1 ' - t THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 30, 1902. 15 FOR WEST. IIOHSCM. NEW 5 -ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. ON East Side, close to three different car lines; rent $14 per month. J. W. Ogllbee, room 11. 143 1st st, ONE ACRE. GOOD COTTAGE, 3 MILES from Courthouse. In Sylvan: rent $3 per month, six months. Inquire 333 17th. i FOR RENT HOUSE OP S ROOMS AND grounds 567 Spring st,, Portland Heights. Apply at room 1 Concord bide. FOR RENT 701 EVERETT ST., COTTAGE of 7 rooms. Apply at C87 Everett bL, be tween 21st and 22d. FOUR GOOD MODERN HOMES; FRUIT, garden, barn; $10 to $12. Home Land Co., University Park. FOR RENT NEAT 7-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, on 18th, between East Stark and East Oak. Apply next door. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, ON Union ave.. "between Ankeny and Burnslde; $30 per month. HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS. MODERN. OS E. 8th st,; $25. Apply J. L. Wells & Co., 100 Grand ave. FOR RENT FLAT IN THE SEVILLA. MAR ket st. Inquire Janitor. Auditorium bids., 207 3d st. FOR RENT A 5-ROOM COTTAGE, ON VAN couver car line. Inquire Wilkinson, Clover dale Station. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. HOLLA day's Adife. Inquire 242 E. 8th, corner FURNISHED 5-R! of piano. 754 Grand ave.. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNiSH ed. Inquire 452 East Taylor. NICELT FURNISHED 5-ROQM FLAT; RENT cneap. .cast, siarjt si. Houses for Rent Furniture for'-Sale. FOR SALE BEST FURNISHED HOUSES IN city, all sizes and prices. Lillian DeKeater, 18 years In Portland, will locate you right. 425 Taylor st. Phone Front 315. FOR SALE 12-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSe! nicely furnished, all full, good location: cash or monthly payments; price, $1500. Address B 12, Oregonlan. HOUSE FOR RENT, STEEL AND GAS range and part furniture for sale. Apply 3C2 13th St.. near Montgomery. FURNITURE OF 12-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale: best location In city; price reasonable. S 11. care Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF A 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; rent very reasonable. Inquire 335 Clay. ELEGANT NEW FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM flat: price $350; rent $18. Phone West 94. Stores. TWO NICE STOREROOMS WITH COUNTERS and shelving; Rood basements and barn. Call 232 Russell st. 2C!. COUCH GOOD LOCATION, REASON ab'.e rent. Inquire of Jacob Asher, 41 North Third. FOR RENT STORE, COR. 10TH AND GLI san. Inquire Max Smith. SS North ICth. Otticc.n. DESKROOM IN MODERN BUILDING; $5 ptr month. 226 Allsky bldg. Miscellaneous.' " ;j BARN 11TH AND COLLEGE STS.; ACCOM modatlon for 10 horses; $12 -per month. Ap ply 300 Morrison. FOR RENT-BARN. WITH 15 STALLS; REA portable. Union ave. and East Madison. PERSONAL. t WAS SAVED FROM CONSUMPTION AFT er my case had been pronounced Incurable and hopeless by eminent physicians: If you are suffering from this dread disease and will write me I will gladly tell you how It was done at home; my sole object Is to be of tome benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvin L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ, 211 Stone su. Glbsonburg, O. HOLIDAY PRESENTS NO OTHER JEWEL er can offer you such bargains as we do In watches, clocks. Jewelry, silverware and op tical goods. Our goods are of the best makes and the very latest designs. Low rent en ables us to undersell all competitors. Good man, the Jeweler, 231 Front, near Madison. VMERICAN LADY. WEALTHY. GOOD Ap pearance. 2S years of age, widow for past three years, unincumbered, will give full par ticulars of myself and what I am worth: also send photo to sincere, respectable gentleman who desires early marriage. Ellen Marion, Grant Y.'orks. 111. THE COMPLEXION. nAIR, SKIN AND scalp scientifically treated; no risks run: Portland's best citizens for reference; facial massage a specialty; massage and electroly sis taught by Mme. Aza Holmes, the reliable specialist. 311 Morrison st.. opposite P. O. COMPLETE STEM-WIND ELGIN WATCHES $6.50; Waltham $G.50; New England $2.50; New England ladles' size, hunting case. $14; open face $0.00. All warranted. C. O. n nn approval; express charges to accompany or- aers. aiapie.-". me jewier, 1C2 1st st. SLECTRIC PARLORS. 2SSt WASHINGTON St.. treats scalp diseases and guarantees to restore gray hair to natural color without aye; removes wrinKies, blemishes from face; also removes superfluous hair from face wlth out pain; enlarglngbusts a specialty. hOR SALE A CHANCE OF YOUR I.tpr one of the best sawmills in Oregon, whole or part Interest, cheap. A good-paying oil busi ness, one of the best In Portland, at your own price. Inquire of W. H. Lehman, 32614 ivasmngiun su 4M HE GREAT CANCER SPECIALIST; 20 years' successful treatment of tumor and cancer without use of knife; painless; pa tients careo. ior in aocior s uome. write for pamphlet, ur. c uuington. La .Fayette. Or. 5RESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewea on ana rips sewed up. Prompt cane ana aenvcries. unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's, Rosa's Confession," "Stolen Sweets," "Her Honor," "Lustful Love," "Dangerous De lights." A Modern Eden. "Tessle s Temn tation." "Her Hidden Charms." "A Woman of Fire," 00c each; list free. Hchmalt. 229 1st TURKISH AND RUSSIAN BATHS. DR. Xrantz famous Carlsbad, system. Indorsed by prominent pnysicians. j. jTieaman, the won derful masseur, 20 years' experience, prop. Best treatment, $1. 525 Chamber of Com. IUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC.. RE- moved with electric needle; permanent cure: eight years experience in Portland; lady operator: physicians- rererences. Parlors 13 1C Lewis building. Phone Brown C57. CVERY WOMAN CAN HAVE a complexion free from blemishes and always" look fresh and pretty. Facial blemishes removed perma nently: manicuring. N. Y. Electro-TheraieutIc Co.. 702 Marquam. Tel. Black 2S31. (END WATCH BY REGISTERED MAIL AND I will put in perfect order cheap as possible; work warranted to give satisfaction; try me once, and yon will thereafter wear by me. Staples, the Jeweler, 162 1st st.) 0 YOU KNOW THAT IF WE CAN'T MAKE you strong and happy by Sexlne Pills, It won't cost you a cent? Price. $1; 6 boxts, $5. Address J. A, Clemenson. Druggist, Second and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. I'E SEEK HUSBAND FOR WIDOW. AGE 40. residing n Colorado, worth $15,000; no Incumbrance: maiden lady: age 24, worth $7500: strictly reliable dealings. The Home A: Comfort, Toledo, Ohio. 1'ATCHES. DIAMONDS. EASY PAYMENTS, pen evenings. W. 1L Lesh, 513 DeUum. I SfllfllSfeS. AND SHED; BfeVatcr. I H)MS, ImBHHMHBHHBrtl? HHhent FLJHKHED roo1H. 204 NICELYRHGE: electric llgTBp: 273 7th. NMllWni use "XfSrHar North. PERSONAL. ANNOUNCEMENT Owing to the rapid Increase In business. Miss FltzGerald has besn forced to vacate her present iquarters In the Lewis building and remove to more commodious, and con venient location. 