t 20 BUSy MEN eAN KEEP THEl'R HEALTH SffSSJgS g"AHCE7 i - T- tt rTr..0...TT-..p....u,,-.r.-....j.i-mJrTT-ir-rT ri - r, ASr. mmm-i. , : mm - No. 1 For the muncles of arms and FOR several equally Important reasons the front muscles of the upper part of the body should be developed systematically. - and continually. First and most obviously, thej- should be exer cli'ed for the protection, they afford to the entire body against physical violence of any sort and In emergencies. A man who possesses sturdy muscles in the fore and upper arms is well equipped to save himself from almost any dancer that may threaten. If his office building catches fire and he Id on the sixth floor, with all avenues of escape shut off except a rope or a fireman's lad der, he need feel no hesitancy in descend ing rope or ladder, for his arm muscles, having been properly taken care of, "will give his fingers the power to grasp firm ly the fragile support that will take him rom Impending death to a place of safety. If the muscles over the front of his chest are exercised, hard blows in this region will have no, or scarcely any, ef fect on the actions of heart and lungs. Again, if a man is placed in a situation where his salvation depends on his ability to push hard or to clinch, these two big muscles, technically called the pectoralls ONCE there was a moving Target who was strong on the Brotherhood of Man. He ran a little Sunshine Factory all of his own. When it came to scattering SeccYj of Kindness, the Farm Drill was a Poor Second. Every time he started down Town he ou.u ia v -bb . ; " w.a sides of the Street and glad-hand all cf his Acquaintances. i From time to time he joined Fraternal Organizations and tool; blistering Oatho that he would always love his Fellow-Man and stand for any Touch within Reason. Consequently a good many people found it cheaper to send fcr him than to hire a Professional Nurse. He would travel Miles in order to have the Pleasure of sitting up with a Corpse. And he was one cf the handiest Pall-Bearers in the Bus! ners. Anyone who happened to be nursing a I-Jard-Luck Story would hunt up sym pathetic Jasper and give him the Grip and then weep on his Shoulder. Usually he promised to do what he could to square Matters, even though he had to cut in where he wasn't wanted. In flying around, trying to reinstate Xo-Goods who had lost their Job3 and secured Salaried Positions for Nice Fellows who were willing to do anything except Work, he got many a Jolt, but he was not discouraged. One of his regular Assignments wa3 to arbitrate a Domestic Scrap, merely out of the Goodness of his Heart. In this way he managed to reunite a number of Couples who were afterward j sorry that they had been reuncd and what they said about him would get the Blue Pencil if inserted at this Point. When a kind-hearted Herring starts out to be a Relief Bureau and First Aid to the Injured and a portable Home for the Friendless, nobody tries to take the Job away from him. His Acquaintances do what they can to boost his Game. Therefore, when any one in that Com munity sought out a Busy Man of Affairs and began to unwrap his Tale of Woe and ' offer to exhibit his Wounds, the B. M. of A. would say, "Here, I'll give you a letter of Introduction to my old friend Jasper. Kc is a Samaritan from away back." It came about that Jasper's Outer Office was frequently coagulated with a Choice Assortment of Pan-Handlers and all the short-winded Brothers who want to hitch on to somebody's else Pull, as they say in Boston. At times Jasper would become weary of having Folks come along and turn their Private Griefs over to him, but he did not want to become a Cynic and lose his Faith In Human Nature. He was fre quently Stung, but still he could not re sist any Appeal 'that was backed up by a few Weeps. In the Course of Time he came Into quite a Bundle of Money and then all the Bread that he had cast on the Waters came back to him a Bakery at a time. These whom he had succored came around to Sucker him. A Promoter whose Schemes he had guar anteed, because the Man's Children needed Shoes, now had a Chance to show his Gratitude. He let Jasper in on the Ground Floor of a Company organized to manu facture an Automobile that could be turned out of the Shop for $35 and would run SO miles on