THE SUNDAY QBEfiOfflAN, POBTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28, , 1902. APPLES FOR ORIENT Valuable Cargo of China Steamer Indrapura. WILL LEAVE DOWN TOMORROW Twenty-Seven Thousand Barrels of Klour Comprise Bulk of Load Cotton Sheeting:, Lumber and Bottled Beer Also Aboard, Tho Portland and Asiatic Jiner Indra pura "will complete her bijr cargo for the Orient this evening:, and tomorrow morn ing "will leave down-bound for Yokohama and Hong: Kone. she will carry a full load of American productions for Asiatic markets and one of the most valuable cargoes ever taken out of this port. The total value of the cargo Is $112,757. Flour comprises the bulk of it at a valuo of J94.48L She also has aboard $10,000 worth of cotton, $1600 worth of Oregon lumber, and beer worth $1250. There are barrels of flour stowed away In the steamer's hold, destined for the follow ing points: Seven hundred and fifty bar rels for Tien Tsin, 1125 barrels for Shang hai, 1G.C45 barrels for Hong Kong, 1S57 (barrels for Kobe, 1651 for Majl and 6303 for Yokohama. Next to flour the largest stem on the manifest is 97,881 yards of otton for Kobe. For Hong Kong there are 100,000 feet of rough lumber and 60,000 tfeet for Yokohama, Five bales of hops axe consigned to Kobe. The only shlp anent to the Philippines Is 45 tons of hay (going- to Manila. Six hundred boxes of apples are being loaded, 200 for Port Ar thur, 140 for Tien Tsln, 100 for Shanghai, 100 for NIu Chwang, 50 for Kobe and 10 lor Nagasaki. One hundred and twenty five barrels of bottled beer are going to ft. Shanghai dealer. SXORGAX DEAL COMPLETED. British Companies Will Remala In tact and Fly English Flngr. . NEW YORK. Sept. 27. W. J. PIrrle, fot the Harlan & Wolff Shipbuilding Com pany, of Belfast, Ireland, has confirmed the reports that the details of the great trans-Atlantic ship combination have been completed, and that announcement would ie made next week, says the Herald. "It Is quite true," he said, "that the steamship combination Is now practically completed. I sail for Europe on the Celtic on October 3, and I believe by that tlmo every arrangement will be perfected." "Will the Harlan. & Wolff Shipbuilding Company be included?" he was asked. "No; It will not be Interested In the combination further than it will have specified contracts to build boats for the English part of the company. The Eng lish companies will remain Intact and their boats will continue to fly the Eng lish flag. Our company will build ships for that part of the, combination. Pos sibly we may build for the American lines, but that will depend upon the exigencies of our trade." NEW YORK, Sept. 27. The Commer cial Advertiser prints the following to day: "It was learned today on the highest authority that all the details of the At lantic steamship combination, which had been arranged by J. P. Morgan, are now practically completed and the deal will be consummated and the full particulars be made public early next "week." STEAMER. HARRISON DAMAGED. Returns to Astoria, After Ineffectual Attempt to Reach Yaqnlna. ASTORIA, Sept. 27. (Special.) The steamer W. H. Harrison returned to port this morning in a leaking condition, after an ineffectual attempt to reach Yaqulna with a cargo of cannery supplies. She left out from here at noon on Thursday and got well down tho coast before the storm struck her. Tho gale was of un usual severity, but Captain Latham kept the steamer's head into it until within U miles of his destination, when it was found that she was leaking so badly that all her pumps could just keep her clear. He then decided to turn and run before the storm to Astoria again, which was reached in safety. The Harrison Is an excellent sea boat, and with a good jib to steady her Is per fectly safe, but the one she had was old and could not be used when the gale was at its height, for fear that It would be blown away. Tho cause of the leakage Is not yet known, but It is believed that her seams opened, or some of her keel or rudder bolts worked loose. As soon as her cargo is discharged