5?HE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLA2TD, APHIL 3, 1903. NEW TODAY. "Hard Times No More." Messrs Barker, Stuart, Knapp, Brewer and Latimer, of -Wisconsin and Michigan, the largest manufac turers of lumber in the world, have purchased Cone Bros.' saw mill site and 40 acres of land additional adjoining University Park on the north, and have commenced the construction of two saw mills, each with a capacity of 400,000 feet daily. These two mills, in connection with associated factories manufacturing bi-products, will give employment to 1200 men. The above named men say that their mills will run night and day, regardless whether orders for lumber are plentiful or scarce. They have the capital and yard room to stack up the output even though no orders are received for a year at a time. With a pay roll of 1200 men there will be "Hard Times No More" at University Park. Persons with money now look on University Park as the safest place in Portland to lend money because there will always be a demand for homes and for houses to rent at that place. Lots are now rapidly increasing in value, build ings are being erected and solid prosperity is everywhere visible. UNIVERSITY LAND CO. 151 Sixth Street, near Morrison. Sea OurBarcainsToday 919 Oftfl Half-block and C good houses, on v1)""" B. Uth. near E. Ankeny; rents $102 per monui. CAOKf 100x100 and 3 hou of B gu, B Harrison; rents for per montn. G'Sflftfi 7-room and lot 50x100, on S. W. cor. vOUUU E i6th and B. Ankeny. See this. COOSA "-room house and lot 50x70, on B. -- 3lst St.. near East Fine. S9nnn Good 7-room house and lot & 'uuu In Mayor Gates' Addition. Lots! Lots! l51not Stn-rL- 100x100 on 17th and East EUSL O lum o,n;ri, -pri-p mrtft East Pineffiswo.17"1 Eaat Plne- (nlrn.ir 50x100 OH EOUth Side Of B. jaav -txiiJUiij Ankeny. bet. 14th and 15th. Price 51250. East Couch CS ggoJ"4 BMt "Rocf "Riirncf1ttCOx100 on north side o B. 15th and E. 16th. Price $1350. Vncf A vilmnTr 50x100 on north side of B. ajubh JJ-iiiviij, Ankeny. bet. E. ISth and E. 19th. Price $1350. "Pncf AcTi 50x100 on south Elde of E. Xiuat ami beL B 17th ana E lstlu 51250. TT. H. MALL & CO. Ash. Price 803 East Bumslde (Burkhard bide). Phone White 752. This is most beautiful weath er. It makes one long for a home in one of our attractive suburbs. So take a car ride today to WOODSTOCK Look around there. . See the new waterworks, the school, postoffice, concert hall, church and pretty dwellings. Then walk over to And note the improvements there. We own hundreds of lots in the above additions. On these we will build for you. Low prices. Easy terms. Call on PORTLAND TRUST CO. of Oregon 300 THIRD STREET. Arbor Lodge 4 This beautiful block, on Willamette boulevard, one blork north of Portland boulevard. Is the most sightly property on the Peninsula. From it may be had splendid views of the Lewis and C'ark Fair grounds. Mounts Hood, Adams, St. Helens. Columbia University, the "Willamette, Var.- .uver. and a large portion of the city on the W est Side. Lets in this block at tho following prices. No I.'s sold singly. L .is 1 and 2 L s 3 and 4 j) C and 0 I cts 7 and 8 L s a and 10 Lots 11 and 12 Lots 13 and 14 $300 $350 S5O0 $300 $500 $350 $300 $125 51 75 to $200 each, lots In Arbor Lodge, 2 to S blocks' from Willamette boule vard. Each Choicest lots in University Park, near station, on street leading to university. Inquire before buying la tnis suburb. . P. 44 Hamilton. Building:. Solomon Hirsch Tract This beautiful property, situate bn East Morrison, Alder and Belmont streets, between E. 10th and 12th streets, is conceded by all to be the beauty spot of the cast bide, rou can buy a quar ter block or single lot at a price mat win suit anyone wanting nrst-ciass inside residence prop erty, ror price and terms, call on LAMBERT & SARGENT. 383 E. Washington St. Bargains in Homes 5- rooxn houso on Belmont st, near S3d; only 6- room. nice cottage, largo lot. near East lum imu aauinou. ?iuu. 0-room cotiago, 50x1 SO lot, near Union ave. 8-room hous. 2 lots, on East Cth st. North easy terms; S1S00. 0-room, new house. East Davis, near 24th easy monthly payments. 52600. ' 0-room new house on East Alder, near ISth etreet; ready tor occupancy; $3000. o-room new, rooaem. large nouse, comer East 2 Lit and Salmon. S3000. O-room and 4-room house on one- lot. East Morrison St.. $4000. S-rcora, modem house, nice location, on up per Flanders street, $4500. 11-roora. thoroughly modem house. In every particular, iwxiw; at ice i. w. comer of Uth ana any sts. F. W. TORGLER, XOO Sherlock Ball dine SEW TODAY. HOMES $1650 $150 cash, $16 month. SEE THESE TODAY Only 15-minute ride, 5c fare, 10- ramute service. These are cozy, comfortable homes and your rent will soon pay for one. Take East Ankeny car, get ott at Irving street. Agent on ground from 2 to 5 P. M. $700 Takes elegant lot just east of Haw thorne Park. All improvements in and paid for. Easy terms. Walking distance. Elefrant new finely ap pointed 8-room resilience. Bath, Eras, electric llffhta, hot and cold -water, open plumbing;. Porcelain tab, Enamel sink, large clos ets, vestibule and pantry; full basement, spacious porches. Lnrpre lot, high, dry and sightly. Graded streets, sewer and ide Tralk. Only 15 minutes from heart of city. TERMS TO SUIT YOU' If you had spot cash to build with you could not duplicate this property at the price offered. Take East Ankeny car, -get off at Couch street, go one block east. Agent on the ground from 2 to 5 P. M. A. T. MYERS & CO. 214 Chamber of Commerce. HawthorneAvenueAddition Don't miss a chance to get a lot in this beautiful suburb, front ing on Hawthorne Avenue car line, IS minutes ride from center of city, lots 50x100 feet. Price $200 each, one-fourth cash, bal ance easy monthly or quarterly payments. If you want one be in time, they will soon be gone. LAA1BERT & SARGENT, 383 E. Washington St. WASHINGTON STREET Excellent Quarter block for only $26,000. easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton building. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. THE BEST REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ARE $350 For a nice 5-room house, good corner lot, 1 block from school, 3 blocks from sta tlon. Park Place. Oregon City. $575 For a coxy 5-room cottage with, full lot. nne garden, cnoice rruit. Fulton faiK. $1300 For a beautiful 6-room cottage, full basement, all modem conveniences, 50x200 feet of ground, choice fruit and shrubbery; 1 biock aiontavina car line. $1500 For a beautiful 5-room cottage. E. 6th st.. near Everett; a lovely place for the money. $1500 For a magnificent T-room house. .new and up-to-date, with 80x125 feet of ground, just an elegant home. 2 blocks from electric cars. $2500 For an elegant new S-room house. full basement, modem conveniences, 5 full lots, barn, chicken-house, beautiful lawn, abundance of fruit, fine garden, 1 block from electric cars. $1200 For a fine new 6-room house, with 60x100 feet of ground, on Union ave.. oppo site wooaiawn scnooi. $350 For a splendid 5-acre place, rich soil. no rock or gravel, Vt mile W. of Clackamas Station. $750 For a 5-acre place i mile from elee trie cars in Oak Grove: a mammoth spring near the center of the place, forcing a creek of living water; a beautiful building Bite. fronting on the . street: the balance of the land Is all the very richest of narden sou. IX FARMS THIS BEATS THEM ALL: 400 acres. 00 In cultivation. 200 acres of the very best sasture land. 100 acres of oak timber, living water, comfortable farm build ings, lamlly orchard: one of Yamhill Coun ty's banner stock farms, 7 miles from Sher idan: price less than $3000. $200o For a fine 20-acre place, 7 miles from Vancouver. 10 acres In cultivation, 7 acres In pasture, 3 acres in timber, good 6-room house, splendid bam. 400 good bearing fruit irees. au eiegant piace lor tne money. $3000 For a nicely Improved 78-acre farm. 6 miles from Vancouver, very comfortable buildings, team of horses, stock, crop and i arm implements. $7200 For ono of Multnomah County's ban ner farms. 160 acres, with snlendld bulldlnc living water, very rich soil, 45 acres In high state of cultivation. 50 acres good pasture, balance In green standing timber. Situated i mile Pleasant Home. $10,000 For one of the handsomest and best farms in the state, 314 acres, 14 miles North TamhllL 200 acres In croc 13-acre honvard. abundance of fruit, beautiful buildings and a ocauiiiui piace to live. WE HAVE THE BARGAINS. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 14&H 1st st BUILDING SITES ON INSTALLMENTS Lots on Willamette Heights, $1000 to... $1750 Lot on 10th. near Halsey 675 Lot 6, block 36, Piedmont 250 liwxioo on Edison ave.. Sunset Park. No. 2 400 Cor. Beech and Dth. Lincoln Park 225 100x100 E. 10th, Lincoln Park 325 150x100 on car line, Willamette 375 Lots on Hendricks, bet. Going and Maegley, each S00 Lot 10. block 2, Park Addition to Alblna 135 Two lots on Cleveland, between Falling and Shaver, each S25 300 feet on Bouelvard Riverside 350 Marshall, between 21st and 22d 1550 W. H. SUNN, 552 Sherlock block. M'ENTEE & MALLET, 2S7 Stark Street. Real estate, houses and lots, vacant lots and choice acreage: close In. $4000 Irvlnrton: beautiful home. $3500 Modem home, 7th and Eugene sts. 3ii-Mo(iem home. 14th and E. Taylor. $ 750 Lot on Stanton eu, 40x120. $ 625 Lot on East 0th and Thompson. $S000 100x100. 11th and Hoyt; pays 10 per cent. $400 per acre; 3 miles on Mt. Scott lino. Acreage near iit. Taoor: wen improved. M'ENTEE & MALLET. 2S7 Stark st. A MODEL COUNTRY PLAHR nv 5rt Antral all in a high state of cultivation, choice fruit ana ocrries or all Kinds, beautiful grounds, with a profusion of ornamental shrubbery, handsome 6-room house and full basement. nice bam and chicken-house; fine gravel walks and driveways; In fact. It is the most delightful place in the county; situated on good road. 40 minutes' drive from the city. For terms and particulars, call on Lambert & Sargent. 3S3 East Washington st. 4-P.OOM .lSTORT HOUSE, CORNER LOT. whw, i-. uncom x'arx Annex. 750 $3S5 cash, balance easy. 8-room two-story house, modern, on Gan tenbeln ave.. S-WX); $400 cash, balance to suit. 6-room two-story house, modern, full brick $UU emu, uarnutT iu ttmu SAHL STROM & PATTERSON. "Room 12. 231 Morrison. $1GOO GOOD B-BOOM HOUSE. BARN. LOTS of fruit, lot 100x113 feet, near Hawthorne line. 51000 and $1700 Very good, modem S and s-room houses, sunnysice. $3000 Very pood 7-room houses, West Side. $2000 Good 5-room house, lot 725x100 feet, near Ankeny car barn. CHARLESON & STAUB, 2H Morrison. Phone Red 2371. $3700.00. IF TAKEN THIS WEEK. BUYS THROUGH OWNER. DESIRABLE. MODERN, 7-ROOM HOUSE. CHOICE LOCATION, NOB HILL. ADDRESS T SI. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE-IS ACRES. WELL IMFJtOVED. S-room modem house: barn, 30x40; ether out- nouses; &oo iruit trees; near it. it. station; i miles irom. Portland; price, 32S0U. M; Snteo & Mailer. 287 St&rfc at. S2630 POK SALLI KKAL STATE. farms and city property 40 acres, all good land, all fenced, house, cellar, orchard, watered by springs and river, about 10 acres cultivated; tana all nice to cultivate when cleared, fronts on good coun ty roads, dnvo to Portland market and re turn tame day. In Washington County; cheap at ?10. So acres, all choice land, about 40 acres cul tivated, 40 acres some brush and timber, some hardwood, good sew house, rustic ana painted, 2 bams, etc., 2 acres in orchard, about 40 acres of this farm Is rich swale land, 17 head of cattle, 3 horses, 8. hogs, 4- aorea chickens, wagon, harness, all farming Implements, household furniture, everything in good order. 107 acres, 90 acres cultivated, 42 acres now In crop; good 6-room house; a barn; both nicely painted: other buildings; good orchard and well, with mill, fine team, wagon and harness, all farming Implements; 8 head of cattle, 6 hogs, chlcxens and bees; fine level road to Vancouver. 8 miles. A nice home. IS acres, all choice, highly cultivated land, fine T-room house, nice barn, mllkhouse, 3 acres choice orchard, excellent water: 7$i miles to Portland, 6 minutes walk to R. H. station; 4 churches, 1 saloon, school, 3 stores, 1 drug store, flourmlll. etc.; wUl sell for less than value of Improvements. 10 acres, all fenced, 8ft acres cultivated, about 500 bearing fruit trees, 20 nut trees and berries, fine modern "-room house, cost $2400 to bulid, fine barn, cost $700: chicken barns, etc.. 7 miles from courthouse, nne road: sell less than cost of house and barn alone. 40 acres, all choice land and fenced. 20 acres under plow, 20 acres seeded to pasture. gooa nouse. Darn ana outbuildings, nice or chard, 10 cows. 1 heifer, 1 bull, 3 hogs, chick ens, 1 span young mares, wagon, harness, plows, harrow, hay rake, cultivator, all tools, household furniture, all la good order; 1 mile to creamery, P. O., store. 