a pint of Gasoline. Gentlemen who were getting along with out Overcoats came in to see him about Mining Stock that was sure to touch Par Uy January 1st. The only reason they came to him first, instead of tackling John W. Gates, was that he had always been a True Friend and they wanted to put him next -to a Good Thing. After one or two of these Gift Enter prises had been slipped to him, he began to back water and be a trifle Leary. Yet he found- it very Hard to be discourteous to one who came in and did the Brother Act. Besides the Bunk who has the Joint Ncte already made out and ready to be signed usually has a Talk calculated to make a Heart of Stone mellow to the Consistency of a Baked Apple. What really did more than any other one Thing to cure him of his Innate Goodness was an Experiecnce with I i it I GECRGE ABE'S FABLE N SL7VNG "So. 2 Stretclies the major, will stand him in excellent stead. They assist In bringing" the shoulders down and forward, such a position being absolutely necessary for clinching or push-in-. These chest musc$e3 and these muscles of the arms, if properly taken care of, also ward off various dangerous diseases. Thick pectoralls major mus"cles are the best possible safeguards against pneu monia and pleurisy. Weil-developed arm muscles keep rheumatism out of shoulder and elbows, where it frequently settles. Finally, if a roan desires to have his breathing power developed to the fullest and healthiest extent, he must not neglect the pectaralis minor muscles. These raise the chest from the fifth ribs. The stronger they are, te higher and harder they will lift the chest, and the more air will get into the lungs, which means greater power of thoracic expansion. For developing the front muscles be tween neck and waistline, the appended exercises arc excellent. The busy man who practices them 10 minutes before breakfast and 10 minutes before going to bed will soon feci bim:?c!f deriving much benefit from them. "Why not be that man yourself? Exercise I Start from the correct stand Sweet Girl who was being courted by a Wretch quite unworthy of her. Tho unselfish Benefactor who tries to side-track Weddings that are sure to turn out unhappily is always a Candidate for the Hospital, with a Long Shot at the Morgue. The Sweet Girl in Question was the daughter of an Old Friend, for whose She was a Confiding Thing and did not k . . Wnrhrior whn hn,i ntnnA know that the Bachelor who had started in to Rii3h her seven nights a Week was a Rounder and a Poker-Player and some what of a Lush. Every one who knew the Sweet Girl said it was too Bad and that some one ought to go to her and Warn her. After the Old Ladles and the Elders had talked the Matter over on the olde, it was decided that Jasper was It. He was known to be I cheat. SEATTLE'S EARLIEST PIONEER SEATTLE, Dec, one years as; 12. (Special.) Fifty September 14 last four young white men landed from an Indian canoe at the mouth of the Du- .branches over a wide delta of eand, at ! the south end of ihe hnrhnr of Senttio. ! They had come from the Columbia River, i .. .. , .... threading the dense woods to the upper l cnu 01 uie souna near uiympia, wnere ; they bargained with an Indian to pilot them to Elliott Bay. , One of the four, who were the first I whites to land and make their homes on the shores of Elliott Bay. was Henry Van Asselt, a native of Holland, a sol- dler, farmer, cxpsrt rifleman and of hardy eplrlt. Tho others were: Jacob and Sam uel Maple and L. M. Collins. Van Asselt, the last of the group, died at his home on Fifteenth avenue, this the trail t0 the gol(1 nel(Js of California, week, surrounded by his family, ripe with j His superior marksmanship was valuable accumulated years and honors for the i to the expedition in keeping off the hos reaper's scythe, and ready for the sum- j tiles and In providing game. At the mons fcr which he had waited for nearly ', forks of the California and Oregon roads six yean?. The aged pioneer sustained a stroke of paralysis In 1S3C. He recovered almost entirely from the shock, to be again, stricken a year later. Then he knew that the end was not far off. Be ing a God-fearing man. for SO years an active worker and officer in the Metho- dist Protestant church, Mr. Van Asselfs last years were to him days of waiting I HEBY VAN ASSELT. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 14, 1902. JJw.:- 'c-J l&lS cheat muscles. Xo. C Develops the ing position head up, shoulders back-, chest out, abdomen in, arms straight and along the sides of the body, knees and liecls touching, and toes at an angle of 60 decrees. Step out almost as far as you can with the left leg, then strike out hard with the right arm straight from the shoulder, as shown in figure 1. Keep on trying to strike out farther and farther. Alternately advance the right leg and strike out with the left arm. While do ing this exercise the leg not advanced must be sstraight and the heel on the floor, as In the picture, and the leg in front well bent. This exercise stretches the muscles along the sides of the chest anu arms to the wrist. It also develops the muscles at the junctures of shoulders and arms, and all tho hitting and reach-Ing-out muscles. Exercise II First gaining the correct standing position, which Is the initial es sential step in all beneficial exercise, hold o-Jt tho arms in front of the body on a level with the shoulders, and have the closed fingers lightly touching. Swiftly throw the arms back as far as you can (figure 2), all the time keeping them at the height of the shoulders. At the same time inhale rapidly and deeply and rise on the toes. Also draw the chest well for ward and out. and hold back the rest of ) J kind and disinterested and was accustomed to dealing out Good Advice. Any thing that he said would go a long Way to head off the Deal. Accordingly he did a Fatherly Talk to the Daughter of his Old Friend, giving her a Straight Line on the Conduct of the High-Roller who was trying to warm up to her. She thanked him right from the Bottom of her Heart. Then she sent a Messenger Boy to hunt up the High-Roller, because she wanted to know if it was all True or merely a Cruel Slander. When she sprang his Record on him he i leaned right over against her and cried and said that no matter what he had been, she was the one to make him a Good Man. i Thcn she stroked hLs Hair and bessred Forgiveness and he asked her who had been Knocking and she gave the whole cheerfully for the. end of this life and j a donation land claim of 320 acres In the j sible, under certain conditions, to acquire the beginning of a new and better one. j heart of the richest part of the Duwam- J adjoining or additional homesteads with To hundreds of old-timers In Seattle and lph River Valley. The land today la 0ut actual residence upon such supple- to nis neighbors on Kenton mil, the old cn his front porch during sunny weather was for five years a familiar one. Prob- i "bIy tth? dealh no Plo?eer of KlnS j County has caused more sincere mourn- , M , nf unnr-.r v .saon w, ' as as widely known and as deeply be loved as was the late Arthur A. Denny, one of the builders of Seattle. But Van Asselt came to this county tvvo. months in advance of the Denny t imr.y, wiiicii, iiiciuumg uuvm j.. uiiu j Arthur A. Denny, established a camp at Alki Point in November, 1851. Van As I sclt was bora In Holland April 11, 1S17. He crossed the Atlantic In a sailing ves I sel in 1849, and In the same year made ; his nay as far west as Iowa. The next Spring found him with a large party on Van Asselt and a few others came to Oregon. They landed in the Summer of 1S50 at Oregon City. Later he spent sev eral months m the gold mines of Cali fornia. The Spring of 1S51 found him back at Oregon City. There he organ ized a party, and, crossing the Columbia RlvefS made his way to Puget Sound. Van Asselt on his arrival here took up Vftv&:iif r.. :v -V striking out mnscles. Jio. 4 Excellent the body. Repeat until tired, observing this rule in all exercises. This exercise stretches and develops the muscles of the upper chest, gives form to the chest, and will remove what is known as "chicken breast.". Exercise III. Thlfl exercise is fine for building up the striking-out muscles under the arms and the shoulder muscles. Hold the arms bant at the elbows, with the clenched hands pointing upwards and close to the shoulders. Strike straight out over the head, first with one arm, then with the other (figure 3), always looking at -the arm being sent above the head. Do this rapidly and hard, and, aa you strike out, make a strenuous