THE SUNDAY ORE GONIAL, POBTLAOT, MAX 10, 1903. 20 JUAy.x v ..- --r- - i j I T 1 wwignm-vilX f SITUATION VAXTE D XALS. f WAXTHJ-AGSSTJ f : XKST. I gOR RMTT. - - I Beriei, Veklelee. Eta. FAMTT.T SURREY; CANOPY TOP. JL. made: cheap for cash; two poles, double har- hm5. iicht breast strap. v ... cor. 12th. or 10 Hamilton bids. Dr. Prehn. A FINE FA-MILT MARE. 5 TEARS OLD: gentle: Altaraont stock; see her at U. 5. Stables; also eurry and harness. 248 Front. THREE SINGLE DELIVERY WAGONS, with covers; one open; one single gooseneck, with cover, nearly new. 61 5th 6t- TOR SALE A GOOD PHAETON CHEAP. Can be seen at 6th and East Salmon sts. FOR SALE FIVE-YEAR-OLD HORSE. IN quire at 890 East Taylor street. MlaceXl&neoBB. BICYCLE SALE-WE HAVE THE NEATEST and finest line of bicycles In Portland, and will sell you for one week a new 1903 - cm no uMvmA.hftsa Dikes at any old price; come and see them; brtnK along your oia wneeis auu - im Portland Gua & Bicycle Co.. 233 Yamhill, sear 2d. . SINGERS. PERFORMERS. MUSICIANS. etc, wasted immediately; Big salary, f " 40 RIGHT-OF-WAY 3CEN. K); RIVER drivers. $2.60 .and $2, board; hooktender. $S. board: rigging- rustler, .$2.50; chaser. $2.0. head skidder. $2.50 up; 25 buekers, $225 and $2.60; 16 barkers. $2.25 and $2.50; 6 axmen. $25; 20 swampers. $2 to $2-23; planerman. $2:60 up; shingle sawyer, 15c M. board; .2 oti beVrersT $2; o lumber, pliers, 42.25; 25 mill hands, $2; stone mason, $5; 2 hand onat moldera. $3.60; 100 R. B, laborers. 42; 25 R o Tonmatm tl tin- in ahavelers. city. $2; piano player. $L50. room and board: chef LADIES AND GENTS COPY LETTERS AT COOK. AJi. XUUUIt WUUA. 4 wwu - teekkceeers sad Clerics. man's Theatrical Agency. Lockwood. S51ft J COMPETNET BOOKKEEPER WANTS POSI- COOK WITH SECOND COOK FOR CAMP. 2C6 Stark at. HELP WANTED FKMALX. room; flunkey, 425; choreman, $20, board; man and wile, farm. $35, board; boy. farm, n.i- hi frm hands and milkers. $25 and $30; S5 woodchoppers, 85c to ?L25. Canadlaan Employment Co.. 226ft Morrison; branches, 541 Bumslde, 128 First. Uon In or out of city: several years' experi ence in lumber office, o as, orexoBm- BT EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN WITH good references, capable of managing snoe department or store, u t. oregonian. WANTED A POSITION AS SOLICITOR OR sales mtn; best of references as to ability and character. Z so. Ore goal an. WANTED EMPLOYMENT BY AN EXPE rlenced office man. Address L S3, Oregonlair. I Miseellaneeu rvTTw UiTTBn TRBKIDISTS. LINCOLN, Garftetd. McXlaley; Uelr UlastrtWM Hv. pebllc aaa private. a4 th4r glprfow df. together with oowplete lasWe history af the vllklxHHa plotting ef the anarchists. Great est sale ever kaowiu per csat ft; freight paid; credit given; prospectus Hu-Iled far T cTita la stamps. 808 Star Bids-. .Chicago. . WE WANTvWOMEN TO SELL MADE-TO-measure storm garments. Mackintosnes, stormy-weather skirts, etc Guaranteed Roods. Dakota, woman made $60 four days, Yi ma for proof. Quick sales. Splendid profits. Re; peat orders assured. Write today. Ladles Supply CO., 3118- Forest, ave., onicago. HARPER & BROTHERS' (NEW YORK) EN cyclopedla of United States history, from earliest explorations to present time. In ten volumes. 6000 pages. 300 original documents, was complied by the ablest American histor ians. Only work of the kind. Information Is accessible, comprehensive and authoritative. Sold only by subscription. Experienced so licitors wanting territory, address, with. ref erence. J. N. Odell, 205 Kearney St.. San Francisco. home, no names to supply, or addressing envelopes, catkin?, to buy. 420 a 1000 paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg. Co., 12S Market sc. Newark. N. J. WOMAN PriR RFVERAL HOUSEWORK. but principally for cooking (must be a good. cook), in ramiiy of six aauits; gooa and privilege to competent woman. Apply at 595 Lovejoy St., cor. 18th. LADIES' HANDY HAT FASTENERS; sewed to hat; do away with hat pins; price 25 cents per pair, postpaid. Lady agents write for prices. The Fair Mfg. Co., Dept. B. Racine, Wis. FIVE GIRLS. FACTORY. $1 TO $L75, FARE A POSITION WANTED AS LUMBER-YARD WANTED AGENTS TO SELL GASOLINE BEGIN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF: STOP working for others. We start you in profit able mall-order business at your home. Pleas ant work: Immense profits ; unlimited possi bilities. Full information for stamp. Franklin-Howard Co., Denver. Cole ATTENTION AND NOTICE EMPLOYERS Male skilled and unskilled labor supplied promptly free of charge to employer, on smiths, etc, coatantly OS hand. Call, writs AGENTS WE GUARANTEE $3. TO $5 A DAY c tu Hansen Co., n. u i -wir-v.- iij;ht eaual to Incandescent electric- Phone, New No., Mam 1526. I igts about eight years. Address Flro- Raeau Witk SMrtf THE RICHARDSON FINWT FURNISHED apartmeU ea the Cst: hot and cold water; stems heat; electric lights; two minutes walk from postofflce; aagmlftcent view of plasa bteek; traasleat and tourlsU will sad this fcousa a model of comfort- Northeast coraer 3d and Salmon sts. Phone South -51-J. X. Mlnnard Black, proprietor. HOTEL VENDOME. COR. 1TK AND AL lUr. Under sew TnjWarrmmr NeWfcT tvr. Blshed. steam heat, porcelala baths, elecaat rooms, with board. Removable ratsa by month. Table and service arat-clas. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 1ITH YEAR; rooms, with board: use of sewhag-room; us of library; Woman's Exchange. Addre Mrs. v, c. Eckler. Superintendent. 519 Flaadets st. thb Txr.xnr.vt MrtiTSF?- ft. TL COR. ALDER and Park sts.. formerly the Spaldlng-The j COLONIAL. 165 AND 167 10TH ST. most complete aDartment-houae in tne city, I -I.-i,mr.Tf,m. .i. n-st floor, with hot and cold entirely renovated, steam heat. gas. electric uht Twn-DiAin hath every modern con venience; tourist and transient trade solicited. proof Safety Wick Works, Chicago. FURNITURE OF A C-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; very cheap; gooa cnance ior to step In and go to housekeeping: rent rea eonable. Inquire Sundays or after f - M. t 620 E. Sherman sL. bet. 11 and 12; take Ore gon City or Woodstock car; choice location. SEWING MACHINES A SS?13! damaged machines at very low prices. Eing tt c tw..m,. TVhrfer & Wilson and White: d'ropheads In oak and box tops. At I -or,ir a Wilson Domestic office. Blgei & Smith. Agents. 