v-r 14 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 8, 1903. t- HELP WANTED MALE. TWO TUGGING RUSTLERS. $2.75; BUCK ers. $2.50 up: skidmen. $2 ay. 3 teamsters. $S2 up. board: head sawyer. $3.50 up: 2 mill carpenters. $3.50: blacksmith. $3; tallyman and grader. $2 up: mlllbands, $L73 up: laundry-nan. $30 board: piano player. 12 board: S carpenters. $3: R. R. tcamaeers. -: laborers $L75 up: 3 men and teams, city. $4.50; 10 haul ties. 6c to 7 Vic: land elearers: wood choppers. 85c to $1: farm hands and milkers, $20 to $30. Canadian Employment Co.. 220V, Morrison; branches, 247 liurnslde. 12S First. CI It. HANSEN & CO .EMPLOYMENT Agency. . 20 N. Secoad at- Both phones. Free registration. Correspondence solicited. Furnisher of competent skilled and un skilled male labor tor all industries. Skilled labor, particularly for lumbering; in terests, requested to register. Established 1876. Offices In San Francisco and Los Angeles. CaL: Ogden, Utah, and 501 Main ave.. Spo kane. "Wash. . CLOTHINO SALESMEN' TO OPEN AND Op erate sales agencies lor Americas greatest tailors: exclusive rights glvn: proper facili ties to right parties; -woolens In the piece for display purposes supplied If required, samples furnished free; also advertising mat ter and stationery: a number of our sales agents are making from $12tj0 to $300 per year. Write for terms and full Information. Address Agency. Department -S. Lock Box Sod. Chicago. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS EXAMINA tlons will soon be held in this state for posi tions in the customs and railway mall serv ices. 13.000 appointments last year. This Is your opportunity Announcement containing information concerning positions, salaries, qualification!, etc free. Address National Correspondence Institute. Washington. D. C. or to save time, the Institute's Pacific Cpast Office. 027 Market St.. San Francisco. CaL WANTED. First-class gang edger roan for a CxGU eag er. 00 miles from Portland. $3.25 a day, per manent. . , . Tunnel laborers. Nevada, free fare. Laborers, drillers. Washington, free fare. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N. 2d St. WANTED DRY GOODS SALESMAN: FIRST dasa clothing, genu furnishing; first-class shoe salesmen: bookkeeper and stenographer: decorator: also foundry pattern maker:. Inter views confidential. Investigate. Hours. t A. M. to 8 P. M. Clerks Registration Bureau, 2CS Morrison St.. room 303. An energetic manager for office to be opened In this "city by large manufacturing concern: satarr $1W per month extra commlrslons and expenses: & cash seculty required: b of references: no liooks or Insurance. Address Manager. P. O. Box 2124. San Francisco. CaL WANTED MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF ncer salary $1S00 yearly: roan with $3000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer. .-03-. Security Building. Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack algns. distribute circulars, samples, etc.: no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. WANTED -STATE AGENT FOR OREGON rnf i r tt-. m ruucs. . ...... .... dress John Scringer it Co., Agents. Seattle. Western General $20 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen for baking powder and extracts. Experience unnecessary. Purity Co.. Chlcaxo. $50 A MONTH AND EXPENSES PAID ONE wirty In each county in the U. S. Particulars and $1.00 outfit free. Golden West Co.. Vital la. Cal. TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT BY EXFERI enced operator: students prepared for prac tical work; tint -class facilities. Q 63, Ore gonlan. DETECTIVES EVERY LOCALITY; GOOD salary; experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective Agency. Milwaukee, Wis. THE GLASS MAGNIFYING PHOTOGRAPH frame. We manufacture and sell them: sam ples 20 cents. All Glass Co.. Marlon. Ind. -FARMHAND (4 COWS). $20: RESTAURANT cook. $14; country hotel. $40; dishwashers, woodchoppers. Drake. 205j4 Washington. SALESMEN. $23 PER WEEK. TO SELL A Ihit.d that maxes us own kh. iaiuV Eastern Gas Co.. S7 Nassau at.. N. T. TOTJNO MAN FOR OFFICE WORK IN wholesale house: salary $50 month. Address with references W 78. Oregonlan. mivnmiv TO TtTTM TJGHT HOTEL: must be able to deposit $40; good place for right party. W 00, Oregonlan. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED: EXPERI ence unnecessary. Good pay. Emanuel Co., Station J, New York City. GOOD JAPANESE BOY TO WORK IN II O- tel kitchen: must speais uisiua. iuc Hawthorne and urana. L. WANTED MAN WITH $150 TO TAKE HALF Interest In photograph gallery; experience not necessary, auatt rirsu tx-A-K-rT-nrjnon. STRONG. ACTIVE BOY for factory work. Portland Soap & -Chem ical Co., 306 Everett St. PUPILS IN TELEGRAPHY, DAY OR EVEN- jng, by expenencea opvromi uk-wow ltles. M 2. Oregonlan. "WANTED SALESMAN ; expenses; permanent. Rochester. N. Y. $60 MONTHLY AND 1'erry nursery m. "WANTED CARPENTER WORK IN EX rhanra for custom-fnade clothes. Call 132 RusselL I r-WANCTF: FOR YOUNG MAN TO LEARN barber trade for reasonable price. P SI, Ore gonlan. vmnT.TiOED GERMAN TO TEND HOGS. Apply at hog ranch, oa Mount Scott car .line. PARTNER FOR REAL ESTATE BUSINESS; must nave aiiaa capiuu. xjua w. t ub.ul WANTED TWO HEAD SAWYERS. GALL today, 11 to 12. or Monday, 210 Allsky blag. BRIGHT BOY, 15 YEARS OLD. Monday morning before 9 o'clock. APPLY 171 3d at. YOUNG MAN TO HELP PHOTOGRAPHER. Call at z Jr. ja. toaay " twin First-class talesman tor asphaltum corporation. city, high salary. 2ia jomroerciai ctoca. YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE some money requirea. a -jregoiuaii. WANTED MARBLE WORKERS", era and bedroen. Apply foot of 22d POLISH at. SPRAYING FRUIT TREES. iZl 6th. Phone Front 2152. J. P. FONES, A GOOD, STRONG BOY TO DO CHORES. 7th st. 231 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A WOMAN TO TAKE CHARGE nf iritrhn and dlnlnc-room for the new Keelcy Institute, at First and Montgomery t. nresent location Battlfe Creek sani ttviu-n Annlv at First and Montgomery. Monday, between the hours of 12 and 2 oJock P. M. The Keeley Institute. LADIES OR GENTS COPYV LETTERS AT home, no names to supply, or addressing en velopes, nothing to buy. $20 a 1000 paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and anollcatlon blanks. Practical mg. wo. 128 llarket at., Newark, N. j. a nnnn POfSITION AWAITS EVERY WOM an who will sell our beautiful petticoats and solid comfort walking skirts: exclusive ter ritory: bir croflts: no experience necessary. Send for catalogues and particulars. Paris Skirt Co., Cleveland. O. INDUSTRIOUS GIRL WITH ARTISTIC taste for general store work, burnt leather, developing1 and finishing photographs and make herself useful; permanent position to satisfactory person. Address D 77, Orego- nlan. Al LADY SOLICITORS IN EVERY OREGON town. Portland inciuaea: new., rapia-seiung, meritorious article: excellent Inducements: answer Immediately for Information. C M. McRae. 