The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 28, 1902, PART THREE, Page 18, Image 18

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Tnm tho .foothills to thoTay, .
It shall ring as vre sing,
- It efaall ring and float away;
Hall. Stanford, hall!
Hall, Stanford, ball!
Tt young men of the Stanford glee
and mandolin clubs delighted a large audi
ence at the Baker Theater on Friday
night with an entertainment as fresh and
spirited as breeze off San Francisco
Bay. The patronesses for the concert,
who also received with Mr. and Mrs.
Newill at the reception on Friday after
noon, -were as follows: Mrs. A. E. Hockey,
Mrs- Charles E. Sltton, Mrs. L. I. McAr
thur, Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mrs. J. Wes
ley Ladd, Mfs. "W- B. Ayer, Mrs. Charles
F. Beebe, Mrs. W. C. Alvord, Mrs. J. A.
Sladcn- and Mrs. E. F. Riley.
A charming party was given at the
golf links on Monday evening, in honor
of Captain Fred S. Sladen, U. S. A., one
of the Instructors In tactics at West
t Point, who is here to spend the holidays
' with his father, Captain J. S. Sladen.
The holiday decorations of evergreen and
ferns gave a look of holiday festivity to
the pretty "clubrooms, and delightful music
was provided by Parsons orchestra.
Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Henry ' Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lewis.
Mr- and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. Arthur
evening. The Cavaliers are composed of
the following young men: Wilftani C Mc
Clure, Oliver Q. Walker, Harold Howes,
Arthur Rosenfeld, Edward J. Jeffery. Amos
E. King. The patronesses were: Mrs. P.
E. Brlgham, Mrs. .E. E. Lytle, Mrs. S.
The John Ivey Water-Color Club was
entertained at the home of Mrs. Rapp,
last ' Saturday. In spite of the holiday
season, a large number, was present, anu
the afternoon was spent in copying
studies of landscape and figures. The
"hostess had provided every ' convenience,
and the meeting proved very enjoyable
as well as instructive. The next meet
ing will be" held on January 3, at the
home of Mrs. Charles J. B. Malarkey,
710 East Burnslde street, and the subject
for study will be composition.
A pretty children's party was given by
Mrs. J. C. Stuart last Friday, at her
home, 371 Halsey street Mrs. Hlrsch
berger assisted Mrs. Stuart, and with
merry games and music the little folks
spent a delightful afternoon. The parlor
was prettily decorated with ferns and
palms, and the dining-room was gay with
red crepe paper festooned from the cor
ners and meeting In the center. The pink
est of Ice cream and cake was daintily
served and enjoyed by about 30 little
guests. As a souvenir, each child was
presented with a box of candy.
A very pleasant dance was given by the
Mlnott, Misses Laura King. Nan Wood, Terpsichorcans on Christmas night at Par.
Amy Heitshu, Carrie Flanders, Racnei
Josephl, Ball, Dcrickson, Inez Barrett,
Alice Slbson, Sallle Lewis, Helen Lavelle,
Kathleen Burns, Georglna Burns, Messrs.
T. Scott Brooke, Bert Mackay, David
Lewis, Hunt Lewis, Maurice Cheal, John
Carson, Willis, J. Mcl. Wood, Jones,
Rodney Gllsan and RoGerlck L. Macleay.
Dr. J. W. Hill entertained the members
of the University of Oregon football team
on Thursday evening at dinner at the Hill
Military Academy. The dinner was a
delightful one.
A reception of unusual Interest to soci
ety was an at home given by Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Cotton Newill on Friday aft
ernoon, at Bishop Scott Academy, to meet
the Glee and Mandolin Clubs of Stanford
University. About 400 guests were pres
The drawlntr-room and halls were
lighted with electric lights, shaded with
glowing Stanford red. and there was a
general atmosphere of college good-fel
lowship and fun. Among the Stanford
graduates and students present were Miss
Sears, Miss Sobey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
B. Riley, Mr. Hugh J. Boyd. Mr. Ralph
S. Fisher, Mr. Louis Gerllnger, Jr., Mr.
Chester T. Murphy. Paul Rockey, '04, and
Harry Lltt, 05, who are home for the
holidays, were also present. The guests
of honor were: Cleye Baker, leader of
the Glee Club: L. C. Hawley, B. C.
