THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, POBT&AiD, DECEMBER, 7, 1902. CAVE BOOKS AWAY e o 9 e 99999999999999699999999999 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 999 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 99 9 9 999 99 9 9 ! Practical Clever Faker Works . Smooth Trickt I Presents PROMINENT CITIZENS VICTIMS 24 Holiday Sixty-five Volumes 'the Gift of Gen eroas Publishers "Oh, Taut They Are Unbound,". Be Said, "Thir , ty-uine Dollars, Please." He was a smooth article, so slick that a fly couldnft alight on him without slipping up and breaking Its neck. For a faker he was ,a "warm number," Indeai. Did the people bite? "Why. of course, for he gave them something for nothing. He was a book agent, name unknown, but he was a bird. This introduction does not promise much for a lambent career, cut the gentleman did shine with a bright light while he sojourned here. Now he Ibas pvayed off to other, orbits, leaving .a horde of people who lament both his com ing and his passing. Mr. Smooth took In lots of people. When he got them he didn't do a thing to them. 33e sold them history, romance, science, fiction. Along with the purchases went a Eittle wisdom, but It wasn't printed in the books. He gave the books away. His victims paid only for the binding. And such a binding as they did get! It was "a. fright." And the poor people who grew wiser thereby paid C5 cents a volume as a token of appreciation of the gift. Who were they? That's a deep, dark Secret In most cases, but the story goes !that Judge C. B. Bellinger. I. N. Flelsch ner. Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie, and T. D. Honeyman are a few of the gentlemen Jwho have grown wiser. Mr. Smooth was dark-complexioned. AH (Villains are. He was as unctious a gen Jtleman -as you would meet Jn many a fine flay. His polish was so resplendent that Siis victims couldn't find a shady spot on lit. He didn't deal with the common run of men, not lie. The elite were none too good for his profession. "I have here a sample copy of a very famous work," 6ald he, butting Into the office of a physician who has concealed his identity. "I have come to present the series to you. No, no; it won't cost you a cent, not a cent. I wouldn't sell Jt to you for $100." 'Well, but" "Pardon me, sir; you do not accept the gift fro.m me, but from the great publish ing house. The Give 'em and Take 'em Company. I am merely the agent." "My dear, sir, I couldn't" "Doctor, you are one of 10 In Portland to whom we are presenting a series of our works. These 10 are among the most prominent citizens of Portland. See here." And Mr. Smooth exhibited a list of 10 lead ing citizens.- The doctor was at the head. He" smiled. Then he nibbled. "Eut really, I don't see how" "Just as simple as A, B, C. "We do this to introduce our books. Your name Is worth $250 to us." " Mr. Smooth's bait was so tempting that It concealed the hook. He -was not a very large man, Mr. Smooth wasn't, but he was all right. Neither was he prepos sessing until his flattery of the doctor "began to make him look like a dream. His head might be shaped like a' bullet, his eyes might stick Out like a toad's, his'tace might be shaved so close that the blue skin showed, he might speak with a nasal twang, but for. all this he was all right. Dear, dear, but he was a fine gentleman as fine as they mnke.'em. Tes, .the doctor would accept the gift. Thanks for it. "Would Mr. Smooth call again? Tes",. indeed. Mr. Smooth would, and he would be delighted. "When would the doctor like to have the 'books de livered? "Would tomorrow be satisfac tory? Certainly, and tomorrow the doctor would have the books. Mr. Smooth was just backing out of the door when a happy thought struck him. Evidently he had forgotten something. Then he said, regretfully: "The books we give away are not bound, doctor. Pardon me for not mentioning It before. Shall I bring them to you in that condition?" The doctor wondered how a book could te a book without a binding. (Mr. Smooth .Sresumed: "I have obtained offers from all the "hinders in town. Their bids range from $L to $1 25 per volume." Sure enough they did, for Mr. Smooth (Exhibited a dozen or more offers, all writ ten and signed. Then he went on: "These fellows in Portland are holding le up. I can get the same work done ack East for G5 cents a' volume just half the Portland price. Of course, I can have ;the binders here do it for you." No, tho doctor preferred to save money, "Sixty-five cents Is the bare cost of Poinding," essayed Mr. Smooth again. "I ;!make nothing out of It" "How many volumes are there?" "Sixty." "SIxty-flvo cents each. That makes $39. iDo I pay now?" and the doctor grew sus picious. "Oh, no; not