346 -Montgomery :L, Portland. Or. LADIES EVERYWHERE. COPY LETTERS home evening?, and return to us: we pay $20 thousand, casn; new pian, steaay wore: sena addressed envelope, full particulars. Quaran tee Co., Dept. S 88. Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES MAKE SOFA PIELOWS AT HOME entirely tew Idea: $8 to $15 weekly; matt rials furnished; no canvassing: steady work. Send stamped, addressed envelope. New Textile Mfg. Co.. Erie st., Chicago. . THE MEIER & FRANK CO. ARB NOW prepared to -engage for the spring and sum' mer millinery season experienced salesladies first-class trimmers and makers. Aaply mornings before 10 o clock. 1 MILLINER WANTED FIRST-CLASS MILLI nerr bv March 1: one who Is capable of tak lng full charge of department; salary. $18 to $20 per week to right person. Aoaress anil nest, care Oregonlan. T.ADIES TO DO PLAIN SEWING AT HOME steady work, rood pay. -Materials tent every where free. Send addressed envelope Tor par ticulars. ,Du Pont Dept. S 83. Lock Box 1382. Philadelphia. 1'a. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL "WANTED for general housework: goon wages -ana gooa home; elegant location, a few blocks from east end of steel bridge. Apply 373 Ross, cor- M-oaoway. IIELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES OR GIRLS. COPT LETTERS AT home and return to us; nigbesi prices paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and Instructions. Regal Mfg. Co.. 130 Fulton St.. A'. Y. LADIES TO WORK DOILIES AND CENTER pleces at home; all materials furnished; high est prices paid; no canvassing. Send stamped envelope to Ely Novelty Co.. Ely bldr.. Chicago. PLAIN WRITERS EVERYWHERE, SPARE time evenings; $0.50 week, steady home work; self-addressed envelope, full particulars. Man ager Dept. S 83." Box 1411, Philadelphia. Pa. W ANTED A SCHOOLGIRL TO ASSIST with light housework mornings and evenings, for Toom and board and car fares. Call 585 Broadway, today. Take Irvtngton car. $12 PER 100O COPYING LETTERS. MA terlals furnished. No deposit. Stamoed en velope for particulars. Dept. 40. Crystal Nov elty Co.. 3S12 Indiana ave.. Chicago. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO HELP do chambcrwork In a lodging-house. Call New York Lodging-House. Front and Bum side st., 203. A good heme. r- WANTED IMMEDIATELY; HOUSEKEEP er. country, rooks, chambermaids, second girls, housework, girls, nurses. 230'4 Yam hill. Phone Black 2SS1. CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESSES. COOKS, second girls, nurse girls, housekeepers, house work. SIS to $23: other work. Canadian Par lors. 22614 Morrison. LADY AGENTS new; good selling. Monday morning. P. O. box 70S. WANTED SOMETHING Call Sunday afternoon or room 33. 211'i 2d St.. or WANTED LADY WHO CAN KEEP SMALL set books and do typewriting. Address u S3, Oregon lan, giving references and salary ex pected. EVENING LESSONS IN SHORTHAND. bookkeeping, arithmetic ana inciisn. ny gentleman of experience. Address E 63 Ore gon's n. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE- work. small family, wages $13. ApdIv Im mediately Oil jackion St., Portland ueignts. PORTLAND WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES .women need apply. Q SO, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. KITCHEN CREW 3): WAIT- ress, jj; hotel laundress I rare): family help wanted. Drake. 205 Washington. WANTED REFINED, TRUSTWORTHY girl about 14 to take care of child after noons. Q 78, care Oregonlan. WANTED-GIRL TO ANSWER PHONE AND "-take orders for woodyard; state salary ex pected, u S3, uregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework In family of two. Apply Monday. 108 King st. GIRLS WANTED FOR PIECE WORK IN factory. Apply Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. FOR RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE. close In. East Side. Apply Geo. W. Fuhr, Osborn Hotel. WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR" GEN- eral housework. E. Madison, between E. 11th and 15th sts. WANTED A GOOD STRONG GIRL TO work In boarding-bouse. Inquire at 51Vj 3d st., upstairs. WANTED GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWORK. small family, lour rooms, pleasant place. 144 Porter at. WANTED CHILD'S NURSE. WILLING TO co some upstairs work; wages, $o. ""36 King st. . "YOUNG COLORED GIRL FOR LIGHT work in a lady's office. Address E 82, Ore. gonlan. GIRL TO ASSIST IN KITCHEN AND WAIT on table; no cooking. 141 West Park St.. cor. Alder. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, call 106 East 10th St., near Bel mont. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E- work and cooking. Inquire No. 287 N". 25th. . COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. R. L. Cate, C50 Belmont at. WANTED INTELLIGENT GIRL FOR SEC- ona work. Apply mornings. No. S3 Stout st. A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Call at C20 Main. bet. King and Stout sts. GOOD COOK WANTED: BEST OF WAGES 10 competent person, laui at front si. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSE- work. Apply today. 591 K. Morrison st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN good paying business. 42S E. 9th st, S. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. GO 1 Marshall. Phone Front 871. WANTED A GOOD. STRONG GIRL. GEN- eral housework. Call 5 SO East Morrison. WANTED COMPETENT COOK: GOOD wages. i:J 13th St.. cor. Washington. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework. Apply 391 Harrison st-- GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. CALL E. 15TH and Tillamook, Inrlngton car. COMPETENT. RELIABLE NURSE FOR IN- rant. 777 Flanders St. WANTED WAITRESS PERKINS RESTAU- rant. Apply at once. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE AN ELDERLY GENTLEMAN WISHES TO employ a stenographer three hours each morn ing at his residence: must be correct in grammar and orthography and a good reader: a thoroughly respectable and trustworthy roan or woman would find the position pleasant- Address K SO. care Oregonlan, stating qualifications, where an Interview may be had. references and salary required. LEARN PROOFREADING; SITUATIONS SE- cured. $15 to $2 weekly, ence School. Philadelphia. liome Correspond TO CANVASS FOR NEW ANTISEPTIC fluid: required by state barbers' law; big pronts. 