35 Morrison st. WANTED SALESMEN TO CARRY A FINE line of calendars as a side line. Also special representatives wanted. Samples furnished. Give experience as salesman and references. P. O. Box 413. Chicago. BEST HATCHING EGGS. SOLD Bx BBT Ung Sd large lots. All kinds fowls; we pay express charts; send stamp for catalogue Oakland Poultry Yards, Department 8, box 2602, San Francisco. FOR BALE FRESH JERSEY COW AND calf: also spring wagons, two buggies, two sets single harness, all In first-class order. F. Sanftonberg. Sellwood; Crystal Spring Addition. WANTED SALESMAN OR MANUFACTUR- ers agent who has an extensive acauaini. tii. -n-lth Tnniiffuttirira in the states of Idaho. Washington -and Oregon, to handle a line in use ana inaorsea or iue icaumi, facturers of the United States and all foreign countries. Reference must accompany appli cation. " Address D 87, care Oregonlan. Kew TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Offloe sup plies; mimeograph 'work; public lJ ' Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. Main HOT. A RESONBIBLE MANAGER WANTEO TO take charge of warerooms ana omce ta mo following counties: Multnomah. Clackamas, u-iihlnrtim. Tillamook. Clatsop. Gilliam. rr....T.4tv..n am nfflr tn tvt at Port land; applicant jnust have casn m - i wwj. auiuna, cunty ana ai reierences. aouitm 0-1., P. O. box 2533. San Francisco. Cau FEW SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS FROM "Shady." grandest sire on the Coast, win ning all prizes In the bench show, lbOi. Jefferson. Call all week. TEAMSTERS, $2.25; MILLWRIGHT. $3.75; 8 factory men, $1.0 to 53; SKiaroaa lurciu". $3; loggers, swampers, laborers, w ana board. Pioneer Employment w.. - rlson st. HARDMAN PIANO. LATEST STYLE UP right, almost new. at a great sacrifice ror cash: must eell. Call forenoon or evening at 48 B. 0th Bt.. North. SEVEN FREE MASONS IN EACH STATE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MUST given permanent, pleasant, proniaoio xnent near home; whole or part-time: good pay. Fraternal. Thames bldg.. New York. BRAND NEW NO. 8 REMINGTON TYPE all 1ft 1 m nrrrvments. oerfect or der, at bargain; easy terms. Room 5 Wash ington ciag. win rat.-E ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and -wethers); also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Nay lor. Forest Grove. Or A SNAP FINE LOT OF TIMBER SUITABLE for cordwood; near railroad: 11 miles east of Portland. M. Altstock, ii East via bu, mrvp tcp.w PrtMR KEWING MACHINE. must be sold regardless of price: owner leav ing city, call toaay oniy. buimiuc. A SNAP FIRST-CLASS HOUSEBOAT WITH three rooms, wen rurnisnea; must do boiu. Invsttlgate. 205 Morrison, room 3. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. SEC- ond-hand gas engine, practically new. .conn west Electric Eng. Co.. 309 Stark st. FOR SALE ONE DOUBLE DRUM. DOUBLE cylinder, 7x10 donKey engine, nra uew. Mutual Lumbsr po., Bucoda, Wash. CHEAP, IF TAKEN IMMEDIATELY 2 RE frigeratorfl, 2 baby buggies, graphophone and records, cook stove. 01 is. uui bu wit NT.TNT.S. BOILERS, saw mills, pumps and general machinery by H. C. Albee Co.. Sis urana ave. VATTflKAL CASH REGISTERS. A LARGE number of all kinds, at very low prices, on terms or cash. 204 btaric st. SNAP-FINE WHITE SEWING MACHINE, must be sold; take $11 If bought before noon tomorrow. 7S4 Keuy st. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS. FIRST HOUSE west reservoir. No. 2. Section Line road. Phone Union 1448. FOR SALE CHEAP A GOOD. LARGE COOK stove, suitable for boarding-house. Inquire at ISO 11th ct. a wavtikome T.ITTX.E LAUNCH. 3 H. P. new. in perfect order, $350. See owner, 311 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE COLUMBIA CHA1NLESS wheel: good condition: $20. Room 29 Alns worth block. TOR SALE FINE MOCKINGBIRDS. IN song, and Angora cats and kittens; cheap, 304 3d st. TO-n MITXIH COWS. 5-GALLON COW: DUR ham bull. 1 year old. J 00 Nash, Tremont Addition. i:XTRA FINE-TONE GUITAR; ALSO ONE gent's and two ladles' bicycles; cheap. 269H FOR SALE OR TRADE FINE "UPRIGHT piano towards bulding lot- A 0, oregonian. riald: waitresses, cooks, second clrls. cham bermalds, housekeepers, nurse girls; house work. $15 to $30. Canadian Parlors, 220-4 Morrison. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, A good, strong healthy girl or woman; fine lo cation, good wages. Apply am tune. cui. Broadway, a. few blocks north of steel bridge. LADIES TO COPY LETTERS AT HOME. $2 a 100; short letter to write; no names to sup ply; acareosea envelope ror copy, rxacuca Mfg. Co.. 128 Market at.. Newark. N. J. $20 PER THOUSAND COPYING LETTERS. Inclose stamp for copy or letter. Instructions, etc We have several lines of work. Ad dress Eagle Wholesale Co., Chicago, "BL COPYING LETTERS AT HOME. $25 PER 1000 paid weekly. Nothing to buy 'or sell; no canvassing; steady employment. Handy Co., 142 Nassau St., N. Y. DpnmoOTOO YfTTCT- clans, etc, wanted Immediately; big salary. Newman's Theatrical Agency, Lockwood, 251U Morrison. superintendent or shipping, of lumber, or look ing after the manufacturing, by a man familiar with Eastern grades and cargo ship ments; can furnish best of reierences. At at. Oraronlan. TTT JUST OUT; IMMENSE SELLER; STEREO COLORED HELP FURNISHED FOR ALL j . ecopc apparatus and 25 views; beauties; com- kinoo job work; parties servea; proiessiouiw lc olner views from Parts; sen at signt; .nrfiu. miriiM and stationary. You can soon pay for an engine for yourself with, your commissions. Address R. W. Jamleson, 716 Pacific ave., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE would like the care of house for the Summer or longer, with small compensation. W SS. Oregonian. $20 PER THOUSAND COPYING LETTERS. inciose etamp xor copy ui. - tlons. etc We have several lines of work. Address Eagle Wholesale Co.. Chicago, 111. be rood cook: cood wases: family of two. Call Monday. 752 E. Bumslde. Phone Scott 675. GOOD INCOME GUARANTEED FROM home work. Information and 70 secrets for 10c F. Royal, 420 La Salle ave., Chicago. WANTED A PLANING-MILL FOKfciA.-x, man who understands detailing ana off quantities: permanent position. Write Pacific Mfg. Co., Santa Clara. Cat. none others need apply. Thompson's Restau- I rant, oth St., bet. Washington ana A'der. