THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, POKTLAUD, MAY S, 1003. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF I The Oreeonlan'a Telepboaes. OREGON. Counting Room Main COT H. TV. Scott. Editor Main 811 Managing Editor Main 638 City Jidltor Main 106 Composing Room ...........Majp 683 East Bide Office Ea,JLSi Superintendent Building Red 2823 COLUMBIA. Counting- Room 9 Sditorlal Room i5 "Engine Room 238 AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER Afternoon at 2:15, tonight at 8:15. "By Right of Sword." CORDBAX'S THEATER This afternoon at 2; evening. 7:30 and 9, Edward Shields "Con tinuous Vaudeville." BASEBALL TODAY. 2:30 Doors open dally games. 2 P. M.; Sundays, IP. M. Grounds, 24th and Vaughn. Habsiont Sought Again. letters -were sent out yesterday by the Lewis and Clark Exposition committee on women's "work Inviting prominent women of the state to attend a conference to be held in the par lors of the Perkins Hotel Thursday after noon at 1:30 o'clock. At this conference the work of the Exposition committee will be discussed. It has been suggested that an exhibit of Alaska Indian baskets and of the Philippine women's handiwork be made. The meeting Thursday is to be held irrespective of the "Woman's Club or ganizations, and an effort will bo made at this time to bring about harmony be tween the different organizations. ' Miss Wajib Again Heard Fjiom. Miss Marie L. Ware telegraphs from San Fran cisco as follows to Judge C. B. Bellinger, of the United States District Court: "Just read notice In Oregonian of my mysteri ous disappearance from Oregon, which is not true. Will be at my home in Eugene on or before May 8." Every effort was made by The Oregonian to ascertain the whereabouts of Miss "Ware, and her friends very carefully refrained from giv ing any Information. There appeared to "be a systematic effort on their part to keep the facts about her movements, from the public. This gave rise to the storjes of her disappearance. There Wili. Be No Strike among the members of the Order of Washington, for this order employs none but union help, its printing is done by union printers, and the society has been thanked by the dif ferent trades unions for its loyalty In de manding the label. Not only Is this true of the Order of Washington, but it is the only Oregon insurance society that has been personally examined during 1903 by any insurance department. In Febru ary the Deputy Insurance Commissioner of Washington made a personal inspection and examination of this society and pro nounced it all right and granted a re newal of Its license in that state. The Order of Washington has paid Its claims promptly and has never lost but one suit in court, a record that shows careful man agement Baseball Todat, 2:30. Baseball Todat, 2:30. Baseball Todat. 2:30. Where Evertone Is Going Todat. The Greatest Game of the Series. Corbett Positively Pitches Today. Secure Your Tickets Down Town. To Avoid the Sunday Rush. Everybody Will Play Ball Today. Los Angeles "Angels." vs. Portland "Browns." Great Championship Games. Pacific Coast League Season 1903. Professional Grounds, 24th & Vaughn. Take Washington or 3d-Street Cars. Don't Miss Today's Great Game. Baseball Today, 2:30 Baseball Today, 2:30. Baseball Today, 2:30. Tickets for the Past Sachem's excurr Elon, to be given Sunday, May 10 to Al bany and Corvallls, are selling fast, and there promises to bo a large number of people leave Portland on that day. Hun dreds of Portland residents who have never seen both sides of the Willamette Valley should take this trip. The Past Sachem's excursions have become popular with the Portland public for the reason that they always maintain good order and look after the comforts of their excur sionists. Trains leave Union Depot at 8:30 A. M. Bound trip $L To Lecture on Irrigation. Professor Elwood Mead, Chief of Irrigation Inves tigation of the Department of Agriculture, will deliver an address on Oregon's irri gation resources on Tuesday evening. He will be the .first Government official to speak in. Oregon on this subject, and a large attendance is anticipated. The lec ture will be given under the direction of the Board of Trade, in its parlors in tho Chamber of Commerce building. Escaped With Reprimand. Willie M. Mcintosh was arrested yesterday after noon by Officer TIchner, charged with dis charging firearms in tho city limits. Young Mcintosh was firing off an old musket promiscuously near the Portland Flouring Mills, when the officer brought him to the station. After a warning and promise to break the law no more the boy was given his freedom. Sunday Trolley trips by the O. W. P. & Ry. Co. Motor cars