries, leather hangings, table covers, cushions, novelties, tables, chiffoniers, etc Lillian M. Candlln, Studio Applied Art. 410 McKay building. Behnke-Walker Business College. Shorthand (Pernln). Hundreds of success ful graduates. Bookkeeping, "Labora tory method." Telegraphy, automatic sender. Day and night, year round. The Bonbonlere, never closed, just moved from S13 Morrison street to 332 Washington street, opposito Imperial. C. E. Ernst, proprietor. Socialist Mass Meeting. Socialist mass meeting will be held tonight at Eagles' Hall, Second and Yamhill, to consider the strike question. Personal. If the two ladles who called Thursday at 807 Corbett will call again they will hear something very desirable. The first annual picnic by the Italian Republican Club at Jefferson Garden to day, in case, of rain, will be postponed. L. Winther has moved his barber shop from the Ablngton bldg. to 6th and Wash.; basement under Aldrlch Pharmacy. Our Large Stock of Turkish Rugs at Lowest Prices. Oriental Rug Co., 34S alder. Lost. Fox terrier, rough-coated, black and white, named Jonas. Reward for return to 293 Sixth street. Seaside and Return, $1, K. & L of S. Excursion, May 24. Watt for It. Take It. We will bo located In our new store, corner Seventh and Alder, about 'May 20. E. H. Moorehouse & Co. " Pineapple Sherbert today. Two phones. Main 7W. Washington Creamery Company. Just received a few choice imported dress patterns. No two alike. 651 Mor rison. Drs. Ferris and Lamberson, dentists, Macleay bldg., over Woodard & Clarke's. Carnations, lilies, elegant floral pieces and garden plants. Burkhardt's, 23d & G. Unfurnished suites for rent la Burk hard building. Phone, Union ISIS. Max, dressmaking, 314 Dekum building. Waist and skirt help wanted. The Miniature Railway at Mount Ta bor today. Wanted. Waistmakers at 310 Alisky building. Dr. Connell. offices 613-614 Oregonian bdg. W. B. Knapp. dentist, 10-11 Hamilton b. B. B. Rich takes subscriptions, 103 3d. Expert Chiropodist, 20 Raleigh Bldg. One Out of Many. Cleveland Leader. One fortunate effect of the changes In the character of the immigration from Europe In the last few years will be to cause all foreign nationalities, in self-de-fenso and for self-interest, if for no other reasons, to unite as quickly as possible with the great mass of the American peo ple in all essential matters of govern ment and business. The new admixture of races and nations in tho great centers of population makes It hopeless for any single element to maintain special advan tages over tho others, or obtain peculiar favors from tho public authorities. The divisions among the foreign-born citizens are so numerous and many of the various nationalities represented are so strong that they check and defeat efforts on the part of any to get what cannot be given to all. It is easy to see that the greater the variety and the more equal the power of the many nationalities well represented in the American population of today the more surely and quickly they will all be welded into one solid thopgh complex SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. I SS7 WORK. REASONABLE PRICES 1 247)4 Stark Street Fhane Main 178 SOLID GOLD 60LD FILLED SILVER 6UK METAL NICKEL WATCHES WALTHAM ELGIN HAMPDEN OMEGA HAMILTON The kind that Railroad men Always carry. WE SOLD MORE WATCHES during the past week thaa ever before Iq enr history. The people who bosght thera were nearly all sent to us by some friend who had purchased similar time pieces and were unasually well pleased. OUR STRONG POINT IN WATCHES Is that we only sell the kind that are reliable. They CAN'T HELP GIVING SATISFACTION. We guarantee every one both the case and the movement, and here's another fea ture that sticks right out, IN CASE THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THE WORKS WE KNOW JUST HOW TO REM EDY THE DEFECT. We're experts in that line. There's no watch too complicated