The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Washington Sheriff is Hot
After the Fugitive. -
Cudihee, of KInjr County, Again in
the Chase Whole Country la
Aroused and Every Trail
Is Being: Guarded.
SPOKANE, Aug. 2. An Almira special
to the Spokesman-Review says: .
Outlaw Harry Tracy Is believed to be
traveling southeast from this place In the
direction of Ritzville. A farmer named
Perkins, living three miles southeast of
Almira, saw a man with two horses and
two rifles, pissing his place In a south
easterly direction early this morning.
Sheriff De Bolt, of Douglas County, ar
rived In Almira shortly before noon to
day, and on hearing the story left for the
Perkins ranch. He has not been seen
since. Sheriff Cudihee, of Seattle, ar
rived In Almira from Wilson Creek, via
Coulee City, late tonight.
The fact that Sheriff De Bolt has not
been heard from leads him to believe
that he is hot on the trail. Cudihee left
for the Perkins ranch with a team late to
night. Cudihee firmly believes that Tracy
passed through Coulee City about 11:30
last night. A man riding one horse, with
a nackhorse following, rode up the main
street of that town and was seen by sev-A
eral residents.
There Is also .a story that Tracy was
seen near the Welsh Church at 3 o'clock
this morning, but this cannot be verified.
Sheriff Gardner, of Lincoln County, Is
co-operating with Sheriff Dc Bolt in the
chase. Do Bolt Is to scour the country
between Almira and Ritzville. while Sher
iff Gardner is to guard the northern route.
Gardner has sent four men to guard the
ferries across the Columbia. The whole
country is aroused.
Several People Surr Him Near Wen
atchee With Another Man.
WENATCHEE. Wash., Aug. 2. Further
details have been secured concerning the
movements of Convict Harry Tracy, who
crossed the Columbia River at Moses
Coulee ferry. IS miles south of Wenatchee,
yesterday morning. Just how Tracy ar
rived In this vicinity is not certain, but
it is supposed that after escaping from
the Sheriffs posse near Palmer he came
over the mountains by the Snoqualmle
trail. Thence he must have turned north
along the road via Blewltt, which leads
into Wenatchee Valley. How he man
aged to evade recognition Is a problem, as
this road Is the main thoroughfare over
the mountains, and .he must have been
seen by many persons.
When he arrived here he was mounted
on a good saddle horse, and was" leading
a pack horse, with a complete camp
equipment. Such an outfit, however, Is
so common that Tracy would readily pass
as a sheepherder or prospector, without
question. It was about 10 o'clock yester
day morning when City Councilman W.
A. Sanders, who was spending the day at
the farm of his son-in-law, Sam Mac
Eldovvncy. was approached by a man who '
had just ridden up on horseback. Sanders
was helping to pack fruit in a packing
shed. The man had the 'appearance of a
sheepherder, such as pass the farm fre
quently, and Sanders, without raising his
eyes from his work, nodded and said
"Good day;"
Naturally many rumors are rife as to
the -road which Tracy followed before his
arrival at the MacEldowney farm Thurs
day. One of these, which may have foun
datl6n In fact. Is the claim of several per
Eons near town to have seen Tracy cross
ing the valley with a companion. Cer
tainly two men passed within half a mile
of town early yesterday morning, one of
whom waa mounted on a buckskin horse
and leading a packhorse. Between Moses
Coulee and Spokane, across Douglas and
Lincoln Counties, Is a stretch of country
where a man well mounted and knowing
his ground could elude pursuit Indefi
nitely. The difficult part of the route would be
crossing the Grand Coulee, which Is Im
passable except at certain points. East
of the Grand Coulee, along Lake Creek,
is a region of volcanic formation, known
as the Potholes. If Tracy is heading for
this region he must have received Infor
mation from some one familiar with the
country, as he Is not known to have visit
ed this region before. Cattle and sheep
men who are familiar with the ground af
fect a disbelief in Tracy's attempt to
work eastward. They say if he actually
crossed Moses Coulee ferry he will recross
the river and return to the divide between
Chelan and Kittitas Counties, along which
he could work back into the mountains,
"where he could remain safely until driven
out by the Winter's snow.
