THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POBTLA2JD, MAY 3, 1903. 29, Oar new Sprint? and Summer Cata logue in now ready mailed Xree to any address on application. A one cent postal card will urins Toa a ICS-page catalogue, icndsomely U lastratcd FREE. The mail erder department in a ralinat Interest of thix feiiiieit. "We All all orders en keasr-tke time day on which we receive them. Cat alogues FREE HpoBi application, by call or postal. ZB1 The "Different SW' FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STS. The "Style Stote" WffltftiSmm A Daring Scene of Dazzling, Immaculate White! SURPASSING IN SCOPE AND SPLENpOR ALL FORMER SPRING SHOWINGS. Monday opens, on out second floor in the White annex-our regular MAY SALE OF DAINTY UNDERMUSLINS AND LINGERIE OF FRENCHIEST PARISIAN ACCENT planned broader and more Jiberally than any of its predecessors. It's a sale not only greater in scope than any and all contemporaneous efforts, but also more forceful in its economies. It is a mercantile movement that should engross the attention of every woman interested in undermuslins of worthiness and beauty, as it comprises the very best products of the best makers produced under the most sanitary conditions and surroundings by skilled women who are earnestly interested in their work and whose remuneration is most liberal. Not a garment in our vast array is skimped, not one but what's immaculately fresh not one that's not up to the Olds, Wortman & King starfdard. More in behalf of this splendid opening May sale and showing we cannot say. We print a catalogue of items but they really stand for naught. Eyes must SEE in order to really understand and appreciate all the points of betterr ness and superiority of the undermuslins shown by this "Different Store at all times. See the beautiful showing in our five Washington street and corner windows then take the elevator to the grand exposition on second floor annex. Night robes in high, low, square, V shape neck and the now slip-overs, full length and elbow sleeves, materi als of Persian lawn, nainsook, cam bric and muslin, trimmed with old Hamburg or Swiss embroidery, malt ose, torchon or Normandy Valen ciennes and Point de Paris laces at yoke, neck and sleeves. Prices from $15.00 down to, per gar- rri ment JUC Petticoats with vertical, diagonal and Van Dyke style, trimmed flounces. Prices from $Co.(X down Cf V7UV to And numerous between grades. Corset Covers in full front, tight-fitting, short, French effect. Marguerite, handkerchief pocket and with de tachable shoulder straps for evening wear. Prices from $9.00 down 25 C And lots of between qualities. Jrawers in umbrella and the new cir cular style, forming a combination of knee skirts and drawers. Ca prices from p.00 down to JU Combination of Corset Covers and knee skirts, elaborately trimmed in lace and embroideries. Prices Co (( from $5.60 to , .pO.UU Chemise in short and skirt length. In round neck and cassock style. iRp Prices from 57.50 down to We pay special attention to securing roomy, "well-made, neat-fitting and strong undermuslln for large figures. They include Gowns, Drawers, Skirts and Corset Covers. Orders for elab orate and costly trousseaux made a special feature. Our French hand-embroidered, lace-trimmed lingeries and silk undergarments afford most sat isfactory selection. Prices: Gowns, up to $20.00; Skirts, up to $45.00; Cor set Covers, up to $9.00: Drawers, up to $9.00; Chemise, up to $15.00. Special Underprice Sale Don't Miss These Items I Ladles' skirts of cambric, deep flounce with 2 rows torchon lace Insertion and edging. Regular price Q7 $1.50, special at fit Ladles' muslin or cambric gowns, lace or embroidery insertion between .clus ters of v tucks In yoke, hemstitched lawn ruffle or lace edging at neck and sleeves. Regular price 7Q $1.25, special at Ladles' Drawers of cambric or muslin, cluster of tucks, lace insertion and edging, or with