The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Police Taking Extensive Precaution
cry Measures Government' Pol
icy "With Regard to Schools.
PARIS. Axis. 2. Several Nationalist
Deputies, representing Paris, waited on
the Premier today to ascertain the gov
ernment's further attitude toward tho re
ligious Bcbools. M. Combes Informed them
that applications for authorization by the
closed schools could not suspend the ac
tion of the associations law, and that such
schools would not be allowed to reopen
until the Council of State had rendered
decisions regarding these applications.
They mlirht, however, reopen ylth lay
etaffs, and he was considering means to
expedite the consideration of applications
by the Council of State. Tho Premier
said 12,000 of- such applications were wait
ing. The Socialists have arranged an anti
clerical demonstration for tho Latin
quarter tomorrow, and the Clericals also
announce a meeting to protest against M.
Combes' circular, to be held In a hall In
tho Rue Danton, in the same quarter. A
collision Is feared, and the police Intend
to take extensive preventive measures.
The peasantry in Western Brittany con
tinue to guard the schools presided over
by nuns, and express a determination to
prevent the closing of them.
Will Sngrsrctit to Kaiser a Reduction,
in. Armament
BERLIN, Aug. 2. The object of tho
visit of the King of Italy to the German
Emperor at the end of thi month is to
propose a reduction in Continental arma
ments. This was the purpose of his, visit
to the Czar, from whom he received overy
encouragement. He will come to the Em
peror with Russia's full support.
Frank Vanderllp, ex-Assistant Secre
tary of tho Treasury of tho United
States, and now vice-president of the Na
tional City Bank of New York, who ar
rived hore yesterday from Italy and wno
gives the Associated Press this Intelli
gence, says the great Italian bankers be
lieve something will come of Victor Em
manuel's project. The yourg Tvlng has
taken thla step on his own initiative, and
f c nnf t'nn TinJIan Rovernment's but tho
monarch's personal act. His Majesty re-
allzes that keeping up a huge army is ior
Italy a more crushing burden tnan ior
other countries under the Continental sys
tem, and ho is Inspired by a desire to
servo his own country as well as all Eu
rope in undertaking this mission.
In limited circles In Italy, privy to the
King's design, nothlrg but hope for Its
success was expressed.
London Paper ShkkcsIs It In Con
nection "With. International Banlc.
LONDON, Aug. 3. The Sunday Observer,
a most serious English journal, gives much
prominence this morning to a long edi
torial article advocating tho extension of
the postofnee savings banks into an Im
perial "banking concern, embracing the
entire empire, somewhat upon the lines
of the American National banks, with
this extraordinary feature, namely, the
establishment of branches of the new con
cern In America with an Anglo-American
naval alliance as an adjunct. Under this
scheme, notes would be issued by the im
perial concern to the American banks and
with this international banking alliance
as a basis, American war vessels would
be leased or lent lo protect .British col
onies or British vessels employed in
America In "defense of the vested Inter
ests of the Imperial American Bank. This,
tho Observer believes, might materially
concentrate all vague expression of Anglo
American friendship.
IClng- Goes to London "Wednesday
COWE8, Aug. 2. IClng Edward spent
most of the day on the deck of the Vic
toria and Albert. His Majesty appeared
to be In good health and spirits. The
beautiful weather that prevailed on the
Solent today brought out scores of yachts
to Cowes, preliminary to the royal yacht
squadron regatta, which will take place
next week. During tho day King Edward
was on the deck of the Albert and Vic
toria, where the yacht club officials visited
His Majest5' and displayed -before him the
special pieces of plate for the regatta of
fered by Emperor William and others. His
Majesty was greatly pleased
King Edward hold an investiture on the
royal yacht today and conferred distinc
tions upon a number of recipients of cor
onation honors. His Majesty proposes to
return to London next Wednesday. King
Edward personally conferred the decora
tion of K. C. M. G. upon Michael Henry
Herbert, the British Ambassador to the
United States, who was subsequently
granted an audience by His Majesty, and
kissed his hand on his appointment to the
Washington Embassy.
Morgan Buys a London House.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. J. PJerpont Mor
gan has just purchased from Georglana,
the Countess of Dudley, her handsome
house at 53 Grosvenor street, cables the
World's London correspondent. The house
stands at the corner of Davlcs street, and
Is most conveniently situated. Lady Dud
ley had her house beautifully decorated
and finished at a cost of nearly $200,000.
Grosvenor streejt Is in the heart of fash
ionable Mayfalr, while Mr. Morgan's pres
ent house at 13 Prince's Gates is merely
on the fringe of the smart district. His
new house will enable him to display to
. perfection his great store of exquisite art
treasures, the decorative possibilities of
which are lost at Prince's Gate, where
they are heaped together because there
Is not sufficient room to show them off
Mr. Morgan's purchases, recently report
ed to have been made, reach an enormous
Sirs. Hackay Suffering.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. Mrs. J. W. Mac-
kay is suffering severely from the strain
of the past few weeks, according to a
World dispatch from London. Twice there
has been a consultation of doctors. She
Is suffering especially from heart trouble
and sleeplessness. The doctore have or
dered her to see as few people as possible.