Sheriff Keller absolutely refuses to give
any information as to his plans. No posso
has left the city, but the Sheriff has been
using the long-distance telephone and
telegraph freely.
Messengers have been sent to Ferry and
other down-river points, but owing to the
distance and rough roads, no word can be
expected from there before noon tomor
Cudlhec Again After Tracy. '
SPOKANE, Aug. 2. Sheriff Cudihee, of
King County, is In the city. It Is under
stood that he will go to Lincoln County
to Join in the chase after Tracy.
Convict Who Tried to Prevent the
Escape of Tracy and Merrill.
SALEM. Aug. 2. (SpeclaL)-Frank In
gram, the prisoner who was shot by
David Merrill at the time of the outbreak
at the Penitentiary, left the prison hos
pital today. His left leg was amputated
above the knee, and he walks on crutches,
As he is unable to mike a living at pres
ent by working, he Is raffling off a splen
did set of steel hearth utensils made by
him while confined in the Penitentiary.
When his means will permit he will pur
chase an artificial limb and engage In
some useful occupation. During his 10
years! incarceration, Ingram learned the
blacksmith's trade, but the loss of his
limb will probably prevent him from con
tinuing in that work. Ingram grappled
with Merrill while the latter was In the
act of firing at a prison guard, and the
bullet passed through his knee. His he
role act led to his pardon by the Governor
and won him the sympathy of the people.
He Is receiving temporary aid here from
people who are charitably disposed.
Resolutions Passed by Polk County
Men In Battle.
INDEPENDENCE, Aug. 2. At a meet
ing of the Indian War veterans of 1855
and 1B36, held at Independence July 24,
1902, the following resolutions were
"Resolved, That we compliment our
Senators and Representatives In Congress
for securing the passage of the bill pen
slonlng the Indian War veterans of Or
egon and Washington.
'Resolved, That we Instruct our Rep
resentatives In Congress and request our
Senators to procure, if possible, land
warrants for 160 acres of tW public lands
of the United .States In pursuance of the
practice of the Government up to the
year 1S55.
"Resolved, That "We hereby instruct
our members of the Legislature to pass
a law for the payment of the volunteer
Veterans of the Indian War qf 1S55 and
1S5G In accordance with an act passed by
the Territorial Legislature of January.
1S56, allowing each volunteer $2 per day
for his services and J2 ?er day for the
services of his horse.
"Resolved. That wo call upon all vet
erans and law-abiding citizens to co-operate
in securing the passage of said
law. .
"Resolved, That all Indian War 'vet
erans and citizens are Invited to attend
a public meeting at Independence, August
1G, U02, at 2 o'clock P. M."
Slany People Pay Tribute to Prom
inent Washington Man.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
In accordance with the solemn and Im
pressive ceremonies of the Masonic ritual,
the remains of the late Jacob Weatherwax
were buried this afternoon in Fernhall
cemetery, overlooking the Wlshkah River
above this city. From all over this sec
tion of the state members of the Masonic
fraternity joined with the Knights Temp
lars. Royal Arch Masons and members of
Blue Lodge, of Aberdeen, in the long
cortege as it wended Its way from the
family residence to the city dock, where
the steamer Montesano carried the entire
assemblage up the river to the cemetery'.
Thousands of people were present to see
the remains of the man they have
so long known ao their friend, while the
numerous and beautiful floral tributes
from all over the country and as far away
as Portland and Puget Sound cities bore
mute testimony to the high regard in
which the memory of the dead man was
As the entire service was under the di
rection of the Masons, the pallbearers
were cnosen from among members of the
fraternity In Aberdeen, and were as fol
lows: John G. Lewis and Alex Poison,
representing the Knights Templar; Major
H. W. Patton and Percy Littler, the Royal
Arch Masons, and L. L. Maley and H. A.
Hayes the Blue Lodge.
Spokane Loses 985.000 Indnstrv
Company Will Rebuild.