hemstitched tucks and embroidered edging. Reg- C1! ular 5c and 90c, special at viJC Wright's bust form Corset Waist for slight and undeveloped figures, beau tifully shaped; they Impart a round ness and grace to the lines of the figure; Summer weight In white ba tiste and linen netting, with or with out shoulder straps. Prices C $1.25 to pl.0 In children's white and colored Dresses inspect this line; it will be time well spent; ages 2 to 14 years, one piece Dresses from 60c to $25.00, and two-piece Dresses from SOc to $25.00. Our children's undermuslln shows as much care in making and designing as the ladies'. Sizes from 2 to 14 years, and priced according to sizes and materials. Gowns from 34c to $1.12: Drawers from 11c to 50c; Petti coats from 50c to $2.00; Cambric waists with drill bands and embroid ery trimmed, all sizes at 60c . Royal Worcester Summer Corsets of imported white batiste or llnon net ting in medium and short length and the new Habit Hip Corsets.. Prices from $5.00 down to, per 50 C ART SECTION New "Raffla" Floor Cushions in plain, fruit, conventional and Oriental de signs; also stamped cushion and table covers stamped on green or red art burlap, to be worked with "Raffia." A needed thing for beach or moun tain cottage. NEW GLOVES newcst c Season's Glove makes are here Our fitters Of course the UONARCHS areCO ftfl best full pique Imported kid.-?"" "DERBY" is the name of the best Kid Glove made in the world to c-f ee sell at .. I.OU are waiting that promised call. We also carry the very beBt Kid Glove made that can be sold In a regular way, with hardly a margin, for storekeeplng, at 3 UU A full line Just received of fabric Gloves for Summer wear. These In clude the SUEDE-FINISH SILK GLOVES with double finger tips, either with one, two or three clasps, $1.50; and in several grades cnr down to, per pair uvc Ready-to-Doii Section Portland is one of the most forehanded cities in the country. People have either got the wealth that planning brings, or the inde pendence that lies along the path. They can buy when they please and they please to buy when they can get the longest use of things. Other cities "wait for weather" and the "smartest" manu facturing tailor of Women's Ready-toDon attire in New York City complained the other day to our resident buyer, that he was getting despondent, waiting for New York trade to "wake-up so in des peration he sold us, away under price, about two hundred entirely new and very stylish NEW SHIRTWAIST AND FANCY DRESS SUITS especially suited for street wear here, now. We will share our good fortune with our patrons this week by offering very extra good values in the garment section. Plain and fancy Etamlnes, elaborately trimmed in lace with stole and drop effects, some with the new. prettily plalded collars very newest in cut and trimming not $50.00, 5Q HANDSOME SUITS OF GRANITE CLOTH AND TWEEDS: Pretty blue mixtures, daintily made, lace trimmed, very 6well costumes for street wear waist and sleeves shirred to match skirt the prices are less than usual at $48.50 C?e nn down to JO.uU BEAUTIFUL SHIRTWAIST SUITS Of fancy wools. Granite Cloths and Taffetas, plain colors or in the new est neat stripe and check effects prettily and daintily trimmed and worth more than our present prices af4f.!?..It?i?.s..1.?.T. .$25.00 HANDSOME STREET SUITS: One special line of Suits is very strik ingly handsome, of Royal blue Eta mine with wide cape collar, stole front and pendant drops, small cuffs, very handsomely trimmed with fancy black silk braid in embroid ery effect, a bargain $28 50 ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL SUIT Is of navy blue Etamlne, very neatly trimmed with diagonal Inch stripes of ' peau-de-sole. The collar and cuffs are trimmed In embroidery effect with white and. black fancy braid Intertwined. This costumeCor flft is under value at PJw A lot of new arrivals In Walking Skirts will go on the counters to