THE SUNDAY OEEGONIA, PORTLAND, MABOH 15, 1903. Seventh St., bet. Morrison and Alder 0. ML Co. Store News O. M. Co. Store News O. M. Co. Store News Seventh St, bet. Morrison and Alder 32 50c Corded Wash Silks, 36c One thousand yards of the very best quality of brilliant lustrous corded wash silk, which is sold all over at 50c on sale here now at 36c per yard. None sold to dealers. Began Yesterday, Ends March 2ft A year has passed since the O. M. Co. made its first bow to this metropolis, and every preparation has been made for a proper celebration of the event, one of very great impor tance to us, and of some weight, we hope, to all Portland. A year is a fair space of time for the test of a store, and its right to exist a sufficient test to bring out the merits or de fects of the principles governing its transactions. If the overwhelming success of ' this establishment means anything, it means that it has stood the test of time, and has earned the unqualified approval of its constituency. In commemoration of this event, im portant special offerings are being made in all departments, only some of which will find room in this announcement enough, however, to convince anyone that this is the great est money-saving opportunity of the year. y5c Guaranteed BPkTaffetaSSc $ I to $2 Kid Gloves, 4ftc Similar to, but very much better In value than a lot -which created such a furore here last fall. They are gloves -which showed slight Imperfections when put to the inspect or's critical tests. These imperfections have been most skillfuliy "mended," hence their name, "Mender's Gloves." For all practical purposes they are fully the equal of gloves costing double, treble and quadruple as much, A hurried inspecUon shows such well-known kinds as Trefousse, Treville, Ma jestic, Dents and others equally high crnd. There are Just 1200 pairs, over half of" them black; so if you would share In this great "Anniversary Special" come early. These are sold "as they are" none fitted, none exchanged. . $ 1 .25 Guaranteed Black Taffeta, 83c Rich, black taffeta silk, full 27 in ches wide, that sells the world over at $1.25, on . sale here now at 83c. Every yard has maker's guarantee woven invthe selvedge. $6 Trimmed flats, $3.48 They are of our own make and that implies a high degree of artistic merit. Our millinery organization Is in such a, close touchvrith the foremost Eastern fashion centers that the very latest foreign are at once made known here. The best features are reproduced by our designers, who, however, add in imitable touches that are distinctly American, giving them a touch" of charm ing originality not seen elsewhere. Street Hats In charming profusion at prices about half usually asked elsewhere; 9ScJ $1.4S, $1.73, 5L0S, $2.48, $2.93. ' A beautiful rich quality, soft and lustrous. The maker shows his faith in the silk by weaving a "guarantee to wear" in the selvedge. This silk cannot be bo' t anywhere for less than 75c. Anniversary Clothing Specials The "specials" enumerated in this announcement are fair representations of the values of this stock hundreds of others equally good that do not find room in : print It's a safe statement for us to make when we say that every garment we have in the. store is marked at a lower price than same quality can be bought for elsewhere. . ; . Wen's Real $6 Suits $2.98 Made of -wool homespun tweeds In dark effects. "We've an even hundred of these absolutely the best clothing special ever offered in any country at anv time. You'll say so, too, when you see the suits. Made in 4-button -round-cut sack style, notched collar vest. Italian lining; sleeves and veet lined with fancy sateen: a handsome pair of suspenders given with each suit. Men's Real $8.50 Suits $4.98 Made of all-wool Meltons, in gray and blue ef