she will be placed or? tho beach and examined. SMOOTH ESCAPE OF SAILORS. Disappear as Deputy Marshals Line Them Up on Steamer. ASTORIA, Sept. 27. (Special.) The Icteamer Geo. W. Elder, wrdch arrived this (evening from San Francisco, brought 17 sailors for the German ship Peter Rlck Isners. It was dark when the steamer reached her dock, and although Captain (Waken, his two mates and two United States deputy Marshals went on board (and lined tho men up on deck, six of them slipped over the stern of the steamer onto the dock and disappeared. The re malnlng 11 were taken on board the Rick oners, and the town is being searched to night for the missing men. Several sailor boarding-house men from tboth Portland and Astoria met the steam .er, but If they induced the men to desert the work was done very smoothly and Without detection. chooner Oakland Reaches A'ehnlem. ASTORIA. Sept. 27. (Special.) The schooner Oakland, which has been long overdue at Nehalem from San Francisco, was towed into the former port yesterday by the steamer George R. Vosburg. Overdue Claverdon Arrives. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 27. The Brit ish ship Claverdon, 218 days from Ham burg, on which CO per cent re-insuranco was paid, arrived tonight. Marine A'otes. The Khyber finished wheat loading at Oceanic dock down to 21 feet 9 inches, as deep as she can go. The big tramp steamer Lime Branch moved over to Montgomery dock No. 2, and will begin taking wheat tomorrow. Tho first oil-burning apparatus placed on a trans-Atlantic passenger steamer has been Installed on the American liner Kensington, plying between New York and Antwerp. The White Star line has ordered another steamer, to be built at Belfast, which is to be 20 feet longer and a few feet wider than the Cedric- The steamer Cedrlc, 21,000 tons, is the largest liner afloat. She is 700 feet long and has ac commodations for 3000 passengers. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Sept. 27. Arrived at 7:35 A. M. Steamer Harrison, from Nehalem. Arrived down at 10 A M. British bark Forrest HalL Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer Elmore, for Tilla mook. Arrived at 12 M. British ship Dyno mene. from San Francisco. Arrived at 3 P. li, Steamer Geo. W. Elder, from San Francisco. Outside at 4 P. M.. a souaro-rlgger. Condi tion of the' bar at 4 P. M., rough; wind west; weather clear. San Francisco. Sept. 27. Arrived at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Columbia, from Portland. Ran Francisco. Sept. 27. Sailed Steamer lacklnaw, for Tacoma; steamer Rainier, for estt'e. schooner Mokomla, for Columbia Riv er; steamer Areata, for Coos. Bay. Arrived Ship Tacoma, from Bristol Bay; schooner Mlz pah, from Bristol Bay; ship Isaac Reed, from Xakek Bay; steamer George F. Haller, from Bristol Bay; bark "Will W. Case, from Nusa gak Bay; ship Bohemia, from Bristol Bay; steamer Agate, from lausagak Bay. Tacoma, Sept. 27. Arrived British ship Wynnstay. from Victoria; British chip Argus, from Port Townsend. Sailed German bark Alsterschwan, for Callao; British steamer Duke of Fife, for Hong Kong: American schooner William S. Games, for Manila. Seattle, Sept. 27. Sailed Steamer City of Topeka, for Skagway. Arrived Steamer Spo kane, from Skagway; Russian ship Barrow dale, from Algoa Bay; 2Cth, steamer Edith, from San Francisco."" Hong Kong. Sept. 27. Arrived previously Gaelic, from San Francisco, via Honolulu, Yo kohama, etc. Yokohama, Sept. 27 Arrived previously Tosa Maru. 