1 . uregonian. ALPINE -EMPLOYMENT AGENCY; ALL 152 1st st Phone kinds of help lurnished North 1171. SITUATIONS 'VTA-ITED MALE, Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTEDYOUNG MAN (UNMARRIED). Po sition stesograpner ana law ciera 'or law of fice, out R town; must have good references as to character ana aoiuty. Apply iteming, ton Typewriter Co.. 219 Stark st. 1 TOUNG MAN WITH SEVERAL YEARS' EX- nerlence In country naniung wants gooa doi tlon; small, bank preferred: .best of refer ences. Including present employer. V Oregonlan. WANTED, POSITION KNOW HOW TO work and wining to ao 11; competent stenog rapher. bill clerk and office man; salary, $75 reference. V 78. Oregonlan. SITUATION- AS SALESMAN IN RETAIL aroeery store, single. rs: tlx years' exberl- ence; good reference. C IL, box 22, Russell- vine, or. POSITION WANTED IN WHOLESALE house, or collecting; understands bookkeep ing: rapid ana accurate, -v is, care urego nian. A YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS stenographer: has experience: can furnish own' typewriter If desirtd. 350H GUsan. BOOKKEEPER. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT and experienced, desires position; best refer ences. Address E 83, Oregonlan. BY STENOGRAPHER.- FAMILIAR WITH billing and ornce work: generally; references. F 83. care Oregonlan. MAN HOLDING RESPONSIBLE POSITION wants small set of books to keep evenings. O s, uregonian. Miscellaneous COLORED HEAD WAITER OR STEWARD food references: having five good waiters would like charge ot small hotel dining-room or restaurant, rs urrgonian. EXPERIENCED STOCKMAN WANTS "TOSI Hon as manager on fully equipped stock ranch or win conduct same on shares. Ad' drest Ben limit, Jttuaeii, Kan. FRED T. THOMAS, PROFESSIONAL COF fee. salad and punchmaker, serves all kinds of parties; nrst-crass services. 033 uoucn sr. cor. 7th. Phone Front 1:4b. YOUNG MAN WITH PAIR EDUCATION wants Indoor work: no objection to manual labor: wages to begin wun. so; character ref erences, k. 7b. uregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. 23, GERMAN, withes any kind of work; It good, careful driver, ana usea to nam worx. Aaaress "77. Oregonlan. YOUNO MAN. FAIR EDUCATION, DESIRES position of tome kind; experienced In grocery Muiness; rtieresces. r c, uregoaiaa. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Klscellnneous. IK OREGON. AS ENGINEER, ELECTRICIAN and machinist: have over a yearrr experience In mines, machine shops, foundries, electric light and water works plants: can do re pairs and rewinding; have tools and test In struments for same; have best of Western and Illinois' recommends, Chicago license, etc; also Portland references. L. J. Dow, Fulsom. CaL AN EXPERIENCED WHOLESALE LIQUOR man. capable of compounding and keeping the revenue book pertaining to the tame; salary, no reasonable offer refused; Just ar rived from the East; reference given. T 77. Oregonlan. JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP FUR nished: domestics, farm hands, laborers, can ners, store work. Japanese Employment Of fice. CO North 3th. Phone Clay 532. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED cok in restaurant or camp; don't object to leaving city. L. 81. care oregonlan. 11 EST JAPANESE BOY WISHE3 SITUATION to do cooking and housework In family, H. It Japanese Mission. Phone C- 745. ACTIVE YOUNG MAN. 23. DESIRES Ell ployroent forenoons; no snap seeker. Active, care Griffith House. Yamhill. 5th. MARRIED MAN DESIRES POSITION AS Janitor or other work: handy with tools; good references. T 79, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY MAN WITH GOOD team and truck to haul for good bouse or other work. G 80, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. INDUSTRIOUS. WANTS work of any kind; understands machinery. Y 81. care Oregonlan. BOY. ATTENDING SCHOOL, WANTS WORK outside of school hours. Address 11 81, care I urrgonian. WANTED-CONTRACT TO FALL AND buck about 2.000.000 fet of logs. D. 72, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED SIGN WRITER AND WIN- dow trimmer, at liberty Feb. 1. O 73, Ore gonlan. WANTED POSITION AS GARDENER; NO objection myself useful. L SO. care Oregonlan, MAN AND WIFE WANT WORK ON" FARM; wife good cook. Call at 043 Thurman st. BY YPUNO MAN IN FACTORY. OR ANY kind of ir.?"e work. F 82, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookecpcs and Stenographers. YOUNG LADY. JUST FINISHED BUSINESS college, desires situation, bookkeeper or cash er; small salary to begin. Z3Ua limMll. l-none uiacrc si. STENOGRAPHER OF SEVERAL MONTHS' experience wants position; insurance office preferred. Address E 81, care Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY DIRECT FROM THE EAST desires position as cashier; three years ex perience, N 73, Oregonlan. AS STENOGRAPHER; HAVE HAD SOME experience: good rerereiicrs; salary, $:o per montn. 14 18, urrgonian. LADY STENOGRAPHER. 2 YRS." EXP.. wishes position: will work on trlaL Y 80. uregonian. STENOGRAPHER WANTS WORK: EXPERT enced, competent, quick. L 7S. Oregonlan. lloase Weepers. YOUNG WIDOW WITH CHILD OF 3. WOULD like position as housekeeper for widower family: references exchanged; also another lady wants nursing. Call or address 931 Williams ivenue. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER for widower or elderly couple by middle-aged woman wun lu-year-oio gin; reierences ex changed. F 70. Oregonlan. WANTED-POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER to gentleman, city or country; references, it desired. 3il Washington st. 1 WANTED BY A MIDDLE-AGED LADY. Po sition as housekeeper. 133U First st-. room 13. Dressmakers. mrs. Mclean, modiste, has a first- class ladles' talloress. Just from the East, and Is now prepared to do all kinds of ladles' fancy tailoring very reasonable. Room 31 Cambridge bids., cor. 3d and Morrison. FOR FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING AND neat repair work. Inquire at N 7th. near Stark: 'prices reasonable: best of work guar anteed. ANY ONE DESIRING DRESSMAKING OR plain sewing done, call during the week. Mrs. Stewart, 181 13th st- Phone Front 633. 4 WANTED DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN sewing, by the day. S55 11th. Phone Front 12C9. DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS. 50c: skirts, $1.50; children s clothes. 326 Park st. JACKETS REUSED; SKIRTS REBOUND: ail kinds or repairing done. s Aiasr - FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING; TERMS reasonable. 140 North 12th st- Domestics. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL WISHES SITU- atlon as second girl or chambermaid and waitress In private boarding-house. Call Monday or write to 394 blsklyou st. SITUATION WANTED BY REFINED. steady girl to assist in general nousework or aining-room. -v cu, uregonian. 4 GOOD GIRL WANTS SECOND WORK IN private family: Christian preferred. Address E 78. Oregonlan. Nurses. COMPETENT NURSE; WOULD ASSIST with housework. Phone u est 369, or address. O 81. Oregonlan. NURSING : . HAVE HAD 15 YEARS' EXPE- rlcnce. Mrs. J. ' P. Fones, 4:1 6th st. . EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR INFANT. Pnone Front 2137. SIIscellaneouB. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY DESIRES position as nurse for invalid; housekeeper In bote, or any position where the services of an educated, reliable person would be re quired; references given, a cu. uregonian. WORK WANTED FOR' DECENT CHAMBER. maid: waitresses, coots, family help, nurses, housekeepers. Phone Drake, 205K Washing- I ). ton. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION where her duties will be light and will -be satisfied with small wages, p 73, Oregonlan. BY REFINED. EXPERIENCED LADY OF 30. at manager of respectable rooming or board- Ing-noute. A Si oregoman. PRIVATE TEACHER CAN TAKE A FEW more pupils in the puouc or nign sen 001 studies. E SO. Oreronlan. CHILDREN TO BOARD. GOOD HOME AND care: nearjiamson scnooi; terms reasonable. uontcQin'ir 11. CURTAINS NEATLY DONE UP; WORK first-class. uregon 'leiepaone union iMi. Mrs. Ida Hachlen. vmm,E.ACED WOMAN WANTS SITUA- tlon as nurse or nouseaeeper. v-aii i-simer Hnutf. room 3G. ' WOMAN WANTS WASHING" AND CLEAN- Ing by tne cay on rae n est eiae. a'none Weit 1S94. , YOUNO LADY LEARNING" MILLINERY withes place to worjc tor ooaro. n cw, ure gonian. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD: LOVELY home: terms reasonable, r 7C Oregonlan. YOUNO LADY STUDENT WISHES PLACE to work lor coara. it it, care urrgonian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. phone Hood 2SJ. OREGON WOMAN WANTS DAT WORK. ' Front 2716. PHONE WANTED AGENTS. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN, Garfield. McKlnley: their Illustrious lives. ni-tiie and tirlvate. and their glorious deeds. together with complete latlde history ot the villainous plottlnrs of the anarchists. Great est tale ever knows; CO per cent profit; freight paid: credit given; prospectus mailed I or 7 cents u stamps. iw oiar mag., Chicago. AGENTS $50 A "WEEK GUARANTEED: Automatic Washers sell themselves. Agent writes-. 'Exhibited sample to ten women; took ten orders." Time. 45 minutes; profit, over $50. Guaranteed to do a washing In SO min utes; furnishes Its own power: requires no labor; costs less than any other machine: free sample and exclusive territory furnished. An totnatic watner Co.. station u, -jnicago. WANTED AGENTS EVERYWHERE: EITH- er sex. Zarema diamond: experts puzxled to detect from genuine: liberal commission: cata logue, sample (ring or ttud) tree on applica tion, xarema Diamond CO., 00 Dearborn sc.. uncago WANTED AGENTS SALESMAN WANTED A NEW MANCFAC turlng Industry recently started in this city by prominent people, with ample capital, want a "crackajack" of a salesman for the city trade, at a gtod salary to the right man; previous experience In this line not neces sary, provided you are a salesman: don't be afraid to apply, as all communications will be held as private. Address K 79. giv ing experience, age, references, etc. SELLING AGENTS.. WHO SELL TAILORING FROM SAMPLES. One wide-awake man In each town. Men who have an eye to business and money making will appreciate our work- and wool ens, which are the finest on the market. Our liberal business methods and powerful adver tising will triple your sales. Spring and Summer outfits now -ready. Pestotnce Box 624. Chicago. $50.00 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES. SAMPLE rree. Greatest money-making invention or the age. Automatic Washer does a washing in 30 minutes without labor or attention: cheaper than any other: Indestructible. Every body buys. Agents coining money. Thou- anaa ot testimonials. Automauo tvasner Co.. Station U. Chicago. AGENTS WE GUARANTEE $3 TO $3 A DAY introducing our genuine "Super-Asoesios wicks; light equal to Incandescent electricity: lasts about eight years. Address Fireproof Safety Wick Works. Chicago. AGENTS-NEW INDOOR GAME. SELLS $2.00; clubs, poolrooms, everybody: limited number samples free. Express prepaid to agents sending 35c charges. Martin Co., North Adams, Mass. LAMP THAT MAKES ITS OWN OAS; COSTS lc a car: no oil. wicks or chimneys: brass lamps free for those wishing to work for us. Pacific Gas Lamp Co., 1236 Market St., San r rancisco, cal. BRASS LAMP FREE TO AGENTS. MAKES Its own gas: costs lc a day. No oil. wicks. chimneys. Rivals electricity. Quick seller; cheap. Perfect Light Co., 110 Nassau St.. itw lone. WANTED SALESMAN FOR LOCAL TERRI- tory, to handle line of patent advertising fans. Liberal comml'flon. Good side line. Press-Novelty Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.. Station E. WANTED RESPONSIBLE PARTIES TO represent us and act as our financial agents In different localities. The Globe Loan & In vestment Co., 830 Canal St., New Orleans, La. $20 AND UPWARDS INVESTED IN DIVI- aena.pay.ng securities brings large- pronts. send ror ".Money Jlak'rs." Agents wantea. Deals & Beals. 35 Nassau St.. New York. LAMP THAT MAKES ITS OWN GAS. COSTS lc a day; no oil, wicks, chimneys; bra's lamp flee to those wishing to work for us. Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton sr.. N. Y. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY. county to handle best-paying business known: legitimate: new; exclusive control, rnoemx Co.. 15 W. 28th St.. N. Y. $20 PER HUNDRED PAID FOR NAMES. want one person In each town to write tor us. Send ttami for particulars. Evans Chem ical 10., bcotioaie, i-a. $22 WEEKLY AND ALL EXPENSES FOR men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 54. Irsons, Kan. WE PAY $211 A WEEK AND EXPENSES FOR men with Mrs to Introduce poultry mixture. Year's contract. Defiance Mfg. C0.1 Dept- 44, Parsons, Kan. STOP RUNAWAYS: HITCH HORSES SOLID instantly; carry in pocket: tight seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hitching Post Co.. Rich mond. Ind. STREET AND OFFICE CANVASSERS TO handle exit 10c s!jff holder made. Send 5c for sornnle. Mackle-Lovejoy Mfg. Co., Chi cago, III. AGENTS MAKE $3. A DAY: SELL PHOTOS irom i-arinan lire: direct samples luc stamps. Addrers W. Gaston. Bureau 14. Paris, France. AGENTS TO SELL INK ERASING PENCIL; nig commi-Kon: write lor sample ana terms. Inland Supply Co., Spokane. Wash. AGENTS TO SELL CALIFORNIA MEDI- cated Healing Soap. Call at 611 Dekum bldg. l-none urant lrJl. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE FIVE TO eigm-room nouse. turnisnea; must hare mod ern conveniences and on West Side: will rent from March or April to October: very highest 01 reierences given. Aaaress u sz, urego nian. WANTED BY A YOUNG COUPLE. A FIVE to nine-roomed unfurn shed house or cottare. on West Side, with modern conveniences: will rent for one year or 'more: unquestionable references. Aaaress w b. uregonian. WANTED GOOD SUITE OF TWO ROOMS. wun moaem conveniences, zurnisnea sir un furnished, within six or eight blocks at Port land Hotel: win pay fair price. Is SI. care uregonian. e WANTED-BY YOUNG COUPLE. TWO OR three unfurnished housekeeping rooms within ten blocks of depot; prlvste family preferred: best ot references. Address room 13. 351H stars: st. SINGLE GENTLEMAN AND SINGLE LADY want two single rooms and board In private lamuy or small noarainc-nouse. close in. west side; state price. H 78. Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE PLEASANT UNFUR- nlshed roms for light housekeeping; good lo cation; responsible person: no children. W 81. care Oregonlan. WANTED TWO OR THREE CONNECTING rooms, furnished, for housekeeping: must be clean and reasonable.- Address O. N. Ford, 615 Marquam. WANTED UNFURNISHED ROOMS. PRI- vate family, suitable for light housekeeping man ana wue; reierences. 1 &a uregonian. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WANT BOARD and room with rrlvnte family, close in; state locatiorTand teims. B 78, Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE-ACRE PLACE ON CAR line, with comfortable house and bam; give all particulars. J 80. Oregonlan. BY MARCH 1 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE or upper part of larger one; near East 6th and Morrison. V SI, Oregonlan. BY CAREFUL. PAINSTAKING FAMILY. furnished or partly furnished house, Febru ary 15. R 78. Oregonlan. BETWEEN NOW AND APRIL 1. 10 TO 10 rooms; respectable: central; rent reasonable; lease. Phone Front 312. 1 HALF OF AN EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE IN desirable neighborhood, with refined people. F 81, care Oregonlan. HOUSE. 9 TO 15 ROOMS. EASY WALKING distance postornce; must be reasonable. F S3, Ort gonlan. YOUNO COUPLE DESIRE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, convenient. Y 78, Ore gonlan. WANTED NICE UNFURNISHED ROOM. Address B 79, Oregonlan. centrally located. WANTED STORE. CENTRALLY LOCATED; state rent ana location, f. u. tsar 410. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. A TOUNG WOMAN EMPLOYED IN THE city would like to get a place to board In a respectable private family: would be willing to carry her lunch; can pay $16 per month for room and board. N 81. care Oregonlan. WANTED-BY RELIABLE FIRM: SUBSTAN- tlal three or four-story building for manu facturing and Jobbing buslnesa; would lease for term of years. Address M 81. care Ore gonlan. ' Wanted To buy ettabllshed hardware or hard ware ana turaiture business in live town, on railroad. D. IL Harper, Herman. Nebraska. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S CAST- off clothing, shoes. Tsilset. etc.. at the old reliable stand. 62 N. 3d it- Phone Hood 517. TO BUY AN EIGHT OR TEN-TON DINKEY engine for steam shovel plant- Hansen, za I N. second, write or pnone liroi. WANT TO BORROW $1000 FOR THREE years at 6 per cent on improvea real, estate. V 82, care Oregonlan. W ANTED EIGHT TEAMS TO HAUL RAIL- road ties to Troutoaie. Aaaress i-roctor & Beers. Cottrell. Or. WANTED-TO RENT A GOOD TEAM AND wagon, wun ine privilege ui uujiuc i suueu. V 79, Oregonlan. 1 WANTED BUY ROOMING-HOUSE. FROM 10 to 15 rooms; pay casn 11 suitea. Aaaress P 79, Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL ROLLTOP DESK; MUST be reasonable: give price, etc u. si, u re ju nta n. WANTED TO BORROW $600 AND $2000 ON good real estate security, m: uommerciai bldg. WANTED SAWMILL; STATE SIZE. PRICE, terms. E. M. Sorber, 524 Mill st-. Portland. Or. WANTED $300 TO $300 ON HALF SECTION fine deeded, timber land, is et. uregonian. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT. HIGHEST PRICM IMid. 33 Yamhill at. FOR BENT. Hooma. THE RICHARDSON NOW OPEN TO THE public. Swellest apartment-house In the city. Everything new and up-to-date. Electric lights. Steam heat- Baths free to guests. Stationary washstands with hot and cold wa ter. Delightful view of Plaxa block and Thompson fountain. Tourists and transient will find this house a model of comfort. Northeast corner ot Salmon and Third sts. Phone South 2231. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park it, formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house In the city: steam beat, gas. electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade solicited. THE NEWCASTLE. COR. 3D AND HARRI son Steam beat, porcelain baths, free phone, gas. plinty of hot water; low rates on unfur nished rooms; references. Dr. C C New castle, owner and proprietor. TWO WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS: FRONT room $10. other $S month. Including use of sitting-room and bath; West Side, near Wil lamette Heights. N 78. Oregonlan. THE BARBIE. 8. E. COR. BTH AND STARK Newly furnished, steam heat, electric light porcelain baths; rates $1 per day and up; special by week or month. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: GOOD place for steady gentleman: $7 month; gas etc 200 Benton st-. three blocks from Steel Bridge. Phone Russ 400. US 11TH ST. ELEGANT LARGE FRONT furnished room, for one or two gentlemen; choice locatlpn.-N. W. cor. 11th and Salmon sts.; private 'family. NICE. LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; DOUBLE room, for two or four gentlemen; transient a specialty. 3434 Yamhill, cor. 7th. Phone Clay 1931. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS: BATH, phone: two car lines: private place, with or without board. 2S0 11th st. Phone West 1350. NICE. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM: ALSO smaller room in private family: breakfast. If desired: all modern conveniences. 120 13th st- FOR RENT-NICE CLEAN ROOMS IN PRI vate house; will allow light housekeeping. 115 11th. corner Washington and 14th. DESIRAULE ROOM. NEWLY FURNISHED: five minutes from Postofflce: private house; gentlemen. 312 Clay, near Sixth. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: RESPECTA- ble. quiet house; aiso nopseaeepn iwum. 322H Water street, corner Clay. 232 7TH ST.. THREE BLOCKS FROM POKT- land Hotel: nicely furuisnca room; oaia, iei phonc; gentlemen preferred. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 1'KI- vate family: JS eacn; conveniences; stouc men. 418 Taylor, near 12th.' TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; 1'Kl- vate family; no cnuaren; oaiu, oi, jjuuuc, good loc-itlon. 190 11th it. MONNASTES ROOMING-HOUSE, COR. 1ST and Jetrerrnn rurnisnea ana uoiuniuucu rooms; transients solicited. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. IN PRIVATE family; use bain ana pnone; gcmieiuvu vuijr, references. 474 YarohliL 3S3 YAMHILL. ROOMS SINGLE OR EN suite: all modern conveniences; quiet puice; under new management. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. AL- cove, modern conveniences, rcuuuic 00 ... 18th. near Washington. 207 SIXTH-NICELY FURNISHED LARGE and small rooms; natn, pnone; cenirauj- id eated, near Postofflce. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. CONVENIENT to business center; very ucsirauic, tctcicinvo. 446 Washington st. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with private family: use of bath; phone. A 79. care Oregonlan. ROOMS. EITHER ON FIRST FLOOR OR second: clean, light, heat: reasonable. Tele phone Front 3191. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; USE of bath and phone. 426 Bumslde, between luth and 11th. FINE UNFURNISHED ROOM: GOOD view; light and heat; very cheap. 9154 Grand ave.. room 53. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH LARGE pantry for light housekeeping. Inquire Short en. 426 Alder. NEWLY FURNISHED double parlors, for rent; 22J 13th U ROOMS: ALSO gas, bath, phone. 11 E. 17TII ST. S. DESIRABLE FRONT room in new house; $9 per month, rhone Union 2194. RYAN HOUSE, 2C9V4 FIFTH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite, tingle. Opposite City Hall. NlOE ROOM. FOR GENTLEMAN: CENTRAL location, all conveniences; price $. R 82, Oregonlan. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR en suite: ground floor: bath and phone. 3SS First st. ONE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM: suitable for two gentlemen; reasonaoic. Morrison. LARGE FRONT-ROOM AND ALCOVE. WITH board, for two; reasonable. 20C Park St., cor. Madison. , VERY DESIRABLE ROOM. WITH BOARD: telephone and all conveniences. 501 Yamhill street. LARGE FRONT ROOM. UNFURNISHED, second floor Goodnough bldg. Inquire at ele vator. ...... VIC-,t t-Ti vitONT ROOM AND ALCOVE. suitable for two; aiso smaii ucurouiu. 12th. Furnished rcoms. $r weea nu Oilman Hots!, lit 4 Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. THE ABBOTT. 22SH WASH. FINE FUR- nisbed rooms, en suite, single or nousea-cpins. A LARGE FRONT ROOM NICELY FUIt- nlsbed; two gentlemen preierreu. tm u FURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS ROOM: GAS. fire, phone: central; call today. 388 Taylor. 289 EAST 3D. BETWEEN HAWTliUKK and Clay Furnisnea or uniuraisneu rwma. ROOMS. EN SUITE. ONE SINGLE: MODERN conveniences. 188 14th. Phone West 2173. The Cosmos. 2CSi4 Morriscn Furnished suites, housekeeping suites, single: $3 per week up. A NICE PERSON CAN FIND MODERN room for $10 per month. At 426 4th tt. CS7 2D ST. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM wl(h modem conveniences: $7 per rdonth. 435 ALDER-FURNISHED ROOMS: MODERN conveniences; near business center. 1S5 13TII ST. ROOM. WITH GRATE; GEN tlemen only: gas, bath and phone. 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE man: private family. 581 Third st. A NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two gentlemen. 300 Everett st. NEWLY FURNISHED HOOMS FOR RENT, very reasorjable. 466 Irving tt- FOR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED rooms. 432 Jefferson street. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR gentleman. dcvuuw NEWLY FURNISHED. 2 BLKS "FROM POST orSce. 308 Salmon et. 175 10TH ST. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS; bath and telephone. TO RENT ONE FURNISHED ROOM, ply 320 Fourth tt- AP- yOR RENT-ONE FURNISHED ROOM. Jefferson tt. 250 UNFURNISHED ery. " ROOMS. 242 MONTGOM- Rooms With Board. ANY GENTLEMAN DESIRING A HOME on the East Side, with all modem conven iences. In a private family, please address S 78, Oreronlan. THE COLONIAL. ICS AND 167 10TH ST. Desirable double room, suitable for two; also tingle rooms: with first-class board. BLAKELY HALL. 251 TTH ST. ANY ONE wishing to enjoy good home cooking jnay be suited at the above address. FOR RENT ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, with modem conveniences, with board. Inquire at 064 GlIsansL 283 JEFFERSON ST.. OPPOSITE CITY HALL Two large, nicely furnished rooms, with first-class board. 471 TAYLOR ST. FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board: reasonable; use of bath and phone. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD; HOME cooking: English family. 213 12th it-, cor. Salmon. FOR RENT. Rooms WItb Board. HOTEL V EN DOME. COR. 13TH AND AL der Under new management; newly furnished and renovated; steam beat, porcelain baths; elegant rooms, with board, by the day. $1.23 up; reasonable rates by month; table and service first class; tourist trade solicited. ELEGANT SUITE; ALSO LARGE. SUNNY room and single room, newly papered and fur nished; first-class In all respects: central; reasonable. 475 Washington, corner 14th. References exchanged. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 15TH YEAR; rooms, with board: use of sewing-room; use of library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. K. C Scaler. Superintendent, 310 Flanders street. HOTEL BROWN LARG&. PLEASANT rooms, newly furnished: baths, electric tlgata, elevator: good table; rooms for transients; oa both car lines. 271H Grand ave. PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD; HOMB llke surroundings: splendid location: terms reasonable. Call 122 East 12th and Alder, or Phone Union 2595. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without board: rates reasonable; heat, bath and telephone. 303 Columbia st- HOLLADAYS ADDITION ROOM AND board; all modem convenience s; private fam ily; no children. Q 82. Oregonlan. ;1 13TH LARGE ROOMS. JUST VACATED, first floor: bath, gas and phone; first-class board. 511 MORRISON ST. NICELY FURNISHED front room, with board; suitable for one or two. 103 N. 15TH FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: reasonable; breakfast and dinner, it desired. PLEASANT FRONT BOOM. SUITABLE FOR two. with board. $20 each. At 191 7th st. NICE ROOMS WITH BOARD; HOME COOK lng. 502x Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 13th St., cor. iiorrison. 