SPOKANE, Aus:. 2. The Citennlnl
Flouring Mills, with a dally capacity of
iw Darreis or flour and 200 barrels ot
cereal foods, was totally destroyed by fire
this morning. Samuel Glasgow, the man
ager, estimates the loss at JS3.000, which
substantially covered bv Insurance.
The fire Is thought to have originated
irom an electric wire. The mills were
the property of the Centennial Company.
of which Morltz Thomsen. of Seattle, is
president. It Is practically decided that
the company will rebuild. The mill avss
started 13 yeara ago and the first 100 bar
rels turned out were donated to the suf
ferers from the crcat fire of 18S9. which
destroyed practically the entire business
district of Spokane.
IIHIslioro Man Will Have Plant in
Operation by December 1.
HILLSBORO, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Dr. J. P. Tamlesle has ordered the ma
chinery for a condensed milk factor', and
Intends to begin operations by December
L at the latest. It will require GO days
for manufacture of the equipment. In
the meantime the building will be put In
shape to receive the plant, which will be
shipped from Detroit. Mich. Dr. Tamle
sle Is largely Interested in Washington
County farm property, and if the venture
proves a success will enlarge the plant.
Oregon Mining: Stock Exchange.
Today's quotations were:
Alaska. II. & if 11
Bronze Monarch 18
Caribou 8
Crystal Consolidated 20
Chicago 8V4
t-ascaae uaiumet 4
Gold Hill & Bohemia 10
Huronlan 3
Lost Horse 25
Oregon-Colorado M. M. & D 50
Bumpier Consolidated 4
Sweden Copper (Gtd.) 00
Winnipeg (Ltd.) 10
Vesuvius 25
Judson Rock ."..5
BAN FRANCISCO, Aug;. 2. Official closing;
quotations for mining stocks:
Alt $0 03IMcxlcan 51
3 Occidental Con ... 10
Best & Belcher...
lSOphlr 1 20
1 Overman 22
OSiPotosl 18
Challenge Con ...
Con. Cal. & Va...
201 Savage
l Seg. Belcher 5
74Slerra Nevada ... 19
1 25 Silver Hill' 46
OjUnlon 'Con 22
2 Utah Con 3
Crown Point ....
Gould & Curry...
Hale & Isorcross
32, Yellow Jacket .... 14
Justice 10 1
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. Mining stocks today
closed as follows:
Adams Con ?0 20
Alice 32
Breece 50
Little Chief $0 11
Ontario 8 23
Ophlr 1 30
Phoenix 6
PotoM 17
Brunswick Con
Comstock Tunnel. 5
Con. Cal. & Va... 1 20
Deadwood Terra.. 1 00
Horn Silver 1 251
Iron Stiver 80
Leadville Con ... 5
Savage 1
Sierra Nevada ... 18
Small Hopes ..... 35
Standard 3 55
BOSTON. Aug. 2. Closing quotations:
Adventure ....$ 22 501 Osceola 2 B7 23
Allouez 2 50 Parrott 27 00
Amalgamated . GO 02 Qulncy 130 00
t3 60 Santa Fe Cop... 2 00
5 00 Tamarack 175 00
18 25 Trlmountaln ... 35 00
Cal. & Hecla.
Copper Range . 57 C2 Trinity 12 00
Dominion uoai. 131 vui united States .. 20 50
Franklin 10 60 Utah 20 1.
Ifle Koyale 12 501 Victoria 6 00
Mohawk 44 00) Winona 25 00
Old Dominion . 18 25 Wolverines .... 67 00
Elected to Eastern Scholarship.
FOREST GROVE, Or.. Aug, 2. (Spe
cial.) Horace M. Ramsy, of the class
of 'S3, of Pacific University, has Just been
elected to a fellowship in the General
Episcopal Seminary, in New York, and
expects to study also at the Columbia
University, N. Y., during the coming year.
This Is a well-deserved honor to a man
who finished his college course here with
great credit, and received similar honors
at the University of California a year ago.
Astoria Brevities.
