The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 08, 1903, PART THREE, Page 22, Image 22

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THE fame of Rudyard Kipling a
hundred years from now, Judging,
or course, from his works to date,
will be founded upon hla short stories of
Indian life and his verse. Both are es
sentially works of his imagination, but
works in which the characters, the chil
dren of his Imagination, are made to live
and breathe because of a vesture and en
vironment of reality; a reality which owes
Its rcalness to the wonderful faculties
for qbscrvation of its creator.
Notwithstanding the fact that much of
this work of Kipling's, worthy as it Is to
compare with the best of its kind In
history, was produced prior to his return
to England, by way or America, in 1S30,
it remained for his story of this trip, a
supposedly truthful account of his obser
vations, to bring him out into the glare
of the limelight of publicity where he
has kept himself ever since.
It was his scathing criticism in this
work of America and its people, particu
larly those of the West, that first at
'tracted attention to Kipling and. in course
of time, to his other and better works,
tails idea at that time of the American.
Judging from his criticism, la epitomized
lln one. of the closing verses of his poem
'of that name.
Erwlaved. Illoclcal. late.
He meets th" embarrassed sods, nor rears
; To shake the Iron band of fate.
' Or match with destiny for beers.
At first Kipling's position, was ono of
notoriety, rather than of note, but grad
ually the attacks of the press, aroused by
ithe outspoken criticism in his book, sub
sided as his genius made itself felt in
his later works. People read his stories
because they liked theu. and ho finally
entered upon the cumulative period of
popularity whose zenith is not yet
In "From Sea to Sea," tho name given
by Kipling to his book of travels, ho
oeems most effectively to show up the
American follies and foibles when he
cites individual Instances, recording his
conversations with street acquaintances
and chance associates, setting forth their
weaknesses and absurdities aa characteris
tic of the country, producing, when all Is
said, a rather sorry picture of the Amer
ican. An instance of this nature, in con
nection with his tour of the West, fell
under my notice a year ago. and if tho
rest of tho Incidents which Kipling used
as nails to fasten down the lid of the
coffin ho had prepared for American dig
nity, American manners, and, in fact,
everything but American business enter
prise, which latter he did not approve of,
have no more truth in them than bis
stories of poor old Yankee Jim of tho
Yellowstone. San Francisco, Portland,
Seattle, Salt Lake; Omaha, Chicago, anil
other of the Western cities have little
reason to care longer for the smart of the
whip that he laid so unsparingly along
their unwashed Western backs.
Iloom for Suspicion.
Considering the shameless way In which
this story or the old hunter and trapper
Is patched up out of whole cloth, here is
rood reason to believe that. In this much-talked-of
story of his travels Kipling's
Imagination has reciprocated the sen-ice
of his observation in his works of fiction
and helped him to construct effective and
pointed "Instances," where the real In
cidents of his trip would not bend .to his
When I decided upon a trip to the Yel
lowstone Park Summer beforo last I an
ticipated nothing with more pleasure than
a stop off at Yankee Jim's, where Klp-
jmg stopped, ana a days fishing In Yan
kee Jim's Canyon, where Kipling fished. I
pictured myself listening to the desperate
old hunter's blood-curdling talcs of In
dian warfare, just as Kipling listened, and
I "even went so far as to Invent a wild
story of my own with which I Intended
to cap one of Jim's when the opportunity
offered, Just as Kipling tried to do. I
.wanted to know what became of "Diana
of the Crossroads," the beautiful country
Eirl that Kipling described, and I wanted
to learn of a hundred other things that
3lpllng said and did on the momentous
occasion of his visit. But it was all on
Kipling's account, for my feeling toward
iamtee Jim was almost one of reoug-
nance, aroused by the former's descrip
tions of the cold-blooded manner with,
which Jim recited his stories of tho re
volting moian cruelties he had wit
nessed. Imagine my surprise, then. when. I had
Jumped from the train and hurried, eag
erly over tho few yards that separated
the track from Jim's cabin, at being met
at the door by a benevolent-looking old
man with white hair and beard, clean
and neat in drees, whose manner, as he
crasped my hand and bade me a cordial
welcome, betrayed a. gentleness and cour
tesy rarely found In such Eurroundlnrs.
