THE SUNDAY OHEGONIAK, " -PORTLAND, HAT 16, 1908. If CLASSIFIED AD. BATES. Rooms," "Rooiss and Board." "HoTVr- 1rie Pwm," "Situation "Wanted." 15 words or leas. 15 oests; 16 to 20 -words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No discount for ad ditional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents or 15 words or less; 16 to 20 -words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 -words, 60 cents, etc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per Una for each additional Insertion. ; ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan -will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. i MEETING NOTICES. GEORGE WRIGHT RELIEF CORPS, NO 2, will give their last whist social and dance of the season at G. A. II. Hall. Friday evening. Hay 15. Admission. 15c WINSLOW-MEAD CIRCLE. NO. 7. Ladles of the G. A. R., will meet Monday evening In their hall. A. O. U. W. bldg. Members re quested to attend. MRS. L. M. BENEDICT, President. PORTLAND UNION, NO. 2, ORDER OF WASHINGTON, meets In Knights of Pythias Hall. 8th floor Marquam bldg., every Wednes day evening. Good music Good attendance, and pleasant evening for all. Visiting com rades -welcome. . E. HELEN MITCHELL, President. O. N. FORD, Secretary. MTRTLE UNION. NO. 71. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, meets In Fogs Hall, corner Hawthorne and Grand avenues, every -j. aura day evening. Visiting comrades Invited. MRS. ANNA JOPLIN. President. LUCY BOSCOW, Secretary. MARTHA UNION. NO. 85. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, meets In Foresters Hall, sec ond and Yamhill sts., every Saturday evening. Social every meeting. Visiting comrades al ways "welcome. MARY VAN LEAR, President. MISS E. COOPER. Secretary. HOME UNION, NO. 1. ORDER OF WASH INGTON, meets room 012 Marquam buiiaing, Visitors always -welcome. ' MRS. I. H. PERKIS, Secretary. A. & A. S. RITE, OREGON LODGE OF PERFECTION, UO. 1. Postponed regular meeting Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock at Cathedral. Work In fourth, fifth and lxth degrees. By order VEN. MASTER. BORX. 60ESBE In Chehalls. Wash. April 28. to C. F. Soesbe and -wife, formerly of Portland, a DIED. M'KEOWN In this city at the family resi dence. 60S Clinton St., May 1. 1003, Eliza beth J. McKeown. aged 21 years 2 months and 15 davs. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTICE. SWEINHART Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of tbo late Mary E. Swclnhart, which will be held at the funeral chapel of J. P. Flnlay & Son. Monday, 2 P.M. Inter ment Greenwood cemetery. J. P. FINLEY fc SON. Froeressl-re Funeral Directors and Embalmcrs, cor. aa and Madison mtreets. Com petent lady anu'U Botli phones So. 0, EDWARD HOLM AN, Undertaker, 4tU and Yamhill sts. Rena Stlnson, lady assistant. Both Phones So. 507. CLARICE BROS.. FINE FLOWKUS, Floral Designs, Si) 3Iorrlson. SCHANEN & KEU, MONUMENTS, cemetery -vrorlc, etc, 208 First. NEW TODAY. The Oldest Tru3t Company In Oregon. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Incorporated April 22, 18S7. COUPON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. There are many people -who -would like to buy railroad bonds or municipal bonds, but they have not sufficient money on hand for investments of this kind. To all such we offer our coupon certificates of deposit, which they can procure from us for any sum not leys than $500, and on which -we pay interest ceml annually at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, as per coupons attached. We Issue these certificates of deposit for one, two. three, four or Ave years. They make a very safe and convenient form of invest ment, and have the advantage that they are always ready upon application, and conse quently there Is no occasion for you to lose Interest upon your money even for a single day. We shall be pleased to show you these cer tificates and give you any further Informa tion. If you will call upon PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 THIRD STREET. FOR SALE EITHER OR BOTH OF THOSE elegant dwellings. No. 211 and 215 12th at., being the northwest cor. of 12th and Salmon eta, are now offered for sale by Parrish, Watklns & Co.. No. 250 Alder st. $12.000 FOR SALE. 100x100. 10TH AND Lovejoy; fine large residence, beautiful grounds; situated among homes cf wealthy and refined. Inquire 231 Taylor, cor. 2d. To Loan $2000, 40006 XTJYIUL X UnUS SId0 near-la property: give particulars. Address F 90, care Oregonlan. HEAL ESTATE WANTED Pv cash buyers at reasonable figures for central property. F. V. Andrews & Co., Ham lin building. 1 ci Qfift For a rooming-house of 24 rooms. flluuw centrally located, rooms all occupied. COinn C-rooin modem cottage on E. Bel v1"" mont St., at Sunnyslde. on car line. FAMLIXGER & REDDING. Real Estate, Farm and City Property p95 Belmont st.. Sunnyslde. Phone Scott 3082. British Benevolent Society The annual meeting of the "British Benevo Society" will be held at the office of the Krltlsh Consulate. Alnsworth block, corner 3d an! Oak sts., on Wednesday evening. May 13. at 8 o'clock, when reports of the year will be mads and officers for the ensuing year will be e.r.tea. A lull attendance is requested. SPECIAL Small Sugar-Cured Hams 14c Picnic hams 12a 5 pounds lard, compound.... 50c C rcunds pure lard C5c Creamery butter ., 40c and 45c Best creamery 50c Dairy butter S5cand40c Fu cream cheese, 2 pounds 35c Swiss cheese, per pound 25c LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO. 204 YAMHILL. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION Sealed proposals will be received by the City Recorder of Pendleton. Or., until 4 o'elrvk. May 10. 1903. for the construction of a sewer age system in the City of Pendleton. Or. The extent of the proposed system is ap- ?roximately S miles of sewers from 6 to 20 nches In diameter, 64 manholes and 18 flush tanks. Material? required for the construction of the system win be rurolsbed by the city. Full In structions to bidders and blank forms of pro posals will be furnished upon application to the ouico ui vi. --. -umer, city ana sanitary engi neer, Pendleton. Or., where plans and speclfl may be seen. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check for the sum of seven hundred and fifty (o0 dollars, payable to the City of Pendleton, which sum shall be forfeited In case the bidder to whom the award Is made, shall fall to enter Into a contract with the city with in five days after receiving notice of said award. The city reserves the right to reject any or U4 U1U&. THOMAS FITZGERALD. City Recorder. Dated ilay 7,'103 - . . NEW TODAY. FORD'S WILL SELL YOUR FURNITURE OR OTHER. GOODS FOR YOU, OR WILL BUY ANYTHING FROM YOU PHONE MAIN 1020. AUCTION SALE Tomorrow, at 182 First Street It Is WONDERFUL the GREAT QUANTITY of FURNITURE (from the CHEAP to the VERY FINEST) that Is continually coming to us and being SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE at 182 1st st. You are welcome to examine the goods any time. MR. L R. COULTER has delivered to us for this sale some FINE BED ROOM SUITES In oak. ash and fir; good MAN TEL BED. with DRAPERY; very pretty BRASS-TRIMMED METAL BEDS; Bed Lounge, Y. Y. springs; curied-halr MAT TRESSES; MASSIVE WALNUT EXTENSION TABLE; canopy top -walnut SIDEBOARD; beautiful OAK SIDEBOARDS, with F. P. mir ror; H. B. Dining Chairs: Boston and Cobbler Seat ROCKERS; Cnter Tables; PATENT RE CLINING CHAIR: Chiffonier, with F. P. mir ror; Lady's Desk; Couches: Carpets; Cook Stoves; Heaters; LOT CARPENTER'S TOOLS: Crockery and Granlteware and ECLIPSE STEEL RANGE, WITH WARMING CLOSET. IN USE ONLY 10 DAYS. Come sharp at 10 A. M. tomorrow, as -we -will sell the best goods first. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S AUCTION SALE Tuesday, for E. E. Gooding, at His Eesidence, 832 First. Mr. Gooding's business Interests out of the city demand his personal attention, and he has decided to sell without reserve all his MAG NIFICENT FURNITURE, etc., of -which the following Is only a partial list; One LEATH ER UPHOLSTERED Easy Chair and Rocker, en suite, cost SSO; Turkish Couch: ORIENTAL PORTIERES; on elegant POLISHED OAK SIDEBOARD and EXTENSION TABLE; H. B. Dining Chairs; Parlor Lamp, coat $15; beau tiful oak and maple Bedroom Suits. Metal Beds. Y Y springs; Center Tables: about 55 yards almost new BODY BRUSSELS CAR PET: STAIR CARPETS and ALL-WOOL IN GRAIN CARPETS: Rugs: Lace Curtains; Shades; YOST TYPEWRITER In perfect or der: OAK ROLLTOP OFFICE DESK; C-hole BORN STEEL RANGE. COST $75; Kitchen Treasure; Kitchen Safe; Crockery. Granite ware, etc; FAIRBANKS PLATFORM SCALES, one store truck, etc An opportunity like this does not come often when you can secure such HIGH-CLASS, clean and NEARLY NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS at AUCTION. Sale Tuesday next. May 12. 10 A. M.. at S32 First st. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S AUCTION SALE Wednesday, at 182 First Street This sale consists of different LOTS OF FUR NITURE sent us from all parts of the city, and consists of bedroom, parlor, dining-room and kitchen FURNITURE of almost every de- Duipuun, warpeis, uook stoves. Heaters. Crock ery and granlteware. etc.; also good, large REFRIGERATOR, a two-seated SURREY in good order -will be sold at 10 A. M. sharp. Sale begins at 10 A. M., every Wednesday, at 182 ls' st. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S AUCTION SALE Friday, at 182 First Street For this sale -we have an unlimited assort ment of MERCHANDISE. FURNITURE of all kinds. BEAUTIFUL SIDEBOARDS. PRETTT AiUSl.EU, BRASS-TRIMMED METAL tiu; aiso lioots and Shoes Shirts, Books, Ladies' Shirtwaists etc Sale Friday. May 15. 10 A. M.. at 182 1st st. H. FORD. Auctioneer. 3T Money Makers ior quarter block. 14th and John- .It mill 50n- Nob Hln- wKh 10-room real BVU, iNOQ XJI1I. with dence; a great snap, trinnn ior a nice i-room residence on Ev- 3JJUU SSV ' near 21st. Nob Hill; rents j.v per cent. jLLJJ cola; x nap: S "d see it. C4 ftfl ??J?ler:lot with lesant residence. 7C Fer lot .oa Paon Boulevard; will T be worth $500 when car line gets there: only 7 left: they sell like hot twites, tuiuo una duv one. (TPAAA Corner lot elosn in niih SSPi1- Io,th 5-room cottage, on VtokUU Mm anerznan. x. IKkll -rtici . lou vorwstt st., near P I lJU vwmaKcr w,la mco cottage. $3600 $2750 House, 8 rooms, and corner lot, on XI11IU Si, 50x100 feet on First st., with 0- ruum cottage. $6500 Quarter block. Nob Hill. ISth and Hoyt sts.; elegant spot for flats or resicenccs. $9000 $5000 Quarter block. First St.. 4 houses, pays 10 per cent.; fine investment. 3 acres, in the city; will plat and sell for more than $10,000; grand speculation. Goldsmith & Co. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Woodstock Lots in this most attractive suburb are 100x100 feet. We sell them at $300. We will build on them for you. You may pay in installments. For particulars and terms, call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 109 THIRD STREET. FO Two Second Hand 100-Hght bprague Dynamos, with extra Interchangeable armature. Also one second hand 120-light American tnglne Co. dynamo low voltage, suitable for miii work. 110 or 115 volts. Address A. W. COCHRAN, Oregonlan Bldg. Portland Or. Wanted One Hundred People To build homes in Weston. Oregon. The city will give free water for ten years to all house builders. This means a gift of 51 50. Weston Real Estate Association. 14 East 120th St.. New Tork City. For Sale by Owner. 400-acre rich bottom farm, near new electric line, u miles irom Oregon city, uaii or write for particulars, w. 11. Fear. Failing bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Oa improved city and farm property. Bulldlnr loans, installment loans. Wii. uacuastsb. Ill Worcester felocjc $4500 Lot and new, strictly modern house, S rooms; full cement walk!-; very desirable location; an waiKt; very ucsirauic iucuoni an Al buy: full lSOxlOO feet; for sale If desired. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock bid. NEW TODAY. OILMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L H. OILMAN, AGCTIOHEER Phone Mala 2473. Navajo Indian Blankets by Auction Sale. 20 choice specimens of above -unique blankets from Albuquerque N. M., -will be sold tomor row, Monday, at 11 A. M., at No. 413 Washing ton st. On view. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Attractive Auction Sale of Household Furniture Sold on Account cf Departure Frcm Glly. uesday, May 12th, 10 A. M., at 413 Washington Street. InclUdintr Axmlnstrr Carnrtm find W11 and Stair Carpets, Rugs 9x12 feet. Linoleum. Chif foniers with oval mirrors. Dressers in oak and oiruseye mapie. pretty Rockers. Dlnlng-Room Suite. Sideboard. Chairs and Table; Mantel Bed and Twice-Foldinff Bed. Mattresses, verv pretty China Closet in oak and swell glass front. I'anor urgan and Couches. Arm Chairs. Por tieres. Lace Curtains, Bulwers Complete Works. Bookkeeper's Desk, all the balance of furniture from house. Steel Range and Treas ure. Many other lots of housekeeping articles. Sale TUESDAY, 10 A. M. 413 WASHINGTON STREET. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale of Household Furniture At Residence, No. 67 Ella St., Wednesday, May 13th, at 10 A. M. Including clesrant Pier Mirror, cold frame: Sofa. Arm Chairs. Emv Chairs nnhnlsrferd In BROCADED SILK, Lace Curtains. Morris Chair. Moquette Carpets In parlors. Brussels Carpets, Hall and Stair iarpei3, nanasome intension Table, Sideboard and EIGHT DINING CHAHtS, INCLUDING CARVING CHAIRS. FULLY UPHOLSTERED IN LEATHER. Mantel Clocks. Portieres. Books. Lady's Dressing Case, full mirror? BIRDSEYE MAPLE DRESSER. Tinted Iron ueasieaas. springs. Mattresses. Pillows, otto man, Crockery. Stands, Dish Closet. Chiffoniers, uqo neasiaas, xirass iamps, coucn. etc: a fine Bridge, Beach & Co. genuine STEEL RANGE. G-hole top and top oven; 4-hole top OAS RANGE, Laundry Stove, Kitchen Treas ure, etc, etc. SALE WEDNESDAY. MAY 13, 10 A. M.. ax bi caLiua. S. L. N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Cattle, Farming Implements, Horses, Wagons, Etc. At Joseoh Marok's. 24 miles east of Tront- aaie, mursaay next. 11 A. M. S. L,. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of 'Household Furniture We are instructed to sell by public auction, on Friday next, May 15th, at No. 413 Washington St., at 10 A. M. Parlor, sitting-room, dining-room and kitchen furniture, the contents of residence, removed io salesroom tor convenience or sale. FRIDAY, i a. -ai. a. i. z. uiuiiAr-. Auctioneer. IMPORTANT SALE OF ELEGANT PARLOR OF HIGHEST GRADE OF 3JAUFACTURB AAU UNIQUE DESIGN. GOLDEN OAK DIN SUITE. WILTON AND AXMIN STER CARPETS. MASSIVE IRON BEDS, RIRDSEYE MAPLE FURNITURE, STEEL RANGE: IN FACT. EVERYTHING FIRST- JLA5b FttOM PRIVATE RESIDENCES. On Tuesday next, May 12th GEO. BAKER & CO. are honored with in Etructions to sell by auction tha verv hlirh. class furnishings of residence removed to th!r AUUTIUN-KOOMS. COR ALDER AND PARK. tor next Tuesdays sale, comprising SOLID MAHOGANY Parlor Suite, covered in GEN UINE FRENCH SILK DAMASK. ELEGANT i'AKLOK cabinet, with large F. P. Mirrors, COSTLY ONYX AND BRASS CABINET, Large Pedestal. Center Table. Boudoir Set with silk coverings, full-size Davenport, Lace Curtains 4 yards long, 72 Inches wide; Tapestry Portieres, very flno Axmlnster Moquette and .Brussels arpets, uaK uomhination Bookcase, miscellaneous books. WEBSTER'S ENCYCLO PEDIC DICTIONARY on Iron stand OENT. UINE MAHOGANY MUSIC CABINET, line French Couches, highly polished Extension Ta ble In choice quartered oak and French-shaped ieR, oi ox-oeai uining unairs, sideboard. iuu uinner set, accoratea. oaK Folding Bed. Chiffonier. MASSIVE TTtflM TlPno ,. springs; Hair and Wool Mattresses, Feather 1'iwowa in Art Ticks,, comforters, Spreads, Sheets. Bed Sets. Oak Dressers, handsome BIRDSEYE MAPLE BUREAUS. Rockers to match. Decorated Toilet Seta, Box Couches. RIVAL STEEL RANGE, with W. B. and over closet; uas Kange, Boiler, Drop-Leaf House hold Treasure and the usual kitchen outfit. Intending purchasers are kindly Invited to view gooas tomorrow. The mahogany furniture Is most exquisite jn etyie ana tne best or work' mansnip. uaie on xuesaay at io A. M. UEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. On Thursday Next "We have consigned to BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE the furnishings of two houses SOLD 1 UU.NSISyUtiAUE Or THE STRIKE, the men leaving Portland. Full Dartlculars in weanesaays Telegram, sale at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctloneera. OfHce and salesrooms. 352-3M Alder st- Phon Black ltrfi. Tremont Place! Tremont Place! Tremont Place WHERE IS Tremont Place? IT IS EAST OF WOODSTOCK Rapid transportation by the Mount Scott branch of the Oregon Water Power & Railway Company. Lots 40x120 feet, $60 to $65 each. We will buf.d fof you. You may pay in installments. PORTUKD TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, 109 Third Street Residence and Business Property in all parts of the city at reasonable prices. SPECIAL 75x100 feet and nlco seven-room res idence, modem and In fine order, on Lownsdale stc-et, between Yamhill and Taylor. JS000, or will sell house with less ground. W. A. SHAW & CO. 243 Stark, near Second, THE STRIKE. PREVENTS YOU BUILDING! Buy a house just completed and stop paying rent. Six-room house. Northern Portlana; thoroughly modem; owners sale; no agents: easy terms or discount for cash. Inquire of owner, 403 Commercial block. SEW TODAY. Mortgage Xons at Lowest Bates Insurance in All Lines A. H. BIREELL Formerly of MacMaster fc Blrrell, REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL! AGUUI. 803-4 McKay Building, Third and Stxrfc. Phone Main 232. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real estate at lowest rate. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. T Chamber of Commsrce. CHOICEST SITE For residence; quarter block on S. W. corner of King St., In Johnson's Addition. Easy terms. F. V. Andrews Co., Hamilton bldg. FOU SALE REAL ESTATE. BEE THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO. Where the crowds go to gel tne Dest real etsate buys; 13 deeds and 3 mortgages exe cuted and recorded In one day. Still there Is more to follow. $550 t-room cottage. 2 lots, choice fruit and shrubbery; close to cars, Portsmouth. $575 5-room cottage, full lot. fine garden and fruit; Fulton Park. $1200 For a splendid new 6-room house, 00x100 ft. of ground, on Union ave., oppo site Woodlawn school. $1300 For a magnificent cottage home. 5 rooms, C0x200 feet of ground, 30 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries and shrub bery. One block from Montavllla car line. $1500 Lovely C-room cottage, modern con veniences. East Cth St.. near Everett. $2250 For a magnificent new, strictly mod ern six-room cottage and up-to-date home, on East Everett St., one block electric cars. $2500-5 full lots, strictly modern up-to-date 8-room house, beautiful lawn, fine large garden, choice variety fruit and shrubbery, splendid barn, chicken-house and park. $350 Two splendid building lota, ono block from schoolhouse. In Sellwood. $300 Nice quarter block, one block electrlo cars. Center Addition. $350 For 4 lou, 50x145 each, with small