'from Seattle for Shanghai, Hong' Kong and Toklo. New York, Sailed Zeeland, for Antwerp; Rotterdam, for Rotterdam, via Boulogne; La Touralne, for Liverpool; Anchorla, for Glas gow; Lahn, for Naples and Genoa; Minnehaha, for London. Cherbourg. Sept. 27. Arrived Pennsylvania, from New York, via Plymouth, for Hamburg, and proceeded. Antwerp, . Sept. 27. Sailed Vaderland, for New York. Havre, Sept. 27. Sailed La Champagne, for New York. Liverpool, Sept. 27. Sailed Campania, for New York: 2Cth, Nomadic, for Now York. Ar rived Cevlc, from New York. Southampton, Sept. 27. Sailed Philadelphia, for New York, via Cherbourg. Cherbourg, Sept. 27. Sailed Philadelphia, from Southampton for New York. Port Townsend, Sept. 27. Arrived German bark Anna, from Yokohama; British ship An gerona, from Cape Town, via San Francisco. Tacoma, Sept. 27. Arrived German ship Gertrud, from Hawaiian Islands. BAY WINDOW ENCROACHES i Protest Ajrainst Allowing It to Pro ject Far Over Sldeiralk. PORTLAND, Sept. 27. (To the Editor.) I observed in Friday's Oregonlan an ar ticle in reference to a so-called bay win dow extending over the sidewalk at the nortneasL tunicx uj. nuurauu unu Salmon streets. This Is really an exten sion of the full upper story and Is 25 feet In length. It projects three feet, and this, with the eaves, "makes a projection of 4 feet beyond the line of the street. Any person passing within the overhang limit of 4 feet would be struck In the event of anything falling from the eavea Our own Supreme Court has passed on thia question in the case of Savage vs. the City of Salem, 23 Or. 2S1, where it Is held by Justice Bean, for the court, that the streets and highways belong entirely to the public, and cannot be en croached upon nor impeded by private persons for private use; municipal cor porations having control of the streets may permit erections or obstructions therein when these are intended to sup ply a public demand. Now the extension of this building over the street is in no sense for the public use nor for the good of the public, -but Is for purely private and selfish purposes. Therefore it is obnoxious to the law, as laid down by one of our highest courts. The 'city has no power, to give away the public streets ,for private' use, and it might as1 well' try to give the right to extend a boundary 20 feet over the street as to extend it four feet. HUD WIG WILHELM. WEATHER FOR OCTOBER. What May Be Expected, Judging From Thirty Years' Experience. The following data, covering a period of 30 years, have been compiled from the Weather- Bureau records at Portland, Or.: Temperature Mean or normal temper ature, 54 degrees; the warmest month was that of 1301, with an average of 59 degrees; the coldest month was thut of 1S93, with an average of 50 degrees; the highest temperature was -S3 degrees, on the 7th, 1891; the lowest temperature was 31 de grees, on the 31st, 1S77, and 30th. 1695; average date on which first "killing" frost occurred In Autumn, November 15; average date on which last "killing" frost occurred in Spring, March 17. Precipitation (rain and melted snow) Average for the month, 3.52 Inches; aver age number, of days with .01 of an Inch or more, 13; the greatest monthly precipi tation was 1L5S inches. In 1SS2; the least monthly precipitation was a trace. In 1S95; the greatest amount of precipitation re corded In any 24 consecutive hours was 2.9C inches, on the 9th and 10th, 1882. Clouds and weather Average number of clear days, 8; partly cloudy days, 11; cloudy days, 12. Wind The prevailing winds have been from the northwest. The highest velocity of the wind was 42 miles, from the south east, on the 23d, 1897. SITE TO BUILD DRYDOCK. Great Amount of Space Xceded on River Front. "Notwithstanding the frequent assertions that there are plenty of sites on the Wil lamette River for the construction of tho drydock, none proposed has been conclu sively proved suitable," said a prominent business man yesterday. "Doubt Is ex pressed that any of the present shipyards at Portland would be large enough.. "It Is maintained that a yard at least 500 feet square, above high water, required. The drydock will consist of flvo pontoons, each 112 feet long and SO feet wide. In order to finish tho dock within the time specified by the contract, the contractor will have to build at least two o fthem at a time, and then three. At all events, three pontoons will have to be under construction some time dur ing the fulfillment of the contract. In order to Insure safe "launching, the pon toons are to be built so that their length will be parallel with tho river. Each will be 112 feet long, and at least 