I noticed almost at once, however, a. kind
ot anxiety in his manner, which became
more pronounced . as I, having deposited
sny Dig ana roa on the floor and taken
the chair which he had set for me.
blurted out: "ilr. Georges" (I had heard
Ho preferred, to be called by his surname).
"they told me in Livingston that vou
bad met all the famous men that ever
came up this way, and I have known of
you for years through Kipling's account
of you. I want you to tell me some of
yue Indian stones you told him."
Tnnkee Jim -nnO, Bob InsersoII,
Be -endeavored to hide the look of an-
inoyance and pain that came to his face.
and at, bnce began talking most volubly,
i but , in a forced and unnatural' manner.
tnar a, even in my singleness of pur-
"They told you that 'I had met most
loll the notables, did they? Well. I guess
I have. All of them, in fact, before the
I railroad was built. Perhaps they told
you about the time that Bob Ingersolt
lectured down there, on Tils way out from
the Park. No? Well, you cee. Bob and
his family stopped a whole day with
me. when they came along and we got
I to be great friends. His girls came right
I cut here into this kitchen where you
are sitting now, and rolled up their
'sleeves and helped me wash the dishes.
They were calling me Uncle Jim before
they had .been here on hour. Well, the
people down there persuaded Bob to give
a lecture in .Livingston, and I drove In
the, whole 40 miles to hear It. When the
lecture' was over Bob camo up to me
at the hotel and asked me what I thought
. pML 'ilr. IngersoIL' said I. 'I don't like
to tell you.' 'I like a man that speaks
Ills mind.' sold he. 'Go on. 'WelL Mr.
IngersoII," said I. 'I think you're making
p grievous mistake .in standing up there
and hurting tne reelings or almost me
wholo audience, just for the sake of the
bne or two that thinks as you do.' At
LJlrst I thought he was going to come
back at me, and I oon t aoust tnat he
would have tied me np In short order,
but all of a sudden he laughed right
out In his Jovial way. and took my arm.
and said. 'Mr. Georges, let's have a
drink.' He was the most lovable man
I ever met. In spite of his doctrines."
Cow. this would have been Interesting
enough under ordinary .circumstances,
but here was a man who had entertained
Kipling, exchanged stories with him,
even eaten with him, and was not talking
about it. I was sure there was some
thing, wrong, and I hastened at once to
remind him.
"Jim (I had forgotten the Mr. Georges
in my eagerness), did Kipling really
catch as many fish as he claimed down
In the canyon 7"
Again the look of pain and annoyance,
and again the switching off. ,
"Fishing In the canyon Isn't what Jt
used to be before the coal mines up at
Horr began dumping their tailings In the
river. Roscoo Conkllng caught the big
gest fish thit a tourist ever caught In
the canyon. He can a great hand with
the rod, but. In my opinion, mucn over
rated, as a public man. He had the nerve
to cheat me out of the price of a case
of beer. Ordered it' for a. couple of coach
loads ot his party and then drove off
without paying for it. These politicians
are slippery ones, anyhow. Roosevelt
seems to me to be the only straight one
in the lot. He has hunted all over here.
you know. I never met him myself.
but he used often to put up with Yancy
over In Pleasant Valley. I rcmemrjor
more than 10 years ago that Yancy told
me that he liked a young fellow namea
'Itosefelt,' who came over hunting from
Dakota, better than any of the other
hunters that stopped with him, because
ho always looked after his own horse and
never kicked about the beds or meals.