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK In family of two. Call Monday 346 Clifton, cor. 7th, between Jackson and Lincoln. cleaned and laid; porters and Janitors: phone Front 1249. Thomas. 335 Couch, cor. 7th. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN AND SHIP bullder of great experience here, Europe, desires leading position shipyard or office. Address Draftsman, the McAllister, San Francisco. . A YOUNG MAN WITH THE BEST OF REF rences. also who has had a lot of experi ence In the business, wants a job as night watch. Inquire at Beldlng Bros.', 45 3d at. JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP FUR nlshed: domestics, farmhands, laborers, can- ners, store work. Japanese Employment Of fice, 69 North 6th. Phono Clay 692. A GOOD. STRONG YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 years old. would like position at almost any kind of honest work. Address Glenn Smith, 190 Russell st. SITUATION AS COLLECTOR. BILL CLERK or office assistant; acquainted and good ref erences; no cheap Job desired. X 89, Orego nian. WANTED POSITION AS HOTEL CLERK or bartender by experienced Eastern young man. age 22. D 89, Oregonian. CAN FURNISH DOMESTICS. FARMHAND; alio all kinds help. Japanese Labor AsaO 268 Everett st. Tel. Black vxi. 5c A J. Court. 623 Kearney St., ban Francisco: samples 50c CANVASSERS TO HANDLE OUR MAGNI fylng photograph frames; be first In the field; send for circulars; sample 60c post paid. Dept. D, Glen Rock Novelty Works. Glen Rock. Fa. AGENTS MAKE $5 A DAY; SELL PHOTOS from Paris Life; list and samples to start. 12 e stamps. Laurin, 21 R. Vandamme, Paris, France. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE BEST and onlv noaltiva skirt auDDorter ever in vented. Geo. N. Sceets, 1062 Monadnock bldg., Chicago. ARGE FRONT AND BACK. PARLOR, ground floor, connected with hot and cold water, bath, gas; two in family; rent reason able; gentlemen preferred; easy walking dis tance. 470 E. Washington st- TWO LIGHT. CHEERY ROOMS FOR GEN- tlemen; also large parior J-fV:;: electric light; convenient locaUon; board close by. 392 Columbia st.. near 10th. THREE WELL-FURNISHED BAY-WDOVT rooms, with phone., bath, electric lights, one third block from car, with fine view, no children. T 87. care Oregonian FOR RENT - LARGE FRONT ALCOVE room; choice location: aU modem Improve ments; private family. 383 Salmon St.. be tween W. Park and 10th. WELL-FURNISHED 8-ROOM HOUSE, IN South Portland, with gas, phone, bath, elec tricity, lawn; In nice location: very fine view. V 87. caro Oregonian. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM, all modem conveniences; with or without board; In private family. 433 Taylor st.. near 11th. nmrtwr Kiimrf PAliLORS. FURNISHED, single or en suite; modem conveniences, va cant after Monday; board next door. 13th st. GENERAL AGENTS FOR LATEST PATENT charcoal flatlrons out; 3 kinds; lowest prices. Newark Iron Co., Splngam bldg., Newark, N. 3. 4116 WASHINGTON-PLEASANT JKUAi bay window room; convenient; ymnvo lly; electric lights, phone, bath. $75 A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAID ONE farty In each county In the United States, 'artlculars free. Golden West Co., Vlsalla, CaL TWO LARGE. PLEASANT ROOMS, FIRST floor, partly rurnisnea or uniumisncu, ences. 168 13th, near Morrison. ,....- - r,nvicurn RTTVVY ROOM ALCOVE ROOM, WITH BOARD; GAS. BATH. BFontiYmi KsSss?! aWo b0rtMfc 15 10th-m- WE PAY $26 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Com pound. International Mfg. Co.. Parsons, Kan. $30 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO MEN with rigs to introduce our poultry remedies. Orwon Rem. Co.. Dept. 60, Parsons, Kan. Men to learn the barber trade. Only 2 .months Barber College. San Francisco, Cal. J Ing sent out; desirable place for good girl; gooa wages, vail J noyi su jaonuay. ttt-a n oturvp.R. 4- RATCHET SETTER, $2.60: cut-on sawyer, sz.w. gang aniui uuuttis trAiiLuit. ia; zivicjiso, good wages; other mill work; office open fcun- 1 waitresses (arm, tray), city, out; domes- day. 9 to 12. 205 Vs Morrison st- I tics. Drake, Bangs, 205ja Morrison st. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED HOTEL AND restaurant man as manager, steward or head waiter. E HJ, Oregonian. COMPETENT GIRL FOR SECOND WORK and care of baby. Apply Monday, 777 Flan ders st. 1 SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS man as head cook. Address H 88, Oregonian. , BY EXPERIENCED MAN. POSITION AS engineer or machinist. Address 392 Water st. AGENTS FOR PHOTO BUTTONS, BROOCH es. lockets, medallions: big inducements. Photo Jewelry Co., 195 State st., Chicago. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FOR CITY OR country; pleasant and profitable employment. Address P. O. box 92, Portland. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE LITTLE Wonder; handiest tool of the age. Room 316 New Grand central iiocei. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED I WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS CARE OF TO SUPPLY CUSTOMERS AND CANVASS trade for family remedies. Golden West Medicines. 13 Union blk. trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, H- C. Fisher. Fisher bldg., Chicago. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT Jsu .ti llable salesman to sell cigars, cny u-aaei roust be a rustler and have unqualified rec ommendations. N 86, Oregonian. second work. Apply 191 Eleventh st., near Yamniu. between lu ana l o ciock. COOK CAMP. $40; WAITRESSES, CHAM bermalds; plenty of work for all. Pioneer Employment Co.. 215 Morrison st. PIANO TEACHER AS PRIVATE INSTRUCT or out of city during Summer months; ref erences. Address V 89, oregonian. private place. Address S 89, Oregonian. TRIMMER AND MAKER AT BECKER'S Millinery Store. 214 3d st. WANTED AGENTS; CHOICE OF BIX SPE- claltles; large per cent, box wo, city. WANTED TO HENT. GOOD BOOKKEEPER. ABOUT 2VEXPERI- 4m,kY in nrtk insurance, reauirea. auuiw u own handwriting with references covering WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR SUMMER past six years. M 85. oregonian. months; must furnish best of references. Mrs. u. e. palmer, salmon, or. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK. AP- ply between 9 and 11 o'clock Monday morn ing at &S3 Johnson St., cor. lBtn. WANTED-MAN AND TEAM; WILL BUY A WANTED SECOND GIRL IN PRIVATE CARPENTERS AND JOINERS WANTED. Apply at Master Buiiaers- room, iJi ener lock bldg., cor. 3d and Oak sts.; wages from $3 to $3.50 per day of S hours. second-hand dump cart; also will rent two horses. Howe's brickyard, JEasi 4isi ana Division sts. TcL White 778. MEN EVERYWHERE TO CLEAN MONU- ments; lightning process, immense meney made. Experience unnecessary. Address M. Hetzler, Box 60, Angola. Ind. WANTED A GOOD SOLICITOR FOR FRA ternal Insurance; established order; unllm- boardlng-houEe; must do dining-room work. 188 7th st. Phone 1100a 171.1. WANTED PLAIN. RESPECTABLE WOMAN as housekeeper for widower on farm. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework. Call after 2 o'clock aft ernoons. 572 Flanders st. ited territory; good opportunity for right HONEST. ENERGETIC WOMAN, OVER 30, man. N 87, Oregonian. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay; to distribute circulars, adw matter, tack signs, etc No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WELL BORERS ATTENTION WANTED TO hear from flrst-clais well borers immediately to drill 0-lnch wells. Address T. W. Potter, Supt-, Chemawa, Or. WANTED MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF flce; salary $1800 yearly; man with $5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer, 203-7 Security Building, Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. BARBER WANTED-WHO IS A GOOD clarlonetlst or coraetlst: steady work guar anteed at $13 per week. Address J. A. Fox, Pomeroy. Wash. good-paying, responsible position in city; ref erences. S SS. Oregonian. 1 WANTED GOOD LAUNDRESS FOR MON days and Tuesdays. 590 E. Madison st, be tween 14th and 15th. WANTED CHILD'S NURSE, SMALL FAM- Ily. 676 Hancock, cor. il. linn, irvington. Apply forenoons. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Cor. 26th and East Main. Tele phone White 805. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. GOOD wages to a competent one. 15 North 10th, cor. Bumslde. WANTED A WAITRESS AT THE MORTON House. Apply Morrtson-st. entrance, 12th and Morrison, sts. WANTED-GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework at Mount Tabor. Phone White 689. UITUATIOXS "WANTED FEMALE. Book-keeper and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; familiar with wholesale and. mercan tile work; Al city references. P 84, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER DESIRES CIRCULAR letters, copying or other stenographic work; moderate prices, m. sy. oregonian. WANTED YOUNG LADY DESIRES Posi tion as stenographer. Address A 86, care Oregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES A position; best of references. K 88, Oregonian. "Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING AT 242 5th st.. cor. Main. Housekeeper. SITUATION WANTED BY A LADY RE cently from the East, as hotel housekeeper. taking charge of rooming-house, or house keeper In widower's family; no objection to children. Address W 87, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER WANTED SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE OR housekeeping rooms, with yard. East Side, . south of Morrison st-: state particulars. H 90, Oregonian. LUNCHES AND DINNERS IN PRIVATE ' family by lady stenographer where there are no invalids; state location suu . w. Oregonian. CHKKi.rLL, COMFORTABLY" FURNISHED room by business- woman. Call Monday, 301 Macleay bldg.. 4th and Washington. Phone Main 891. 1- COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE OR cottage for two months; gooa view aesirea state location ana price, u so, oregonian. tv A VTF.TV VACANT BEDROOM: CENTRAL, low rent; prefer between Buraside, Yamhill, aa, inn. iruKe, muiwiuh w 6 OR 7-ROOMED FURNISHED OR PARTLY furnished house, witnin waiting aiaiance adults only. J 00. oregonian. WANTED A 4- OR 6-ROOMED HOUSE, with bath, by elderly couple; no children state rent. X &a. oregonian. WANTED 4 OR 5-ROOM COTTAGE OR flat, by young couple; no children; must be reasonable, a. su. oregonian. desires position where the services of an ed- WANTED HOUBE. 7 OR MORE ROOMS, VI ucated. refined lady would be required, either in hotel or widower a come; reierences given. G 88. Orgonlan. SITUATION WANTED 'BY COMPETENT woman as housekeeper- respectable widower's family. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 2881. WANTED HOUSEKEEPING BY MIDDLE- aged widow. Apply -4 1 5 E. Burnslde. Domestic. situation Wanted by strong, com- petent girl, chamber' work, hotel, boarding house'. 230ft Yamhill. Phone Black 2S81. clnity of hospitals: rent not exceeding $35 oy June 1. P 59, oregonian. WANTED HOUSE OF ABOUT FIVE OR SIX rooms, close in preierrea; no cnuoica. a care -oregonian. -WANTED HOUSE. 5 OR 6 ROOMS, WEST Side; convenient to street cars, vaaress 88, Oregonian. T.mnr ptuirict. SUNNY ROOM. 'suitable for two; private family; phone, bath; modern. 190 itusseu St.; pnono rum. -"- Handsome suite, first floor, with hot and cold running water; aiso qoudis ana single ruuuj. with flrst-claks table. HOTEL BROWN Rooms, newly furnished; baths, electric iignts, eievaior; rooms lor transients: on both car lines. 271ft Grand ave. B LAKELET HALL. 251 7TH ST. ROOM suitable for two; nrst-ciass Doara; tour oiocu from Hotel Portland. Phone Main 2631. GOOD SUITE AND BOARD. SUITABLE FOR three. In a private family; terms very rea sonable. 671 GUsan at., near 21st. TWO LADIES WILL FIND ROOM. WITH breakfast and lunch In evening, very reason able at 73 E. 8th, near Everett. 168ft 10th ST. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED iront room on nrst noor; a nne pi&ao in wk to rent If desired: transient. 288 JEFFERSON. OPP. CITY HALL NICELY rurnisnea rront room, wim nrst-ciass lauio board; modem conveniences. FEW FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board: every modem convenience; select; rea sonable. 248 N. 20th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. $5.50 week; also one basement room; $18 month. 2SS Jefferson. A PLEASANT ROOM. WITH BOARD. IF DE slred, for -gentleman; close In; charges reason able. 252 Market. THE BURBANK. 334 YAMHILL, CORNER 7th Two rooms, single or suite, with piano; also table board. 