fects. Made in 4-button -round sack style, notched collar vest. Italian lining: also at same price, suits tf fancy all-wool cheviots and gray tweeds. Men's Real $12.50 Suits $8.48 Made of strictly all-wool homespuns and cassl meres and clay worsteds: best Italian linings; military fronts and shoulders. The "clays" in round and square cut. Men's Real $13.50 Suits $9.85 Made of all-wool fancy worsted. In round cut, 4-button sacks, of finest Washington clay worst eds, In square and round cut, of genuine all-wool light gray Pivot cassimeres, in round cut; lin ings and tailoring are of the very best. Men's Real $1 Trousers 68c Made of fine wool-mixed tweeds and cottonades; good In fit, finely sewed. Men's Real $1 .75Trousers$1 .1 9 Made of woolen cassimeres, tweeds and kerseys, French waist band. Men's Real $2.25 Trousers$l. 58 Made of the famous all-wool Dickey kersey; nothing like 'em for wear. Men's Real $3 Trousers $2.38 Made of fino worsted. In various patterns. "Ku fangel" patent side fastenings. Men's Reai$3.50Trousers$2.88 Made of fine -wool worsteds; no clothes will sell as good for less than $4.00. Boys' Real $2.25 Suits $1.38 Made of worsteds and cheviots, In vestee. double-breasted, two-piece styles. The vestee In sizes 3 to 8; the two-piece in sizes S to 14. Boys' Real $3 Suits $2.25 Made of fancy gray striped homespun, in' Nor folk style, with sailor collar; sizes 3 to 8. Boys' Reai $3.50 Suits $2.75 Made of all-wool light-weight navy blue Mel ton, In Xorfolk stye; sizes 9 to 14. Boys' Real $4.25 Suits $3.38 Made of gray striped woolen homespun. In three piece style; very latest cut; sizes 9 to 14. Youths' Reai $8.50 Suits $6.68 Made of all-wool navy blue serges, all-wool fancy cassimeres; this one in military front; sizes 13 to 20. Youths' Real $6.50 Suits $4.38 Made of fine all-wool cheviot homespuns, in latest style; very nobby and dressy. Youths' Real $9.50 Suits $7.73 Made of genuine all-wool Washington" clay worsteds, black only; military shoulders and front. Boys' Blue Denim Bib Overalls 19c Mado of fine denims; well sewed; "lots of pock ets; all sizes at this price. Boys' Real 35c Knee Pants 23c Made of fine worsteds and cottonade; guaran teed sewing. Boys' Real 75c Knee Pants 48c Made of all-wool cheviots, tweedsand home spuns: also some of corduroys; most of them have double scats and knees, and all have pat ent elastic waist band. Men's Odd Vests 19c and 48c Two special lots that are certainly worthy of your notice. The 19c sort usually sells at ?5c to $1.00; the 4Sc sort at $1.25 to $1.75. Anniversary Specials in Women's Wear You relied pretty largely on this store last season for tailored wear the biggest business in our history is evidence. This season we are taking last season's record as a foundation standing on it to make a better, larger record still. Now the Spring gathering is richly ready for your choosing and the prices have reached the very limit of smallness. $2 "Side Walk" Skirts $1 Made of dark gray Melton skirting, 5-gore, lat est flare, inverted pleats, strap seams, finished at bottom with eight rows of stitching. " $3 "Side Walk" Skirts $1 .98 Made of high-grade dark gray Melton skirting, 5-gore, deep graduated set-on flounce, finished at top and bottom with stitching. $3.50 "Side Walk" Skirts $2.48 Made of gray wool homespun skirting, 7-gore, strap seams, latest flare,, finished at bottom with 12 rows of stitching; $5 "Side Walk" Skirts $3.48 Made of fancy all-wool homespun cheviot, set In pleats, released at knee to give fullness. - $6.50 "Side Walk" Skirts $4.45 "Made of dark all-wool homespun cheviot, with set-In pleats released at knee to give fullness; also of light gray all-wool homespun In same style; also of snowfLaked valle, with slot seams, in blue, brown and black coloring; also of all