Nou'rse. G. H. Dearlng, A. Perrln, B. C.
Cor, Harry Scoville, H. Atkinson, Charles
L. Flrebaugh, G. Watkins, W. P. Whit-
taker. H. E. Bush, R. N. Park, George
Van Orden, Arthur Hooper, Roy Keith,
leader of the Mandolin Club; H. L.
"Morrison, F. L. Thayer, George .Sco
ville, R. N. Collyer, Norman Dole, James
Knapp; Brooke "Sharpe, T- E. Palmer and
B. S. Byrne, monologuist-
East Fourteenth, between Ankeny and
Ash. Mr. Karker was formerly of Port
land. The bride and groom were assist
ed in the ceremony by L. E and Milne
De Forde. Mr. and Mrs. Karker will
depart soon for San Francisco and be at
home at -the International Hotel after
January L 1901, Rev. W. G. Fisher, pastor-
of the First Church of- the United
Brethren In Christ, officiated.
Mr. Frank Hayek and Miss Josephine
Gannon were married on Christmas night
at the home cf the bride's parents, 240
Third street. The house was decorated
very prettily, and a wedding supper was
served. The bride, a very pretty and
charming girl, was becomingly gowned In
a traveling gown of dark blue- The cere
mony was performed by Rev. Father
Casey. It will be Interesting to a great
performing-the ceremony. Mr1., , and Mrs., New York, yesterday" for Liverpool on
King will make their jaome In -Koruano- iae steamer iitruria, ot' the- Cuaard line.
jjt. xuuaa win spena some time in Vienna.
ana Benin.
A simple but very pretty home wedding
was the marriage ,dn Christmas day of
Mr. Wllllani T. Reed aria Miss Nettie
Taylor, daughter of Mrs. Martha Taylor,
of Woodstock. The wedding ceremony
was witnessed only by the members of
the family. ,
' Scalesrel-uray.
Mrs. R. EL Weeks is snendlne the holi
days In San Franuclsco.
Albert Wells has returned from Cor-
vallls to spend the holidays.
Mr. Berry Strauhal left last riteht for a.l
snort trip to San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray will spend
W. S. Sehleeel. Jr.. and Miss Ida Ethel .the holidays In San Francisco,
Gray were married on Wednesday evening 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Mackay arrived
at the home of W. S. Schlegel, .168 west nome irom Europe last Sunday.
Park street. Dr. Alexander Blackburn
performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Struble ' announce
the engagement of ttielr daughter Minnie
Edna to Richard William Price:
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Levy, of Sacramento,
CaL, announce the engagement of their
daughter Naomi to Mr. Ben Wise, former
ly of Portland.
The engagement of Harrison P. Holmes
to Miss Esther F. Hageny is announced.
The wedding will take place at St Ste
phen's Church on January 6.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
A Christmas house party was given by
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodgers, at their resi
dence. 55 Thirty-ninth street, on the
evening of December 24. The cosy homo
was tastefully decorated with holly and
ivy. the festooning blending with the folds
of a beautiful American flag, which was
draped across the alcove between the din
ing and sitting-rooms;
Under an arch of small Indian baskets
stood a lighted tree loaded with sweets
and numerous useful and handsome gifts
for the Juvenile guests. The distribution
of these gifts, the most pleasant feature
of the evening, was followed by the game
of whist. The card score resulted in the
capture of the first prizes by Mr. R. F.
Straus and Mrs. M. E. Buckley, the con
solation prizes falling to Mrs. R. F. Straus
and Mr. Straua Sr. A delicious luncheon
was served. Music and games closed an
evening of pleasure. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Straus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Rodgers, Mr.-and Mrs. R. F. Straus, Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Straus. Mrs. E. B. Van
Black. Mrs. C. Glger, Mrs. M. E. Buckley,
Messrs. Harry Straus, Albert Glger, Rob
ert and Frank Rodgers, the Misses Bertha
Straus, Emily and May Rodgers, Bessie
Jones,' Helen Straus and Master Lionel
One of the most delightful dinner par
ties of the eeason was that given by Mr,
and Mrs. George Steel, at their charming
suburban residence. "Glen Echo on
Christmas day.
