1& ee ee ee ee mm m m mm mm Fifth and Washington Streets Olds, Wort man & King Olds Wcbtman & Kin, mm mm THE SUISEDAY OBEGONIAN, ' . PORTLAND, DECEMBER 7, 1902. mm mm mm c e e e mm 9 ee mm mm ee ee mm mm m m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm e ee o ee ee 09 ee e ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee m m o ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee c ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee efr ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee :i mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee e e e e ee ee ee ee 0 9 ee e e e e e ee ce ee e e ee e ee ee ee ee ce ee ee ee ee to e e ee e e ee ee . ee ee mp e e e ee ee e e ee ee ee ee THE atmosphere in pur entire store, is fairly full .of Christmas suggestion. There is a Santa Claus jingle everywhere Each department suggests some fitting tokens, of the season's good will. The vToy Bazaar on he fourth floor is a genuine Santa Claus Won derland where children revel in Christmas anticipations. On the second floor, the dolls monopolize the attention of everybody, and the unanimous verdict is, Our showing eclipses anything ever before seen in Portland. "We can assure you we "have taken every pains to make it, and also to secure prices on them which will satisfy youi Our doll hospital is now open, and disabled dollies may come here and be entirely restored to their former freshness and beauty. We are making -bur most telling showing of Christmas goods right now, so that you need not delay your buying until late, when you will be compelled toiake your selec tions hurriedly. We are also prepared to take care, of any thing purchased and left with us for later delivery. s Here are -many items that will Bring genuine and lastin'g pleasure to the recipient. They are the very best made and finest goods. Sterling Silver Toilet Articles Toilet Sets, Hair Brushes,Clothes Brushes, Hat Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Combs and Mirrors. Real Ebony Toilet Articles. Moented in Sterling Silver Letter Seals, Paper Knives, Nail Files, Hat Brushes, Hair Brushes, Military Hair Brushes and Clothes Brushes. Btf rnt Wood Novelties The largest line ever shown in Portland, in Nut Bowls, Trays, Placques, Book Racks, -Match Holders, Photograph Frames, Shaving Pads, Jewel 3oxes,; Hand Glasses, etc CelIcloi8 Goods Collar and Cuff Cases, Shaving and Toilet Cases, Handkerchief, Jewel and Work Boxes. Opera Glasses From all the leading French makers, in Oriental Pearl, Horned Pearl and Leather Bar rels. Prices $3.00 to $2J.0O. Leather Goods Ladies' Pocketbcoks, Card Cases, Music Rolls; Men's "Wallets, Purses, Bill Books; also Card Cases in assorted leather, plain or mounted. Kurd's Fine Stationery A large assortment of Fine, . Fancy Boxes in assorted shapes and colorings t J3GOJKS Do not forget our Book Department. You will not after you have once visited it. It is a complete library of the test authors. Covers and bindings are attractive and substantial, reading the very best, and prices considerably lower than you would think they pos sibly could be. There are the works of Dickens, Bul-wer-Lytton, Scott, W. M. Thackeray, Georee Eliot, .Charlotte Bronte, Mrs. Browning, Robert Browning, Bryant, Burns, Alice and Phoebe Carey, Dante, Emerson, Holmes, Shakespeare, Tennyson, Whittier, Longfellow in fact, all known authors of note. Gift Books that are eagerly accepted are the works of Cap tain King, which are always charming and full of interest. These we have in very choice bindings at small cost. Among them are: Trumpeter Fred," "Found in the Philippines," "A "Wounded Name," "Fort Frayne," "An Army Wife," "A Garri son Tangle," "Warrior Gap" and "Noble Blood," all of which are charming and full of interest. Pocket Classics come in compact form, prettily bound, and comprise a large line of popular authors. Price only C Christmas Booklets, handsomely illustrated, containing ap propriate Christmas verses, and a suitable size for mail- AiX- ing, are here in great variety. Prices, 8c to srlJC Christmas Cards and Calendars Ybu can get your choice hers in kind and size, and also in price. Bibles Sunday school teachers' Bibles with divinity circuit binding, black seal grain leather covers, with references and teachers' infor mation. Type very clear and legible. Red under gold edge. ' We also have the same with complete index at a little higher cost. And for an additional sum the same Bible comes in extra fine Levant binding and full index. The New Testament, divinity circuit, also comes in an espe cially fine and durable leather binding. ' Dictionaries Webster's Twentieth Century, leather bound and indexed. Same in compact form, containing 6000 words arid definitions. Either one of these dictionaries will be found a very acceptable present to many. w t ; Big Specials in Dolls " THIS WEEK ONLY Here are Christmas opportunities you cannot afford to let slip by you. 