343 Washington St., where she will be better enabled to handle the fa mous D'ORLAN CIE TOILET PREPARA TIONS. Her new quarters will be the moat handsomely fltted-up parlors on the Pacific Coast, where ladles and gentlemen will re ceive facial, hair and scalp treatment by ar tists of the highest order. This will also be the home of the well known Madame Merrill Dandruffene. We positively guarantee that Dandruffene will cure the worst case of dandruff In seven days. If It does not do as we nay, we will cheerfully refund the money. X"v B: MIos FlUGerald will occupy her present quarters In the Lewis building until about December 1. "VIA VI" IN S . AUSTRALIA, A GALE of wind carried a piece of paper against an office window. It fluttered there until It af tractcd the attention of a gentleman, whose mind at the time was on an Invalid wife. It was a leaf .from "Vlavl Health Book." This bit of paper from a foreign land, together with the peculiar way that Viavl was brought to his notice, decided him In favor of Vlavl and against an operation. The wife is well. "Vlavl Health Book" contains In structive reading matter for husbands and wives. Explains the Viavl treatment. Es pecially Interesting are "Common Sense Talks." Mailed free. Send" name. Oregon Viavl Co., room 23 Lewis bldg., Portland, Or. WE ARE SURE TO PLEASE ALL LADIES who want to dress well. We have the new est Monte Carlos, tailor-made suits, silk skirts, long, loose-fitting coats, silk and vel vet waists, underskirts, umbrellas, corsets, lounging robes, dressing sacks, fur Jackets, etc Everything at the lowest possible prices. You can pay for your goods a lit tle bit at a time and have the use of the garments while you pay for them. No ex tra charge for credit accommodation. East ern Outfitting Co.. 38S-390 Washington st. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. Most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to thU oil like magic Cures In 8 to 20 days. Sam ple can. 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton, 515 E. Couch st., Portland, Or. Phone Union 1602. JO-HE, A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas. Most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic Cures In 8 to 20 days. Sample can. 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. 516 East Couch St., Portland, Or. Phone Union 1602. 576 WOMEN WANTED Suffering from Irregular, painful or stoppages. Leucorrhoea (whites) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yamhill st., Portland, Or. Pri vate waiting-room for ladles. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps when writing. These medicines sent by mail to any postofflce on earth; full Instructions. "WANTED LADIES EVERYWHERE TO send for free package of our Turkish Harem sachet powder; also valuable Information; send no money. Tho Pacific Company, 149 10th st.. Portland. Or. WANTED LADIES EVERYWHERE TO send for free package of our Turkish Harem Sachet Powder: also valuable Information: send no money. The Pacific Company, 149 10th St., Portland, Or. WANTED ALL THOSE SUFFERING FROM any chronic disorder to try Dr. W. W. Chris tie, the osteopath. He can cure you. Ex amination free. Office, 314-315 Maclcay bldg., Portland, Or. SISTERS IN DESPAIR: I HAD SUPPRES SION trieu many remcaics, iniies nnu snnreo without relief. Write for remedy which gave me relief. Mrs. Amanda Green. 214 State st., Chicago. "WE TREAT TO CURE CATARRH. THROAT and lung diseases; immediate relief; moderate prices. New York Institute, Medical and Os teopathic Specialists, Falling bldg.. Third and Washington. S PRETTY GIRLS AND LONELY MEN WANT correspondents. Orange Blossoms gives full particulars. Copy for stamp. Address Orange Blossoms, Tremont Station, New York City. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent securely scaled by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarke Sc. Co., Portland, Or. EYES TESTED FREE FIFTEEN YEARS' experience; best white crystal lenses, $1; common specs 25c and 50c. Arthur Rus sell. Portland optician. 2S3 Flr3t, corner Jefferson. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Berni, 2d and Washington, Agent, Portland, Or. WEALTHY. LONELY. KIND-HEARTED gentleman, with -elegant home, seeks wife to share his home and wealth. Address Mr. Roberts, 017 Holland bldg., SL Louis, Mo. Watches cleaned, 75e; mainspring, 73c; watch crystals, 10c; 10-year goid-fiilea cable temple spectacles, perfectly ' fitted, $2.50. Goodman, the Jeweler. 251 Front, near Madison.- A WEALTHY, ATTRACTIVE LADY, UN- happy and lonely, seeks husband to share her wealth anil affections. Address Amia ble, 02 Koken bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by twins Sexlne Pills; price $1; 6 for $5. J. A. Clcmcnson. Druggist, cor. Second and Yamhill, Portland, Or. WANTED TO MEET HONORABLE GEN- tlemen with homes or means, matrimonially Inclined; also ladies of responsible age de siring hornet. H 01, Oregonlan. WORKING MAN, 40, SOME MEANS. IN dustrlous. desires acquaintance of respect able workir woman, widow; no objection to small child. G 11, Oregonlan. MORPHINE. OPIUM. LAUDANUM. CO calnc habit: myself cured: will Inform you of harmless, permanent homo cure. Mrs. Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago. FURNISHED CORNER BRICK FLAT. 23 room?, low rent, central location. East Side,' rooms all full; will take part trade; $2Suo. Address O 13, Oregonlan. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FROM CRADLE TO grave; what I tell you comes true; send dime and. birth date. Professor J. Myers. Drawer 704, Chicaco. FOR SALE A ri2,000 STOCK OB GRO ccrles. doing a $10,000 month cash business; no books, no credit; retiring from business. H 13, Oregonlan. ALL FORMS OF RHEUMATISM AND chronic nervous diseases, diseases of women. New York Institute, Falling bldg., 3d and Washington sts. MARRIAGE PAPE:R-22 PAGES 10C; sealed; 500 bona fide descriptions; 3000. members worth $100 to $100,000. R. L. Love. Den ver. Colo. CANCEP.S. MOLES, TUMORS. BIRTH marks; specialist; without knife. Recipes and remedies for sale. Remedy . Co., 20 North 3d. MARRIAGE PAPER. CONTAINING HUN dreds "Personal" advertisements of mar riageable people, mailed free. B. Gunnels, Toledo, O. LADY t)R GENTLEMAN DF MUSICAL TAL ent and small capital for traveling enter tainment; references exchanged. P 12, Ore gonlan. GEO. ANDERSON. EXPERT PIANO-TUNER. Is now with Allen. Gilbert, Ramaket Co. All orders will receive prompt attention. Phone Main 631. LADY. KIND AND AFFECTIONATE, would like to meet generous commercial travelers who will assist her. A 10, Orego nlan. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrlton St.. bet, 1st and 2d. MARRY SEND 2c FOR EIG DESCRIPTIVE list, ladies or gentlemen; many rich and want to marry. Mutual Exchange. Denver. Colo. We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 23c: 250 business cards. $1. Brown & Schmale, 229 First, Portland, Or. MRS. STEVENS. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST AND spiritual life-reader. CRYSTAL GAZING a specialty; reading. 50c 221 Morrison. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE manicurist and chiropodist: skillful and sci entific 20 Raleigh. Hood 1701. Miss A.lm.'n Navarre, the peerless young elec-tro-magnetlst: massage, baths, manicuring SS 6th St., cor. Stark, room 14. SEWARD E. WILL BE GREATLY BENE flted by sending his address to his Uncle Tom at St. Louis, Mo., at once. YOUNG MAN. IT TAKES 4 TO .10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Earke Tonic. All first-class druggists. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25 cents. AH druggists. WE RECOMMEND OUR COLD CURE: PRICE 25c and 50c Knight's Drug Store, 126 6th st. FREE TREATMENT ON VIBRATOR. WITH electric light bath. 424 Wash. Black 1010. MRS. OBROCK. GRADUATE MASSEUSE, manicuring. 424 Ablngton bldg. Red 2S64. PERSONAL. YOUNG LADY. IT TAKES 4 TO 10 DAYS to cure rheumatism with Barke Tonic Sold by all first-class druggists'. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? MAR rlage paper, 10c Box 6C0. Portland. Or. If In poor wealth.- have free consultation with Mn. Hart, magnetic healer.- 432 Alder. Watches cleaned 75c, mainsprings 75c. Wis consin Jewelers and Opticians. 171 1st. SPKCIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR DRYDOCK BONDS THE Port of Portland. Oregon Proposals will be received at the office of the Port of Portland, room 600 Worcester block. Portland, Or., un til Thursday. January 8, 1003, at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the whole or any part of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars of the bonds of the Fort of Portland, Oregon, In denominations of one thousand dollars each, each to be dated January 1, 1903, payable thlry yearn from date, and bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, payable on the first days of January and July of each year, principal and Interest payable In United- States gold coin, at the office of the treasurer of the Port of Portland, in the City of Portland, Or. The above bonds are Issued for the pur pote of acquiring a site for a drydock. and preparing said site for the use of and con structing such drydock, and are authorized by sections 9 and 10 of an act of the Legis lative Asrembly of the State of Oregon, filed In the office or the Secretary of State. March 1. 1001, revising and amending certain form er acts establishing and Incorporating the Port of Portland. Bids are invited for all or any portion of such bonds, and bidders will submit an unconditional bid and accompany the same with a certified check on some re nponslble bank In the City of Portland, Or., equal to five per cent of the face value of tho bonds bid for, payable to the order of the treasurer of the Port of Portland, as liqui dated damages In case the bidder shall with draw his bid or shall fall or neglect to take and pay for. at the office of the treasurer of said Port of Portland, the bonds aforesaid, should the same be awarded to him. None of said bonds will be sold for less than their par value with Interest accumu lated thereon from the day of their date to the date of sale. Delivery of said bonds will be made at the time of the awarding there? of. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. Proposals should be marked "Proposals for Port of Portland bonds," and be nddrcssed to E. T. C. Stevens. Clerk. Port of Portland, Portland. Or. By order of the Foard of Com missioners of the Port of Portland. , BEN SELLING. Sec Portland, Or.. Nov. 23. 1002. Masters Notice. BRITISH BARK DOWAN HILL, CAPTAIN John Davies, from Algoa Bay, South Africa Neither the master nor undersigned con signees of the above-named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be con tracted by the crew. Portland Grain Com pany, consignees. BRITISH SHIP COUNTY OF ROXBURGH, Captain Leslie, from Shanghai Neither tho captain nor the undersigned, aents of the above-named vessel, will be responsible for any debts that may be- contracted by the crew. John Reld & Co., Agents. Mtncelliineoua. NOTICE OF SALE OF SEIZED GOODS No tice Is hereby given that on the Sth day of December. 1002. at 2 o'clock P. M.. there will be rold at public auction, at the United States Custom-Hou.e. corner of Eighth and Davis streets. Portland, Oregon, to the high est bidder for gold coin cf the United States, 50 cans of opium, which has been relzed for violation of the United States customs and revenue la.ws. I. L. PATTERSON. Collector of Custom?. WANTED THE ADDRESS OF C. F. BILL lngs, formerly lived 414 Flint st., Portland; underrlgned has Information hln financial ad vantage. Any one knwlng address will con fer a fa-or by sending tame to undersigned, P. O. box 53. Vancouver. Wash. PIXANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with responsible firms, upon thpir wr. names; easy payments; strictly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era Lean & Trust Co., room 2C6 Ablngton building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W..Pallett. 213 Com merical block. Telephone Grant 850. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND othpr recurltles: lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES: NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co.. 032 Commercial blk. $5 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds of security! W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Phone Jiood 413? LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $300 ON ALL kinds of security. It. L Eckerson & Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS TO LOAN on improved city rtal estate. N. H. Bloom field, Attorney, Commercial block. MONEY TO LOAN BY PRIVATE PARTY ON Improved city residence property; low Inter est. Address Y , care Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN. C AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A Shaw & Co., 213 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds -of good security. W. "H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Win. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. C per cent, farm or city property. O. M. Smith. 3 Ch. of Commerce. $2000 OR $4000 TO LOAN ON FIRST-CLASS real estate security. Address P. O. box 39U. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley. COS Cham. Commerce. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. Jl H. Hawley, 2 Chamber of Com. State funds loaned 6 per cent. 'V E. Thoman, state agt. for Mult. Co., 400 Ch. of Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Win. G. Beck, 321 Morrison st. LOST AND FOUXD. LOST THANKSGIVING DAY, BETWEEN Mount Tabor and Gresham. pointer pup. tl months old; brown head and brown spot on back, body white and brown ticked. Return or phone to W. 1. Vail, Mount Tabor. Lib eral reward. $25 REWARD. PAYABLE FOR RECOVERY of lady's gold pin, circle form, set with 30 rearls and one diamond in center: lost Sat urday, 16th. . Finder address this office. LOST FOX TERRIER PUP; LIVER CQL ored ears and tall; no collar. Suitable re ward if returned to C. E. Farnsworth, 24S Washington st., on Monday. WILL THE LADIES WHO PICKED UP opera glasses at 3d and Yamhill sts. Satur day evening, Nov. 20. kindly leave same at 205 Marquam building? LOST PACKAGE CONTAINING MEMORAN dum book and valuable papeis. in vicinity of Ash-st. dock. Return to ticket agent at same dock. Reward. LOST OR STOLEN LARGE BLACK DOG. with white breast: named "Nig." Return or phone to L. E. Trent. COO Belmont St., or 320 East Morrison. LOST SMALL ELACK PURSE, ON 1ST AND Washington sts., Wednesday morning, nqf turn to Oregonlan. Reward. ; LOST A SMALL PURSE. AVITH TWO rings and trunk key. Reward. 220 Madi son st. LOST AN OPAL BUG STICKPIN. PLEASE return to 'room 510 Chamber of Commerce. Reward. BUSINESS CHANCES. $100 GOLD BONDS FOR $62.50, PAYABLE IN monthly payments. Tluse bonds, absolute- ly guaranteed, are safer than savings banks, bring over 12 per cent; contain many valu able features, and are the best Investments for money-savers. Leading bankers are among our stockholders. For full particu lars address American Bond Co., 217 Broad way, Los Angeles, Cal. Arents wanted ev erywhere. $2000 WILL BUY. HALF INTEREST IN A business In Portland paying now $350 per month. Small stock of general merchandise, good point in Willamette Valley. $2000 Nice, clean, well-kept grocery store doing a nice buelness In a growing part of the city. J. A. HENKLE or A. A, BAKER, 219 Ablngton bldg. BOND ISSUES FLOATED FOR Railroad. Telephone. Electric Light, Realty. Mortgage, Trust and Insurance Corporations. FINANCIAL INTERESTS CONSOLIDATED and trade combinations effected. R. T. RUXTON. Banker and Broker. 32 Broadway, New York. A 17-ROOM HOUSE; ALSO 40-ROOM HOUSE; 32 'rooms, with leases. 145 Cth, room 25 - DCSINESS CHANCESJ JOSEPH M. HEALY. reliable: BUSINESS CHANCE BROKSR. Rooms 5 and 6. 290 Morrison ftreet. Roth ninn Main 103 t- Butcher shop, city, splendid ' trale; about S1KOO? Anothor. 3CO. I Old-established confectionery and cigar. store, with living rooms, $S00. . ' , Half Interest In general merchandise bus! Well-established grocery, splenjld trade. invoice about $2000, central locatloi. Confectionery and grocery; juou. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 9 rooms, close In. bargain $ 330 14 rooms, splendid furniture 1000 27 rooms, corner, low rent 1000 75 room's, clears over 5200, corner. .-. .. 5500 30 rooms, newly furnished ......1 1100 33 rooms, steam heat, long lease.. ..... 4000 15 rooms, splendid corner, lease...)....-. 1030 85 rboms,' modern apartment-house i 4750 45 rooms; corner, pays well.-. .i ;.. 1500 28 rooms, central, brick, long lease 3000 50 rooms, very good, cheap house.. ..... 1400 25 rooms, good corner, clears $100 2200 50-room hotel, city, lease 1500 Several others not advertised, pan make terms on any of these. JOSEPH M. HEALY, 290 Jlorrlson. PATENTS. Patents. Patents. Guaranteed. Pntents Secured or Fee Rettmefl. Stnd model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Send for our Illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest publication Issued for free distribution. Contains 100 mechanical movements. TelU HOW TO OBTAIN A PAT ENT. HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT. HOW TO SELL PATENTS. LAW POINTS FOR INVENTORS. ETC. Patents secured through us advertised without charge In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY FREE. We also send free our LIST OF IN VENTIONS .WANTED. Address EVANS, WILKINS & CQ. REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEYS, EVANS BUILDING. WASHINGTON. D. C. BEAKEY & McENTEE. 414 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. "ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. PRICES ON EASY TERMS IF DESIRED. 35 rooms, well furnished, long lease $2750 25 " central, finely furnished. 2000 CO " brick, elegant furnishing 7500 30 " worklngmen's hotel 1950 30 " new, elegant, long lease 4500 17 " brick. East Side, very neat. . . . 1100 15 " long lease, low rent 653 23 " transient, always full 1500 12 " nice residence, a bargain 900 40 elegant house, part furnished. 730 15 " good furniture, always full.... 950 10 " nice house, very central 900 on Alder st., a bargain....... 500 We have others not advertised. Call and see us. BEAKEY & M'ENTEE, 414 Chamber of Commerce building. E. J. ARNOLD Sc CO.. OS ST. LOUIS, MO., race-horse owners and bookmakers, Invite tho speculative public to an Investigation of their methods. This 1 an old and long established concern, amply responsible, and reliable in all Its dealings. A rigid ln- Sulry Into thir business will develop a cop Itlon unattained by any .other Investment proposition ever offered for DUbllc nartiel patlon. Subscription to their capital may re maue in amounts or sso ana upward, sub Ject to withdrawal in full on demand. Divi dends pnld In cash fifty-two times every year The best paying safe Investment in the country. References: Banks, trust com panies, commercial agencies, St. Louis busi ness men 'and prominent men everywhere For full particulars, addros3 E. J. Arnold & Co.. 9th and Pine streets. St. Louis. Mo. SMALL INVESTORS MAKE BIG PROFITS The John J. Ryan Co.. Co-Operatlve Breed ing Farm and Bookmaklng EnUrprlse, whoso rfiiaDinty 13 unquestioned, have demonstra ted their ability to pay o per-cent weekly on investments .or ten ($10) dollars ana upwards. The skeptical don't see how this is possible. but the wise reserve their decision until they receive particulars and are ablo tn Investi gate for themselves. This firm owns one of the lar.iest stock farms East, and the farm and all stnlllo-3 and broodmares on said farm are the exclusive property of this com pany. In connection with the bookmaklng en terprise. These are all assets of this com pany. Write for particulars, which will be sent free. Aodress John J. Ryan Co., St. iouis, MO. STOCKS SOLD. STOCKS GUARANTEED. Dividends guaranteed. We act as selling ngents for incorporated companies. We or ganize, and incorporate new companies, have every facility for' the placing of any amount of stock directly with the Investor In the United States, England France and G.rmany. We make a market for unlisted mining, oil and Industrial stocks. We guarantea reg ular dividends. Guaranteed stock soils. "Wo will guarantee your stock If It has merit. Write us what you have. Hunter & Com pany. Bankers. 