The home-like appearance of the rooms
was rendered doubly attractive by the dec
orations of holly and Oregpn grape. An
.enjoyable feature of the dinner was the
cuttinr of a Christmas cake, made in Llv-
eroool. after the famous English recipe.
and brought over by Mrs. Harper, a niece
of Mr. and Mrs. Steel, on her recent return
from England. The following were pres
ent: Mr. and Mrs. George Steel, Mrs.
Minna S. Harper. Misses Lillian bteei.
Carrie De Arcy. Susie Fanning, Etta
Chamberlain and Viola Howensteln, of
Portland; MiS3 Verona Price, of San Fran
cisco; Misses Eva Meldrum and Louise
Huntly, of Oregon City.
sons- Hall. The holiday decorations were
much In evidence In the ballroom and In
the dining-room, where late In the even
ing a dainty supper was served.
F. Rothchlld. Mrs. U. -Hilton ana .airs.
B. Neustadter were the patronesses.
Miss Farrell and Miss Jessie Farreii
entertained the members of Y. W. F. M.
S., of Taylor-Street Church, yesteraay
afternoon at their home, on West Park
street. An interesting programme was
given, and dainty refreshments were
Mrs. J. Burnham. of the Couch bchooi.
gave her, class (Fifth A grade) a Christmas
present by taking them, Saturday, Decem
ber 20, to the matinee at uaKcrs.
A verv charming wedding was solemn
ized Christmas nlcht at the home or jure.
.Tnspnhlno Gannon, the daughter, btelia
M and Mr. Frank Hiyck, ol beattic.
Wash., being the contracting parties. At
8:30 the wedding party entered the par
lors tn Mendelssohn's Wedding March.
Durinff the ceremony, at which Rev.
Father Casey officiated, soft music was
rendered, making the ceremony very lm
presslve. The bride was attired in a blue
crepe de chine over silk ana carnea
pink chrysanthemums. Miss Josephine
Gannon, sister of the bnae, actea as
bridesmaid and wore a suit of brown
nonlin and carried yellow chrysanthe
mums. Little" Mario Hartmm, niece of
the bride, was ring-bearer and was
dressed in Dink silk. The best man was
Dr. G. M. Osterberg. of Seattle. Mr.
G. M. Hartman gave the bride away.
The parlors were artistically decorated
with Oregon grape and holly. Dancing
was enjoyed by tho young people. At a
late hour supper was served. The happy
couple were the recipients of many beau
tiful gifts. For the present Mr. and
Mrs. Hayek 'will reside In Eastern Oregon.
Clarlt-Evans; -v ,
J. ne , marriage oi jbiiuib . x.yuns Qi,n, nnv nrlnp.lnal of the Hirh
to William C. Clark was solemnized ; .,,,, A Tm,iMi 7
Tuesday evening, December 23, by Rev.
Dalton at the residence of Miss M. Cava-
llne, 141 West Park. The parlors were
exquisitely embellished with ferns, Ore
gon grape and Ivy. The bride was at
tired in a gown of white etamlne, trimmed
with applique, and carried a bouquet of
white carnations. Miss Lena Ammers, as
Driaesmaia, wore a gown ui wium -inum
lawn, trimmed with applique, and carried
a bouquet of white carnations. Mr.
Charles Myers was best man. Miss Rich-
and MrH. Ben M. Lltt.
A cablegram waa received from Ma
nila on Friday by Sir. H. B. Lltt, an
nouncing the marriage on Christmas
day of his son, Ben M. Lltt. to Miss
Laura Splegl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis' M. Splesi, of this city. Miss
Splegl xvas accompanied on the voyage
to Manila by Mr. Lltt's mother, who
will remain 'in tho Islands until Spring.
