The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 02, 1902, Image 1

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    PAGES 1 TO 8
A. I
VOL. XXL NO. 44.
Babeock's Final Fore
cast on Election.
Grosvenor Givesiftepublicans
a Majority of 38.
Chairman. Griggs Predict That the
Democrats Will Be in Control of
the Lower House by at
Least Twenty.
Bep. Dem.
Senate 55 33
House 201 150
Probable make-up of next Congress:
, f Rep. Dem.
Senate 52 35
House 204 182
Three In doubt.
ington, Nov. 1. Chairman Babcock, -of
the Republican Congressional committee,
made his final estimate this afternoon of
the probable outcome of the Congression
al elections. He said:
"We will have 204 Republican members
of the House with the fair prospect of in
creasing that number. With 204 members,
our majority will be 22. That is the min
imum calculation. I think the figures
will run higher.'"
A Congressional forecast by General
Grosvenor, of Ohio, Is now looked upon
as a regular feature -preceding each elec
tion. After looking over the field, he
ventures the prediction that the Repub
licans will have 212 members in the next
House, the Democnits 174, with Colorado
and Idaho in doubt. He places Wash
ington, Utah, Minnesota, Michigan, Kan
sas, Iowa and Montana solidly in the Re
publican column, and conceding the gain
of one Democratic member in Wisconsin,
West Virginia, North Carolina, Califor
nia. Missouri and Ohio, Grosvenor is con
fident there will be Republican gains of
one member in Nevr York. New Jersey,
Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania, two in
Massachusetts, six in Illinois' and hree
In Nebraska. He says the campaign of
the present week, has developed energy
in many quarters, where apathy existed
. a week ago.
Chairman Griggs MakcN a Forecast
of the Result for His Party.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. Chairman J.
Ml Griggs, of the Democratic Congres
sional committee, tonight issued the fol
lowing statement: t
"The next House will have a Democratic
, majority of not less .than 20. How many
more than this we shall have can only
be determined after the counting of the
votes polled on Tuesday next. It de
pends largely, as every election does,, on
the weather and other conditions which
cannot be foretold. The Republican lead
ers have been until recently complaining
of apathy. For the last "day or two, for
political purposes, they are claiming .that
they have overcome this to a large ex
tent, and are faint-heartedly predicting
success. Reports to us do not indicate
that this is true. Republicans every-
, where appear listless, and even careless
of results. We find that our Democratic
friends are wide-awake and alert in every
district of the United States where there
is a light.
"It is well to understand that the last
apportionment bill was so drawn as to
add 19 Republicans and 10 Democrats to
the House, a Republican, addition of nine
to their present majority. The Leglsla
tures of the Republican states where
possible to - do so. outrageously gerry
mandered Congressional districts so as to
create a few heavily Democratic districts
and many Republican .districts by what
they consider safe majorities. This is
notably the. case in Illinois and New
York, but these states have had a habit
of playing havoc with political gerry
manders In the past, and we believe that
this is a year in which there will be a
repetition of this. We are not depending
on this, however, for the majority named
above. Even if these states go as they
were gerrymandered to go, we shall have
a Democratic House by a safe majority."
Famous Actress Toor of Germany
Xot a Financial SncceHS.
BERLIN, Nov. 1. Sarah Bernhardt will
finish - her engagement Monday evening.
Though the tickets sold at high prices,
and she had abundant applause, her en
gagement has not been trie success ex
pected. The critics -were rather hostile,
especially in the case of "Hamlet." The
negotiations for the actress' appearance
at Dresden and Leipslc have been
dropped, owing to a disagreement about
the terms. After playing at Hamburg,
Mme. Bernhardt will return here for a
performance for the benefit of the Ger
man and French consumptive cure estab
Diplomat Drnnlc to Toast to Bern
hardt and Wan Dismissed.
BERLIN, Nov. 1. Mme. Bernhardt's
playing in German proved the ruin of the
late Baron von Magnus, through a din
ner given In honor of the actress at
Copenhagen. The. Baron, -who was Ger
man Minister to Denmark, and most of
the other members of the diplomatic corps
were present, and various i,oasts were
drunk. The Baron politely suggested that
they drink to France. "Yes," cried Mme.
Bernhardt, "we drink to France; but to
all. France to Alsace and Lorraine." The
Baron drank to the toast. Prince Bis
marck dismissed him, and the Baron died
in an asylum for the insane.