with trailers every 30 minutes to Oregon City, Willam ette Falls and Canemah Park, through Sellwood, golf links and Mllwaukie; ev ery 20 minutes to Mount Tabor reservoir and Mount Scott. To Gresham, 7:30 and 9:30 A. M.. 12:10, 2:30 and 4:10 P. M. Cars leave First and Alder streets. Removal Notice. Owing to our Inabil ity to secure large enough permanent quarters, we have removed our store tem porarily to our factory, the ground floor of the Barber block, corner Grand avenue and East Washington street In phoning kindly use factory phone. E. H. Moore Iiouse & Company. Board of Trade Meets Monday. The Board of Trade will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Board of Trade parlors in the Chamber of Commerce on Monday evening. May 4. Several im portant matters will be brought up at the meeting, and a full attendance is de sired. Excursion! Excursion! Excursion! Seaside, May 17. By Fidelity Brass Band. Plenty of Music $1.00 round trip. Buy tickets early. Leave Union Depot 8:10 A. M. Seasiders. Take Notice. The Seaside Livery & Fuel Company will run regu lar daily stages to Elk Creek and Cannon Beach during the Summer months. Also handle all kinds of wood. Address Sea Bide, Or. . Flowering Plants Pansles, asters, verbenas, geraniums, heliotropes, petuni as, etc. etc. All strong, well-rooted out door plants at reasonable prices. Port land Seed Company, Front street corner YamhllL For Sale. The Buehner residence, that desirable 11-room house and quarter block, 815 Twelfth, corner Clay. Full particulars F. W. Torgler, 105 Sherlock building. $50 Reward for recovery of body of Charles Bullock, supposed to have been accidentally drowned in river Thursday night Fred T. Merrill. Take the children to Mount Tabor and give them a ride on the miniature rail way today. Cars every six minutes from Third and YamhllL For Rent. Three rooms will be vacant May 10, best in building. For particulars aee the Superintendent room 201 Ore gonian Building. The Miniature railway will run at Mount Tabor today. Cars from Third and Yamhill every six minutes. I Have consolidated my two stores Into one at 207 First (old stand). Frits Aben droth, the Jeweler. Everybody going. Where? To Seaside, May 17. Fine Day! Buy Meredith's umbrellas. Repairing, recovering. Wash, and 6th. Rough and dressed lumber for sale Proctor & Beers, Cottrell, Or. TeL Dr. ConneU, offices 613-614 Oregonian bdg. Finnish Russian Baths 25c See Massage. Grand picnic at Rohse'e Park today. Assaults Women Also. Joe La. Cha- pelle was fined $50 in the Municipal Court yesterday morning for kicking Mary Reed Ave times in the head. Assault and bat tery was tho charge against La Chapelle, who has been punished in the Municipal court on previous occasions for violations of nearly all the city laws. The fight in which Miss Reed received the kicking took place on a scow at East Pine and Water streets. Mr. La Chapelle was unable to furnish the necessary ball, in consequence of which he was placed in confinement Unitarian Alliance. The monthly lit erary programme of the Unitarian Alli ance will be given Wednesday afternoon. The .business meeting will open at 2 P. M. and the literary programme at 2:30 P. M. A large attendance of members is desired. and the public is invited to attend the literary exercises. Portland Women's Union. The annual meeting of the Portland Women's Union will be held at 510 Flanders street at 2:30 P. M. Monday. All members are request ed to be present to hear the report of the retiring officers and to take part in the election of officers. A social hour will follow. First Hebrew Benevolent Associa-TiON.-r-Annual meeting of tho First He brew Benevolent Association will be held Sunday, May 3, at 1 o'clock P. M., Con cordia Club-rooms. Members requested to attend. By order of the president Sol Blumauer, secretary. The Copeland Medical Institute Is now equipped to treat patients as usual. Office hours from 9 to 5. Sundays from 9 to 12. Patients attending the night ses sion should call during office hours. En trance on Washington street. Oeegon City River Trips. Take Your Sunday Outing on the River Boat. Leaves Taylor Street at 8:30, 11:30 A. M., S and 6:15 P. M. Round Trip, 25c. Secured a Divorce. 'Mrs. Annabell L FIsner has secured a divorce from Edward H. Fisher In the Clackamas County courts through, her attorney. Judge T. G. Thornton. " , E. O. Mattern, optician, with the L. C. Henrlchsen Company, has gone to San Francisco on business, and will return in about ten days. Roses,' two years old 25c, carnations 4cJ dahlias 15c pansles 3c, verbenas 2c. lobe lias lc, asters lc, salvia 2c Burkhardt's. We Never closed, just moved from 313 Morrison to 332 Washington, opposite Im perial Hotel. TheBon, C. E. Ernst prop. Finest Baths, Carlsbad system mas sage, Jl. J. Friedman, graduate masseur. 