1-f THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER U, 1902. FOR. SALE. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS. "WELL-ESTABLISHED DTE works; flne trade; centrally located; good chance for right party. Address R IS, care Oregonian. THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH SETTER PUP pies for sale. Inquire at 333 10th St., next to grocery store. FOR SALE UI - TO - DATE MERRY - GO round; money-maker. 2u7 Second ave. south, Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE-A FIRST-CLASS RUBRER tlred top buggy, half price, almost new. Rob erts Bros. COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, BEAUTIES, prize stock, good field dogs. 30i 17th, near Columbia. A FIRST-CLASS 25-FOOT LAUNCH. WITH C hore-iiOWr engine, for sale. Inquire 309 Stark st. DRIVING HORSE. PERFECTLY GENTLE, for any lady to drive; very cheap. 313 Water street. Wagons, buggies, furniture wagons, trucks, harness and saddles, cheap. 211 Washington. Wolfsteln buys and sells all kinds wagons, buggies, harness, farm Implements. 227 Front. FOR SALE-TWO HANDSOME BLACK AND white male poodles, 3 months old. 42- 0th. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF TWO -HOUSE-kee-plng rooms. 204 Washington, room 7. COKE, $5 PER TON. DELIVERED. PORTLAND GAS CO.. 174 Fifth it. 11 COWS. HORSE AND WAGON AND MILK route of $170 per month. S 30, Oregonian. DRY SEASONED CORDWOOD. 5 AND 10 cord lots a specialty. Box C, Fulton, Or. FOR SALE THREE CHOICE FRESH COWS with cal-es. 674 Irving, corner 21st st. A GOOD FRESH DURHAM COW AND CALF for sale; $35. J. J. Moll, Palestine. Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE DUE BILL ON piano. 313 Burnside st. Call Monday. FOR SALE FINE PIANO. NEARLY NEW, cheap. Call afternoon. 420 Alder st. FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY COW. IN qulrc 872 E. Couch, near car barn. PUPS THOROUGHBRED COCKER SPAN lel pups for sale. 30 E. 6th st N. FOR SALE CHICKEN RANCH IN SUBURBS. Inquire 333 Flanders st. THREE FRESH COWS WITH CALVES. IN qulre foot of Gibbs at. FOR SALE ONE FAT COW. 259 BAIN ST., Upper Alblna. HELP WANTED MALE. FOR GREAT SALT LAKE C bridge carpenters: FRED FARE. FOR NEVADA C00 teamsters, laborers, scraper - holders, rock men, concrete men, drillers, muckers, tunnel men, $2 to $3 a day. FREE FARE. A good, dry country to work In for the Fall and Winter. FREE FARE. Ship all week. Only able-bodied workingmen wanted. 10 stonemasons, FREE FARE. FOR LYLE. Washington FREE FARE. NO OFFICE FEE. 300 teamsters, laborers, rock men. right-of-way clearers, ax men, etc.; $2 and $2.25. a day, board $3.50 a week, no discount, regular payday. Ship every morning, absolutely FREE. NEVADA A gang of track laborers, company work, wages S2 to $4.40. FREE FARE, for Wads worth district. Laborers and teamsters, city work. Others. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N. Second st. CONCRETE MASON. $4 TO $3; MASONS. $3.50 to $4; concrete men, $2.51) to $3; hand drillers. $2.50 to $3; blacksmiths, $3;- carpen ters, $2.30 to $3; hook lender. $3.50 board; other loggers, $2.35 up; mill hands, $2; pile driver men, $2.75 to $3; bridge carpenters, $3; sash and door man. $3.25; bench hand. $3.50; R. R. laborers. $2 to $2.30. pass; men and wives, camp, $f5; hotel. $75; mills, $00; farm, $45; farm hands. $30; woodchoppers; cooks; flunkeys: other work. Canadian Em ployment Co.. 220 Morrison. Branches 247 Burnside, 155 North Sixth, 12S First. HARPER & BROTHERS CONTEMPLATE work in Oregon with their new Encyclopedia of United States History, which will be ex tensively advertised. Only work of the kind. Compiled by over 100 authorities and covers entire growth and development of the nation from earliest times to 1002. Ten volumes. Sold only by subscription. Fine opportunity for successful solicitors. No application con sidered without references and past record. Pacific office, 200 Kearny St., San Francisco. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS EXAMIXA tlons for positions in the- postal, railway mall, customs and internal revenue services and departments at Washington will soon be held in every state. 10 HOK appointments made annually. Full particulars free. Ad dress the National Correspondence Institute, Washington. D. C. or the Institute's Pacific Coast Office. 827 Market st.. San Francisco. Qal. LIFE INSURANCE PROFITS WITHOUT death and during endowment period every month after first Ave months. WANTED men of ability to sell 3. C and 12-year en dowments on monthly payments and monthly returns; no examination and no deaths to de termine payment: liberal commissions. Call early. Schaefer & Harder. 313 Failing bldg. TRUSTWOTiTII PERSON IN EACH COUN ty to manage business of old-established house of solid financial standing. Straight bonaflde weekly salary of $18 paid by check each Wednesday, with all expenses, direct from headquarters. Money advanced for ex penses. Manager. 312 Caxton bldg.. Chicago. WANTED-A SALESMAN TRAVELING IN the Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon, to. sell as a Ue line a line of goods sold by all grocers and general stores; only sales men with first-class connections considered. Address, stating line you carried. M 20. Ore gonian. i . WA.NTED-A YOUNG MAN- TO TAKE TRAV eling position with a wholesale hardware and loggers supply house: must be of steady habits and have had some experience in sell ing goods on the road. Address, stating age. experience and salary expected. Y 3U Ore gonian. T?AV.ELING SALESMAN EXPERIENCED. Must show exceptional record to till vacancy Sept. 15; our goods sold to all classes mer chants; will make high salary or commission f?f5R rl?,hl inan: flrn,'a capital $Ij0.000. Address Box 570, Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED-FIRST-CLASS MAN TO MANAGE bottling works; must be sober and thoroughly undi-K'tand making carbonated goods and bot tling beer; befct wages to right man and ono no., afraid of work. Address Mentrum-Briggs Company. Missoula, Mont. SALESMAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY BY reliable Cleveland hous?; straight man of ability and general experience as traveling salesman. Reference and bond. Standard Cleveland: a"'"1- J" J" ,P- Box 17C' SALESMAN WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE Eastern manufacturer. Traveling salesman of experience and ability for Coast terri tory. Position permanent. Man worth good salary write with references. L 24 care Oregfinian. WANTED