THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 4, 1903. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Eta. FOR SALE CHEAP, IF SOLD AT ONCE; gentle horse. 1000 pounds, single harness, one-horse wagon, with springs, 3Vi-lnch farm wagon. 10S8 Holgate ave., Woodstock car. FOR SALE TEAM OF YOUNG HORSES, weight 1400 pounds. Apply Krebs brick yard, 45th and Division. 1200-POUND HORSE. 0 TEARS. SUITABLE for delivery; Kood driver. 193 Green avenue. Telephone Front 1317. FOR SALE ONE 1400-LB. "WORK HORSE; also fur collarette, cheap. Room 7, Mer chants Hotel. GENTLE DRIVING OR RIDING HORSE FOR sale; used to ladles and children. Phone Union SSI. BANKRUPT STOCK OF HARNESS MUST BE sold In SO days; also wagon. 211 Wash, st. FOR SALE A NICE DRIVING HORSE AND top buggy cheap. P 44, Oregonlan. MATCH SPAN MARES. 1150 EACH. ONE single horse, 20 15th st. Miscellaneous. $24.50 BUYS THE NEW HIGHEST-GRADE 4-drawer drop-head oak cabinet genuine Singer sewing machine: 120.00 for the New Home or Domestic: $21.00 for the White; Standard. $22.00; Wheeler & Wilson, $24.00; Minnesota. 515.20; Burdick. $12.86; Seroco. $8.93. For free sewing machine catalogue anil roost liberal free trial offer cut out and mail this notice to Sears, Roebuck & Co.. Chicago. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE., ALL BIRD, anltrals, etc., consisting of parrots, cockatoos, canaries?, fancy birds, pheasants, cat, cavies, pet 3er, several varic-ty of fancy chickens, ducks, etc., at greatly reduced prices, to make room for Spring importation. Portland Bird Co.. 304 Third st. BEW1NU MACHINES A FEW SL1UHTLY damaged machines at very low price. Sing er, U. 8., Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson and White; dropheads in oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. S. fclgl. agent, 335 Morrison st. ENGLISH SETTER. FIELD TRIAL WIX ner, "Sousa." by Tony Bay and Sport's Des tiny; sire and dam the greatest field trial winners living; stud fee. $20. Address or ship to A. H. Nelson. Tacoma. Wash.. Berlin bldg. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elaterite. In rolls easy to lay. Needs no painting or coating. Goes over old iron, tin or shingles. Best for new roofs. ELATERITE ROOFING CO., 10 Worcester big. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; mimeograph work; Public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel Oak 1071. THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH COLLIES AT Hillcrest Kennels. A fine brood bitch In whelp; best breeding on this Coast. Wett avenue. Mount Tabor. Phone Blue 050. FOR SALE TWO FISHBOATS. 25 AND 20 feet long, complete with nets, 450 fathoms In lines, 100 fathoms without line. 7i-lnch mesh. Thomas Fox, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE HULL OF NEW 40-FOOT launch, framework of cabin and idloi-house built; $175. Call at or address Mrs. W. H. Rayl, 24 S East 34th street. COW. REAL WHITE DURHAM. C YEARS old; calf, week old; 4 gallons day; price, $4u. W. Johnson. 445 N. luth, corner Wilson St., 16th street-car line. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS BILLIES, nannies and wethers): also Cotswold sheep (rams and ewes). Edward L. Naylor. Forest Grove, Or Second-hand band Instruments bought, sold, ex changed; repairing propmtly and neatly done at reasonable prices. York & Co.. 181 1st. FOR SALE FRESH COWS. 1 JERSEY. 1 Durham. First house west Reservoir- No. 2, Section Line road. Phone Union 1448. , 4 FRESH MILCH COWS AND CALVES. 2 that will be fresh soon. Otto Smith. Tre mont station. Take Mt. Scott carJ FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS 30 H.-P. SEC-end-fcand gas engine, practically new. North went Electric Enr. Co.. 200 Stark st. FOR SALE CHEAP, STEAM CROSS-CUT wood saw, engine, boiler, tank, etc. Address F. E. Hartrampf. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES, BOILERS, saw mills, pumps and general machinery by H. C. Albee Co., 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE FRESH COW AND SOME chickens, cheap; house and 5 acres for rent; half In fruit. 1108 Union avenue. i FOR GOOD DRY FIT. AND POLE OAK wood, 4-fost length, go to Hoover's. 313 Water st. Phone South 051. OLD JEWELRY MADE OVER AT SMALL cost. Arthur Russell. Portland Jeweler. 2S3 First st.. corner Jefferson. FOR SALE FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. TWO months old. Call at 345 First st. Tele phone North 315L FRESH COWS AND CALVES. J. S. KIRK ley. where the Mt. Scott car crosses the Section- Line road. INVALID LADY HAS SOME NICE CLOTH lng she will sell to working woman. Phone West 1100. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED SCOTCH COL lle pups. 350 Sacramento St., Alblna. Phone Pink 2292. FOR SALE CHEAP FRESH MILCH COW; $25; one old and one new violin. 1041 E. 10th North. FOR SALE GO-CART. . ADJUSTABLE. $7; baby Jumper, $4. good as new. O 43, Ore gonlan. GOOD JOB PRESS WANTED; MUST BE cheap; state price. Address D 40, Oregonlan. DRY SEASONED CORDWOOD. C AND 10 cord lots a specialty. Box C. Fulton. Or. COAL. $8 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO.. 174 5th st. FINE COW AND CALF; ALSO FULL-BLOOD-ed Jersey bull. R. W. Henry, Lents, Or. 12 EXTRA CHOICE. FRESH. LARGE young cow. Stable. 403 East 12th st. THREE CHOICE FRESH COWS, WITH calves. 074 Irving, corner 21st. FOR SALE 12-GAUGE DOUBLE-BARREL shotgun. E. Mayer, 146 Gth st. FOR SALE A 32-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH. Address V 40, care Oregonlan. NEW CENTURY DICTIONARY. CHEAP. C42 Williams ave. JERSEY COW FOR SALE. 512 EAST 2CTH street. HELP WASTED-MALE. BARKER. $60; BUCKERS, $2.50; SKIDMEN. $2 to $2.50; swampers, etc., $2 -up; aim en, $2; other loggers, $2.25 up; man and team, haul wood, Ouc; general mechanic, $75; R. R. teamsters, $2; land clearers, $40 to $45; shingle holt cutters, $1; woodchoppers, 80c to $1.25; farm hands and .milkers, $20 to $30. New orders dally. Canadian Employment Co., 226 Morrison; branches, 247 Burnslde, 128 First, 308 Irving. SALESMEN WANTED 33 1-3 PER CENT eommluslon and other cash premiums offered by an established Calendar House to first class experienced salesmen. References re quired; sarcyles ready January, 5. Address box -413, Chicago. WANTED NEVADA Teamsters. NEVADA FREE FARE. . FREE FARE. Laborers, drillers, etc., for Lyle, Wash.; laborers. Oregon. Good rough bridge carpenter, at once; $3 unj. rree jare. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 North 2d st. WANTED A SALESMAN TO CARRY AS A side line our samples through Oregon and Washington; one of the most desirable lines of shoes on the Coast; good hustler can make $100 per month or more. Address, stating house you now represent and references. Maury & Rcld Co., 530 Market st, San Fran cisco, cat. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade and agents for manufacturing house. local territory. Salary $10.70 paid weekly Ana expense money advanced. Previous, ex perience unnecessary. Business successful, Inclose self-addressed envelope. Standard House, Caxton bldg., Chicago. "WANTED IMMEDIATELY-t-BY RELIABLE Cleveland house, a wide-awake man with good business experience, for 1003, to com-. plete our traveling force. Standard line. Church & uo., .taiastone wag., Cleveland, O SALESMEN 'WANTED WE WANT TWEN- ty-nve .salesmen to sell whips. Must an swer before January 15. First-class refer. ences must accompany application. United biaies wnip t-o., westneia, .Mass. WANTED MILLWRIGHT: MUST BE FIRST. class man; permanent position keeping up mill: wages $3.50; none but steady, active and competent men need apply. Western tjooperage Co., Ahcrdeen, Wash. A FEW FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS WANT- cu Ainin uuw 10 uiif a guoa proposition; good nay to the right nartr. The P. H. n. E. L Association, 181 First St., rooms 16 aa iz, A'oruana, or. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MEN WHO ARE NOW ENGAGED In representing wholesale tailoring concerns and who have been successful In the line. The very largest wholesale tailoring concern in the United States will give such men an opportunity to make more money than they are now making. The very best sample equip ment such as woolens on consignments, swatches, etc.. will be furnished; branch stores will be opened without requiring In vestment of the salesmen and salaries guar anteed to right parties. Good salesmen will find this their opportunity. For further par ticulars address F. K. NIeolI. lock-box 520. Chicago, 111. SALESMEN WANTED. TO SELL OUR "Loop the Loop" trading slot machine to ol gar stores, grocers and general stores every where. The only lawful slot machine. Ev ery storekeeper wants It. Sells on sight. Pays you 260 per cent profit. Write quick for particulars of special proposition and exclusive territory. Michigan Novelty Works, VIcksburg. Mich. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN IN EVERY county In the United States, to open office and take charge of our business. New ar ticle, which flestroys odor of liquor or on ions, called "NIx-E-Won't Tell." Has made a hit throughout the country. Made In tablets and chewing-gum form. Quick seller and repeater. Sold to saloon, drug and cider trade. $25 will start you. Profits. $100 to $200 monthly. Nlx-E Company. Chicago. CIVIL SERVICE GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. 14.9.S3 appointments this year. This Is 4682 more than last year. Excellent opportunity for young people. Catalogue of Information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington,. D. C. AN EXPERIENCED TRAVELING SALES man for 11)08, to handle sieclaUy line to re tall merchants. Must be of good personality and furnish references.. Address 1615-315 Dearborn st.. Chicago. DETECTIVE SHREWD, RELIABLE MEN wanted In overt' locality for profitable se cret service. Experience unnecessary. Write American Detective Association, In dianapolis, Ind. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON. NO technical knowledge, but active, all-round hustler. Established, high-rated house. F. R. Jennings. Sales Mgr., 21 W. Atwater. Detroit. Mich. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line. High commlrslons with advance of $100.K) monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., De troit. Mich. GENTS OR BOY. COPY LETTERS AT HOME and return. to us, $12 a 109, paid weekly. Send addressed envelop' for copy and In structions United Pen Co., 87 Nassau St., N. Y. AGENTS FOR BEST, CHEAPEST ACCI dent. sickness insurance: sells to every one: claims paid Immediately: liberal commis sions. David Donahue, 281 Broadway. New York. COMPETENT ENGRAVER AND WATCH maker; send samples engraving and refer ences In first letter: $30 week and perma nent. J. M. Lcyson Co., Salt Lake City. Utah. WANTED 5 LADY CANVASSERS FOR THE newly patented ladles' combination syringe. Call Monday, after ft A. M.. at the Cosmos block. 203 Morrison St.. room 1. flirt floor. CIGAR SALESMAN. WITH ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particu lars, JL C. Fisher. Fisher bldg.. Chicago. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH OFFICE Ex perience; one familiar with grocery line pre ferred; must be accurate at figure and good penman. Address H 43, Orcronlan. WANTED SALESMAN: MUST UNDER- stand the paint and" lubricating oil lines; per manent position; good salary and expense to right man. Q 30, Oregonlan. WANTED TRAVELING MAN FOR OREGON and Washington, on salary; give references and former employment; must know the gro cery trade. II 44, Oregonlan. $22 WEEKLY AND ALL EXPENSES FOR men with rlrs to introduce poultry com pound. Straight salary- Imperial Mfg. Co. Dept. 54, Parsons, ICan. WANTED-MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF- flce; salary S1S00 yearly; man with $5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer, 03-7 Security Building. Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE RUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE GOOD PAY, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED NEAT. ENERGETIC SOLICITOR and collector, old, established corporation: good' pay and advancement on merit. 330 Marquam bldg. YOUNG MAN AS ASSISTANT CASHIER AND wrapper: none but experience and well rec7 ommended need apply. Lion Clothing Co.! 165 Third St. $20 PER AVEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen for baking powder and extracts: experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. EVENING LESSONS IN SHORTHAND, bookkeeping, arithmetic and English by gen tleman of experience. Address T 85. Ore gonlan. ' NEWSPARER ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; commission; splendid proposition. Ralph C. Clyde. 060 Worcester bldg. Telephone Grant Si. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. REQUIRE THE services or an Al experienced furnishing goods man, with references. Apply at once. The Columbus California Wine Depot: head quarters for cooks, waiters and bartenders. P. Loratl. prop.. 148 4th. Phone Red 1993. DETECTIVES EVERY LOCALITY, GOOD salary; experience unnecessary. Interna tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. SALESMAN. SOLICITORS; SPLENDID PAY lng proposition. Call Monday. 533 Wash, bldg.. office 1. Martin & Udell. WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST EQUAL amount In traveling theatrical company; re quired. $200. A 43. Oregonlan. WANTED BOY TO STAY ON WAGON AND hold team for Acme Oil Co. Call today, 175 E. 23d st.. cor. E. Yamhill. WANTED DRUG CLERK; YOUNG MAN uu uu less uiH.ii one years experience pre ferred. H 45, Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD JOB PRINTER: NONE but first-class man need apply. The J. S. Delllngcr Co., Astoria, Or. WANTED SINGLE YOUNG MAN. WITH reference, good habits, some experience In grocer". Q 43, Oregonlan. PARTNER IN NICE. PROFITABLE Busi ness; small amount required. Apply today room 2. 205 Morrison. r- PUPILS IN TELEGRAPHY. DAY OR EVEN- ms, ay experienced operator; nrst-class facil ities. M 2, Oregonlan. WANTED SALESMEN: G0 MONTHLY AND expenses; permanent. Herrlck Seed Co . Rochester, New York. WANTED STEADY YOUNG MAN. WITH $150, to take half Interest In photograph trailer"- 203 First. $400-NEAT. PAYING GROCERY; FINE Lo cation; on prominent street; low rent. Y 43, Oreronlan. YOUNG MAN AS PORTER; ALSO BOY FOR elevator. Tomorrow, between 12 and 1 2S5 Morrison. WANTED A THOROUGHLY QUALIFIED piescrlptlon clerk. Woodard, Clarke &, Co. First-class salesman for aspbaltuxn corporation, city, high salary. 215 Commercial block. WANTED PAPER-HANGER TO WORK IN exchange for board. 231 Sixth st. WANTED A BOY TO DELIVER FOR DRUG store. Apply P. O. box 585. APPRENTICE WANTED .TO LEARN BAR ber trade. Apply 1811, 3d at. COOK WANTED 16 N. FOURTH ST., ALEX ander. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES OR GIRLS. COPY LETTERS AT home, and return to us. $12 per thousand paid .weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and instructions. United Pen Co 87 Nassau St., N. Y. " LADIES TO WORK DOILIES AND CENTER plects at home; all materials furnished, highest prices paid, no canvassing; Send stamped envelope to Ely Novelty Co.. Elv bldg., Chicago. $12 PER 1000 COPYING LETTERS. MATE rlal furnished. No deposit. Stamped en velope for particulars. Dept. 40. Crystal Novelty Co., 3812 Indiana ave.. Chicago. WANTED FIRST - CLASS MILLINERS steady employment, for the city; state where last employed, length of time and salary wanted. Address A 44, care Oregonlan. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH .oaxA ai hahr. C&U at &i N. lCih. s - HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES OR GENTS. COPY LETTERS AT homo: no names to supply, or addressing en velopes; nothing to buy. $20 a 1000. paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and application blanks. Practical Mfg. Co., 128 Market st.. Newark, N. J. COPYING LETTERS AT HOME. FULL OR spare time, no names to supply, or addressing envelopes. Nothing to buy. $20 per thou sand, paid weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy and application blank. Imperial Co., 123 Liberty St.. N. Y. LADIES SOMETHING NEW IN HOME needlework; we pay $7 to $14 weekly: ma terials sent everywhere free; steady work: no canvassing; experience unnecessary- Send stamped addressed envelope. Household Mfg. Co., Chicago. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework In family of two; good wages and railroad fare paid. Address E. T. Co man. Colfax, Wash., .with references. CHAMBERMAIDS. SECOND. GENERAL, nurse girls, housekeepers, waitress, cooks, boarding-houses and camps. Working Girls' Home, 201 Phone Hood 404. WANTED LADIES FOR BRASS BAND; some musical knowledge required. Call Mu sicians' Headquarters, Chamber Commerce building. 3 to 5 P. M. Monday. WOMAN BREAD AND PASTRY COOK. FOR lunch counter: work done at private home; must be first-class; good pay to right woman. Call 205 Hancock. U car. CLERK. LADY OR GENT. DURING THE holidays: one with crockery or grocery expe rience preferred Address, giving particulars, E 27. care Oregonlan. $35 WEEKLY PAID LADIES TO WORK AT borne. Everything furnished. Incloko stamped envelope. D. 1C0 Ladles' Ind. Co.. 167 Wx fcasn ave. Chicago. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, second girls, nurse girls, housekeepers, house work. $15 to $20. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morrison. $15 PER THOUSAND, COPYING LETTERS at home: either sex. bend two stamps for particulars. Blackncy & Co.. 5057 Halsted, Chicago. PORTLAND . WHOLESALE HOUSE RE qulres woman assistant; hours 0 to 5; only capable woman need apply. N 37, care Ore gonlan. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL TO HELP with two small children; good home and wages. 748 East Burnslde. Telephone Union 870. MAN. WIFE. FARMING. MILKING. COOIC Ing. $35; kitchen second, $15; waitresses, housework girls. Drake. 205 Washington. WANTED YOUNG CATHOLIC WIDOW TO keep house for gentleman, with girl 7; must be cood cook. Address R 44. Oregonlan. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework and plain cooking. Apply at C20 Main st.. between King and Stout. WANTED RESPECTABLE WOMAN UNDER 35. housekeeper widowerfs family out of town. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. TO MAKE YEAR'S CONTRACT WITH IX telllgent .woman over 25. capable of earning $75 per month. G 32, Oregonlan. WANTED MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN OR steady girl for housework, f-mall family. ,436 Burnslde. between 13th-14th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; good wages. 231 10th. Telephone Green COO. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 128 14th St., between Washing ton and Alder. SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK FOR HER board, or girl to assist with housework. 80S Water st. - COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR GENER al housework. 771 Kearney "st. Telephone Front 2S71. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD wages to experienced girl. Apply 19th and Carter sts. WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN BOOK bindery. Howe. Davis & KUham Sta, Co., Ill 2d. H. B. L1TT WANTS FIRST-CLASS SALES ladlcs; also one neat young lady to learn the selling. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR DINING-ROOM work. ' private boarding-house. SO 5th, . neat Stark. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 447 East 12th North, Irvlngton car. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR -LIGHT housework. Apply CS9 East Alder, near 20th. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. Apply morning. 6C5 Overton st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In small family. Apply 451 W. Park st. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN light housework. Apply at 344 4th st. A LADY COOK WANTED; ALSO YOUNG country girl. 140 1st St., room 3. IMMEDIATELY. FEW MORE LADIES,, AT 242 5th, to make samples at home. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 77C Overton. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 093 Gth, near Sherman. WANTED DRESSMAKER AND APPREN tlce. 125 12th. SECOX'TD GIRL. INQUIRE FORENOONS. 154 18th st. North. SECOND GIRL. INQUIRE FORENOONS. 151 18th st. North. DRESSMAKERS WANTED. 314 DEKUM building. COOK WANTED 10 N. 4TH ST., ALEXAN der. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE SEVEN-COME-ELEVEN, MOST FASCINAT- iiiK puiiio iiruuuceu in years, via anu young mystified. Send 50c and secure amusement for long Winter evenings. Ohio Puzzle Co.. Dept. S 1. Toledo, Ohio. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN IN Ev ery town In the state to earn from $4 to $8 per day; no experience; call or write. Room 24. 122 Union ave., 7:30 to 8:30 A. M.. 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. LEARN PROOFREADING; SITUATIONS SE cured. $15 to $23 weekly. Home Correspond ence School, Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper nnd Clerka. WANTED POSITION TO MANAGE AND buy goods for clothing or dry goods depart ment, large city preferred; can give refer ence. Address F., lock-box 454, Portland. Or. YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD EDUCATION DE filres position of any kind; some experience as checker and shipping clerk; references. X 39, Oreronlan. A YOUNG MAN, 23 YEARS OF AGE. DE slres a position in an office aa assistant; can give good references. Address T 41, Orego nUn. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG MAN thoroughly acquainted with the clothing and shoe business. T 44, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper wants position; first-class refer ences. Q 42, Oregonlan. BUSINESS MAN DESIRES OFFICE Posi tion or as insurance policy writer; good ref erences. C 44, Oregonlan. YOUNG .MAN DESIRES WORK AS STEN ographer; will begin at small wages. Y 44 care Oregonlan. ' WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR assistant; experienced; good reference. E 41, Oregonlan. ailacellaneon. ALL KINDS HELP FURNISHED; DOMES tlcs, farm hands, laborers, canners, store work. Japanese Employment Office, 69 North 5th. Phone Clay 582. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE; MIDDLE-AGED man desires location In drug store, privilege to practice medicine on side. Address O 27. care Oregonlan. JAPANESE YOUNG BOY WISHES A Posi tion to help cook and ao housework, as school boy; any place. Address W 43, care Oreronlan. HAULING OF ANY KIND THAT A ONE horse dray can perform; business houses' work rollclted. Address Q -84, Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH DOMESTIC, FARM AND all kinds of help. Telephone Black 002. Japanese Labor Ass'n. 268 Everett st. A ART. ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER, firnt-clats; wants work. Apply Oakland House. 212 Madison St., Tognarelly. FIRST-CLASS BLACKSMITH AND SHOER wishes situation; out of city preferred; state vrajMs. R- Waitxheuse. 'Albany, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MlsccllaBcoas. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK. VISHES SITJA tlon; speaks English; understands anything. Japanese Mission. 393 Flanders st. Phone Clay 743. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION, ANY place, to work forenoon or evening. Address N 41, Oregonlan. SITUATION BY MEAT AND PASTRY COOK; long experience. J 43, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position at once; references. L Staples, 903 Belmont. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER WISHES Po sition; can give good references. Y 42, Ore gonlan. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS bookkeeper; experience. B 43, Oregonlan. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY RESPECTABLE girl to assist In general housework or dining room work. Address K 44, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS, SITUATION In private family; good wages expected. Phone Union SSI. A SITUATION WANTED FIRST-CLASS cook and general housework. Call 229 13th street. . Dreximnkcrs. MRS. E. M'ENTEE. FASHIONABLE DRESS maker; work guaranteed; hours 11 to 4. &S7 Kerby st.. Alblna. WANTED DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN sewing by the day. 253 11th. Phono Front 1249. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING BY the day'; terms reasonable. P 41. Oregonlan. JACKETS RELINED. SKIRTS REBOUND; all kinds of repairing done. 429 Aldor at. WANTED SEWING TO DO AT HOME; prices very reasonable. 431 Third street. SEWING NEATLY AND REASONABLY done. Call Jefferson street. ItciaNckeeiters. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES PLACE AS housekeeper; good cook; references. Tel. Front 373. WOMAN WISHES PLACE AS HOUSEKEEP er for man and wife In city. F 42, Orego nlan. WANTED AT ONCE. A POSITION AS housekeeper. Address V 43. care Oregonlan. WOMAN OF 30 WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper for widower. E 44, Oregonlan. A WOMAN WANTS A POSITION AS HOUSE keeper for gentleman. 14i 1st, room 3. Nurses. FIRST-CLASS CARE WILL BE GIVEN ONE or two Invalids or elderly persons; good phy sician and nurses In attendance; confinement cases a specialty; best city references. Phone Scott 1556. Mlsncllnncocn SITUATIONS WANTED SWEDISH GIRL, cook, small, first-class family; chambermaids, waitresses, housekeepers, cooks, second girls, nurses. St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER DESIRES piano pupils. Beginners taken. Terms very reasonable. Phone Blue 791. Address R 42, care Oregonlan. NEAT YOUNG WOMAN WOULD LIKE FUR nlshed rooms to take care of or other light work. Address Mrs. Laura Wood, 375 WasK Ington. WORK WANTED BY HOUSEKEEPERS, chambermaids, housework girls, waitresses, cltv, out. Drake, 2C5Vi Washington. Clay 445. WANTED POSITION AS WORKING LAND lady In a respectable lodging-house by com petent woman. D 44. Oregonlan. GENERAL. SECOND, NURSE GIRLS. WAIT resses, camp cooks. Phone Hood 494. Work ing Girls' Home. 291 Third. CHILDREN TO BOARD: GOOD HOME: close to Harrison School; reasonable. Call 3G01& 1st st. LADY TEACHER WISHES PUPILS IN piano or sight reading; terms reasonable. D 43. Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK; NO NEED to answer unless reliable parties. Phone West 2246. SCHOOL GIRL WANTS HOME WHERE SHE can earn her room and board. Telenhone Main 513. PRIVATE TEACHER WISHES A FEW MORE pupils In public school studies. J 42, Ore gonlan. WANTED CinLD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms reasonable. Q 41, Oregonlan. LADY WANTS IRONING BY THE DAY. Phone Pink 23S2. WANTED A GENTS $S000 PER YEAR POSITIVELY MADE IN troduclng our Just patented fire-extinguisher. Sheldon Brown, Cincinnati, made $700 In one week. The demand is tremendous, and they arc easily sold, as insurance companies are now requiring this protection. Greatest enthu siasm wherever shown. 05 per cent profit. Everybody wants them, for they reduce In surance rates. Write today for territory, plan and offer, catalogue and photographs of enthusiastic .testimonials from $100,000,000 corporations. Eagle Tool Co., B 04, Cincin nati. O. MYSTERIOUS EVERLASTING FIRE! MAR velous new fuel that burns forever; makes Intense heat, but never burns up; hotter, cheaper, cleaner than coal; lc worth cooks a meal or heats a room; burns In any stove or grate, or outdoors anywhere, without attach ments or kindling; no, ashes, smell or smoke; absolutely safe; pronounced "miraculous, super natural"; great excitement wherever shown. Agents making fortune: nine-tenths profit! No capital required; territory freo. Bryon & Co., C 383, Cincinnati, O. OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfield, McKlnley; their illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete inside history of the villainous plottlngs of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; CO per cent profit: freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents la stamps. 003 Star Bldg., Chicago. $50.00 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES. SAMPLE free. Greatest money-making Invention of the age Automatic Washer does a washing In 20 minutes without labor or attention: cheaper than any other; Indestructible. Every body buys. Agents coining money. Thou sands of testimonials. Automatic Washer Co., Station U. Chicago. WANTED AGENTS EVERYWHERE; EITH- er sex; Zarema diamond; experts puzzled to detect from genuine; liberal commission; catalogue, sample (ring or stud) free on ap plication. Zarema Diamond Co., 85 Dear born st., Chicago. AGENTS WE GUARANTEE $3 TO $5 A DAY Introducing our genuine "Super-Asbestos" wicks: light eaual to Incandescent electric ity; lasts about eight years. Address Fire proof Safety Wick Works, Chicago. AGENTS AND MAIL-ORDER MEN. OUR patent screw buttons for pants, coats, vests and shoes simply screw In; no sewing. Five cents half dozen. Spiral Button Co., 1 Dev onshire st., Boston, jaass. LAMP THAT MAKES ITS OWN GAS, COSTS lc a day; no oil. wicks, ctumneys; brass lamp free to those wishing to work for us. Eastern Gas Co.. 130 Fulton st., N. Y. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY. county, to handle best-paying business Known; legitimate: new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co.. 15 W. 2Sth st. N. Y. WANTED A FEW COMPETENT AGENTS for city by financial company; only reliable parties need apply; state former experience, Address T 39, Oregonlan. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE "WON der Gas-Lighter": no matches, no electricity, no tapers, no chemicals, no nothing; good money, v a. oregonlan. STOP RUNAWAYS: HITCH SOLID INSTANT- ly; nts pocket; sight seller: agents wanted; Inclose stamp. Pocket Hltchlngpost Co., menroona, ma. WE PAY $26 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Com pound. International Mfg. Co.. Parsons, Kan. WANT AOENTS TO SELL "FAMILY MEMO rlals." Good profits and steady work. Ad dress Campbell A Co., 283 A st., Elgin, III. MONEY-MAKING SCHEMES AND FAKES for agents and fakers; 25c silver. Chas. Shlrey, San Francisco. Cal. WATiTED TO RENT. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, BOARD AND rooni in private family; breakfast at 6. L 44. Orcsonl&a. WANTED TO RENT. RESPONSIBLE. PAINSTAKING MAN AND wife want small, well - furnished modern house or flat (no housekeeping rooms want ed).'on West Side, in good locality; for suit able place will pay good price. Address E 42, Oregonlan. TENANT IN FIVE-ROOM MODERN COT tage wishes to exchange with tenant In 12 or 14-room house: both very close In, West Side. W 44. Oregonlan. WANTED THREE PARTLY FURNISHED rooms, with conveniences for llcht house keeping; not far from 7th and Washington sta. L 42, Oregonlan. WANTED THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED rooms, suitable for keeping boarders; cen trally located. Address 193 West Park. Phone West 343. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO OR THREE furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms; give particulars. S 44, care Oregonlan. YOUNG -LADY WOULD LIKE GOOD HOME; will pay $10 month and help after office hours. Address Q 44. cars Oregonlan. ELDERLY LADY WISHES ONE LARGE UN furnlshed room, between Washlnston-GHsan, 7th and 12th. Telephone West 1200. YOUNG MAN WISHES BOARD AND ROOM In nice private family; must be reasonable. K 42, Oregonlan. WOULD LIKE TO LEASE FOR TERM OF years, floor of new building; central. G 45. uregonian. SMALL UNFURNISHED MODERN HOUSE or i:at. on West Side. Addres G 42, Orego nlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED FIRST-CLASS TEAM OF HORSES. Muit be sound, about 1400 pounds each, capable or doing heavy hauling. Call even ings or write L. M., 044 East 12th at. Phone Union 958. WANTED MEMBERS FOR HOME ENTER- talnment. Society; $10; graphophonc free to members. Write Mason Co., box 47, New York. WANTED Men's old clothing, old shoes. We pay more money than others. 73U N. 3d. Phone Green 423. Prompt attention. r WANTED NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. in .live town. Columbia Real Estate & Trust Co.. 254V4 Morrison st. WANTED YOUNG. GENTLE. STYLISH horse for lady to drive, weight 1050; cheap. A 39, Oregonlan. WANTED HORSE AND SINGLE RIG FOR light driving for his feed; may buy later. W S2. Oregonlan. WANTED SAWMILL; STATE SIZE. PRICE, terms. E. M. Sorber, 524 Mill St., Portland. Or. Highest' pr'ces paid for men s cast-off clothing, shoes. 