for us to mend. Our customers appreci ate this and know that when we recommend a timepiece It Is re liable In every way. We can save money for you here and you should at least get our prices before making a purchase. We're always glad to talk watch with you whether you buy or not. JAEGER BROS. JEWELERS, OPTICIANS 290 MORRISON ST., near Fifth 133 SIXTH STREET. OREGONIAN BLDG. people, the Americans of the future. In this case divisions insure unity by their very number and the radical nature of their differences, and the ultimate fusion promises to be very complete. HOTEL PENDLETON. Reopening; of Pendleton' Leadng: Hotel The Many Improve ments Made. Van Dran Bros., proprietors of the Ho tel Pendleton, Pendleton, O., desire to an nounce to commercial travelers and the public in general that they have made ex tensive improvements, both in remodeling and refurnishing the house, and are pro pared to give the public accommodations second to none in the state. Suites and single rooms with hot and cold water, private bathrooms, steam heat and electric lights, telepbono connection with each room; in fact, the hotel has been made modern and up to date in every particular. It is the intention of tho management to furnish meals in keeping with the new conditions, and the tables will bo supplied with everything in season. WHERE TO DINE. Owing to largely Increased business, wo have just added some more private dining apartments, some of which are large and very suitable for parties. Portland Res taurant, 305 Washington, bet. 5th and 6th. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; six-course dinner 60c; first-class service, a la carte, 6:30 A. M.. to 8 P. M. Chicken dinner complete, 23c; everything else at popular prices. 229 Washington street, near First. Strouso's Restaurant. First-class French dinner. European House, N. W. Cor. 6th and Davis. Recital nt Pneiflc University. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove, May 9. (SpeciaL) A very enjoyable mu sical recital was given in Marsh Hall Fri day jilght, under the supervision of Mrs. Frank Raley, of the department of vocal music, and Miss Hope Chase, of the de partment of Instrumental music. Those who took part were: (Mrs. Gates, soprano; Professor Bradley, tenor, and Miss Francis Clapp, pianist. New Yorlc and Chicago Races. Direct wires. Commissions accepted. Portland Club. 130 Fifth street WE CAN SAVE YOU ANXIETY By developing your Plates or Films for you. Prices Reasonable. D. M. AVERILL & CO. Ths Curio Store, 331 MsrrisM SI. You have the habit, we have the goods. Opla cigars are 5c. Want to trade? Tourists' Curios We carry the largest and most complete stock of Japanese and Chinese curios in the city, consist ing of Bronze Cloissonnie ware, Silk Embroideries, Ivory Carvings, Fine Dec orated Porcelain, etc., at lowest prices. :: :: :: ANDREW KAN & CO. Cor. 4th and Morrison C. C. NEWCASTLE Dentist MARQUAM BUILDING. ROOM 301 LARGEST CLOTHIERS IX THE NORTHWEST. S. W. CORNER OF FOURTH AND MORRISON STKSCKTS. VISIT OUR STORE AND SEE TJhe Clothes that iJen and ffioys are uearinff Ready-to-wear clothing fitted to your figure as perfectly as if made to your measure that's what you can count on receiving in this store. Men's Business Suits, made of homespuns, cheviots, serges, cassimeres and worsteds, in patterns exclusive to us $10, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $30 and $35. Men's Full-Dress Suits, fashioned in strict ac cordance with the latest ideas advanced by custom tailors $35, $42.50 to $50. Men's Short, Medium or Long Top Coats $15, $20, $25 and $30. Men's Fancy Mixed Trousers, $3.50," $4, $5,. $6, $6.50, $7 and $7.50 up to $12. Men's Fancy and Wash Vests $1, $1.50, $2; $2.50, $3, $3.50 to $5. Correct Tfew Stylos in fffen's Jfczts The very latest shapes are being constantly issued in our exclusive grades "Youman's" $5 Derbys, "Quaker City" $3.50 Derbys, Gordon $3 Soft and