IN EVERY LOCALITY. MEN TO distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no ped dling or canvassing; steady work; good pay cxp-rience unnecessary. National Distribut ing Bureau, Chicago. WANTED GOOD DRY COODS MAN; MUST understand window dressing and sell dry goods. For Information call at Fleischner Mayer & Co. s Monday. Sept. 15, between 10 and 12 A. M. STRONG BOY. WELL ACQUAINTED IN city, has a good horse and wagon, wants to work three hours mornings and two hours evenings; good reference. Address E 30 care Oregonian. ' SALESMAN TRAVELING. REACHING RE tailrs and country stores, to sell our own makes of dry goods, for Spring, on commis sion. F. C. Rollmann & Co., Manfrs.. Phlla., Pa. MAN WITH GOOD BUSINESS ABILITY TO assist manager In wholesale business; salary $00 to $75 per month: give age and refer ences, with application. Address. M 27. care Oregonian. AT ONCE-STRONG. WILLING YOUNG MAN for inside and outside work In grocery; must .be familiar with streets, understand care of horse and live on West Side. L 20. Oregonian CIGAR SALESMAN. Wmi ESTABLISHED trade with large dealers who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particu lars. H. C. Fisher. Fisher bldg.. Chicago. SALESMAN CAPABLE TO COVER OREGON with -staple line. High commission with ad vance of $100 monthly. Permanent position to right man. Address C 24, Oregonian. MEN OUR FREE CATALOGUE EXPLAINS how we teach the barber trade In eight wetfe. saving two years apprenticeship. Moler System College. San Francisco. Cal. MAX. MARRIED. TAKE CHARGE SMALL farm near city; must beo""actlcal gardener, fruit man and understand poultry; shares. Address P 24, care Oreronlan. SALESMAN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT. Apply Immediately, stating experience, capa bility, referenoe; permanent situation for capable man. L 80, Oregonian. HELP WAXTED-MALE. WANTED A TAILOR ABLE TO MAKE AL terations for out-of-town clothing store; state wages expected, when and where to meet. Address W 30, Oregonian. BOY RAISED TO WORK IN THE COUN try; steady employment to energetic boy; board, room and wages. Apply for one week to Portland Oyster Co. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. REQUIRE THE services of an Al gents' furnishing goods salesman of ability and experience; none other "need apply. $22 WEEKLY AND ALL EXPENSES FOR men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Parsons. Kani WANTED MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF flee; salary $1800 yearly; man with $5000 pre ferred. Address Treasurer. 203-7 Security Building, Chicago. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED COMMERCIAL SALESMEN: $1200 per year and expenses. New line. Experi ence unnecessary. National, 300 Caxton bldg., Chicago. WANTED GOOD. STEADY. INDUSTRIOUS married man, no children, to take care of horses; must give good references. Inquire 45 First st. I -. MEN WANTED WHO WEAR TRUSSES: A great chance; truss free; no time lost from S resent work. Alex Spelrs, box 65S, West rook. Maine. $75 PER MONTH AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen on baking powder and extracts. Experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. SALESMAN TO SELL TOILET SOAP TO dealers: $100 per month salary and expenses; experience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., St. Louis, Mo. YOUNG MAN FOR CASHIER AND ASSIST ant bookkeeper: experience In such a posi tion is necessary to obtain this one. B 30, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL AND ADVER tise; experience unnecessary: salary'. $0 month and expenses. Klnkald & Co., Cleve land, O. DELIVERY BOYS $3.50 TO $4.50 PER week. $1 extra for Sunday; industrious boys, steady employment. Call today, 244 Aftkeny Btreet. BOYS WANTED WESTERN UNION TELE graph Co.. Third and Stark sts.; $20 per month salary, with Increase after two months' service. WANTED PHYSICIAN TO TRAVEL: MUST be registered in Oregon. Address at onca M. T. Moran. Ashland. Or. State salary first letter. $12 WEEKLY COPYING LETTERS AT home, cither sex. Send stamp for particu lars. King Mfg. Co., 24S Warren ave., Chi cago. WANTED THREE SALESMEN. REGULAR and social lines; direct from factory; no scheme; good pay. Address L 27. Oregonian. WE HAVE PLACES FOR SEVERAL BOYS. 1G to 20. clerking and office and delivery. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. THE COLUMBUS. CALIFORNIA WINE DE pot. headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders, 148 Fourth t. P. Lorati. prop. DETECTIVES EVERY LOCALITY; GOOD salary, experience unnecessary. International Detective Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN FURNI- ture or curtain department; state age and ex perience. M 30, care Oregonian. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. the account ant, 318 Chamber of Commerce. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED; EXPERI ence unnecessary: good pay. Emanuel & Co.. Station J. New York City. GENTS' FURNISHING SALESMAN; EXPE rienced; active: must have good reference. Lion Clothing Co.. 1C5 3d st PUPILS IN TELEGRAPHY BY RAILROAD operator: terms reasonable; prepare for prac tical work. P 0. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITIONS without charge. Remington Typewriter Co., 249 Stark st. Main 3. WANTED GOOD GROCERY CLERK. CAPA ble of soliciting trade; state salary wanted. E 31, Oregonian. WANTED SALESMAN: S00 MONTHLY AND expenses; permanent. Perry Nursery Co., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SALESMEN: GOOD PAY; PER manent position. Brown Brothers Co., Rochester. N. Y. WANTE D T WO OR THREE LIVE MEN; no deadheads or hasbcens. Address F 30, care Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CUTTER. APPLY Monday morning. Strain Tailoring Co., 285 Washington st. OYSTER OPENERS $1 PER SACK TODAY for Shoalwater. Portland Oyster Co., at 244 Ankeny st. WANTED AT ONCE BRIGHT, ACTIVE OF fice boy by wholesale house. Address N 31, Oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SMELTER man to work in refining department, S 25, Oregonian. WANTED BRIGHT, ENERGETIC BOY TO learn stationery business. Address B 20, care Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade; some money required. O 20, care Oregonian. A GOOD. RELIABLE MAN AT ONCE: WAGES $20 a week. Anderson Spike Co., 530 Sher lock bldg. WANTED BOY TO DELIVER BOOKS AND collect. CalJ at 407 Morrison st. Monday morning. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. WANT SEVER al good, bright cash boys. Apply before 10 A. M. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN FOR cigar and confectionery store. 154 0th st. N. Hotel cooks, $50: $40 (E. Ore.), fare: boat. $33; dishwashers; various help. Drake. 205 Wash. MESSAGE BOY WANTED. APPLY HONEY man & McBrlde. cor. Third and Taylor sts. FEEDER WANTED: ALSO BOY FOR ER-" rands. Anderson & Dunlway. 208 Aldr st. WANTED EXPERIENCED CLOTHING MAN at John Dellar's. cor. Firs! and Yamhill. WANTED BOY TO WORK IN CIGAR AND fruit store. Address Y 20. care Oregonian. WANTED MAN TO CARE FOR 5 HORSES night and morning. 211 Washington st. WANTED-AN OFFICE BOY. PORTLAND Mfg. Co.. St. Johns. Or. Phone Rus 042. WANTED A BOY TO ASSIST IN A CIGAR store. Apply P 26, care Oregonian. salesman city, country, star man- ufacturlng Co.. 242 Washington t. GOOD 3IONEY .FOR A LIVE SOLICITOR. Call at 531 Cl:mbr of Commerce. ERRAND BOY AGED 12 TO 14. MADDEN the Printer, First and Alder sts. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAKERS. NIcoll the Tailor. 108 Third st. WANTED A PLATEN PRESSMAN OR feeder. 210 Stark st. WANTED A STRONG BOY, ABOUT 18. AT 330 Johnson st. WANTED DRY GOODS MAN AT ONCE. S 26, Oregonian. PLASTERERS WANTED AT C03 UNION ave., N. . WANTED ERRAND BOY. 346 WASHING ton. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes. We furnish all material and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envel ope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe st, Chicago. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED FOR GEN eral housework In the suburbs; good wages to competent girl. Apply Monday -at room 410 Chamber of Commerce. FREE REGISTRATION UNTO, SEPT. 15 TO girls wishing situations In any line. Office open 8 A. M.. 8 P.M. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morrison st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: HOUSEKEEP ers. cooks, second girls, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses. St. Louis, 23014 Yamhill Phone Black 28S1. WANTED TO ASSIST IN SMALL FAMILY." neat, capable schoolgirl, who can be treated as member of the family. 748 E: Burnside. Tel. Union 870. ACTIVE CATHOLIC LADY TO WORK AT home; $36 paid for 12 days' trial; permanent If satisfactory. John ErigwalL Lakeslfle bldg., Chicago. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN TO DEM onstr.ate and cell food products In grocery stores In Portland and vaclnlty; position permanent; give references and stato how long experienced and goods demonstrated. S 28, care Oregonian. WANTED RELJABLE GIRL: COOKING AND general housework: only three in family; good wages. Apply 05 20th st., North, cor ner Flanders. $20 PER 1000 COPYING LETTERS AT home, to be sent to us; two stamps with ap plication. Illinois Industrial Union, Dept. 30, Chicago. WANTED A THOROUGH AND COMPETENT stenographer: must be quick and accurate; answer stating salary and references. G 2S, Oregonian. LADIES COPY LETTERS AT HOME; $10 per 1000. Send stamped envelope for appli cation. Monarch Novelty Co., Dept. 61, Chicago. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT GENERAL housework In family of four adults; good wages. Apply 545 Third st. Phone Green 708. GOOD STRONG WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework: two in family; good wages. 1160 Milwaukle st., Oregon City or Sellwood cars. GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; GOOD home; no children. Call at C50 E. 13th St., 2 blocks from Brooklyn Schoolhouse. LADIES WANTED TO DO EMBROIDERY and Battenberg at their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co.. Chicago. 111. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY WANT several good, bright cash girls and bundle wrappers. Apply before 10 A. M. 10 GIRLS. EXPERIENCED HANDS ON THE sewing machine. Call at Columbia Suspen der Co., 105 First St., room 4. A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE wortc; .good home and easy place. Call be tween 8 and 12. 329 Jackson st. WOMAN OVER 25 FOR GOOD POSITION; must be capable and dignified; school teacher preferred. T 23, Oregonian. EASTERN TEACHER WISHES PUPILS IN arithmetic, Latin, algebra, higher English, etc P 7. care Oregonian. TYPEWRITER WANTED OFFICE ROOM and typewriter free for 2 or 3 dictations a day. Inquire 206 Stark st. BOYS WANTED AFTER SCHOOL: GOOD wages. Western Union Telegraph Company, corner Third and Stark. WANTED DINING - ROOM AND PANTRY girl; will take girl attending school. 53 North ISth. cor. Davis. DOMESTICS AND OTHER HELP-, CALL AND name your work; we have It. Canadian Parlors. 220 Morrison. , WANTED A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE girl or woman for general housework. 604 Everett St.. near 21st. STENOGRAPHERS FURNISHED POSITION3 free of charge. Remington Typewriter Co., 243 Stark st. Main 3. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; three adults: good wages. 334 Montgomery st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family: good wages. 500 First. Tele phone West 506. WANTED GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework and help with small children. 267 Seventh st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 342 Sherman st. Refer ences required. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE MIS Blon classes. Call at 233 2d st. 7:30 to" 0:30 P. M. Monday. WANTED 20 CHORUS LADIES FOR OPERA. $12 weekly. Call Seventh and Alder, New man's Agency. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Cor. East 20th and Haw thorne ave. A. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: also one for second work. Apply 575 Hoyt st WANTED A GOVERNESS: MUST BE thoroughly competent. Apply 332 10th St., cor. Market. WANTED COMPETENT GIRD FOR GEN eral housework; email family. 512 3d st.. near College. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 105 16th st., cor. Taylor. Telephone Brown 321. DRY GOODS STORE DESIRES SEVERAL experienced, salesladies. Apply G 31, care Oregonian. MME. VAN BEEK. MILLINER, 352 MORRI son. has an opening -for a bright girl as ap prentice. A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. TWO IN family; good home to right party. 344 Mont gomery. WANTED A COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER for family of five; salary, $20. Call at 521 E. Pine. WANTED A LADY'S MAID. APPLY TO Miss Catherine Countlss, 105 13th St., cor. Taylor. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. 320 Caruthers St., between Sixth and Sev enth. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR second work. Apply 332 10th st,, corner Mar ket, WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 102 12th St., corner Tay lor. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 5 miles from city. Address P. O. box 18. BOY WANTED AT BORQUIST & REFFLING, 231 Washington st. Call after 0 o'clock A. M. WANTED A COOK: ALSO A NURSE GIRL. Apply 325 East Third at. north, cor. Halsey. Waitresses, cooks, housework girls (fare out); everybody wanted. Drake. 205 Washington. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK AND take caro of children. 503 6th. near Sherman. BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN THE trade. Paris Hair Store. 308 Washington st. WANTED MILLINERY MAKERS. TRIM mers and apprentices. Marshall. 330 Wash. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK, sleep at home; $12 month. -168 10th st. LADY STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEP er. Apply 151 Front St.. near Morrison. WANTED GOOD GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Call 604 East Ankeny st. WANTED A RELIABLE GIRL TO TAKE care of two children. 234 10th st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply at 701 Irving st. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Apply 361 11th St.. corner Mill. WANTED LADY CLOTHES IRONERS. AT Lnlon Laundry. 53 Randolph st. WANTED - FIRST - CLASS VESTMAKERS. NIcoll the Tailor, 10S Third st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 624 FJandcrs st. GIRD FOR BINDERY WORK. THE IRWIN Hodson Co., First and Salmon. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH light housework. 428 7th. A GIRL FOR' GENERAL HOUSEWORK good wages. 540 Hoyt st. WANTED-GIRL FDR GENERAL HOUSE work. Phone Union 141. WANTED SCHOOL GIRL, WORK FOR ROOM and board. 204 24th st. A GERMAN OR SWEDISH GIRL FOR housework. 201 3d. GOOD GIRL. GENERAL' HOUSEWORK. AT once 741 Hoyt st, WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 440 3d. WANTED, AT 2S4 MAIN ST.. COOK AND dishwasher. WAITRESSES WANTED AT WATSON'S Restaurant WANTED A GOOD COOK. 202 10TH ST. HELP WANTED MALE OP FEMALE WANTED HUSBAND AND WIFE. OF RE finenient and respectability, and possessed of some means, to take Interest lh an exceed ingly lucrative and pleasant wholesale and retail business. Address O 23, Oregoulan. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO WORK ON suburban place: man to farm, wife to assist with housework. Apply 252 Alder. LEARN PROOFREADING; SITUATION SE cured. $15 to $25 weekly. Home Correspond ence School, Philadelphia, ( HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED ACTORS; MAN TO PLAY LEADS and heavies: character woman for general business; must make good. Call at 372 Wash ington, after 10 A, M. Other actors call. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Steiiueraithcrs. WANTED SITUATION. AS STENOGRAPHER or office work by young lady recently'' from East; experience; reference. O 26, Orc gon!an. WANTED PLACE IN' OFFICE; WILL As sist stenographer; have had experience In doc tor's office in East. C 27, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED stenographer; medium salary Address N 20, care Oregonian. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; moderate salary; references. V 25, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position. Address X 26, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING. 140 First st., room 3. Drcssmalcera. MRS. MORRISON. DRESSMAKING AND plain sewing. 425 Knott tu, Woodlawn car. Work guaranteed; price reasonable. COMPETENT DRESSMAKER DESIRES A few more engagements in your homes; terras reasonable. O 30, Oregonian. Domestic. YOUNG LADY UNDERSTANDING HOUSE work wishes place on West Side to' work for board nnd room while attending school. W 25. Oregonian. WANTED BY A COLORED WOMAN, A place to do chamber work; the best of refer ences. H 31, Oregonian. WANTED BY GIRL OF 15. WORK FOn board and go to school; West Side preferred. N 2S, Oregonian. GIRL WISHES PLACE TO DO HOUSEWORK and plain cooking. 50u Upshur st. north. Nitrites. WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY AS NURSE or to take care of children in a family that Is going out of the city. R 26, caro Ore gonian. Mlacellnneoux. A LADY WISHES A PLACE AS COMPANION, maid or nurse; best of references given; speaks French and English. Address M. B., 315 Couch street. STENOGRAPHER WITH SEVERAL YEARS' experience In the Ea&t, good ' references, de sires first-class position. Address box 300, Oregon City. Or. BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY. AS COMPANION to Invalid or old person; wages not so much an object as pleasant companionship. G 30, Oreganian. f f RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE a good home where she can make herself use ful before and after ofTloe hours. P 30, Ore sonlan. t YOUNG -LADY OF BUSINESS EDUCATION and experience want3 position of office assist ant or general ofllce work. A 27, Oregonian. COMPETENT LADY, 20. WANTS CARE OF rooms or any kind of position allowing her to sleep home. F 28, Oregonian. WANTED BY COMPETENT MARRIED woman, charge of lodging-house or boarding house. Address D 25, Oregonian. A LADY WISHES A POSITION AS CASHIER or office work: best of references given. Ad dress M. S., 131 0th st. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. OREGON phone Hood 257. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers anil Clerics. A GOOD BOOKKEEPER AND THOROUGH accountant who is unemployed from 10 to 4 o'clock dally wishes employment during those hours. Address C 30, care Oregonian. POSITION WANTED AS STENOGRAPHER, by young man; almost two years' experience; best of references as to character and abil ity. Address V 23, Oregonian. MARRIED MAN WHO LIVES IN CITY wishes position as collector either In or out or city; references and bonds. J 7, Ore- Konian. 