THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAN, POETLAND, JANUARY 25, 1903. 5 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The Orcsronian'K Telephones. OREGON'. Counting Jtooxn Main COT MaraRlntr Editor Main 63C City Editor Main ICO Composing Room Main CSS Eaet Side Office East CI Superintendent Building Red 2S23 COLUMBIA. Counting Room 607 Editorial Room ICO Composing Room ..714 Engine Room 208 AMDSE3IEXTS. CrRDRAY'S THEATER This afternoon at - in. this evening at 8:15. Myron B. Rice's "Whose Baby Arc You?" THE BAKER THEATER This afternoon at ttilo, tonight at 8:15, "Charley's Aunt." Sscms to Be Stolen Phopeutt. Detec tives Kerrigan and Snow think they have found a clew to some recent robberies in arresting Charles H. Davis and Harry Ashton, as the latter were trying to sell plated silverware, shoes, etc., In a second-hand store on Third street, near Burnaide, yesterday. The detectives were passing the store at the time, and the men's actions aroused their suspicions, particularly when they were unable to show how the goods came to be in their possession, and the arrests followed. At the police station the prisoners were sul len and would not give up any informa tion. Among the articles were: Plated silverware (soup and berry spoons) marked "Imperial," nut-crackers, nut picks, fruit knife, butter knives, nap kin rings, eight razors marked Joseph Allen & Son, Sheffield, England, and M. Siller & Co., "Our Best," with these private marks on the blades: 1900, 202G rip. and 20.2C3; a small canvass grip, bound with leather; eight pairs of Douglas ehoea, new, marked "Royal Blue." "The Crown" and "Sels, Perfecto, Chi cago." The police think that these goods may probably have been taken from a railroad car or that they are portions of a traveler's samples. Chief of Police Hunt "wishes any one recognizing the goods from the description furnished to call on him today at the police 6tation, so that the owners may recover their property. "Where Shall, Belfrt Go? The ques tion of whether the belfry shall be placed on the top or end of the schoolhouse has raised a disturbance in School District No. 4L A school meeting of the taxpay ers of the district was hold there a few days ago, and the majority voted that the belfry should be placed onjthe top, and that a tax amounting to $140 for the dis trict should be levied. Those who were opposed to both of these measures now claim that they were defeated by the votes of several persons not entitled to vote at such a meeting. County Superin tendent It. F. Robinson has received a complaint from a number of the taxpay ers of the district asking that he stop the levying of the tax, as the Irregular ities of the meeting would prevent the legal adoption of its decision as to the amount of tax. Apparently those who fa vored a belfry on the end of the school house are determined that their oppon ents shall not win a complete victory. Mr. Robinson says that the matter Is out side of his jurisdiction, and that the County Court must determine whether the voting was carried on In accordance "With the regulations. Judge Bellinger Goes Hunting. Judge Bellinger, who went down to his farm on the Columbia Thursday, ac companied by M. O. Downsdale, to enjoy his f.rst duck shooting for the season, having been away In California all Win ter, returned yesterday as happy as a sand boy. Both hunters killed the limit, 50 ducks. Friday, nearly all big fine mallards, with a few plump widgeon for variety, and could have shot as many more but for the law. The Judge feels a little sad when he thinks of all the fine ehcoting he has missed this Winter, but knows that "it Is idle for the past to pray, it is useless for the past to sigh." He will endeavor to get a fair share of the shooting on his farm next season, and will be happy to have some of his con freres in San Francisco come up and en Joy some really good sport. To Aid Injured Fireman. The benefit dance arranged by members of the Fire Department for Matthew Geldard, an ex-firc-man, who was Injured In an accident on tha East Sid, took place at the Arion Hall, Friday night, and was an enjoyable affair, over $200 being realized. Splendid aance music was furnished by Fox's or rhestra, and George Rutherford made an excellent prompter. The firemen wish to thank all those who kindly bought tick ets for this worthy object, New Police