Did you ever hear of the time that the
tenderfoot tried to cheat yancy py-Of
fering to pay his reckoning of $10 with a
J100 bank note, and Yancy fooled him by
civlne him the S30 chance In silver, wntcn
he happened to have on hand? Yancy,
Is a sly one. Another time
I almost despaired of his ever talking
of Kipling, but I resolved on ono more
Jim." I interrupted, rudely enough, as
Temembered afterwards, "is It really
true, as Kipling tells, that you saw a
squaw burned at the stake when you
lived with tho Indians?"
Kipling's Ul- Lie.
At once ho lost his assumed air of
sprlghtllness and tho look of tired res
ignation that his face bad worn when I
came again appeared. He tried to dodge
no longer.
1 knew you d ask that as soon as I
saw you," he -said. "Everyone asks It,
sooner or later. I didn't understand It
at first, and then, one day, the editor of
ono of the Butte papers sent me a copy
of the book with the chapter about me
marked. I had almost forgotten the Ut
the Englishman, and I certainly never
expected he would get to be so famous."
Then, suddenly, he assumed an almost
defiant air, and throwing himself back in
his' chair and looking me straight in the
face, exclaimed: Young man, do I look
like a man that would let a woman, white
or Indian, be burned at the stake before
him? Why, my old Colt's would have
shot some one all ot Itself at such an
outrage. He said. I said sho hollered
considerable. What did you think of
me when you read that? What have all
the other people thought who have read
It? The unhapplest night I ever spent
was the one I read that chapter. I knew
at once that the book would be widely
read. Just for the way he criticised
everything. Besides, It's a fine piece of
writing, only I can't help believing that
where he talked with the different peo
ple he wrote down their sayings Just as
he wanted. Just to make them look ridic
ulous and carry somo point he was trying
to make. But I was the only one whose
real name he used. People know me by
the name of Yankee Jim better than they
do by Georges. Why couldn't he have
called me by some other name If he was
going to lie so? It's an actual fact that
I havj hated to meet strangers ever since
I read about the squaw.
"I don't see as many people now as I
used to in the old days before the rail
road was built to Clnnlbar, and every ono
had to come In on my tollroad through
the canyon, but those that do stop here
now stop because they have heard of me
In some way or other, and more' than halt
that havo come In the last four or five
years read of me first in that book, and
have wanted to hear the story of the
squaw that was burned at the stake. And
they have expected to find me proud of
the fact that such a great writer devoted
almost a whole chapter to me. Most of
them come in the same spirit that they
would go to see a robber or a murderer.
Why, only a week ago a man and two
women had the train stop here for them.
When the train pulled on. they stood for
a while by the track, as scared as a lot
of young Indians on their first visit to
town. At last the man sneaked up to the
window and peeped In. Then the women
got their courage up and peeped In beside
him. I felt like a bear In a circus. Next
they came around to the door, holding all
together for protection. Tho man asKea
me if I was Yankee Jim. and the woman
chipped In about the squaw, and then
they all giggled. '
"Why lie Lost Ills Temper.
"My old rheumatism was giving me a
twingo or "two that day, and, besides,
their actions were enough to drive a well
man crazy. Anyhow, I paid no attention
to them. Then that young dude winked at
tho women, as if to say that he knew a
way to make the old bear come out, and,
taking a coin from his pocket, started to
walk in, telling me he would give me a
dollar if I would tell the story, x
"Young man, from tho time this cabin
was built. In 1SG, to that day several
thousand people had stood at that door
and asked for admittance, and never, to
white man or Indian, had it been denied.
I had harbored many a tough character
and been robbed several times 2Sa re
ward, but I kept it up Just because I was
proud of the record. Well. I made an end
of It all right then and there, for I
slammed the door square in his face, bolt
ed it and went to bed. Lucky for them
that Gibbs, who lives a couple of miles up
the valley, came along In the course of
an hour. He hauled them up to Clnnlbar
and brought back 10 of the dude's dollars
for the service.
"I've been sorry ever since that I lost
my temper and acted as I did. It's like
a man keeping from liquor all his life and
dying a drunkard. Of course. It can't be
helped now, but it's the fault of that
btamed story, and It Is only one of many
-t .... ,
times that it has been brought up to me.