ASTORIA. Auir. 2. teneelai:A llvo
sea Hon cub about three feit lnni irn
orougnt nere last evening by the steamer
treorge vos-Durg. it was captured 01
the rocks near CaDe Mears. end th tntn
tlon Is to present it to th Portland Tnrir
Commission to be placed In the park
A new run of fish entered the river last
evening, and a number of large catches
were made by glllnetters. The largest was
by Julius Erlckson, his catch being 190
fish, weighing 2C00 pounds.
Nevr Hatchery Superintendent.
OREGON CITY, Aug. 2. (Special
Claudius Walllch has been appointed to
take charsre of the onerat!on for tvn
coming season at the United States FlsQ
uomnustion station on tho LItle White
Salmon River. Mr. Walllch has been con
nected with the commission for 12 years.
He Is from Detroit, Mich., and has been
stationed at Green Lake Station, Me.; St.
Johnsbury. Vt., and Baird Lake, Cal.
Appointment for Snlexnn Man.
SALEM, Aug. 2. (Special) Zadoc Riggs,
of Salem, was today appointed a mem
ber of the State Board of Pharmacy to
succeed George C. Biakesly, of Tne Dalles,
whoso term haB expired. Rlgrc will serv
five years.
First Wheat ot Season.
ALBANY. Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The
first wheat of the season was ctored at
tho Albany Farmers Co.'s warehouse In
this city this afternoon byW. L. Wallace.
It waB of Al quality. The total yield
in tho county promises to be a good one.
Circuit Court in Clacluuans.
OREGON CITY, Aug. 2. (Special.)
Judge Thomas A. McBrlde opened Circuit
Court here this morning.
Capacity of Present One Will Be
Doubled $200,000 Refused for a.
Claim Bought for $1000.
SUMPTER. Or Aug. 2. (Special.)-The
Psyche mine, one of the latest properties
in the Greenhorn district,' is to put in a
20-stamp mill before the close of the
season. Judge J. K. Fawcett, of. Omaha,
the owner of the mine, passed through
Sumpter yesterday, and made known that
he would put in the machinery.
Something over a year ago the Psyche
could have been purchased for $1)500. Judge
Fawcett refused $200,000 for it this Spring.
When development began, the outcrop
ping Vein was IS Inches wide. A shaft has
been sunk 130 feet, where the vein has
widened to 33 feet, all pay ore, four feet
of which runs from SCO to $70 per ton. This
ore body Is one of the most remarkable.
In the district, especially for the shallow I
depth attained. It Is a revelation for the
Greenhorn district, where narrow ledges
are supposed to prevail. All of the ore
in the shaft and a 400-foot drift run from
the bottom Is not free milling, and some
doubt is expressed as to the advisability
of Installing an amalgamation and con
centration plant combined. Judge Faw
cett says he has had tests made in this
respect, satisfying him on the point of
A crosscut is being driven on the Psyche
to cut the ledge 100 feet deeper than the
shaft. ThlB will be completed In, about 60
days. Following completion of this work.
It Is the purpose of Judge Fawcett to
start a much deeper crosscut, calculated
to strike the ledge at a vertical depth of
550 feet. This will be the adit level, at
the mouth of which the mill Is to be
erected. Until Its completion, a tram will
be utilized for hauling ore down from tho
first crosscut.
Until further development, 10 stamps
will suffice for the Psycho, but Judge
Fawcett Is confident In the future of the
property and will erect the full 20 at the
beginning, bringing them Into requisition
when needed. Its rapid rise Is the subject
of wide discussion, and causes many old-
timers of the camp, who are always open
for good opportunities, to bewail the day
when they did not snap up the Psyche.
Some Very Rich Ore Taken Out at
Baker County Property.
BAKER CITY. Aug. 2. (Special.) Tho
owners of th,e Mammoth mine brought In
a gold bar yesterday which weighs 4G
ounces, and Is worth $18 per ounce. This
gold was taken from 49 tons of ore, which
was taken from the mine In the course of
developmsnt. Tho ore was run through
the Virtue mill. The owners of the Mam
moth will erect a mill for the treatment
of their own ore. just as soon as- the main
shaft Is sunk down deep enough to furnish
sufficient water to supply the mill. There
is plenty of water in the country, but it
has to be pumped from the mines, as
there Is none on the surface. No attempt
has been made to take out ore from this
mine. What has been milled to date Is
ore taken out In the course of developing
the mine and opening up the ore bodies.