Ofilelal Notice of the Appointment of
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Official notifi
cation has been received here that Mon
slgnor Falconio, at present apostolic dele
gate to Canada, has received the pon
tifical brief appointing him apostolic dele
gate to the United States, to succeed Car
dinal Martlnelll, who left this post to
return to Rome May 10. Monslgnor Fal
conio will arrive about November 20.
(The Roman Catholics of Portland re
gard the appointment of Monslgnor Dlo
mede Falconio, Archbishop of Garilsa.
as apostolic .delegate to ' the United
States, as a peculiarly happy step.
The gentleman upon whom the honor
has been conferred held the same posi
tion In Canada for four years, having
been in America over 22 yeare. Monslgnor
Falconio is a member of the Franciscan
Order, and wears Irs light gray robes. He
learned English in a "Franciscan monas
tery in Allegheny, Pa., some 20 ' years
ago. and, after many years of work in
that city, returned to Italy, where he be
came the bishop of a see bordering on
the- Adriatic. After 16 years In his na
tive country he was made apostolic dele
gate to Canada, and -has been laboring In
that field for the past four years. He
was appointed delegate Jo this country
to succeed Cardinal Martlnelll, who has
become a member of the pope's curia.)
Disturbances in Porto Rico Were
Personal Difficulties.
WASHINGTON. 'Nov. 1. A cablegram
has been received at the State Depart
ment from Governor Hunt, at San Juan,
Porto Rico, stating that the reports of
rioting on the island were greatly exag
gerated. The disturbances, he says, were
entirely personal between rival candi
dates, and had ho National significance.
As to the complaint of the Spanish the
atrical troupe,, which was prei'ented by
disorder from filling its engagement, the
cablegram states that the company had
included in Its performance some features
slurring the United States, which were
resented by the audience.
Mosley Arrives, and English Com
mission Is Diie In a Day or Trvo.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Alfred Mosley
arrived here today on the steamship Cam
panli! He said that the members of the
.commission which he is bringing from
England to study the relations of capital
and labor In -the United States would all
reach this country In a few days. A
number of English journalists came on
the Campania to report the Investigation
as it proceeds. ,
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Western Legislatures to
Vote on Fair.
Other States West ofMVIis
sissippi Asked to A:d.
They Are Aslced to ATote $500,Q00 for
Lewis and Clark Fair Governor
elect Chamberlain Promises to
Co-operate WithJOirectors.
The Legislature of every state west of
the Mississippi River, except those of
South Dakota, Iowa and Louisiana, will
convene next January. An early appro
priation by the Oregon Legislature for the
Lewis and Clark Fair Is therefore abso
lutely essentia. Should that appropria
tion drag along until the end of the ses
sion, the delay would work Irreparable
loss to the Fair.
Quito as much of the success of the Exr
position hinges on early action in Oregon
as on the size of the appropriation. A
large appropriation late In February
would not be worth so much as a smaller
appropriation early in January. Unless
neighboring states appropriate money for
the Fair at their coming session, they will
not do so at all because they will not
meet again until 1905. Can Oregon ex
pect other statc to devote less time to
the consideration of appropriations than
It shall do Itself?
The example of Oregon will have to be
presented before the Legislatures ot
neighboring states. To do this will take a
great deal of time compared with the
length of their sessions.
Who Shall Disburse Funds.
If the Oregon Legislature shall appro
priate money for the Lewis and Clark
Fair, the funds will have to be expended
by designated agcntii or commissioners
of the state government. This require
ment Is acknowledged by the members of
the Fair Board. The public money can
be used to, assist the purposes of the Ex
position in this indirect way and Just as
effectively as If It were given over to the '
disposal of the Fair corporation. The
participation 6f the State of Oregon In
the Fair will, therefore, bp Oh the' same
plan as that "of other, states. It will, re
semble the participation ot Oregon in the
exposition at Chicago. Omaha, Buffalp
or Charleston.
Interest, therefore, centers In the per
sonnel of the commission which Is to ex
pend the money the Legislature shall ap'
proprlate. The last Legislature author
ized the appointment of five commission
ers "to represent the State of Oregon in
connection with eald celebration . . .
and in preparing and presenting the
state's exhibit at the same and to report
to the next Legislature their doings and
Governor Geer appointed on this com
mission: H. W. Corbett and C. B. Bellin
ger, of Portland; H. E. Ankeny, of
Eugene; C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, and
Edward Everett Young, of Baiter City.
