The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 18, 1903, PART THREE, Page 19, Image 19

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Olds, Wotman & King
Men's Fnisfiings
Striking Offerings This Week
A large line of high-grade tip-to-date men's goods at very
low clearance prices.
Men's White Snirts
A line of excellent quality
Laundered White Shirts to he
closed out.
$J.OO grade only 77c
J.25 grade only 87c
Men's Colored Shirts
Fancy percale and Ma- n n
dras, $J.50 values for C
Men's Ties
Silk String or Club Ties, regu
lar 25c values, sale J EZ.
price 2 for
French Fold Ascots, newest col
orings, $2.25 flQ
grades, to close ... P
Men's Gloves
Silk lined, values to J Q
$J.50,for JsZ
Clearance Specials in
Knit Underwear
For "Women and Children
A group of very desirable specials
Children's Hose
Black, seamless, double knee,
heels and toes, nice bright yarn
and excellent wearers.
Sizes 6 to 7$, reduced Q
from 30c to lyZ
Sizes 8 to Zf reduced A-
from 35c to t:C
Sizes 9 h and 0, reduced Q r
from 45c to OKJC
Children's Hose
Black cotton, seamless or finish
ed foot, double or fine ribbed
with well reinforced knee, heel
and toe, sizes 6 to JO, regular
price 20c to 35c, r
special OC
Ladies' Hose
Black wool, seamless, gray heels
and toes. Regular o
price 25c, special per pr OC
Misses' Vests
Jersey ribbed, silver color, elastic
cotton, high neck, long sleeves,
good winter weight, sizes 3, 4,
5 and 65 regular 35c
quality, special each O C
Misses' Union Suits
White wool, Jersey ribbed, Oneita
style, long sleeves, ankle length,
good $J.OO quality, S O,
special at 05C
Ladies' Union Suits
Silver gray or white, Jersey rib
bed, Oneita or half open front,
long sleeves, ankle length, $1.50
quality, special fQ
per suit 1 J7
Great Clearance Specials
In Enamel Ware
Dainty baskets of all kinds
whisk broom holders, towel rings
and numerous other pretty trifles
in enamel ware to be closed out
this week at merely nominal
Values to 25c for . .4c
Values to 75c for. ..I3c
one of Its enjoyahle parties In the
new "Woodmen's hall. East Sixth and Al
der streets, tomorrow night.
The New England Conservatory Club
will meet on Wednesday, January 2S, at
the home ot Mrs. Rudolph Prael. "The
Ilnnes.Ingers" will be the subject of the
programme, which will be under the direc
tion of Mrs. Max M. Shlllock.
On next Wednesday evening, January
21, Company B, Third Regiment, O. N.
G.. will give the closing dancing party at
he Armory. , ,
The Z. B. R. S. Club will give their
Tnniiarv uarty on Tuesday evening, the
; at
20th, at Burkhard Hall.
The "Wletarla Club wll glvo Its next
Men's Underwear
At Less Than Mill Price
The celebrated Lewis make, in
silk and linen; also pure worst
ed with elastic neck, reduced
from $4.50
Men's Night Shirts,
$ 50 grade for 38c
.75 grade for 49c
J. 00 grade for 73c
Men's Shirts and Drawers
Soft natural gray wool, Q
$J.OO grade for OC
Fine Camel's Hair, $J50 QQ
grade for ZsC
Out Unde0lislins
We would especially invite the attention of
all ladies to our vast array of snowy undermuslins,
which are available now at greatly reduced prices.
In variety and quality, as well as in finish and
trimming, they excel any other undermuslin show
ing to be found. "We neglect nothing to make
them so at all times of the year, and our lines are
more complete now than usual. Every garment is
the conscientious product of the ablest manufac
turers in the country, shapely, neat finished and
daintily made and trimmed. Following are this
week's extra specials:
Extra good quality, with deep Spanish
. flounce, regular 40c values, now
. Nainsook Gowns
Very dainty overslip effect, with elbow sleeves,
trimmed with lace and lace inserting and QO
baby ribbon. Regular value $U 25, special
Notion Clearance
Fancy toilet soaps, rose, lily,
violet, honey, cream and glyc
erine, special box of 3 q
cakes s C
Castile soap, glycerine and gar
dina boquet, JOc values jr
for OC
Sponges, best quality large size,
20c value 4
now OC
Face sponges, special o
each OC
Hair brushes, solid back, pure
bristles, ebony box and
olive wood, special each s C
Hair brushes, fine wire, j Q
special each sO
"Writing paper, smooth finish,
plain cream with envelopes to
match, value per box
20c, special C
White pearl buttons, card of two
dozen, 2 or 4 holes, all A
sizes, special per card . VC
Stockinet dress shields, size J
2, special per pair ' C
Stockinet dress shields, size
3, special per pair
Toilet paper, flat package, O
special per package C
Shoe Depat ment
Big Clearance Bargains
In everything, for street, house and dress wear, for ladies,
youths, children and infants. .