Bohemia Mine Owners Secure on Ad
joining: Property.
EUGENE. Aug. 2. (Special.) The Ex
celsior mine, lnt he Blue River district.
has been transferred to the Uncle Sam
Mining & Milling Company, the consider
atlon being $11,000. This claim adjoins
other claims owned by the company la
such a manner as to be of great advan
tage in working the entire property. The
Uncle Sam people have been doing a vast
amount of development work during the
past two years, and have just recently
started up their new five-stamp mill,
which Is now being worked to Its full
capacity. Since the purchase of the Ex
celsior it Is announced that the company
will at once proceed with the erection of
another five-stamp mill similar to the ono
already In operation. Miners look for
this property to soon become a producer
equal to the Lucky Boy.
One-Fourth of Olympic. Is Also With
out Fire Protection.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Nearly one-fourth of the residence por
tion of Olympla was cut oft from its
water supply and fire protection, as well
as ingress to the business portion of the
city, by the collapse this morning of a
section of the West Fourth-street bridge.
The bridge that went out Is a trestle
across the head of the bay, and Is tho
only thoroughfare between the main por
tion of the city and West Olymnla, as
well as all the farming section west of
town. The water main was attached to
the stringers of the trestle, and went
out with the section that collapsed. The
bridge had been In a dangerous condition
for a long time, and was not repaired
solely because of the dllatorlnesss of tho
City Council. About 10 days ago tho sup
ports under the south side gave way.
making that side Impassable for pedes
trians. Teams were allowed to use the
bridge until Thursday, when the north
side weakened. A special meeting of tho
City Council was hastily called, and a
repairing crew was put at work yester
day, but they did not succeed In saving
the portion threatened. It went down
with a crash tit 6 o'clock this morning.
Teams cannot now reach West Olympla
except by a detour of 10 miles, by way
of Tumwater. Pedestrians, by following
nearly two miles of railroad trestle, can
get across. The greatest inconvenience
was tho breaking of the water main, as
it will cause a water famine in West
Olympla for several days.
Hobo Meets His End While Denting
His Way on a. Train.
WOODBURN. Or.. Aug. 2.-(SpeciaI.)
A hobo met a horrible death on the over
land train here last night. The man had,
no doubt, died by inches. Both feet were
broken and mangled at the heels, one leg
was badly cut, tho forehead crushed in.
part of the skull from the back of the
head and brains being found along the
track. In the right side was a gaping
wound made by the instrument that held
the body fast. The man's clothing was
stripped from him and strewn along the
track, the only thing left on him being
the neckband of a shirt, which remained
around his neck. The wearing apparel
picked up consisted of two overshlrts, one
undershirt, trousers, overalls, socks.
pair of new shoes and a black cap. The
only articles found in the clothes were
two small keys on a ring and three nick
els. One tooth Is missing from the man
mouth. He had a smooth face, prominent
features, dark hair, was of medium build
and five feet six Inches in height. The
body will be bulrled In Belle Passl ceme
tery this afternoon. Coroner Clough ar
rived from Salem on the Albany local and
decided that no Inquest was necessary.
Lane School Statistics.
EUGENE, Aug. 2. (Special.) From the
records ot the County Superintendent";
office the whole number of organized dls
tricts in the county at present Is ICS. The
whole number of pupils enrolled In the
schools is 6023. an average dally attend
ance of 4157. Two hundred teachers are
employed in the schools of the county.
Superintending these are 664 school offl
cers, which Superintendent Miller believes
is rather more foremen than can be used
to advantage on the work. He favors
change in the school laws so that several
districts as at present subdivided shall be
Included in one, ono school board being
tabla to supervise fouror five schools la
one district as well as one, and prob
ably better. Also, this mlght to some ex
tent equalize the apportionment of the
school funds, which at present allow nine
months' school in some districts, while in
the adjoining district only three months
is possible.
Prominent HoqHlam Physician.