44 acres. Improved farm, house, barn, or chard, watered by creek and springs, 7 miles out on fine level road, H mile from electric line. 40 acres, all choice land, highly cultivated; nice house, good bam. fruit and berries, 7 miles from Portland. mile to It. K station; a first-class farm. 15 acres choice, level land, running water, part cultivated, bouse, etc.; on good road and easy drive to Portland; price only $650. 7W. acres, all choice block loam. 1 acre beaverdam land, all In high state of cultiva tion, rronts on main road, 4 mile from depot at Beaverton. 74 miles to Portland: S000. 153 acres, near Vancouver; 100 acres culti vated, to acres beaverdam, good house, dairy-house, 2 bams, orchard, living water; can Irrigate; fine road, good neighborhood, convenient to church and school, rural mall delivery. If you can't buy all. will divide. hy buy poor or ordinary land when you can get the best world produces for so HtUe money z CITi' PROPERTY 4-room cottace. rustic and nalnted: lot 00x100; between Williams and Union ave. car line. in. line growing district; $S50. 7-room bouse, all In fine condition; lot COx iw;, cnoice location, west Side, on lith su; Five-room neat cottoire. lares hall, nice hath, basement, cement walk. Iron fence, nice lawn, screens on windows and doors, gas lights; only 12-mlnute car rlda from Third ana .Morrison sts.; $1600. Neat 6-room hard-finished house. nantrv. bath, basement, all nice condition, bam: 3 oiocks xrom car line; snoo. A very neat cottars, in nice order, orna mental work on front, full comer lot, near urooiciyn scnooi: $soo. Two lots, nice lawn, flowers, fruits. 7-room plastered house, well built, hall, double par lors, bath, brick basement, bam; 51000. 8-room new house, not quite completed. 2 full lots fronting on car line and improved streets; anxious to sell; cheap at $1300. Have many choice farms to offer now; also houses and buildings; lots in all parts of the city and suburbs; business properties for In vestments; small aero tracts; good trades to oner, can and see our complete list. HEXKLE & BAKER. Rooms 219 and 221 Ablngton bldg., 1064 3d St., l'ortiand, or. BARGAINS IN OUR MORTGAGED PROP- ertles Large house and lot at 550 Couch sL Quarter block at SO Grand ave. Cottage and lot at 1019 Corbett st. Improved and unimproved Portland Heights properties. W. H. FEAR, Failing bldg. FOR SALE THE MODERN 0-RQOM HOU3B and lot 60x100 feet, located in tife cnoice res Idence part of the city, 816 Lovejoy sL, be tween Zitn and 23lh. inquire or s. a. Schwab. 247& Stark st. A BARGAIN FINE RESIDENCE LOT. 52U X104H. on King's Heights, Main st.. near Stout St.; value of lot Is $2200; will sell for $1600. if sold oon; no agents. Geo. Gue. 514 E. Davis st. $2500 STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE HOME on East aiornson St.. near in: very cenr able buy. $2750100x100 N. E. cor. East 14th' st. and Belmont ave. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. choice corner, went Side, $5500. Also, adjoin ing 1 0-room flat. $4500. A six-room cottage. $3000. All close In on car line. Inquire 2S0 14 th st. BLOCK NO. 8 IN MULTNOMAH ADDITION, Lower Albino. East Portland: will sell In whole or in tract to suit purchaser. For particulars address Jos. Ledvlna, Market Lake, Idaho. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL HOME: LARGE house and grounds In Portland. East Side sightly, convenient, healthy; cheap; terms to suit; most desirable. Owner, 505 Commercial block. THREE-ACRE PLACE, ALL IN CULTIVA- tlon, coxy, 6-room house; brick basement; all Kinds rruit. large ana smau; s miles out. west biae. b. a. itiggen, sou ADington biag. well-located quarter block, with house there on, for only $4750; favorable terms. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE COST HOME. 0 LARGE ROOMS nice bam, 2 lots DOxlOO, choice fruit trees, garden, berries; No. 973 East 10th St., north, Highland, raone I'inK iwi. A SNAP NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE. 39TH AND Belmont sts.. $1700; easy terms; rent makos net 10 per cent investment. K. & A. Buetl kofer. 101 Sd st. SC00-5-ROOM COTTAGE ON CORNER LOT. at ucean .rarit; completely xumisnea; an ai condition, bee owner, iirs. T. iL Hurlburt, 150 i.ast uin st. FOR SALE THE OLD HUMMEL HOME stead, 2 acres of land and three houses; bead of Grant sL, near 7th. W. F. Hummel, foot or uavis sl. EXCELLENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. FIVE LOTS fruit, stable, lawn, commanding view, near ivenuworin, encap. s. a. itiggen, 305 Abing ton oiag. $700 SPECIAL OFFER: THE PRICE TALKS, zj acres on joining rrwooa, on Mt. scott car line. D. L. McLeod, 226 Failing bldg. liOUNT ECOTT REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Lents. Or. All kinds of property cheap. Tak Mount Scott car: fare 5 cents. O. R. Additoa. $32500 -ROOM HOUSE AND CORNER LOT. Holladays Add.; also four lots; Central Al blna, for $900. 303 Chamber of Commerce. $1200 FOR 50x100, WITH 5-ROOM COTTAGE oricK lounaauon, largo oasement. oatn, etc See owner, 1455 Mallory ave.. Piedmont Park. $1500 FOR HOUSE AND LOT, MT. TABOR property; cost nonresiaeni owner over inquire uic&. uu jiuiuj, ou iuiu aiorx. A SNAP FINE S-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD location, close in; ?2000; house newly pa pered ana painted, -v oi, care uregoman. 10-ROOM HOUSE WITH 10 NICE LOTS, ALL in fruit; 10-minute car service; all in first- class condition, wrui -ts st.. room o. THREE-ROOM COTTAGE AT NTS CREEK, near bathhouse; good location; will sell cheap. Address Box 320, Oregon City. BARGAIN NEW 5-ROOM PLASTERED COT- tage; basement; gooa tocauon; ?uuu; terms, Seward. 231 iiorrison. room 11. 0 ACRES NEAP. MOUNT TABOR, ON BARR road; lays fine; no improvements; it is cheap only $soo. iock dox city. LOWER ALB IX A DO YOU WANT A NICE, neat 5-room cottage, modem. $1800; half cash; a bargain.' C 82, Orcgonlan. A SNAP 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 60x100. 2 blocks from Woddlawn station, $12.50; easy terms. P 79,Aregonlan. FOR SALE LOT AT SEASIDE, IK GRIMES' Grove, 100 feet from beach; a bargain. Ad dress K 81, Oregonlan. NICE 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH. IN suburbs, close to car line; $1200, part cash. W 78. core Oregonlan. 5G75-3-ROOM COTTAGE. BARN, CORNER lot: top buggy, $35. D. Taylor, Marquam Hill, S. Portland. 5-ROOM COTTAGES. MODERN SIX AND 7-room houses; Installment plan. King. Phouc Rus 120 1. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. Ex cluding piano, $2000. Address A. J.- Smith son. 150 1st st. FOR SALE OR TRADE FIVE ACRES. IM proved. for vacant lots, near street-cars. K 79, Oregonlan. 0-ROOM HOUSE. FULL BASEMENT. Co lumbia Heights; easy payments. 500 McKay, 3d- and Stork. SWELLEST 6-ROOM COTTAGE IX PORT land. SS3 E. Everett, between 29th and 30th tts.. $2150. LOTS AT HALF PRICE, ONLY ONE WEEK. Upper Alblna. Address A. J. gmUhson. 150 1st tU FOR SALE-UEAL ESTATE. CHOICE OPPORTUNITIES $S30 Montavllla; house. 50x100 lot. orchara. block, from fir line. $1600 Near St, Johns, 100x100, 8-room house, newly papered, painted, neat as a pin, concrete basement and walks; bathroom, cis tern, orchard, barn, chicken-bouse, close to car line; snap. $3200-22d and Irving, two car lines; $200 cash; balance long time at 5 per cent. $0000 ISth and Lovejoy. 100x100, 6-room cottage, rents $25 per month; cash, $1000; balance easy terms. $5100 Hancock st.. Upper Albino, 1 block from U cor line; two 6-room cottages, elec tricity; rent $50 per month; room for two more cottages; will pay 12 per cent. $2700 20th and E. Ankeny. 100x100, cement sidewalk, elev-ted and sightly; bargain. E. 13th and Washington sts.. 120x200. beau tiful lawn, substantial stone well, nice shade trees: room for 11 double flats: bargain. FARMS $5000 On Columbia Slough road. 4 miles from city, near Peninsula; fine orchard, hay and garden truck land; pasturage; snap. $225080 acres, two miles up Clackamas from electric car line, 3 miles from Oregon City. $180012 acres, 4 acres garden, 4 acres chicken yards, 7-room house, barn, 3 chicken-houses, greenhouses, etc; Clackamas Riv er. 6 miles from Oregon Cltv. " $1000-2SO ACRES ON SAND If RIVER. NEAR oaimon postomce; snap. We have other choice proposition, city property or acreage; also money to loan. F. W. NEWELL. Room 16 Ainsworth block. 3d and Oak. $2200 MODERN SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, Duilt last Fail, one. lot. mversiae Ana. $2500 Five-room cottage, corner lot, Hol laday's Addition. $1900 Six-room houso and comer lot. Low er Alblna; modem Improvements; nearly now. $2600 Seven-room house. Lower Alblna, full lot. nice shade and fruit trees. $2500 Seven rooms and two lots. East Sde, south. . $3000 Seven-room modem house, centrally located, in East Portland; newly built, good buy. $3500 Modern 0-room house. Mount Tabor, on GUlan ave.; fruit trees, berry bushes and nice garden plot. $2550 Hou&a and two lots, good bam. One Jersey cow and about 50 chickens. If you are short of money we will make terms to cult. Vacant lots $400 25-foot lot. Garrison's SubdlT. $1100 65-foot lot. Garrison's Subdlv. $13001 lot. Holladajra Add. ' 52250-M, block. Holladays-Add. $1500-6 lots. Mount Tabor. 225 feet front age. 130 feet deep, on West ave. $75012 lots, Chicago Center, fine invest ment. All of above lots on easy terms. We have also 20 lots. Southeast Portland, be tween two car lines, at reasonable prices, monthly payments of $5 each. LEWIS & CLARK REAL ESTATE CO., 553 Worcester bldg.. Third st. GOOD .BARGAINS IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY I 80 acres, 3 miles from Oregon City, o in cultivation. 17 slashed and seeded; small house. 10x24, fair bam, 30x40. living water, mile from good school; good road. Price. $1250. SO acres, 8 miles from Oregon City. 14 miles from Portland: 18 acres In cultivation. balance brush and timber; one mile from 2 good stores, mile from school; also In cluded, good span of horses, wagon, plow, cultivators and other farming Implements. Also stood house and fair bam. Price. $1550. 34 acres, 26 In cultivation, good new 0-room house, new barn, 40x60; about 8 acres of fine timber, 3 miles from Oregon City, good cravel road. H mile from 6chool. Price. $3200. 170 acres, 90 In cultivation, 2 good houses and 2 barns. 6 miles from Oregon City; good living water on both places: across the road from school and church: tnis iarm is con sldered among the best farms In the county; also 2 good orchards, trice. it per acre. SO acres. 2 miles from Oregon City, all wild land. Price. $800. For further information Inquire of J. J. Cooke, Oregon City. BARGAINS IN SMALL TRACTS S300 A choice five-acre tract In Lamargent. on Gresham car line, near Lents; the best of soil; easy payments. $300 Each. 5-acre lots In beautiful Linn Park, on Powell's Valley road, 6 miles cast of Madlson-sU bridge; terms easy. $075 A nice, level 15-acro tract, close to Baic Line road. 9 miles east, clore to school, Btiie and nostotfice: one-third cash. $1500 A beautiful 10-acre place, well' Im proved, two acres fine orchard In bearing. 4-room house, bam and chicken-house; close to Base Line road, 7 miles east: possession at once, or present tenant will lease place; It Is a barcaln. $1200 A nice, level 20-acre tract on Section Lino road, only uvi miles east ot Aiaaison-su bridge: worth $75 per acre. Come take a ride with us. It will cost you notthg to Investigate. Most favorable terms can be had on any of the above Droocrtles. LAMBERT & SARGENT, SS3 East Washington st. ACRE AND HALF-ACRE TRACTS ON CAR line. South Mount Tabor; highly cultivated; set in young rruit trees: water piped: beau tlful site; only $150 and $500 per acre; very easy terms. See It today. Take Mount Scott car. alight at Stewart's station, right on the property. Cannot mistake. Twenty minutes' ride. J. E. Balnes, care Lang & Co,, port land. FOR SALE $3000 J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. 113 1ST ST. 5-acre tract, all in cultivation, with good 8 room rei idence (needs somo repairing), very good stable, etc. good well water, lies high and sightly, close to car line, on the East k Elde, between Kenllworth and Woodstock. Tnis Is a cheap property, and would make nice home. 1-STORY HOUSE, 0 ROOMS. 100x150 LOT. Nortnera mil. at. jonns electric nne; $1900. Two-story house, a rooms. 50x100 lot, near Portsmouth; $1200. Small payment down, balance Installments. R. t A. Buetlkofer, 181 Bd st. DOES THIS STRIKE PREVENT YOUR building a home? I ll sell you a lot and an elegant 7-room modem cottage. Central East Side, for $3000, giving Immediate possession; time on siboo. culver. union ave. HOLLADAY ADDITION IN EXCELLENT location, near three car lines, full quarter block, with good, highly Improved 1 O-room residence, oniy ?iu,uw, easy terms. F. V Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. FOUR HOUSES AND TWO LOTS; RENTS $32 per montn; oniy inquire ooi cold smith sL $50 FOR LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE $10 down. $5 per month. Sherman D. Brown. sol htarx. SIX ACRES BERRY LAND. HALF MILE from E. Ankeny line; easy terms. 