46S YAMHILL FOR RENT, WITH BOARD. a nice front room. ONE ROOM FOR A GENTLEMAN, WITH board. 328 Clay sr. ROOMS AND BOARD AT MRS. MON- telth's, 233 13th st- , FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD, AT I 11th St. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 170 12th. Housekeeping: Rooms. THE QUINCY FURNISHED AND UNFUR- nuned rooms; steam neat, electric uxnis, baths and all the 'comforts of a borne: gas for cooking purposes. 3434 1st st- Phone North 3131. 1 721 HOOD ST.. SOUTH PORTLAND UPPER iioor 01 -t rooms, xurmsnea. tor nuuscKccpm, 'clean, convenient: good neighborhood: reason able rent: n children. Phone Brown 845. TWO UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FUR- nlshed rooms In one of the best locations on East Side: water, phone, bath Included. Phone Union 859. G24 E. Morrison. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms: also desirable suite ot rooms, fur nished; no small children. 372M East Oak. Phone Union 912. CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR- nlshed housekeeping and transient rooms In city. ZttJH Front at-, 168 Madison. New Witch Hazel. 317 HALL VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE- keeDlng rooms, comnletetr furnished: all modem conveniences; pleasant location; rea sonable rent. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 22 Front it-, between Salmon and Main. Mrs. M. Janz. proprietor; speaks different lan guages. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; good neighborhood; modern conven iences; gas range, bath, phone, etc. 511 Mill Btrtet- DOUBLE PARLORS AND KITCHEN. NICE- Ir furnished: for housekeeDlnc: no children: reasonable: references exchanged- 269 HalL COMPLETE FLOOR OF- 3 OR 4 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; bath; phone central. 431 Everett. Phone Front 1KB. TWO SUITES. FURNISHED IF DESIRED: central and convenient; references required. 431V2 last Morrison sc. cor. isast utn. 372 FIRST THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; reasonable: also unfur nished rooms; respectable people only. 388 JEFFERSON ST. NICELT FURNISHED room; also housekeeping rooms, complete; bath, phone; no children; references. NEATLY FURNISHED FLOOR. 4 HOUSE keeplng rooms; bath, telephone; references. 407 Stark, near 10th. No children. I 608 FRONT ST. FLAT OF FOUR UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, with bath, pantry, closets, gas and every convenience. UNFURNISHED UPPER FLAT IN PRIVATE house. 3 rooms, closets; sink, water; adults; references. T 81. Oregonlan. 193 14TH FLAT OF FOUR SUNNY CORNER rooms, furnished; beautiful neighborhood; fire place: modem conveniences. THREE OR FOUR DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR housekeeping, -furnished or unfurnished; phone, bath. 454 Clay st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished housekeeping rooms; prices rea sonable. 555 Morrison st. THREE. FOUR OR SIX ground floor: garden; SJoe 234H Morrison, room 2. NICE ROOMS, each per week. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent! phone and bath; reasonable; no children. 26S 2d st. PLEASANT NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping suite; central, modern. .Telephone Red 22SC. 253 Oth st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent cheap., 8 N. Union ave., near Burnside-street bridge. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; two blocks from postofnee; no chil dren. 293 Salmon et- 205'i WASHINGTON UNFURNISHED suites and single room for light housekeeping; also furnished rooms. TWO-ROOM SUITE, FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; bath and telephone; centrally located, otn st. UPPER FLOOR OF 3 ROOMS. FURNISHED. for housekeeping; sink In kitchen; no chil dren, sou 7tn st. UNFURNISHED FIVE-ROOM FLAT; BATH. 1001H Corbet t. on Third-street car line, south. Rent $9. 454 YAMHILL FURNISHED FLAT OF rooms, with closets, secoad floor; private house; central. THREE LARGE ROOMS. LOWER FLOOR. hot and cold water; two beds. Inquire 240 Oth, Monday. EXCELLENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. centrally located. The Templeton. 20514 1st tt.. Portland. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; phone, bath, hot and cold water. 3S8 First st. THREE NICELT FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms; reasonable. 07 isorirt yui st. No children. FOUR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap. Apply sooft itusseii st-, alter 12. today. TWO LARGE ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR housekeeping: private family. 34 East 7th, cor. Pine. T-ITTINIKIIED HOUSEKEEPING AND SIN. gle rooms. Call 215 10th St. Phone West 2346. 1 WANTED ROOMMATE FOR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Room 20 A. O. U. W. bldg. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUIT- able for housekeeping. 232)1 Washington, room 3. 3S3 DAVIS. COR. PARK TWO NICELY FUR .nlshed housekeeping rooms; terms reason able. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS god neighborhood. 354 College st-. cor. Park. TWO TIOOMS, FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 3 per month. 363 E. Oak at. $11; SUITE OF ROOMS. COMPLETE FOR housekeeping: oatn and pnone. 388 11th t- FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ON first floor; pnone. gas. oatn. larnnui. ONE FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping. iti west ran. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms. 503 Borthwlck tt-. AlMna.i TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 449 Main, pnone ureen iwa. FOR RENT. Housekeeping? Rooms. FOR RENT TWO OR THREE UNFUR- nlshed rooms, suitable for light houstkeep Ing; no children. 443 Everett st. 11B NORTH 1STH. COR. GLISAN FLAT 3 tunny corner rooms, complete for housekeep ing; bath, gas range; references. 445 FIFTH, NEAR COLLEGE. TWO UN- turn isnea nousexeeping rooms; oatn and phone; $15. Phone West "1302. FOR RENT FIVE LARGE ROOMS. SEVEN blocks from poetoffice. $30. Call this (Sun day) afternoon, 20-1 H Stark st. FOR RENT-ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED room; conveniences. 392 4th st. THREE. FOUR OR SIX LARGE ROOMS, 2344 Morrison, room 2. cheap. FOR RENT FOUR FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms. 168 12th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeplpg. Ill North 9th st. 423 WASHINGTON ST. SUITE OF FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms. 293 MONTGOMERY ST. TWO DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 192 5TH. TELE- pnone. west 3S3I. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 32li r rani ana Ash. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 95 w. raric Rouses. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST WEST SIDE. 822 Nicola! st-. 4 rooms $10.00 222H N. 13th st.. 4 rooms... 10.00 528 Jefferson st-. 7 rooms , 12.50 555 Clay st-, 5 rooms 16.00 427 14th st-. 8 rooms 18.00 270 N. 19th St.. 6 rooms 25.00 674 Johnson st. 9 rooms............... 35.00 EAST SIDE East 43d and Salmon streets, "new," 8 rooms $15.00 566 E. Oak st., 7 rooms 18.00 106H E. 6th st-. new Oat, 5 rooms 20.00 372 E. 15th st- N., 8 rooms 25.00 340 E. 12th st- N 8 rooms .... 33.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark st. $23 GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE, HOLLADATS Addition. $25 Handsome modern 8-room house, Ent Bumslde st-. near 20th. $22.50 Good 7-room house. In perfect con dition, on East Sth st.. near Belmont. LAMBERT'A SARGENT. 3S3 E. Wash. St. FINE NEW MODERN HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS ner 29th and East Burnslde. within one block of two car lines; reasonable rent. Call up Mrs. Graham on telephone East 5. NEW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH basement and furnace; Cloverdale, south cor ner, on Mechanic st- and Union ave.: cars pass the house; $22. Phone Suburban 721, or call 204 3d st- FOR RENT HOUSE 8 ROOMS; GOOD LOCA- uon; ciose in; tow rent; new xurmture win be sold cheap. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., T Chamber of Commerce. WILL BUY YOU LOT AND BUILD HOUSE In any part ct the city; small cash payment, balance monthly: have bargains. DammeKr Co.. C03 Marquam-bldg. 574 MILL ST. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN house, vacant Feb. 10; also 7-room house. 450 E. 19th St.. Inrlngton. Inquire owner, 190 W. Park at. FOR RENT MARCH 1 NEW FLAT OF FOUR large connecting, cheerful rooms; pantry, two closets, bath; reasonable; references. 463 Hall st. Rouses. 11-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. NICELY FUR nlshed; fine location for private home; can rent part If desired. Lock-box 738. city. MODERN ROOMY COTTAGE. FURNISHED or unfurnished; good neighborhood; respon sible adults. 693 Front, cor. Meade. FOR RENT 164 E. CLAY. NEAR E. STH Five-room cottage, bath: $14 month. By C Blrcher. Commercial block. BY MARCH 1. 7 TO 0-ROOM HOUSE, MOD ern. West Side, central. Phone Fink 179S or address C 80. Oregonlan. NEW MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. WOOD lawn. $20. Inquire owner. 149 10th st- Tele phone Front 1102. . NEW MODERN FIVE-ROOM' COTTAGE. 440 E. Sth st. Phone Scott 3743, or call at 466 E. Sherman st. FOR RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE. close in. East Side. Apply Geo. W. Fuhr, Osborn Hotel. FOUR ROOMS FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED. 363 N. E. 8th St.. ".or. Broadway. Call after 10 o'clock. 470UR-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Inquire Mrs. Alma Howe. Hood Hood River. River. 9-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL. SUITABLE I OR roomers or boarders. 719 Marquam. 4 to 3 P. M. FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE. CONVENIENT for two famines, with basement. 620 Oth st. A MODERN 6-ROOMED HOUSE. 849 MON- tana ave.; $14. Phone West 37. Key at 83s. A MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 840 MONTANA ave.; J 10.0a tier at 838. mono west 07. FIVE-ROOM' COTTAGE. 615 E. WASHING- ton tt., cor. 11th. Inquire 12S Third st. I FOR RENT IN MODERN HOUSE: NICE, tunny room; private family. 269 Clay at. 350 3D ST.. WITH LARGE STABLE. D. O. woodward, Z40 ataxic, rhone Main 343. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 244 STARK BT-. rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. HOUSE, THREE ROOMS AND SHED. CtTT water and sewer; $6.50. 747 Water. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST Bide, 11. x. itandan, eon tint at. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. 182 17TH ST., near xamniii. inquire ion iota au MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND FULL lot. Inquire 491 East Pine St. FOR RENT TWO FLATS, NOB HILL; phone Suburban 764. 1 SMALL DWELLING FOR RENT. INQUIRE 250 Arthur st. A NEW MODERN UPPER FLAT. 823 WILL- lams ave. Furnlshed Houses. FOR RENT FOR SIX MONTHS. 0-ROOM. well-furnlshed house, complete, every mod em convenience. 195 16th tt- Telephone Brown 82L MODERN COTTAGE. BATH, LAUNDRY. fruit, flowers; furnished or unfurnished; good neighborhood. 695 Front, cor. Meade. NEWLY AND NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE, Including piano, to responsiDie party, reason able; Portland Heights. H 76, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE NEWLY FUR- nlshed modem u-room flat, cheap: also furni ture ot 9-room flat, bargain. 403 1st, flat G. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED complete tor Doarding; can care for 20 at table. IL Mann & Co.. 604 The Dekum. FURNISHED 0-ROOM HOUSE. DESIRABLE location. Flanders st-. $40 month. F. w. Torgler, 106 Sherlock bldg. $12 PER MONTH; 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR- nisnea comoiete Tor housekeeping. 114 l'en noycr st-. South Portland. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE; MODERN: reasonable to desirable tenant. 21 Mulkey bldg. NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT FOR sale: reasonable rent- 271 7th- Phone West 3073. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, cheap. Inquire 151 17th st- FURNISHED. Phone Red 2646. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE OF TEN rooms. Inquire at 522 Marquam bldg. FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH PIANO. 186 E. 7th at. N.. lioiiaaays Aaaition. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 155 EAST 6th-Belmont tts. Phone Union 1909. SIX-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, WOOD ' lawn or U car. 365 Eugene at- Bouses for Rent Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10 - ROOM house, part newly furnished: good location, rent reasonable: or will rent furnished to right parties. X 70, Oregonlan. A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE FOR BENT AND furniture for sale: with -4 boarders: good lo cation for man and wife. Inquire at 371 N. 23d. st-. Portland. Or. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM MODERN COT tage. close in, for tale; cottage for rent,. R 76. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A NICELT FURNISHED HOME. I 82, Oregonlan. -t