wool cheviots in black and white effect, 7-gore, with slot seams. Silk Skirts at about half value These are the sample lines of several of the best makes In New York City, bought by our East ern buyers at about half value. Being samples, .they show all the painstaking care every maker bestows on garments from which ho takes or ders. No two In tho entire collection are alike a fact you will like about them. $6.50 Silk Petticoats $4.48 Since most of this season's skirts are made up without lining, silk petticoats are to be worn to take the place of drop skirts formerly made up with the suit. We've a very Interesting special in silk petticoats: made of soft, well-wearing taffeta silk, in black and colors, cut full width, finished at bottom with deep corded flounce. $8.50 Tailored Suits, $3.98 How this offering of well-made tailored suits at $3.9S Is possible would take too long to tell might not interest you but the suits certainly will. Made of Meltons, serges and Venetians, in various up-to-date styles and colorings. , $1 1.50 Tailored Suits, $8.38 Made of all-wool blue cheviot: has collarless blouse jacket with peplum finish of stitching and fancy buttons. $14.50 Tailored Suits, $9.48 Made of all-wool pepper-and-salt homespun cheviot, in same style as the one above. $15 Tailored Suits, $9.98 Made of all-wool black cheviot, collarless blouse front Jacket, trimming of stitched bands of taffeta silk, 5-gore flare skirt. $18 Tailored Suits, $13.48 Made of all-wool black Venetians, short collar less blouse-front jacket with decided dip front, finished with straps and fancy buttons. The seams of the 7-gore skirt are finished with stitched straps. $22.50 Tailored Suits $15.98 Made of very light gray etamine, blouse-front Jacket, with peplum, coat collar and stitched straps over shoulder, klmona sleeves, 5-gore skirt, finished with straps. $23 Tailored Suits $16.48 Made of all-wool black "snowflaked" cheviot suiting; new-waist length blouse jacket, with deep dip front, finished with stitched straps; the bishop sleeves, have cuffs; velvet collar; skirt has Inset pleats released at knee to give fullness. $12.50 Silk Monte Carlo $8.48 Made of high-grade taffeta silk; very full pleats In front and back, Wmona sleeves and. round collar; sleeves and collar trimmed with plauen applique. , Cottons Cotton prices are going up, so comes the news from manufac turing centers, and in the face of this comes this sale, with the fol lowing great saving advantages: 50c Sheets, 38c 72x90 inches, torn, hemmed and ironed. 30 yds. Brown Sheeting, $1 Full 36 '.nches. standard weight, 30 yards to one customer. $1.25 Sheet Blankets, 88c Full 1V4 size, chain of gray, tan and white. 15 yds. Bleached Musiin, $1 A well-known, brand; 15 yards to ono cus tomer. 12 yds. Cambric, S1 Ikrual to Lonsdale in quality; 12 yards to one customer. 1 0 yds. Long Cloth, $1 SS inches wide, best quality; 10 yards limit to ono customer. Wide Bleached Musiin . Full 1(M wide, at 20c Full S-t wide, at 17c Full E-4 wide, at 11c Full 9-t wide, at 3Sc " Full 6-4 wide, at 14c Full 42 Inches twlde, at 10c Anniversary Specials in Men's Furnishings Men's 10c Handkerchiefs, 4c Of fine white lawn, full sire and hemstitched. Men's 19c Neckwear, six for 25c On hundred dozen of shield bows and band bows, at less than tho silk cost. Men's 75c Laundered and Golf Shirts, 48c Mado of fine percale. Those which are laundered have de tached cuffs; the others have detached cuffs and two de tached matching collars. Men's 50c Suspenders, 23o A really great special; very handsome, strong elastic webbing lisle, and leather ends; best grade of buckle. Men's 50c Neckwear, 25c Splendid assortment of four-lnJhand. Tecks and Imperials in all the new colorings, at just half real value. Men?s 25c Boston Garters, 15c The