151 Front street. CHOICE be sold. Stark. BLOCK AT WOODSTOCK; MUST Make an offer. 509 McKay, 3d and rOR SALE SMALL ORCHARDS WITHIN two mues of statehoue. E. Prunall. Salem. FOR SALE A HOUSE TO SELL ON THE Installment plan. Wm. iurdy, Montavllla. FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF PROPERTY cheap. Call at postofllce, Mllwaukle. Or. A 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x150. ALL KINDS of fmit- snno. .vu no'ii.mith t 100x108, WITH 5-ROOM COTTAGE, lONTA- vuia; $iisuv. inquiro iuj irront st. FOR. SALE FAH3I3. 40 ACRES. NEAR VANCOUVER, WASH. good house, new bam, one mile to R. R. Etatlon. store and creamery; rural mall, flno orchard; spring and running water; all farming tools: $2000. E. J. Hufford, Sta. C, Portland, Or. CHEAPEST RANCH IN CLARK COUNTY. Washington. 135 acres. Improved, first-class buildings, wen watered; i etorcs. p. o., school and 1U R. sta. on same quarter: prlco per acre, auotcss it. u. .uox as van' couvcr, vasn. 40 ACRES. 0 MILES FROM VANCOUVER 150 bearing fruit trees: 1U acres hoDs: hoo house, bam, etc; 12 acres cleared; will sell on most any terms; a gooa opportunity for man with little money. H. X. Ross, 266 Stark st. FOR $550, SO ACRES GOOD FARMING land: 10 acres cleared; two streams on land on county road, bcL 0 and S miles from La Camas and wasnougai. in Clark County, wasningtcn. inquire .uo iasi lain norm DAIRY AND CHICKEN RANCH. 130 ACRES, on K. It. and river; 11 miles Jfortland: part bottom; small orchard; 7-room house, 2 barns; boat and train to city. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co., iiii .Morrison st. FOR SALE BEST FARM ON WILLAMETTE Kivor; loo acres, an improved; nne grove and lake; half-mile river frontage, with boat landing; 10 miles rrom. Portland. J. F. T. 101 Front St.. owners. FOR SALE 165 ACRES. ONE MILE FROM Gresham; 15 acres in cultivation; about 60 acres or nne timocr: running water. One soli. Tnis is a snap at tiy per acre. Roberts Wlrtx. Gresham. Or. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL parts of Oregon and Washington; payments mane 10 un purchasers, tor particulars apply to WM. MACMA8TSR. 311 Worcutw eiocx. FOR SALE CHEAP 70 ACRES. 8 ACRES IM proved; 1 acre, in fruit, house, bam and chlcken-nous on county roaa. 11 miles north of Portland. Adaress u jvj, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE $1000, 6S-ACRE RANCH. $600, 20 acres bottom tana, -rraae- or sen. so acres. Improved, stock ranch, Clark County, "Wash. O acres small umoer. rncne tnnx. ikm. MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY &40 ACRES of rich land; $4.50 per acre. 802 Commercial Sloes, 2d aso. waahlngtoe. TOR SALS-FARMS. FIXE 57 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS N"EAR Portland; close to car line; rruit on cacs i the tracts. $4500-50 acres, -only 10 miles from Port land. 40 acres In cultivation; 2 fine large or chards; 2 acres strawberries; fniitdrier, house and barn.' $4750 for 37 acres near Oregon City, 81 acres In cultivation; good house, bam, big orchard, fruit drier, stock and machinery included. CHARLESON- & STAUB. 245 Morrison. room 12. HAVE THE CELEBRATED GEO V. JAMES stock farm of tHO acres for sale; rich land, consisting of beautiful prairie, pasture and some woods; well watered by permanent flowing springs, two of which are piped to house and barns; within driving distance of Portland, and near the county seat of Hllls boro; good bearing orchards and-buildings; price $31.25 per acre See or address T. Wlthycombe. room 8, Hamilton bldg., 3d St., Portland, Or. FARM FOR SALE. NEAR BUSINESS CEN- ter of Portland, at a bargain, as i neea tne money an other business; 1 will sell In tracts to suit pure noser, ana give time on part it necessary : this Is a finely Improved place: good building and fences, splendid water. fruit of an kinds; if you want a money-maker investigate at once. Address owner, f. u. bor 880. Portland. Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER 400-ACRE RICH bottom farm, 0 miles from Oregon City, near electric line; $&00. Also, in Clark County. Wash.. 238 acres. well-Improved farm. $7500; farm of 158 acres, $5600; In Yamhill County, Or., 470-acre farm. titw. ana ivi acres. $&zuu. w. ii. jsaii, mailing Duuaing. 20 ACRES OR MORE FOR SALE CHEAP; must be sola at once: nneiy improved; near business part of Portland; close to car line; nlco location; good neighborhood; good, soli: excellent water; perfect title; If you want a good home at a bargain, address Owner, i'. o. uox tsov, fortianu, ur. HOMESTEADS WHY PAY A MAN IN PORT- land $iuo ror a nomesteaa location 7 uome to headquarters at Goldendale and we can locate you on the best homestead land In Klickitat County for $50; good soil, good' water and good timber. K. C Land & Loan Co., Gold endale, Wash. THE SILVERS FARM OF 900 ACRES; AR- ab!e pasture, wood and orchard, buildings, well watered. 3 miles from 'Gaston Station; well adapted for cattle, sneep and goats; price, $8.00 per acre. Bee or address T. Wlthycombe, room S, Hamilton bldg., 3d st, Portland. Or. 112 ACRES, 42 UNDER CULTIVATION. NEW buildings, young orcnara.- - miles rrom rail road and boat landing. 4 miles from Oregon City. E. M. Haines. New Era. Or. FOR SALE 00-ACRE DAIRY FARM. WITH stock. Address owner, J. r. uerscn, Van couver. Wash. FARM FOR SALE CALL OR WRITE C. Moor. North MIsner st., Montavllla, or. no agents. ' TIMBER. LAXD FOK SALE. FEW SPECIALS 100.000,000 .FEET OF fir In Southern Oregon. SOOO acres yellow pine in Eastern Oregon. -3000 acres on Southern Pacific S50.000.00a in Washington. Sawmill sites in Multnomah and Clacka mas Co. Fine tract of yellow fir and- cedar on Coo3 River We have 23,000 acrcji choice plno lands to place serial on. The Michigan Timber Co., 200 Stark it-, opp. Chambtft- of Commerce. DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE ENTITLED TO S20 acres of school land, whether you are a man or woman, single or married, ana are over the age of 18 years, which. If taken at once, you can buy for $1.25 per acre, of which amount you need pay down only 25c per acre? The price of thU land advances to $2.50 per acre on May 21, by act of the Oregon Legislature. Remember, you lose none of your other rights by buying school land, can at onie at sanrora & reny ot flee, Ablngton bldg. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATION 10 YELLOW nine timber claims, finely located in Klick itat Co.; 15 yellow fir timber claims; cruise 4.000,000 to 6,000,000; 20 farm homesteads; some prairie, some timbered: best or grain. fruit and stock lands, near R. R. and good town. Wm. Hawks, room 300 Commercial block. FOR IMMEDIATE LOCATION 10 YELLOW filne timber claims, finely located In KJlck tat Co.; 15 yellow fir timber claims; cruise 4,000,000 to t3.oou.ooo; 20 rarm nomesteaos, come oralrle. some timbered: best of grain. fruit and stock lands, near R. It. and good town. AVm. Hawks, room 306 Commercial block. TIMBER CLAIMS IN NORTHERN CALIFOR- nla cruising 4,500,000; SO per cent sugar pine, balance yellow pine and fir; excellent loca tion near good driving stream; quick action Is necessary. Write or wire. Stewart Land Co., Roseburg. Or. WE HAVE SOME FINE PROPOSITIONS IN fir that will cruise four to six million feet per quarter, well located on or near logging streams. Lewis & Clark Real Estate Co., 553 Worcester bldg. NEHALEM TIMBER LAND FOR SALE 5000 acres on the waters of Upper Nehalem. near Veraonla, Columbia County. Address me at Veraonla, or at 251 7th St.. Portland. John Campbell. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE IN 40's. 80 s, quarters and larger sizes, any amount; first class In every respect: Im mediate delivery. P. O. Box 863, Portland, Or. OWNERS OF TIMBER. SAWMILLS. RANCH lands, etc. wisbing to sen, snouid communi cate with the Michigan Timber Co., 266 stark St., opp. cnamoer or commerce. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT 160 acres. 40 acres rich swale. In warm fruit belt, 2Vi hours from Portland, 2 miles Columbia River; price jwuo. nan, loz 1st st. A FEW CHOICE HOMESTEAD CLAIMS IN the famous Klickitat country, near tne new Lyle-Goldendale Railroad. Don't miss this. William Hawks. 306 Commercial blk. WT3 TflCATE YOU RIGHT ON TIMBER claims ana nornesteaus ana guarantee our locations. Tho Michigan Timber Co., 268 Stark, opp. Chamber or commerce. 90,000 ACRES FOREST RESERVE SCRIP tor sale in large or email diocks; omcr scrip supplied at short notice. 4U3 ADington Didg., Portland, ,or. CHEAP RELINQUISHMENT CHOICE TIM' ber claim: will cut B.ooo.ooo to 10.000.000 yei low fir and odar. u. i. jicLieoa. u .rail ing bldg. THREE FINE TIMBER CLAIMS OR HOME- eteads, near river, near Portland! bee cruiser Monday, 2345 Morrison st., room 2. HOMESTEADS AND TIMBER CLAIMS Lo cated; large and small tracts, also script, for sale tanrora ferry. ADingion oiag. SCHOOL LAND HAVE PERSONALLY In spected sis sections of school land, write or CU11. It. .1 . yicuiMli. J iMuuc uiut,. 210 ACRES FINE OPEN AND TIMBER LAND In. Douglas County. 3 miles rrom town and railroad, can xii Aiisicy oiag. WANTED TO BORROW $500 ON TIMBER claim, 10 per cent; or would sen reasonable. N Si, urcgonian. 100 ACRES HEAVY TIMBER. CLOSE TO stream and railroad, in Douglas county. Allsky bldg. CAN LOCATE 4.000.000 TO 5.000.000 CLAIM yellow fir on gooa logging stream, iioom 4, Muixey oiag. Timber, arid and swamp lands bought and sold. Lcnnxc Land U Timber Co.. Klamatlr Falls. TIMBER CLAIMS. YELLOW PINE: BEST now in Oregon. Call at 317 Allsky bldg. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT. HOUSE, tools, furniture, etc, $250. 330 2d st. 70.000.000 FEET OF TIMBER. 0 N.. 5 W. 504 Goldsmith st. Lower Alblna car. TO EXCHANGE. 40 ACRES NEAR VANCOUVER; 12 ACRES under cultivation: good orchard, well. barn. etc; will trade for house and lot or vacant 1018 in ironuiuu. II. -.'- nuu, .oa oiu& su WILL EXCHANGE INTEREST IN WELL developed mining property, near smelter, for real estate, umoer lana or cuzueu; uitcsu' gate. 228 failing oiag. -l 5-ROOM. COTTAGE, BATH, BASEMENT, fruit trees, ror email iarm. ctose to .rortiana. Joe Nash, owner, Tremont Addition. Take Mount Scott car. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE FOR rood barber fhopt I will pay difference on lots or small house and lot. See 234 Mor rison st, room 2. ONE UP-TO-DATE MEAT MARKET. Ex cluding horses and wagons; good trade aad good location. Wm. Purdy, Montavllla. LOT IN SUMMIT ADDITION FOR SALE; make an offer, or will trade. Inquire Mon day, 171 Front. 12-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SMALL house and lot. Henry M. Wagner, Russel building. HOUSE AND LOT TO TRADE FOR TEAM. Inquire before Monday noon. 171.Front st. REGISTERED JERSEY COW, FRESH, FOR rood horse. Otto Smith, Trexaont, FOR REST FARMS. FOR -RENT A SMALL PLACE. 20 MILES froea the city, suitable lor a cnicaen ranca; kh elderlr eounle with a small Income would Had this a good opening: tidy people only neea appiy. aid itn ct. 22 "ACRES. GOOD HOUSE AND BARN. AT Mcntavina; suitaoio ror chicken or smau dairy ranch. A. G. Rosenthal, 2S0 Morrison. ACRES READY FOR PLOW: ON CAR line. McPherson. Glim an Hotel. WASTED TO REXT-F.UIMS. WANTED TO RENT SMALL CHICKEN ranch, from 3 to 5 acres, near poruana. u 79. Oregonlan. WaS TED KEA L ESTATE WANTED COTTAGE, FIVE-ROOM PRE- ferred. and lot located between Sheridan and Jefferson -sts.. West Side; no agents. WANTED 6 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE ON IN- stallments; state price and location. P BA Oregonlan. KOK SALE. Zloracs, Vehicles. Eta. BEST DRIVING HORSE IN PORTLAND: 6 years old; sired by McKinny; safe, sound, and fast; also bike buggy, harness, robes and whjp. Apply United Carriage Co., 11th and Morrison sts FOR SALE A FINE WHITE PONY; TOOK 2 prizes; largo enough to take two people anywhere; cart and harness, $125. T. Barr, 32i San Rafael st.. Upper Alblna. FOR SALE BLACK MARE: GOOD SINGLE driver; one span of small Horses; stalls ana corral for .rent. loth, and Jefferson. Oregon Phone West 1663. FINE YOUNG TEAM HORSES, SUITABLE for truck- or lumber wagon. Apply J. n. McMahon. end Richmond' car line. Phone Union 002. FOR SALE-A YOUNG HORSE, 6 YEARS oia; genua ur i&uies. xuquiitz uu iu. St., 2 blocks north of Powell. GOOD STUDEBAKER WAGONS CHEAP; will also trade for most anything you have to offer. Box 637 Portland. TEAM OF YOUNG HORSES, WEIGHT 1600 apiece. Krebs Bros.' brickyard, 43d ana di vision. Call cvc'ningSi FOR SALE A VERY NICE LADY'S PHAE- ton; almost as good as new. can 014 win lams ave. FOR SALE PONY CART; 403 21ST, PORT- land Heights. Inquire 346 Morrison. J. l. Wllliamt. FOR SALE OR TRADE A LIGHT BUGGY and a fresh Jersey cow. Address it ore gonlan. CARLOAD OF HORSES, 1000 LBS. TO 1600. 