50 feet of space will haye to bo allowed between them. If, therefore, the assertion that three pontoons will bo In the yard at one time is true, the shore length of .the ship yard will have to be at least 500 feet. "Behind the pontoons will have to be space for yardage, machinery and stor age of lumber, so that he distance re quired back from the river, it Is said, will be about 500 feet" DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Contagious Diseases. Sept. 25, Henry Wunder, 417 San Rafael street; typhoid fever. Birth. Sept. 24, boy to tho wife of Rev. H. L. Pratt, 442 East Tenth street. Building Permit. Portland Riding Academy, alterations, John son, between Twenty-flrst and Twenty-second-$5000. McMaster & Blrrell, repairs, Sherman, be tween Front and Water; $500. G. S. Gruber, 1-story dwelling. Belmont, between East Thirtieth and East Thirty-first $1200. E. II. Held, one-story cottage, Monroe.- be tween Rodney street and Union avenue; $2300. S. Schmeer, two one-story cottages',. East Thirty-third and East Stark; $2500 Sldevrallc Permits. J. P. Ward, north side of Jefferson street, 100 feet east of Sixteenth, 100 feet cement. Milton Smith, Burnslde street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth, between Burnslde and Washington, S74 feet cement. Wakefield & Fries, Third street, between Mill and Montgomery. 100 feet cement. C. H. Dye, East Eighth street, between East Davis and East Couch. 15 feet cement. For Guaranteed Titles See Pacific Coast Abstract, Guaranty & Trust Co., 204-5-6-7 Falling building. OX TO WASHINGTON. September 9 and 30 the Rio Grande Lines will sell tickets to Washington, D. C, and return for $77 35. Inquire at 124 Third street lor particular. Fifth and-Yamhill Blankets and Comforters Largest assortment and best values we have ever shown. Full-size comforters, covered with good grade cotton, . QKp each JJt Fifty comforters, covered with silkoline, filled with good CI CA cotton JleJV Fine grade comforters, scroll stitched or wool tiedi C 1 QG carded cotton . J) I J J Cotton blankets, large size, tan colors, pretty borders, CKp pair . .., UJL Full-size cotton blankets, heavy quality, fancy border, All-wool Oregon blankets, large size, fine quality, CO 9fJ pair p J.L J Immense stock of all-wool 7 Gfl blankets from $2.90 to. . 4l Ju SCU Shoe Dept. New Fall styles of school shoes rare bargains. Boys box calf lace, with solid soles, that will stand the wear. Sizes 2 to 5..J1.75 Sixes 12 to 2.... $1.50 Sizes 9 to 12 5L25 Misses' velour calf and box calf lace shoes, new Fall shapes Strong and neatly made. Sizes 11 to 2.... $1.75 Sizes 8 to ll....;i.50 ' Sizes 5 to 8 SI. 23 Misses' school shoes in kangaroo calf leather; J mis leamerguar ra never to getnara, solid soles Sizes 11 to 2....SL25 Sixes 8 to 11.... $1.00 Sizes 5 to 8 S5c f Wonderful Values Cloak Dept. r I Unsurpassed values in' jackets, capes, skirts,waists Ladies' jackets in all styles and colors, from $3.75 Misses' jackets in all lengths, colors and styles. Capes in cloth and plush, all lengths, colors, prices. Ladies' wool shirtwaists, latest styles, all colors, from 75c. Walking skirts, with stitched flounce, from $1.95. Dress skirts, in black and colors, well lined, from $i.90 to $7.50. Good furs, all styles, at exceedingly low prices. VALUE and we wish to emphasize the word VALUTA and define its true meaning in prices below mentioned. JO HANDSOME DISPLAY Dress Goods Venetian and coverts, all-wool, 36-inch, popular colors, 50c 46-in. navy blue and black Cftp storm serp-e. pond vnljifv?. vlUL Henriettas, strictly all-wool, 38 inches wide, all desirable K Ar colors JUL 52-in. all-wool cheviots, in 7Cp navy blue and black, yd J Cotton Dress Goods Pretty effects in flannelettes for waists and wrappers. Over 100 pes. 28-in. flannelettes, handsome colors and pat- 1 ftp terns "L 26-in. flannelettes, just as pretty as the expensive wool 1 Cp goods, yd IvJL 32-in. percales, dark colors, Qp perfectly fast, new styles, yd L 200 pes. heavy quality outing Op flannel, dark and light styles, OL. All-wool eiderdown, heavy