Possibly she may go to Manhelm for treat
ment. Her mother, Mrs. Hungerford, the
latter's sister. Baroness Telfener, and
Mrs. Mackay'9 daughter. Princess Colonna,
have left for France and Italy, but Clar
ence W. Mackay remains for the present.
as a great deal of business must bo done
In connection with the settlement of the
large estate of his father.
"Kipling's "Warlike Talk.
LONDON, Aug. 2. Rudyard Kipling
made a characteristic speech at the open
ing of a miniature rifle range at Sydney
ham, County of Kent, today. He said, In
the course of his remarks: "Recent expe
rlence has taught that we must not al
low a whole population 'to grow up In
ignorance of shooting. Everything must
be subordinated to shooting quickly." The
speaker concluded by expressing the hope
that "the next time nations saw fit to
love England wltfi that love of the past
SO months. Englishmen might not be found
totally Ignorant of those accomplishments
which. If. they do not secure affection, se
cure respect. , ,
May Yolie Goes to Paris.
LONDON, Aug. 2. May Yohe this morn
lng called on the police to ask them to
help her find Putnam Bradlce Strong, but
Scotland Yard declined to have anything
to do with the mattor, as she preferred no
charge against Strong. Miss Yohe then
made all arrangements to take tho 2:30
train for Paris, but abandoned the idea at
the last moment. On returning to her
hotel this afternoon she slipped as she left
.her earriago and fell, badly injuring her-
unee. tsne was carried toner noiei ana -n
physician summoned. Miss Yohe started
for Paris at & o'clock tonight on tele
graphic assurance that she would receive
word there of Strong's whereabouts.
Root Proceeds to Carlsbad.
PARIS, Aug. 2. United Spates Secretary
of "War Elihu Root, who In company with
General Horace Porter, United States
Ambassador to France, and General Wood
arrived here Thursday night, proceeded
this evening for Carlsbad. Tho members
of the United States Embassy and Major
Vlgnat, ex-mllltary attache to the French
Embassy, at Washington, were present at
the station to witness Mr. Root's depart
ure. (Rumor of Assault on Loubet.
PARIS, Aug. 2. La Press this after
noon published a report that a shot had
been fired at President Loubet at Ram
boulllet in the afternoon. Inquiry was
made regarding the statement, and it was
learned that the report was entirely with
out foundation.
Complaint Against Extensive Spray
ing of Fruit Trees.
SALEM. Aug. 2. (Special.) A. J. Pru
ltt. who has a large apiary near this city,
complains that the extensive spraying of
fruit trees during the blossoming season
is proving a serious injury to the bee in
dustry. He says that the bees, in gather
ing honey from the blossoms, also collect
the poisonous Ingredients of the spray
solutions and take this poison to the hives,
where It kills the young. In three years
Mr. Prultt reports that he has been able
with 12 swarms of bees to raise but one
As this subject may prove one of great
Importance, the statement of Mr. Pruitt's
experience and his opinion as to the cause
of the death of his bees, has been submit
ted to the consideration or Professor A.
B. Cordley, entomologist at the State Ag
ricultural College, and the following ro
pjy has been received:
"Mr. Prultt Is undoubtedly right In be
lieving that there would bo great dan
ger of loss to beekeepers if spraying with
poisonous compounds, while the fruit
trees are in bloom, should become gen
eral. Records of a considerable number
of instances where serious loss has oc
curred from this Timetiee have been nub-
lished in the various bee Journals andN
experiments have been conducted by the
entomologists of several experiment sta
tions, which show conclusively that the
danger is considerable, especially If the
weather happens to be bright and warm
when tho spraying is done. Not only are
the adult bees which visit the blossoms
poisoned, but it seems that even the
young larvae which arc fed upon tho
honey derived from tho poisoned blos
soms are also destroyed.
"However, beekeepers need not be un
necessarily alarmed, because I know of
no authority who recommends that frultj
trees be sprayed at thl3 time. I think I
am familiar with all of the recommenda
tions that have been made by the Exper
iment Station along this line, and I have
looked through the bulletins issued by tho
State Board of Horticulture, and I feel
certain that no such recommendation has
been made in any of tho publications
from these sources. It is necessary in
combating the apple scab, particularly in
the Willamette Valley, to spray before
the leaf buds start, again Just as the
fruit buds are beginning to open and
again after the blossoms have all fallen.
But it is not necessary to make any ap
plication while the trees are in full bloom.
Further, these three applications are of
Bordeaux mixture, a substance which, so
far as I know, has never been accused
of poisoning bees. This injury is caused
by one of the arsenical sprays, Paris
green, London purple or anscnlte of lime.
which has been applied for the purpose
of controlling-codling moth Injuries. It
Is certainly not only not necessary but
not advisablo to spray with these prepara
tions until a week or 10 days after the
blossoms have all fallen. In fact, as I
have shown In my bulletin on the- cod
ling moth, a very large proportion of the
beneficial effect in spraying for codling
motn comes from late applications.
"In conclusion, then, I may say that
bees would be poisoned If fruit trees were
sprayed with arsenical compounds when
the trees were In full bloom, but that It
1b neither necessary nor advisable to use
such sprays at this time.
Little Known Region of South Amer
ica In Dispute.
New York Tribune.
Tho region of Acre, in northern Bolivia,
has been disputed territory between that
country and Brazil for nearly 50 years.
The little country has come into public
notice recently because Bolivia leased a
part of the Acre region to an Anglo
American syndicate. Brazil objects to
this business arrangement, and has
threatened to break off diplomatic rela
tions unless tho contract Is rescinded.