until delivery." This was satisfactory enough, and both .gentlemen felt so well satisfied .that they shook hands Next day Mr. Smooth delivered the &ooks. "I had these copies with me," he ex plained. "They are just as you wanted xhem, and I thought I would save you l Smoking Jackets i House Coats i Lounging Robes Bath Robes : Neckwear e 9 Of every beautiful shape ? e e e and shade Full Dress Mufflers Reefers Handkerchiefs Silk and linen Half Hose .Shown In special designs In silk lisle and cashmere 9 9 9 9 O 9 Suspenders The newest designs Night Robes and Pajamas Silk and other soft and comfortable weaves Gloves The leading makes Hats The latest styles Canes and Umbrellas Suit Cases and Traveling Bags With or without tol et, articles Toilet Cases LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO MAKE THEIR SELECTIONS AV: SICHEL ' s Men's Furnisher and Matter 288 Washington St. Sole Agent for the Jamison Hat 0 9 9 9 9 A 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 99999999999990999999999999 1884 1902 2 Contrast the contented aspept of the man who wears our perfect-fitting glasses, at a fair price, with the dazed, unhappy look of the man who buys dear-at-any-price misfits elsewhere. Then choose for yourself. WALTER REED 1 The I .133 Sixth St. Optician J Oregonian BIdg. time by bringing them around. Thirty nine dollars, please." The doctor paid, but now he wishes he had telephoned for the police Instead. But wisdom, like everything- else on earth, doesn't come unless It's paid for. Football Teams at Dinner. After having met three times during the year In fierce contest on the gridiron the members of the Hill -Military and Portland Academy football teams met Friday night at a social dinner given by Dr. J. W. Hill for the purpose of bringing the two teams : . : : 9 e Our Iteation, low tax rate and immense purchasing power enable 'us to undersell all competitors. Beautiful new Vernis-Martin dead-gold finish Iron Beds, su perior to brass because it does not tarnish : castings and chills finished and C7Q f( polished , JLJ.VXJ We show, the fin . est selection of Ladies' Dressing Tables ' t in the city. Imitation mahogany like picture, French -mirror, very. . TQ CIA neat pattern...'". .;$JJu Solid mahogany Loiiis XVI style, P X Bissell's Carpet other Sweepers THE PERFECT, a very good cheap Carpet Sweeper, J "J JjJ Bissell's best Cycle, nickel trimmed (TO CJij sweepers JU Special offerings in Lamps, Silverware, Glassware and American China. LEMONADE SETS, fancy shapes blue, green or CI 7C 1 id ruby glass p i j vij fLtLj stide The Com in a Christma We're excellently equipped for it, and, as always, our establishment is headquarters for holiday purchasers. Useful gifts are the order of the day, and the permanent pleasure derived from a fine piece of furniture is universally recognized. With your tastes for dain tiness and durability in view, we have secured for this special selling exquisite novelties in Vernis-Martin Beds, Mahogany Cabinets, Tables, Desks, Indian Stools, Parlor Pieces of every sort. There are pretty Work Tables a,nd Music Cabinets in mahogany, and the choicest bedroom requisites in appropriate woods. For den, hall, library and dining-room richness galore ! The prices tell the story of our incomparable values. 9 O lLBZj fy l & e arc Jardiniere Stands, golden, Flemish or white maple, fancy shapes, highly . finished. Couches, Cozy Corners and Draperies made to order. De signs and estimates furnished. We can make up a Couch style .as above, as cheap $12 50 Footstools and Hassocks in styles too numer ous to mention. Carpet Hassocks from Reed Foot . . Stools Floor Cushions and Sofa Cush ions at prices to suit every purse. .$1.00 .52.25 Umbrella Stands, solid oak, very desirable. . . $1.75 STEEL RANGES The Leader, many different sizes and prices. Four-hole CO 7 CA range., , . I J v Twenty patterns golden or mahog any Rockers, spring upholstered seats, velour or silk tapestry coverings. Without arms With' large arms. $5.00 6.75 Roman Chair, polished seat, oak or mahog any, l:ke picture . . Heavy Roman Chair, back and arms, leather seats, Antwerp or . Flemish C10 A A finish , 30x60 Smyrna Rug: 30x60 Axminster Rug 36x72 Axminster Rug., 9x12 Axminster ' Rug A Rug makes a very' pretty present. Prices are most reasonable $1.59 .