genuine assorted colors, lisle web. ; Men's 50c Shirts at 35c Made of fast colorea black and white .twill shirting, full length and width. i Men's 75c Satine Shirts, 48c Made of fast black Butler satine, corded bosom; also at same prico light colored soft shirts. Men's 5c Cotton Socks, 1c Blue and brown mixtures, seamless. Limit of five pair to any one customer. Men's 15c Cotton Socks, 8c Men's fine cotton socks in fast black and fast tan, at 8c, instead of 15c Men's 65c Demin Overalls, 43c With and without bib, best quality of denim. Linen sewed and copper riveted. Jumpers, at the same price. Men's $1 .75 Woolen Sweaters, $1 .1 9 Made of pure Australian lamb's wool; roll neck, black, navy and maroon. Linens Lace Curtain Specials Three Wrafcfier Specials At 25c instead of 50c 85c Percale Wrappers, 58c One hundred and fifty pairs of Nottingham curtains in handsome patterns. Madeofjtast-colored percales. In a wide range of patterns; braid-trimmed collar, full length At 58c instead of $1.00 $1.25 Percale Wrappers, 88c "Nottingham lace curtains in six handsome designs. ' . ' gg cuWull 'width?101 V113'' Datterns. braid-trimmed coUar and bretelles; deep At 88c instead of $1.25 $150 Percale Wrappers, 98c Nottingham lace curtains in beautiful designs, three .yards long, full width. SMaSKE PCrCalCS " brald-trinimed coUar- de We feel certain that no one with immediate or prospective linen wants can afford to pass these offerings by. See if we ain't right. "50c Table Linens, 38c 63-inch silver bleached, assorted patterns. 63c Table Linens, 48c 62-lnch grass bleached, assorted patterns. $1 Napkins, 68c size, all linen, assorted patterns, bleached. -$1.50 Napkins, $1.13 . size, grass bleached, assorted patterns, pure linen. 1 7c Turkish Toweling, 13c 17-inch bleached, extra heavy. $1.50 Bedspreads, 97c Full size Marseilles patterns, ready to use, 13c Huck -Towels, 9c 17x34 Inches, extra heavy, colored border. 13c Turkish Towels, 9c 18x34 Inches, bleached, extra heavy. 28c Turkish Towels, 1 9c 22x48 Inches, unbleached, extra heavy. 5c Cotton Crash, 2c 17-inch bleached and brown. " Shirtwaist Underjjriced At 43c Shirtwaists of fast colored At 73c Shirtwaists of dimity, large percale, stock collar, with tie. pearl buttons, stock collar, with tie. At 98c Shirtwaists of madras, large At $ 1. 23 Shirtwaists of madras, Ox pearl buttons, stock collar. fords and momie, large pearl buttons. . , c... - . t ... . At $1,23 Shirtwaists of white Ox At r3c-Shirtwaists of wfote lace, fordXestingf large pearl buttons, stock striped lawn, stock collar, with tie. collar and tie. At 73c Shirtwaists of black mercer- At Mc Shirtwaists of black mercer ized satine, finished with braid and ized satine, finish of tucks and fagot tucks. stitching. Hosiery and Underwear At8Jc Instead of 12c Child's lxl ribbed cotton school hose, fast black, double soles, toes and heels; six pairs to one customer. At 4c instead of 8c "Women's ribbed vests, crochet finish. At 23c instead of 35c Women's Jersey, Richelieu and Swiss ribbed vests, various styles -of finish; no better val ues anywhere at 35c At 6Jc instead of 10c "Women's fast black cotton hose, double soles, toes and heels; 10c everywhere; limit of four pairs to a customer. At 23c instead of 35c "Women's- fast black lisle hose, in new up-to-the-minute in style patterns; double soles, toes and heels. Hen's Hats: Two Bargains Men's Real Stetson's $3 Hats $ 1 .98 $5 Hats $3.00 r, . " , , You may perhaps think there's some- Choice at $1.98 of all the seasons thing wrong with the hats-off in style latest style productions in soft and or quality take our guarantee that stiff Hats all fully equal in style and Exact counterparts of J J those sold all over town at $4.50 and quality to any advertised $3 hat ' $5.00 by the exclusive dealers.