468 YAMHILL. FOR RENT. FURNISHED rooms with first-class board; bath. . Phone West 320. 261 13TH JUST VACATED. LARGE ROOM. with dressing-room, first noor; good ooara, if desired. able; pri-ate family. 321 6th- sonable. S 86, Oregonian. 328 EAST 7TH. NEAR MADISON BRIDGE; Furnished rooms In private laroiiy oi uui. S 87, care Oregonian. , LARGE FRONT ROOMS, nlshed; reasonable rent; Yamhill St., cor. 7th. NICELY FUR translent. 343ft 2S2ft 2D ST. ELEGANTLY roiaiauiiu rooms in single ana nunc; buuluwh. 2d and Jefferson sts. i FRONT SUITE, SUITABLE FOR TWO. NICE- ly furnished: gas, pnone. Dam; aisu biu,ic room. 254 12th st. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family, suburbs; large grounas. irun. Phone Union 3046. Nicely furnished suites and single rooms, with heat, gas and phone for gentlemen. 221 13th. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two; $20 each. 191 7th st. Phone Front 16S0. ALCOVE ROOM. HOT AND COLD WATER, with board. 225 11th. Housekeeping: Hoobi. ' TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY furnished front rooms, ground floor, con nected with hot and cold water, bath, gas; rent reasonable; no children. 470 E. Wash ington St. 410 10TH THREE NICE UNFURNISHED rooms, suitable for housekeeping, man and wife; will furnish, if desired, for sleeping rooms; beautiful location: gas. bath, phono. TiT Piaivr mnVT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two; use bath, phone. 12a lutn, Dei. &au- 1 $11.00 PER month, in nuuao, rAn- lngton and Alder. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN private residence; large tmu. iuuuo 10th. cor. Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MOD- ern conveniences, suiiame tor wo; ao uw dren. 194 7th st. LARGE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. SUIT--vi. inrii n. mnn anrt wlfp: reason able. 361 7th. 3G0ft WASHINGTON ST., COM. trAtxi Nicely rurnisnea Buue una oiuSre $1.50 week up. try. bath, woodshed, furnished for house keeping, with water and telephone. Inquire Land 1 gun b Daxery. v- otn CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed housekeeping and transient rooms; also room, suitable for restaurant or store. 186 Madison, and 266ft Front. THREE PLEASANT CORNER ROOMS. COM- pletely furnished for nouseKeeping; not ana cold water In kitchen; bath: no children. 1ft Union ave., cor. E- Ankeny. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED TWO-ROOM suite; also single room; In brick building arranged tor nouseKeeping; no looging-nouse. 211ft Second and Salmon. SUNNY OUTSIDE FURNISHED uu: .,.Tf. 0 ttW bath and phone; gentlemen oniy. - rivr. fun.oni "w-o i, iv ana Jefferson. keeping on ground floor. Including basement. after 6 P. M. 632 E. 26TH. THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms; use of bath and kitchen. Inquire Sunday or any time after 6 o'clock evening; references. TWO OR MORE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: all modern conveniences. 86 W. Park, near Washington. Phone West 3922. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FURNISHED new and elegantly; gas range: everything complete. O- C. R. Ellis, room 21, 284 Morrison. NEWLY RENOVATED ROOMS FOR TWO gentlemen or man and wife. 167 West Park near Morrison. 136 10TH ST.. COR. ALDER NICELY FUR nlohed suite, 2 rooms; gas range, telephone; no children. 429 SALMON PLEASANT FURNISHED room for married couple or gentleman; every convenience. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR, suitable for two, with or witnout Doaru. West Park. 193 electric lights; bath, pnone; aiso p- JJ -,t?2 lng. rooms. 213ft 4TH ST. ROOMS. ALL OUTSIDE AND light; bath; $1.50 and $2 per week. Phone West 224L RYAN HOUSE. 269ft 5TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite, smsie. uppwuc City Hall. -WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSE, ABOUT I PLEASANT. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, June 1st; responsible parties gonlan. X 87, Ore SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. NO. almost new; cost $105, for $C5. 264 Stark st. WEBER PIANO. $125: CHASE. $165; ONE $25. Upstairs. 104ft 1st. Phone West 3576. SNAP MAN'S RAMBLER BIKE. GOOD AS new. Phone West SS01 or call 385 4th st. FOR SALE MITCHELL MOTOR-BIKE. AL most new. Address R 89. Oregonian. FOR SALE GASOLINE SCHOONER, 20 tons; nearly new. R 90. Oregonian. FOR SALE GOOD ROLLTOP OAK DESK Address F 8S, care Oregonian. FOR SALE GOOD SECOND-HAND PIANO, very cheap. P 93. Oregonian. TWO FINE JERSEY COWS FOR SALE; ONE fresh. 1061 N. E. 7th st. LADY'S COLUMBIA BICYCLE. . GOOD CON dltlon S27 Oak. near 6th. HIGH-GRADE PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP. Phono Scott 2S57. FOR SALE BABY BUGGY AND CHILD'S crib. Call 133 11th. FOR SALE 25 FINE MILCH COWS. Rohr, St. Johns. SINGLE, SOBEK 7 9J?S?' P. WANTED BRIGHT GIRL TO STUDY PHO- COMPETENT SWEDISH GIRL TO DO GEN- board and room provided; state terms. S 90, Oregonian. SALESMEN TO SELL PERFUMES. TOILET soaps, etc. to dealers; $100 monthly and ex penses. Plumer Perfumery A Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. iinnr ORGANIZERS WANTED FOR PRIN- cipal cities; ?100 to $200 monthly. Walter A Rice, secretary. 644 Elllcott square, Buf falo, N. Y. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR BLANKETS and Fall dress goods on commission. The Purnell Dale Mills. P. O. Box 600. Phila delphia. THE Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPART- ment exists to nna we ngnt man xor we tography. etc; full instruction given. 995, city. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK, children or sewing; sleep home. 223 Market, room 6. WOMAN TO DO COOKING AND LIGHT housework at once. Apply 6S7 Washington street. WANTED WOMAN FOR COOKING AND general housework. 209 16th, near Taylor. WANTED IN PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE, girl for ktichen work. 89 5th, near Stark. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. Apply 616 East Pine, cor. IGtb. eral housework and cooking In small fam ily. Y 83. Oregonian. WANTED PLACE AS CHAMBERMAID: young woman living at home. Address B I WANTED HARDWARE ot, unguauu - nr fUP.OOM HOUSE. WEST SIDE. BY June 1 or after 15th; 3 adults. X 86, Ore- gonlan. WATED MISCELLANEOUS. modern, central; light housekeeping privilege. 