Stiff Hats, Stet son Soft Hats, $4 to $5, and Steinbach Specials, $1 to $5 which are not to be equaledMn correctness or quality at. their respective prices. STRAW AND PANAMA HATS ARE NOW READY FOR MEN, AND STRAW SAIL ORS FOR LADIES. S&oys' Wear To get them good requires incessant attention. We're continually improving by numberless little changes in de-" tail that experience suggests. We- are always glad to show you the new things that are arriving daily. Boys' clothes from the finest to the most inexpensive. FELLOWS 309 Washington Stmt 30 Cents Pound Hoffman House Java and Mocha coffee. 15 Cents Pound best fresfo roast Costa Rica coffee. 15 Cents Pound good English breakfast tea. 30 Cents Pound choice sun-cured Japan, tea. 50 Cents Pound best Ceylon blend tea. 25 Cents Two bottles Hires' improved root beer. 25 Cents Three cans Carnation cream. 5 Cents One-pound can pork and beans. 15' Cents Two S-pound cans strawberry beets. $5.25 100-pound sack best dry granulated sugar. JUDGMENT? HOW IS THIS? j High Grade Low Price JUST FOR A RUNNER . Q35 fc Special SUITS FOR BOYS Norf oiks, Sailers $5.00 and $6.00 kind. Bunched allTor $3.35. FAMQUS CLQTHING CO. i MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS JUST ARRIVED A large shipment of latest styles CUT GLASS Each niece of our complete assortment Is uerfect. clear cut and brilllant- The quality Is absolutely the purest white glass and the cutting the finest that skillful artisans can accomplish. have vases and bowls of all sizes and descriptions, Ice cream trays and plates, butter dishes, tumblers, water bottles, nappies, and other dishes for various uses. ,284 WASHINGTON STREET. Come In and see our cut glass. "Wa VA Scientific &. Manufacturing- Opticians- ?0RTLAND0pEG. DR. "W. A. WISH. PAINLESS EXTRACTING "We Go Crown and Bridge "Work wlthont pain. Our IC-years' experience In plato work enables us to fit your' mouth comfort ably Wo have feeling- as well as you. Dr. W. A. Wise, manager, has found a safe way to extract teeth absolutely with out palnv Dr. T. P. Wls la an expert at Gold FlUlnfr and Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting tree when plates or bridges are ordered. DR. T. P. WISE. WISE BROS-, Dentists 303-213 hium Bmtcmo. cm. Open evenings till 0. Sundays from fl to 12. Or. Main 2023. The Forsythe WAIST SPRINQ 1903 FOR SALE BY ROBINSON & CO. 28S Washington St. PERKINS HOTEL BUILPING COAL Domestic and Foreign, The best in this market. The Pacific Coast Company 2 WASHINGTON STREET. Charles H. Glelm, Agent- COAL DIAMOND, Per Ton fS.OO JSSAdUAH, Per Tom. ...r , 8,80 Mala, 1425. KIXG COAL CO. M nrrrj t t ivj NO PAIN! No charge for painless extraction when teeth are ordered. All work done by grad uate dentists of 12 to 20 years" experience; a specialist In each department. We will tell you In advance exactly what your work will cost by a fre& examination. Give us a call, and you will flnfl we do exactly as we advertise. t Fill I vn urn n. titjA). i 55.00 Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown . . $5.00 Silver Fiiling $ .50 In our GOLD CROWNS and BRIDGE WORK, of which we are making a SPE CIALTY, the most BEAUTIFUL. PAIN LESS aN'D DURABLE of all dental work known to the profession, you will find an example of the HIGHEST ARTISTIC AT TAINMENT, the adaptability of which to the HYGIENIC conditions of tha mouth is unquestioned. New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE FOURTH AND MORRI SON STS., PORTLAND. Branch, 614 First Avenue, Seattle. HOURS: 8:30 -a, iL to 8 P. iL; Sundays, 8:33 A. M. to 2 P. iL 1 , Cement and Brick Work, Etc. ED. RYAN", . . CONTRACTOR Qf Cement Walks, "Brick Work, Plaster ing, etc. 22 years in Portland. 834 Corbett street. Telephone West 1175. VULCAN COAL CO. Whofesale and. Retail Dealers la ROCK SPRING AND RHNTON COALS. CHARCOAL. FOUNDRY AND SMELTER COiCE, BLACKSMITH AND STEAM COAL. Yard.' R. R. track Proai; anV GlUaa. TtHHii ITaln 2776.