Both the young people are well known
In Portland, and have a great many
friends here.
many Portland young people to learn that
Mr. Hayek, a graduate of the Portland
Mrs. N. J. Levlnson has returned from
a visit of several months In the East.
Mrs. L. J. Hicks and daughter Luclle are
visiting Mrs. R. F. Williams In Seattle.
Mrs. Fred Phllllppl Is visiting "Mr. and
Mrs. Alexander Elchnorn at Baker City,.
.Mrs. J. S. Klmr returned from California
last week after a three months' absence.
Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Baker, of Vancouver,
visited Portland relatives during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chase have gone to
Pacific Grove, Cal., to spend the remain
der of the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch A. Wood, of Ta-
coma, are spending the holidays with Mr.
and Mrs. David B. Ogden.
Mrs. Edyth Tozler Weatherrcd has re-
Misa Gladys Fern SIbray to Charles An- turned from a visit with relatives in Spo-
derson Small,- In San Francisco, January l kane and other Washington towns
, Mrs. Fred Leinenweber, of this city, is
spending the holidays with her sister In Se
attle, accompanied by her brother, Hiianu
Jtuiettner, or Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill, of Chicago, ar
rived on Wednesday from San Francisco
and will spend the holidays, with their son,
Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D.
Mrs. Blair T. Scott and little daughter
returned last Saturday after an extended
tour of the Eastern cities. Mrs. Scott will
reside at .the Hotel Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Rand sailed, for
Europe December 27 on the American
liner Kroonland, direct to Antwerp.. Dr.
Rand will study In Vienna and Berlin.
Dr. and Mrs. John Albln Hamilton, of
Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs, S. C. Woodruff, of
Seattle, and Miss Bessie Burntrager, of
Olympta, "are-guests during the holiday's
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Burntrager,. 29 Kelly street.
Mr. Edward Maslln Hulme has returned
to Portland for a visit, after an extended
tour of Europe, during which he made a
sneclal study of ancient history. He is
now a member of the faculty of the Uni
versity of Idaho, at Moscow.
Rossltcr Family Reunion.
At University Park, on Christmas day,
a reunion or tno Jttossuer iamny wa.
held In the Artisans' Hall, Portsmouth.
After partaking of a sumptuous feast at
noon, all repaired to tho hall, where the
afternoon was spent lit reminiscences.
Interspersed with music, vocal and in
strumental: duets, quartets and solos by
the Rosslter and McMonles brothers, and
games and plays by the little ones, Joined
in at times by older members of the
family, until night had fallen, when all
wre ncraln summoned to lunch In the
banauetlnc hall. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert itossiter. Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rosslter, Day
ton; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rosslter, Port
land: Mrs. W. S. Rosslter. .sublimity;
Mr. and Mrs. John McMonles, Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Downing, Salem; Mr.
and"Mrs. R.- H. Rosslter, jr., ana cnii-
dren; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rosslter and
son. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rosslter and
dauehter. A. E. Rosslter, L. J- Rosslter,
Leo H. Rosslter. Emest XH." Rosslter,
Portland; George H. RosBlter, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. McMonles and son, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. McMonles and children. Mr.
and Mrsi C. F. McMonles and chllaren,
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MCAlonies, Air. ana
Mrs. J. R. McMonie3, Jr., and son. Sub
limity: Mrs. Ida Raymond and sons, tras-
ton: Mrs. C. W. Evans ana cniiaren.
George W. Hunt, Walter Downing, Salem.
Golden "Weddlnar.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Currie, of 1044 Front
street, celebrated their golden wedding
Tuesday evening at the homo of their son,
tv A. Currife. Portland . weignts. xne
School at Klondike, Or. Immediately aft
er the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hayek left
for Klondike.
At the home of Mrs. Johanna Pollard,
at Tigardsvllle.'Or., a very pretty wed
ding was solemnized on Christmas . eve,
when Mrs. Pollard's daughter, Nellie, was
united in marriage to Mr! Edward D.
Godwin. The bride was handsomely at
tlrpd in white ortrandle and carried a
14. Miss STbrty and mother will' leave
Portland January 10..