And all the other stuff he wrote about us
here hadn't any more foundation than the
squaw story. Let me read you from theJ
And Jim went to the blackened shelf
above the fireplace and took down a grimy
copy of "From Sea to Sea." He opened
It at. once at the double dog-eared pages
wherein he figured, and, finding the place
be wanted, read:
An Invented Diana.
"The fish had prepared me for any sur
prise, wherefore when Yankee Jim intro
duced me to a ypung woman of 5 and 20,
with eyes like the deep-fringed eyes of
the gazelle, and 'on the neck the small
head buoyant, like a bell-flower in its
bed.' I said nothing. It was all In the
day's events. She was California-raised,
the wife of a man who owned a stock
farm up the river a little ways,' and, with
her husband, tenant of Yankee Jim's
shanty. I know she wore list slippers,
and did not wear stays; but J know also
that she was beautiful by any standard
of beauty, and that the trout she cooked
were fit for a King's supper."
"Then he goes on." said Jim. keeping
the place with his finger,' "to tell how the
neighbors strolled in and gossiped about
lost heifers and crops, and how I told
my biggest lies about the Indians, and so
on. and ends up like this:
Next morning I fished again and
listened to Diana telling the story of her
life. I forgot what she told me. but I am
distinctly nware that she had royal eye3
and a mouth that the daughter of a hun
dred earls might have envied so small
and so delicately cut it was. 'An' you
come back an' see us again,' said the sjm-ple-mlnded
folk. 'Come back an' we'll
show you how to catch 6-pound trout at
the head of the canyon.
Tve may have told him that there were
the week with her mother, Mrs. R. R.
Mrs. D. B. Thomas held an informal
reception Saturday .evening.
Miss Lora Nelson, of Starbuck, visited
with friends during the week.
The Women of Woodcraft entertained
their friends, Wednesday evening."
Mrs. Al Herren and son Carl are visit
ing In Heppner, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ireland were In
Portland this week.
. Mrs. B. Johnson, of Hoqulam, Wash., is
here on a visit to relatives.
Miss Clara Irvine visited with relatives
here the first of, the week.
Mrs. William Staiger, of Salem, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. E. Pad
dock; returned home Monday.
Vancouver Barracks.
Lieutenant Arthur Cranston will be the
guest of Lieutenant Van Home while the.
general court-martial is In session.
Lieutenant Hiram E. Mitchell left Mon
day for Washington to see his father.
Senator Mitchell, who was reported 11L '
Mrs. Carl Relchmann entertained the
whist club this week, and during the
afternoon a record of 27 games was played.
Friday last Lieutenant and Mrs. Harry
B. Mitchell had a number of the young
people of tne goplson In to supper after
the hop.
Major Charles St. J. Chubb, Seventeenth
Infantry, who has recently arrived at
Vancouver Barracks, was Joined by Mrs.
Chubb on Monday.
Mrs. Robert L. Collins, wife of Lieuten
ant Collins, of the Sixth Cavalry, will be
the guest of her mother. Mrs. Van Horn,
for the next few months.
Lieutenant Robert F. Jackson, Third
Cavalry, who has been ill at the post hos
pital for some time, is now convalescing
and will be the guest of Colonel and Mrs.
Goodale during the remainder ot his stay
at Vancouver Barracks.
It was with a feeling of much regret
that army officers stationed here heard
ot the order sending General Randall to
the Philippines the 1st ot April. As the
General has seen some years of hard serv
ice In Alaska, which is counted as for
eign service. It was hoped he would re
main In the department at least long
enough to complete some of the plans he
has made for Its Improvement
Aberdeen. Job Douglas has gone to Toronto, called
by tbe serious illness of his mother.
Judge Irwin and wife, of Montesano,
have been the guests of friends during the
The members of the Eastern Star gave
a social Tuesday evening, which was made
pleasant with music and refreshments.