effort to raise up the shoulder, the higher the better. And above all things be sure to straighten fully the armo as they reach out .bovfi tho head. Exercise IV. Do you aspire to possess nicely molded biceps? Then do not neglect this exercise, which is easy and quickly accomplished. Form p. right angle with the right arm. Make a fist of the right hand and bend tho hand inwards at the wrist. Place the left hand on the ex treme end of the closed hand. Then press down hard with the left hand on the right (figure 4), all the time raising up the right forearm to ths shoulder. After the fore arm is as close to the shoulder aa it will Snap awsy and begged him not to do any- tnlng Desperate. He said that whatever he did. he would do out of Love for her. After which he went home to oil up his Pocket Hardware. Next Morning the Man who wanted to help Everybody did a Flying Leap down, the Back Stalrwnv of his Office. Just as ho ducked a Bullet and cut Into the Alley ; back of the Pcstoflice, it occurred to him that the True Friend Gag had Its Draw backs. Ho escaped with his Life, but there was always more or less Dark Talk of his be ing mixed up In a Woman Case. He is now what Is known In Obituary Notices as a Practical Philanthropist. That is, he refers all Hard-Luck Tales to nn. Tho Offlrr. Tinv V TnatniRtinnn tn admit only those who are listed in Brad- i street. And, of course, he is never called in to smooth out Family Fight3 because of the Blot on his Character. ATnmi- t , cncfi pnn0f,Mnr wait and put the whole Lump Sum into Libraries. (Copyright, 1002.) Death of Henry Van Asselt, Who Left Oregon City in 1851, : ,, ,: "' v'" l" JW" i me i sejti adjoining the southern limits of the ' city Snntt'n w.nc ini,i n Tnr- i of the broad acres which the sturdy Hoi- innrtor i,nfl ,nncfnrn,0,i n ricco v"104? .natJ tiansformed from a dense forest to a most productive farm. The land was rich, and Van Assalt prospered, i parisgreen mixed with salt was being He retired from business in 1S3, since ! used To kill jackrabbits. If any of your which time he has done nothing butcare i subscribers have tried it, I would like to for his large interests here. near from them. G. P. Many interesting tales are told of the dead pioneer. When crossing the Co- r(l.) According to the new Bellinger and lumbla River in 1851 he was accidentally Cotton compilation Gf the Oregon laws, a shot, the bullet lodging in his shoulder. ,,tf, - . . ., , The Indians of the Duwamlsn country ; ltf"1 fcc' e"ccpt v'hero otherwise pro learned of this, and in several brushes i v,ucd' sha11 be not lcss than fest had between the early settlers and the inches high from the surface of the savages they held him In fear and revor- ence. They believed that as he had lived through a gunshot wound and carried the leaden pellet with him. he was invul- : nerable to attack, save with the toma hawk. This fact. It wad told, saved his , life on more than one occasion in the In- ' dian wars of 1S55. ' Mr. Van Asselt's widow was the daugh ter of Jacob Maple. They were married here in 1552, being one of the earliest mar riages In the history of King County. Three children. Dr. J. H. Van Asselt. 1 Hattie J. Burling and Mrs, J. W. Beno- dom, of Hoqulam, survive. Mastodon Tuak Will you kindly give me a description of the mastodon tooth or tusk said to be at the Portland Museum, giving weight, length, circumference, where it came from, etc." ' SCOTCHMAN. There are quite a number of both mas todon and mammoth teeth in the free museum. There Is one large tusk of a j mammoth which is probably the one re- j ferred to. This tusk is 8 feet 3& Inches i long, 25 Inches, In diameter and weighs ! about 2G0 pounds. It is good, solid ivory I In a good state of preservation. It waa ! found on Hunker Creek, Alaska, 50 feet i underground, on bedrock In the frozen gravel. It was thawed out- of a shaft by tho miners, and seven dogs drew it to Dawson over the snow. It is only a fragment. Papers Sot Ordered. 