253 0th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. GEN- tlemen only. 9 N. litn St., Deu uurnsiue and Stark. j FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY; RENT reasonable: gas. Dam ana pnone. ueuiun. Russ 460. COMPETENT COOK IN BOARDING-HOUSE or private family by middle-aged lady. T 85, Oregonian. BY TWO LADIES. AS CHAMBERMAIDS. AT come Summer resort- Address w 84, Ore gonian. GIRL WISHES PLACE TO ASSIST IN housowork. O 90, Oregonian. Nurses. STOCK AND in Portland, or some thriving town: also small grocery stock where butcher shop can b added and location for first-class ice -Tim and confectlonefi store. Phone Main 249S. or call on Palmer Bros. (Ford's), room FURNISED FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR SS. 165ft 4th st. I one .or two gentlemen, in new flat. 269 Co- TO RENT FURNISHED-" FHUKT kuojii. private .ramiiy; gentlemen, ouo uu.v, w. 19th st. WANTED TO BUY $2000 WORTH OF MEN'S lumbla. cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy va- TWO NICE CLEAN UNFURNISHED ROOMS; JVr V V,. wt X for the rlcht GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 495 E. EXPERIENCED nurse for confine- I Pine sL, cor. 10th. Telephone East 67. I ment and housekeeping; $30 per month. R Use and grips; every one knows we always Mt the hirhest prices paid for everything: ror men's clothing a specialty. Call at the fair Jjeai, . ou su ruuuc nuuu uii. DOOMS WITH BOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY. widower, two girls, age 7 and 14: Christian gas, bath, etc;, private family. 430 Jeffer son st. FURNISHED ROOMS AT 361 TAYLOR ST; 2 blocks rrom .roruana noiei. rauuo mi. HELP WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN TO SELL AS a side line our 1103 patented advertising masque fans, used by all classes of trade. The most attractive and novel Idea In the fan line this season; big commissions. You can make $30 to $50 per week. Write at once, with reference. United States Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. SALESMAN BY WHOLESALER; EXPERI enced selling country merchants. Unequalled proposition; merchants pay for goods as .sold. Our best salesmen easily sell six to eight orders a week. Commission advanced; $30 each order. Box 156. Minneapolis. Minn. NEVADA Laborers, drillers, tunnelmen, $2 to $3 day. FREE FARE. . SHIP DAILY. Chances for machine men, teamsters, etc C. R. HANSEN & CO 26 N. Second st. WANTED MAN OF ABILITY AS GENERAL agent, to write Investment contracts, with guarantee bonds attached; $150 month and office expenses. Hustlers only. Address In ternational Credit Company, Los Angeles, CaL I SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN. TRAV cllng or local. Side line. 25 per cent com mission. Goods new; sell to ever) business, everywhere. Sample case free. Address L. N. Co., U2 E. 125th St.. New York. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS AND S&per-hangers; wages from $3 to $3.50 per ay; 8 hours work. Apply to J. Burabam, eecretary Master Painters' Association. i07 Alder et.. Portland. Or. TUBA AND SLIDE TROMBONE PLAYER wanted. Good position for the right man. Address Forest Grove Band. Forest Grove, Or. WANTED FIRST OR SECOND BASS SING- er who is a pianist, lor saianea position on male quartet. Address- uox zw, isewoerg. Or. WANTED STUDENTS IN TELEGRAPHY: teacher, 15 years' experience: automatic sender. BehnkeWa!ker Business College. WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT ress. Zlnsleys restaurant. 230 1st st. A DRESSMAKER'S APPRENTICE; ALSO sewing girls. 420ft Morrison st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT Watson's restaurant, 109 4th. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN DRESSMAK ing. Apply 35 N.18th st. A COMPETENT GIRL "housework. 234 10th st. 88. Oregonian. home preferred: home comforts; ask no extra I Furnished rooms, $1 week uv. Gllmaa Hotel. NURSE. EXPERIENCED. WOULD TAKE confinement cases. 254 Montgomery. Phone Hood 257. Miscellaneous. FOR GENERAL COMPETENT RAILROAD PASSENGER AND freltrht conductors and brakemen. " Apply room 4 Cosmos House, 268ft Morrison st- A FIRST-CLASS PRACTICAL MACHINIST; must know how to do both floor and lathe work; state experience. J 85, Oregonian. ;lerk wanted at coffman candy store. 850 Washington st. MEN WANTED TO DISTRIBUTE CIRCU- lars. - 340 Morrison su SALESMAN WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO call on grocery trade: $25 weekly. Wells Mfg. & Supply Co. Indianapolis, Ind. W ANTED WOMAN TO WASH. COR. EAST I AN EXPERIENCED PROOFREADER AND writer of literary articles will take manu- sexlnt for correction, or win compose arti cles cn topic desired. Address V 88. Ore gonian. it OTHER AND DAUGHTER-ONE DESIRES work by day. any kind, and other serving dinners and luncneons; oest reierences. 000 Morrison st. MOTHERLY WOMAN. LOVELY HOME, would care for child; reasonable. 254 Mont gomery. Phone liooa za. work: West- Side; Park School. Office phone Mala 23S0: res. phone Front 3761. WANTED 1000 TO OOOO AUliiiS OUT OVEK or stump lands, Detween jroruana ana Seat tle preferred: convenient to transportation; low price and time given to colonize. Ad dress Palmer Bros., room 38, 165ft 4th st. OLD CLOTHING AND OLD SHOES. HIGH- esi prices pinu - - - 1st Jc Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. CS7 2D ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room Wltn moaern .conveniences; u y DESIRABLE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR ONE or two; moaern conveniences. 100 west mn. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE room; very dcsiraoie; ciose in. ajonarajuu. old shoes and blankets. 73ft N. 3d st. Phone 3dniCE LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUIT Green 428. Orders promptly attended to. abie ror two; $10 a month: board. If desired. lir-ht hnusekeenlnsr. in nrlvate house; 11 Grand ave N., between Bumslde and An keny. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOUSE keeplng rooms; telephone; no children. 117 Russell at., near Mississippi ave.. Lower Al bino. VERY DESHtABLE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; light, convenient: gooa location, ine 4 Belllngham, 421ft E. Morrison, cor. 6th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with connecting Summer kitchen; closet, bath and telephone. 