HOQUIAM. Wash.. Aug 2. (SpeclaL)-
Dr. H. J. Rosslter .dled here this morning
at 4:30 after an Illness of threo weeks of
blood poisoning and pneumonia. Deceased
was born in Ontario. Canada, afcout z
years ago. and was educated at Mc-
GI11 University, -where he took his A. M.
degree. Later he took his medical courso
at Jefferson College, Philadelphia. Ho
left a wlfo and young daughter. . De
ceased was a member of the W. O. W.,
Elks and Maccabees. Arrangements for
the funeral have not been completed, as
a brother Is expected from Canada.
In Launch After Fugitive.
VANCOUVER, B. C, Aug. 2.-J0avld Le-
roy is being vigorously pursued by
officers. Over his head hangs a rewarc
of 5000 for the attempted murder of Nath
an Phillips in a towp in Washington
State. Sheriff Zimmerman, of Snohom
ish County, Wash., and Detective Wyll6,
of Vancouver, are in a steam launch in
which they sailed from Lund. Leroy 13
In Johnson Strait In a sloop In which no
Is sailing north with three companions.
Ho Is heavily armed and it was expected
that there would be an encounter witn
the outlaw today.
Teachers' Examining Board.
or -vvTTir a u'o.h Anc 9. fSne"elal.')
Following are the 'names of those who
have been appointed by State bupennien
dent Bryan as markers of manuscripts
for the August examination: Mrs. Dora
P. McKee. Mrs. Margaret O Jveeie, -mss
tt T. v.uiion-c! irrc Mnrv Rrvan. C.
Will Shafer, all o'f Thurston County; Miss
Rose Morgan. Mrs. Dora Cryderman, of
wnatcom county; .hies jMnma. lume, -ui
Chehalls County: Miss Clara Bruner.'Hb
mer Turner, of King County; J. A. Peaso
and Mrs. Mary E. Davidson, of Pierce
Water Power In Great Demnnd.
BAKER CITY. Aug. 2. (Special.) It be
gins to look as though there will be a
lively contest for the control of tne
waters of Eagle Creek, for power pur
poses. The engineers of two rival corpora
tions are known to be In tho field, ana
each party seems to be In very much of a
hurry. It Is a foregone conclusion that
there Is no room for two electric light and
power plants In this city, and the ono
that can secure the greatest advantage In
this preliminary skirmish for points, as
it were, will have tho decided advantage.
Oregon Pioneer of 1844.
FOREST GROVE. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Abner M. Vaughn, a bachelor and Ore
gon pioneer of 1S44, died at his home at
Thatcher today, aged 64 years. He "was
born In Missouri, and had resided In
Washington County 5S years. He was a
member of the G. A. R.. enlisted in Com
pany B. Oregon Infantry In 1SC3, and was
discharged at the closo of the war. He
left a brother. C. D. Vaughn, at Thatcner,
and six half-brothers, and four half-sis
ters. He will be burled In tho Wilkes
cemetery tomorrow.
McEldorrney Not nn Idle Talker.
HILLSBORO. Aug. 2. (Speclal.)-S. J.
McEldowney. at whose ranch Tracy Is
alleged to have stopped while In the
Wenatchee country. Is well known in
this section, having been foreman on the
Hawthorne place for several years. Mr.
McEldowney Is favorably known here, and
would In no manner misrepresent matters
pertaining to the outlaw, and it is cer
tain that Tracy was at his ranch or some
one who Impersonated that outlaw.
Mill for Gray's Harbor.
HOQULYM, Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
The Panel & Folding Box Company has
arranged to Increase Its capital stock from
$50,000 to $100,000. The company has plans
already drawn for a first-class sawmill of
the capacity of 40,000 feet per day. work
on which will be commenced as soon as
arrangements can be made, the sawmill
being run In conjunction with the already
fine plant.-
Republican Convention Date.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
The Republican County Central Commit
tee met today and fixed August 23 as the
date for holding the Thurston County
Convention. The representation will be
basod on the vote for Frlnk for Governor
at the last election. The primaries will
be held August 19.
To Represent Oregon.