02 North 3d. Phone Hood 517. HORSES WANTED FOR FEED. 374 EAST Marktt st. Phone Union 3231. WANTED GOOD ROLLER OR FLAT-TOP office dssk. X 42, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A PRETTY MALE PUP. Address P 39, Oregonlan. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT: HIGHEST PRIC1S paid 22ft Yamhill st. ROLL-TOP DESK; STATE SIZE AND PRICE. V 42, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Kooraa. THE PALMER HOUSE, S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spaldlns Tn most complete apartment-house in the city; steam heat, gat. electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade solicited. NICE. LARGE FRONT BAY - WINDOW room, unfurnished; suitable lor one or two gentlemen; on East Side, within five minutes' walk of Burnslde-street bridge. Address 11 35, cave Orcsonlan. THE EAST SIDE, TWO BLOCKS FROM THE Brown, a nice, comfortable furnlsned room, with bath, for a gentleman. In private fam ily; reference required. Aadr&33 M 30, care Oregonlan. KINGSTON, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, 190 3d, adjoining Baker Theater Sultablo for the traveling public; steam heat, electric light, gas, bath and phone; transient a spe cialty. THE MONNASTES. 2S5 1ST 3T. CORNER Jefferson Furnished and unfurnished suite housekeeping; also .single furnished rooms for gentlemen; clean, quiet, respectable house. FIVE FURNISHED ROOMS, LOWER FLOOR, corner Front and Meade streets. West Side, $25 a month. Apply to The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT rooms, single or en suite; modern conven iences, bath and phone. Apply 32 10th st. N., beu Washington nnd Couch. THE ELKTON UNDER NEW MaNAGE xnent; en: '-ly new and first-class; rooms by day or mouth: transient. G2 Nortn ota st. Mrs M. C. Dawson, manager. SUITE OF FOUR ROOMS, FURNISHED. TO three or four gentlemen, or parties employed during the day. In an elegantly furnished house. X 45. Oregonlan. THE BARRIE. S. E. COR. 0TH AND STARK Newly furnished, steam beat, electric light, porcelain baths; ratas $1 per day and up; special by week or month. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT able for gentleman; centrally located; mod ern; private family; references. 475 Morrison St.. cor. 14th West. WEST SIDE. FIVE MODERN. FURNISHED rooms. In excellent location and condition. The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED ' suitable for man and wife or musician; gas, bath, phone, bath and use of piano. Call 191 Sixth . st. THE MAIN NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS by the day, week or month: rooms, $1 and up. with use of phone. 225 Main st. or 233 First. THREE BLOCKS FROM PORTLAND Ho tel, 250 7th St. A very fine, warm room, for a gentleman. In modern home, private fam ily. FOR RENT A PLEASANT. WELL-FUR-nlshed room; modern house; fine location. 590 Couch, between 18th and 19th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. ' PRIVATE family, near medical college and hospitals; board if desired. 777 Johnson. THE AVALON. 413 WASHINGTON NEW ly furnished rooms, single or en suite; nice rooms for gentlemen; modern. 3 FRONT ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED, singly or en suite; modern; convenient for housekeeping. 312 Cherry st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. EN SUITE or single; modern conveniences; central; pri vate family. 324 Salmon st. 2S N. 7TH NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, private family; heat, phone and bath; rea sonable rent; very central. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AND TWO CLOS ets, first floor; modern house, private family. 115 14th, cor. Washington. THREE NICE LIGHT. FURNISHED ROOMS, private family; bath and phone; central. 423 Stark. Phone Front 2102. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN FRTVATE family: all conveniences; gas, bath. 3S9 3d. Phono West 1378. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE famly; modern house 249 Clay st., between Third and Fourth sts. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; OAS. phone, bath; private family; suitable for one or two. 254 12th st. FURNISHED ROOMS SUNNY BAY-WIN -dow room, with privilege of bath, phone. 360 Ross. East Side. THE ROSS. FIRST AND SALMON UNDER new management: furnished rooms for rent transient solicited. . ' THE ARCADE. 140 FIRST ST.. BET. MOR rlson and Alder Nicely furnished rooms. $1.50 per week up. ONE BEDROOM. SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, $8 per month; bath and phone. 251 6th st. 144 11TH ST., BETWEEN MORRISON AND Alder Nicely furnished front room, ground floor, bath, phone. FOR RENT DINING-ROOM AND KITCHEN unfurnished: furnished or unfurnished rooms upstairs. 392 4th. FURNISHED ROOMS, INCLUDING DOUBLE bedded room for gentlemen, at 381 Taylor st. Phone Clay 1711. 193 14TH ONE NICELY FURNISHED front room In private family; all conveni ences; references. COMFORTABLE ROOM. USE BATH. PHONE; gentleman only. 120 10th st., between Wash ington and Alder. FOR REST. Rooms. C2S TAYLOR ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT board; private family; heat, bath, phone; very reasonable. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM, 1SS &TH ST.; light, heat, telephone, bath; S minutes' walk from Pofitofflce. 113 11TH ST. ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms; choice location. Northwest cor. 11th and Salmon sts. 343' MORRISON ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite; use of bath and telephone. 4o5 BURNSIDE. COR. 12TH. ONE NEATLY furnished room, for gentleman or lady: $7 pr month. 207 6TH ST.. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; use of bath; phone; centrally located; near Postoffice. 104 PARK ST. LARGE FRONT ROOM IN private family; electric light, heat, phone; no children. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. 1SS Park st., opposite The Beverly. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. EN suite or single, all modern conveniences. 129 13th st. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT FURNISHED room. 1 block from two car lines. 420 East Clay st. CHOICE OF FOUR GOOD ROOMS: TWO south fronts, phone bath. Call at 347 Taylor street. VERY DESIRABLE CORNER ROOM: MOD ern conveniences; private family. 353 Sal mon. FRONT ROOM; NEW HOUSE: PRIVATE family; gas, heat, porcelain bath. 750 Love Joy. FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY; very convenient, cheap. 411 East Burnslde. Furnished rooms. $1 ween ud. Gllman Hotel. 