'Remember, they are the nicest dollies for the price it is possible to secure. Prices : 9-in.' china head Dolls , 5c i f-in. kid body Dolls 0c 9 in. dressed Dolls ........... $0c . J4-in. French Jointed Doll....: iSz f 4Hn. kid body Doll ...T 20c $4-in. French Jointed Doll 25cr i 6-in. sewed jointed Doll 35c r J4-in. all-jointed Doll 35c 1 4-in. dressed Doll 25c . Remember also, we have a great variety of doll bon nets, hats, bootees, shoes, capes and stockings. Special Sale J Qyg Special Sale All this week we will offer the following wonderful bargains in lovely bright, new, desirable toys Ten Pins, made of papier mache, soldiers, sailors, elephants, rab bits, etc. Put up in nice, strong, reed baskets. $2.00 kind for 50 .1.35 kind for' di00 Grace Hoops, a very interesting game for two. Regular pi 23c value, special '. , .' .X...'. . . J C Counting Boards, $L25 kind for $.00, ' 30c kind for 3C Writing Desks, made of oak, with blackboard combined. These desks are very useful and something that will last; r $2.25 values $.00 Knitting Machines, for knitting worsted and cot- h fkf ton cord; $1.25 values for -$UU Menagerie Boxes, containing 12 indestructible animals $1.00 values for . 75c 1.35 values, larger size, for. ; 1.00 1.75 values, larger size, for ;-. . 1.35 Amazing Reductions Amazing Reductions This section, invariably representative of the best in style and values that ;the world's markets afford, makes a more than credit able bargain showing this week. Prices are down, down, but values and qualities are at our old high and well-known standard. Special Sale Flannelette Da?ess Suits $3Q.00yand $37.50 Val ues for $22.55 Very swell and dressy, with full length skirts. Colors black, navy, Oxford, gray, brown and castor. This SJ'O C" week only . . . ?03 . Evening Waists At Half Price You can provide' yourself now with a stylish street or evening waist of the best material much more cheaply than you can make one. Some of the most elegant waists we have ever shown are in this lot, which goes this week at half price. Warm, in pretty colors and tast ily made, $3.00 and $3.50 val ues, this week 47 Ladies' Batfi Robes $7.50 for $5.45 A very acceptable Christmas present. These robes are warm, they come in a full line of col ors and are attractively made. Price this week Watting Skirts $20.00 Valces for $t 2.85 All elegant qualities, handsomely finished and fashioned on the very latest models. Reduced this week to $ f O fi C only P 0O Men's Ftttnis&ings Christmas Specials No uncertainty about selecting these items for a Christmas present. Any man will be glad to receive these, and there is no danger of his trying to get rid of them. Men's Smoking Jackets In rich colors, , warm and com fortable, made in a great vari ety of nobby styles. Values $6.50, spe- tf o H Q cial pG tS Fancy ' Christmas Suspenders Excellent suspenders put up in fancy boxes. An exceptional value for 75c, special this week J C Men's Night Shirts In an extra quality of soft sateen, with military collar and trimmed with narrow edging. Reduced this week from 07 $J.25to OC Marked Redaction Royal Worcester Corsets One of the finest and most pop ular models of the best corset made, the "Royal Worcester Bon Ton," in straight front, bias cut, gored and hand fold ed. These corsets are adapted to a wide range of figures. Colors drab, black and white. Sizes J 8 to 30. Regular price $5.00, special this 69 SpeciaTSale Ladies' Black AlpacaSkirts Nicety shaped and smooth-fitting skirts with deep flounce and three rows ruffles. Regular r..