The third annual ball ot the Order of
Elks, which was given on Friday evening,
was attended by several hundred persons.
The affair was more of a social function
than those of the two years previous,
the decorations having been planned and
carried out on a larger scale.
The- reception to Rev. Charles McDer
mott and wife, of the Congregational
Church. Wednesday evening, was a great
social success, hundreds of persons from
6-pound trout In the canyon, for there
were' even ltf-pound, and I will show you
the skin and head of one of them after
a while: and the woman he told about was
beautiful enough. God knows, but simple
minded, never. Now what do you think
his gentle country folks were? Nothing
more or less than a team of song and
dance artists from a Butte concert hall.
The woman called herself Helen Mon
tague, and I don't Just recall the man's
name- now. They didn't even pretend to
be married. I suspected that they were
up here 'laying low" about something, but
I didn't ask any questions. A month or
two after they left I read of their being
arrestel down .at Billings for being mixed
Up in some sort of a 'dope' and robbery
scheme In Butte. Still they behaved well
enough here, except for drinking a good
deal, and the woman was first-rate com
pany. Lied Abont Them All.
"But that little Khgllehman knew all
the time that they weren't "simple coun
try folks.' I remember her singing a song
of hers, a parody on 'Wnlt Till the Clouds
Roll By.' called 'Walt Till Che Bottle Goes
Dry.' She called him Johnny Bull almost
the first time she spoke to him, and
when she sang the song ehe would put In
Johnny" at the end of each line of the
chorus and he would puff up In a great
way. He took her banjo and tried to
play chords for her to sing by. but made
a great mesa of it- Then he, and I guess
the rest of us. teased her to dance, and
after a lot of coaxing ehe gave us that
Scotch dance where Ihey throw their
hand up on one side and then on 'the
other I think they call it the Highland
Fling. Then she gave us the Fisher's
Hornpipe and ended up with a regular old
"break-down," holding her skirts about her
knees and footing it in great shape, while
we all clappedour hands for time. That
was a simple country girl trick, wasn't It?
"Then ho and she talked for a long
time, he telling her about the eporty parts
ot the cities In India, and she of Butte
and Denver and other Western towns.
They certainly struck up quite a friendship
and her teammate seemed more than glad
when the little Englishman left the next
"The Englishman was most certainly an
interesting talker, and he showed ouch
an Intense interest in all you told him
that you naturally liked him. But he
didn't admire Miss Helen Montague for
any 'simple country folkd" qualities, sim
ply because she didn't have them. Prob
ably when he came around to write the
book he thought that the 'simple country
folks would show off In fine contrast liv
ing with the -desperate old man who stood
by while the squaw was burned, and so
he lied about us all.
Robbed Off Hla Pleasure.
"I'm getting to be a pretty old man
over 70 now and the greatest pleasure I
have had in life has been the meeting
and the entertaining of the different peo
ple, high and low, that came along this
way to the Park. Well, for the laet six
years, Jiwt on account of that thoughtless
paragraph, I have been robbed of this
pleasure entirely. I almost dread stran
gers now, for I feel that I am looked up
on more as a curiosity than a man.
I may not have done It Justice in the
telling, but It seemed to me that the story
of this gentle old man, taking a natural
pride in the friends he had made and the
notice he had attracted, even among those
in high places, reduced through the agency
of the careless He of the great writer to
feeling himself regarded as a freak and a
monstrosity, was the most touching re
cital I had ever listened to. Ninety-nine
old prospectors and hunters out of a
hundred would have been Jubilant over the
notoriety; Jim was crushed. He impressed
mo as more sorrowful than resentful. He
had hardly uttered a word agalnot Kip
ling, and several times he had praised him.
Since, I have tried vainly to recall his
using the tatter's name once; I can only
remember hla using a pronoun or "The
little Englishman." This may have been
an Inadvertency on his part, or my mem
ory may be at fault. At any rate. It wap
almost the only sign of resentment that
he showed, and his attitude toward Kip
ling seemed to be one of protest rather
than of anger. He was only the one
human atom beneath the literary Jugger
naut, ctill I could not help recalling the
verse with which this same Kipling pre
faces one of his famous poems:
The toad brneath the harrow knows
Exactly where each tooth-point goes.