Were No Better. "James Casey, you are again before this court, charged with being drunk," impressively remarked Municipal Judge Hogue yester day. "I haven't been here for three weeks, an' I thought the new cops would be more discrimlnatin'," pleaded Casey. "I only had a few drinks, and it's all a mis take." He will spend the next 30 days at the city jail. Because Hd Wore the Abmt Blue.' Joseph Jamieson, supposed to be a de serter from the United States Army post at Vancouver, was set at liberty by the " police yesterday. A few days ago he was picked up on suspicion by Detectives Ford and Cordano because he was found wearing a pair of Army pants. At. Seguin, the genial mixer, Is now ready for business at 274 First street. corner Jefferson, whore he will be glad to meet all his friends. All is so well known that he needs no recommenda tion and the public may feel assured of being served with the choicest of wines, liquors, etc Acme Oil Company will loan to any one who will order five gallons coal oil or gasoline a nice faucet or safety pump can. Order at 212 First street or 331 Mor rison street, or telephone Oregon Maine 670 or Columbia C70. C. M. Zadow, proprietor. Turn Halle Cafe. Kirchner & Hanno, direct importers of Rhein and Moselle wines. Finest cold lunches and sand wichea again served as formerly. Fourth and Yamhill streets. The Portland Sash & Door Company, consisting of W. W. Wright, Peter Gtboni and George Whltaker, have bought out the sash, door and glass business of F. E. Beach. All persons Indebted to the late Dr. R. P. Chambers will please call at C77 East Ankeny street and make settlement. Lena W. Chambers, administratrix. Not Westenpelder. Through an error in Mr. Wolfsteln's statement regarding the stolen card case, the name ' Wester man was printed Westenfclder. Portland School of Domestic Science. Demonstration Tuesday, 2 P. M. "Whole some Ways of Cooking Meats; Selection of Cuts." The Address of Mrs. M. A. RIggle, the nurse, is Montavilla, Or. Home with Mrs. Ida Burden. Phone number. Blue 63L Special service for men, St. Mark's Church. 19th and Quimby. tonight 7:30. Speakers, A. E. Bernayo, Wm. Cuthbert. Dandruffene Is a guaranteed cure for dandruff or eczema. Scalps examined free. D'Orlan Cie Toilet Parlors. 34S Wash. Miss Emelie Peterson, please call at the office of Sahlstrom & Patterson, 291& Morrison. Important to you. Fire Insurance at cut rates. Largest companies. Address T 64, care Oregonian, and agent will call. Reliable makes table linens, handker chiefs, kid gloves. John Cran. Hamil ton Building. Free dispensary for worthy poor. Tues., Thurs.. Sat., 1 P. M. St. Vincent's Hosp. Store for rent, 207 First. Inquire Ab endroth, jeweler, 207 First, 311 Morrison. B. B. Rich, the cigar man, takes sub scriptions for any periodical published. Mann, the Seedman. Auent Burpee's Seeds. J. J. Butzer also. 1SS Front st. Mile for 15 cents. Hasty Messenger Co. Telephones Main 53. Open all night. Guinean's Remedy. See "personal," this Issue. J. A. GnAEF, fresco artist, 225 Marquam. Dr. I. M. Thornton, dentist, Marquam. Wise Bros., dentists. The Falling. Freimann's New Role. A resident of Oregon who has Just returned from a trip to England brings back the interesting information that ho ran across B. Frei mann. the former well-known taterer of Portland, at the Metronole Hotel in Lon don. Freimann exhibited a wonderful card, on which the information was set forth that "Madam B. Freimann" Is the "proprietress" of the Oregon House. 17 Upper Bedford Place. Russel Square, Lon don, W. C. First-class board and resi dence and superior apartments are as sured. On the back of the card it Is an nounced that ' Professor B. Freimann speaks the following languages: English, German, French, Italian. Spanish. Greek, Norwegian. Swedish, Danish, Turkish. Arabic, and others. Freimann professed to know every street and alley of London. just as he knows every nook and cranny of all languages. He takes his guests all over London, and shows them the sights, if they want to go. New Terrors for the Transgressor. Seven new policemen went on duty last night: J. C. Johnson, George E. Crox forti, Al Rasmussen, Ralph Duncan, Frank Olson, F. W. Hcmswcrrth and Stephen More. W. O. Stitt, another new policeman, went on duty this morning. Clearance sale of Turkish rugs, Kiz Kilums, Kheivas, hall and stair rugs, silks, draperies, etc. Oriental