house, fronting on electrlo cars, in Oak Grove. $350 For splendid 5-acre piece of land, mile from Clackamas Station. $700 For a beautiful 11-acro place, over looking the Vancouver Lake, 3 miles from Vanoouver. Splendid little orchard. $750 For a beautiful 5-acre place with mammoth spring near the center, forcing a nice little brook of living water; V. mile from the electric cars In Oak Grove. $500 For a splendid acre homo with a handsome 8-room residence; 4 blocks from station, in the town of Clackamas. $850 For a splendid ICO-acre dairy and stock ranch, 3 miles from Lexington, on Cowlitz River. Splendid hay and grass land and a big snap for the money; $3000 For a 7S-acre nicely Improved farm, with good team. 5 cows, some hogs, dairy machinery, farm Implements and crops; sit uated S miles from Vancouver, Clark County, "Wash. No better farm on the Coast for the money. $7500 For a magnificent 160-acre farm, mile from Pleasant Home, Multnomah Coun ty. Oregon. $10.500 For a highly improved 160-acre farm, mllo from Falrvlew and 12 miles from the city. $11.000 For one of Yamhill County's most beautiful dairy, grain and stock farms; 316 acres, of which 200 acres are In fine state of cultivation; magnificent buildings; abundance fruit; splendid hopyard and in fact one of the beautiful farms of the state. Don't forget It's the Dunn Lawrence Co., 143 First st. FOR SALE FOUR TWO-STORY HOUSES. ccrner 4th and Hall sta.. pay good profit on Investment. Also seven-room cottage, No. S64 Corbett St.. with bearing fruit trees. Also the Macadam House, on Macadam road, with four lots and 10 rooms. All In good order; a good Investment. I have several cottages and lots for sale at Long Beach. Also se-eral cottages for rent. Agent for New Zealand and Traders Insurance Companies. Room 315 Commercial bldg., Frank Hacheney. $1700-S-ROOM VERY MODERN HOUSE, bunnvside. $2000 Fine 0-room residence, with nice cor ner lot. all modern. Sunnyslde. $3000 One fine 7-room and one 4-room house, on West Side; $1000 down, bal. on time. Charleson & Staub. 245H Morrison, room n. rnone Red 2371. SEE THIS! SPECIAL BY OWNER. $5000 takes $10,000 business and residence prop erty. 14 per cent on Investment; room for two more buildlmcs: terms given. Also choice quarter block, good S-room house; furnace; enameled bath; gas; choice fruit and roses; delightfully situated: would divide. S car to b07 Corbett st., after 12 noon. FOR SALE $3000 J. W. OQlLUiiG. ROOil 11. 1BT ST. &-acre tract, all in cultivation, with good 8 room residence (needs some repairing), very good stable, etc.- good well water, lies high and sightly, close to car line, on the East bloe. between Kenllwortn ana woocstocx. This Is a cheap property, ana would male a nice home. TWELVE ACRES IN TOWN FINE HOME. orchard, unlimited water power; touches business street best manufacturing town in Willamette vaiiey; ww. Aaaress tr at. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. CATTLE. RANGES. game preserves, timber lands and water powers In Georgia; no blizzards; lightwood knots free. South-Georgia Realty Co., VI- della. Go. MUST BE SOLD SOxlOO FEET. WITH NEW 4-room nouse and fruit trees, in Sunnyslde, one block from car line, at a sacrifice price. For further particulars address D 00, care Oregonlan. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED porcelain bath, cement work, full lot; East side: close in: in good condition: im mediate possession. Take U car. Owner, 2SD ivy st. FINE BARGAIN 10-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER lot. good bam. all for $2200. This property Is In a fine neighborhood on E. Stark st.. and cost the owner 13750. Hall & Co.. 102 First street. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOME; LARGE house and grounds In Portland. East Side sightly, convenient, healthy; cheap: terms to suit; most desirable. Owner, 505 Commercial block. A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND BAL ance at what you are paying for rent will get you a new 5-room cottage; also modem o ana i-room nouses, iung. phone Russ 1231 $2500 ELEGANT HOME AT UNIVERSITY Park, comer, 140x100; on car line; fruit, ber ries, shade trees; for sale by owner. Terms and particulars address C 9, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR LEASE FOR TERM .OF years, the NE. U of Union ave. and Weldler st., known as the Empire Laundry. Apply to uescamps, i. St., cor. uavis. FOR SALE $1000 NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE. with furniture; lot 50x105 feet; 15-foot alley in rear; zruit; convenient to two car lines. Address 226 W abash St.. Montavllla, Or. I HAVE A VACANT LOT 00x100. SITUATED on 10th st. near Harrison, for sale at bargain It sold at once; bouses In vicinity rent tor $30 to $33. li bo, oregonlan. FOR SALE 20-ACRE TRACT. 400 FEET from Mount Tabor reservoir, on Section Line road; cheap if taken at once. Inquire Mrs. Frohman, 13th and Washington. A SNAP 1 BLOCKS. 8-ROOM HOUSE. ONE 3-room house, barn and outbuildings; all for $2003; also 5-room house with lot, $1200. At Postoffloe, Milwaukle, Or. FOR BALE A BARGAIN-$1500, A 7-ROOM house and 2 lots in Woodlawn. near car line and cchool, on easy terms. J. L. Wells Co., 100 Grand ave. -I $000 5-ROOM COTTAUE Or UOKTiER LOT, at ocean park; completely rumunea; an Al condition. See owner, Mrs. T. M. Hurlburt, 150 East Stn st. BARGAIN. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NEW; BATH, good basement, nne location; close to school Aibina; $icoo. nan cash. . sco owner. 37 Tillamook st. FOR SALE THE OLD HUMMEL HOME stead. 2 acres of land and three houses; head of Grant St., near 7th. "W. F. Hummel, foot of JJavis st. FOR SALE OR RENT FURNISHED 8-ROOM house, Irvlngton; 6 and 2 -room houses at beach; good terms. Owner, K- 85. Oregonlan. MOUNT SCOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Lenta. Or. All kinds ot property cheap. Tax atouni Been car: xare s cents, u. k. Aflaitoa. X700Q. AND ONE FOR $3250: TWO BEAUTI ful homes In Holladay's Addition: these are both home-like places, avs Chamber Com. FOUR HOUSES AND TWO LOTS; RENTS $32 pes month; oniy .uuu. inquire mh. Gold smith su BARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS, FOR sale or rent. Apply v. RandeU. owner. Tremont. FOR SALE NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE IN MON ta villa; cheap: see owner. C 88. Oregonlan. FOE SALE ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY cheap Call at postofilce, Milwaukle, Or. FOR SALE Small orchards within 2 miles of Statehouse. ueroy & wiison, baiem, $S50 BUYS NEW COZY HOME IN LINCOLN FOR SALK RJBAIi jBSTATK. j FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY 40 acres, all good land, all feaceo. bowk, cellar, orchard, watered by srlags and river, about 10 acres cultlvatea; land all nice to I cultivate when cleared, fronts on good conn- j ty roads, drive to Portland, market and re turn same day. In Washington County; cheap at $1000, 50 acres choice land.