Ladies felt house shoes,
colors brown or red
Ladies felt Juliet slip
pers, colors brown or red
Ladies comfort house slippers,
flat heels, broad toes, q
black kid 70C
Ladies' Party Slippers
In fancy satin, glace and suede
kid, colors black, blue, pink or
bronze, $5.00 and $6.00 kinds
sizes 2 to 4, o Q
only 4 00
"Warren E. Thomas J cAHrmcW til
the Hobart-Curtis.
whist party Thursday evening, January 22,
I at St. Francis Hall. . I
Miss Grace Watt Ross has returned from
a visit to Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Benson arrived home
Tuesday from California
Miss Helen M. Coman left last night to
join her sister in New York City.
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Sellwood" have
returned from a short visit to Seaside.
Mrs. David Goodsell and her eon, David
Goodsell, Jr., are visiting at Salinas, CaL
Mrs. P. E. Lounsbury Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. F. C. Brewer, in Tacoma.
Mrs. J, A. Brown and Miss Fannyo
The Beginning of
the End
Only Two Weeks Moe and Out Gteat
25th Annual Clearance Sale Closes
TWO weeks more of special prices on fine goods bargain
opportunities that come but once a year of values that
are sure and reliable low prices on new, stylish, attrac
tive goods, prices that insure you big returns for your outlay.
Take advantage of them now, while you still have opportunity.
Here are some of this week's great special offerings:
Special Sale Wright's
Bast-Fom Corset
This corset imparts the correct
outline to slender figures, can be
perfectly adjusted and is light
and comfortable.
$.50 and SJ.75 values for $U9
2.00 values for J.47
2.50 and $2.75 values for 2.J9
Muslin Drawers
Domestic Aisle
The remarkable success of
our bargains are of exceptional
special offerings for this week.
best Irish linen; none other in
the world like it; our own im
portation from the famous
Richardson looms in many new,
rich, novel patterns. 2-yard
widths for 72c, $J.05,$J.25 and
$J.48 a yard.
ASK Extra strong and all
linen,,63c, 72c and 85c a yard.
ask, all linen; three special lines,
in neat and very choice designs,
at $3.49, $4.40 and $5.25 a
BEDSPREADS Fine quality,
colored satin in very handsome
designs, $3 values, y Q fT
clearance special . v)0
TOWELS Only J50 dozen,
soft finish, absorbent towels,
size 20x39, clearance spe- o
cial price, each OC
Our Sewing Machines are
neat sewing, easily adjusted, ball
will save money and gain time
your Spring sewing.
Children's Shoes
Odd lines of wine colored kid,
with spring heels, were q Q
$2.00 now yOC
Infants' Shoes
Cloth and kid tops, with kid and
patent vamps, were q 0
$1.00, now OOC
Boys' and Youths' Shoes
Stout shoes that wear well
and resist the water nicely.
Sizes 11 to 2 (fi f
for $ V .ZO
Sizes 1 to 5$
r,! $1.38
Brown have returned from San Francisco.
Mrs. Scott Brooke and children have
gone to Hood River to be absent about a
Mr. Fletcher Linn will leave tomorrow
evening for the East, to be absent about
a month.
Mrs. Norrls R. Cox has gone to San
Francisco to be absent a month, visiting
Miss Francis Hessel, of Sacramento, Is
a guest of the Misses Honeyman. 293 Elev
enth street.
Miss Pearl Cartwrlght and Mrs. "W. E.
Pulliam have returned from a year's so
Journ In Japan.
Miss Georgia "Wey has returned from
Forest Grove, where she was-the guest
of Miss Durant.
Mrs. E. J. Irwin and daughter, Mrs.
Annabel Fisher, will be at home to their
Fiftfc. and Washington
Extra Special Values in
Couch Covers
Hungarian Oriental patterns, with
fringe all round.
$J.50kind for $ .95 each
2.00 kind for 1.35 each
Artistic Draperies
Imported real India made draperies,
Llama printed portieres.
$2.75 kind for $1.75 a pair
7.50 kind for 4.75 a pair
Corner Furnishings
Silk Embroidered Delhi Gagras and Phoolkarries, for cozy and
Oriental corners. '
$ 6.00 kinds for $3.00 each
J3.50 kinds for 6.75 each
J7.50 kinds for 8.75 each
Lace Curtains '
Great Clearance Redactions
Ecru lace, in Duchess patterns, 3 yards long.
$ .75 kind for 30c a pair
J. 00 kind for , . . .50c a pair
1.50 kind for 75c a pair
Raffled Swiss and Tambour Certains Greatly Reduced
All small lots, separated from other lines and specially reduced.