Except that the country Is rich in rub
ber, little Is known about It It occu
pies a-triangular space between the boun
daries of Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru and
Bolivia, with tho Beni River as the base.
The position of the sides of this triangle
as interpreted by the two countries is
the cause of the dispute. A traveler re
cently returned from Acre says of the
natives that they are In many respects
use me .Bolivians, out that there are
among them tribes of a lower class than
can be found elsewhere In that part of
the world. Some of them are said to
be cannibals, and all are shy and averse
to the invasion of their country, by the
whites. They are experts in the art of
using darts, spears and Javelins, and de
light In practicing with these. from the
bush on intruders, whom they usually
attack from behind.
They wear no clothes, but havo elab
orate headdresses made of feathers and
beads, and the younger ones wear strings
of coins and metal disks around their
necks and wrists. There are no horses or
mules in Acre, and tho llama Is used as
the beast of burden.
Alabama Republicans Deprive
groes of Representation.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Aug. 2. At a
meeting of the State Republican execu
tive committee today, at which It was de
cided to call a state convention In Bir
mingham, September 16, to nominate a
full state ticket, a resolution was adopted
which, it Is claimed, will practically de
prive the negroes of representation in the
party. The resolution follows:
"Resolved. That only those shall be rec
ognized and. be permitted to participate
In the state and county convention and be
present at meetings who are duly quali
fied voters under the new constitution of
The effect of this will be to make the
Republican party In Alabama a whlte
man's party, as under the new constitu
tion of Alabama the negroes are prac
tically all disfranchised. This action of
the excutlve commltteo was In accord
ance with the programme agreed on at a
harmony meeting of tho Republicans held
here Friday.
The negro Republicans aro much dis
gruntled at tho action of the committee,
and say they will appeal to tho National
executive-committee. One negro delegate
staten that he would advise bloodshed. If
necessary, to enforce the rights of his
Valuable Time Saved.
Slight Injuries often disable a man and
cause several days' loss of time, and when
blood poison develops, sometimes result in
the loss of -a hand or limb. Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is an -antiseptic linjment. When
applied to cuts, bruises and burns It
causes them to heal quickly and without
mnturstlmt nnrl nrwntt D.rcv Aannv
J blood poison. For sale "by all d.rugj3sts.
Police Arrest Her Pending an Exam
ination Into the Case Other
Crime News.
CHICAGO. Aug. 2. The police have ar
rested Mrs. Noel Campbell, of (35 Grand
avenue, on a charge of allowing an infant
to die from lnsfilclent nourishment. It
is alleged that within the last threo years
eight other Infants have been burled from
the woman's house. Yesterday Dr. Well-
field was called to the Campbell house to
attend the Infant which has since died.
He found It In such a condition that ho
efused to issue a death certificate, de
claring that the child died of starvation.
The assertion that eight children have
died in the house is made by Viola Camp
bell, 11 years of age. Mrs. Campbell says
that she Is tho mother of the girl, who
claims that Mrs. Campbell has said on
other occasions that she was not a rela
tive of, hers. A letter was received at
the Campbell house three weeks ago. the
girl says, which was written -by John
Reade, a printer, of Cincinnati. In this
letter Reade told the girl that he was her
father and that she had been kidnaped
from her home in Cincinnati 10 years ago.
concerning the children, who, according
to the girl, have died in the house. Viola
Campbell says that they were received
from a woman living on Wells street, this
city. She says that they were obtained
by Mrs. Campbell because her husband
had threatened to leave her because they
were wltnout children. None of the chll-
dren lived long.
Mrs. Campbell alleges that the child that
died Friday was the daughter of her dead
sister, and while denying that there have
been eight aeaths in the house, admitted
to tne police that three children had died
In her house within the last few months.
There Is no evidence against Mrs. Camp
bell, pave that of the girl. Viola Camp
bell, but Police Inspector- Wheeler, who
has the case In charnc. declares that he
believes her story, and says that the
bodies of the children that died will be
exhumed in order to determine their num
ber. The girl declares that thev were
all burled In one lot In Calvary cemetery.
A Tragic Chapter.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Aug. 2. A chapter or
tragic Incidents Is reported frpm Graham
County, In Eastern Arizona. Theodore
Rocha, a Mexican, shot and killed Petra
Romereas at Clifton,' the result of Jeal
ousy, turned his Winchester on himself
and fired with probably fatal effect, tno
bullet passing through the left breast.
A Mexican, named Vasquez, shot and
seriously wounded another Mexican at
Clifton. Vasquez fled but was captured
and Is In custody.
At MorencI, Paequal Mazato quarreled
with Panto Goyermo. The former hand
led a knife and the latter a gun. Both
wero seriously hurt and are under ar
rest. The men are Italians.
Another Range Murder.
FLORENCE. Colo., Aug. 2. Samuel
Randall, a cattleman of this town, while
riding on the prairie south of Granada,
Colo., near the Kansas line, found the
body of a Mexican sheepherder, who had
been murdered. His heart had been cut out
and thrust Into his mouth. The man's
herd of sheep had been scattered. The
crime Is thought to have been due to
trouble between -sheep and cattle owners.
A Paper Prepared br Mrs. O. R. Tern
plcton. '
I have been requested to givo a few
words about tho work of tho Boys' and
Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, and the
subject given Is the "Dependent Child."