1st & Alder: Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett. THE ABBOTT, 22S WASH. FINE FUR nlshed rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS: ELECTRIC lights; hot and cold water. 71 E. 11th N. 1S8 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT bedroom; central and modern: gentlemen only. The Cosmos. 203 Morrison Furnished suites; housekeeping suites, single; $3 per week up. COMFORTABLE -ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, without board. 141 West Park. cor. Alder. TWO NICE OUTSIDE ROOMS. SUITABLE for lndy or gentleman. $1.50 and $2. 314 3d. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS: PHONE; references; no children. 235 12th street. 231 MARKET SMALL. LIGHT. CLEAN AL cove room, with bath, only $8 per month. FOR RENT AT 420 THIRD STREET. LARGE double parlors, unfurnished; no children. ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, with use of kitchen. 147 Lownsdale. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; GAS. BATH, and phone. 312 Clay st., near Cth. CS7 SECOND ST. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH gas, bath and heat, $0 per month. FURNISHED ROOM: EVERY CONVEN lence; reasonable. 435 Everett st. NEWLY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms. 301 14th. corner Mill. 290 COLUMBIA ST. NEATLY FURNISHED room, use of bath; price $5. THE BONITA. 80 7TH ST.. NEAR LIBRARY Nicely furnished rooms. FOR RENT A FURNISHED ROOM, AT 212 7th st., cor. Salmon. ONE SMALL SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM. 221 W. Park st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 481 East Morrison. LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 2. 170 10th st. Rooms With. Board. HOTEL VENDOME. COR. 13TH AND AL der Under new management; newly furnished and renovated; steam heat, porcelain baths; elegant rooms, with board, by the day, $1.25 up; reasonable rates by month; table and service first class; tourist trade solicited. 11 E. 17TH ST. SOUTH TWO FURNISHED rooms lit new modern house; phone, bath; excellent home board one block away. Phone or call after 0:30 P. M.; references ex changed. Phone Union 2194. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 15TH YEAR; rooms, with board: use of sowing-room; uss cf library: Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E .George, Super intendent. S10 Flanders at. HOTEL BROWN LARGE. PLEASANT rooms, newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; good table; rooms for transients: oa both car lines. 271 Grand ave. ELEGANT SUITE; ALSO LARGE SUNNY room and single room, newly papered and furnlihedt first-class table; central 475 Washington, cor. 14th. NEWLY REPAIRED ROOMS. WITH OR without board; gentleman or married couple; others need not apply. SO Park St., between Stark and Oak. BLAKELY HALL. 251 7TH ST. NICELY furnished rooms, with first-class board, four blocks from Hotel Portland. Telephone Black 1316. THREE GENTS CAN HAVE ROOM AND breakfast In private family: no children; best location; modern conveniences. 344 E. 2d North. . THE COLONIAL. 163 AND 107 10TH ST. Room suitable for two; also single room, second floor; with flrst-closs table. FOR ONE OR TWO. A NICE ROOM. PRI vate. good accommodations. 23 East 0th st. North, near Burnslde. ONE LARGE ROOM.xWITH HOT AND COLD water; suitable for two; alio small room. Apply 331 W. Park. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. GOOD TABLE, private family: conveniences. 410 Jefferson. Phone West 2222. TAYLOR. 387 FRONT ROOM. LOWER floor, suitable for two; private family; men only; phone, bath. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRFVATE FAMILY for one or two; $18 per month. 295 3d st. Phone Front 28. NICE ROOMS WITH BOARD; HOME COOIC lng; reasonable: gentlemen preferred. 502 Washington st. ROOM AND BOARD IN NICELY FUR nlshed house; rent reasonable; best location. M 44. Oregonlan. THE SOUTHERN, 37,4 YAMHILL STREET Rooms, suites or single, with board. Phone South 1020. FURNISHED SUITE. OS FIRST FLOOR; also single room; with hot and cold water. 225 11th. 511 MORRISON ST. PLEASANT. NEATLY furnished front room; suitable for two; also board. PLEASANT FIRST-FLOOR ROOM. WITH board. 171 17th St., between Morrison and Yamhill. GOOD ROOMS. WITH BOARD; HOME COOK Ing; gas, bath and phone. 93 11th, near Stark. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH BOARD, bath, reasonable. Phone Union 2891, on car line. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, MOD ern conveniences. 350 Madison st., cor. Park. NICE FRONT ROOM AND BOARD. $20; GAS. hath, and phone Russ 400. 290 Benton st. 468 YAMHILL FOR RENT. FURNISHED room for one or two persons with board. FOR RENT A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, with or without board. 347 Market st. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family; phone and bath. 60 N. 18th. 215 12TH ST. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board; home cooking; English family. ONE ROOM. WITH BOARD. GENTLEMAN preferred. 565 Thurman. Housekeeplnpr Rooms. COUPLE HAVE NICELY FURNISHED flat; would like man and wife to live with them and share half expenses. 409 'Yamhill. WANTED CONGENIAL LADY TO SHARE pleasant housekeeping rooms; references ex change. Telephone West 1144. 514 Morrison. CHEAPEST FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed housekeeping and transient rooms 260 Front, 160 Madison. New Witch Hazel. 545 WASHINGTON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas range, bath; also single room. FOR RENT A PLEASANT EOL'SEJTERPmn 1 suits, on first floor, at 204 Jaffa rang u FOR RENT Booxekecplng Room. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping In new. modern house; desirable location, on West Side. Apply to The Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. SUITE OF FOUR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, well ventilated, newly furnished; choice loca tion; bay window, hot-water, bath, phone; moderate rent. 205 Montgomery St.. between 3d and 4th. $1.30 PER WEEK; LARGE. CLEAN OUT side single housekeeping rooms, furnished, with use of laundry, bath and phone. 184 Sherman st. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BRICK building; housekeeping apartments only; nc transients. 211 Second, cor. Salmon. Re spectable. TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; light, cheerful; gas ranga; $20. Including light, bath, phone. West 3083. 