The butterfly upon the road
Preaches contentment to that toad.
all over the city extending cbngratula
tlona Mr. McDermott has been pastor
of the Methodist Church, but recently re
ceived a call from the Congregational
Society. v
- Chenali.
Mrs. Jennie Dwyer has gone to Sumpter,
ur. ' i
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kauplsch departed
Monday for California, to be gone a
Miss Barbara Royal, of Portland, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Newland, in
Mr. E. E. KIrtley, of La Grande, Or..
visited Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, in
Chehalls, Monday and Tuesday.
J. M. Kelly, of Joseph. Or., and Miss
1st Many years of the most painstaking efforts in the study
and practice along the lines of which we make a specialty Disor-
ders of men.
2d An earnest desire to cure quickly and permanently every
man who places his case in our hands not only from a sense of
duty and a humanitarian point of view, but because it does and al-
ways has paid us to do so. '
3d Complete apparatus and general equipment, regardless
of cost.
4th Remedies that cause no injurious effects during or after
a cure.
5th Frankness. If we cannot cure a man we will not under-
take his case. This not only makes us many friends, but creates
no enemies.
6th Operations. We perform operations when necessary
only. If the patient cannot be cured permanently without an oper-
ation we so inform him at once.
7th Our successful home-cure system. By this -we cure
J thousands of men without seeing them. (Write'for blanks.) J
' 8th Our invariable rule never to accept money until our pa-
J tients are entirely recovered. J
S OFFICE HOURS: Week Days 9 A. M. to 8 P.JW. Sundays 10 to 2 I
Elva Phillips, of Chehalls. were married at
the home of the bride's mother. Mrs.
Maggie Phillips. Thursday afternoon.
Mra H. Honeywell Is vUltlng relatives
In Seattle and Everett this week.
Mrs. M. Day, mother of F. L. Day, of
this place, left Friday for her home in
The Order of Washington has issued In
vitations for a card party to be given
Monday evening.
Miss Hazel Lepper left Friday for St
Paul. where she will visit relatives. She
expects to be gone about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris gave a silver
wedding at their home Tuesday evening.
A large number were present and many
useful presents were received. Refresh
ments were served late In the evening.
A charming social event took place at
the h'ome of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ruddell,
In West Elma. Friday evening.
Probably the most delightful social
event among the young people of Elma
was an entertainment at' the Christian
Church Saturday night.
A farewell ball was. given Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons by their
friends and their families, who are mem
bers of the Elma Cornet Band.
Mrs. Tlllle Langhorne returned from
Portland Tuesday to visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smith.
Miss Stella Mutul entertained a number
of friends In a verypleasant manner at
her home on Nob Hill Saturday evening.
January 31.
Holly Camp No. IS3, Woodmen of thf
World, gave a pleasant entertainment to
the Circle at the Fowler Opera-House, Sat
urday evening.
Miss Bessie Miller, of Lebanon, is the
guest of Mrs. Mona Thompson.
J. F. Morrison, of Grant's Pass, greeted
old friends In this city last Friday.
Miss Ruth Crocker, ot Portland, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Grant.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawton left for
Sheridan, Or., last Friday, and will make
their home there In future.
Pending Meaaure Would Practically
Stop Homebuilding in Oregon.
BLUE RIVER. Feb. 1 (To the Editor.)