The creation of the body was authorized
by a resolution passed by the House and
concurred In by the Senate. The resolu
tion was Introduced by George M. Orton,
of Multnomah County.
The question now is: What will this
commission do? What are its powers?
Will the Legislature give to it the dispo
sition of the money which Is to be appro
priated for the Fair, or will a new com
mission be appointed. In reporting to the
new Legislature, as 'It is required to do
should Jt recommend an appropriation of
$500,000? Mr. Corbett, chairman of the com
mifiilon. said last night the body might
properly make this recommendation and
probably would do so. He said that this
would be a suitable way of bringing thjj
appropriation officially to the notice of
the Legislature.
Will Appoint, Fair Directors'.
In order to empower the present com
mission to expend the appropriation, the
becjy would probably have to be reap
pointed by regular Legislative act. The
appointing power would, in that case, fall
upon Mr. Chamberlain, who would then
be Governor. The Crcgonlan asked Mr.
Chamberlain If he were authorized to
name a commission whether he would
choose part of the members from- the
Board df Directors of the Fair.
"That would seem proper," replied His
Excellency-to-be. "I do not see any
objection to it. In fact that intimate re
lation between the ccmmlsslcn and the
board would be mutually beneficial."
Mr. Chamberlain has the kindliest o
feelings toward the Fair and. the people
of v Oregon may be assured that he will
contribute his best efforts, In so far as
hlii official position will permit, to the suc
cess ofv the enterprise.
Who. shall constitute-the new commis
sion, if' one 13 to be named; in a subject
of interest. Some ' people fayor an in
crease in the number of members pf ' the
board to seven or more;- and others think
the body is already large enough for 'ef
fective work. As the commission is Sow
constituted, H. W. Ccrbett represents the
Lewis and Clark Board.
Commissions In Other Stolen.
Three neighboring states have similar
commisstoniT Washington. Idaho and
Utah. These commissions will make re
ports to .the Legislatures of their respec
tive states next January. They will
probably recommend appropriations for
thu Fair. Undoubtedly ail appropriation
at a special scolon of the Oregon Legisla
ture would help the cause of the Fair in
other states, if the se:.ilon were. exped
ient In Cregon. But there's the rub.
Public sentiment in this state seems to
.(Concluded on Third Page.)
Eastern Elections.
Chnlrman Babcock nredtcts a Republican "ma-'
Jorlty of at least 22ln the House. Page 2.
Chairman Griggs says the Democrats will con
trol the House by 20 votes. Page 2.
Wall street is betting two to one on election of j
ucieu in sew ion;, .rage r.
Estimates, by party leaders of the result in the
.. .several states. Page 2.
Northwest Politics.
Ida'ao Republicans are confident of carrying the
state. Page 1. jgj
Senator Turner's chances of re-election gr6w
sllmmer as election day rolls around. Pago
Governor McBrlde scores Legislative nominees,
who. It fs said, will not stand by railroad
commission. Page 7.
, ' General.
Secretary Hitchcock scents a scheme In East
ern Oregon reserve, and will block It. Page
Coal-strike peace board will adjourn Thursday
for a .week. Par? 23.
President Roosevelt on, turkey-hunting trip In
Virginia. Page 3.
Senator Quay may be prosecuted for using own
letterheads in soliciting campaign funds.
Page 2.
Kaiser's visit to England Is espected to bring
about more friendly relations. Page 3.
Rosbery welcomes suggestion of conference
between Liberal leaders. ,rnsc 3.
Frcnch'mlne operators and strikers still unable
to agree. Page 3.
En.itern Football.
Michigan defeats Wisconsin for "Western cham
pionship, 0-0. Page 10. .
Harvard defeats Carlisle Indians, 23-0.
Princeton defeats Cornell, 10-0. Page 10,
Yale and West Point plrfy tie game, G-0. Page
Xorthwest Football. I
Multnomah defeats Chemawas,'. 17-0.- Page -10. j
University of Oregon defeats .Medics, 11-0.
Page 10.
Berkeley defeats Nevada, 0-0. Pajro 10.
Albany defeats Portland Academy, SyO. rage.
10. - ' " V
Pullman defeats Whitman, 6-5. Page 10.
Pneiflc Const.
Another salmon cannery combine Is formed at
Vancouver, B. C- Page C.
Boise people stampeded to new gold discoveries
near town. Pare 7.