The engagement of Miss Sara Kohn. of' lato gerjoys illness of Mrs. Currie. pre
this city, to Mr. J. H. Weln; of. 'Butte, ventea any elaborate 'celebration of the
Mont, Is announced. At home Sunday,
December 29, and Tuesday, December 31
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dygert announce the
engagement of their daughter, Lorraine,
to Mr. Angus I. Sutherland, of Tacoma
The wedding will take place In January.
ardson played MeridelssoHn's Wedding bouquet of bride roses. The brldesmaia
Tvfor TOb!i t,n hHdni nnrtv ntirrt thn I Miss Lydla Brandt, wore pink organdie
Ttfr. and Mrs. F. I. Fuller entertained
Tuesday evening at their home on Port
land Heights. The principal amusemeni
nf thp. evenintr was the game of hearts,
Mrs. Hanna, of Leeds, Mont, who is
here visiting Mrs. Mason, was present and
nlsted tho hostess In entertaining Dy
ninvlnc a -number of delightful selec
tions upon the piano.
The Christmas decorations of Oregon
fivenrreen and English holly were ex
tremely pretty. Favors for the guests In
the shape of small and gaily colored
dtocklngs filled- with candy were hung
frnm the mantel.
The' guests were: Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Beach, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dunlap,
Hr. and Mrs. A. B. Mason, Mr. and Mrs.
nAnrre C. Flanders, Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fear, Judge
and Mrs. jeis;er, jars, jaau aau jit,
The Shun Hi Club gave its thfrd party of
-the season last Monday evening In. the
... Woodmen Hall, on the East Side. The
rfororations of the programme were, of
usual Oriental character, with minia
ture Chinese lanterns suspended there
from. Everest's orchestra rendered 14 de-
n-vitful selections, Including the German.
The patronesses were Mrs. A. M. Shan
non Mrs. -r -U. iiiuniB jju .airs, vreorge
tvia tk embers of Rembrandt Studio at
tended Christmas dinner at the Hotel
Portland, where an enjoyable evening
aed. Guests were as follows: Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Tollman, Misses Elizabeth
vintnr Ida Endlcott, Lillian Johnston,
irKrs W. G. Cutblrth, J. W. Baker, J.
Jt u"
Smith. , ,
jjg cavaliers gave the second of a se-
Sv eveali. December 28. A merry crowd
aay even or,naA ni io i v.
room, where in the presence of relatives
and a few intimate friends they were
united in marriage. After the ceremony.
congratulations were received and a
luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Clark
will be at home at 331 Market street
after January 1.
A very pretty home wedding took
place Christmas night at the home of
Mrs. Cora. Blake, East Sixth and Bel
mont streets. Dr. N. F. Melecn and
Miss Iva Stranahan were united In mar
riage, Rev. G. A. Taggart officiating.
The parlors had been beautifully decor
ated with holly and carnations. At 8
o'clock the bride and groom, attended by 1
Mr. and Mrs. Foulk, entered the parlors.
The bride wore a pale green silk gown
trimmed with white applique and carried
shower bouquet of white carnations.
Many beautiful presents testified to the
esteem In which the couple were held, by
friends. A delightful luncheon was served
by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Meleen
will reside in Portland.
At the home of Rev. G. W. Plumer, tho
officiating clergyman, 326 East ' Sixth
street, Friday evening, December 26,
occurred the wedding of Mr. Henry Srock-
ey and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Wise, both
of Milwaukle, Ore. The marriage was
witnessed by only a few of their near
Karlcer-Ha .
Sylvandcr J. Karker, of San Francis
co, and aaran t. aau, or Portland,
were united In marriage at 1:30, Decem
ber 15, at the home of L. H. De Forde,
and carried pink carnations. The groom
was attended by Mr. Shell P. Ingles, or
Portland. The house was decorated with
holly, mistletoe and Oregon grape. After
iV dainty luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Godwin
left umid showers of rice and old shoc3
for Portland for a short honeymoon, after
which they will reside at Chemawa, Or.,
where Mr. Godwin is Civil Service
Mr. Frank Bennett and Miss Cella
Hlnes were united in marriage Wednes
day evening. at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. A. J. Basey, 95 Grover
street. A beautiful floral arch was ar
ranged, under which the ceremony was
performed by the Rev. J. H. Ghormley,
of the First Christian Church. After
congratulations, light refreshments were
served. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will bo at
home at 95 Grover street after January 1.