7 EXPERIENCED CITY AND TRAVELING salesman wishes poeitlon; best of city refer ences. F 27, Oregonian. WANTED. POSITION, BY A RELIABLE, experienced bookkeeper, collector or solicitor. D 27, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. ANY ONE WHO NEEDS A RELIABLE MAN to take charge of a stock ranch for the Winter or longer would do well to call at 218 ' Dupont st. between Larrabee and Ross. city. WANTED BY A NO. 1 MACHINIST, LATE ly from the East, as vise hand In a shop or as a repair man In a factory' or mill.' Address S.. 1015 Belmont YOUNG MAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE AND general otllcc experience would Uko to learn trade or business; Al reference. Address C 20, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, 21, from the East; inside work preferred; re liable; good references; willing to work. X 25, Oregonian. A STRONG. WILLING BOY OF 16 WANTS to work for board and lodging and go to school. Address S., 14 East 10th st. north. POSITION AS PORTER OR WAITER IN first-class saloon or restaurant, by bright. In telligent colored man. X 30, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT WANTED IN THE LUMBER business; Inside or outside; experienced and competent. Address K 28, Oregonian. BOY WANTS PLACE TO WORK FOR board and lodging while attending school. Address 63 North 13th. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION HOUSE work or help cooking In any .place. Address Q 28, Oregonian. JAPANESE WANTS TO WORK BEFORE and after school. Japanese Mission, 303 Flanders. BY FIRST-CLASS MILLWRIGHT; DE inands union wages. S 27. Oregonian. WA NTE D A GENTS. WANTED TAILORING SALESMEN AND merchants. To take orders for the finest men's tailoring ever sold at moderate prices. Suits $0.75 up. Every garment made to measure by union' tailors. No factory work. Elegant sample- outfit, furnished free to responsible parties. Exclusive agency. Write at once for samples. State experience, amount of trade and references. Address Opper & Co., 260 Fifth ave., Chicago. YOU ARE A CHUMP TO WORK FOR OTH crs. Be your own boss. Start a mall order business at your own home In any town; we tell you how; place "ads" In magazines for you, furnish stationery, catalogues, circulars, etc. and everything required, on credit. Profits Immense. $25.00 to $50.00 per week. Particulars, catalogue and wholesale price list free. Chicago Specialty Co., 131 Van Buren st. Chicago. 111. Y OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENTS. LINCOLN. Garfiald. McKlnley; their Illustrious lives, public and private, and their glorious deeds, together with complete Inside history of the villainous plottlngs of the anarchists. Great est sale ever known; 00 per cent profit: freight paid; credit given; prospectus mailed for 7 cents In stamps. 008 Star Bldg.. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL FOUNTAIN pen3 that bankers and business men will buy on sjghf Original Idea; none of the drawbacks. Liberal profit and quick sales. Write for particulars. Atherton-Slzer Pen Co.. 24, 20 Monmouth st, Dayton. Ohio. IN EVERY LOCALITY WE OFFER A PAY lng and permanent agency to active workers; make from $2 to $5 a day sure; big Induce ments. Central Mfg. Co.. Salt Lake City. Utah. YOU CAN EARN BIG MONEY HANDLING our Christmas Specialties; no capital or ex perience necessary. For samples and par ticulars address Illff & Co.. Chicago. WANTED MANAGER IN EVERY CITY county, to handle best,-paylng business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 15 W. 2Sth st, N. Y. CANVASSERS, SELL OUR STAR AND horreshoe photograph frames. Write for full particulars. Sample 23c. Glen-Rock Novelty Works, Glenrock. Pa. WANTED ORGANIZERS: WE PAY SICK, accident death and old-age benefits: top re newal contracts. AMERICAN FRATERNITY, Washington. D. C. WANTED AGENTS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS and portraits; new offer; good money. Rem brandt Studio. Ablngton building. REAL ESTATE NEW OCEAN AND TRANS contlnental railroad terminus. Write to L. M. Davis, Portland, Or. WANTED AGENTS. $75 A MONTH AND EXPENSES: NO Ex perience needed; position permanent; self jseller: Pease Mfg." Co.. box .3, Cincin nati, O. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED BY FAMILY 'OF THREE adults, furnished modern cottage of 5 to 7 rooms, for six months or more from Oct 1; house would receive best of care; rent must be reasonable; prefer one where car of property would be considered as part rent; satisfactory reference given. Address R 29, care Oregonian. WANTED BOARD AND ROOMS IN Ex change for service; young man. in position to secuie a, good class of boarders, desires to communicate with lady contemplating keep ing boarders and roomers; state number you can accommodate, price expected and loca tion. Address It 23, Oregonian. WANTED OCTOBER 1. BY BUSINESS GEN tlemen. nicely furnished room in private family, where the social advantages of a. home may be had; must be first-class locality, West Side, near car line and' walking dis tance; no board. T 28. Oregonian. 7-ROOM HOUSE WANTED. FURNISHED OR unfurnished, with modern Improvements: lo cation from 5th to 22d sts. West Side; yearly tenant: best of references furnished. A. J., SIC Chamber of Commerce. BY MARRIED COUPLE. NO CHILDREN, suite or alcove room, with or without board; good location; references; modern conven iences. Address, stating price, location, etc., Q 20, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT COUPLE WITH 5-year-old boy, wants 3 or 4 furnished house keeping rooms, walking distance: state con veniences, location and price. Address X 20, care Oregonian. THREE ROOMS (UNFURNISHED PRE fcrrcd), with storeroom, are wanted with pri vate family In Upper Alblna, where dinners can be served for three adults. Address L 20. care Oregonian. WANTED BY WIDOWER WITH TWO CHIL dren, board and two furnished rooms: with refined . private family. Address, with full particulars. V 24, Oregonian. WANTED UNFURNISHED HOUSE OF 4 TO 8 rooms, within 10 minutes' walk of Third and Washington sts.. and modern Improve ments. S 17, Oregonian. WANTED BOARD AND ROOMS IN PRI vate family for eight months; man, wife, two children. T 2S, care Oregonian. LADY WISHES PERMANENT BOARD AND room, vicinity of Fifth and Harrison; reason able; references. G 26, Oregonian. WANTED TWO CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; two adults; West Side; no private house. B 31. Oregonian. WANTED BY TWO YOUNG LADIES. TWO email rooms, or one large one, with board; references. V 30, Oregonian. W ANTED BOARD OR HOUSEKEEPING rooms within half mile of North Central School. Y 27, Oregonian. WANTED A ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping on West Side; state price and loca ticn. O 30, Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOM FOR LADY, WEST Side; central; moderate price; references. Ad dress 42S 7th st. WANTED 2 ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping (central); must be cheap. M 28, Oregonian. HOUSE. ABOUT S ROOMS. EAST SIDE, close In; lived in last house 10 years. Y 23, Oregonian. ONE OR TWO ROOMS. WITH BOARD. FOR man and wife; price moderate. H 30, Ore . gonlan. SMALL COTTAGE. WITH SMALL BARN for horse. Address J. Stewart, general de livery. FURNISHED HOUSE. G or 7 rooms, for 8 mos.; would buy furniture. S 15. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES BOARD AND ROOM in- nice private family. R 23, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED PUPILS IN SHORTHAND; THE most accurate and legible system taught in six to eight weeks by -experienced stenogra pher; -terms $8 per month. Address A 23, care Oregonian. , Hlgnest price paid for men's cast-off clothing., shots, boots, puns, pistols, valises, etc Call at the old reliable stand. 02 N. Third tt. Phone Hood 517. Orders promptly attended to. WANTED TO BUY DRUG STORE IN OR IN vicinity of Portland; Invoice from $1000 to $2000. Address K 27. Oregonian. WANTED ONE SIX AND ONE FIVE-FOOT double glass case: also eight-foot counter; must be cheap. K jll, Oregonian. WANTED A ST. BERNARD PUP. FEMALE, not over four months old. Address Mrs, W. H. Harris, 100 N. 16th st. WANTED SECOND - HAND 20-POUND T rails. E. A. Bryan President Agricultural College, Pullman. Wash. WANTED A SUBURBAN HOME COSTING not more than $750. State locality. Ad dress N 26, Oregonian. WILL PAY CASH FOR FIRST-CLASS ROOM-lng-housc, close in; no agents. Y 25, Orego nian. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT: HIGHEST PRICE paid. 220 Yamhill st FOR RENT. Rooms. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly The Spalding The most complete apartment-house in the city; steam heat, gas. electric light, porcelain baths, every modern convenience. Tourist and transient trade solicited. THE ELKTON JUST OPENED; NEW building, new furnishings, all first-class; all rooms light and well ventilated; four blocks routh of Union Depot; $2 to $5 a week; transients, 30c and up. 62 N. Sixth st. ROOM FOR RENT AT 2u2 PARK ST.. A fine sunny room; bath, gas, heat, every' mod ern convenience; will be rented furnished or unfurnished; new, never having been occu pied. Call at premises Monday or later. BEST ROOMS. WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT, bath and steam heat $1 day and up. 343 First st. cor. Market Meals If desired. Phone North 3131. FOR RESPECTABLE. COMFORTABLE AND clean Winter quarters call at 347 Taylor st, two blocks from Portland Hotel; transients made comfortable. 11TH ST.. 25S NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room; also side room; beautiful loca tion: private family; modern In every respect; gentlemen only. NICELY" FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE family; no other roomers; running water In room: use of bath and telephone. E 27, Oregonian. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, NEW house, private family; all conveniences. 475 Taylor, cor. 14tb. . Phone West 1443, or Red 2840. THE PLEASANTON. 282 Third st-Fin fur nished sunny rooms, en suite, single or honsa keeping; transient solicited. Phone South lf-1. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; refer-ucea. NICE SUITE OF ROOMS FOR TWO; ALSO single room, with or without board; nice home; references exchanged. Call 331 11th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, Op posite High School: permanent tenants; gen tleman preferred; phone, bath. 151 Lownsdale. 252 SEVENTH. THREE BLOCKS PORTLAND Hotel Two rooms, private family; telephone; modern conveniences; gentlemen preferred. VERY DESRIABLE SUITE OF SUNNY front rooms; flne view; between two car lines, electricity; phone; Qther rooms. 357 12th. LARGE. AIRY, FRONT ROOM. WITH USE of bath and phone: yfcry' desirable; central location. Address P 2, care Oregonian. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE; ALSO smaller room; very reasonable: private, fam ily; phone, bath. etc. 5ja Taylor st SUITE OF UNFURNISHED ROOMS; 15 MIN utcs' walk from postoflice; take Jefferson or Morrlson-st car. 502 West Main et. FINE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, GAS " and bath; two car lines; prices reasonable; gentlemen only. 8 E. 6th st North. LARGE. SUNNY FRONT ALCOVE ROOM, newly furnished, with private family; bath, telephone; references. 260 Hall. UNDER NEW' MANAGEMENT: NICELY furnished rooms, single, en suite; bath. 1S1 First southwest corner Yamhill. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen; modern conveniences; housekeep ing rooms. 81 7th, cor. Oak. FOR RENT LARGE, BEAUTIFULLY FUR nlshed front room. Call after 4 P. M., 600 Couch, between ISth and 10 th. SEE THE ROOMS AT S43 MORRISON ST. FOn RENT. Rooms. LARGE. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM, private family; use of bath, teleptione: break fast If desired. 632 E. Alder, cor. 17th. Scott 1700. RYAN HOrXSE. 260 FIFTH. OPPOSITE City Hall Elegant furnished rooms, en suite, single; housekeeping rooms. 207 SIXTH NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE room; also front parlor: with use of bath and phone; near postofflcc. LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with closet, or will furnish one or two; men preferred. 187 Chapman. 480 BURNSIDE ST.. NEAR 13TH. NICELY furnished front alcove room; bath, gas, phone: private family. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEWLY FUR nished. suitable for two. 430 Washington, between 11th and 12th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 361 TAY- ior. cor. r-arK, z diocks from Portland Ho tel. Phone Front 1706. 1 LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM. WITH OR without kitchen; gas, light, bath, phone; adults. 105 7th. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. AT 446 E. Harrison st. between Seventh and Eighth; give references. WANTED GENTLEMEN TO OCCUPY 3 bedrooms with parlor, modern and central. T 30. Oregonian. 3SS. SALMON ST. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE room, flne location, all modern Improvements, private family. TWO UNFURNISHED AND ONE FURNISH ed room; gas and bath. 200 Benton st, near steel bridge. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; CONVEN lent, water and good light; ground floor. 64 East 0th st. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. GAS, porcelain bath and heat. 18S 12th st. Phono Front 2572. 587 SECOND ST. NICELY FURNISHED room, with gas and bath; $7 per month; for gentleman. 