Boyii receive shots In face at Monmouth. Hal
lowe'en .night. Page C.
Commercial and Marine.
Aavance in association noiamgs oi Aiassa sai-
in V rt Pn 11
.. .... . . . . x .
iuu ween in xsow iorK siock marKei.
veeniy uuiik. statement nu uncit-vn:u b"'"
in cash. Page 11.
Government may lease Port of Portland dredge.
Page 12.
Portland and Vicinity.
All titates" west of Mississippi asked to Join In
Fair; address to. Oregon Legislators. Page 1.
Rapid growth of the Grange in Oregon. Page
Portland men still working for Grand Army
encampment. ' Page 10.
Fast horses brlns low prices at auction sale.
Page 1
. . . , ,
Charges against sailor bordlng-house men fall.
Pnze"l7 I
. . . I . , . oi.u t
New trial asked for Murderer Smith. Page 24.
Multnomah football team shuts out Indians.
Page 10.
Features and Departments,
Editorial. Page 4.
Church announcements. Page -31. ,
Social. Page 18.
Dramatic news. Page 20.
Music. Page 20.
s. Eva Emery Dyo's new book, "The Con-
quest." Page 25.
nan Doyle's pirate story- Page 20.
Physical culture, for busy men. Page 20.
Mr. Dooley on the Irish question. Page 32.
Gcorjje Ade's' fable In slang. Page 32.
Fashions. Page 28.
1 Youths' department. Page 29.
' The Valley of the Rhone. Fagc 30.
. Elizabeth In her new Oregon home. Page 30.
Career of "Governor McBrlde. ;Page 32.
Waif treet Banks
His "Election.
. i benaipr, anu cignt memaers oi uongress.
. , . As usual, both Republicans and Demo-.
j crats claim they will make a complete
sweep. Franklin Lane, the Democratic
rftrrMnD IQ PnWCiniTMT candidate for Governor, has made a thor
iUVLlUlUlt 10 UUmiULllI ough campaign nnd expects to win the
labor vote In the larger clties'of the state,
j If he does this, he will reduce the large
- ' t majority the Republicans received at the
' ' last election. Dr. George C. Pardee, the
ni n U!' " (iff
rlaCeS nepUDliCan IVIa-
r-r rr'r !
OritV Si OUiUUUi
nrsmon n-rr t-nnm i t unnrrm
uL.iuuuim i o iwusiL.ui uui ii uu
Color Says, He Is . Certain That He
Will Carry Xcw York HHPs
MndslinKlng Is Proving
a 'Bo onve rang-.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. With the leaders
of both parties confident of success, and
predicting majorities of 40,000 to 50,000 for
their respective tickets, the state cam- leading parties than in any other cam- I
paign for the election next Tuesday was paign for years In Colorado. The prln- I
brought to a close tonight. The candl- lPl sue Is the United States, Senator
dates of the two leading -parties for' Gov- ship. As 17 of the IS hold-over Senators
ernor chose the battleground of Kings are Democrats, there is not much doubt 1
County for their speeches tonight, while that Senator Teller will be re-elected by i
ex-Senator Hill was in Buffalo making ' the Incoming Legislature. There are six!
a final effort to capture Erie County- statc tlc-kcts In thfr Held. Democratic. Re- i
Conservative men In both the leading ,
partles predict that success will be won
with a majority possibly aa small as
10,'OCO. Governor Odell today predicted the
success of the Republican state ticket by '
50,000, while Chairman Dunh, of the Re-
publican .State Committee, citing to his
predlctlon of 37,600.' He said he was sure
of Erie County by 3000 to 5000. and he
sald that Monroe County was Republican.
notwithstanding the alleged settlement of
the differences between the Democrats of
that, county and Rochester. The allesed
defection of Republicans on account of
the nomination of Attornsy-General Da
vies for Supreme Court Justice, in the
Fifth Judicial district, was imaginary, he
said today. "There are two Issues," said
Chairman Dunn; "the economical admin
istration of Governor Odell. and the mud-
. snnging ot ex-uovernor rtm. The first
was almost enough to, return Governor
Odell, and the second" was reacting with
deadly effect upon the Democratic party.
Colcr Equally .Confident. .