At the residence of the bride's parents,
in SUverton, at noon Sunday, December
21, Miss Estellc Welch and Mr. Thomas
Kennedy, of Woodburn, were married,
Rev. Father Levesque officiating. Tho
bride was tastefully gowned In pale blue
crepe de chine and carried a bouquet
of violets. Mrs. Kennedy Is the only
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Welch.
Mr. Kennedy Is a prominent citizen of
King-Le Sleur.
On Sunday-, December 21, Lazarus V.
King and Ella V. La Sleur were mar
ried at the home of the bride's parents,
on Holladay avenue, Rev. T. M. Ramsdell
A New Tear's ball Is to be given by the
Concordia Club, at the clubrooms.
The Came Dienv's second party for this
season, will be given tomorrow evening
in the new Woodmen hall.
The Central W. C. T. U. will hold Its
anniversary crusade meeting' Wednesday
at 2:30 P. M. at the Y. M. C. A. Audi
Invitations are out for a dance to be
given by the Carnation Club, a new or
ganization. Wednesday night, at Burk-
hardt Hall.
event, but the children or tne nappy
couple and a few friends met to congrat
ulate them, and wish them many happy
returns of the day.
David Chalmers Currie and Margaret
Walker Rnbb were married December 23,
1852. at Albea. Ia. They crossed the plains
by mule wagon in 1S66, being six montns
nn the -wav. and burying a, cnua ai .uu
firande. Their company came near being
exterminated by hostile Indians, but at
an Indian council It was finally agreeu to
save them alive. They arrived at AlDany
in September, 1866, where they lived until
1SS8, when they came to fortiana, wneru
thov have since that time resiaeu. an.
find Mrs. Currie visited their old home In
inwn and other parts of the Bast a rew
Ten children have been born
to them, seven boys ana tnree giru, ul
whom one daughter and three sons are
till Hvlncr. They were all present to
help their parents celebrate the 50th an
niversary of their marriage.
Announcements will be out early In the
week for the next party of the Monday
Night Assembly to be given at the new
Woodmen Hall, on Monday evening, Jan
uary 5.
Tho Tres Joll Dancing Clubwlll give
Its third hop on Monday evening, Decem
ber 30, In the hall of tho Western Acad
emy of Music. The patronesses are Mrs.
T. Colllnson, Mrs. J. A. Effing, Mrs. J. P,
O'Brien and Mrs. F. S. Stanley.
The Bible class of the Council
Jewish Women, under the direction of
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, will meet Wednes.
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock In the Sell
ing-Hirsch building. The subject for
Wednesday is "Esther. ' All persons In
terested will be cordially welcomed,
Mrs. Lu Allen is visiting Mrs. Cole at
Miss Pearl home from Eu
gene for the holidays.
Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Rand sailed from
173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street
Do You Feel Like
Taking a Rest?
Wouldn't a good comfortable bed be a relief for that
after-Christmas tired feeling? Just drop in at our
home-furnishing store, and; let us show you what we
can do in that line, and how. little it will cost you.
We start as
low as . .
For a full-sized or three-quarter-size
bed In all iron posts -inch, height,
4 feet 2 inches.
Our No. 518
for ... .
Regular price, $16 CO, and worth fully
517 50, as beds sell elsewhere. Beauti
ful deaign in Bcroll work, with brass
top rails, scroll and rosettes. Adds
wonderfully to the cosiness of the
bedroom. We have this number In
black and gold, green and gold and
white and gold.
Our No. 930
Regular price, $9 50, and worth every
cent of It. A neat pattern. Bras3
vaseo and top rail. Head filling low
enough to hold the pillows in. Sub
stantial and a very satisfactory num
jer. Posts 11-16 inch, height, 5 feet.