1. Has a publisher of a farm naper got any right to send his paper through the ; mall If it is not paid for in advance. j 2. If a subscription runs out and the subscriber askg the editor to discontinue j the paper, can the editor legally collect his money for the paper if he keeps on sending it. A. F. 1. Why, certainly. Anybody has a right to send mailable matter through the mail regardless of whether It is paid for in advance or ever paid for. 2. No. Repenl of Homes emt Act. "Bill Introduced to Repeal Homestead Act." Will you kindly advise whether this bill affecta a homesteader from prov- lrig up in 11 months, who has filed prior j to the passage of this law, or do I have to live on same five years if same is ' nassed? I TWENTY-YEAR SUBSCRIBER. We understand that the new bill would do away with tho commutation privilege. for the biceps. No. 5 Builds cp go, push It down with the left hand, all the time resisting with the full power of tho right arm. Also do thla exercise with the lft arm. Exercise V. Cross the arms just above the wrists In front of the chest. Shove the shoulders forward and downward as much as possible and then cross the arms as much and as hard as you can. Hold for a moment, relax, then repeat. This Is one of tho best excrciste known for de veloping the pectaralis major muscles, and when you do this exercise properly you can see them swell out. Exercise VI. Do thte for the proper up building of the wrists and forearms. With the elbows by ycur sides, grasp the back of a chair, with the thumbs away from the body (figure 5). Do not move tho forearms, but keep them steady. By power of hands and wrists raise the chair from the floor as hl3i as you can. Also do this with the thumbs toward the body and the knuckles out, and vary by moving the chair from side to side with the wrists. Exercise VII. This Is a severe exercise for the entire upper part of the body. When you can do it well five or six times in succession, you will have the pleasure of knowing that you aro getting strong, as nature intended that you should be. The ordinary person is scarcely able to do this exercise even once. QUESTIONS AMD ANSWERS Buying Government Lniul. 1. Can a person buy Government land if it is not surrounded by deeded land? 2- Can 1 bu Government land? Upon what terms? 3. Can I homestead two SOs In different locations at the same time if I improve both SCs? INQUIRER. 1. Certainly. Practically all the public land sales are of such tracts. 2. You can buy Government land If you are Qualified. The terms are various. If tho land DP- more valuable for tlmbar or stone than for agriculture one set of terms will apply. If It be mineral another If desert or agricultural still 'other oondl- I ac"eri or agricultural still other condl- ! nS' 3. ou cannot homestead in two sepa- raie claims at tn same time, for resi , dence is an essential part of homestead j requirement and one cannot maintain residence in two places at one time. But, ; having an original homestead. It is pes- mentary tracts. A LsiirJiil Fence. (1.) What constitutes a lawful fence In ! Eastern ' CM I . K-) i Oregon? remember of reading some time aSO In a farm journal a statement that ground, and it may be constructed of rails, poles, pickets, posts, planks, stone, turf or earth, according to details set forth In the laws. It is required that wire fences east of the Cascade Mountains, ex cept In Union County, shall be construct ed a3 follows: They shall have posts feet in length, and not l'-ss than four inches in diameter, made of iZ&rr iVa-K. gt ;V OME BOTTLE ML ffflk. "5'BRCFS" will cvps E&ctrntallsm, BSaap Wo'-'Jcjf Teocsitls. La Griunc, GoStSs, CcwsjJisv BFoncCiIiJs. Lumbago, Sciatica, Gczzt, Acihis, Csiarrit, UcpvosjznsiBs, Scclizcfic, Dyc&spate, tedlsizstlcn, Group, Nervccrs cno flfccfraiic caefaci.e, Kcarf Vsafznssxt, Farsbntc Gf coping ttexzbacsc, Sics&icxnoss, Ecza.T?a. Scrofutalsnd all Bipod Diseases. (PY Ppp Ctlt out the Coupon in this advertiiercent acdaend direct 'Wcsaia h BaEsas to Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co,, with your cams and ad dress, and a trial bottle of "o-OBCPS" will be mailed to you at oncei WRiTE TODAY. LARGE 85ZEBCTTLE "ij-DROPS" (300 DC?ES), S2,QO. AT YOUR DRUGGISTS, A?K YCUR DRUGSIST FOR THE "SWAHSOJj PILL" A SURE CUKE FOR COHSTIPATIOH- PRICE. 