This Is perhaps somewhat ambiguously
expressed. The question might bo raised.
Which Is the dependent child and which
Is the Independent child? Tho very
statement of tho question at once sug
gests tho answer. No child whatever Is
or can be Independent. All children are
for a shorter or longer period of time
absolutely dependent on some one. The
only possible difference Is that between
normal and abnormal dependence, be
tween dependence as it ought and ought
not to be. Where father and mother
properly support, raiso and train their
children, there the true order of things
is observed. Where, however, the re
verse takes place: where the natural
guardians, for whatever reason it may
be, fail to live up to nature's harmonious
plan, there a discord arises and children
become not dependent that they were
before, but abnormally dependent, de
pendent on strangers when they ought to
be taken caro of by their own. What
shall we do with abnormally dependent
The unanimous answer of all fair
minded people is: Let us take tho very
best caro of them we possibly can. The
mere law of self-protection, aside from
any other consideration, will necessarily
dictate this answer. Our own welfare
largely depends on tho welfare of others.
We can never be prosperous alone, un
less our neighbor Is prosperous, too. Our
own prosperity will soon be exhausted.
or, to put It in another form, the very
existence of this great commonwealth
depends on good citizenship. Incompetent,
vicious, depraved citizens aro the great
est danger to our National Institutions.
Therefore, "every one who furthers the
cause of good citizenship performs not
only a most patriotic duty, but he also
acts in his own best interest; ho stands
for self-protection and for the protec
tlon of his country. Is It rationally to
bo expected that neglected children will
become good citizens? Is It not a hun
dred times mori probable that they will
go to ruin, to the great harm of society
In general, and to tho everlasting re
proach of our Christian civilization?
But if we ask by what method . wo
ought to work for the cause of such chil
dren, tho answers vary. Tho end In view
Is the same; tho ways, however, which
arc supposed to lead to that end con
siderably differ. Having the pleasure of
being for many years a member of tho
ladles' advisory board of the Boys' and
Girls Aid Society of Oregon, I shall en
deavor to briefly show how that society
answers the question. Its aims are to
rescue homeless, neglected or abused
children, receive Juvenile offenders who
are In danger of being Imprisoned, and
to provide for such until suitable homes
or employment are found for them, and
continue a systematic attention to their
condition and treatment. Many Illegiti
mate Infants have passed through tho
hands of the society, they being aban
doned by their mothers or surrendered
in order to be adopted. All are placed
very carefully In home3 where they will
be under good Influences. Most of the
children In the care of the society have
been rescued from bad parents; this In
cludes parents or relatives who abuse
their children by cruelly whipping, starv
ing, clothing Improperly or otherwise
shamefully neglecting them. Others are
taken from parents who aro living Immoral-
Another very Important branch of tho
work Is the parole system, or taking care
of .juvenile offenders, thus saving them
from penal Institutions. Upon the ar
rest of a minor under the age of 15 years
for larceny, or in fact any crime not
capital, the Judge or District Attorney
informs the superintendent of the Aid
Society; he then Inquires Into the cose,
and requests the sentence to bo suspended
on the boy. should he be convicted, and
that he be turned over to the society, the
superintendent having all power of par
ents of the boy for a period of 60 days,
said time to be renewed if necessary by
application to the committing Judge. In
some cases it is necessary to take the
boy to the Home and keep him there the
entire time; in other cases the parole
system is adopted, and the boy returned
to his parents on condition that he com
ply with the rules which compel him to
attend day school and Sunday school, and
not to be on the streets at night. He i3
required to report regularly to the super
intendent, and If at the end of the re
quired time he has shown Improvement,
he Is discharged.
By this system, which our superintend
ent inaugurated In January, 1S55, 273 boys
have been kept out of the Reform School
by the Aid Society, or an average of three
per month. How much better it is if in
corrigible youths can be cared for and
their conduct Improved by some other
means than serving terms In the Reform
School. But let us stop a moment and
rnnt!rirr the exDcnse saved the state by
this system. The expense of a boy In the
Reform School Is about 512 a month, and
the average time of each boy in the school
Is two years, thus we readily see that
tho state has already been saved 57S.624.
Is It not wiser and less expensive to save
children than to punish criminals?
The most helpless of all are the defective
children, and there Is no institution In our
state to caro for them. Such an Institu
tion is much needed and should certainly
be organized In the near future, if not by
the state,' by charitable people.
There are now three or four defective
children at the home of the Aid Society
who cannot be placed out, and for whom
there is absolutely no asylum. Two of
the children were rendered defective by a
drunken father, while another was found
In an outside county wandering about In
an entirely homeless condition.
Kindness Is the soul of greatness. There
is no treatness without kindness. That
which Is most hopeful In our American
civilization- Is not our wealth, our almost
inexhaustible resources, not our power
or war by land and sea; It Is the spirit of
fairness and kindness that breathes
thrnueh our institutions.
The Bovs' and Girls' Aid Society stands
for kindness. We mean to deal Kinaiy
with helpless children. We do not ask
who they are or what they are- or why
they are In misery; the simple fact that
they suffer Is sufficient appeal to our en
deavors for their rescue. Many of these
children have never heard a kind, sympa
thetic word they are victims of poverty,
misery, intemperance and sin In all Its
manifold forms and degrees; to treat them
properly, making all due allowances for
their origin, history, character and former
surroundings; to be at the same time kind,
gentle, patient and firm, especially In deal
ing with Juvenile offenders, with such as
have started on the road of crime, this is
decidedly difficult.