Rug Com pany, 345 Alder street. A STORE FOR EVERYBODY While we gladly have dally evidence that our store sets the fashions here in open fireplaces and lighting fixtures, we are ever mindful of the infinitude of small supplies that keep complete the lighting arrangements of the household. You can find here the best mantles of all good grades, complete assortments of fireplace furnishings, artistic andirons, screens, guards, tong sets, etc We have the most trustworthy workmen, who repair wires and install lighting and telephone systems. Nothing can surpass our collection of beautiful lamps, chandeliers and glass ware. We take pleasure in supplying every little necessary article connected with our lines of goods. If anything Is out of order, you need only to 'phone us. Everything in the lighting line you will find here. And, best of all, you cannot visit our store without receiving most pleasant Inspiration from the big array of artistic wares displayed on our wareroom floors. THE JOHN BARRETT CO., Established 1S6S. Sixth and Alder Sts. As above, $12.50. Now Is the Time to Invest 25, ?."U, 5. As above, Diamonds will never be worth any less. They are a good Investment if bought at the right prices. If you are In the market for a diamond ring, pin, stud, cuff buttons, or locket, give us a call. Our prices may be an inducement, as we can give you diamond rings frctn 57.50 up. Stickpins, $5.00 and up. Cuff buttons, $4.50 and up. Studs, $5.00 and up. Have you ever had your diamonds examined? Are you sure the settings are secure, and ara they set so as to make them show off? Bring in your old rings and exchange them for new settings. The expense will be small, and you then run no chances of losing the stones. OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This is one of our principal branches, and no expense has been spared to equip It with the latest Instruments for testing the eyes. WE CHARGE NOTHING for examination, and our prices you will find very reasonable. We use no drops or medicine. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers, Opticians 290 Morrison Street, near Fifth J-li- f f I J' IIHKlMinilll RECOMMENDS OPEN RIVER THE TALK OF THE CITY. During the past week many of our cit izens took occasion to inspect the new quarters of the M. J. Walsh Company, at 313 Washington street Not only were they surprised at the extent of this firm's business, and the display of the hand some lines, but were unanimous In com plimenting them as leaders in their busi ness in the Northwest, beyond any dis pute. Those contemplating building or remod eling their homes or stores, and who de sire to secure the latest and most attrac tive designs in mantels, grates, tiling, electric and gas chandeliers, call bells, private telephones and the like should con sult the M. J. Walsh Company. ' Last evening they entertained their friends and the public in a pleasing man ner. The brilliancy of their new store was very noticeable. 23D ANNUAL STATEMENT On page 10 there will be found the tenth annual statement of the Bankers' Life Association, of Dcs Moines, la., an insti tution so strong and successful as to have attracted imitation in various parts of the country. It is operated on a safe, conservative and sensible system, furnishing insurance at an average cost of $9 25 per $1000, and each policy is backed by ample security. It is insurance for protection, not for speculative purposes, and any information desired can be given by F. C. Austen, general manager, whose office is at 502-3 Oregonian building. Chamber of Commerce Committee Says Canal Is IS'ecensnry. The ODen-rlver committee of the Cham ber of Commcrpe held Its firet meeting under the new administration yesterday, and made the following report to Presi dent Livingstone of the organization: "Your committee on open river begs leave to report that, pursuant to the call of its chairman, It held a meeting at 3:30 P. M. Friday, and unites in the following recommendations to you: "First That the opening, at the earliest practicable moment, of the Columbia River to navigation by the building of a canal and locks between The Dalles and Celllo, Is of the utmcot Importance to the producers, bankers, merchants and manufacturers of the entire Pacific North west. "Second That the president of the Chamber of Commerce be requested to send a telegram to