7 w nn Hi "A TE3IPERANCE TOWN." Charles Hoyt's Great Comedy "Will Kun This Weelc at tlie Baker. The attraction at the Baker Theater all this week, starting with the matinee per formance this afternoon, will be that well-known and splendid comedy by the late Charles Hoyt, "A Temperance Town." This comedy is considered the best ever written by the famous play wright, and this will be the first time It has ever been presented in Portland, so there is every reason to believe that the Baker Theater will have its capacity tested at every performance. The plot deals with the endeavors of the prohibi tion element to suppress the sale of liquor in a small town in "Vermont. It tells of a man who was a soldier in the Union Army being arrested and tried on the charge of selling liquor, which is strictly against the laws of that state. Finally a raid Is made on his "Joint" and he is tried and convicted. He is about to be sent to prison, when an old friend, whose life he had saved during the war, appears on the scene and pays his fine. Incidental to the plot there is a pretty love story, the prin cipals of which are Ruth Hardman and John "Worth. Ruth Is in sympathy with the "Jointist" because of his family, and -warns him of a raid that is to be made on his place, and for this she Is turned out of her home by her father, a minister of the Gospel, and one of the leaders against the rumsellers. Finally he sees his error and solicits his daughter to re turn to her home, which she does for her mother's sake. Two very Important parts In the play are Mink Jones and Bingo Jones. Mink is popular as the shiftless character of the town, whose hearfis in the right place despite the fact that lie Is against the temperance cause and a stanch friend of liquor. His arguments in his efforts to keep his son from1 signing the pledge are ridiculously funny, and, In fact, he contributes largely to the success of the play. Bingo Is the town boy, whom everybody knows, and also assists In pro viding a large amount of fun for the spectators. "A Temperance Town" has been ac corded great success in the past, and was given a phenomenal run in New York. The Nelll Stock Company twill also pre sent this comedy at the special New Tear's matinee. TODAY AT COIUJItAY'S. Kerr Year's "Week Commences at Cor dray's This Afternoon at 2:1B. "The Irish Pawnbrokers," the third edition of which is presented by Joe W. gpears' farce-comedy star triumvirate, Is the work of Edgar Selden. the prolific play--wrlghJfc "who has contributed many suc cesses to the American stage, his most recent hits, the Rays' "A Hot Old Time." being still warm in the affections of amusement lovers. This new edition of The Irish Pawnbrokers" Is said to be one of the brightest, cheekiest pieces of extravaganza yet seen, abounding with comical situations and dialogue, the smartness of which is beyond dispute. Mr. Selden would seem to have kept this motto In view throughout "Who -would write three-act musical farce must . i ot trlflos " The fur. Ic i never t :"t iiAVpnua The heart auaua ui iuc amorous miaaie asred Adonis have always played an im portant part in works of this description, and mfch of the trouble In "The Irish Pawnbrokers" is brought about in the same -way. IvI Murphy, part owner of Tne, Soak Away Pawnshop," receives - communication addressed in affection ate terms and Intended for his son of the atne name. The letter is signed by a lady presumably the wife of his bosom 4902. , ORACfcYHN s- PRIMA friend and partner, one Marmaduke, re joicing in the family appellation of Ange llne O'Flarlty. On this point hinges the hilarious construction. Joseph W. Spears Is said to have gotteir togethor an unusually strong organiza tion for this special production, first and foremost among whom may be mentioned Mazie Trumbull, in her captivating in terpretation of the star soubrette role of "Angellne." Of the male characters, Mr. Joe J. Sullivan Is seen as Levi Mur phy. Mr. William Kenney Mack as Mar maduke O'Flarlty. Others of a large cast are Delmore & Wilson, Joe J. Conlan, Bobby Bryant, Joe Ward, W. H. Spencer, Eddie Brown, Mayme Taylor, the Warner sisters, the Lylo sisters and a chorus of pretty and shapely girls. All of the scen ery Is of spick and span newness, the last act being a remarkable production of an East Side pawnbroker's shop as seen in New York City. Those who would enjoy three hours of the heartiest laugh ter should exchange their cares for the chunks of enjoyment handed