SALEM, Aug. 2. (Special.) Gcvernor
Geer today appointed A. L-Craig and A. u.
Charl con, both of Portland, to represent
the State of Oregon at the International
Mining Congress to be held at Butte,
Montana, September 1 to o.
Rural Delivery Route.
ington, Aug. 2. An additional free dellv
ory route will be established September 1
at Salem, Marlon County, with one car
rier. The length of the route is 23 miles;
population served, CGO.
Fire In Hay Field Near Salem.
SALEM, Aug. 2. (Special.) About 20
tons of hay recently cured and baled by
J. E. Murphy was burned near this city
this, evening. The fire caught from a
spark from the engine which furnished
power for the baler.
Duel to the Death.
BRENHAM, Tex., Aug. 2. Two negroes,
John Arnold and Wesley Davis, fought a
m is
No woman who uses "Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
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"Motherhood." is worth
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Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
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Strict adherence to it enables us to qualify -willing workers to render
superior service as bookkeepers and stenographers. Our instruction is
unusually thorough a fact so widely known that reputation alone brings
us most of our students. Quality always counts. Examine into our
facilities better now than ever before. Industrious, willing students make
rapid advancement in all studies taken. Call, or write for our catalogue.
Park and Washington Streets A. P. Armstrong, LI. K, Principal
Over 30 modern
Factories represented. ,
Parlor grands, concert
Grands, baby grands and
Uprights in great
A magnificent stock- of
Beautiful Instruments.
At EHers Piano House, S51
Washington street, opposite Car
dray's Theater, there Is on ex
hibition the product of over
thirty different piano and organ
factories, making tho greatest
and most tempting display of
fine and irioderate-priced Instru
ments that has ever been shown
on the entire Pacific Coast.
Carloads of fine instruments
have been arriving almost daily
for the past three weeks. A
large number of these superb
Instruments are now displayed
at the spacious" store at 351
Washington street, and the
wholesale department at Thlr
teenth and Marshall streets. Is
also filled to overflowing. It is
worth any one's time to Inspect
the beautiful workmanship of
the three leaders, carried by the
house the celebrated Chlcker
ing, of Boston; the beautiful
Weber, of New York, and tho
now famous and superb Kimball,
of Chicago.
See the wonderful Angelus
piano-player, the one that dis
counts all others In Quality of
t-iuch and tone effects. A beau
tiful and marvelous Instrument.
This great store Is full of
For purchasers. The fine Kim
ball pipe organ, that Is attract
ing attention all over the world,
the Kimball organ, the Burdette.
the Crown, tho Pacific Queen
and manv other organs ar.e here.
At Ellers Piano House you will
find what you want at lower
prices and at better terms than
you can get anywhere else In the
Ellers Piano House. 351 Wash
ington street, opposite Cor
dray's Theater.
Four fine, busy stores Port
land. San Francisco. Sacramento
and Spokane.
duel to the death near Independence last
night. Arnold Is dead nnd Davis will die,
Tho men had a difficulty several weeks
previously, and, meeting in tho road
agreed to fight It out. Each was armed
with a knife, with a blade six Inches long
and both were horribly cut and slashed.
Davis managed to stab Arnold to tho
heart and then came to Brenham, where
he gave himself up. Ho will probably die
from his wounds.
Charged With Manslaughter.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., Aug. 2. Conduc
tor De La Vergne and Engineer Con
nelly, whose criminal negligence Is al
leged to have resulted In the disastrous
wreck on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, on
Sunday, July 20, have been arrested on
warrants issued by the Coroner, charging
them with manslaughter. Both men have
been released on ball. De La Vergne Is
suffering from mental collapse, and his
phyajclan says he fears serious conse
quences because of tho charge placed
against him.
Custom-House Frauds.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. According to ru
mor, custom-house officials have discov
ered another series of frauds, says the
World. It Is said by wholesale dealers
In chlnaware that a certain firm, known
throughout the country ae Importers of
fine Dresden and other chlnawares, has
been caught In a long-continued and sys.
tematlc scheme to defraud the Govern
ment of Its proper tariffs. Government
officials are said to be Investigating the
case in Europe.