To give bread Is life for the body. To
give sympathy Is salvation for the soul.
No one loves me. Thla outspoken word
can be read in tho eyo of almost every
child when received In the Home of the
Bovs' and Girls' Aid Society. These
wretched, abandoned children are received
ragged and dirty, but soon they appear
attractive In clean clothes ana in neaxing
Vinrt irnrds all about them there. Their
faces brighten and tho visitor will be im
m-essed with the happy faces of the chll
dren, showing that they have a home In
hn truest sense.
To give an Illustration of our work, al
low me to state the following:
One day I was going out to visit tho
Home of tho Aid Society. Among the
nnssentrers in the car a man and woman
attracted my attention by their depraved
appearance. To my surprise, when I left
.the car they followed me. Presently the
woman asked me If I were Interested In
the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. Upon
an affirmative answer she began pleading
with me to aid her In recovering her
dauchter. who. as she stated, had been
taken away from her that morning by an
officer without any cause whatever, ana
with tears and sobs, asserted she had al
ways been a good, faithful mother. When
I inquired into the situation, I learned
from the superintendent these details: The
Rlrl's own brother had come to bupenn
tondent Gardnerand plead with him to res
cue his sister, a girl about 15, who was
in danger of being ruined by her own
mother, who permitted ner to oe on mo
streets late at night and to aance in ais
renutable olaces.
In my presence the mother argued with
the superintendent that she must recover
her daughter and insisted tho girl had a
coed home. She expressed great surprise
that any ono could have reported this
false statement to the officers. She said
she had no enemies that she knew of.
Then In harsh tones she demanded the
namo of the Informer.
What a scene It was when that mother
and father heard the words that their own
son would no longer- trust them with the
care of their daughter, and had begged, to
have her removed from the parental home.
No further resistance was made. The girl
remained In the society's care, and was
nlaced In a Christian home and slnco then
nothing but good has been reported of this
girl. Coming In contact with many cases
of this nature one can scarcely overesti
mate the value of such an Institution that
Is ready at all times to hold forth a help
ing hand. Such an Institution is its own
commendation. Anyone who supports It
honors himself and enjoys that lnestlmablo
blessing "which no money can buy the
quiet consciousness of doing good.
Steamer Runs on Rocks.
HALIFAX, Aug. 2. A message to tho
customs officials hero announces that the
Norwegian steamer Blaamenden, Captain
Amundensen. from Hamburg for Fhlla
delphia, struck on White Point Ledge, off
Canso, In a dense fog today. No details
were made known by tho advices to the
customs officials aside from the state
ment that the steamer has a big cargo
and a number of passengers. Tho cus
toms department at Ottawa has been ad
vised of the accident and pas ordered
officers to the scene, which is about four
miles from Canso.
French Beef for England.
Pall Mall Gazette.
It Is renorted from Cherbourg that
consignment of French beef has just been
dispatched to Southampton for the Sralth
fleld market. We have borne the inroad
of Normandy butter, truffles from Aries,
violets from Provence, and abuso from
Paris; and there are other things cham
pagne and fashions -for instance which
settled experience tells us to bo all the
better for being ordered from France,
But tho vaunted roast beef of old Eng
land'tis a bitter blow.
Smallpox in Mexico.
El Imparclal, Mexico City.
Smallpox was brought Into Mexico by
the Spaniards. The dread disease was the
most efficacious ally of the conquerors in
their work of extermination; during- the
colonial period several millions of Indians
succumbed to Its ravages. Statistics com
plied by tho Department of Fomento show
the deaths from smallpox in tho republic
from 1S92 to 1900, Inclusive, to havo been
Storage Reservoir at Tonto Site.
PHOENIX. Ariz., Aug. 2. A mass meet
Ing of citizens of this county was held
here today and the Initiative taken In
a line of action which it is believed will
result In the early construction of
storage reservoir at the Tonto site by
the Secretary of tho Interior, under tho
Hnnsbrough-Newlands Irrigation law.
' Running: Races in Scotland.
LONDON, Aug. 2. At Bridge of Allen,
Stirlingshire, Scotland, Kean, the Amerl
can sprinter, defeated the well-known
professional, A. Downer, in a 200-yard
race in 20 seconds. At the Blackburn
sports today, the mile race was won by
W. K. Balllle, of the university of Penn
To attract patrons and Induce them to stay
late a restaurant-keeper In Warsaw keeps
motor dar. In which his customers are driven
home free ot ' choree between, the hours of 10
P. M. and 2 A. M.
(Continued from First Page.)
railroad is ever built, however. It Is un
likely that It will go as far north as wo
did. It will pass south of Nijni-Kolylnsk,
"In. a few words, why do you advo
cate the building of a railroad to the
Asiatic end of Bearing Straits?"
Vision of Great Railroad.
