THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 1, 1903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Oreconlan'a Telephone. Cpuntlne Ilocm Main C7 Mrraelre Editor Main CM City Editor JViln 101 compolng Room ... nice ............... BuperliiUndcnt liullclnr COLUMBIA. Countinr Room Editorial Room Co nicotics Room E&CUM Hoom .Main CS3 ....East ci ..Red 5S23 , GOT .-ICO , .IW AMUSEMENTS. THE BAKER THEATER ThU afternoon at tnu evcslnc at 8:15. "Men and women." CORDRAT-S THEATER This afternoon at tnls evening at 8:13. Miss Inez Forman. In "The Burglar and the Walt" To Discuss Toultiit Business. A meeting of the State Poultry Association 1tl bo held In the reception hall of the Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday evening, February 3, at which time the president, E, J. Ladd, will deliver an address upon the subject: "Is the Poultry Business' Profitable? If Xot, Why?" All members, and all others who are Interested In the production of better poultry and more of It are expected to be present and assist in a general discussion of the poultry Industry, past, present and future. Many new Ideas will bo presented by members and fanciers of 21 and more years ex perience, who havo made a success of the poultry business. All arc cordially Invited. Foun Cases of Sjialltox: Four cases of rmallpos were reported by Deputy Health Officer Evans yesterday. Two were discovered at 1954 Lincoln street, one at 115 Sellwood street and one at 331 Front street. In no case was the disease malignant. The cases discovered make the total number of patients under the care of the City Physician and In the hospital for contagious diseases 15. Dur ing the month there were altogether -40 cases, but all except those now in charge havo been dismissed as cured. Eces ron Divorce. Mrs. Annabel Fish er has commenced proceedings In the Cir cuit Court, asking for a divorce from her husband, Edwin Fisher. Sho alleges in her petition that during their married life sho has been a true and dutiful wife, and that he. without cause, has abandoned and deserted her against her will and consent. Sire. Fisher is well known here, and has been a. resident of this city for many years, and has the respect of her many friends and 'neighbors. Mr. Fisher has left for parts unknown. To Address C. A. R. Veterans. Thomas Gibson, a veteran of the Civil War, will, at the next meeting of Lincoln-Garfield Post. G. A. R., Tuesday, February 3, give his experiences as lighthouse-keeper on Tillamook llock and on Destruction Island. All the members of me u. a. rt. are lnvitea to oe present. The Cathedral Ladies' Aid Society will give another of their enjoyable card parties next Tuesday evening in their parlors over the Cathedral, corner Fif teenth and Davis streets. Progressive whist will be played. Suitable prizes will be awarded. A musical programme will be given and refreshments served. Woodmen Will Entertain. The Uni form Rink of Prosperity Camp, Xo. 336, W. O. W., will give another of their en joyable dances Thursday evening, Feb ruary 5. In Forester.')' Hall on Sixth and Washington streets. Onb Week More or Sale. Sale Ends Saturday Night. Bargains in All Departments, Remnants at Half Price. At P. E. Brigiiam's. Seventh josd Washington. C. F. Slater & Co., a new and progres sive Arm, has opened an auction and com mission house at 308 East Morrison street. This firm will buy or sell anything with a market value. 'Phone White STL . Turn Halle CArE. Klrchner & Hanno, direct importers of Rhcln and Moselle wines. Finest cold lunches and saTid .iches again served an formerly. Fourth and Yamhill streets. ' At the Portland School of Domestic Science. Tuesday, 2 P. M., Mr. Hexter. of Barnes Market, will demonstrate from a side of beef where the different cuts aro obtained. .Effective Monday, February 2, The Oregon Water Power and Railway Com pany will establish Its freight serrlco be tween Portland and Grcsham. Dr. Lorenz' System: of firy-cupplng and dry electric massage Is a certain cure for rheumatism. J. Frledmin, prop.. Chamber of Commerce Baths. Japan Palms, Lilies, Etc. Just re ceived big shipments. Call end see what we have. Portland Seed Co., cor. Front and Yamhill Sts. Dandruff ene is a guaranteed cure for dandruff or eczema. Scalps examined free. D'Orlan Cle Toilet Parlors. 3(3 Wash. Remember the Oriental Rug Co.'s big eale of Turkish and Persian rugs, India ellks and draperies. 