the members of tho Oregon delegation in Congress requesting them to make inquiry respecting the status of the plan for the building of a canal and locks between The Dalles and Celllo submitted by Captain W. W. Harts, United States Engineers, and particularly to inquire when a final and definite re port may be expected from the Board of Engineers appointed last year to Investi gate the plan of Captain Harts, and as certain the probable cost of building the canal and locks recommended by Captain Harto. The open river committee, "HENRY HAHN, Chairman, "L. A. LEWIS. "E. B. LYTLE, "E. T. WILLIAMS." WHERE TO DINE. For that hungry feeling try the Port land restaurant, 305 Washington street. Special 35c chicken dinner served today from 12 to S P. M. at Perkins restaurant. D. M. Watson, prop. A great lay-out at Strouse'a Restau rant, Including chicken dinner, complete 25 cents. 229 Washington. ANOTHER SNAP. La Nave is a straight Havana cigar. sold everywhere for 10 cents each; our I price a cents. This is another of our leaders. Last Sunday we advertised a I 10c cigarette for 5 cents and sold thousands of packages. The La Nave Is proportion- ' atoly as cheap. The Cut Rate Cigar and News Store, 291 Washington, between Fourth and Fifth. Handley & Kelley, proprietors. r WE ARE Going to have music with our fine dinner today. We will serve it In courses, and, as usual, it will be fine. RATH & SANDYS. 145 First St Hleh-Grade Pianos for Heat. Sold on easy installments. Pianos tuned and repaired. H. Elnsheimer. 72 Third L Our Special Dinner Today, 50c. Olympia oysters, raw. Chicken soup or clam broth. Boiled salmon, egg sauce. Either chicken, duck or roast turkey. Shrimp salad, celery. Any two kinds of dessert Tea, coffee, cocoa or milk. Imperial Restaurant, second floor Im perial Hotel, 12 to 8 P. M. Take elevator. Prcis Club at Smoker. The members of the City Press Club gathered at the rooms In theIarquam building last evening at the second of the club's smokers. There were represen tatives of nearly all the papers of Port land present, who thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Two members brought banjos, and the evening's entertainment was in terspersed with music, and those present joined in a song or two. There was great enthusiasm manifested at the smoker, which is one of a series that will be given every few weeks during the com ing Spring. For a Social Game of Billiards. Parlors, 127 6th. adjoining Oregonian BAs. For a Quiet Game ot Pool, Parlors; 127 6th. adjoininsr Oregonian Bids. Some men would rather live with a wild cat than live alone. a a a 9 O O 99 e aa aa a aa aa 99 99 99 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 to 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 O 00 O 00 0 o 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 00 0 0 90 00 00 00 00 00 O0 oo O0 ot 00 0 0 0O O0 o e o O 0 to e 0 o 0 0O 0 0 90 00 90 O O 09 0 O at 09 09 am 09 ot tt 9 tt 09tttttttttttttt99999999 9999999999999999ttttttt tltttltttttttttttttttttt tttttttttttttttttttlttt WA NI T P H , A FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING SALESMAN. - 1 E U . WHO HAS LOCAL. ACQUAINTANCES; REF " ERENCES REQUIRED. FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. SPECIAL DRIVES DURING THE LAST WEEK OF OUR GREAT CLEARANCE SALE 50c AND 75c NECKWEAR .'. 40c $1.50 UNDERWEAR $1.10 $1.50 FANCY SHIRTS $1.10 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $3.50 to $5.00 LESS THAN FORMER PRICES FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS 9 0 9 00999999999990000 00000009 999909tttttttttttt09999 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 90 0 0 0 00 00 00 e. 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 1 1 to 1 1 1 1 1 0 t o 9 9 99 9 9 99 9 9 90 99 99 0 9 9t 99 9 9 99 t t 1 1 1 ttt THE WHITE IS KING If you want to rent a new machine, come to us. If you want to buy a new machine, coma to us. If you want needles, parts or oil for any machine, come to us. It you want a good second-hand machine, come to us. Phone South 2461. BARTLETT & PALMER, Corner Sixth and Alder Streets Opp. Oresonian Building. We Can Please You In developing and printing your kodak and camera Pict ures Good work on short notice. TRY US D. M. AVERILL & CO. The Curio Store, 331 Morrison St. GREAT REDUCTION SALE Includes all lines of Japanese and Chinese Curios, Matting, Rugs, Toys, &c. PRICES