32 Brondway. New York. A .GUARANTEED WEEKLY RATE OF profit on large or small Investments, with earnings paid in cash each Tuesday. Your money subject to withdrawal on demand, arid absolutely safe. This plan of Investment Is offered by the H. E. AVhttman & Co. Co Operatlve Stabler, and cannot be surpassed. Rigid Inquiry and thorough Investigation so . 11 cited. Prominent business men and .com- - 'merelal agencies of San Francisco" ."Indorse their responsibility. For full particulars address H. E. Whitman , & Col, Callarhan bldg.. San Francisco, Cal. ' $23 BRINGS A STEADY INCOME. 6 days ending Nov. 15, $25 made $52. 6 days ending Nov. 2. $25 made $71. 6 days ending Nov. 29, $25 made $36. A guarantee to each one of our clients .to clear from $10 to $100 each week. We have been in the racing business 6 year?, and our systematic brttlng is so perfect that we never have made a loss. Write for particulars, references, etc.. G. S. William son & Co., 1101 Market st., Suite P, San Francisco, .DON'T SPECULATE UNTIL YOU HAVE learned our plan for furnishing authentic advance- Information on the stock and grain markets; our clients making big money dally. Write for particulars and forecast. Mailed free. National Market Advisory Co., 303-40 Dearborn st.. Chlcaeo. FOR SALE A WELL-EQUIPPED PHOTO graph gallery. In one of the best towns In the Willamette Valley; centrally located, and doing a good buslnessr will rent to respon sible porty; owner engaged In other busi ness. Address W. F. Brock, Oregonlan bldg. A TKnuminn tittstxtjtc: .f iv tvi-rtt !vrn I tn XIO 000 in tm-Mt ran nrnonra WnM, nf preferred stock, with guaranteed dividend. In one of the oldest and largest mercantile houses In this city, with lucrative position for life. Address M 11, care Oragonlan. WANTED GOOD OFFICE MAN. ELDERLY gentleman who has had exnerlence soliciting and handling agents preferred, with smnll capital to take Interest: charge of office. Call Tuesday. Fraternal Home Purchasing Co., 327 Chamber of Commerce. GREAT PROFITS $25 AND UPWARDS earned monthly on every $100 Invested: .write for booklet. Dividends weekly; money can be withdrawn any time. Highest refer ences. Theo. Stein & Co., 50 Broadway. N. Y. City. FOR SALE $C00 STOCK OF FRESH GRO- ctries, horse, wagon and fixtures Included: cheap rent; growing neighborhood; will sell at Invoice and discount. Inquire at Sigler Milling Co., or Woodmere. SEND FOR FREE BOOK, FACTS AND FIG urc3 explaining option trading. $20 mar gins 1000 bu.. 2 cents. Osborn Grain Co., 813 Phoenix bldg., Minneapolis, Minn., mem bers Chamber Commerce. $20,000 STOCK OF FIRST-CLASS GENERAL merchandise: old established business; best railroad town in Oregon; brick building; rea sonable rent; changing business. S 0, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED MAN DESIRES TO RUY active Interest In local mercantile or manu facturing business: references given and re quired. Address V 11, care Oregonlan. MEAT MARKET. WITH HOUSE AND FAM ily gardon: rent. $10 per month; capital needed. $250 to WOO; reason for renting, other buslne3. B. H., Westport, Or. SWELL. LITTLE ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 roome. all full; new goods; everjfthlng first das; will sell at actual cost; discount for cash, or terms. A 0, Oregonlan. GALLERY FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST paying studies In the country: will give pos eeselon at once. Inquire photo department, Woodard. Clarke & Co. GOOD-PAYING COUNTRY PAPER FOR sale; plenty Job work and land notices: ex cellent chance for two young men. Address A 13, Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING -HOUSE: FIRST class proposition; do not answer unless you mean business; no agents. AddrSss J 12, care Oregonlan. 8 PER CENT PROFIT OUR WEEKLY Av erage during the past year. Sharon $10. Particulars address N. F. A., 57 Brooks bldg.. New York. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS; c-ntrnl, flne location; no agents. P 11, care Oregonlan. WE HANDLE ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS chance. Gillespie JU Oscar, 420 Commercial block FOR SALE WELL-LOCATED LIVERY AND feed barn, with 40 horses. Inquire 323 Union ave. WANTED TO RENT A BLACKSMITH SHOP . and toolc. J. W. Plummer. 780 3Ilssourl ave. FOR SALE CHEAP. GROCERY STORE; good reaaon for selling. 732 Williams ave, BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS .t CO 300 MORRISON ST- BUSINESS CHANCES RENTALS FIUE INSURANCE... .....MONEY TO LOAN BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. Furniture business and location of 33 rooms, modern, corner, cheap rent; $2300, terms. - JENNINGS & CO. 14 rooms, all furnished, for housekeeping. pays well; $1000. rart cash. JENNINGS & CO. Transient house of 15 rooms, fine furniture. central; $1500, time on part. JENNINGS & CO. 3S-room house. 20 furnished, good location; rent only $30; tnap at $1200, terms. JENNINGS & CO. Hotel of 37 rooms, old-established, rent $7o; price $2500. give terms. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. some noon buys 25 ROOMS. ALL ON ONE FLOOR 1500 13 low rent, pays well J gjj" 10 " Fine house, new furnlture.....$ 800 32 " MODERN CORNER BLDG $230 14 " Partlv h.-iuwkeenlnsr. nay well.SlWO 49 " BRICK lUnr... ALL FULL $2200 25 ' " Hotel, near fair site $ly00 IS " On N. 3d at., chean rent $l-"00 40 " ELEGANT. MODERN BRICK. .J5500 24 " Flat, rent S35. money-maker... $1000 10 " ON WASHINGTON ST $ 525 15 " Fine transient corner QjiifZ 44 " A BIG MONEY-MAKER $Q0? 9 " Reyldrnre rinse in $ S0 11 " NEWLY FURNISHED $ 30 3 " Good location $ 4-3 CAN MA1CR tvm!M5 rM THE ABOVK. JENNINGS & CO 309H. MORRISON ST. BUSTNRKS? OPPORTUNITIES. Cigar and news-stand, good corner joining ami tailoring establishment r Saloon, cheap rent, pays well fi5 Tea nnd crockery store, fine chance 3 000 -iinner wanted In first-class restaurant. .$ijvu Barber fhon nnd hath 3 chairs $ IH Delicatessen and home bnkery $ p ijesiaurant ana luncn counter Cash Kroeery, 0 living rooms $ B"rt Good paying delivery buslnes Country hotel, furniture nnd building... Si'-1" Delicatessen, bakery and cmcery Clxar nnd new Rfivre mtintrv town $ 52 Grocery, doing big business, will involce.47i-j'j Saloon, old established, popular stand $220 r stanrt MORKISON ST. JENNINGS A CO 309 MO FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY. 38 RUSSEL BLDG.. COR. 4TH AND MORRISON. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 30 rooms, lease, "corner, law rent $1500 22 " choico location, lease 1400 22 " splendid corner, near P. O 13C0 40 " brick, filled permanent r'mcrs 1600 65 " 3 years' lease, very central.... 1700 23 " good transient house 1300 13 " flat, 4 years' lease, good 1500 "24 " splendid transient corner 1600 24 " dining-room In connection 20C0 35 " best comer In city, well furd.. 2500 13 " flat, rent $20: good 630 62 " partly furnl3hed. brick 1700 23 " flat, central 1300 14 " corner residence 1050 We bave list of furnished houses and cot- tage that can be purchased right. OTHER BUSINESS CHANCES raloon and cafe. 3d st.. lease. $2300. Best paylnz grocery Iri city, will invoice. VnTnllv trrneerv nn.-l hnlrfrv (V)n N Lunch counter. f4C0: barber shop, $600. uigar stands, $450. ?7Ct). 1-OrtD'S BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, RusscI bldr.. cor. 4th and Morrison. EXTRA CHOICE BUSINESS CHANCES Barber shop. 4 chairs, central $ 730 Grocery, living rooms. $550; another 2300 Cigar store, line, room in rear 650 Saloons. $275. $750: very flne one 3000 Restaurant, 12 tables, very fine 350 Restaurant and rooming-house. 10 r.... 1200 Chophouse, central, money-maker 300 Sawmill, water transportation 3200 Bakery. 1000 loaves dally. 800 Confectionery store, fine corner 1200 ROOMING-HOUSES SPLENDID BARGAINS. 50 r., rent $S5. good furniture, brick $1800 150O 850 275 1100 350 325 230 750 450 23 r., r?nt. $50. transient, overflowing . IS r., rent .5o, corner. - bay windows... 10 r., rent $1S. part furnished, new 15 r., rent $50, transients $100. night... 11 r., rent $30, fine, always full 0 r., rent $25. very neat cottage 7 r., rent $10. flat, central, fair 49 r rent $150. splendid brick, lease. 17 r.. renv$30, hotel, full boarders.... Call and see our full list. C. R. E. &. T. CO 234 Morrison st, THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS correspondents throughout the Northwest, and is thoroughly Informed on business possi bilities. At the orescnt time there arc excellent op portunities in manufacturing, mercantile or milling enterprises. Favorable city locations can also be had suitable for grocery or other business, the only requisites to success being some expe rience and a little capital. There Is a fine opening in the wholesale commission line an Interest with an estab lished house. A good mercantile proposition, requiring from $3000 to $10,000. Full details can be seen at the agency rooms, Ablngton bldg. PARTNER WANTED. FROM $5000 UP. FOR manufacturing business; I have all machin ery recessary; good -shipping point; money , awtnted- to buy- etock; am an Eastern man, and made my money here within three years; have largest manufacturing plant In Ore gon; chance for a couple of men with cap ital. For Information address M 12, care Oreconlan. WANTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY, TO take contract to log 10,000,050 feet during seaFon: rough country: donkey proposition; four donkeys owned by company now; write for further information. LaMoIne L. & T. Co.. LaMolne. Shasta Co.. Cal. I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. NO MAT ter where It Is. Send description, state price and learn how. Established 1890. Highest reference. Offices In 14 cities. W. M. Ostrander. 1443 N. A, bldg.. Phila delphia. WANTED A PARTNER WITH A FEW hundred dollars, to engage In new manufac tory that will pay handsomely; a chance to clean up $10,000 or $15,00,0 In two years. Call or address Millwright, office 03 First St., city. PERMANENT INCOMES WE AVERAGE 23 r-tr cent profit per month; dividends nald weekly: accounts withdrawn ucon demand: established IfifHJ. Address Arthur Blake & Co., 927 Market at. San Francisco. Cal. FOR SALE A BARGAIN: 10 ROOMS. FUR- nlshcd, for lodging and boarding and house keeping. 301 Washington st., opposite Cor dray's. Fine locution; good reasons for Bell ing; cheap; part of payment on time. ALL KINDS MERCANTILE "AND MANU facturing businesses bought and sold; the beM Investments, that owners object to ad. vertlslng. T. C. Shreve, 421 Ablngton bldg. $2300 INVESTED IN A GOOD. LEGITIMATE business will bring you a profit of $10,000 in one year. Address A 11, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE-FOURTSEN HEAD COWS AND milk route, amounting to $190 a month. In quire 3Sth and Division, John Tumblin. "WANTED PARTNER, $300 AND SERVICES, for half Interest legitimate business; no ngents. Address X 12. Oregonlan. PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO IN HEART OF Pprtlnnd; nicely equipped living rooms at tached; rent. ?10. L 12, Oregonlan. i WANTED SOME ONE AVITH $3000 TO $5000 to Invest In manufacturing business; or will sell patent. Room 4, 145 0th st. WANTED BUTCHER TO OPEN MrlAT market; good suburban location, on car line; no opposition. W 0. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed; good location for worklngmen; living room in rear. 321 Water. I HAVE $1500 TO $2000 TO INVEST. WITH my services. In some paying business. Ad drr P 8, enre Oregonlan. FOR SALE-BEST RESTAURANT AND 10 room rooming-house with It, all full; $1200; on 3d st. B 9. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 20-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE: first-class furniture, steam heat; central; a bargain. Call 107 3d st. WANTED TO RENT-r-HOUSE, 15 ROOMS OR more; must be central; would buy furniture. Y 13, Oregonlan. ONE OF THE LARGEST MEAT MARKETS in the city; centrally located; best trade. F 94. Oregonlan. $400 CASH PARTLY FURNISHED 0-ROOM flat, centrally located; no children; rent $30. K 11. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST-LOCATED saloons In the city;, will sell very reasonable. J 9, Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER. $300, GOOD. PAYING business; guarantee $25 a week. Address E 13. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GROCERY AND CONFECTION ery. with four living rooms at back. 563 Savler st. CONFECTIONERY AND flne location; dirt Cheap. First, city. CIGAR STAND; Call at once, 9 ROOMING-HOUSE. 2S ROOMS. ALL FUR nlshed; owner leaving city. See owner. 223 Market st. WANTED TO BUY A MAIL-ORDER Busi ness. What have you? Address X 8, care Oreconlan. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR STOCK paying cent share monthly? C 12, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHAJS'CES. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES AND BUSINESS CHANCES LILLIAN DE KEATER. 17 YEARS IN PORTLAND. WILL LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 423 TAYLOR. PHONE FRONT 313. 05-room hotel, good business, bargain.. .$1900 larsre transient, monev-maker. 1500 35 steam heat, central 2300 elecantlv furnished, rent $30... 