318 Alder St, Doors, windows, glass and glazing a specialty. Phone North 1501. 217 Alder. Portland Sash and Door Co. Acme Oil Co., fine coal oils and Caro lines, wholesale nnd retail. 212 1st St Both phones. Main CTO. Geo. H. Staub has opened a cigar and news depot at 234 Morrison street, corner second. Fhee dispensary for worthy poor, Tues., Thurs.. Sat. 1 P. M. St. Vincent's Hosp. B. B. Rich takes subscription money on any periodical published. 103 3rd St B. 15. Rich, the cigar man, takes sub scriptions for any periodical published. Makn, the Beedman. Agent Burpee's Seeds. J. J. Butzer also. 1SS Front st. MiLEjfor IS cents. Hasty Messenger Co. telephones Main S3. Open all night. ' Dr. Dearborn, office and residence 800 Union Ave. N. Tel. Alblna 10. Turkish and Persian rugs at your own prices? 101 Sherlock Blfig. Dr. L. M. Thornton, dentist, "Marquam. Deli ver yuan Is Arrested. W. F. Mc Carter. a dcllveryman employed by Olds, Wortman & King, wos arrested yester day on comnlaint of the firm, charged with embezzling money collected by him on his route. The amount which figured in the complaint was only $13.34. but Su perintendent George Hyland says he has evidence to prove that as much as CO has been spent by .the driver which should have been turned in. McCarter made no attempt to excuse himself, and said that the money had been spent for amuse ments. He will be heard today, and meanwhile Is Iri a pi ice far, less easy to get out of than his delivery wagon. Well-Known Printer Makes a Change. J. D. M. Abbott, recently of Mann & Abbott, has bought an interest in the printing and lithographing busi ness of Anderson & Dunlway Co., and goes in as manager for that house, 200 20S Alder street, where, with enlarged fa cilities, he will sustain his reputation for high-class work. Phones Main 17, Co lumbia 325. The Oregon Water Power and Railway Company will begin doing freight busi ness ou Its Grcsham line Monday, Febru ary 2, from Its freight station at the cist end of the Madison-street bridge. Forced to Ycate on account of tear ing down of my store, 311 Morrison. Big reductions on everything in my two Jew elry stores. Fritz Abcndroth, 311 Morri son, opposite P. O., and 207 1st St, Zionist meeting and celebration tonight. 8 o'clock, at Temple Beth Israel. Address by Stephen S. Wise and Mr. I. Swett of the movement. Fine musical programme. AdmUslon free to all. Brown's Gallert, moved to Libbe big. F. W. Bjlltes & Co.. Ilnotypers. printers. Floral pieces reasonable. Burkhardt's.' WHERE TO DINE. For that hungry feeling try the Port land restaurant, 305 Washington street. Special 33c chicken dinner served today from 12 to 8 P. M. at Perkins restaurant, D. M. Watson, prop. A great lay-out at Strouse's Restau rant. Including chicken dinner, complete 23 cents. 229 Washington. Welnhard's Cafe, corner Fifth and Al der. German and French dinners. M. J. Gcshwandner, chef. Oar Special Dinner ToiTnr, 50c Olympla oysters, raw. , Chicken soup cr clam broth. Boiled saamon, parsley sauce. Either chicken, duck or roast f.urkey. Lobster salad, celery. Any two kinds of dessert. Ten. coffee, cocoa or milk. Imperial Restaurant, second floor Im perial Hotel. 12 to 8 P. M. Take elevator. TALK OF THE TOWN. Smokers are wondering how It is that Handley & Keller are ablo to sell Lo pez's "La Nave" Havana cigar, at ten cent value everywhere else, at S cents. This Is one of the many genuine snaps offered by this firm, and the people stand in line to get them. The Cut Rate Cigar and News Store, 291 Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth. MENTAL SCIENCE LECTURES Prof. Knox's first free lecture tonight. A. O. U. W. Concert Hall, promises to be the greatest revelation for the people In the new thought "ever given to the citizens of Portland. Professor Knox's lectures are optimistic, self-evolvmg and health-restoring to all who hear them. Subject tonight, "How to Cure Poverty and Accumulate Wealth." JAMESON HAT OPENING. M. SlchcL sole agent in Portland for the Jameson hat, has received all the new Spring blocks for 1903. Your inspec tion is cordially invited. 