$2:50:.spe: $1.87 . Dtess Goods At no time in the year do you want more pretty dresses than during the holidays when the many festivities require a variety of gowns and wraps. Our sac rifice sales in this department this week will place magnificent values within, your reach at small outlay. . JDtess Goods Sale Beautiful weaves in the snow flake effects, colors blue and white, blue and red, black and white, gray and white, blue and green, black and blue, black and green, reseda and white. All at very low prices. Fancy Silks All new this season, that make very swell evening gowns and fancy waists, $1.25 grade, special this week, per Black B?ess Goods Here is a chance to secure a handsome black dress pattern for , some one's Christmas present. Materials are the stylish plain and pebble cheviots 'and zibalines, 54 in. . wide, that sell regularly for $1.75 per yard. This week they are SI 39 only Mr " y Cfat istmas C&ma Nothing is more delightful to a woman than elegant china ware. You can make- your present as costly or as cheap as you please in our China De partment:. We have every thing from superb pieces of the "1-6 glass, perfectly cut and sparkling, every piece guaranteed, full sets or exquis itely decorated Haviland China -to small, dainty pieces at small cost. Special Sale Decorated China Plates All made of high-grade French China. Bread and Batter Plates Per dozen $J0.p0 Plates now. . .$ 8.00 . 13.00 Plates now. . . J0.40 22,50 Plates now . . 18.00 Dessert Plates Per dozen $ 8.00 Plates now. . $ 6.40 J8.00 Plates now. . . J4.40 20.00 Plates now. . . J 6.00 25.00 Plates how. . . 20.00 Dinner Plates Per dozen $J3.00 Plates now ..$10.40 2J.00 Plates now . . J6.80 32.50 Plates now. . . 26.00 36.00 Plates now . . 28.80 We are now showing some very handsome' new Chafing Dishes and Five o'Clock Teas. Matchless Valiie - Giving- in iSRi . r Oist Geat Semi - Annual Linen Sale Samples and mussed pieces of the famous Richardson linen. All factory samples ' together with all the linens from our Thanksgiving safe that have been slightly mussed by handling will be offered this week at big bargains. Beautiful table cloths, napkins, damasks, towels and small pieces of y decorative linen can be secured at fractional prices. Special Sale 4 ' Silver Tea, Sets The greatest bargain in silverware we have ever" been able to offer. The set consists of four pieces, teapot, sugar, creamer and spoonholder, in pretty shapes, beautifully decorated. Noth ing could make a more desirable Christmas present. Value $6.75, yfl Eifl special this week qJTT O.U J 847 Rogers Bros. Silverware The finest silver tableware made. Knives, "per set of 6, $J.75; forks, per set of 6, $J.75. Here Is a Very Seasonable Special Boysf Flannel Waists Blouse style, with sailor collar, neatly trimmed with three rows of black braid. Color dark blue. Regular $1.50 and $2.00 value, special $145 A great lot of handsome fancy striped and wide plain taffeta rib bons in all colors, very effective for fancy work uses, worth 4 n 25c, 30c and 35c per yard, we- will sell this week for only ' G You . never saw anything prettier and daintier in Ladies' Initialed Handkcrehiefs t&2n we are shewing for 25c and 35c each. Special Sale' Ladies' Hose LADIES' LISLE HOSE: A beautiful collection in fancy lisle, with black boots and fancy stripe boots,' fancy colored tops, black and white ver tical stripes, light shades and Persian effects. All full finished and worth 75c to 90c per pair. . Special this week OC LADIES' SILK HOSE: Fancy cluster ribbed and plain, in blue, pink, gray, cardinal, black and linen,colors,full shaped and finished. f f Q Regular $J.50 and $2.00 values . . 7 Art Department Special Sale Centerpieces Both fine and heavy linen stamped centerpieces, with hemstitching and drawn work." Sizes from J 8 to 26 inches square. Regular prices 50c and 75c, special . . . 33c Regular prices 80c and $1.00, special.. .49c BEADS: We ate showing the newest colors and shapes in jewels, jet and colored glass beads for fancy work; cut steel and mounting for purs es. WortmanHin Sole Distributers For Oregon jdB&B8toL "Esa" fLM - SPsm ta mm' nan T a Sole Distributers For Oregon mm mm mm mm mm m.m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm' mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm e ee o e ee ee e e e e ee ' ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee a e ee e e eo ee eo ee ee ee ee ee eo ee ee ee ee ee ee e e e e ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee e e ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee ee ee e e e ee o e e e e 0 e e e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee 9 99 9 e e ee ee ee ee ee ee e ee e e e ee ee ee ee ee ee ee, ee ee ee ee ee e e ee ee eo e mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 9 ee mm m m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 0 99 99 99 99 9 99 9 99 9 9 99 99 99 99 99 e e ee 99 ee ee ee ee 9 9 ee 999 939