100 vehicles, new ana 2d nana, zii wasn- FOR SALE SEVEN .HEAD OF LARGE work, horses. 720 Tacoraa ave, Sseliwooa. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND MAN 8 saddle, cheap. Address 11 78, Oregonlan. FOR SALE BLACK MARE. 4 YEARS OLD; good traveler. Inquiro 351 E. l-tn GOOD BUGGY FOR SALE; $21 IF SOLD AT once; is wortn ?oo. 2U3 1st, uanery. $10O-CHESTNUT SORREL MARE. WEIGHT about 1350. inquire 4a aa st. $100-CHESTNUT SORREL MARE, WEIGHT aoout 133U. inquire 43 sa st. Miscellaneous. 10.000- TOMATO PLANTS. EARLIEST VA- riety, 3oc per iw; $u per iwu. inquire .uie place, on Slough road, mile west of Van couver ave. P. O. Box 903. FINE WHITE SEWING MACHINE, GOOD as new; must be sold; take $14 if bougnt be fore noon tomorrow. 784 Kelly St.; take S. Portland car. BRAND NEW NO. 8 REMINGTON TYPE- wrlter, all latest Improvements, perrect or der, at bargain; easy terms. Room 5 Wash ington bldg. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (BILLIES, nannies and wethers); also uotswoia sneep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor. Forest Grove, Or SODA FOUNTAIN. UP TO DATE. NEARLY new, three draw, eignt syrup, neariy new; cash or Installments. Bakery, 74 Union ave., Portland. CASH REGISTERS and SAFES, new and sec ond-hand, bought, sold exenanged. repairca. Chicago Cash Registers, 76 1st st. cor. Oak. FOR SALE LADY'S RAMBLER; COASTER brake, almost new, one laays itammer, In good condition, $10. 61 3d st, cor. Pine. NICE YOUNG FAMILY COW CHEAP, OR will trade for horse, wagon and narness; will pay tho difference. Tel. Clay 578. FOR SALE ONE DOUBLE DRUM. DOUBLE cylinder, 7x10 donkey engine, neariy new. Mutual Lumber Co., Bucoda, Wash. FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. 8EC- ond-hand gas engine, practically new. xortn west Electric Eng. Co., 300 Stark st. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS. saw mills, pumps and general macninery uy H. C Albee Co.. 243 Grand ave. GOOD SCOW. LOCATED NEAR EASTERN mill, for sale; some rumnure. Ames aier cantlle Agency, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE FINE UPRIGHT PLVNO. IN good condition: party leaving city; very rea sonable, xv , vregonian. !000-POUND HALL SAFE; ALMOST NEW; No. 7 typewriter, used three months, ror sale, E 63, Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO LADIES" BICYCLES, IN good condition: reasonable, inquire un ean. comer 16tb. NEARLY NEW HIGH-GRADE PIANO cheap by party needing money. Room 53, 345 1st; rorenoon. NICE JERSEY COW FOR SALE OR TRADE for two-seated spring hack. T. H. Folken- berg, 563 Jefferson. 2 POMERANIAN-SPITZ DOGS;. ALSO A collie female. Apply 507 Williams ave. Phone Rues 2201. FOR SALE FINE SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS, from "Shady," prize-winner at bench ahow, 1003. 392' Water. A FRESH YOUNG COW - FOR SALE. IN qulre at 891 Montana ave.. cor. Mason, Multnomah Add. GOOD FRESH DURHAM-JERSEY COW. with heifer calf, $40. Call after 6 P. M. Ferguson, Ivanhoe. ANGORA CATS A FEW HANDSOME K3T t ens;. Oregon raised and healthy. 56S 4th st. Call afternoons. A HANDSOME LITTLE LAUNCH, 3 H. P.; new. In perfeet order, $350. See owner, 311 Dekum bldg. TWO GALVANIZED OIL TANKS. 50x75 GAL lons; good condition. J. R. Stipe, 23d and Savler sta. FOR SALE-PRICE $10: LADY'S WHEEL. Hartford, good condition; . little used., 362 Tillamook. ONE GOOD -TOP BUGGY; ONE GROCERY wagon. Phone Union 1291, or call 1010 Bel mont st. FRESH MILCH COW, 5 GALLONS PER day. Otto Smith, Tremont; take Mount Scott car. - THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH SETTER PUPS for sale. 12S6 E. 32th. near Ainsworth ave. 60 SECOND-HAND BARBER CHAIRS, cheap, at Cohn Bros., 181 Front, cor. Yamhill. A GOOD LADY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE OR trade. Address R. F. Dean, 373 Cable st Piano, $155, used 3 months, cost $350; Decker, $85. Upstairs 1044 1st. Phone West 3376. SECOND-HAND CASH REGISTER FOR sale; nearly new; i, snap. H 82, Oregonlan. LADY'S RAMBLER WHEEL. GOOD ORDER, cheap. Shoe Store. 270 Washington st. JERSEY COW, YOUNG, FIRST-CLASS, fresh animal. Apply 140 Front st. FOR SALE LADY'S RAMBLER BICYCLE; good as new. 245 East 6th St. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS COW; 3 Ions per day. 270 B. 10th st. GAL- FOR SALE ONE LIGHT AND ONE HEAVY spring wagon. 224 tTont st. FINE TALKING PARROT FOR SALE, dress A 61. care Oregonlan. AD- FOR SALE GOOD SECONP-HAND PIANO, very cheap; P 83. Oregosdaa. LADY'S WHEEL; WOLF-AMERICAN; $10. Call after 6 oxuock, 410 4tn. FOR SALS SABY BUGGY AND CHILD'S crib. Call 133 litis. A GOOD MILCH COW FOR SALE, CHEAP. .987 Garfield ave.. FOR SALE TWO FRE3H COWS. 2STH AND H&ugate. FOR 3AEE. t SffscelLiaeeaa. ONE" NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. ticket, detail and total; cast $300 $120 One National cash register, total adder. (new) $130 One National cash register, detail cost $175 - $5 One National cash register, detail, cost . $173 434 One National (Osborne) detail f 30 One Globe cash register ................$ 15 One Smith Premier typewriter. No. 4..$ 70 AH above machines sold for cash. Ism per cent, or on easy monthly paymeatx. 264 Stark at. 1 BICYCLE SALE WE HAVE THE' NEATBST and finest line of bicycles In Portland, and will sell yoU for one week a new 1903 model $30 bicycle for $18.50; second-hand blkea at any old price; come and see them; bring along your old wheels and ride a new one. Portland Gun Sc. Bicycle Co., 233 YasahlU, hear 2d. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices. Sing er. U. S.. Domestic Wheelsr & Wilson and White; dropbead In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. SIgel Smith. Agents, 335 Morrison st. x BEST HATCHING EGGS. SOLD BY SET tlng and large lots. All kinds fowls; we pay express charges; send stamp for catalogue. Oakland Poultry Yards, Department 8, box 2602. San Francisco. CIGARS, UNION AND NONUNION: IF WH cannot get them to jrou tor less money thaa any othur firm we will give them to you for nothing, SoL. Kahn & Co., 20ft Battery at. Bin Francisco. PHONE MAIN 2403 IF YOU WANT TO BUY or sell rooming-house, house and lot, farm, timber land or business of -any kind. Palmer Bros. (Ford's), room 33. 