2SS Washington street. Do Your Eyes Trouble You? Are you 'wearing glasses that aro only a partial relief the kind that worry you? WE FIT THE MOST DIFFICULT CASES, those where others have failed to properly locate the trouble. We have thoroughly up-to-date optical instrumentsrand hundreds of our pa tients are now wearing glasses that make them see better than they ever did. No matter how bad your case may seem, come and see us. We Charge Nothing for Examinations And if glasses will not help you, we say so frankly. Our prices are reasonable and we use only first quality lenses and the latest style frames. Don't wear old-fashioned spectacles that make you look ten years older. The kind we prescribe are an ornament not a detriment. Now about your jewelry. Is it in good shape? Are your diamond mountings secure? If you are not certain, better bring them to us. Don't wait till you lose the stones. Old jewelry made over into new. JAEGER BROS. "T5Ki& 290 Morrison Street, near Fifth oaoeeeooeeee oaooooaoooeeeeoeeoeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaoeoeeoooot eiiitiiititititMoiiii toiiiattodiiitMttiMittt tiiatiiMititii aa oe oe eo a o a TRUTH TELLING ALWAYS WINS.. Charles Dickens said: "There Is nothing so strong or so safe in life as the eimplo truth." . e remember these forceful words when exploiting our beautiful light ing fixtures, mantels, fireplace furnish ings, etc., that we offer for sale here in our store. Wc state the simple truth when we remind you that we are constant ly receiving new goods of the latest and most artistic designs. Not only. do we Immediately secure each important im provement and novelty pertaining to all our lines of goodsv but from a 10-ccnt gas mantle to the most elaborate open fire place or exquisite chandelier, we always keep on hand everything a household needs for lighting, heating and ornamenta tion. It is also the simple truth to say that the large size of our trade enables tis to fix our prices the lowest in Portland. Come In and see the latest styles, if only frcm curiosity. Established 1K3. THE JOHN BARRETT. CO.. Sixth and Alder. WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? Unusual Interest centered at the M. J. Walsh Co.'s new store, 343 Washing ton street, corner Seventh, during the past two weeks, especially during the even ing, when brilliant Illumination of the In terior by electricity and gas brought out in bold relief the magnificent stock of gaa, electric and combination chandeliers, mantels, grates, tiling, electric and gas portables. lamps and lighting appliances. The new stock shown by this company would do credit to any similar exhibit in the largest Eastern cities. Owners of houses in courec of construction or per sons contemplating the erection of build ings will find it to their advantage to call" and examine our goods. Hleli-Gradr Pianos for Ittnt Sold on easy installments. Pianos tuned and repaired. H. Sinshelmer. 72 Third it. WE ARE IT. Come and. enjoy a good dinner, Served In courses. Orchestra in attendance. RATH & SANDYS, H5 First Streot. long Glove Are Amln In Venae. Long Mousquetalre gloves. In white and black, are being worn again for evening drero. These are shown in both glace and suede, but the former is essentially an evening glove, the leading dealers declare. They carry 20 buttons on the longest, in pearl and pink shades. An attracUve glovo Is the three-clasp, embroidered suede, that comes in pearl, lavender, cream, primrose, manlla. tan. mode, beaver, French gray, brown, black and gun-metal color, which lest is one of the novelUes of the season. For a Quiet Game of Pool. Parlors. 127 6th. adjoining Oregonlan Bldg. For a Social Game of ntlllards. Parlors. 127 tth. adjolnlnr Oregonlan Bwdg. GREAT REDUCTION SALE Includes all lines of Japanese and Chinese Curios, Matting,, Rugs, Toys, &c. PRICES ON Laiies Silk Enl'd Wrapper.. S3.75 Laiies' Silk Plain Wrappers.. S7.45 Laiies Silk Eml'd Jacket..... S4.1S Gent's Silk Emb'd Socking Jacket. $4.00 Gent's Silk Plain Smoking Jacket $3.00 ANDREW KAN & CO. Cor. 4th and Morrison ISSAQUAH UUilL. M" Mt WKB attic i c c tn OAK 1231 q O.50 KING COAL CO. ADORN YOUR DINING ROOM and the table with choice selections at artistic CUT GLASS, wlch is In dicative of taste, and at the same time Is of practical value. Nothing cUc is so appropriate for the sideboard. The kind of cut glass we handlo is the BEST-sharp cut. clear, brilliant. You are Invited to call and In spect our varied assortment 284 Washington Street KViVrAcmwG- Cpiiciahs- PCRTLANO.OREa wKBk. I In order to dispose of our entire stock of OVERCOATS We will continue to sell them at January Clearance prices dur ing the entire month of February j i Famous. Clothing Co. Cor. Morrison and Second Sts. Edison Phonographs More