The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 28, 1902, PART THREE, Page 19, Image 19

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Olds, Wotman & King
Flf tk and Washington
- Stteets
Olds, Wotftman & King
Suit Department '
Clearance Specials
Every woman likes to make an up-to-date appearance, and
delights especially in garments made of fine materials. Here are
some clearance specials that, no matter what your, means, will ap
peal to you for their extraordinary quality, price and style.
Ladies' Coats
$15.00 Values for $9.48
27-inches long, satin lined, with
storm or roll collars, colors
black, tan, castor or gray.
Value $15.00, &Q AG
clearance price ... w
Ladies' Walking Skirts
Stylishly made, pretty and serv-
Silk Petticoats
$15.00 Values for $9.98
In all colors, both light and dark,
with full flounce, trimmed with
Ladies' Walking Stfits
A specially selected lot in popu
lar styles and colors that sell
Out Undermuslins
Good materials, fine sewing, dainty trimmings, pretty
styles, ample models are what give our undermuslins more
than local reputation and make them sought from all parts
of the Northwest. Our undermuslin section is a big, busy
store in itself. Ladies have learned the money, time and
labor-saving values we offer and come here for them.
Everything that is desirable is supplied here in greatest
variety, and every garment is carefully chosen and of
sanitary make. Values are always exceptionally good,
but these 30 days of clearance bargains offer rare chances.
Here are some of them:
LADIES' GOWNS, of fine cambric or muslin, V or high neck
hemstitched tucks or embroidery at yoke, neck and J A
sleeves. Regular price $1.10, special ffcC
LADIES' DRAWERS, of muslin or cambric, tucked, deep lawn
flounce or embroidery trimmed. Regular 45c values, at
clearance price of OC
LADIES' SKIRTS, of fine cambric, i 6-inch lawn flounce, with
three rows Point de Paris lace insertion and edging or fine mus
lin, 16-inch cambric flounce, one or two rows insertion, according
to width, and 4-inch edging. Value $3.00," clear- -t no
ance special P 70
LADIES' CORSET COVERS, of fine linen, 10 rows 1-inch lace
insertion in front, lace edging, or fine cambric blouse front, round
yoke, trimmed with 4-inch fine Valenciennes lace, 2 1 n
ribbon draw strings in yoke, regular .$1.00 value for O C
Royal Wouceste Corset
Every pair of these famous corsets are reduced. The samples here
fiven are the prices on four different styles of the straight-front,
ias-cut kind. Colors black, gray or white, sizes J 8 to 30, values
$2.00 and $2.75. The clearance price is $1.37 per pair.
Ladies' Furnishings
Here are dainty trifles at trifling prices. Come in and see the
fine and lovely things on which we have made these great reduc
tions and make your choice.
CHIFFON 'EMBROIDERY EDGES, black and white and fancy
colors, 43 to 6 inches wide, worth 50c per yard. Clear- Q
ance special PsC
TORPEDO DRESS TRIMMINGS, all extra quality black silk,
beautiful designs, clearance prices, according to width, 75c, $1.33
and $1.98 per yard, worth double.
TORCHON LACES, extra fine quality, in very dainty C
patterns, values 15c to 25c per yard. Clearance price ... " "C
Jottvin Gloves
Our entire line, in all sizes and colors, for only, per J 33
HANDKERCHIEFS, Richardson's all pure linen hem- ytZ
stitched. Special, each O C
LADIES' UMBRELLAS, the prettiest and. best umbrellas for the
price we have ever offered. They are the 25-inch size, with
dainty pearl handles and fast black cotton gloria top. Q
Value $1.50, each, special sOC
Tomorrow (Monday) morning we will commence our 25th Annual Clearance Sale, which will
continue for thirty days. It will be conducted in the same thorough manner as our twenty-four previous
annual sales have been. Every article in our immense stocks will be radically reduced in price, excepting
only a very few items which the makers control and will allow no change to be made. This is a store noted
for its many special bargains all through the year, but so well known have our extraordinary Annual Clearance
Sale bargains become during the past twenty-four years that this annual sale of ours is regarded by
Portland's people as the greatest bargain time of the whole year, and many of the shrewdest buyers take this
opportunity to supply themselves largely for future use. Every one of our previous twenty-four Annual
Clearance Sales has given unbounded satisfaction to our customers, but this one is to be the greatest event of
them all. Our stocks have never been so large before, and it is our determination to celebrate this Twenty
fifth Anniversary of our bargain sales with the greatest aggregation of bargains Portland has known. While
there will be thirty days of these bargains, we ask all to come as early as possible and secure first choice. We
name below a few of the many bargains. The whole store is filled with others just as attractive.