morrow, priced along up C A SWELL LINE of the newest close fitting COVERT JACKETS with strap backs these also In fancy mixed tweeds and novelty cloths. Our line embraces every new fad In these popular form-fitting overgar ments at from $45.00 down 5Q MONTE CARLOS in white Etamlne and Cloth-of-Gold, very C-f o en smart and swell, up from.. i OiJU THE NEW WHITE SHIRTWAISTS A full line of Linens, Piques, Organ dies. Dotted Swisses. Mull. etc.. cither hand or machine embroidered and drawn work. The line embraces every quality from $25.00 C-f (( flown to those at .pi.vru Two-piece Wrapper Suits up Jlrom $1.23 Wrappers up from $1.00. WHITNEY GO-CARTS (Fourth Floor.) And Baby Carriages are the beat made In the world. Our word for it there Is no comparison with other makes. With anti-friction wheel fasteners, enameled gear and patent foot brakes, they are the best Go-Carts known and known as the best all over the world. Time to buy now place to buy HERE. Prices range C'l 7C up "from ipX-.J SPECIAL SALE Cfifna &GIasswate (Third Floor.) Decorated Dinner Sets. Havlland French China, Austrian China, Eng lish Semlporcelain, American China, 100 styles to select from, suitable for mansion or cottage. French China Dinner Set, dainty dec oration, gold-traced handles and knobs, 100-plece set, spe- jj2" 95 Austrian China Dinner Set; pink flower with green, full gold lined, fancy shape, 100-pIeco Dinner .setC g Q American China, full gold lined, small, neat flower, pink and yellow, fancy shape 100-plece Dinner Set, special $11.20 GO-plece Dinner Set. special 7.20 New shipment Libbey's 1903 cuttings Libbey's gla5s is not sold every whereonly to the leading house in each city. The name Libbey etched on every piece Is best guarantee for quality and workmanship that's why it's here. Atrtomatic Refrigerators (Third Floor.) Perfect circulation, no flues to clog up or get musty a great food ana ice saver prices range from $90C n down to JO.ZU In the Shoe Store (First Floor.) Boys' "wear resistors," school shoes, all solid leather U to 13 51.50 1" to 2 $L75 2' to 5J $2.0) Misses' solid leather School Shoes ft? fc $1-25 11 to 2 51.50 ?? . 6 v.--:" 51.75 .untie rotas- bummer Shoes 6 to S. HMr to 2. All styles in Strap SllDners. Old Ladles' "Comrort Shoes"C-f aq $2.00 kinds at 4 1 .4o New Hammocks for S903 (Fourth Floor.) Are in either light, medium or all col oredvery handsome, very strong very "comfy." with or without val ance, all with footbar and concealed spreaders with pillows, $5.00 cc down to ., DOC $1.43 SILKS AND DRESS GOODS FOR WOMEN "The only medicine which does women more good than harm is dress." Richter. And the beauty of it all is that you are allowed to choose your own medicine the following are only some of the tonics we can prescribe: Our buyer is just back from the town of New York and has we think brought all of its prettiness back with him to the City of Portland. At any rate wefll leave it to you to judge. We think you'll decide with us after looking through the dazzling, beautiful, indescribable lines just received, bought under price to sell to you as they came to us at bargain prices : Beautiful new figured Grenadines, bought to sell at $J.25, QO special, per yard S OC Handsome shadowed Taffetas in the new and" wanted colorings, in cluding the popular gray effects. They are the fl ft splendid $L75 values at, per yard 3 . U O Checked Louisine Silks with embroidered dots and C f f Q the small, pretty figures and pin dots, $L75 values . . v w The newest black and white checks in Taffetas and Louisines, some with handsome, large polka dots, swell creations, 7 great value at $J.00, but special, per yard ' All the new Basket Weaves White Silks for Shirtwaists. BLACK DRESS GOODS 50 and 56 inches wide, Zibelines, Canvas Weaves, Sackings, Basket Weaves, Chev- f IZf iots, $2.25, $2.00, down to, per yard POv WATCH 'OUT for great HOSIERY SPECIAL SALE an nouncement in tomorrow's