Popular Than Ever What amusement .device In the world today vrill irlve you more genuine pleas tire and fun than an Edison phonograph? Every pleasure that sound can give Is rondenscd on its cylinders; all of the late operatic selections, vaudeville sketches, ylolln and banjo solos, all of the popular songs of the day. and even mandolin solos by L. SclEtl can be had. Edison phonographs range from $10 to JO in price. The new molded records are 50 cents each, or K per dozen. . Cata logues on application. We have just re ceived an Invoice of these new molded records. Call and hear them. Visitors Trilcome at Graves & Co.'s Music Store 124 SIXTH, near W.osh. Victor and Graphophone Talking Ma chines and Supplies. NEW Postage-Stamp Albums Containing Spaces for AH Stamps Ever Issued 1903 Edition $1.50 Ea. Catalogue Giving Correct Value of All Stamps SOc Each, 58c by Mall :: :: :TRY US: D. M. AVERILL & CO. The Curio Siore, 331 Morrison St. FELLOWS 30SrWashington SL-tet 15 Cents Found Good English Breakfast Tea. 30 Cents Found Choice Sun-Cured Japan Tea. 15 Ccnb ' Pound Bert Fresh Roast Costa Rica Coffee. 30 Centj Found Hoffman House Java and Mocha Coffee 25 Cents Six Large Bars Pure 'White Floating Soap, for Laundry or Bath. 10 Cents E-Pound 'Package Best, Table Salt. 15 Cents Two 3-Pound Cans Strawberry Beets. 45 Cents Gallon Fancy Table Syrup Bring Pall. $460 . 100-Pound Sack Best Granulated - Sugar. DEAFNESS There Is but one way to determine whether one of our appliances will give relief, that is by actual trial. Money back if not satisfactory. Call or send for illustrated circular. TRUSSES We claim the best grades, low est prices and accuracy of fit. Woodlark Elastic Truss, single. ' $1.50 WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Surgical Dept. COAL COAL COAL Rock Springs Coal Lump or Range. Best House Coal to Be Had. Delivered, $8.50 Per Ton Delivered, S7.00 Pep Ton for Rcriton Lump Coal No better Coal at that price. Clean Coal. Prompt delivery. Both phones. VULCAN COAL CO. KMIQMT'S SPECIAL Children's -Department By far the largest in the city Half the entire sec ond floor. x LAIIGEST CLOTHIERS IX THE NORTHWEST. S. W. CORNER OF FOURTH AXD MORRIS0X STREETS. oe ns uopcocits TOMORROW WE WILL PLACE ON SALE AND DISPLAY A BRIL- LIANT REPRESENTATION OF - jtdvemee Sdecis in Spring Siiles They are much the largest and handsomest lines we have ever shown at this early date. The new black topcoats of unfin ished worsted materials, close-fitting collars, loose backs and hand padded shoulders are here in liberal assortmentjbothsllkand serge-lined Another new style Is .the dark, fancy mixture, also a large range of coverts ffiemember that the ff0Uoppjs" will be the thing for Spring WE ARE NOW SHOWING So r don jffatsj S3 ' FOR SPRING, 1903 Both soft and stiff styles. o o aa o a ea CO o ae aa a as a ao oo aa ae ae o oe ee a a a ea ea ea a a ea c a ao ae e ee eo ea eo ea ea ee ea oa ii oe ee ee ea ea eo aa ee ao ee eo ae oo eo oe oe ee oa oo ee ee oe eo ee ee ee ee ee' ea oa oa ee ae eo oe eo ea eo OS GC ee ee oo ee ee eeoa eeoe Rock Springs Range Coal For coolatoTf and nmnll heaters 'tis clranent and best S8.S0 per ton. ROTH I'HOXES. VULCAX COAL CO. C. C. NEWCASTLE Dentist MARQUAM BUILDING. ROOM 301 t SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BSST WORK, REASONABLE PRICES 2474 Stark Street Phone Hain 178 e a oe ee a ee eo ee ee eo eo oa ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ea ee $10,000 DAMAGE BY SMOKE AND WATER THE GREATEST VALUES IN MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS PORTLAND MAS EVER SEEN BOYS' SUITS FORMERLY SOLD' FOR $10 & $11 DAMAGE SALE PRICES $4 and $5 CLOTH MEN'S OVERCTS REGULAR RETAIL PRICE $20.00 AND $22.50 DAMAGE SALE PRICE $10 and $12.50 SUITABLE FOR LADIES TAILOR-MADE SUITS, HANDSOME PATTERNS, REGULAR PRICES S3.00, $3.50 AND $4.50 PER YARD MARKED DOWN TO 75c, $1.00 AND $1.50 A YARD. "AN EARLY CHOICE WILL ASSURE YOU A GOOD FIT." SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE "Strongest Overcoat House In the State." 85-87 THIRD ST., BETWEEN STARK AND OAK STS. oa c a oe ee e ee ee ee ee oe e e ea aa ee ee oo eo ee ee ae oe eo ee eo e ee ee eo oa ao ae eo ao ao a e eo Of ee eo ee ee oe eo eo eo e ee ee ee oe ee ee ae ae a ee aa aa eo a o oe ee ee ee ee eo ee ee ee oe ee ee ee oe 'ee oe ee ee oe v e (i a no ao ao ee COME AND SEE ee ee i:::::::;;:::::::::::::;:::::::::::.:..:::::::::::::: aaaat oaasE