- all lays nice on Tual atin" River; all well fenced and cross-fenced; nearly 30 acres cultivated, now In crop; 20 acrea good pasture; good house and barn, nice family orchard, good team, wagon, har ness, all farming Implements, and good ones; cows, calves, etc; on good roaa. 14 aaties from Portland: one mile to P. O.. store. creamery, school and church; a sslendid farm, well equipped, and all goes, cheap at $3250. 18 acres choice land, cultivated. 3 acres In orchard, berries, etc; excellent water: 7-room modern bouse, porches, bay window, gaoie roof; hall, parlor, china closets, etc.; nice double wall mllkhouse. with cement floor; nice barn; house and barn newly painted: water piped to barnyard: miles out; a splendid home, and will sell very cheap now. 40-acre improved farm on nne level roaa, u miles east of Portland. AO acres, all choice land and fenced. 20 acres under plow, 20 acres seeded to pasture, good house, barn and outbuildings, nice or chard. 10 cows, 1 heifer. 1 bull. 3 bogs, chick ens, 1 span young maresf wagon, narneas, plows, harrow, hay rake, cultivator, all tools, household furniture, all In good order; 1 mile to creamery. P. O., store. 44 acres. Improved farm, house, barn, or chard, watered by creek and springs; 7 miles out on fine level road. & mile from electric line.. 40 acres, all choice land, highly cultivated; nice house, good bam, fruit and berries, 7Vj miles from Portland, mile to It- R. station; a nrst-ciass iarm. 15 acres choice, level land, running water. part cultivated, bouse, etc; on good road and easy drive to Portland: price only $850, CITY PROPERTY Tv-room neat cottage, large bail, nice bath, basement, cement walk. Iron fence, nice lawn, screens on windows ana aoors, goa J...J A-UMUk4kV ... and Morrison sts.; $1600. A very pretty suburban home on good car line and not far out; 0-room, up-to-date cot tage, large grounds, choice fruits, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, lawn. 100 varieties of roses; If you want something about right, see this. Five-room cottage, hall basement; bath, toilet, closets, fireplace, marble mantel, all In nice order; 60-foot front lot. on 'two car lines; choice West Side location; want to sell; owner leaving town. One special bargain New 6-room plastered house In fine, growing neighborhood; 5 blocks to rood car service: new line to be within one block; bathroom, pantry, china closet and Dasement; corner lot, soil w; cneap. Eight-room house, new and modern; iuu lot. between Union" and Wllllams-ave. car lines; In nice, growing neighborhood. Five-room plastered cottage, porches, bay window, bath, pantry, all -newly painted: 100x200 feet of ground; some nowers ana fruit; a barn; good car service; $1600. A very neat cottage, all In nice order; Sum mer kitchen, woodhouse; workshop; some nice ornamental work pn bouse, full corner lot. some flowers and fruits; convenient to both Sellwood and Brooklyn cars; owner anx ious to make quick sale; very cheap at $S50. Seven-room house, all well finished, up-to-date pantry, bath, toilet, closets, .basement; nice barn, on car line; cheap at .$1400. HENKLB & BAKER, 210 Ablngton Bldg.. Portland, Or. GOOD BARGAINS NEAR OREGON CITY bu acres, 3 miles irom uregon city; a in cultivation, 17 slashed and seeded: small house. 16x20; fair bam. 30x40; good living water: also cood well. 31 mile from school: 30 acres fenced, good road; no rock; all can be put in cultivation; price. $iiou. 70 acres. 10 miles from Oregon City. 40 In cultivation, good house and bam, mile irom school ana cnurcn. miles to sawmiu. 2M miles to.grlstmlll; balance of the land is open and easily cleared; price, $zt00. For further Information, Inquire of J. J. COOKE, Oregon City. HOUSES READ BUILT Three-room house, barn, chicken-house, lot 75x75, small f raits, etc.; 1 block car line; $800. Seven-room bouse, West Side, lot 50x108: gocxi place: $3500. Four-room neat cottage, with bam 16x20, lot 40x125: 2 block from car line: S11O0. Five-room new cottage, corner 50x100, 1 block from car; $1500. Four-room house and 50x85. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 2344 Morrison st., cor. 2d. NICE COTTAGE. 8 ROOMS. WITH FURNI- ture. at Seavlew. .one block from station- one block from Corbett's fine residence; own er in Alaska needs money; make oner. New 8-room house, lot 50x100, one block from car line. North Alblna: price, only $1450. Also 8 homesteads for wheat ranches, only 5 to 8 miles from railroad that have been overlooked; can be rented to ranchers Imme dlatelv on filing: no agents. Answer H 87, care Oregonlan, or Phone HOOd S3S. FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE: BASEMENT. witn one room; is. irianaers st., near zstn; between two car lines; 10-mlnute service; price, S1500. For sale i-room cottage; space for more rooms upstairs; brick basement, bath, pantry, hal); 5 bearing fruit trees; Cleveland ave., bet. two car lines; price, ;im THOMPSON & KAYSER. 718 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE AND HALF-ACRE TRACTS ON CAR line. South Mount Tabor: highly cultivated: set In young fruit trees; water piped; beau tiful site: only and $500 per acre: very easy terms. See it today. Take Mount Scott car, alight at Stewart's station, right on the property, cannot mistake. Twenty minutes- ride. J. E. Balnes, care Lang & Co.. Port land. NICE HOUSES. SPLENDIDLY LOCATED, comer East 41st and Division sts.. Howe's Addition; cheap; cash or terms to suit; must be sold; nice lou on 39th st., $150 up. Mrs. Howe. E. 41st and Division sts. Tel. White 778. Take Woodstock car, transfer to Rich FOR SALE 358 N. 32D. WILLAMETTE Heights Complete modem C-rom house, in cluding chandeliers, with gas-lighting attach ments, enadet. rurnace. Columbian grate, ce ment walks, situated to command magnificent view, inquire w. M. Kapus, uas company. ?1500-COTTAGE AND LOT ON 34TH ST., fcunnysiae. $250 each for 4 nice lots on new car