out by "The Irish Pawnbrokers." Special New Year's holiday matinee given with the usual la dles' and children's matinee Saturday. BOSTON'IANS IN "ROBIN HOOD." Famous Light Opera "Will Be Seen Tomorrow Mgrht at the Marqnam. At the Marquam Grand Theater tomor row (Monday), Tuesday nights and Wed nesday afternoon, Mr. H. C. Barnabee, Mr. W. H. MacDonald, Miss Grace Van Stud dlford and the other members of the Bos tonians, will appear in the most famous of all light operas, "Robin Hood." This season the Bostonlans have made special efforts with their organization with the view of a magnificent new production, and its recent revival at the New York Acad emy of Music was even a greater success than on its original presentation. There Is no doubt that, from a musical standpoint, the legion that has witnessed this gem of comic opera will be able to discover new beauties in its delightful score. From all accounts the Bostonlans will give equally as brilliant an account of themselves as they did when "Robin Hood" first made its bid for fame with its refreshing melo dies. The staging of "Robin Hood" will be entirely new. The scenery was ex pressly painted for the great stage of the New York Academy, and the costumes newly designed for the revival. The bal let and original stage groupings will offer new pictures,, of the revels of Sherwood Forest, and the chorus -will be much larger than on any previous presentation of "Robin Hood." The Bostonlans produce a new Smith and De Koven opera on Wednesday night, which, from all acounts is a worthy successor of the old-time fa vorite, "Robin Hood." The Philadelphia Inquirer says of its ap pearance in that city: "Well, after all the doubts and fears over this performance, it can be truthfully said that it Is a successor to the thousands of times repeated 'Robin Hood.' . . . There are reasons to believe that this work will rival in interest the opera, that gave the Bostonlans fame and fortune. . . . The librettist has chosen to carry on the ancient and ever-delightful story on the same spirit as the original, preserv ing the same characters, but introducing new themes and new places. The com poser has undertaken to make his music as tuneful and harmonious as the original great success, while the stage management has done its best to eclipse former achieve ments. . . . Mr. De Koven "has certainly returned to his first love and has given us some delicious melodies. . . . The prime quality of the music Is melody. It runs from beginning to end the music Is full of the old English madrigal style that has outclassed centuries; and can never be displaced. . . . This opera will take its place among the undoubted suc cesses of the last few years, for the rea TH!E tjPNDAY AT Depart WOrSO 111 10 5TUDDBf ORD. f U DonrtA v I s27 son that it is dominated by melody that real melody that appeals to every lover of music. NEW YEAR'S AT THE MARQUAM. Fine Scenic Production of the Fa mous Comedy-Drama "Shore Acres." Usually when a play has stood the test of 10 consecutive seasons, the public, or rather, that portion of it which attends theaters, loses interest in It. This, how' ever, is not the case with James A. Heme's famous comedy-drama, "Shore Acres," which seems to be constantly growing in popularity. The past season Mrs. Heme claims was the most profit able, financially, the present company has yet had, and that Is a pretty fair gauge whereby to judge of the play's continued attractiveness. "Shore Acles," which is to bave a fine new scenic production at the Marquam Grand Theater, beginning with the New Year's matinee, and continuing the bal ance of the week, with a matinee Satur day, is generally accepted as the best pastoral comedy known to the t English speaking stage, and It 'has a peculiar In terest to all lovers of the home and fire side. Tie story of the play is too well known to bear repetition. It deals with the fortunes of a young girl, Helen, whose father, Martin Berry, is opposed to her marriage to a rising but penniless doctor with advanced Ideas; the kindliness of her uncle, Nat Berry, who Is the principal character in the story; the subsequent ruin of the old man and the return of his daughter and her husband in time to save the farm from foreclosure by the mort gagee, a land boomer, through whoso at tentions the girl has been obliged to leave heme. The nlot of the play allows of many powerful scenes, the famous kitchen with a genuine, old-fashioned turkey dinner in course of