Dress Goods
Notable clearance specials in choice materials, in black and colors.
Goods that offer everything desirable, both, xn quality ana style.
Colored Goods
Novelty Materials
All-wool mixtures, pin checks,
plaids and solid colors, new and
stylish, but in broken lines.
Only 500 yards in all. Widths,
38 to 46 inches. Values to
$1.25 per yard, clear- COr
ance price, per yard ... C
High-Grade Suitings
In a full range of up-to-date col
ors, two-toned mixtures, invisi
ble stripes and plain colorsj 750
yards in widths from 44 inches
to 52 inches, strictly pure wool.
Values to $1.50, clear
ance special
Imported Dress Fabrics
Some of the very choicest we
have shown this' season, in
shades from dainty, soft pearl
to dark street colors, all woven
of choice, selected wool. Widths
46 to 52 inches, values to $1.75
per yard, QQr
special S Si
Dress Materials
All our very finest imported
dress materials, the newest and
most fashionable, suitable for
street and dressy costumes.
Widths 46 to 48 inches, values
to $3.50, clearance & Q
special Cp O
Black Dress Goods
The best serviceable, always
appropriate blacks, in excellent,
standard qualities:
Fancy Alpacas
38 inches wide, regular 50c qual
ity, at clearance price, O Q -
per yard
Fancy Batistes and
38 to 42 inches wide, regular
price 60c to 75c a yard,
Mohair and Wool
In fancy weaves, 40 to 44 inches
wide, regular 75c to AQ
$1.00 grades, per yard . .
Plain Cashmeres
All colors, 40 to 44 inches wide,
values 75c to $ J. 00 per
yard, clearance price . . C
Fancy Mohair and All
Wool Plain Serges
$1.00 and $1.25 values J
Mohair Pierolas and
Our regular $1.50, $2.00 and
$2.25 values J
Here are silk opportunities! Royal qualities in plain and fancy
stripes, checks and plaids, both plain and fancy weaves, all this
season's goods, at prices that will enable you to have that coveted
silk petticoat the new, bright coat lining, the fancy waist or a
whole suit in dark or evening shades.
PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS, values to 50c per yard. 3 f
Clearance price OJ-C
PEAU DE SOIE, plain and fancy stripes, values to $ 1. 00
and $1.25, for
FOULARDS, evening shades, plain and fancy, also neat black and
white stripes arid two-toned effects, values 85c and '$1.00 ro
per yard. Clearance price O C
Colored Feat de Soie, Satin Dtichess, Flannel Taffeta,
Laventines and Moire Velotfrs, also Satin Fotf
lafds, values $ i .25 and $ .50. Clearance price
MOIRE ANTIQUES in colors; also black unbreakable taffetas
and fancy stripe silks, values, per yard, $1.50, special j j
Men's Furnishings
Clearance Extra Specials
Such good values in the finest, newest and best goods. They
will just fit right into that vacant place in your wardrobe to be
put to immediate use
SUSPENDERS All sorts of fancy kinds at half price.
SHIRTS Fancy Starched Shirts, in the newest styles,
value $1.50 each, clearance price only
NIGHT SHIRTS of outing flannel, well made, in full, A Q
ample size, $1 quality for 73cj 75c quality for t:7C
UNDERWEAR Three desirable kinds, all at' great reductions
Camel's Hair Underwear, very soft arid warm, $1.50, clearance
price 99c; "Wool Fleeced Underwear, 75c values, 55c; Heavy
Fleeced Cotton, value 50c each, clearance price 37c
Wool Socks '
Heavy wool, a sure shield against cold feet, value 25c per o
pair, special OC
A Tip
Men acquainted with the great superiority of the celebrated Staley,
Stuttgarter and Lewis makes of . underwear will be glad to take
advantage of the great reductions which our clearance sale offers.
Lots of light from lovely lamps for the dark days and long Winter evenings, all with good,
clear burners. Clearance prices : .
Black wrought-iron Reception Lamps, with chim
ney, very artistic, value $3.25, 4 Qr
clearance price p
Tall Banquet Lamps of wrought iron, A EZ
with chain, value $4.00, special ..