"One of the reasons is that Siberia 13
enormously rich in gold deposits, and in
other mineral resources. There are Im
mense agricultural possibilities south of
Irkutsk. Some day Siberia win starue
the world with her rlcho?. To enable
her to tap this portion of her heritage,
a railroad Is necessary, and Lam certain
that tho country along the line of the
railroad Is so wealthy that the cost of
construction will be' paid in a few years'
time. I also want to demonstrate the
possibility of one entering a comfortable
train de luxe' In Paris, and emerging
from It. little the worse for tho long trip,
In New York City. Even under these
conditions, tho trip will bo a long and
tiresome one. but many a person subject
to excessive attacks of seasickness while
in a boat of any sort would cheerfully
endure the long trip In tho cars, and
with pleasant light and the comforts of
civilization around, in preference to the
unsneakablo miseries of crossing tno
Atlantic Ocean In dirty weather. The
question of passenger traffic Is of second
ary accommodation, however. Think o.
the boundless international advantages
which would accrue to tho world in gen
eral from the completion of such a rail
way. It would open new markets, to a
wonderful extent, and the Pacific Coast
would proflt by it Portland as well as
her sister cities."
You tried the Idea of traveling over.
land from America to Franco before, did
you, not?"
De WIndt's First Trip.
'Oh, that was In 1S06, but I mndo New
York City my starting point on that oc
caslon. In tho Spring of 1S3C I started
from New York, traveling through Win
nipeg and Vancouver to St. Michael, In
Alaska, via Juneau and Klondike. The
latter placo was then a email fishing vll
lage known as Tron-Dluck, but it occupies
what Is now Dawson City. We reached
tho Asiatic shore of Behring Straits
about the end of August, but here our
expedition was brought to a standstill
Tho wild natives of tho Tchuktchl village
of Oumwaldjik seized our stores and acted
generally in a scandalous manner. When
wo protested they told us that' we must
live with them until the opening of navi
gation In tho following July. We wero
finally rescued by the whaler Belvedere."
"You escaped the hostile natives this
"Yes, wo passed far to tho north of
"Pleaso explain why you made the
Journey in Winter and suffered from In
tense cold and blinding blizzards? Why
did you not go In Summer?
"In Summer?" echoed Mr. De WIndt,
laughing. "Why, my dear sir, that would
not bo practicable. Between Spring and
Autumn tho Siberian 'tundra, or great
extent of marsh land, bars tho way to all
land traffic In certain seasons of tho
year the swamps or marshes are gaily
carpeted with wild flowers. The consist
ency of tho tundra Is Uko that of
wet sponge. In Winter you can skim In
a sled over its surface at about 10 miles
per hour, but in Summer a pedestrian
would find It difficult to cover any ground
at alL The Arctic desert from east to
west of Siberia, north of the treo line, Is
nearly all composed of tundra, and this
accounts for the fact that land travel
of any kind In these regions Is practically
impossible throughout the Summer, until
Nature has opened out a frozen roadway
In the Autumn and Winter."-
"Will such a condition, then, operate
against tho construction of your pro
posed Siberian railroad? Would not the
roadbed sink?"
"It would not bo an obstacle. In my
opinion. Tho Ingenious system of pile-
driving, which has been In use at Chat
Moss, Lancashire, England, could be utll
lzed, on a larger scale, on the proposed
railroad. It Is a rich country, practically
unexplored. Where riches are a railroad
must follow, sooner or later."
"Are the Russians doing anything to
building an extension of railroad from Ir
kutsk, the present terminus?"
"An exploration Is being carried out un
der tho direction of the Chief Inspector
of Communications, in St. Petersburg,
with a view to the extension of the rail
road of tho Trans-Siberian Railway from
Irkutsk to Yakutsk. That will bo one
"Aro you going to see Mr.-Frey. of the
Trans-Alaskan Railway Company, when
you aro In Denver?"
"Yes. I hope you will not get his com
pany mixed up with the Trans-Alaska
Company; they are different concerns.
Mr. Frey's company was Incorporated at
Seattle. Mr. Frey was formerly the man
ager of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
Railroad. I am sorry that I am so placed
at present that I cannot tell more regard
ing the proposed railroad through Alaska
to Behring Straits."
Cost of the Trip.
"Mr. Do Windt, what do you think
your trip has cost you?" The hardy ex
plorer laughed and said: ."You will have
to ask that question of Mr. Pearson, and
he's too far away Just now. But the cost
will run Into five figures. Really, It's a
comfort to get Into civilization again
When we left the railroad terminus in
Siberia we were forced to allow our beards
to grow. It was Impossible to touch cold
fit mmm
Why is it that the firstborn child is so
often the healthiest of a family of chil
dren? The reason seems to suggest it
self. As child follows child the mother
has less and less vitality; often not
enough for herself and none, therefore,
for her child.
Expectant mothers who use Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription find that it
keeps them in vigor
ous health. They eat
TTcll, sleep well and
are not nervous.
When baby comes its
advent is practically
painless, and the
mother is made hap-
Ey by, the birth of a
ealthy child. If yoxi
would be a healthy
mother of healthy
children use "Favor
ite Prescription.
"I Trill be very glad to
say a few words for Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion," writes Mrs. P. S.