baking, and the lighthouse being the best. The advance sale of seats will be placed on sale next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Coming: Attractions. "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines," which will shortly be seen here at the Marquam Grand Theater, has taken the fancy of the theater-goers as no other attraction has done in many years. Every body old enough may recall the fact that SO years ago, this fantastic name was immensely popular as the title of a song, and an equal vogue has now come to the play of the same title. It is described as a dellclously funny comedy, embodying a pretty love story. The play ran for 200 nights at the Garrlck Theater, New York, an unprecedented run at this house for any attraction. The play serves to in troduce Miss Elizabeth Kennedy, in the chief female role, that of Mme. Trentoni, an opera prima donna, of American birth and European distinction. , Coming: to Cordrny'n. "Sandy Bottom," a beautiful play of love and honor and intrigue, follows "The Irish Pawnbrokers" at Cordray's Theater. The play is somewhat on the lines of "Shore Acres" and "The Homestead," with more of a Southern atmosphere. An excellent company of well-known people are in the cast, such as R. E. French, as Colonel Jed Carter; Eva Earle French! Lorrette Babcock, Helen RIdgeway Jacques Caldwell, J. E. Jackson and oth ers. Dramatic Notes. Sam Ii. Studley Is still the' leader of tho i Bostonlans' orchestra. He has been with the iiostonians over i& years, and con- 1 ducted the first performances of both "Robin Hood' and "Maid Marian." There were more peoplo turned away OBEGOMIAN, PORTLAND, TffE THEATERS Old Year 'grown ' grey and . hoary, The Mew YkARtcoiETH, TO1 'FAVORITE PLAYERS DO... WE 'SAY; WE 6EEET ' THEiEW, BUT BID TUB OLD .ONES BE pfES T. GALLON " UNCLE WOT 'SHORE ACRE3 every night from the New York Academy of Music during the engagement of the Bostonlans there than would have crowd ed any average playhouse in that city. An average of 3300 people nightly paid for admission to witness the big revival of "Robin Hood." Grace "Van Studdlforfl, the Bostonlans' prima donna, has signed a contract for a European engagement to commence at the end of the regular season. She will make her first appearance abroad In Ber lin at the end of next June, sailing Im mediately after the Bostonlans close, about June 2. IMITATION MAGDAIjENS. New York Critic Analyzes Mrs. Fiske's New Drama. Kate Carew, in the New York Evening World, has this to eay 'of "Mary of Mag dala": "We were connoisseurs in imitation Magdalens before Mrs. Fiske came to the rescue with the real article. "We had surfeited of New Magdalens, Modern Magdalens, Tanqueray Magda lens, Iris Magdalens, Magda Magdalens, and all the weird magdellneatlons of Pinero, Suderman & Co. "Mrs Flske, at the Manhattan Theater last night, In one of the most beautiful, brainy, big, costly and artistic produc tions ever seen, in New York, gave us the original Magdalen the Bible Magda len, whose association with the great drama of Christendom has condemned her, poor soul, to stand godmother to every pastful lady that swishes her speckled skirts across the stage. "A good, gray poet of Germany, Paul Heyse, has taken some of the leading In cidents of the New Testament story, mixed them with others hatched in his own well-trained Imagination, and com pounded a powerful play, which Mrs. Fiske, after two years of deep archaeo logical research and preparation, ha3 placed upon the stage with every thinka ble circumstance of grandeur and solem nity. rtWhen you consider that such familiar biblical characters as Caiaphas, Judas and Mary Magdalen are important per sonages in the play, and that the greatest figure in the world's religious history is felt to be so near at hand that you mo mentarily expect to see him portrayed in person when you consider this, it is something to say for the drama and its producers and actors that there Is. not a jarring moment in the performance, nor a loophole for irreverence, nor a single Instant when the sheer human interest of the drama, apart from religion, loses Its grip on you. " The Suderman - Pinero - Nethersole -Campbell Magdalens have preached at us till we have yawned; the Heyse-Fiske Magdalen hasn't a yawn-producing mo ment Which is another .argument In fa vor of the plaintive advertising merchant who entreats you to 'Beware of Imita tions.' "To those who hunger for biblical 'at mosphere,' this Fiske