144 11TH. BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALD er Nicerge front bedroom, first floor; bath and phone. f 168 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, new house; gas, bath and telephone; gentle man only. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM IN private family, central. Call 147 Park, near Morrison. 270 MONTGOMERY ST. FURNISHED ROOMS to let; also alcove room, with privilege o kitchen. FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed: light, heat and bath. 01 17th, near Everett. UNFURNISHED PARLOR AND BEDROOM: modern; no children. Call Monday. 170 10th street 1 Furnished rooms. $1 week up- GUman Hotsl. 1st & Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and Lvcreit. FRONT PARLOR. SUITABLE FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. 327 Salmon, bet. 0th nnd 7th. ONE SMALL ROOM FOR RENT. ONE block from Portland Hotel. 102 Seventh st. A COZY LITTLE HOME. FURNISHED. FOR man and wife, on first floor. 574 Front st. 05 11TH ST.. CORNER STARK NICELY furnished rooms: steam heated; reasonable. 233 11TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, all modern conveniences; terms reasonable. THE BONITA. SO 7TH. NEAR LIBRARY Elegant, sunny rooms, $2.50 week and up. 100 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room; new house, gas, bath, furnace heat. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, one block from Hotel Portland. 100 Park. The Ross Nicely furnished rooms: transient solicited; crick building. 211 First st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, gentlemen only. 327 Oak, near Sixth. 527 TAYLOR ST. COMFORTABLY FUR nished rooms; all modern conveniences. 428 WASHINGTON TWO ROOMS. SUITABLE for bachelors; clean and reasonable. .1 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE- man; phone, bath. 281 4th st. ; $u. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FROM $2 UP; bath, gas and phone. 32S Main st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 324 SALMON st, between Sixth and Seventh. 200 MARKET ST. FURNISHED ROOM, MOD crn, rcaionablc, private family. A NICE FRONT ROOM. WELL FURNISHED, reasonable. 0 East 0th st SUITE OF NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; reasonable. 231 Market. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; GAS. BATH ami phone. 42S Yamhill. FOR RENT SMALL ROOM; BATH. PHONE. 2S3 4th. cor. Jefferson. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN; NO children. 04 E. 11th. " NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS. bath. 343 Third st ONE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 20S North 16th st. ROOMS FOR RENT. APPLY 147 LOWNS dale st Rooms With Board. CAN ACCOMMODATE GENTLEMAN AND wife or two ladles wishing pleasant home In private family; finely furnished room; flrst class table;' gas. bath, phone; 10 minutes' walk from Postoflice; moderate terras. Ad dress H 28, Oregonian. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 16TH YEAR: rooms, with board: use of sewing-room; via of library; Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Address Mrs. C. E. George. Super intendent. 510 Flanders st TWO FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN flat with private family, with or without board; responsiblo parties will enjoy home comforts at a very reasonable rate. 364 4th st HOTEL BROWN Finest rooms In the city; all newly furnished; hot and cold wat"r. baths, electric lights, elevator; table first-class; both car lines; transient. Tel. White 1461. THE COLONIAL. 105 10TH ST. A SELECT family hotel; a few rooms can be secured from Tuesday. September 16, with first-class table and service. FOR RENT ROOM WITH BOARD FOR TWO in private family; quiet surroundings; suit able for students. 201 Benton St., near Clackamas. PLEASANT ROOM. WITH BOARD, IN PRI vate family: suitable for two young men; bath and gas; terms moderate. 340 Yamhill street DESIRABLE ROOM WITH BOARD; SUITA ble for man and wife or two young ladles; modern conveniences. 181 17th st, cor. Yam hill. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD IN a private family, for two ladles employed during the day. Apply 671 GUsan, near 21st. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH GOOD BOARD In private family, for two gentlemen; $20; also one room, $18. 440 6th st A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD for a lady In private family. 304 Sherman st Call Sunday A. M. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH BOARD, suitable for two: private family; gas, bath. Phone Scott 1032. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. SIN-' glo or en suite; gas, bath, telephone. 633 Washington. ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: HOME privileges; gentleman preferred. 311 Mont gomery st. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD, SUIT able or two gentlemen; private family. 554 Couch st. ROOM AND BOARD. TWO YOUNG LADIES engaged during day; private family. 103 N. 17th. . TWO LADIES CAN FIND ROOM AND board In private family; references. 750 Love Joy. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. GOOD BOARD; gas. bath, phone West 2222. Inquire 410 Jef ferson. WASTED-CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms reasonable. P 22. Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD; USE phone and bath. 131 10th st. near Alder. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH .board. 141 W. Park at. cor. Alder. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. SUIT able for two men. 432 East Ankeny. ROOM AND BOARD, REASONABLE, FOR youns men. 231 6th. st FOR RENT. Rooms WltU lloartl. ROOMS. WITH EOARD. 60 NORTH ISTH st.. near Washington. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 350 Madison, cor. Park. Uocselceeplnjc Roomn. FOUR MODERN. SIGHTLY. CONNECTING rooms, furnished for housekeeping: private family; quiet neighborhood: piano, bath and phone. Call afternoons. Brown 743. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEP Ing; East Side: pleasant, clean; has gas and water: easy walking distance to business csn ter. 318 Allsky building LOWER FLOOR. FURNISHED COMPLETE. $22.50: upper three, gas range, $13; one sin gle, use of kitchen, $8; respectable, privato house. 314 Third. 435 MAIN TWO LARGE. NEWLY FUR nlshcd housekeeping room3. ground floor: also two single rooms; very desirable; phone, bath, reference. SUITE OF TWO LARGE ROOMS. ON COR ner. with lawn, for rent reasonable. .!4 North Union ave., throe blocks from Bum side bridge. ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSEKEEPING or rooming; $1 and $1.30 per week. 301 E. Washington. 2 blocks north Morrison street bridge. FOR RENT THREE OR FOUR FURBISHED or unfurnlshe"d rooms, .suitable for housekeep ing. For particulars, phone Union 526. FOR CHEAP. CLEAN FURNISHED COT tages and housekeeping rooms, telephone Mrs. J. Landlgan. Front 140. 1S4 Sherman st SUITES FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR housekeeping: single rooms; bath, gas range1?, phon; no children. 543 Washington. FLAT OF FIVE CONVENIENT ROOMS, furnished, for housekeeping; electric lights, bath, phone-; reasonable. SOS College. THE MONNASTES. 2S3 1ST FURNISHED and unfurnished housek"iing: also single furnished rooms, to respectable parties. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern, private residence: gas stove; no children. 62S Fourth. West 1S60. TWO LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. NEWLY FUR nished. for housekeeping; alcove, bath, phono; no children; references. 2C0 Hall. NEATLY FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE kecplng rooms; gas. bath, telephone. 351 Oak,' near Seventh. Very central. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, for two adults; large, airy rooms, bath, gas range, etc.; $13. 540 Sixth. 3S8 JEFFERSON ST. FLATS FURNISHED complete for housekeeping; gas, bath and phone: no children; references. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FUR nished. upstairs; bath, phone, yard; no chil dren: fine location. SI N. 0th. 347 HALL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS, completely furnished for housekeeping; every convenience: reasonable rent. LONDON HOUSE. 63 FIRST. COR. FINE Two nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; respectable; quite reasonable. I TWO WELL-LOCATED. CONVENIENT UN- furnlshed rooms for rent. Inquire N. W. cor. 10th and Everett, upstairs. FOR RENT WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, for light housekeeping; modern conveniences. 103 10th st. cor. Taylor. HEILER BLOCK. 2S0 GRAND' AVE.. EAST Side Furnished and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms; no children. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: GAS. BATH, phone, nice location: central; no children. 335 Clay. cor. Seventh. 231 MARKET CLEAN. LIGHT SUITE OF three front rooms, furnished for housekeeping; reasonable; no children. FOR RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, near car lino. Apply 528 E. Mill st. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, bath and phone; no children. 440 Jefferson, corner 12th. 144 11TH. BETWEEN MORRISON AND ALD er Two or three furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM3 for housekeeping; electric lights, gas stove. S2 2d. near Oak. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also rooms. 230 10th St.. between Salmon and Main. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, or will rent two; all conven iences. 235 5th st FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 18 13th st. near Morrison. References required. Phone West S35. 02 NORTH 17TH. COR. FLANDERS TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; private fam ily; no children. I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. GAS AND STEEL dry good store. TWO LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED HOU5E kceping rooms; bath, gas, cooking range. 631 E. Morrison st TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; phone and bath; Irvlngton. 341 E. 13th st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; bath and phone; no children. 420 Main st. 308 MAIN ST.. BET. 5TH AND 6TH TWO furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on first floor. 201 11TH ST.. CORNER TAYLOR TWO pleasant furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, phone. SUITES OF RtlOMS. FURNISHED: HANDY for worklns people; reasonable. 32 Front street. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near Postoflice; references. 330 Taylor street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: CHEAP RENT; central; no children. Inquire 420 Washington street DOUBLE PARLORS. SUITABLE FOR TWO ladles; light housekeeping privilege. 535 Mor rison. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 344 Second st. cor. Market TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng; references; no children. 40S Main st. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. WITH USE OF house. 73 East Eighth st. near Everett TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; GAS AND WOOD stoves; bath. Phone Green 553. 322 14th. THE ABBOTT. 22S WASH. Fine furnished rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. A FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath, telephone. 426 Third st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ON GROUND floor, nt 631 Hood st. Phone Hood 145. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room3. 2CS Jefferson st. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 711 X and 22d sts. north. Houses. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT, first-class, close In. and moderate rent Hol laday ave.. near steel bridge. Se contractor any time, or owner, 5 P. M.. at building. Adults and permanent tenants only. C15 E. 25TH. NEAR CLINTON KELLY school. $12 per month; neat 3-room cottage; bath, hot and cold water, stationary wash tubs C. Blrcher, Commercial blk. 132 KING ST. THIS VERY DESIRABLE 10 room house, with all modern Improvements and large grounds, for rent to desirable ten ant. Apply 334 Sherlock bldg. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN; WELL water and fruit: rent $7; 11th and Glbbs. Marquam Hill. Mrs. Usherwood, Marquam Hill. FOR RENT 1-ROOM COTTAGE. $G; MOUNT Taborslde; for small family. Inquire Captain Schneider. Montavllla, end jjf Montavllla car line. FOR RENT A COMFORTABLY FURNISHED 5-room cottage at 1S7 Sherman st: two 4-room flats on Baker st R. H. Dunn. TO RENT SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. BET. Market and Mill, E. 0th sts.; modern Im provements. Apply 335 E. 11th st. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; MODERN IMPROVE ments: latter part of month: small family; $12. 780 Williams ave. DESIRABLE C-ROOM CORNER FLAT; $28. 213 Chapman, corner of Main st Inquire 303 Washington st 4 - ROOM COTTAGE, $10; SECOND, BE tween Hall and Lincoln. Inquire room 10, 245 Morrison. MODERN C-ROOM LOWER FLAT, TO RE sponslble party. 45 North Ninth. Inquire 43 North Park.