Reception Lamps, with Rookwood finish and
black trimmings, value $6.75, spe- -50
Parlor Lamp, low style, with pink vase and
wrought-iron trimmings, Miller
-burner, value $5.75, clearance price
Reading Lamp, brass feet, decorated
vase and shade, value $12, special
Parlor Lamp, large size, wrought iron, fancy
trimmings, .value $5.75, special 7-5
Reception Lamp, tall, with dark old brass feet and
trimmings, value with chimney tf?'"? CA
$10.50, special Cp.U
Reading Lamp, shade and globe decorated to
match, dark bronze finish, value tf! f TI Of
$19.50, special CpJ-.OU
Parlor Lamp, decorated eee-shape vase and
globe, gold plated, value $22.50, I A
special P
Clearance Specials
Here-are the opportunities you have been waiting for. Now, you can make so
many desired household provisions at such little prices you will never miss the money.
Table Linen
Extra heavy bleached table damask, for house
hold, hotel or restaurant purposes, 66 inches
wide, value $1.15, clearance
special, per yard
Same quality, unbleached, 60 inches wide,
clearance special, per yard
Bath Towels
Hemmed, with handsome colored borders, slight
imperfections in weave, size 21x38,
" special, each . 3 C
Fancy Jacquard weave, very absorbent.
Size 18x38 inches, each 7c
Size 20x39 inches, each 8c
Full size crochet, in handsome Marseilles patterns,
clearance special, X 4 S
Odd Towels
Slightly Soiled Great Bargains
Prices 10c, 1 2c, J 6c and J 8c each.
Wool Waistmgs
Aheautiful line of colors with fancy satin and
silk stripes. Our clearance price, per
yard, on our 75c quality only
Worsted Dess Goods
3000 yards of it in pretty, fancy checks, plaids and
stripes, value J 5c per yard. Clearance
special price, per yard
The soft, fleecy flannels that constitute a present
day household necessity, in checks, plaids and
mottled effects, all dark colorings,
10c quality, at clearance special of only
The imported Scotch kinds, in a wide showing of
pretty patterns, suitable for shirt waists and
dressing sacques, qualities to 30c, q
at clearance price, per yard OC
Clearance Specials
Rare bargains in rich window hangings, choice and dainty
draperies that will make your home beautiful for years.
Nottingham Lace Curtains
Value, per pair, $1.50, clearance special 75c
Value, per pair, $1.00, clearance special 50c
Value, per pair, 75c, clearance special 45c
Renaissance Obtains
Value $2 1. 00, clearance special $13.50
Value J 7.50, clearance special ... . . 10.75
Value 15.00, clearance special 9.50
Value 1 1.00, clearance special 7.85
hish Point Obtains
Value $17.50, clearance special $10.50
Value 13.50, clearance special 7.65
Value 1 1. 00, clearance special 6.25
1 apestfy Portieres
Value $11.00, clearance special. $7.25
Value 9.00, clearance special 5.75
Value 8.00, clearance special 5.35
Value 7.50, clearance special 4.85
Value 5.50, clearance special 3.65
Babies' Bl Children's Bonnets
Clearance Prices
A quantity of broken lines of very dainty bonnets, in white
and colors, full front or Dutch effect.
Lot U Value 25c to 60c, clearance price 9c
Lot 2. Value 70c to $1.25, clearance price 29c
Stamped Linen Pieces
Slightly soiled and mussed doilies and center-pieces.
Lot U Regular price 10c to 25c, sprcial. . 7c
Lot 2. Regular price 30c to 60c, special . . 19c
Fur beavers; our genuine kind
that are growing in popularity
all the time. Colors black,
navy, red and brown. Regular
price $3.95, sale jjj J pj
Tarns, imported, mohair, colors
whitei red, navy, and various
mixtures, value S 1.18, q
clearance special O J C
Geat Special Bat-
Women's Jcliettes
Fur trimmed, $1.50 kind
Wool Leggings
Over-knee length, $1.50 Q Q
kind for 70C
Ladies' High Shoes
Odd sizes, button or lace, com
mon sense toes, values to $5.00,
clearance f o
price p O0
Soys' and Youths' Shoes
Box calf or vici kid, made on
new last, good wearing and nice
Sizes 11 to 2, value SL ") O
$2, clearance price
Sires 2 to 5, $2.25, h f 30
clearance price r O O
ps 3