$3.80 $4.25 $25.00 Silver Cake Basket, quadruple- plated, most exquisite CJ AH patterns. STEEL RANGES The -great monarch Kange, malleable iron and steel: finest range CE AA that can be made. Verv complete" selection of' .Clocks' at prices below any other store. Brass frame clock like cut,fancy dial, value $2.50,51 CA price v" Eight-Day Clocks, Alarm Clocks, Grandfather's Clocks, . CE at prices from 90c to. 4tJ MORRIS CHAIR" We can give you more in the way of selection than . any other store. We make the cushions in our. own shop. HF5 Can furnish p'ain ribbed velour, red, green or brown mercerized or silk tapestries, heavy em bossed imported velvets, and we fill them with hair, floss, wool or anything you want. Plain. Morris Chair with C7 KA l.JV rod Our better Chairs with woven wire spring seats, spiral spring supports, hnest quartered oak... $12.50 DINNER SETS-Beautiful new stock patterns, sold separately or in sets, f 7 AA pt oVV 50 pieces. Blue Dinner Sets, 100 pieces $20.00 No. 300 Iron Bed, white, cream or old rose enamel, height 5 ft. . 4 in., double or 3-4 CO AA size. Great value at..D',uu. INDIAN STOOLS Five differ ent styles and patterns to select from. ' Style here shown, oak, mahogany or Flemish, CT each Pl.fcJ Desks like above cut. Big Easy Rock er, Antwerp, finish, loose leather cush ions, leather back, very heavy C ft , and fine Here also you can find the largest number and the latest patterns of ladies' desks, oak, weathered, golden,Antw6rp, also mahogany and beautiful birdseye. Solid mahogany desks up to TO I LETu SETS Newest and most up-to-date ex- C7 A elusive designs, each g - - 185 FIRS 191 e e o 9 9 O 9escceteeeteeiestooo9eoe9eeioeie8eeeteta9oeetoeeoee9osooeoetoeeo3ceoesesoo9e9eteeee9e49toateet(t YOU CAN BUY GOODS ON TIME HERE. FOR A SMALL DEPOSiT WE W3LL HOLD GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY. Into closer relations. After enjoying a well-prepared spread, the' evening was spent In addresses, by Dr. S. R. Johnson, of the Portland Academy; Dr. J. It. "Wil son, of the Portland Academy: Dr. E. P. Hill, of the First Presbyterian Church, and Dr. J. W. Hill, of the Hill Academy. It tvas the opinion of the speakers that there Is no reason why the academies of the city fihould not work In harmony, and It was also an opinion that was expressed that football Is a good means of bringing about this desired end. After the dinner party had adjourned a social dance was enjoyed. "The girls from St Helen's Hall made up a large percentage of the guests. The guests at Dr. Hill's table were: Dr. S. R. Johnson and wife, Dr. J. R. Wil son, Dr. E. P. Hill and wife and Mrs. F. E. MacEwan. Britain's Bnlnnce of Trade. LONDON, Dec. 6. The November state ment of the Board of Trade shows a de crease of $8,146,500 in Imports, and an In crease of $9,074,0CO In exports. ArKoinj? Patrick's Appeal. NEW YORK. Dec. 6. Argument on the motion for a new trial for Albert T. Pat rick, convicted of the murder of William H. Rice, was continued today before Re corder Goff. It was agreed by both slde3 to present all their evidence In the form of affidavits, to be ready next month. An exception was taken as to Frederick- T. House, Patrick's former counsel, and Aurlch and Payne, morgue attend ants, whose evidence was ruled out at the last trial, counsel of the prosecution wishing to examine them. Nelll and Rellly Matched. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 6. Tho Hayes Valley Athletic Club, has matched Al Nelll, of this city, and Tommy Rcilly. of Seattle, to meet In a 20-round bout at 154 pounds, on the night cf December 10 or thereabouts. Portland Safe & Lock Co. GENERAL AGENTS Barnes' Patent Fire and Burglar-Proof Safes We have three fine Second-Hand Safes. 205 Second Street, Near Taylor., We Will Reserve Your Selections To be delivered to you at any future time. ' v BEST T m TO BUY YOUR HOLIDAY PRESENTS IS NOW ' SEE OUR FINE HOLIDAY STOCK. A GLITTERING PROFUSION OF Gems, Diamonds, Jewelry Watches, Silverware Cut Glass, Ebony We want you to see this display be fore the rush begins. It will be profit able to you. Our salesmen are ever ready to show you, and courteous treatment will be accorded. Choice Umbrellas Canes, Opera Glasses Toilet Ware, China 0Tk WORD ABOUT OUR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT: Special orders for odd ring emblems, monograms for fobs, etc., etc., the creations of skillful workmen, we do right here on the premises,- under the direction of Mr. Heitkemper. You need not fear that your work will be "hawked" around to see which "trade shop" will do it the cheapest. We have the best workmen and as we actually-do the work, we do it better and give you better value. Our long experience insures, you that. Do not allow yourself to drift along until the week before Christmas and then rush into a crowded store and make a hasty selection that does not please. COME NOW I , H H . H Hi Q. HEITKEMPER G 286 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth STORE OPEN EVENINGS To Our Out-of-Town Friends : Write us for anything you wiyh in our line. We are prompt to respond. Jewelers and Silversmiths Importers of Diamonds f