Values to $2.50 for $J.50 a pair
Values to 4.00 for 2.50 a pair
Values to 5.00 for 3.25 a pair
Same by the yard, 35c kind for J 9c
Same by the yard, 60c kind for 33c
our sale is the
merit. Here
evidence that
are . some
double thread, bleached y
and unbleached, each. . ' -2
Extrafine quality, Q f 4
I2yd pieces, each 4 W
INGS Phenomenal clearance
Scotch wool mixed flannels, 30c
and 25c values, for
only C
pretty ncn plaids, all y o
wool. 35c values, ontv . . O '
, , t
and striped, in all the lovely
leading shades, only 3 Q
ayard 30C
stripes and beautiful colorings,
75c quality,, special
a yard .... O J- C
the labor-saving, light-running,
- bearing, small-priced kind". You
by purchasing one for doing up
Infants' Sacqces
Dainty Garments at Small
In cream cashmere and flannel,
also dots and stripes in deli
cate colors, all nicely trimmed
with silk 50c to Q Q
$1.50 values now ... JC
Ladies' Knit Underskirts
Greatly Reduced.
Mercerized wool, very snug-fitting
and warm, colors black,
red and blue, with fancy
stripe border. Our best rn
75c grade for only OUC
Ladies' Cotton Underskirts
Plain ribbed, q jr
each 50C
friends after February 1 at 211 Twelfth
street, near Taylor.
Mrs. F. H. Alllston entertained Infor
mally at luncheon this week, at her home
on Twelfth street.
Mrs. Robert D. Garland returned to
Portland last Sunday after a six weeks'
visit in St. Paul, Minn.
Mrs. Frances Powers returned Thurs
day from San Francisco, where she has
been spending the holidays.
Mr. H. T. Colton left last night for
Springfield, Mass., via San Francisco. Ho
will spend a week In Boston.
Mrs. D. B. Baker, of Vancouver, visited
during the week at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. E. E. Coovert.
Mrs. Edyth Torier Weatherred has re
turned from Pendleton, where she was
the cuest of Mrs. C. B. Wade.
Mrs. T. Harris Bartlett arrived In Port
Olds, Wof f man
Specially Reduced
Low prices on very desirable
kinds of conveniences.
Potts' Sad Irons, set of 6 . 85c
Clothes Pins, per dor Jc
Scrubbing Brushes, each 8c
Wire Clothes Lines, 75 feet
long " 1 6c
Dinner Sets
Special Clearance Sate
Fine French China, in pretty
shapes and assorted decorations,
materially reduced. Prices:
00-piece sets $J9.80
H2-piece sets 22.85
Silvet Table Watc
Specially Priced
Goods that will wear excel
lently, being double plate on
white metal. Prices:
Teaspoons, set of 6 ..... . $ .50
Dessert Spoons, set of 6 ... .85
Table Spoons, set of 6 . . . J. 00
Table Forks, set of 6 LOQ
Table Knives, set of 6 J.00
At Silver, Best Quality
Teaspoons, set of 6 $ .75
Dessert Spoons, set of 6... J.35
Table Spoons, set of 6 U50
Table Forks, set of 6 ... J.50
Triple Plate Knives, set of 6 J .38
Jewelry Specials
Belt Buckles, fancy metal, in
French gray, gun metal, rose,
gold and gilt, special,
each HssQ,
Men's "Watch Fobs, in leather
and silk, with gold-plated or
gun metal mounting, AQ
special, each tt?C
Chatelaine Chain Purses, gun
metal finish, value q
$J.29, special ' S$
Beauty Pins, gold plated, enamel
top, 6 pins to set, spe- (T
cial OC
land Thursday morning, and is visiting
with her father, Mr. W. H. Smith.
Mrs. Li. H. Curtis.-of the Hobart-Curtis,
left Thursday evening to spend the re
mainder of the Winter In San Francisco.
Mrs. "Wallace McCamant, who has been
spending the "Winter In the Eastern
States, Is expected home the last of this
MIs. Lily Carstens has returned from an
extended stay at Seattle, where she vis
ited her sisters, Mrs. R. J. Fisher and
Mrs. Henty Carstens.
Mrs. W. E. Morrison, of Spokane, who
has been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Bullivant, for the past two weeks,
returned home Saturday.
Miss Anna L. Rankin, ex-supervisor of
music In the public schools of Portland,
left last Monday for New York City, go
ing via Southern Pacific Railroad to New
Silks at Special Clearance Prices
Here are four fine lots at extra special prices, embracing such
great and choice variety you will be sure to find much to suit you.