2700 26 verv central, fine transient... 3000 46 " eleeant i-entral full 4600 11 " very fine located, nice . 830 24 ' very central, money-maker.... 1600 33 ' finest furnished In city 8 " central, full, bargain .i 11 " bargain; piano; central 830 12 " close In. full "2- 9 - " good house, boarding, terms... 550 6 " fine new house, new furniture, beautiful: rent $.10; bargain... 400 -.9 " very central, good 000 11 " part furnished. $25: rent 500 11 " near Portland Hotel 000 12 " fine residence, full 1200 8" " part furnUhed. good 350 16 " prh-atfe dwelling, full, good 1200 9 " new furniture, rent $30 700 10 " nice furniture, private . 500 Creamery, home cooking, confectionery. fine business, established, bargain... 500 13 " private housekeeping, fine'. 1200 -4 " flat, monev-maker. transient. central: If taken at once 1600 23 hou.e. making over $100. after expenses paid, good transient.. 1500 i rooms, rent $23. Income of 3 rms. $2x. 4W 6 " rent $23, private houeo 400 0 " central, rent $17 375 10 " nice furnished, private, fill... 550 55 " worklngman's hotel 1000 I hwe a good many bargains not adver tised. List your houses with me. I will i-'cll them quick. Business good. Bargains in all kinds of business chances. Strangers In city will do well to e me. I will locate you right: investigate: 17 vars In Portland. LILLIAN DE KEATER, 423 Taylor st. Pr-one Front 315. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. GOOD Lo cation; brick corner; 45 rooms, all full, 30 furnished; sickness: call early and get bar gain. E 9. Oregonlan. FOR SALE MILK BUSINESS. COWS AND route. Address Y 72, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE -V GROCERY STORE. For particulars apply 421 1st, WIKL SELL OR TRADE NINE-ROOM lodging-house. 227 Front st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaitinpr- MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assnyers and Analyst. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSATER AND AN alytlcal chemist and mining englnper, 204 Washington st. , MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. Experts or. analysis of coals, minerals, rock and mineral waters. J. T. Gove. Manager. Harlcy J. Ankeny. Armstronr. assayer. cor. 7th and Prices and bags mailed on request. PAUL RAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 228 Stark st. Accountants nnd Auditor. Murton & Arenbold, 320. 323 Chamber of Com. Thonc Main 761. Bookkeeping, exporting. Archltcct.1. DELOS D. NEER. ARCHITECT. ROOMS 21 and 22. 133 First st. Phone Red 2924. Aftorney-"at-Lavr. NIXON Si DOLPH. GENERAL PKACTITION crs. Notaries Public. 302 Commercial bldg. N. MOSESSOHN. general practit'oner. 722 Chamber of Commerce. Consultation free. Butchers nnd Packer. FULTON MARKET, cor. 3d nnd Yamhill Get prices on hams, bacon, lard and frh meats. Carpenters and Builders. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder, 307 Stark st.: office and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re- v pairing houses; grill work. Phone Main 747. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVING, houses built and repaired. 20S 4th. Clay 174. Cement r.nd Concrete "VVorlc. "We do all kinds of cement and concrete work. Get prices on sidewalks and baements. CRy Building Cc. 612 Commercial bldg. Chiropodists and lUnnicnrlnfr. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. UNRIVALED EXPERT CHIROPODIST AND manicurist; work scientifically performed; phyicinni Indorsement, Office 20 Raleigh. Hood 1701. Civil Engineers. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer. C36 Worcester block. Conl Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS in all kinds of coal. Coll us up for cuota tions. 151 North 5th. Main 1018. Col, 263. KING COAL COMPANY: BEST HOUSE AND steam coals. Yard Front St., opposite Alns worth Dock. Phone Oak 1251. Col and Wood. BROWN & HICKS, COAL AND DRY WOOD. Foot Yamhill st. Both phones. Main 715. ALL KINDS OF WOOD, COAL AND KIND--ling; prompt delivery. Phone Main 342. Collection Agencies. Lehman Collection Agency: collection, legal matters promptly attended to. 326 Wash. ComrjiiR.ntnn Merchant. HERMANN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commlHPlon merchant. Front st.. nenr Main. Portland, Or. Cash advances on consignments. i TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock build ing. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO ducn merchants. Front & D sts., Portland. Or. Corrugnteil Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second st. Dancing. ALL WHO FAIL WITH OTHER TEACH rrs call and see Mrs. L. B. McCalla, 323 Goodnouch bldr. Waltz nnd two-step In one hour. Phone Green, 441. PKOF. EATON. WITH 5 ASSISTANTS. GIVE private or class dancing lessons Monday and Thursday evenings, Arion Hall. Tel. West 793. MISS HELEN COPELAND. TEACHER OF dancing. Burkhard Hdll. Mon. and Wed. ev'gf. Tues. afternoons. Tel. Union 1602. MISSES MATTINGLY, ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 209 South 14th. Class or private lessons. Dyeinn; and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er, 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Fence and "Wire "Workfi. OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works A. Carlson. 2S9 East Morrison st. Fraternal Innnrnnce. Order cf Washington, foremost fraternal so cl2ty of N. W.: protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y.. 612-613 Marquam bldg. IlnirdrcflRinp, Tonpees, Manicurlnfr. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. 160 FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, halrdressing. manicuring. PARIS HAIR STORE, SOS WASHINGTON ST. The leading wlgmakers and hairdressers. Gnxollne Engines. TATUM S Francisco. BOWEN. Seattle. PORTLAN.D. SAN Hnrnocn nnd Saddle. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WH OLE sale saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. Hnir Good nnd Costume. Imperial Hair Store. 320 Morrison: hair goods; specialty, gents' top plecfs, masquerade cos tumes for rent. Turkish baths, ladles only. Inwurnnee. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Paul van Fridagh. General Agent. Mnrhle nnd Granite. MARBI4E AND GRANITE MONUMENTS. 720 Front at.; fine work, large stock,, low, prices. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Junlc. Hides and Pelts. L. Shank & Co. pay highest rr!ce3 for old rub br. metals, bottle?. Iron. rags, hides, pelt arfa tallow. 312 Front. Tel. South SJ91. Leather nnil KlmHn;rn. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe stor supplies, leather of all kinds. 73 Front st. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe stock shoemake-s' supplies. " 207 upoers; Wash. ful Machinery. Phoenix Iron Works, engineers, manufactur ers. marine, mining, logging and sawmill ma chlnery. boilers, tanks. rivot?d pipe and sheet Iron work. 