production will be a boon and a blessing. Here is ancient Jerusalem, its life, its sunlight. Its cos tumes and characters, Its interiors and exteriors, reproduced as faithfully as learning and money and the stage man ager could accomplish it. The result is wonderfully Interesting. "There are four sage sets: A room In Mary Magdalen's house, Oriental, vari colored and mysterious; a room In tho house of Aulus Flavlus, Roman effects, green marble pillars, open on two sides to a sunlit flower garden; a square In Jerusalem, perfect Illusion of the "crowded architecture in an Oriental city; a ravine near Jerusalem, a weird triumph of scene carpentry and painting. "These scenes are peopled, apart from the leading actors, with crowds pictur esquely and accuratelv costumed, and, bet ter yet, perfectly drilled in the crowding .DECEMBBE 28, 1902. bright withyqu as V3 WIS; If 7l -v. art It is terribly easy to be one of a crowd In real life, but to be one of a crowd on the stage Is a triumph of hum ble skill. "The greatest moment for this accom plished crowd, and to my mind the most moving, though it is not the most Impor tant incident in the play, -was when It pursued Magdalen into the young Ro man's house, clamoring for her blood until checked by old Simon, who hurled at them the words quoted from Him who was dramatically supposed to be in the adjoining garden, 'He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone!' "To see the rebuke strike home to each member of that Jerusalem mob, and to see them slink away, each with his or her private conscience-stab, was a pretty les son in stage management although the audience tried to spoil the scene by has tening to applaud the familiar quotation how audiences do dote on familiar quota tions! "Mrs. Fiske's Mary of Magdala will rank with the best work she has done. With everything against her physically she conquered by sheer brains and tem perament In appearance she may not have been like your picture or mine of a luxurious lady of dubious reputation, who wins every male creature within reach, but Mrs. Fiske rises superior to appear ances, and you believed the male creatures when they raved over her. "Even words are not necessary to Mrs. Fiske. In the street scene she stands humbly motionless near the wings, while a long and violent scene is enacted In the center of the stage, holding In her hands the alabaster box of ointment Motionless, mind you, and without change of expres sion, and with no friendly calcium shaft to single her out and yet that silent, obscure figure holds a steady beart-to-heart talk with you that gives you an acute attack of the swallowy complaint so dear to the matfhee girl. "All this, In spite of the fact that Mrs. uisKes locomotion partakes of the nature of a matronly trot, as staccato as her speech, and that she has a housekeeperly way with her, as if the languorous luxury of the Magdalen were as nothing compared with the Importance of dusting the best china. And you can't persuade me that the gifted Mrs. Fiske couldn't, if she tried very hard, manage to bo just a wee little bit less uncompromising and business-like in some of her scenes. "Having ventured to say which, one should make haste to hurl a large bouquet at her for the total ex tinction and annihilation of the absurd calcium man. Whole scenes played In dimness, and even in dark ness, when dimness and darkness are dra matically desired think of It! No polite fiction of a darkened stage, with one sub lime starshlp Illumined with flattering and ghastly searchlight, but sure-enough darkness, such as we occasionally enjoy in real life! "Chief among the other performers was Tyrone Power, who, vastly Improved in his acting, made a stunning impression ,by his portrayal of Judas. Of a wild and gloomy grandeur in appearance, he looked as If he had stepped from the frame of an old master In some monas tery chapel. Powerful, passionate haughty, and. in the end, driven with savage remorse, his performance would have made its mark deep even without the traditional horror that clings to the name of Judas. , "His thunderstorm scene in the last act is too long, however. Stage lightning and tea-tray thunder pall quickly. Last night's audience wondered if it would never clear up again. "Henry Woodruff plays an Important part that of a young Roman with great spirit and feeling, but It is beyond his still boyish powers. Rose Eytinge, In the part of a- devoted serving woman, shows the value of stage