25c Xo. C Good for Stand correctly between two chairs and grasp them at their highest points. Bend tho knees 'and lift the lower part of the legs from the floor, putting them straight out behind tho body. Bend the arms and lower the body as far as you can (figure C), but still keep clear of tho floor. Hold for a moment, then straighten the arms and raise the body to the highest poselblo point, all x tho time keeping the feet off the floor and straight back of the bod7. As the lungs aro in the upper part of the body it to mete and proper that special breathing exercises, looking toward their healthiest development, should be given In this article. In performing these exer cises, please to remember that there is no special trick about deep breathing, which Is the only satisfactory and healthy way to breathe. If you don't breatho deeply, many parts of the lungs do not receive supplies of fresh air and, as a result, they deteriorate through disuse and, finally, these neglected parts engender such dangerous diseases as consumption. In these breathing exercises simply try to take in all the air that you possibly can, observing, of course, tho unchangeable rule of standing properly so that the chest will have the beet possible opportunities I for expanding. Exercise I. Take the correct standing 1 position. Stoop a little forward and blow sound timber; such posts shall be set in the ground two feet, and shall be not farther than 32 feet apart; there shall be not fewer th?.n three wires of the kind In common use stretched from post to post; the lower wire shall be two feet from the ground, the second 15 Inches above the lower, and - - upper one 15 inches from the second one. Said wires shall be fastened to the posts securely in the customary manner, and at the distance ot eight feet from each of said posts, and at t-very tspace of eight feet from each other, throughout the entire length of such fences there shall bo poles or false posts set up on tho ground feet in height, to which the wires of such fences shall be securely fastened; and on each Hide of such fences if the ground can he plowed three furrows at least four inches deep. Said furrows must bo plowed within two feet of the fences; Provided, that in cases where the land cannot bo plowed, or in other cases, a pole not less than two inche.3 thick at the small end, or plank not less than one inch thick .by six Inches wide, allixcd to posts as above provided, but not more than 1G feet apart, may take the place of the middle ot the wire and false posts and plowing. (2.) The Orcgonlan has published full accounts of the poisoning of jackrabbits by the use of parisgreen and salt. Care must be taken that the poison Is not placed where domestic animals will get it. District of Colnmliln. 1. Why to It that the District of Colum bia can never become a state? 2. Docs the hog law extend all over Linn County or not? J. D. Wt 1. The District of Columbia is the seat of the National Government and is direct ly under the jurisdiction of Congres3. If It were to become a state its government would be of the republican form guaran teed by the Constitution, which would take all local regulations out of the hands of Congress and reduce that body Itself urnjer the police power of the state. That, I f course, could not be tolerated by a sovereign government. ,Ysk the County Clerk. Homestead RIkM. If I have taken homestead right and then relinquish my right back to the Government nnd then lilo a timber claim f the writs. v&nnz&mm mm eh mm mm &zBmFF um lj ua Kin d u tu QBUSi xa job mn urn hi nun T. C. BURNETT. Nobilltv. Texas, writes "I had Rheumatism for over twelve years. could hardly walk because the pain would come very near killing me. The doctor said cure me but what the pain would return whenever I took coid. I sent for a bottle of ycur "3s '5-DROPS" and used it according to your directions, and have never felt any of the pain SfflL slnco. I think it Is the best remedy in tho world'. " CURED HIP.'J OF RHEUMATISM AND WERVOUSfJESS, w i alo.nzu w i3LLib. Tower Hid, Va.t W-Jittsmtor over eisrnt years, a was so bad last y?il could scarcely do any work at all. I was tncu every mnotcico I couiu.fret. but nothiiiff did me anvood until l ontairea a uottie ot vour "5-DROPS." I have taken almost ono bottle ot the remedy nnd it has done me j world of good. I feel that I can never ajrr.ln be without the wonderful "5-DROPS" in my hoce. I can now do a hard day's work and have a splendid appetite. I am 75 years old and hava never seen any medicine to equa'. "5-DROPS" for tho cure of Rheumatism ana Nervous