'Iron, brass" and semi-steel cist ings; shlD work a specialty; bulldlntr am structural work; large stock of pattern?. Of flee and vork3. Hawthorne ave. and East 3i sts., Fritz" Wolff, manager and superintend ent, formerly of Wolff & Zwlcker Iron Works TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAWMILL logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, easting, of all kinds repaired. 101 North Fourth st. THE H. C. machinery, s ALBEE CO.. awmllls. etc. SECOND-HANI US Grand ave. Massnjre. REFINED YOUNG LADY gives vapor, laven der baths. Try famous Assyrian treatment Invigorating, real luxury. 8 fith. cor Stark, room 14. One call means another. 360 WASHINGTON ST.. CORNER Ol Park, room 1. the Snowden baths: vapor ani pponge baths; also marwige and electricity Remember the number; no signs. EXCELLENT BATHS. MAGNETIC ANI massage Treatment, by experienced younj lady: formerly with Miss Bee La Rue. Roon 16. 351 Morrison. FRENCH LADY. AVITH TWO YOUNG GRAD uate assistants, gives mas?age treatment electric, perfume. 20S 5th. Phone W. 197:;. SCIENTIFIC GRADUATE MASSEUSE GIVE! massage, with Swedish. Delsarte. Grutli movements. Office 20 Raleigh bldg. THERMAL BATHS, scientific massage, by ex perlenced masseuse. Rooms 20 and 27 Raleigh Medical. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY royal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Tato no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mail Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co. Philadelphia. Pa. Mediums. MADAM SMITH (COLORED). FOR 25 YEAR! Portland's favorite medium. 221 Market st Millinery. A. S. JORGENSEN. 201 MORRISON GREA! reduction In millinery for the balance of th season. Inspection Invited. Mines and Mining. ST. HELENS & GALICS MINING CO.! Gallce Creek (Southern Oregon) placers nov In operation, and producing; a few shares cai be purchased at 30 cents: dividends com mence Jan. 1. A. B. Cousin, Sec'y., 20: McKay bldg. Mnftlcal. PROF. T. E. LAWSON. 233 1ST ST. piano, organ, guitar lessons, at your home 00 cents. Lesons 50c, rlano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vlo iin; lnstrunrts for sale. Mrs. Martin. laiVs 1st Oregon Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS Health tnlks to ladies, Thursday. 2:30 P. M. Palmistry. PALMISTRY, ASTROLOGY MRS. SHELLEI Washburn, the famous palmist and astrolo gist of San 1 rancico. Is now located ai 2f? Jefferson St.. Portland. Or Mrs.' Shellej Washburn was palmist and special characUi reader for the S. "F. Examiner in 1S9S-C9. ant comes highly recommended from there. Ai a lecturer and newsraper specialist, she bPi nn unrivaled reputation. While working fc the Examiner, she read many prints and cast: of Portland pcodIc's hands. Mrs. Washburj will now meet you personally at 207 Jefforsoi fct. Readings. $1. PROF. STERLING WILL RETURN DEC. S REMOVED; have your hands read. Then are no two hand3 alike. Call and be con "lneed that your life can be told accuratelj by this peerless exponent of palmistry Charg -s, 5l)c and up. Office houra from H A, M. to 0 P. M . 26S Morrison, room 23. Larscc, the palmist, returned: scientific read ings, 50c: past and future. 216 Allsky bldg Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clair voyant card reader, 133 1st, cor. Alder. T. J. GEISLER. ATTORNEY: PATENTS specialty. 5.10 Chamber of Commerce. riirenology. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Two dollar saved. Three scientific oral delineations foi $1. until Jan. 1. 1903. Prof. Griffith, 1C7M 1st st. PhyHicIan.s nnd Snrtjeon. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT SUCCESS fully treats and cures nil diseases of women. Successful home treatments by mall. 308 Sal mon, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney and skin diseases. Odd Fellow'3 Temple. Dr. Flora A. Brown, diseases of women and children a .specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS, VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Second-hand safes bought and sold. Goods as representtd. J. E. Davis. 00 3d. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK Co.. gen'l agts.. 203 2d st.. A. O. U. W. bldg. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrla Safe Co.. 91 1st st.. 2d door north of Stark. Showcases nnd Store Fixtures. P.. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. Slot Mncklnes. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington St.; largest variety; repairing. Spiritnalistn. CLAIRVOYANTS THE SELBYS. SO strange Is our work that, without a word, without a question, we can tell you what you came for. Just what you want to know. Cor rect Information about all affairs, love, court ship, marriage, divorce, sales, wills, property, old estates, speculation, diseases, pensions, patents. Investment, etc. We positively tell you when and whom you will marry, glvlns name of person" nd date of marriage. Wo recognize none as our superior, who by any mean advise and foretell events arising through cause and effect. Hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. : Sunday, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ISO 7th st., between Yamhill and Taylor. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits. Jove, matrimony; nltes the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran teed. Rooms 5. G. A. O. V. W. bids., cor. 2d and Taylor. Take elevator, fourth floor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS. Wallace, the famous psychic; gives valuable advice on nil affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult the best. 271 Morrison St., room A. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader; scientific palmist; past and future, 50c. 221 Morrison. Mrs. C. Cornelius. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morri son. Sitings dally. Phone Hood 403. MRS. ADDIE It. SMITH. BUSINESS AND test, at 133 5th, cor. Alder, room 1. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, office. 88 First, bet." Stark and Oak; phone 590. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: commodious lire proof brick Warehouse: Front "and Clay sw. Trnnk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Tnrliish Buthrt. DF.KUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baths. Hours Ladles, 9 to 3; gentlemen. 3:30 to 9. Typewriter. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter: get catalogue. .J19 California st.. San Francisco. Wall Paper. FREEBORN & CO.. wall paper, paper-hanging, tinting, painting. 334 Alder, cor. 7th. AVntclmiaker.i and .Jewelers. JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Jewelry, silverware. 207 Morrison. Repairing. "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davl3 sts.. Portland, Or.