While Governor Odell and Colonel Dunn
were thus expressing their confidence,
Bird S. Cbler, the Democratic nomlnfee for'
Governor, and Chairman, Campbell, of the
Dcmocratic'state committee, were making'
.similar statcrocpts for the party in the
state. "1 have" received renorts . of. the:
most encouragThg.'chaFacter fri'inuithe.
state," said-Mr;-Color, "aha I am abso
lutely, certain of my election."
Chairman tCampbell said: "The outlook1
is encouraging." He gave oat no further
direct statement today, hut In explana
tion of his reticence, he said a. detailed
statement of claims of his party would
nVnVinhU' lin msHn tmiViIIo Xfnnrl'ii- WcC
I added that early in the campaign he had
i decided that a policy of. silence on his
i . , , , ,. - , . , .
I Part would, be best, and that he should
l not boast or brag, but now ho wished
not boast or brag, but now ho w
;lrl(rn Mnn tViprf vena nn rlonht In his
mind that Mr. Coler would be elected
by a handsome majority.
In Wall street today the hefting was
2 to 1 on Odell ,and many firms placed
; was a good deal of money bet at 10 to 6,
but the Democrats asked better odds
I ' In Greater New York the Democrats
I regard the outlook as indicating a major-
ity of at least 85,000 or 00,000, while Charles
F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, predicts
that Coler will go to the Bronx with 12,000
to the good. One estimate made today
, . . .. .
i save Coler a majority of 20,000 or more
! in Kings County, wher.e Van Wyck had
' . . -o " ' t, V io.-.w ,i .i
a lead over Roosevelt of 18,000, and w'here
Low led for Mayor by 25,750. A Repub
lican estimate gives Coler 60,000 in New
York Counfy. 10.000 In Kings County, and
1000 in Richmond.
Hugh McLaughlin, Democratic leader of
Kings County, predicts that Colcr will be
elected by 50.000, and that he will have
20.000 to -23X00 in Kings, where Mr. Stanch-
field had 2300 plurality for Governor. Dem-
j ocratic workers say the situation In the
j Fifth Judicial district will cost the Re-
i publ!ca'n3 17,000 votes. Lleutenant-Gov-
ernpr "Woodruff says all this talk Is
rom another source comes the state
ment that New York County certainly
will elect two- Republican State Senators,
with a right good chance for a third, a
Labor candidate with Republican indorse-,
- An especial effort is being made
tain the New York County Republican
majority of. 10 in the Assembly. Repub
licans expect the election four Con
gressmen In the county.
Labor Vote Presents n New and Very
Complicating Element.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. The politi
cal campaign in California closed tonight
with big demonstrations by all political
j parties. California this year, elects a
I complete set of state officers, a Legisla-
ture, which will choose a United States
Republican nominee for Governor, and his
managers are confident of victory.
The situation in San Francisco is very
interesting. The Union Labor party.
-r.-V.tV. n'ontAj riiirimo Cntimlt Movn. loo
year, has nominated condidates for Con
gress In the Fourth and Fifth districts,
and the same men have also bejjn nom-
maieo. Dy me uemocrats. mere is some
as to whether Kahn and Loud.
1 the Republican candidates, can win out
against this combination. It Is very prob
able that the Republicans will elect the j '
otner six congressmen ana -that tney will
have a majority In the Legislature. United
States Senator Perkins, whose term ex
pires, wants to be re-elected, and so far
is the only candidate.
loth Sides Exiieet Blir Pluralities 'F
Legislature Probably for Teller.
DENVER, Nov. 1. In the campaign
now drawing to a close, more speeches
have been made by the orators of both the
puoucan. opunst, socialist, sociaiisi-
TLabqr and Prohibition.
D. B. Falrley, chairman of the Republl-
can State .Committee, tonight predicted
tne election of the entire state ticket by
a plurality of S000 to 10,000.
Milton Smith, chairman of the Demo-
'cratlc state committee, said: 'Colorado
v.ill give 15.000 to 1S.00O plurality for Stlm-
son over Peabody for Governor, and will
elect inree jjemocrauc congressmen
The Democrats will elect 14 out of the IS
State Senators to be elected and they
have 17 out of the IS hold-overs. They will
elect 0 out of the C5 members of the
Fiirht Is Between Mormon and Gen
tile, end on Strict Lines.
SALT LAKE CITY,. Nov. 1. The cam
paign this year In Utah has resulted. In
some portions of the state. In almost total
dlsappeirance of old party lines, and the
J alignment of voters on the Mormon and
Gentile division. For the first time in
several years, prominent churchmen have
taken an active part in the camplgn, and
considerable bitterness has' been Injected.