Oregonian, crowded out today by press of other matter. It deserves special mention from us and attention from yefc. Twill receive both Monday. THE PRESIDENT IS COMING Two weeks from next Thursday, May 2fst, "Teddy the Strenuous" will be here. Keep his eyes off the streets by decorat ing your houses and stores. Flags and bunting in great profusion here and the cost will be small, for we're bound to help push fhe good thing along. Decorate and buy your glad tokens of Welcome to Roosevelt here; Good Morning! Here's (Br eakfast) Food For Thoeght Of things you need for use and wear. Here's a lot you want to know about the Store you want to know about. PERUSE at leisure today, ACT quickly tomorrow. There's O-" Yoimg Lady At our store w h particularly in terested this week in showing our lady visitors just the right thing to go around their waists and she knows good belts when she sees 'em. We've a beautiful line of new belt fashions in silk, tailor-made peau de soie, tailor-made tab, beau tiful fancies, in fact every kind of belts included in the belt colony and for one more week our popu lar lady demonstrator will show them off to best advantage. (First Floor Washington St.) Tfie Summer Sen UmfcreHas Are in just came yesterday they are beauties, prettier ones could not be imagined or they'd be made and we'd have 'em. In all the right colors, plack, red, green, blue and brownj prettily bordered in white; they're waiting here for a stroll with the Summer Girl si J903. Swell creations $4.69 down to $3. Several between prices; the choos ing is fine First Floor. Now, Mr. Man Here's another reminder for you that this is a man's store there's a difference between this and some men's stores, we'll admit prices lower and qualities higher now don't get this awry Here's proof: New line Men's semi-stiff bosom SHIRTS in newest patterns of fancy stripes and figures. Just in for summer wear at a $1.25 price; this week however they 7 q are special at s (First Floor Men Furnishings.) Bargain In Hocse Shoes A splendid line of house Shoes hand-turned Juliettes the regu lar selling price is $230; Special this week, f s q all sizes 3 t0 (First Floor Shoe Section.) LACES and DRAPES Beautiful hand-embroidered hat drapes in black, blue, brown or Co Off white $0 FANCT HAT TRIMMINGS Special all the coming week at QO yard NEW SILK CLDNTS in black, white and apricot colors up from C'- Art per yard 4 I .UU New All-Over Cluny and Point Venlse from $1.50 down to, per yard -j q New Point Venlse Lace Bands and Galloons, from $10.00 down to, cr per Vard 1 ,J- New Braids and Drops in black, white or colors. Clearance Lace Ct?tains (Fourth FloorTake Elevator) INCLUDING NOTTINGHAMS A Sott of "REMNANT" Sale, You Know EVERYTHING is relative; a man's salary may be good in a town, while the same salary wouldn't reach if he lived in a city. A remnant" to us may be a skirt-length to a customer; while the customer's "remnant" left in the sewing room is a rag, and the manufacturer's "remnant" is apt to be a full case or two of goods say 2500 to 5000 yards. Unless one realizes these dif ferences, one is apt to be skeptical and apt to lose money by ne glecting to come for the bargains we tell of. You may call this what you please but tomorrow starts the most radical, absolute CUT-PRICE CLEARANCE ol new and good CURTAINS you ever saw or heard tell of before. You know when we say "Bargain," it's a real, Simon pure article; no fakes and no trash here at any price, but worthy goods that have been told to go at one-third and one-half off regular value. We have in this lot t06 styles and 452 pairs of Lace Curtains, including besides Nottinghams, Brussels, Irish Point, Arabian Renaissance, Motif fany, Cluny,. Ruffled Net and Colored Novelty ef fects ends of odd lines, traveler's samples, and some slightly mussed in showing but all perfect. We have divided them into J 8 lots and cut the prices as follows Better come early for choice: Lot 1 Pair value to $1.75, special. ..