Oftp quality, in all colors, yard. J" FINEST VALUE IN Underwear, Hosiery r Ladies' cashmere stockings, OKp full finished, all sizes JL Fine quality ladies' cashmere OCp stockings, worth 50c, for. . J JL Full finished, fast black cot- OEp ton stockings, 2 pairs LJk, Wool plaited ladies' vests Gftp and pants, each JVL Ladies' fleece-lined, heavy- OCp ribbed vests and pants MEN'S DEPT. Complete stock of Winter goods now showing. Heavy fleece lined ribbed 30p shirts and drawers ...... JOL Wool shirts and drawers., 7Gp finished seams, each ' vIL All-wool sweaters in all CI OC colors and sizes l I .J Men's trousers, all wool, dark gray, hair-line CO Off stripe ,9LL3 LINENS AND MUSLINS Housekeepers will profit by getting our prices on linens. 58-inch' extra heavy table OCp linens, good quality, yd. LJL 56-in. bleached table dam- OCp ask, handsome patterns JJL Extra heavy quality all-linen damask, bleached or brown, yard 25 pieces heavy linen crash,7p satisfactory wearer, yard'L 36-inch bleached muslin, Ci p worth 8c, special, yard 50c LACE CURTAINS We will offer this week three numbers that are bargains : Nottingham lace curtains OQp 2K yards long, pair 50 pairs curtains, handsome patterns, fine quality, pair : Fine grade Nottingham lace curtains, full size, Cl 70 pair PIlO Corsets Muslin Goods corsets, 25c R. & G. and Warner's in all the latest models. Children's corset waists, good material, all sizes . Ladies' and misses' "Ferris" and American Lady waists. Ladies' muslin drawers, em- OCp broidery trimmed Outing flannel underskirts OCp at 65c, 50c and JJL Pptflf AatQ 1 1 ? Black mercerized sateen peaicoats, three small ruffles iCluLlJOl3, 4 1. 4. J on flounce, nicely finished throughout, special, $1.25. Ifd filnVPC C1 ftO t0 see our Suaranteed gloves, all shades, only $1. IIU UiUVCij 3 I UU Ladies' cashmere gloves and wool mittens at all prices. Fifth and Yamhill PIONEER WOMAN DEAD MRS. JULIA BRISCOE PASSES AWAY OX EAST SIDE. Formerly Wife of Poet Simpson, She Came to Oregon Across Plains Relatives Well Known. Mrs. Julia J. Briscoe, a pioneer woman and formerly wife of Sam L.. Simpson, the Oregon poet, now dead, died yester day morning at her home, 406 East An keny etrtet, of paralysis of" the heart. She was born In New York, and was 54 years old. With her parents she came across the plains when a child in 1852, and first settled near Salem. In 1868 she was united In marriage to Samuel Simpson, the Oregon poet, from whom she was af terwards divorced. She was married in 1882 to Judge John Briscoe, who died about two yeara ago. For a number of years before her last by eight years of contact with .Spaniards in Chile, he is well fitted for the field In Porto Rico. Former TFife of S. L. Simpson, 31 ra. Jnlie J. Briscoe, dead. marriage ehe was a teacher in the pri mary grades of the public schools of this city, and was regarded as an efficient in structor. After her marriage to Judge Briscoe she lived at Oysterville until her husband's death, when she moved to Port land, where ehe lived till her .death, high ly respected by all who knew her. She was a member of a .pioneer family. Dr. T. C. Humphrey, of the East Side, and W. J. Humphrey, a pioneer printer, are her brothers. Mrs. Dr. Eliza Den linger, of Portland, and Mrs. T). M. C. Gault, of Hillsboro, aro slstera Four ohildren survive- her Captain Eugene Simpson, of Whatcom, Wash.; Claude I Simpson, of the Evening Telegram, Port land; U. S. and Julia Ethel Briscoe; of Portland. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from Dunning's undertaking parlora. East Sixth and East Alder streets. "FIRST SERVICE IX PORTO RICO. Rev. Robert srcljenn Preaches In English and Spnnish Languages. A letter was received from Rev. Rob ert McLean yesterday, in San Juan, Porto Rico, where he has gone to take charge of tho Presbyterian Work in that island. Ho writes that he and hia son, who went with .him, had a pleasant trip and arrived safely at their destination. The first Sun day he preached in both English and Spanish. Mr. McLean's headquartera will be -at San Juan, and his appointments will be in San Juan and a neighboring town. Every Sunday he will speak to English and Spanish congregations. Ho writes that his English congregation Is made up of several denominations, but as he had just arrived when his first letter waa dis patched, he had formed few acquaint ances. Incidentally Mr. McLean says that San Juan Is filled with crowds of people, and he Is led to wonder where they all live. He had expected to find a great fruit country, but wag surprised to find less fruit in Porto Rico than in Oregon. From his first letter home Mr. McLean's Oregon frlenda will learn that he jumped right Into his work immediately on hir arrival ,wlth his customary energy, and that there is every prospect that his work in that field will prove as successful as they believe and espect it will. Educated TELEPHONE EXCHANGE BUILDING. Being Completed on East Sixth and East Ankeny Streets. Work is progresalng on the handsome building for the Pacific States Telephone Company on East Sixth and East An keny streets, in which the East Side quarters of the company will be located. It Is now fully inclosed. On the inside the' walls and ceiling have been covered with lath preparatory to the plastering. The celling Is supported by trueaes, leav ing the floor unobstructed by supports or partitions, and is being finished in pan els, which give it an attracUve appear ance. Just south, a few feet away, la the cot tage which Is being transformed into a comfortable luncheon and rest quarters for the young women operators. Some of the partitions have been cut out to en large the rooms. In these quarters the operators will find rest and quiet when off duty and at the lunch hour without going outside. A passageway leads direct from tho exchange building into the cot tage. Operators in both Albina and East Port land will be brought to this building when It is completed and provided with switch boards. Concrete sidewalks will be laid on East Ankeny and East Sixth street sides, and the entrance will be from East Ankeny by stone steps. The floor of the exchange will be six feet above tho street. A considerable improvement in the East Side telephone service is prom ised when the new exchange building Is occupied. This will be some time yet, as much remains to be done. sued a serious and even heated answer j to uoionei ienry w. watterson's com ments .upon the "smart set" of that city. Obviously, Mr. Garretson is unfamiliar with Colonel Watterson's mode of speech. The valiant Colonel has, as Matthew Arnold said of Macaulay, his own "heightened and telling" way of saying things, as a result of which the Kentucky style In journalism has long been recog nized as a close rival of the Justly famed "Oregon style." DR. XOTTAGE'S NARROW ESCAPE. Live Trolley Wire Swings All Aronnd Him and Drops at Ills Feet. Dr. George Nottage, who lives on East Pine and East Eighth streets, had a nar row escape from being electrocuted by a live electric wire dropping down on Mor rison street on Thursday last It waa a mere accident that he was not caught in the coils of the wire as it circled and whirled all around him. He was walking along the street when the trolley gave way and dropped on the street, sputtering and emitting sparks as connection was made with tho earth. It swung around him several times, and finally curled up at his feet a few inches away. When Dr. Nottage saw the. wire fall, he stopped perfectly still, believing he was safer than if he undertook to get out of the way. Harvest Festival. The annual harvest celebraUon is being held this week at the Salvation Army Barracks, East Oak and East Sixth streeta Considerable produce has been brought 'n by the friends and sympathiz ers. Next Tuesday evening a children's harvest demonstration will be held in the barracks. The harvest festival is an event that is observed generally by the Salvation Army. In some places large do nations of money and farm produce are made for the use of the Army. Woodstock Entertainment. The entertainment given by the ladles' auxiliary to the