Both the Democratic and Republican state
chairmen; clalrh(h elestkjri -at- the.
dateVhnrf a majority of the LeglslVfive
candidates. The Legislature this Winter
will elect a United States Senator to suc
ceed ' Senator Rawlins. Apostle Reed
Smoot, should the Legislature be Repub
lican, will undoubtedly be elected.
The elimination of party lines has been
i flsnrciallv marked in Salt Lake Citv. nnd
the vote of this city will probably have
great Influence In determining the com-
plexlon of the Legislature.
I Hot F,ht for Member Congress,
i bnt Both Sides Confident.
I HELENA, Mont.. Nov. 1. Unlike the
j majority of states, the campaign in Mon-
Tonight all the parties are holding meet
ings in various towns, and the final rallies
will be held Monday night. The Demo
crats are confident of the election of their
candidate for Congress, and also of their
? candidate for Associate Justice, but not
by so large a plurality as Congressman.
Dlxon. Congressmaii; by a small plural
ity, and are sure of the election of their
candidate , for Associate Justice. The
Labor party concede their nominee for
Congress will not be elected, but claim
they will hold the balance of power In the
Legislature They have Indorsed the Re
publican nominee for Associate Justice.
Republicans Are Confident. While
Fnnionists Are Worried.
RENO, 'New, Nov. 1. The Republicans
practically finished their campaign Thurs
day night in Reno.. United States Dis
trict Judge Thomis B. Hawley, candidate
for United States Senator, and Hon. Sam
uel Piatt, candidate for Attorney-General,
addressed a very large meeting at
the Opera-House. Francis G. Newlands,
Democratic condldate for United States
(Concluded on Second Pagf.)
Republicans Are Confi
dent of Victory.
Reapportionment Puts Legis
lature in Doubt,
Hunt Has Inearred the. Enmity ot
the Men Virli6 3Iaac His Renoini
nntion Possible Xo Defection,
in Republican It:mki,
Steunenberg. Fus 22.030
Budlong. Kep........ . G.4.41
Fowler, -Pro 230
Hunt.. Dem 23,028
Stewart. Rep 20,463
Boothe, Pro ,. 1.031
Randolph, Peo .- 24G
Bryan, Dem 23.192
McKlnley, Rep 0.324
Bryan. Dem 20.04G
McKlnley. Rep 27.10S
j30ISE, Idaho. Nov. 1. (SpecIaU Th(
campaign In Idaho id drawing to a close
with the tide apparently running strongly
In favor of the Republicans. While the
I Democrats are making claims that they
will re-elect Governor b ranK w . nuni
and control the Legislature, there Is a lack
of enthusiasm among them, and it seems
as though they sniffed defeat In the air.
The Republicans, on the other hand,
are confident, and their enthusiasm is
on the Increase. The result on the state
ticket appears to be settled In favor cf
the Republican candidates, but there Is
much dcubE'afyut ti Legislature Some
T -uMican leors are very con-
fident, but the onsensus of opinion is that
the contest is close.
. Two years ago, Governor Hunt was
elected by a plurality of 2160. At that
time there was a perfect fusfon between
the Democrats, Populists and Sliver Re
publicans. This year there Is no fusion.
The Silver Republican party is out of
business entirely. Nothing but a mere
skeleton is left of the Populists, and they
are running a skeleton ticket.
The Democrats believe a large
majority of the Populists have re
turned to their party, while the Repub
licans are satisfied that they will profit
largely by the breaking up of the party.
Again, the Socialist party has been organ
ized In the state, and has a full state
ticket In the field. In some counties It
will get the strength of the Populists. It
will undoubtedly poll a considerable vote,
and practically all of It will be from fu
slonlsts In the last campaign.
How Republicans Have Gained.
In the changes in parties the Republi
cans have gained, but to what extent
can only be surmised. They have also
gained in the immigration, which has
been large. The Immigrants in the agri
cultural counties have been largely from
the Republican states of the Upper Mis
sissippi Valley. In the northern counties
the immigration has been from Minne
sota. Wisconsin and Michigan, also Re
publican states. But there have been
special Influences that contribute to pros
pects for success of the Republican ticket.
These may be summarized as follows:
The renomlnatlon of Governor Hunt
was very distasteful to the Steunenberg
wing of the party. His pardoning of
(Concluded on Page .f