331 12TH TWO NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; telephone, batn; desira ble location; reasonable; no small children. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; desirable location; cheap: bath. 477 East 11th, near Division. TWO ROOMS IN NEW COTTAGE. $10; GAS Included; bath, extra large closets; near two car lines. 320 Union ave.. cor. Market. FOUR MODERN. LARGE-ROOMED FLAT, completely furnished: piano. West Side; ref erences. Phone mornlns3 Brown 74. TWO . LADIES EMPLOYED DURING THE day can secure housekeeping rooms reason ably by addressing O 44, Oregonlan. LOWER FLOOR, FIVE UNFURNISHED rooms; water, bath, telephone, large yard. 014 East Yamhill St., Sunny3lde. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; also slnglo rooms; reasonable. 94 North 0th, cor. Flanders. Phone Red SOI. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms on East Side; use of telephone. Phone Scott 3725. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping: large kitchen and pantry; good location. 5S0 Pettygrove st. TWO ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; gas range, pantry, closet, gas. bath, phone. Call TJuesday, 427 Salmon. FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE ; ONE suitable for light housekeeping; telephono and bath. 107 West Park. THREE COMPLETE. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. S3 7th st., near Stark. Call after 12. SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for two gentlemen; arranged so can cook breakfast. 574 Front- ONE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ALSO single room: gas. phone, porcelain bath. Call Monday. 395 Salmon. FOUR LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN new house, with water, $12. 294 Broadway st. Phone .Scott 1001. 135 10TH. COR. ALDER NICELY FUR nlshed suite, ground floor; gas range, tele phone; no children. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS; PRIVATE family; bath, gas, electric light, telephone. Phone Front 2293. FOR RENT ONE UNFURNISHED FRONT room. S15 East Washington, cor. 11th. Tele phono Union 1S69. FURNISHED PARLOR ROOM; CAN DO some cooking: suitable for teacher; bath. 332 Clay, cor. 7th. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms: electric light, gas range; no chil dren. S2 2d. FURNISHED DOUBLE PARLORS; ALSO UN furnished alcove room and other rooms. 553 Morrison st. FURNISHED FLAT. COMPLETE. FOR housekeeping. 047 Weldler street. East Side; no children. TWO OR THREE WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; telephone and bath. 430 Yamhill st. FOR RENT SUITE OF THREE NICELY furnished rooms, for housekeeping. 230 Russell st. 3S8 JEFFERSON ST. NICELY FURNISHED flats, complete for housekeeping no.chlldrerrr references. VERY DESIRABLE SUITE OF ROOMS. FOR housekeeping; phone, bath; no children. 454 Clay st. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; central, modern. 253 0th St.. cor. Madison. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family. 102 12th. between Stark and Wash ington. TWO LOVELY ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR, FUR nlshed. for housekeeping; no children. 354 Salmon. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ALSO SINGLE rooms; suitable for two gentlemen. 102 5th street. 435 MAIN ST. TWO COMPLETELY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; central; refer ence. SUITE OF ROOMS WITH STEAM HEAT, electric light, bath, hot water. 345 First street. THE ANNEX, 140 FRONT. NEAR MORRI son Furnished rooms, for housekeeping, and single. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, on first floor; no children. 503 5th st. ONE VERY LARGE ROOM; PHONE AND modern conveniences; rent reasonable. 313 14Ji. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE house. 229 Caruthers st. Phone West 3232. THREE CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished complete. 211 Second st. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; with gas and bath. 73 5th st., cor. Oak. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; $3 per month. 363 E. Oak. 400 MORRISON ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; all conveniences, best location. 207 3D ST. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; respectable people only. . 1 FOR DESIRABLE ROOMS OR HOUSEKEEP lns suites call at 420 Commercial bldg. 2 OR MORE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; $10 and up. 309 First st. PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; no children. .447 Main st. 105 UNION AVE. TWO NICE LARGE UN furnlshed rooms for housekeeping. TWO LARGE FRONT UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 391 6th st. SUITE OF THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping. 2SS Washington st. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. 310 Third st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH BATH. 564 Irving st, corner 17th st. FURNISHED BASEMENT FLATS. CALL 403 Jefferson st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT AT 407 Davl3 st. Rouses. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 100 East 6th St., new flat, 5 rooms, $20. 153 N. 12th St., 8 rooms, $18. 391 College St., 0 rooms, $25. 372. E. 15th st. X., 8 rooms, $25. 11 N. 10th st.. new flat, 0 rooms. $35. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 229 Stark st. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE AND TWO ACRE3 ON car line. Five-room cottage and quarter block near Mt. Tabor. DAVIDSON. WARD & CO., 408 Chamber of Commerce, FOR RENT OATMAN PLACE. ON WOOD stock cars; 10-room house, 30 acres: high state cultivation; 1500 bearing trees; all con veniences. F. W. Torgler, 106 Sherlock bldg. NO. 571 JACKSON STREET, PORTLAND Heights. 7 rooms and attic, with furnace, city water, electric light and all modern con veniences. Apply John Bain, 224 Stark st. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN IMPROVE ments. 13th and E. Stark, opposite Central School. Call 663 E. Stark st. Phone White 674. FOR RENT FFVE-ROOMED COTTAGE, large yard, fruit trees, bath, near car line. 170 Morris St.; rent, $13. Phone Pink 14S7. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE; BATH. HOT and cold water, fireplace: rent $12.50. 43d nnd East Salmon sts. Phone White 700. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN EIGHT-ROOM house, corner E. 13th and Main sts.; $30 per month. C. H. Korell. 251 Washington st. . FOR RENT NEW MODERN EIGHT-ROOM I UUJC' -cm. caeap to rigni party. u Mi.