In the Sunday Oregonlan appears an ar
ticle under the caption of "Settlers or
bpeculatorsr In regard to the forest
fire bill. We think Mr. Rltchey's condem
nation of said bill Is timely and to the
point. What would be the result In 23
years if this bill should or could be en
forced? It would put a stop to the home-
building throughout the foothills and along
the rich bottom land of our many rivers
and creeks. Those who have toiled for
years in hewing out a home for them
selves and families must now hang their
brush hook up on .the ever encroaching
fire brush and sit down and watch It
One would think our present Legfolatorp.
or at least those who gave their support
to the forest fire bill, were not strictly on
to their Jobs. They certainly cannot leg
lslate weather conditions which will make
It possible for the brushburner to even
Bwlng his slashing before the 13th of June
or after the 15th of October. Oh, no, you
can t fool a W ebfooter. Those poor eml
grants who may come may attempt to
burn brush In the rain.
But it will be like burning a wet blanket.
It's unfortunate for the people of Ore
gon to have to Invoke the referendum to
veto the work of our hired men at Salem.
But Its very fortunate, for our people
that they have a referenfum vote on the
forest fire bllL Let us exercise our right.
The KIplInK Proceu'lon.
London Punch.
An Important feature of the Durbar cere
monies which seems to have escaped no
tice was the grand Kipling procession. It
was only fitting that one whose name and
fame is so much associated with our In
dian empire should have a prominent po
sition In the celebration., and It will be
seen from the following details that the
procession was. on a scale ot unparalleled
The order of the stately progress was
as follows:
Captains Courageous.
A Phantom Rickshaw containing Mr. Kipling's
A cart bearing an exhibition tank in which is
discovered Mr. Swlmburne swimming in
samples of the Seven Seas.
Soldiers Three.
The Oaf bearing the Mud.
The Chief Jingo bearing the Banjo.
The Fool bearing the Flannel.
The Cat who walked by himself.
Bodyguard of Stalky & Co.
A Duke's Son. A Cook's Son. A Son of a
Hundred Kings.
No. 1 Big Gun Carriage drawn by The Camel
(led by Mr. Stephen Phillips), The Baby Ele
phant (led by Mr. Thomas Hardy), The Python
Rock Snake (led by Mr. J. M. Barrle), and The
Crocodile (led by Mr. Wm. Watson), and con
taining .
Mr. Rudyard Kipling.
Mr. Alfred Austin. Mrs. Jane Oakley
Detachment (very much detached) ot Absent
minded Beggars.,
& Company
It may Interest quite a number of
Oregonlan" readers to know the
reasons why we have such a high
standing as Specialists among
regular physicians and the public
The American College of Sciences, of
Philadelphia, Pa., Is a novel Institution.
It is chartered under state laws, with a
capital of tlOO.OCO, for the purpose of
teaching Personal Magnetism, Hypno
tism, Magnetic Healing, etc., by .corre
spondence. At an expense of over JMOO the college
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The college absolutely guarantees that
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The reporter asked for the names and
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There were absolutely no failures. All
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J. H. Schneller, 1412 Avon street. La
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reveals the secrets of life and the mys
teries of Nature. My own father could
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Mra. Effle M. Watson. Martinsville, Ind.,
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health, happiness and prosperity. It
should be studied by every one. I would
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within me a force of character, an ability
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J. W. dinger. M. D.. Springfield. Ohio,
writes: "I have used the methods of hyp
notism taught by the American College
of Sciences in two cases ot difficult sur
gical operations with perfect success. It
is a complete anaesthetic, and prefer
able to chloroform or ether. I acquired a
practical knowledge of hypnotism In less
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Rev. T. W. Butler. Ph. D., Idaho City.
Idaho, writes: "I have cured a number of
chronic cases of rhcumattum. dyspepsia,
and paraylsls of long standing; have not
had a slnglo failure. I consider, a knowl
edge of Personal Magnetism Invaluable.
The book has, greatly Increased my own
Dr. W. P. Kennlcutt, 523 State street.
Blnghampton. N. Y.. writes: "I had long
suffered from nervous prostration and
dyspepsia. My case baffled all medical
skill. I studied - hypnotism from the
American College of Sciences, and tried
It upon myself with surprising results. In
one week my stomach was better than It
had been In SO years. I could eat any
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sleep all night: have hypnotized a num
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The first 10.000 persons who write to
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