line, Portland Heights; beautiful view; a snap. $150 lots in Woodlawn. H. N. ROSS. 266 Stark st. CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Nos. 73C and 733 Irving st. Seven rooms and furnace in each. Inquire at Strong's Studio, uooanougn blag. 1 BAR BAIN I BARGAIN I And it surely Is a bargain: good modem room house, cement basement; all kinds of fruit: only five blocks from electric cars; lot 100x100 reet; only $2500, half cash. A 83. uregonian. FOR SALE THE MODERN 0-ROOM HOU3B and lot 60x100 feet, located In the choice res ldence part of the city, 816 Lovejoy St., be tween --tn ana so in. inquire 01 a. Schwab, 247 Stark st- $2375 STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE, E. iiomsoa ana ntn st. $ou cnoice nome, witn 4 lots, ana running water, .uount Tabor desirable ana very cheap, liart Land Co. 107 Sherlock bldg. BLOCK NO. 8 IN MULTNOMAH ADDITION. Lower Alblna. East Portland; will sell In whole or in tract io suit purchaser. For particulars address Jos. Ledvlna, Market Lake, Idaho. FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE BY OWN- er; modem place: will sell on installment plan; on East Side; price $2550. Q 87, care uregonian. 1550 FOUR LOTS IN OAK GROVE. EACH lot 50x145, on Oregon City car line. 07 E. 0th st. North, bet. Davis and Everett sts. HOUSE AND TWO FULL LOTS. ON WOOD stock car line: bam. fruit trees, olty water; a snap at $110J. itoom lz, -Jlft Morrison. CHEAP, 5 OR 10 ACRES. IN CROP; GOOD buildings, running water; will vacate Imme dlateiy. inquire at postomce. Milwaukle. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE. BLOCK AND 7-room modem nouse in irvlngton; lawn, fruit and shade trees. B 00. Oregonlan. GOOD HOUSE AND BARN AT PENINSULA Station, on St. Johns motor line, with 50x100 feet lot. inquire a. Kaake, Peninsula. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH OR WITHOUT furniture; large lot; modem Improvements. Block from car line, iw. uregonian. THREE-ROOM COTTAGE AT NYE CREEK. near bathhouse; good location; will sell cheap. Address Box 329, Oregon City. CORNER LOT, (NEAR ENTRANCE OF FAIR ground: also two snares roint View; $150 casn. 2vd .uurnsiae. .rnone ciay ooj. HOLLADAY'S ADD. BLOCK. 10TH AND Broadway; lot on iota near uancock, $675, Goiascnmiat's Agency, 2vo tarK su ENTIRELY NEW COTTAGE FOR SALE cheap. Inquire of owner, comer E. 15th and Frederick streets. FOR SALE A NICE. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE part cash, balance on. time. Inquire 449 Ben ton at. near Dupont. PART OF LOT, WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN, suitable for home, ior particulars aaaress 80, Oregonlan. SSO FOR LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE: $10 down. $5 per month. Sherman D. Brown. S51 Stark. 11-ROOM HOUSE. CONNECTED WITH 8EW- er: ciuuu: aw casn; nam naisn. wi ueia X taBUbs-t. FOR 5ALK-KEAI, ESTATE. $4fl0d FCP. GROUP OF SIX LOTS, MOUNT $1100 One 65-ft. lot. East Portlana. hers two lots In Saratosra, Add. These are a One investment and must be sold soon. 1251 lot. In Columbia Heights. 2250 block. Holladay's Add., oa Cth st, 1300 Comer lor, Holladay's Add., on 8th street. $3251 lot In Piedmont. $1500 Two lots. Southern Portland. $550 One lot. Paradise Soring Tract, near Mount Tabor. $5501 lot. Sunnyslde .Add. Lots for $S50 each. In Southeast. Portland; very easy terms. HOUSES $4500 Ten rooms. South Portland, two lots. $2100 Seven rooms and three closets, new: 1 lot; "West Irvlngton. $35000 rooms, fine fruit trees, barns, chicken coop; Mount Tabor. 5000 Modem. 7 rooms. 1 lot. Lower Ai bina: fruit trees and bam. 510000 rooms, modem. 1 comer lot. fruit trees; Lower Alblna. $2500 7 rooms, modem, cost $2700: very easy terms; newly built: East Portland. Cottages for sale on small first payment, balance on. Installments: In good locations; from $S0O up. Call and look at our bargains before buying. It will save you money. LEWIS & CLARK R. E. CO.. 053 Worcester blk.. 63 Third at. McENTEE & MALLET. 287 STARK ST. Modem 6-room house. In Irvlngton. near car line. $3300. ioi fcvxiw, o-room nouse. Eugene st.. $3uw. uw.vo, U-.WU. hfW ttUlb . . . PnM ham T ml!., vnm nUn TrA 5H acres, house and bam, 'near Lents, on loi wxiuu. e. uth and Thompson sts., $cso. Lot nSUrlOO TTnlon ou twi- VnrHn $1000. Lot 50x100, Miss. ave. and Failing, $SO0. McENTEE & 'MALLET. CORNER LOT. 50x100. 6-ROOM COTTAGE: car Passes door: bath, natent tnllpt In South Portland: $2000. Address T 83. care Oreito- nian. 167 1ST LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH i-acmc ianu co., 107 1st. TO EXCHANGE. TOLL- TAKE A GOOD BUGGY HORSE OR horse and good surrey in exchange as part payment on a good lot; have lots In different locations. F. W. Torgler, 100 Sherlock bldg. 11 AfTJta 1TTT T . . T T TVT vaiue jaw; win trace for house and lot or vacant lot in North Portland; will pay dif ference. Joseph Keirr. 665 Upshur st. 40 ACRES NEAR VANCOUVER: 12 ACRES uuaer cultivation: uood orchard, well. barn. etc.: will trade for house and lot or vacant lots in Portland. L 83. Oregonlan. REGISTERED JERSEY COW. REGIS- tered Jersey bull calf, for horse. Otto Smith. Tremont Addition, Ait. scott car. EIGHT ! ROOM RESIDENCE AND .HALF Diocxr in uregon city, lor drug store or iarm. Address box 177. Oregon City. FOR TRADE MINING STOCK FOR SUB- urban lot; investigate this; will make you money: t 86, Oregonlan. 9U ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. FRUIT. etc; value. $1500: for city property. Ad dress Owner, 302 Water. TO EXCHANGE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND bam, comer lot. for timber claim, .ddre33 F 89, Oregonlan ofilce. GOOD DAIRY FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. Address J. H. Spain. 235 E. 6th. Phono Blue Q54. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO TO TRADE FOR OR towards building lot, X 00. Oregonlan. Wanted real estate 40 ACRES. C MILES FROM VANCOUVER. 150 bearing xruit trees: 1 acres hops, hop- house, bam. etc: 1- acres cleared, conven ient to schoolhouse: will sell on extremely easy terms; a good opportunity for a man with little money. Small bouse and one or two lots in suburbs at about $700. N 80, uregonian. WANTED-HOUSE OF ABOUT SIX ROOMS with not less than 100x100, In suburbs on East Side, and convenient to car line; give description and price. Address A 85, care Oregonlan. WOULD LIKE TO BUY "WEST SIDE IN- come-paylng property; have 5COOO in cash: give location, price and income. Address E 00. care Oregonlan. WANT TO BUY EIGHT OR NINE-ROOM residence, good location: deal with princi pals only. Address E S7, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO PURCHASE MODERN COT- tage on fractional lot. south of Washing ton St., on west side, il S3, uregonian. FOR. RENT FARMS. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO ACRES WITH- ln easy walk Portland Heights car; low rent. T. H. Bennett, room C3, Wprcester bldg. 4 ACRES READY' FOR PLOW; ON CAR line. McPherson. Gllman iiotei. TIMBER LAD FOR SALE. 1 TIMBER CLAIMS Five adloinlnir. well' watered, heavily tim bered, accessible claims on proposed new railroad; easy reach of Portland, near saw- XIUll. piling claim- two valuable money-making piling claims one mile of river. HOMESTEADS Three flno grain, stock and fruit home steads, rich ndzel- brush land, 1 relinquish ment, - weli-umberea squatters Claims. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. 320 -acres In Washington Co., Or.; $7 per acre. 100 acres, 6,000.000 feet, .Douglas Co.; $2200. 76 acres, near .Forest urove: 11300. 260 acres, with 10,000 capacity sawmill; 56500. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.. Z34i Morrison sr., or. so. I ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT UNTIL YOUR opportunity to purchase school land at $1.5 per acre will have passed Into history, and become a thing of the past. May 21 Is that date. Your opportunity Is now. do you grasp it? We have a complete list of every vacant quarter tectlon in the state, ir you are over 18 years of age don't lose time In thln'kinsr It over, but come at once and make your selection. Sanford & Perry, Ab-. lngtoa bldg., 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. I CAN LOCATE YOU AT ONCE AND GUAR- antee locations oa 3 yellow pine timber claims within one mile of sawmill; 7 yellow plno timber claims near the Big Klickitat River: 10 choice fir claims near the Co lumbia River, all of which are very valua ble: 21 farm homesteads: excellent grain. fruit and stock lands, near R. R. and good towns, win. Hawks, 300 commercial oik. 10.000.000 OF SUGAR PINE. SOUTHERN OR- egon; aooo acres yeiiow pine on . it., .cast em Orecon: several thousand acres of red wood and plno In California; 3000 acres fir on S. P. R. R., in uregon; we can suit pur chasers. The Michigan Timber Co., 266 Stark sL, opp. Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT, 160 acres of extra fine land, 2 miles from boat and 40 miles from Portland. This is a fine place, cheap at $300; only half mile from gooa roaa ana mne to several nice larms. Hall, 102 First st. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATION A LIMITED number of yellow pine claims near Big Klickitat River, Washington; choicest loca tion: closest nine to Columbia River and Portland market. G. L. Chandler. Belvedere Hotel, Portland. GOOD TIMBER CLAIMS AND HOMESTEADS convenient to railroad and saw mill; nine hours' ride from Portland. For further in formation call at room 200, McKay bldg. A FEW CHOICE HOMESTEAD CLAIMS IN the famous Klickitat country, near the new Lyle-Goldendale Railroad. Don't .miss this. William Hawks. 306 Commercial blk. OWNERS OF TIMBER. SAWMILLS, RANCH lands, etc., wiihing to sell, should communi cate with the Michigan Timber Co.. 266 Stark st.. opp. Chamber of Commerce. WE LOCATE YOU RIGHT ON TIMBfiR claims and homesteads and guarantee our locations. The Michigan Timber Co., Stx Stark, opp. Chamber of commerce. OWNERS WJSHTNG TO DISPOSE OF SAW mllls. timbered and farm lands should com municate with Wm. Hawks, commercial blk. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS Lo cated; large and small tracts, also script, for sale. Sanford & Ferry, Ablngton blag. RELIABLE INFORMATION ON . SCHOOL and Government lands; going fast. Call forenoons, Oscar, 420 Commercial block. FOR SALE BY OWNER 80 ACRES NEAR boat landing. IS miles from Portland; will cut 10.000 cords wood. G bii, uregonian. ONLY 2 WEEKS MORE FOR SCHOOL LAND at $1.25 per acre. For reliable Information see cruiser at 69 N, 13th. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FOUR CHOICE timber claim relinquishments; good Invest ment. 31 Allsky bldg. FOR GOOD HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER Claims C.U9C 1.1 auo uuwt at w xolu bu 70.000.000 FEET OF. TIMBER. 6 N., S W., 604 uoias-saita at. Lower Aioiaa car, TIM B Eft, LAS D S FOR. SALS. TIMBER CLAIMS- AND HOMESTEADS Lo cated, and. guaranteed by the Michigan Tim Company. 260 Stark st., opp. Chamber oc Commerce. FOR SALE 100 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND in Columbia -County., township 4. north range. B 85, care Oregonlan. YELLOW PINE TIMBER CLATMS, SOUTX- era uregon: coma ana take a claim, now. 3i Allsky bldg. 320 ACRES TIMBER LAND IN LANE COUN- iy. uoae. to large .stream; very cneap. j ot Oregonlan. 3 SECTIONS. SCHOOL LAND IN. MALHEUR county, witn water rights, leift 1st w room 7. FOR SALE FARMS. 1 FARMS FOR SALE 1 00 acres In Clackamas Countv: soil of the very best; 140 acres cleared; 340 acres good stump pasture; balance light timber; well watered by running stream and 4 good wells; all fenced: 12 acres orchard: 4 rood nouses. 4 bams and outbuildings; 21 acres hops; large nopnoue; cost $1000;, an situated oa publlo roaa; price, per acre. au acres, a miles southwest of Portland: all cholce.tlmber for wood or lumber; soli good; 1 mile to railroad; price, $30 per acre. acres at Marquam. Clackamas Co.. 50 acrea cleared, balance light and heavy tim ber; all fenced; well watered; small orchard; 6 acres hops; fair house and bam; joining town with good school, churches, stores, blacksmith shop, etc; soil good; price, $25 165 acres. 15 miles from Portland: 1 mil a from good R. R. station; U-mile from boat landing; an cleared but 15 acres of good Btump pasture: all fenced, well watered; 3 acres No. 1 orchard and small berries; one large cow bam, with stable for 40 cows; one targe norse ana hay bam: larsre brick cellar with apple-house combined: good chicken- house; hog pens; good level public road to the city; good 10-room house In good condi tion: with the farm will ro 40 head of cows and all the Implements and tools necessary iur wonting tne piace; price, fiu.ouo. &V4 acres, lOlj miles west of Portland, oa leading public road to the city; V& acres cleared, balance good timber; all fenced; well watered: small orchard and small fruits; 8 room frame bouse; good barn and outbuild ings; pnee. $iow. acres. miles south of Moiaiia, Clack amas County; 14 acres cleared; 70 acres stump pasture; balance timber; all fenced; well watered: 7-room bouse and fair bam and outbuildings; soil good and oa publlo road; price. $2000. 