ness. I will recommend vcur remedy to all sufferers. " "5BS" CORES BBEUifiTISB AKD HEUBALBIA. It makes no difference how many kinds of medicines .you have tried what treatments you have taken or what the doctors say. we know positively that "5-DROPS" will cure Rheumatism or Neuralgia in any of their forms or stages of development. Our letter fibs are filled with testimonials from grateful poopla who write us that "5-DROPS' cured them even after other methods of treat ment had failed. It is the only positive cure for these diseases that has cvet been discovered. "5-DROPS" is an internal and external remedy. Applied externally. ;t gives quick relief from Rheumatic cr Neuralgic pains. Taken internally .t cleanses the blood of all poisons and restores the entire system to a healthy periect condition.) thus insuring a permanent cure. This is the only correct method of treating, these diseases and the only way in which a complete cure can be effected. I E i rt M ZJL 2g 5'iifit5 tt'Y the entire upper part of the body. out all tho air that you can. Gradually ' inhale, throwing tho head and shoulders back as you do so. When you have taken in nearly all the air that you are capablo of doing, raise tho arms and shoulders and give two or three little gasps. In order to fill 'the lungs to their utmost capacity. Do not exhale all the air at one puff. Let it out gradually, but a little faster than you took It in. Do this exercise seven or 12 times, resting between each time. Exercise II. Similar to the previous ex ercise, but do it much faster. Take fivo deep breaths very rapidly, filling the lungs at one quick drawing in of air, and expel all the air that you possibly can at ono puff. f Exercise III. Fill the lungs as in exer cise I. Then, holding the air, placo tho hands on tb hips and bend forward, once, until the body is at right angles with the legs; then let the air out gradually. Re peat about seven times, bending the body sometimes forward, sometimes to either side, but never make more than one bend to a breath. If these exercises won't develop your lungs and increase your chest expansion, nothing will you're beyond hope and should make your will and prepare for the Inevitable end of all mankind. ANTHONY BARKER. (Copyright. 1002.) on the same piece of land, have I lost my homestead right? G. H. W. The fact of relinquishment will not pre vent the exercise of your homestead right, but if you have 160 acres of land, acquired under the timber and stone act, or other wise, you cannot take a homestead. United States ll.its. 1. How many active mints are there in the United States at the present time? 2. Were the territories of Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma admited as states. If so what aro their name-? 1. Three San Francisco, New Orleans and Philadelphia. 2. No. Perhaps Oklahoma will be ad mitted at the present session of Congress, i but it is almost certain that admission will be refused to New Mexico and Ari zona. First Governor of Oreiroii. I see by The Oregonian that John Whitcaker was the first Governor of Ore gon. When was Peter H. Burnett Gov ernor of Oregon? Was .not Joseph Lane the first Governor after Oregon was ad mitted in the Union? C. D. W. Burnett was the first Governor of Cali fornia, not of Oregon. Lane was the first Governor of Oregon Territory, Whlteaker of the State of Oregon. Tlie Richest Man. Who Is the world's richest man? Was Cecil Rhodes so accredited? R. It cannot be stated with any degree of accuracy who the world's richest man is. Probably he does not himself know. Cecil Rhodes was not the richest man. 1VeIf?lit of Krnlt in Boxes. Please give weight of a box of apples, of pears, of cherries, of" grapes. A box of apples weighs 50 pounds gross, 45 net; of pears, 45 pounds gross, 41 -net; of cherries, 12 pounds gross, 10 net; of grapes, 24 pounds gross, 22 net. go to my left stdo near my heart and would it was Rheumatic pains and "that he could never writes I have been n sufferer witn itseuma. fall that I could not cet up wren down, and also so nervous I couM r.on hold anything still. I Cat this out vritb vour name an toSw3nonIUiuni.aticCur Co.. Chic? Ro.and you nil i he tent a bottle or "&-DltOrB" lree, postpaid. Ti tf. w. a&3S5a 9:: 2gS jftfc&a. S "5-DROPS" -31811 COUPON !0. 224 J&SS&o. mvJmJ