Lot J. Plain colors, special ayard 29c
Lot 2. Plain and fancy colors, extra special a yard 42c
Lot 3. Plain and fancy colors, extra special a yard 58c
Lot 4. Plain and fancy colors, extra special a yard 66c
Extra Special Clearance Prices for
Black Figured Grenadines
Very rich, airy materials that make dressy evening gowns.
$J.0O and $J.25 lines now 69c
$1.50 and $1.75 lines now . 94c
$2.00 and $2.25 lines now $J.30
Great Bargains v
In Colored Dress Goods
Plain goods and the latest fancy mixtures
Plain and fancy goods, values to $2.50, for $J.49
Plain, and fancy goods, values to J.75, for J.09
Plain and fancy goods, values to J. 50, for 94
All wool, fine, dainty challies, only a yard 39
Black Dress Goods
Extra Special Clearance in Stylish Soitings
Rich and glossy black granites and hop sackings that make Q Q
very stylish dresses $ J. 25 and $J.35 values for only, yd. . ' OC
Estra Special Clearance Offerings
No finer, nicer or more sought-for garments have been offered
by us during the entire season than those included in our clearance
sale. Everything in this department, which is conceded on all
sides to be the completest and most extensive on the coast, is mate
rially reduced. Call and learn what bargain opportunities there
are here.
Extra Special Prices on
Ladies' Capes
The latest stylish cut, 27 inches
long, colors tan, castor? red and
blue, $7.50 and
$8.50 values now.
$2.50, $5and$J8
values now . . .
A Big Week in
Ladies' Initialed Hand
kerchiefs, 3 Styles of 25c
Grade for Only S7c
Very fine, soft iinished Rich
ardson linen, and i inch
linens, worth 25c f J
each, special J- C
Fine Hemstitched and
Embroidered Ones
Extra fine quality linen, hem
stitched, with very hand
some embroidered patterns,
values 35c, 38c and J jr
40c each, special . .
Plain Hemstitched
Exquisitely fine, 35c and 40c
values, special
Here is a lovely lot of miscellaneous kinds of ribbons, all fine'
and in pretty shades from which you can choose ribbons for hair,
stock and belt. There are:
Fancy Stripe Silk Ribbons, 34 inches wide, worth 25c a yard.
Plain All-Silk Taffeta, 34 and 4 in. wide, worth 22c and 25c a yard.
Satin and Gros Grain, if 2 and 2 inches wide, all' silk, fk
and special this week for only, a yard UC
Satin Taffeta Ribbons at Sale Prices
The best Satin Taffeta Ribbons, in all the prevailing popular col
ors, 6 inches wide, all silk and very soft, also our finest Q
quality wide moire ribbons, worth 40c to 65c yd., special C
C ash Toweling
All linen, excellent for kitchen use.
'i 6-inch width 8c a yard J 8-inch width JOc a yard
Worsted Dress Goods
Doable Width, X2c Values for 9c
2000 yards Double Width Worsted Dress Goods, suitable for Q
children's school dresses, value, per yard, J2c, special, yard
Outing Flannel
Very soft and warm, colors pink, light blue and white, and an o
excellent wearing quality, only, yard O C
Orleans and Washington, D. C, ac
companied by her sister, MIs3 Winifred
Rankin, who will spend five or six months
In Boston, Mass.
Mrs. E. A. Lawbaugh, of Portland, and
Miss Minnie McCaine, of Silverton, are
making a two months' tour through Cal
ifornia in an automobile.
Mrs. William J. Crane and sister, Ella
Pomeroy, left Thursday evening ''for Los
Angeles and other points of Interest.
They will be gone a month.
Mrs. Robert Treat Piatt, who has been
seriously 111 In New York City, is slowly
convalescing, but will not be able to re
turn home for several months.
The clubwomen of the city are rejoic
ing over the appointment of Dr. Mae H.
Cardwell, president of the home depart
ment of the Portland Woman's Club, to
membership on the Portland Board of
& King
Ladies' Jackets
9 and 27 Inch Lengths
In Norfolk, Fichu and other
jaunty, 'stylish effects, tailored
and beautifully finished.
Values to $J5.00, now $6.98
Values to 22.00, now . . . IU65
Health. Dr. Cardwell was the first presi
dent of the Woman's Medical Club of this
city, and also has the honor to be the
first woman admitted to membership in
the Portland Medical Association, of
which organization she has been treasur
er for eight years.
Miss Ella Buddemer returned Friday
from a two months' trip through Southern
California, also visiting her slater, Mrs.
Oscar L. Cox, in Salt Lake City, for" a
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Malarkey have
gone to San Francisco on a visit to their
daughter. Mrs. E. H. Hamlin, now per
manently residing there. They , will re
main in California several months.
Miss Elizabeth Patterson Sawyers, of
De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.,
will sail from New York on January 31 for
(Concluded on Page 22.)