1W acres. T miles east of Forest Gmva. Or.; 10 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation; 30 acres in grass: balance fine timber nf flr anri neAtf R iw 000 feet; on good logging stream; 2 sawmills 2 miles away; soil good: part rich bottom land; partly fenced: small orchard and small fruits; good gurden and growing crop to go with the place; new .2-story house, 2 barns, 2 cellars and outbuildings, 3& miles from R. R.; Vz mile to school; price, $2400, and stock and implements, tools and furniture can. be Dougnt very reasonable The undersigned firm has been mvimr farm lands a specialty for the last 13 years, and has also farmed In the Willamette Val ley for 27 years, which accounts for the large list In their hands for sale, of which the above are a fair sample. Call or send for a list. W. A SHAW & CO., 243 Stark St., Portland, Or. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE IN A LIFETIME to get a beautiful 10-acre home, only 5 miles from Vancouver, 6 acres cleared and In good meadow, 3 acrea In pasture, 1 lu timber: a giod house of 6 rooms, large bam, 3 wells. This place has free rural delivery. Is 15 min utes' walk from school and one mile to creamery; price $1150, half cash, balance oa time it desired; improvements alone are worth mora than price asked. We have oth er desirable places in Clark County at very low ngures. Tine uuarantee &. Trust co., 1 Chamber of Commerce. , FARM FOR SALE. NEAR BUSINESS CEN- ter of Portland, at a bargain, as I need the money In other business; I will sell la tracts to suit purchaser, and give time on part If necessary; this Is a finely improved place; good building and fences, splendid water, fruit of all kinds; if you want a money-maker investigate at once. Address owner, P. O. box 880, Portland. Or. 1 100 ACRES 16 MILES FROM VANCOUVER, 3 miles from Hockinson; near railroad; 60 acres clear: large orchard, spring water, good soil, house, bam, etc; with or without cat tle, horses, wagon, plow, etc; no mon sraire: ill. S300O: without cattle, etc. S2800: must be sold on account of old- age. Fur ther Information of owner, P. upperman; 287 let at., city. FARM FOR SALE 137 ACRES MEADOW; grain, garden and timber land; 6-room nouse. Z bams, orcnara, a variety oz iruit, a gooa place for stock and poultry; 1 miles from Holler. 2i miles from Crawfordsvllle: dally mall; 10 miles from Brownsville, up the Cala- poola River; the place is well watered; $12.00 per acre. u. 1 - uooaaii, nouey, ur. THE SILVERS FARM OF 060 ACRES; AR- able pasture, wood and orchard, buildings, raises heavy crops of wheat, clover, potatoes and grasses, well watered, three miles from Gaston station: wen adapted tor caiue. sheeo and goats; price, $8.00 per acre. Sea or address T. withycombe, room, o, Hamil ton bldg., 3d. st.. Portland, ur. 20 ACRES OR MORE FOR SALE CHEAP; must be soia at once; nneiy improved; near business part of Portland; close to car line; nice location; good neighborhood; good soil; excellent water; perfect title; If you want a good, home at a bargain, address Owner. P. O. Box 880," Portland, Or. $S0 PER ACRE, ONE OF THE FINEST I arms in diuitnoman co., 01 zut acres; oniy 14 miles E. of Portlana; nne roaa ana yi mile to R. R. also. 160 acres In cultivation. plenty of running water, good orchard, good house and bam. Charleson & Staub, 245 Morrison, room 12. FOR SALE BEST FARM ON WILLAMETTE River; 150 acres all improved; nne grove and lake: half-mile river frontage, with boat landing; 10 miles from Portland. J. F. T., 101 Front St., owners. A SNAP 160 ACRES FARM LAND CAN BB taken under the homestead act; will cut 2000 cords oak cordwood. mile from R. R.; lo cation fee, $125. Wm. Hawks, 306 Commer cial block. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SAL3 IN ALL- maas 10 suit purcnaiern. c or particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER. 311 WorcMUi block. FOR SALE CHEAP 70 ACRES, 8 ACRES EVf. proved; 1 acre in fruit, house, oara and chicken-house on county road, 11 miles north of Portland. Address C 83, care Oregonlan. BIG SNAP 160 ACRES, 23 MILES FROM Portland; 15 acres ciearea: Government price, $2.50 per acre; patented land. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co., 234 Morrison st. 40 ACRES ONE MILE EAST OF G RES HAM: 25' acres well Improved; gooa orcnara, rood, buildings and excellent soil; price $4500. Roberts & Wirtz. Gresham, Or. SNAP 640 ACRES OF FIRST-CLASS LAND ready ror immediate cultivation; $i.ou per acre. 302 Commercial bldg., 2d and Wash ington. 130-ACRE WELL-IMPROVED CHICKEN and stock ranch, near roruanu; $iwj sea 234 Morrison St.. room 2. 40 ACRES NICE LEVEL LAND IN CLACK- amas County: easily cleared; price $700. H. N. Ross. 200 Stark st. 40 ACRES FINE LAND. HOUSE. BARN, spring water: $S0O; Improvements cost more. L 00, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 00-ACRB DAIRY FARM. WITH! stock. Address owner. J. -f. uerscn, Van couver. Wash. 40-ACRE FARM 7 MILES EAST FROM, Portland; on easy terms, lioggess, 101 Franc st.. city. IMPROVED 80 ACRES. CLOSE TO HOOD River, for suburban home, racinc Land co. WANTED TO REST FARMS. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY SMALL FARM with running water; give iuu. particulars, v 88, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL CHICKEN ranch, from 3 to a acres, near -foruana. u 73, Oregonlan. FOR. SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc 1000-POUND. VERY GENTLE DELIVERY horse; new ngnt uenvery wagon; new Har ness. See It Monday. 248 Front st. 4 GOOD STUDEBAKER WAGONS CHEAP; will also trade ror moat anyining you av ta offer. Box 637 Portland. FOR SALE $60, GOOD. GENTLE HORSE, weight 1000 lbs.; lady can drive, urana ave. Take Woodlawn car. 1 FIRST-CLASS SINGLE DRIVER. StJUARH trotter; speedy: 7 years old; weighs 1040. Address ft 80, Oregonlan. GOOD, HEAVY COVERED DELIVERY wagon, with shafts and pole, cheap. Inquire Cudahy Packing' Co. GOOD TEAM AND HARNESS FOR SALS cheap: weight 1400 each. Call at bars East Clay and 6th sts. t FAMILY HORSE AND BUGGY: CHEAP TOR cash. A. A. iiaie. itusseuvuie, or uei. .nam 89- j FOR SALEFTNE CITY BROKE HORSR, 1 liwiioa.-woiuu um iww. rw