$1.17 Lot 2 Pair value to $2.75, special... $1.86 Lot 3 Pair value to $3.25, special. ..$2.03 Lot 4 Pair value to $4.00, special. ..$268 Lot 5 Pair value to $L75. special... $3.22 Lot G Pair value to $6.50, special. ..$4.31 Lot 7 Pair value to $7.50, special... $4.98 Lot S Pair value to $9.00. special.. .$5.78 Lot 9 Pair value to $11.50. special. .$7.49 Lot 10 Pair value to $13.50, special. SS.33 Lot 11 Pair value to $16.00, special. $3.00 Lot 12 Pair value to $21.00, speclal.$11.00 Lot 13 Pair value to $22.00, special.$14.00 Lot 14 Pair value to $25.00, 6pecial.$15.50 Lot 15 Pair value to $27.50, speclal.$19.00 Lot 16 Pair value to $35.00, speclaL$19.50 Lot 17 Pair value to $42.50, speclal.$30.00 Lot 18 Pair value to $60.00, special.$40.00 Axi Extraordinary Sale of French Pattern Hats It is somewhat out of the usual for Milliners to reduce prices so severely thus early in the season just in need time just when we're busy as bees any way, but it's only another point in which we're "different" from other stores and tomorrow will witness a GRAND CLEARANCE of our DECKSl The edict has gone forth the hats must follow the edict none reserved all to go and OUR patrons benefit. TOMORROW OPENS THE SALE! $50.00 Pattern Hats no w .... $35.00 $25.00 Pattern Hats now ....$20.00 $35.00 Pattern Hats now $25.00 $20.00 Pattern Hats now $J5.00 $30.00 Pattern Hats now $220 $J5.00 Pattern Hats now $J0.50 $J0.00 Pattern Hats now.:..$ 8.50 These are all from the most noted of European and American designers. 1 Designers too well-known in Fashion's Halls to need further laudation. Let the fiats do the talking thro the megaphone of price-reduced. z - Neckweai A beautiful new line of linen ba tiste collars with stole ends, trim med with white or black in grape de signsvery appro priate for jackets $5 to $3 New sets' have ar rived of collars and cuffs in the Mexican drawn work at We also have a new line of handsome stocks in drawn work at C-f Ofi $L23, $L75 and 4I.C70 Very pretty for Summer waists. A new line of ruffs. Just in colors black, black and white, white and btock $2.00, $2.25, $160. $5.00, -j g QQ A great variety of turn-overs to be Found at Neckwear Counter, all col ors and shapes, 10c up $"J 50 $1.98 Fine "Fhrin's" FOR MEN (First Floor Center Aisle.) At prices less than many men's stores make: 50c values In black silk or satin. 4-Inch bands Instead of 50c in. they're ft $2.50 values in men's fancy, honey combed and diamond patterned SWEATERS. Colors, emerald and pink, emerald and scarlet, black and scarlet, black and green, new and stylish. Instead of $2.50 tais qr-r Q( week they are ' THE NEW HOSIERY Fancies the new grays, staple tans, pretty blues, drop-stitch and silk embroidered. A crack-a-Jack stocking at "2 bits" the pair, but at the "Instead or' 1Q price this week of. per pair ... ft RIBBONS (In Ribbon Aisle First Floor.) Here are ribbons in grand array. Smartest patterns of late design; A brilliant, beautiful, chid" display. Richer in colors than rare old wines. "Whlttler" (not John G.) If above description don't suit, the prices will. The Editor. Toilet Sundties (First Floor.) Heavy bevel-glass SHAVING MIR RORS with easel back, square metal or wood frames, 5x7 7 inches OC SAME In round, oval or square shapes, maple or fox color, natural wood frames, large sizes, c-f eft $L6o and 3 1 .OU KEEP OUT MOTHS Oriental crys tallized Camphor, per 25c Large box Lavender Camphor -i c sure moth preventive, box ..... -t Moth Balls, small box 5c Moth Balls, large box - Sc Crystallized Camphor, large box.. . .8c KODAK SEASON IS HERE I Kodak Albums, cloth bound for pre serving unmounted pictures, 25-leat oook. 30c. &o-ieax book; &e. ALBUMS Large size, $2.50 down to Fancy paper covered, 35c to Small .size,, burnt leather stamp or Brownie Photo Albums SPECIAL New line Just in of the Oregon souvenir spoons small cxr sizes Sec, large size JJK. 75c 25 c 14c