20 years' experience. 525 Cham, of Com. Pineapple Sherbet today. Phono your orders early, Main 764. Washington Creamery Company, 429 Washington st Watches for cash or on weekly pay ments, moderate prices; fine watch repair ing. A. Vullleumier, 291 Washington. Oriental Splendor. Turkish and Pers ian rugs and "draperies; largest collection ever seen in city. 411 Washington. All Our Turkish and Persian Ruas At a Bio Reduction in Prices. Oriental Rug Co., 34S Alder. For Rent. Large office rooms, second floor Oregonian bldg. Apply E. Shelley Morgan, 301 Macleay bldg. Grand Picnic, German Military Society, Gambrlnus Garden, Sunday, May 3. Ad mission, 25 cents. Dr. Oemon Royal has returned. Office 200-201 Marquara building Hours, 2 to 5 o'clock P. M. Wanted. The address of a nonunion labor laundry in this city. X. Y. Z., care Oregonian. ' For Sale. Saloon, good location, long lease, price reasonable Address O S2, Ore gonian. Drs. Ferris and Lambcrson, dentists, Macleay building, over Woodard Clarke's. Roses, lilies, bedding plants, pansles, etc Lone Fir Cemetery Greenhouses. F. W. Baltes & Co.. Unotypers, printers B. B. Rich takes subscriptions, 103 Sd. W. B. Knapp. dentist. 10-11 Hamilton b. Grand picnic at Rohse's Park today. Dr. Stewart, room 507 Macleay bldg. Dr. Swain, dentist 3d floor Dekum.' ESCAPES PROM CITY JAIL Jesse Stuart, Colored, Gains Freedom From Custody. His Jesse Stuart colored, was arrested for larceny in a dwelling, bound over tothe grand Jury under $1500 bonds, and made his escape from the city bastlle within 24 hours. On Friday Stuart walked off with a satchel belonging to H. A. Gan, a pass enger conductor running Into the Union Station, and was arrested by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow, who could not Im agine how the evil doer could be pos sessed of such a fine outfit Yesterday morning Mr. Gan turned up and identified the valise and its contents, plaited shirts, patent leather shoes and other apparel. The evidence was so strong that Stuart had abstracted the valise from the depot that Judge Hogue decided that the colored gentleman's case must bo referred to the grand Jury. When Jailer Branch and Captain Sim mons went to Mr. Stuart's cell to escort that gentleman to the County Jail at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, they found that the bird had flown the cage, for no Stuart reposed himself behind the Iron barricade After court the prisoner was put into the large cell but further than this nothing can be learned from the officers, who are sparing no effort to lo cate the fugitive. It is supposed that he managed to get Into the upper room where prisoners are detained prior to their hearing. From this room It would be an easy matter to gain entrance to the Municipal Courtroom and thence Into the street MEN WHO HURT US. Tenth Annual Meetinsr of tin. Stat. wuim Aiivcinuaa. The dentists of the state were in ses sion yesterday in the A, O. U. W. HalL The Oregon State Dental .Association con vened In its tenth annual meeting Friday and the seslson was ended yesterday. Dr. Mark Hayter, of Dallas, was elect ed president of the association; Dr. C. R. Templeton. of Portland, vice-president; Dr. E. G. Clark, of Portland, secretary. Four new" members were added to the executive committee They are: Drs. W. A. Cummlntr Matthew Fenton, N. R. Cox and M. C Holbrook, all of Portland. A number of interesting papers on dental subjects were read at both sessions yesterday. In the morning Dr. Gertrude Jjamberson told of porcelain inlays and Dr. Cox gave the assembly a few points on crowns. Dr. H. V. O'Connor spoke on de tachable facings, and Dr. C. R. Nelson, of Seattle, gave a demonstration of a plate-swager. In the afternoon Dr. H. C. Miller and Dr. E. L. Lane were the speakers. SICK HEADACHE. Some Facta Regarding Thl DUtress lng Ailment Hovr to "Ward. OS an Attack. Sick headache results from disorders of the stomach. All that is necessary is to restore that organ to a healthy condition and tho sick headache disappears. There is nothing that will accomplish this as quickly as Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact the attack may be warded off by taking a dose of these Tab lets when you begin to feel dull and stu pid after eatng. In speaking of this, Mr. George E. Wright of New London, New York, says: "For several years my wife was troubled with what physicians called sick headache of a very severe character. She doctored with several eminent physi cians and at a great expense, only to grow worse until she was unable to do any kind of work. About a year ago she began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and today weighs more than she ever did before, and is real welt" He has since recommended these Tablets to several of his neighbors, who are enthu siastic in their praiso of the remedy. Isold by druggists At 36 cents per box. FREE OF CHARGE BY EXPERT OPTICIAN. 