Plot to Kidnap.
DENVER. Aug. 2. M. J. Riley, a sta
tionary engineer of Leadville, was held
up and robbed In City Park. He says he
overheard two men talking of kidnaping
the daughter of James A. McClurg, son-in-law
of David H. Moffat. When tho
men discovered him they attacked and
robbed him. Riley tells a straight story
and the police give it full credence.
Tclcoa Hotel Burned.
TBXOA, Wash., Aug. 2. The Miller
House, the largest hotel here, was de
stroyed by fire this afternoon. Loss $15,
000; insurance $6000.
The O. R. & N. Co. has made a $15 rate
for Individual live-ride, round-trip com
mutation tickets. Portland to North
taV. nrt3 fMrjfcrirk TJorH nnlnt. mi
tickets will bo good any time from date
of sale up to October 15. 1302. and will ba
honored In cither direction between Port
land and Astoria on the boats of the Ore
gon Railroad & Navigation Company, tho
White Collar Line, tho Vancouver Trans
portation Company and on trains of the
A. Si C. R. R. Tickets now on sale at O.
R. & -N. ofllce. Third and Washington.
And many other painful and serious,
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can he avoided hy the use of
"Mothers Ffiead. Jhis great remedy
a Lrod-send to women, carrying-
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
Designed and made by Hart, Schaffner
& Marx, makers of good clothes "for men.
A grand clearance of all broken lines
and small lots of finest merchandise at
reductions of 25, 33 and 50 per cent
If that is what you want, let
us direct you to headquarters
328-334 E. Morrison
Washington & Oregon
Electric Railway
Light & Power Co,
Now under construction.
A population ot 40.000 distributed over the
wealthiest farming country of the world Is
tributary to this road. First Issue of 1000
shares, par value $100 each, now celling at
$00 per share.
An Investment, Not n Speculation.
Low capitalization; $1,500,000; 15,000 shares,
at $100 each.
Shares fully paid and nonassessable.
Munyon'.s witch-hazel Soap
I want every woman who wishes to Improve her complexion who wishes to
have her skin soft as velvet who would like to have her face free from all skin
eruptions and facial blemishes to use my Witch-llazcl Soap. It will improve any
complexion. It works wonders with the hair, giving It new life and making it
glossy, luxuriant and beautiful. For shaving It Is unequaltd MUX YON.
FOR SALE EVERYWHERE Large Cake 15c, small 5c
Hazelwood Cream Co,
YOUNG MEN troubled with nlgut emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, basn
fulness aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UNFITS YOU
illDDLiE-AGED MEN who troni excesses and strains have lost their MANLY
rmrms. Catnrrh nnd Rheumatism
Dr Walker's methods are regular and scientific. lie uses no patent nostrums
or rea'dy-made preparations, but cures th c disease by thorough medical treatment.
His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases s ent free' to all men who describe thelc
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Te rms reasonable. All letters answered ia
plain envelope. Consultation free and sa credly confidential. Call on or address
Dr. Walker 149 First St., bet. Alder and Morrison, Portland, Or.
Street, Portland, Oregon
Valley Grove
'pry Creek ,
..... , n ADl i a
cotlege Place
wf?P Votff management to selMhe en-
and Kuropean market.
However, by way of cour
tesy, a block of 1C00 share
will be offered for loal
Mountain Valley
subscription for the period of 30 days frcm
July 10, 1002. Applications comlns In later
than Aug; 10. 1002. will not ba considered.
Apply to L. Y. KEADY & CO.,
Falling Bldj?.. Portland, Or.
Or to Slnln Ofllce. Dooly Bulldlnrc.
IVnlln. "Wulln, "Wnalu
Keeps Lady and Baby
Sweet as Roses
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such a3 liver,
kidney and stomach- disorders, constipation, diarrhoea,
dropsical swelllnss, Erlght's dlssase. etc.
Complaints, painful, dllllcult. too frequent, milky or
blooey urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as pnes, listtuiu, Assure, ulceration, mucous and
bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pail or
Blcod polsoi., sleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lm
potency, xhoruughjy cured. No failures. Cures guar-