ON Ladies' Silk Emb'd Wrapper.. $8.75 Ladies' Silk Plain Wrappers.. $7.45 Ladies' Silk Emb'd Jacket $4.15 Gent's Silk Emb'd Smoking Jacket. $4.00 Gent's Silk Plain Smoking Jacket : $3.00 ANDREW KAN & CO. Cor. 4 th and Morrison COAL COAL COAL Rock Springs Coa Lump or Range. Best House Coal to Be Had. Delivered, $8.50 Per Ton Delivered, S6.50 Per Ton for Renton Lump Coal No better Coal at that price. Clean Coal. Prompt delivers. Both phones. VULCAN COAL CO. KNIGHT'S SPECIAL Children's By far the largest in the city Half the entire sec ond floor. COIV1E AND SEE a a tteiiit V $ i $ Anderson &Duniway Co. $ 20S Alder Street. Cor. Front PORTLAND, OREGON. LITHOGRAPHING PRINTING and BLANK BOOKS rhones-MAIN IT; COLUMBIA 325. V V f T FINE WORK FAIR PRICES fS COAL $6.50 ISSAQUAH AND GRAND RIDGE ARE THE BEST IN THE 3IAR KET. Telephone us your order. ornc i25i. KING COAL CO. ess a a aa aa e o oe aa aa a oe e 99 99 9 9 99 9 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 SO a s 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 09 99 99 9 9 99 LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST. S. W. CORNER OP FOURTH AND MORRISON STREETS. s Js the cLasi tieeJc of Our Sreat Annual Sale Of 9?$ens and ots Jfene Apparel 9 9 " a ttie THE bargain character of this sale is so thoroughly known that economical purchasers come miles to participate in the saving advantages this -stupendous event affords 'This is the last week you have a chance to buy Suits or Overcoats at such liberal reduc tions as we have made. There is still large numbers left to se lect from, including all sizes. AH Men's $5.00 Trousers $4.35 AH Men's $1.25 Crusher Hats 95 All Boys $5.00 Suits 4.15 AH $5.00 Underwear 4.20 Holroyd's $7.50 Underwear 5.00 $6.50 Original Linen Mesh Underwear. 5.65 99 99 99 99 ee 99 99 a 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 " 9-9 99 99 99 a 99 9 9 99 99. 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99. 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 09 9 99 99 99 99 9 9. . 0 . other merchandise reduced co?respdndngiy. iteic(a(t9aeo aaaeaaaasaaacsaeaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaacsaaaaataaaaaaaa iii9iiii(itt(iieac9i9it3iRiiti(caaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 60 O a 99 99 9 99 9. C. C. NEWCASTLE Dentist MARQUAM BUILDING. ROOM 301 SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BEST WORK. REASONABLE PRICES 247X Stark Street Phone Main 178 Hannpr CURED AT HOME by Internal t,aul,ci treatment, no JcnKe. plaster or pain. Book and TeMlmonlals mailed FREE. Mason Cancer Institute. 121 W. -4 2d st.. N. T. :: aaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaeaaaaeaoaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaoaaaataaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa eaaeaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 999i 90 O 9 9 9 a 9 9 9 99 9 9 O S a 99 o oe 99 9 9 o e o a a 99 99 9 9 99 99 9 9 99 99 9 9 99 ao 99 ao eo a o 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 ee 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 9 9 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 9 O eo a a a a a o a a a a a a 99 9 9 99 OO 99 9 a 99 9 9 99 9 O a o 99 CO 9 9 9 99 9 9 ao a a a a a a ao DAMAGE BY SMOKE AND WATER THE GREATEST VALUES IN MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS PORTLAND HAS EVER SEEN Hundreds of people are availing themselves of the splendid opportunity to purchase the finest hand-tailored Suits and Overcoats, slightly damaged by water, at a reduction of 50 and 75 per cent below regular prices. SPECIAL TODAY PAINTS MEN'S $3.00, $4.00 AND $5.00 PANTS REDUCED TO 1.755 $2.00, $2.50 "AN EARLY CHOICE WILL ASSURE YOU A GOOD FIT." jaa 199 SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE "Strongest Overcoat House in the State." . 85-87 THIRD ST., BETWEEN STARK AND OAK STS. 999999999999999999999Q99099999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999 999999 99 69999999099999 9 999 99 999999 99999 999999999 9999 99999999999999999 99999 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 9 9 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 9 9 at 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 '99 99 99 a a e 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 9 a 99 -99 99 99 99 99 a oe na 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9 9 99 e a a