433 Everett, near 11th. HOOK TENDER; PAY THE LARGEST wages; call today before 12 M.; flunkey, $30. Pioneer .Employment uo., 10 jiutiuuu. TWO ROOMS, FURNISHED, WITH USE OF parlor and kitchen; bath, hot and cold water. 788 Kelly st.; $15 per month. TWO NICE LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED for light housekeeping: gas. bath, phone; no children. 447 Main. Tel. Green 1008. TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS FUK housekeeping; also niceiy iuroisnea rooms uy the week or month. 153ft N. 6th at. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED THREE-ROOM suite, with alcove, gas and bath; no chil dren. Inquire Monday 47 N. 15th st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms, first noor; gas, oatn, leiepnuue; central and reasonable. 333 3d at. ONE SUITE; ALSO LARGE SINGLE ROOM, well furnished for housekeeping. Esmond Annex. 146ft Front. Red 3040. THREE PLEASANT ROOMS. FURNISHED, good location, tcvcouple without children. Phone West 250L References. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; lower floor of residence; centrally located. Call 427 Stark st., near 11th. WANTED SECOND-HAND SPRING WAG- THE ABBOTT. 22Sft WASH.-Flne furnished THREE UNFURNISHED HOBKEEPING on: horse to ao come urmus "ji izw-ino-. Cow. would buy If cheap. Address or see C. J. Larson, Lents. Or. WANTED MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. nairi nirsons leninK roe wno nas one. whether I buy or not- K. K. Kelley, Kansas City. Mo. 23d and East Madison. COLORED OilAJX YAftia "Uttll. wlv.tvnSB (IP BHGCT. HARNESS AND kind by day; nrst-ciass laundress; rerer- -f kp for the Summer; best ences. K 8.. Oregonian. f "are given; good references. C 87, Ore- DETECTTVES EVERY LOCALITY, GOOD j salary, experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. . COOKS HOTELS. FIRST. $45; SECONDS, $25, $30, $40; dishwashers, porters, laborers. Drake. Bangs. 205ft Washington at. -nrA-crEE-OUARTZ MINER. PREFER MAN familiar with Sullivan or Ingersoll-Sargent drills. 1 80. oregonian. WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT FINISHERS. Apply 64 Lewis bldg. WANTED DRESSMAKING APPRENTICE. 46 N, Sth st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SOO0 STRAWBERRY PICKERS; WRITE THE Y rooms, single or housekeeping; also 22 N. 8th. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. NICE NEIGH- borhood. ioveiy grounas. am xm. uju m- THE BONITA. 89 7TH ST.. NEAR LIBRARY Nicely turnisneq. sunny nrai trujuuaun. THE SHERMAN. 12TH AND WASHINGTON Two rurnisnea rooms, genutmcu umj.. rooms on East Side; nice location; use of telephone. Phone bcott Jio THREE CLEAN CONNECTING HOUSE keeplng rooms with closets; second floor, private house. 454 Yamhill. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; phone and bath; very reason able rent. Inquire 152 1st. WANTED SOME MORE SCHOLARS ' IN German or piano, by competent teacher, box 639, city, A LADY WANTS ANY KIND OF WORK BY day, or will take washing home. D SS, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. WRITE FOR our Civil Service catalogue and learn how over 14,000 persons annually secure good pay ing positions. Columbian Correspondence Col lege. Washington. D. C WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN; As sortment line. Good advertising feature splendid talking points. Salesmen earn $300 to $500 per month. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line. High commissions, with advance ot $100 monthly. Permanent posi tion to right man. Jess II. Smith Co., De troit. Mica. WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL WHITE lead. No experience necessary: liberal com mission paid; goods delivered and other in ducements to dealers. Address Bowman Co operative White Leaa company, bt. Louis, Mo. DETECTIVE SHREVD. RELIABLE MAN wanted In every locality for profitable secret service; experience unnecessary. Write American Detective Association, Indianapo lis. Ind. TIME SAVING OFFICE DEVICES, LOOSE leaf ledsers, trial balance books, journals; lowest prices; .look us up. Pacific Blank Sook Co., sutlostn. Printers, SOT Sa sU WANTEDSALESMEN; $60 MONTHLY AND expenses: permanent, nemcn oeea . o.. Rochester, N. X. DRAFTSMEN WE HAVE ACTUAL VA- cancles ror 10 gooa men. .engineering Agency, Chicago. BALLOONIST WANTED TO MAKE ASCEN- slon soon. Address uaiioon, stating terms, care Oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN FOR cigar and confectionery store. Apply 1&4 6th St.. North. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BOILERMAKERS. Apply at room .no. 12 oosmos House, ro. 166ft 4th it. Hood River Fruitgrowers' Union before com ing, and they will have arrangements for the growers to meet you at tn tram or noat; work commences last of May; good pay. WANTED MAN OR WOMAN WITH $000 TO Invest In legitimate business; employ part of time, or will borrow the $600 on good secur ity and give employment If desired. For particulars call room 219, Ablngton bldg. PARTNER WANTED FOR ESTABLISHED comer saloon: fine chance; young man pre ferred: experience not necessary, A 87, Ore gonian. 1 " LEARN PROOFREADING SITUATIONS SE cured. $15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspond ence School. Philadelphia. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER: give references; state salary wanted. R 87, care Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED, A SPE- cltlay. at 6S3ft Northrop st. xeiepnone tiea 3611. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD: LOVELY home; terms reasonable. A 71. Oreconian. WOMAN WANTS SWEEPING. DUSTING, housecleanlng. Telephone Main 2290. t FIRST-CLASS PIANO LESSONS. 60C EXPE- rlenced teacher. T oS, oregonian. WANTED-DAY WORK BY COMPETNT woman. Telephone Red 3201. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. OREGON phone Hood 257. WANTED AGENTS. gonlan. WANT TWO COLTS 4 YEARS OLD OR older, unbroken or broke; will pay $75 to $100 for two, casn. n. 00, unsuumu. WANTED GOOD, GENTLE HORSE; ALSO light spring wagon; rami ue cueap. At gal lery. 203ft tsi su COMFORTABLE ROOMS FOR RENT. WITH 4 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ordinary conveniences, at 44 N. 9th st. rooms; gas range, phone and bath; no chlL FOR RENT THREE u.t uiunibiilij rooms. 