Douglas, of Mansonville,
Brome Co., Quebec " Dur-
iii sr .uc iirsi iour inontns.
when I looked forward to
becoming a mother, I suf
fered very much from nau
sea and vomiting, and I
felt so terribly sick I could
scarcely eat or enne any
thinr. I bated all kinds!
of food. At this time I
-wrote ta Dr. Pierce, and he told ine to pet htj
' Favorite Prescription ' and a bottle of Golden
Medical Discovery. I got a bottle of each, and
when I had taken them a few days, I felt much
better, and when I had taken hardly three parts
of each bottle I felt well and could eat as well as
any one. and could do my work without any
trouble (I could not do anything before). I feel
very thankful to Dr. Pierce for his medicine,
ana I tell all who tell me they are sick, to get
these medicines, or write to Dr. Pierce."
Those vrho suffer from chronic dis
eases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce,
by letter, res. All correspondence
strictly private. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick headache.
SPECIAL NOTICE-Officc Hours From 9 A. M.
to 1 P. M. Evenings, Tuesday and Friday From
6:30 to 8:30. Sunday From 9 A. M. to 12 M.
Tlie Proper Coarie for Snfferera.
Great numbers of people suffer from tne
malign poisons of catarrh, as from other
chronic maladies, without any correct or
definite idea of the nature of their af
fliction. The following symptoms have
been carefully arranged to enable many
Eunerers to unaersiana just wnat it is
that alls them. Many diseases, known
under various specific names, are really
of a catarrhal origin and nature. Every
part of tho mucous membrane, the nose,
the throat, eyes, ears. head, lungs, stom
ach, liver, bowels, kidneys and bladder.
The head anil throat become dis
eased from neslected colds, cnn
Ins Catarrh when the condition of
the blood predlpoe to taU ton.
ditlon. '
"Ib your voice husky V
"Do you spit up allmer
"Do you nche all overt"
"Do you snore at night?"
"Do you blow out scabs at nlghtr
"la your nose stopped up?"
"Does your nose discharger
"D&es your nose bleed tasllyT"
"Is there tickling In the throat?
"Is thla worse toward night?"
"Does the noso Itch and burn?"
"Do you hawk to clear the throatf
"Is there pain across the eyes?"
"Is there pain In front of head?"
"Is your sense o smell leaving?"
"I the throat dry in the morning?"
"Aro you losing your sense o taster
"Do you sleep with your mouth open?
"Does your uose stop up toward nlghtc
This condition often reanlta from
catarrh extending: from the head
and throat, and If left unchecked,
extends down the windpipe into the
bronchial tubed and In time attaclca
the lunss.
"HaTe you a cough?"
Are you losing flesh?"
"Do you cough at night T"
"Have you pain In Bide?"
"Do you take cold easily?"
"Is your appetite variable?"
"Have you stitches In side?"
"Do you cough until you gag?"
"Are you low-splrlted at times?"
"Do you raise frothy material?"
"Do you spit up y.;ow matter?"
"Do you cougi. on going to bed?"
"Do you cough In the mornings?"
"la your cough short and hacking?"
"Do you spit up little cheojy lumps?"
"Have you a disgust for fatty foods V
"is there tickling behind the palate r
"Have you pain behind breastbone?"
"Do you feei you are growing weaker?"
"Ia there a burning pain In the throat?"
"Do you cough wors-e night and mornings V
"Do you havo to sit up at night to get
Deafness and ear troubles result
from cutnrrh passing alone the Eu
stachian tnbe that leads from the
throat to the car.
"Is your hearing falling?"
"Do your cars discharge?"
"Do your eara itch and burn?"
"Are the ears dry and scaly V
"Have you pain behind the ears?"
"Is there throbbing in the eara?"
'Is there a buzzing sound heard?"
"Do you have a ringing in the cars?"
"Are there crackling sounds heard ?"
"Is your bearing bad cloudy days?"
"Do you have earache occasionally?"
"Are there sounds like steam escaping?"
"Do your ears fiurt when you blow you.
"Do you constantly hear noloea lr. the ears?"
"Do you hear better some days than others V
"Do the noises- In your eara keep you
"Wbtn you blow your nose do tho ears"
"Is bearing worse when you hare a cold?"
"Is roaring like a waterfall In the head?"
This condition may result from
several causes, but the usual cause
Is catarrh, the mucus dropping
down into the throat and belnjf
"Is there nausea V
"Are you costive ?"
steel in that climate. However, tako It
all In all. I wanted to demonstrate that it
is possible that one can mako a journey
overland from France to America. I've
done It."
Swiss at Olympian Games.
BERNE, Switzerland, Aug. 2. Tho
Olympian games delegates. Judge John
B. Payne, LW. Noyes and H. J. Fur
ber, Jr., of Cnlcago, have gone from here
to AIx-les-Balnes. They express the most
satisfaction at the prospect of Swiss rep
resentation at tho Olympian games.
"Wrestling Is almost the national sport of
Switzerland, and the bull-necked athlete
of Canton, Grlsons, finds few equals.
Yakluia Convention Date.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 2.
(Special.) The Republican county cen
tral committee met here this afternoon
and designated Larson's Opera-Houso aa
the place and the afternoon of August
23 as the time for the Republican county
convention. Primaries are to be held on
the afternoon and evening of the ISth.
The meeting was harmonious.
"VValthour's Winning Streak.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. "Bobby" Wal
thour, of Atlanta, -Ga., continued In hl3
winning streak today In the 20-mIIo motor-paced
raco at Manhattan Beach, by
riding the dlstanco in the record tlmo of
28:114-5. Riding the first mile In 1:23 and
lowering the best previous track mark.