Woodstock Improvement League Thursday evening in the public hall was a success. There was a large attendance, and the receipts of the even ing were J 25, which will be applied to gen eral improvements and making payment on the piano recently purchased for the hall. "Freezing a Mother-ln-Law" and "Thirty Minutes for Refreshments" were the farces rendered. Injured in a Run array. Mrs. Plympton Kelly, a well-known pio neer woman, was thrown from a buggy a few days ago near her home on the Section road, and severely bruised. The horse she was driving became frightened and ran off. As the buggy partly upset, Mrs. Kelly was thrown out In the brush, and escaped with some severe bruises. She has been confined to her home part of the week, but has recovered. Funeral of James Duff. The funeral of James Duff, who lost his life in the accident at the Willam ette Iron Works, was held Friday from St. Mary's Catholic Church, Williams avenue. Upper Albina. There was a large attendance The Willamette Iron Works was closed and the employes attended the seivices. Among the beautiful floral pieces was one from the employes of the iron works. Immaculate Heart Court, No. 1019, of Foresters, of .which he was a member, attepded the funeral. k jHstly Famed "Oregon Style."- .N. Y. Evening Post Mayor Garretoon, ot Newport, has la- Modern Woman's Versatility. Philadelphia Inquirer. One of the greatest charms of the at tractive modern woman, says a French author lies In her great variety of moods. She presents a different typs half a dozen times a day, so that one 13 never bored in her company; while the interest Is constantly sustained by wondering what phase will be presented next. Certainly the girl of the new century answers to this description, for she has almost as many sides as there are facets to a dia mond. She Is charmingly girlish In her simple white frock in the morning, 'ar ranging the flowers or performing some other pretty domestic service. She la deliclously feminine gowned in her berullled muslin driving about in her low basket wagon like a girly girl of long ago. She is de cidedly masculine In her riding togs, with all the courage and dash of an adventure some youth, In her pursuit of sport by land and water. Afterward, strangest of all the transformations, looking like a gnome from elfland, ahe appears In gog gles, visor and coat while taking out her French racing "bubble" for a spin. Later, returning dutsy and grimy, like a butter fly emerging from a chrysalis, she finally reappears In a bewitching French confec tion, with long silken train, ready for conquest in the evening. Gates' Side to Be Heard Now. DENVER. Colo., Sept. 27. The argu ments for the Osgood Syndicate in the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company were fin ished today by D. C. Beaman, secretary and general counsel of the company. Tho Gates attorneys will bo heard Monday, and It Is expected the case will be decided Tuesday. Pennies and NickeEs """r, . bT tho qnart, peck or TiWtggaBrt uuui Htu mj K.mcreu la xoryou i for you if you mail MILLS SLOT MACHINES! "PT work for you arery nonr of the year. S 68 Varieties $7.50 to $300. Catalogue Free. 3 MILLS NOVELTY CO.. Ghioa?o, hmitBh. f Slat and JtsiSag XaealnM la th Worid. FREE ELECTRIC BELT Simply send us your name and address and we send you tne belt. It restores Lost Vitality and all Weaknesses of Men. Also Rheumatism. Kidney and Liver Troubles. Rec ommend It to others If It cures you. "Write to day. Address Vienna Medical Institute, 130 Dearborn St., Chicago. OUR OFFER OF: 12.50 We again call your attention to the good values we have placed on sale for the coming week. We have selected all our $13.50, $15.00, $16.50 SUITS, O'COATS and RAINCOATS New Fall and Winter styles, and same v will be sold at the low price of , - $12.50 'Our HAT line is complete, and we are giving the best value ever offered for $2.50 and $3.00 WE CA&RY A FULL LINE OF A. A. CUTTER'S CRUISERS' AND LOGGING SHOES, AND CAN SUPPLY THE TRADE THE RED FRONT A. J. PRAGER & SONS, Inc. i 269 and 271 MORRISON STREET