163 4th. comer Morrison. I THOROUGHBRED JERSEY, 2 YEARS OLD. giving 2 gallons now; will be fresh In July; a perfect family animal; bred to best stoclt la tho state; $75. Call 51T Yamhill st. HELP WANTED HALE. WANTED MAN OF ABILITY AS GENERAL agent, to write Investment contracts, with guarantee bonds attached; $150 month and office expenses. Hustlers only. Address In ternational Credit Company, Los Angeles, Cal. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN. TRAV ellng or local. Side line. 25 per cent com mission. Goods new; sell to every business, . everywhere. Sample case free. Address L- N. Co.. 112 E. 125th st. New York. BENCH AND SHAPER MEN, $3; MILL yard foreman; SO men for mill and yard, la and out ot city. f2 up; tallyman, $2.25; lum ber grader, $2.50. Pacific Coast Mlumen'a Skilled Labor Bureau. 205Ki Morrison. wanted live, energetic traveling men for West and South. Experience un necessary. No canvassing. Honorable, per manent, legitimate business: $25 cash secur ity required. Abbott & Co., 365 Wabash ave., Chicago. WANTED YOUNG MAN. QUICK AND Ac curate at figures; genteel: assist treasurer box office. Cord ray's Theater; must have good city reference. Apply bor office Cor dray's Theater, Monday, between 10 and 12 o'clock only. A WELL-KNOWN INVESTMENT COMPANY wants a fir3t-clas3 product is agent and a general agent for out of tow n; long-time con tract and a liberal arrangement for right men. Call Monday forenoon. 312 Chamber of Commerce. SALESMEN BIGGEST SALESMAN'S COM- mlsslon, biggest dealers' profit, biggest con sumers' value: In all respects the biggest paint proposition ever offered. Fine side line. Experience unnecessary. Klnloch Paint Co., St. Louis. 1 WANTED EXPERIENCED WOODCUTTER to contract cutting 2000 cords red nr, witn not less than ten men; good timber; good lo cation; everything advanced within reason. Address" "Wood." P. O. Box S58. LIFE INSURANCE SOLICITORS. road men and others, as local agents, luc rative work for capable men with refer ences. Albert Chapelle & Co., Ltd., Trust bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS AND paper-hangers; wages from $3 to $3.50 per day; 8 hours work. Apply to J. Burnbam. secretary Master Painters Association, U07 Alder at., Portland, Or. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. WRITE FOR our Civil Service catalogue and learn how over 14.000 persons annually secure good pay ing positions, Columbian Correspondence Col lege. Washlr-gton. D. C. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS CAN FIND employment by applying at room 231. Sher lock bldg., bet. tho hours of 11 and 12 A M. and 4 and 5 P. M.; wages to competent work men, $3.50 per day. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN. As sortment line. Good advertising feature; splendid talking points. Salesmen earn $300 to $500 per month. Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, la. TRAVELING SALESMAN -FOR OREGON. No technical knwoledge. but active all-round hustler. Established, high-rated house. F. R. Jennings, sales mgr., 21 W. Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. 1 . $20 PER THOUSAND COPYING LETTERS. Inclose stamo for copy of letter, instruc tions, etc We have several lines of work. Address Eagle Wholesale Co., Chicago, In. SALESMEN CALLING ON RETAIL MER chants in all lines to hcndle side line paying $6 to $3 per day. Pocket samples free. Ad dress Side Line. 315 Dearborn St.. Chicago. SEVEN FREE MASONS IN EACH STATE given permanent, pleasant, profitable employ ment near home: whole or part time: good pay. Fraternal, Thames bldg., New York. CIGAR SALESMAN, WITH ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, H. C Fisher, Fisher bldg., Chicago. WANTED ACTIVE YOUNG MAN TO TAKE charge of ribbon and silk department: good opportunity for the right man. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 02 Front st. $700 FIRST YEAR, EXPENSES, TO TRAVEL. Experience unnecessary. Young man pre ferred. References required. Manager, Wait; Manhattan bldg., Chicago; WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED TWO GOOD CANVASSERS: BIO money for a rustler; eometning entirely new. Call at Abbott House, 2284 Washington St., rooms 25 and 26. WANTED MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF- flco; salary $1800 yearly; man witn $oow pre ferred. Address Treasurer. 203-7 Security Building. Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack slgrs, distribute circulars, samples, eic; no canvassing; good pay.- Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED SALESMEN' FOR A WHOLESALE. carriage factorj't to travel uregon. Aaareas, with reference. Carriage Factory Salesmen, care Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD, STEADY INDUSTRIOUS married man to take care ot norses; must give first-class references; no children. In quire 45 1st st. WANTED BRICK ilOLDER. -MAN WITH team, all Summer Job. wneatiy & Hows Brick Co., E. 41st and Division st, opposite Richmond. $75 A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAID ONE forty in eacn county in me uimeu ouun. artlculars free. Golden West Co., VI salla. Cal. SALESMEN WANTED WESTERN TERRI- tory. Road experience required, uooo. line, good pay. New England Jewelry Co., Iowa City, Iowa. SINGERS. PERFORMERS, MUSICIANS, etc, wanted immediately; big salary. New- man's Theatrical Agency, Lockwood, 35134 Morrison. BOY TO WORK EVERY DAY. INCLUDING Sunday; also extra boy for Sundays; good pay; steady work- Portland Oyster Co., 142 19th. OUR LINE OF GAMES AND- TOYS AS A side line for salesmen Is a monex-makery For particulars address Illff & Co., Chicago. WANTED COO STRIKERS AND WORKING men to attend Socialist meeting .Sunday, 8 P. M., Eagle Hall. 2d and Yamhill sts. SALESMAN WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO call on grocery trade: $25 weekly. Wells Mfg. & Supply Co. Indianapolis, Ind. STRONG BOY FOR OFFICE AND W ARB house; one living with parents; give age and salary required. Y 79. Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BIC7CLR repair man; must be of good habits and tar nish reference. 473 Williams ave. UNMARRIED OFFICE ASSISTANT, WHOLR eale house; wages $50 month. Address with references, D 80. Oresonian. INTELLIGENT MAN1 OF NEAT APPEAK ance: good wages and advancement to right party'. 317 Ablngton bldg. INCREASE YOUR EARNING CAPACITY. 'Excellent opportunities for the right pens. Address, V 77, Oregonlan. WANTED A BOY. ROBERTS BROS..