We will not ask for
a dollar until
a cure Is effected
This statement Is meant
for everyone no exception.
We particularly solicit this class ot cases,
are subject to disease and blight by ca
tarrh. The proper course for sufferers
Is this. Read these symptoms carefully
over, mark those that apply to your case
and bring this with you to Drs, Copeland
and Montgomery.
If yon live mvny from the city,
send them by mall, and ask for mail
treatment. .
In either instance, and whether by mall
or ofllce treatment. the patient may be
assured of the speediest relief and curd
possible to medical science.
"la there vomiting?"
"Do you belch up gaa?"
"Have you waterbrashr
"Are you lightheaded?"
"Is your tongue coated?"
"Do you hawk and spit?"
"Ia there pain after eating r
"Are you nervous and ieak?"
"Do you have sick headache V
"Do you bloat up after eating f
"Is there disgust for breakfast?"
."Have you distress after eating?"
Ia your throat filled with slime?'
"Do you at times have diarrhoea?"
"Is there rush of blood to the head?
"When you get up suddenly are you dtssyr
Is there gnawing sensation in stomach?"
"Do you feel as If you had lead la stomach V
"When Btomach Is empty do you feel faint?"'
"Do you belch material that burns throat?"-
'IX stomach. l full do you feel oppressed?-
The liver becomes diseased Jry ca
tarrh extending? from the Stoaaac
into the tubes of the liver ,
"Axe you Irritable r
"Aro you nervous!"
"Do you get dlszy?"
"Havo you no energy?
"Do you have cod teet?"
"Do you feel miserable?"
"Is your memory poor?
"Do you get tired easily T
"Do you have hot flashed r
"la your eyesight blurred?"
"Have you pain In the back?"
"Ia your flesh soft and flabby?"
"Aro your spirits low at times V
"Is there bloating after eating?"
"Have you pain around the loins?
"Do you have gurgling In bowels?" -
"Do you havo rumbling In bowels?"
"Is tnere throbbing In the stomach V
"Do yoa have a sense ot heat In bowel?1
"Do you suffer from palna In temples V
"Do you have a palpitation ot the heart?
"Is there a general feeling ot lassitude 7"-
"Do these feelings affect your memory?-
Catarrh of the kidneys and blad
der results in two ways, Jlrst by
taking: cold; ccond, by overworking
the kidneys In sepnratins from
the blood the poisons that have
been absorbed from catarrh, which
aCccts all orgnna.
"13 the skin pala and dry?"
"Has the skin a waxy look?"
"Is the hair dry and brittle?"
"Is the skin dry and harsh?"
"Do the legs feel too heavy?"
"Is there nausea after eatmg?"
"Do the Joints pain and achet"
"Is the urine dark and cloudy?"
"Are the eyes dull and staring?"
"Is there pain in small of-tack?"
"Do your bands and feet swell?"
"Are they cold and clammy?"
"Have you pain in top ot head?"
"Has the perspiration a bad odor?"
"Is there putflness under the eyes?"
"Is there a bad taste in the mouth?"
"In there a desire to get up at night?"
"Are there da-k rings around the eyes?''
. "Do you see spots floating before the eyea7"
"Have yoa chilly feelings down the back?"
"Do you aee unpleasant things while asleep?"'
".Does a deposit form when left standing?"
Copeland Fee, $5.00 Month
Medicines Included, Until Cured.
Dr. Copelcnd's Book Free to All.
The Copeland Medical Institute
The Dekum. Third and Washington.
his own, of 1:291-5, he chopped seconds
off each succeeding mile, eventually
eclipsing his work of July 2G by 40 4-5 sec
'onds. Not Easy to Man the Xavy. ,
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Secretary Moody Is repeating the wall of
his predecessors regarding tho difficulty
of securing men enough for the Navy. It
is a fact that the fleet Is Increasing so
fast that the department Is hard pressed
to llnd Junior officers enough for the new
ships. As for the enlisted men, all mod
ern navies have difficulty In securing them
In sufficient numbers and In keeping them
In the service after they have become
Man Killed by a. Train.
EVERETT, Wash.. Aug. 2. B. H.
Gray, a laborer, was killed here today by
a Great Northern switch engine. Both
of tho man's legs were cut off below tho
knees. Gray was unknown here. He had
letters In his pocket from hl3 sisters, of
Decatur, Wash., and Olga, Wash. Both,
lettera wero addressed to Enterprise.
If you wish to enjoy a day of rest and
pleasure, take the O. R. & N. train from
Union depot at 9 A. M. for a. short trip
up the Columbia, returning, if desired, by
boat from Cascade Locks. Tickets and
particulars at O. R. 4 N. ticket office.
Third and " ashlneton.
Dr. Talcott & Co.
The proper treatment of Diseases
quires tho services of those who
have made this branch ot medicine
a specialty. "We have had an experi
ence of over 20 years, and our bril
liant cures have placed us in the
foremost rank of SPECIALISTS
ON THIS COAST in the euro of all
forms of so-called Weaknesses.
Contagious Blood Diseases, Acute
and Chronic Urethral and Pros
tatic Inflammations.
Varicocele. Stricture and Piles
Cured in Five Days.
We have prepared a colored chnrt;
which we Tvlll send free on applica
tion, by -which anyone interested
can readily understand why, if ho
has been trented for a weakness, he
has not been cured.
and can promise a speedy curs.