experience. "It Is eald that the Bible is less popular than it once was, but there- is every rea- theulj - jLoby - STAY. it TEF1PERANCETOWN f -by KB I ISL Stock c o. 1 Vat baker TREATS b4 IWIE IRISH CO K son why the dramatized New Testament should drive the dramatized novel back to the shelves. KATE CAREW." WHEN LONGFELLOW COOKED Old Fireplace in Bowdoin College Hall Where Poet Prepared Meals. Now York Tribune. When the sons of Bowdoin gathered at the old college in Brunswick, Me., in June, on the occasion of the celebration of the completion of Its first century of educa tional work, many a fading memory of school days was refreshed and many a good story brought again to mind by the sight of the ancient buildings that formed the college settlement in years long past, and that appear so shabby now among their new and handsome- neighbors. First in Interest among these old struc tures Is Massachusetts Hall, the original building of Bowdoin, which, at the open ing of the college In 1S02 housed the facul ty, the eight students of the first enter ing class, the library and all the other be longings of the institution. This little brick building has a peculiar attraction for those who admire the poet Longfellow, for here, as a student, he roomed, studied and prepared his own meals. In a room on the first floor is a capacious fireplace, which has remained unchanged since the day the first logs blazed upon its broad hearth, and It was at this yawning gap in the old hall's chimney that Longfellow did his cooking. Whether or not the poet was a good cook does not appear In any of the records of Bowdoin, but he had the best facilities then afforded at the college, the fireplace." wun its turning spir, swinging crane tt7 support the kettles and pots and its glow ing beds of coals for broiling being con sidered superior to the stoves of those days. Strangely enough, no photograph was taken of the old fireplace until this Summer, although thousands of visitors have called to see it, and until recently few outside the college have been aware of the. Interesting fact that It was once utilized by Longfellow for the toasting of bread and the .browning of flapjacks. Among the chief treasures of the college library Is the copy of Horace that was used by Longfellow, concerning which tho 4M4 TRUMBULL PAWNBROKERS, DRAYS . Rev. Dr. Egbert C. Smith narrates, an In intereeting circumstance. Professor Smyth managed to get possession of the rare lit tle volume, and presented It to the libra ry. He heard the story from the Rev. John S. C. Abbott, who was one of Long fellow's classmates, as follows: ' "The poet became especially Interested In one of the Horatlan odes, and wrote out a translation of it, which he was by some chance called upon to recite at the public examination of his class. He had been hoping, as he eat there quaking in the presence of the members of the examin ing board, that the passage he should be called upon to construe would be this par ticular ode, and his wish was gratified. Benjamin Orr, trustee, was present, and, being a lover of Horace, was much pleased with Longfellow's polished translation. Not long after this, the professorship of modern languages was established, and Mr. Orr promptly named Longfellow for the place. The young poet was chosen, and he owed his selection wholly to the Impressive translation which he had given of the Horatlan ode." Poor Family Saved by Uncle' "Will. Pittsburg Dispatch. Eight fatherlesfl children living in Bea ver township, near Waco, Neb., have re ceived a lift froiri their present poverty by the recent death at Pittsburg of an uncle. They are the children of James Campbell, formerly of Beaver precinct, who died some months ago. leaving noth ing on which the widow and children could live. The mother has just received word of the division of her husband's brother's es tate at Pittsburg, amounting to 5S0.00O. Under the terms of the division James Campbell's children receive one-fifth of this, an aggregate of ?16,000, or J2000 for each child. To Honor Memory of a Boy Xlero. Chicago Record-Herald. Wesley Reynolds, the 16-year-old boy hero who gave up his life while defend ing treasures intrusted to his care. Is likely to be honored wlth an enduring memorial. A movement started here to erect a monument In his honor at West ville has received cordial indorsement from banks In various parts of the coun try. Tho detectives at work on the caso believe the murderers are hiding in Chicago.