31014 f irst; pnone too. 335 DAVIS. COR. 7TH FURNISHED FRONT room: bath ana. oreaKiast, 11 uesireu. NICE. COSY ROOM. WALKING DISTANCE; lady only. Vi tin su, near quit. dren. 68 7th St., near Oak. TWO VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS furnished for housekeeping; vacant Tuesday; no children. 354 Salmon su. 645ft WASINGTON ST. VERY DESIRABLE suites of 2 and 3 rooms, furnished for house keeping; free phone; bath. -n- vTtTi T niS SG00. $900. GOOD EECTJR 1 1 ... n Tl, I . I n,m-iaTTHTi T HftTTCt-ir WTJTVfl Main 1040. -wndiRkne 284 Hancock st. ' rooms: ground or upper floor; large yard; WANTED GOOD SKIFF, ABOUT 20 FEET QKE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED. 311 long. Olsen-Nordby Lumber Co.. 101 Sher- In. Call between 4 and 7. lock .bldg. m ivn-nlN'R SECOND-HAND HIGH- grade light buggy; also phaeton. G 86, care .Oregonian. PUPILS WANTED IN RETOUCHING. PART or full course. Appiy auk, mo puuwsiiuci. 169 7th su WANTED A 10-FOOT COUNTER: ALSO flat-top Cigar casey siaic iJtit. a. oo, uic- gonian. Main. Call FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite for rent- zii ixin st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE. UN- furalshed. 70 r. iota bu FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT; ALL Con veniences, ins lttn su FOUR PLEASANT UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent at ass iatn su 86 AGENTS OUR MEN ARE MAKING $3 TO T AN Jgana1!? f 1; balhT phoned .in a.-. A. .incr c!n.p Our free eve book I rooms at once, pacinc Lana uo.. m ist su GOOD CEMENTMEN TO FINISH SIDE walk; only first-class men need apply. Phone Scott 10S7. YOUNG MAN DRIVER FOR -DELIVERY wagon. Apply at 344 Washington su Monday, 9 AM. BRIGHT. ACTIVE BOY. ABOUT 18 YEARS of age. Unique Tailoring Co., 347 Washing ton su WANTED PORTER IN WHOLESALE GRO cery bouse. Address Q SS. care Oregonian. WANTED PEOPLE TO PACK AND PICK strawborrlia. Phone Scott 1585. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. rttttattON WANTED BY Al DRY GOODS salesman In good country town from 4000 to 10.000; must be gooa. nusuing store; best of references. J. L. R-, 229 5th St., Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER $10 a day fitting glasses. Our free eye book tells all about lu Write today. Jacksonlan BOY WANTED WHO HAS BICYCLE. TO DE- ALPINE EMP. AGENCY ALL KINDS OF tells all about it. Write today, jacksonlan BORROW $6000 ON SAWMILL lvtr packagea. Call Monday at noon. 285 help furnished. 152 1st st. Phone Main 1917. . Optical College. Dept. CI. 10. Jackson. Mich. WANTED--TO ' m Oregonlaa. Morrison. A RESTS ARTISTIC AND PICTORIAL sign cards are winners; 700 specialties; drop everything and get our offer. Samples free. Val. Schreler Sign Works, Milwaukee, Wis. and 400 acres of timber. J 80. Oregonian. WANTED $3000 FOR 3 YEARS AT 8 PER cent, on good real estate, tr w, ureguniaa. WANTED TO RENT BARN AND BUY SPAN corses, u so, oreKuni&a. 231ft MARKET FRONT. LIGHT, CLEAN room; reasonaoie. Rooms "Wltn Board. AGENTS WANTED HITCH HORSES SOLID flX oaei sJgt artier. Address Pocket I WANTED $300; GOOD SECURITY. HItchlngpost Co., Richmond. Ind. wtvTcn-YASAOER IN EVERY CITY. M,niT tn handle best-navlng business known: lMritlmate: new: exclusive control. Phoe nix Co.. 15 W. 2Sth St.. N. Y. i 995, city. FOR REST. Roams. TAILOR BUSHELMAN BY THE WEEK AT the Brownsville Woolen Mills Store, ''?fJfSr T 7i iiTiS; ith irtiots-SIIRE. PERMANENT INCOME. good house; fine penman, rapid and accu- $25 weekly, lowest estimate; sure, permanent, -r- ffrehces. N 85. Oregonian. safe. Our "Starter", free. Address O. E. WANTED YOUNG MAN; ALSO SALESLA dles for dry goods. Roberts Bros. BOY WITH WHEEL. TO DELIVER PACK ages. 433 Washington st. PLATEN PRESS FEEDER . WANTED. THE YOUNG MAN DESIRES EMPLOYMENT IN any line of business offering chance of ad vancement; seven years with last employer. N 88. Oregonian. Lewis, Milwaukee, Wis. ALL-ROUND OFFICEMAN WANTS SITUA- - tlon,- with -opportunity- ioworjc -anto -me moi sess; best of references O 88, Oreffcalas SALESMEN TO SELL PERFUMES. TOILET soaps, etc, to dealers; $100 monthly and expenses. Plumer Perfumery & Mfg. Co., St. Louis. Mo. WANTED TWO PORTRAIT AGENTS, NEW preposition. Bheriocs dio.-, reom-xn. - vtppt.y "CTTTINTSHED FRONT PARLOR. suitable for one or two gentlemen- Call Sun day forenoon or aionaay. io . iim su 181ft FIRST ST., COR, YAMHILL NEWLY fumSsnea rooms, en euiic, nmsic, iuwkiu conveniences; tourist transient soiiciteo. NICELY FURNISHED Itooais vvitm. board; large lawn; gooa location, m nm au FURNISHED SUITE. HOT AND COLD WA- terK with boara. ioj um q-. NICE ROOM NEAR PORTLAND HOTEL. 183 7th; bath and phone Hood 1713; reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED .u.vr nuujia. with or witnout aw BOARD AND ROOM. IN PRIVATE FAMILY. Inquire aow ion bu, GOOD TABLE BOARD .AND - ROOM, $4 PER week, inquire ui phone. 189 13th st. TWO FRONT ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED for housekeeping in a brick building. The Delaware, 20ft Grand ave. 55 N. ,7TH ST. UNDER NEW MANAGE ment; front parlor, bay window; housekeep ing rooms; single rooms. IF YOU WANT NICE UOUSEKEEPU.U rooms, call Monday at the Belllngham, cor. 6th and E. Morrison sts. I NICE FRONT AND BACK. SUITES FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; reasonable and respectable, ist st. SUITE OF ELEGANTLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; all modem conveniences. 85 7th su Call after 12- FOUR-ROOM FLAT, UNFURNISHED OR partly rurnisnea; u-room nouse, central; yard. 68 N. 10th st. -i.T4-.T-. -rtrvn-vr wpau TnTJTT. ANO HOTEL. 18S , I ..r,T.T-T,Trrr.T.rr. tjt r-A o xrr ctttt-c 7th; bath and phone noou ii; rearonaoie. auuot.iu.ii'w v ,' 231ft MARKET SUITE OF LOVELY LIGHT, clean rooms, furnished for housekeeping; rea sonable; no children. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; phone, gas, bath; no children; refer ences. 235 12th st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms: one pleasant rront room, suiiaaia ' for two. 334 5th su 350 YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED flat In private residence; gas, bath, tele phone; no children. . SSSSs. mtl ffld &,r rm -CLASS. NICELT BOOMS rOK BUSK- dUmer, If desired; lefereacs. 408 3L.