7phtore ments on the Coast and all work is done by a member of the firm (a college graduate of large experience)'. IT IS A SATISFACTION TO KNOW WHETHER YOUR EYES require glasses or not, and IT COSTS NOTHING TO FIND OUT. You need not be afraid, either, that we will try to prescribe them if they are not needed. You get our expert opinion of your case just as we find it. WE PRESCRIBE GLASSES THAT ARE BECOM ING to the face. If you are wearing awkward-looking frames, let us exchange them for our nobby, rimless glasses. No fancy prices. JAEQER BROS. Jewelers, Opticians 133 SIXTH STREET. THE SMOKER'S HEAVEN In Realized When He Palls a 'Conti nental," Sold by Handler fc Kelley. The "Continental" is one of the newest and Is certainly the best cigar" now on the market. Ask any experlenced' smoker who has tried this fine piece of goods, and be convinced. Sold by us for 10 cents, and really worth twice the money. Tho Cut Bate Cigar & News Store. 291 Washington, between Fourth and Fifth. WHERE TO DINE. Owing to largely increased business, wo have Just added some more private dining apartments, some of which are large and very suitable for parties. Portland Res taurant, 305 Washington, bet. 5th and 6th. Chicken dinner complete, 25c: everything else at popular prices. 229 Washington street, near First. Strouse's Restaurant. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; elx-course dinner 50c; first-class service, a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to S P. M. Special 35c chicken dinner served today from 12 to 8 P. M. at Perkins restaurant. D. M. Watson, prop. First-class French dinner. European House, N. W. Cor.-6th and Davis. AS THIS IS The first May that we have been In busi ness here, we decided to celebrate by serving an extra fine turkey dinner. Music in attendance. Our telephone num ber Is Main 235. Order you ice cream and cake. Rath & Sandys, 145 First street. CIGARS AT CCJT PRICES. Exports, Childs, Cubanolas, Cremos and Lillian Russell cigars, three for 10 cents, or $1.50 for box of 50. A snap for dealers as well as smokers. The Cut Rate Cigar & News Store, 291 Washington street, be tween Fourth and Fifth. ICE CREAM AND SWEET CREAM Delivered promptly to any part of tho city. 'Phones Main 764, Washington Creamery Company, 429 Washington, street. MUSIC STORE MOVED. Graves & Co., music store, moved to 323 Washington, between Sixth and Seventh. Arbor Lodge Sunday School. The Arbor Lodge Sabbath School will be resumed on next Sunday at 3:30 P, M. The school is a branch of the Sabbath school of the First Presbyterian Church, and Is well superintended by H. H. Wright See that luck? That's Opla, The only bull-head luck 6c cigar. Eyes Examined 1 290 MORRISON ST., near 5th OREGONIAN BLDG. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our slncerest thanks to all who were so kind at the death of our beloved daughter. Wo feel especially grateful to the family in which we boarded during two months of her Illness, and the loving thoughtfulness of all others in the house. Every one did so much to make her last days happy. MR. AND MRS. YERRICK. A new shape. Opla 6c cigars. At all dealers. J. D. Meyer, wholesale distributer. Insist on having Just what you call for when you go to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hags! Flags! The President will soon be here and all Pat riots should decorate their homes and places of bus ness with flags. We offer all kinds of flags and fire works at special prices. Send for 4th of July catalogue ANDREW KAN & CO. Cor. 4th and. Morrison MOHAVE INDIAN Beaded Necklaces THE LATEST FAD BEAUTIFUL DE SIGNS AND COLORS 16 Strands Braided 33 to 40 inches Long D. M. AVERILL & CO. Tbe Curio Sfore, 331 Menison SL SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK, REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 You can t pass them The attraction is great. You cannot resist the temptation. THOSE ; $11. S3 r SUITS are the greatest card ever played by us, or any other, dealer. YOU MUST SEE THE SUITS Famous Clothing Co. Morrison and Second Streets Exclusive Suits & Overcoats JurmVffs en s NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, plain plaited bosoms, attached or detached cuffs $3 down to UNDERWEAR Summer weights, balbriggans, linen mesh, silk, lisle, etc., plain and fancy designs, all sizes from 34 chest to 50 inches. From very finest down to the more inexpensive cottons. The Forsythe WAIST SPRINQ 1903 FOR SALE. BY ROBINSON & CO. 289 Washington St. PERKINS HOTEL BUILDING LARGEST CLOTHIERS IX THE JfORTHWEST. 