Our No. 940
Regular price, $23, and as values are
now, worth at least $25. This bed has
continuous pillars and the filling in
both foot and head are In brass and
gilt. It stands 5 feet high and Is a
You can see all these beds in our windows, priced as above.
We make them as we do all our goods "EASY TO BUY,"
by selling on weekly or monthly payments. Springs, mattresses,
pillows, etc., we carry in all grades. They are yours if you say so.
... - 283285
Portland, Or.
At the Women's Union.
Miss Annie Aden left on Friday for
Miss Vlrtle Cralle is making a short
stay at the union.
Miss E. RIddens Is on a visit to her
home near Albany.
Miss Mary 1. Hench left on Friday
morning for Scappoose.
Miss Ollle Auer has returned from -her
Christmas trip to her home at La Center,
f.Tiacj V! fnrothprs left on Mondav for
, Seattle, for a two weeks' visit with rela
Miss J. Thompson spent Christmas In
the home of her sister, Mrs. Bowles, at
..Miss C. F. Burch left. Wednesday morn
ing for her home at Rlckreall, to spend
Miss Li. Wynans left Friday morning
for Hood River, on a visit of a week to
her parents.
Mrs. C. F. G. Pattullo, of Walla Walla,
has been the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Eckler, this week.
nvha. xflnootj Tlnnhnn and "Winifred H11W
Helgnts. xne pnncxpai amusLmcui ... - t returned Friday from Beaverton, where
. ovoritic wBn the came of hearts. I 1 . I .. . . nu.t y. vira
WlCy HH.U optillt VUlliluucu mm uuiui.
Great Annual
Clearance Sale
The Yearly Bargain Festival
Starts Tomorrow, Monday,
December 29
Every garment in our large and magnificent
stock of Fur Jackets, Capes, Collarettes,
Boas, Muffs and Rugs, Tailor-Made Suits,
Skirts, Costumes, Silk and Flannel Waists,
Silk, Mercerized and Moreen Petticoats,
Feather Boas and Cloth and Silk Jackets,
Radically Reduced
Afso reduction on the Repairing
and Remodeling of Fur Garments.
Send for Raw Fur Price List . . .
Second Ave.
Seattle, Wash.
n. b. Litt.
This is my 23d year in business. Each
January I have a reduction sale, whicn
continues up to March 1. My garments
are conceded to be superior to those
shown on the Pacific Coast, and marked
at closer profit than any similar house in
New York City.
99999999999999 0999999990099 99999999999990990999999999
Sale on Children' Coats.
$2 CO ?3 00 ?3 50 X 00 $4 50 $5 00 J6 00
at at at at at at at
U 67 $1 98 12 33 $2 67 )2 98 $3 35 $3 98
Real bargains on these garments, at
Beck's, 272 Washington street.
Snap in Shirtwaists.
150 52 00 $2 50 13 00 $3 50 $400 $500
at at at at at at at
$0 98 51 33 51 67 $1 98 $2 33 $2 98 $3 25
This season's styles, good values, at
Beck's Sale Begins January 2.
Bargains in all lines.
H. B. iati,
For the bettor grade of
misses' garments.
women's and
"The Newcastle," Third and' Harrison.
Unfurnished rooms now ready.
Danee Family Reunion.
A family reunion was held December 20
at the home of Mr.-and Mrs. Clark Bar-
zee, at Turner, Or., at which the parents
and 11 children, one having died In In
fancy, were present.. The occasion was
126 Second St., near Washington
"We are showing new effects In fur stoles
and muffr. Some of. the most up to date
are seen In Siberian grey squirrel, mink,
sable and reaver.
Our Fur Coats consist, of Alaska seal
skin, broadtail Persian lamb, otter, beaver,
astrachan ana nearseah
Choice selection of Collarettes in black
marten, fitch, otter and beaver.
Misses' Furs In animal headscarfs. In
Alaska white fox, red, blue and cross fox;
muffs to match.
Furs for the little folks are prettier thl3
season than ever before. A few of the
many styles are white thibet boas, opos
sum, krimmer and beaver collars, ermine
and chinchilla tlbets.
(Concluded on Page 22.)