8. W. CORXES. OF FOURTH AND MORRISON" STREKTS. to get just right in ready-to-wear cloth ing a little wrinkling in the back of the overcoat, a little bagging of the trousers, a little clumsiness in the sleeves of a coat, and it's a disfavor with careful dressers. These, faults do ndt appearIn Stelnbach's garments! That's because In these clothes the measurement of men of different physiques afo anticipated, witn the result that when a man is fitted by our long-experienced salesmen, the clothing becomes him as well as If It had been made by a high-priced custom tailor. Yesterday we had a great AND -TOPCOATS AT hundreds more or them this week. They are all excellently tailored and well finished fancy and $20 plain materials and equal to most arty $35 or $40 made-to-measure garments. These clothes are without precedent or parallel. or 1 Derby and Soft Styles and Straws and Pajamas Smart new blocks with the proper curl and breadth of brim. Panamas and $7.50 Strawo ..$1 to 53 Gordon felts hats $3 Quaker City derbys $3.50 Stetson soft hats $4 to $5 Youmansj derbys $5 CAPS FOR ALL, OCCASIONS. Manufacturing Department Our facilities for manufacturing special articles in the Jewelry Line, such as Rings, Brooches, Lockets, Fobs, Medals and the like, are unsurpassed. When we clean and adjust a watch we do it right. We will call for your clocks and guarantee to put them in firsl-class condition. Our reoair work combines neatness and dtir- aDinry. w e gnna anytning in tne way of lenses, making a specialty or oculists' prescriptions. 284 WASHINGTON STREET. PAINLESS EXTRACTING "We do Crown and Bridge "Work without pain. Our IG-years' experience in plate work enables us to flt your xnoutn com (rat ably "Wo have feeling as well as you. Dr. TV. A. Wise, manager, has found a safe way to extract leeth absolutely with out pain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is an expert at Gold Flllias and Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting tree when plates or bridges are ordered. DR. W. A. WISE. WISE. BROS., UentlStS "M" "'U3 MltDIIB. Car. M and Wirt.Mi. Open evenings Oil 0. Sundays from 0 to 12. Or. Main. 2029. FELLOWSNO PAIN! 309 Washington Strati 25 Cents 2 Bottles Hires Improved Root Beer. 25 Cents 3 Cans Carnation Cream.! 15 Cents Can Eagle Condensed Milk. 25 Cents . 6 Cans Deviled Ham. 25 Cents 6 Cans -American Sardines. 5 Cents One Poun-2 Can Pork and Beans. 15 Cents Two 3-Pound Cans Strawberry Beets. 50 Cents Pound Best Ceylon Blend Tea. 15 Cents Pound Beat FresTj Roast Costa Rica Coffee. . $5.25 100-Pound Sack Best Granulated Sugar. COAL Domestic and Foreign, Tne best In this market. The Pacific Coast Company 243 WASHINGTON STREET. H. L. Murton. Agent. .. COAL .. DIAMOND COAL, the best bituminous coal mined la Wyoming; neTer on this market before; 98 per ton. ISSAQUAH COAL, a clean llgnlteoaI. well and favorably known; $8.50 per toe Tel. orders promptly filled. Main 1425 King CoalCo. C. C. NEWCASTLE Dentist MA3QUAM BUILDING, ROOM 31 is the hardest thing run on our 1000 SUITS $20, and we expect to sell $20 POSTUHOiOREGi DR. T. P. WISH. . N.9. charge for painless extraction -whea teeth are ordered. All work done by grad uate dentists of 12 to 20 years' experience; a. specialist In each department. Wo will tell you in advance exactly what your work will cost by a free examination. Give us a call, and you will find we do exactly as we advertise. Gold Filling ..$1.00 Gold Crown . . $5.00 Sliver Filling $ ,50 jJl?T GOLD CROWNS and BRLDGH WORK, of which we are making a SPE CIALTY, the most BEAUTIFUL. PAIN LESS -cxND DURABLE of all dental work known to the profession, you will find aa example of. the HIGHEST ARTISTIC AT TAINMENT, the adaptability of which to the HYGIENIC conditions of the mouth is unquestioned. New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE FOURTH AND MORRI SON STS., PORTLAND. Branch, 614 First Avenue, Seattle. HOURS: 8:30 a. M. to 8 P." M.; Sundays, 8:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. HENRIETTA K. HOLM2S, 400 Ablasrtoa SulldlHK, 114 Tkiri Street. Pupils prepared tor any university, TmritiM , ccllegtr, or special examination. Paruevlar at tention gives to those backward Ik school work of any grade. Call or write. Cement and Brick Work, Etc. ED. RYAN", . . COXTRACTOK Of Cement Walks. Brick Work; naseer ingr etc. 22 years in Portland. 8M Corfcett treet. Telephone West U76. Scientific &. . Manufacturing-Opticians