The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1902, PART THREE, Page 20, Image 20

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There Is no ebb In the tide of immigra
tion to the beaches, yet tho -high-water
mark of attendance "will not be reacnea
until tho sscond week In August. Nor
will society have full swing until then,
for tHe feeling of newness and conven
tional bashfulncfis and shyness has not
entirely disappeared. The crowds that
flock train and boat are like those follow
ing low Tates and are mostly started to
the beaches by tho hot weather that pre-
vnllc In iTna Inforinr A tVin ii"ipipr f
vails in the interior. At the beaches
nothing can compare with the grandeur
of a fair day, but that of the day that
follows, and it is with a feeling of un
speakable relief that one Inhales the cdol
ing sea breeze after leaving a city.
A seaside outing1 has attractions for
threo classes of people. To some there
are attractions of a social nature, to
others love of sport and to others desire
for rest. Society at the sea coast Is free
and easy and loses many of its conven
tionalities. Everybody knows everybody
else, as in a country town, but this is duo
probably to thte like reason, tho fewness of
inhabitants. As In a country town new
arrivals are easily discernible. A proba-
tlon of but two weeks will pass one from
the class of newcomers to that of old.
Armed with a weapon tempered with two
weeks at the seashore, one Is not only of
the elect while there, but is as powerful
as any In subjects of conversation, at the
hop and social events of the following
Gay Life of Bench People, Prom
Ilvrnco to Ocean Parle.
From Ocean Park merry parties go daily
to Nahcotta on tho bay to fish. What the
roclts are to Long Beach and Seaview,
Willapa Harbor is to Ocean Park. Floun
ders., codfish, porgie, bass and tomcod are
caught in abundance.
Many spend Tuesdays and Thursdays in
a trip to see the drills of the Ufesaving
crew. There aro two JIfesaving stations
maintained by Uncle Bam on this beach,
one at Fort Canby, another two miles
south of Ocean Park. Those Summering
at Ocean Park usually walk to the sta
tion, while those at greater distances, at
Long Beach and Seaview, patronize the
Tursday and Thursday excursions of the
railroad company.
Notes of Ocean Parle
G. E. Lewis occupies the Clayton cot
tage, at Ocean Parle
Dr. a W. Newton, of Butte, Mont, is
tenting near Rev Matthews cottage.
Senator C. A. Cogswell has taken the
Jones cottage for the season.
Mrs. J. M. Galusba, Mrs. Conant and A.
L. Clark are visiting Mrs. K. A. Keinath.
Mr. and, Mrs. A. C. Kernath are paying
a visit to their parents. Mr. and Mia. H.
A. Keinath at Ocean Park.
J. Bullivant the old-time Portland mer
chant, has opened his own cottage at
Ocean Park for the season.
Robert H. Loller. wife and daughter are
at present registered at the Taylor House,
fcut wlil shortly remove to their cottage.
Mrs. A. H. Steadman is at her own cot
tage at Ocean Park for the Bummer.
Mrs. T. M. Butterfleld, who had been
tenting at Ocean Park, returned to Van
couver Sunday night
Charles Butterfleld returned Friday to
Mr. and Mra E. M. Cranston, son and
daughter of Bishop Cranston, are regis
tered at tho Taylor House, direct from
Mrs. Dollle Krure entertained friends
with a drive and a dinner at Taylor Ho
tel at Ocean Park, it being her birthday.
Among the .guests "were: Mrs. A. A. Cran
dell, of Minneapolis: Mrs. Margaret Har
ter, Mrs. B. 'Baldwin, Mrs. Knoll, Miss Ivy
Pllcher, Miss Tracy Dor.neberg, MJss Ka
tie Knoll. Portland; iliss Flora V. Fanel
ly. Cincinnati; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cana
ris. Long Beach; Mr. Knoll and Master
Dick Kruse, Portland.
At I-oner Beach.
At Long Beach station everything is
olive and prospering. Dances are given
twice a week, Tuesday and Friday, by
Fred English. Music by the English or
chestra delighted oj ceptlonally large
crowds last week and every success at
tends the management
The young people at the Hackney cot
tage gave a corcert Thursday week. A
most pleasant evening was spent in sing
ing and playing the popular airs. Seaview
turned out as usual. An-informal concert
also was held Sunday evening and was
attended by a large gathering. The pro
gramme of the Thursday evening- concert
Was as follows: Piano selection. Miss
Louise Hagner; solo. Professor Epplng;
piano solo, Miss Marsh; vocal selection,
Ed Sheridan; piano duct, the Misses Les
ser; vocal solo. Sloane Hackney; vocal
selection. Miss Rosy Schacht
A pleasant evening was. spent at the
Sc&cioft Thursday week. Candy-pulimg
end playing iiist The guests took part
willingly lis small entertaining pleasant
ries and later refreshments were served.
A skirt-waist hop was given at Seaview,
at the Hackney cottage, a week ago Fri
day, in honor of George Henriot who
iuartcd for Portland Saturday. Music
was furnished by the guests. It was one
of the numerous dances that have been
given this season at Hackney's cottage,
and as usual came off with snap.
A large bonfire at Seaview that had
been building for three days was lit
Wednesday evening in the presence of all
Seaview. Story-teJ.'lng, singing and pop
ping corn were among tho pastimes of
A big party of Eeaviewers Avent on an
excursion to Fort Canby Wednesday. Al-
though tho trip was somewhat tiresome.
nil 1rrlnrn thov wprA tvaII rpnn M tvltVi
all declare they were well repaid with
what they saw.
Baseball at the beaches is not backward.
as Is evidenced by the game that will be
played today. Tho Seaview team has
chartered a launch on which the players
will go to Astoria, where they will play
the Astoria team. Captain LIU, when in
terviewed before the game, gave assur
ances of an easy victory.
At the Portland.
J. C Hughes, T. J. Velguth. A, E. Ho
gan. Dolllo Rathburn, Kathryn Casten
dieck, Lawrence Steffen, Mrs. G. Casten
dieclc E-ana Famsworlh, B. H. Denins,
A. R. Draper, William Donlon, Emll
Glutch. a C. Wood. P. D. Nell, Morris
Kuhmer. Miss Bertha Cock, Miss Emma
Cook. Oliver S. Cutler, J. R. Grek. August
?c!e' , StJP,e' Benwlth. A.
& jucrnuruL, jiauc uiicn, .juaun jwans.
Irma Eberhardt, Mrs. Metcalfe. George
Donald, Jr., H. R. BIrdsall. Lieutenant
Pattlson. M. .Ellis, of Rilnler; E. P.
Murphy, Jesse H. Read, of Tacoma;
Charles A. Tlflelet of Lewiston; C. F.
Kohler, C H. Baab, L. E. Wyncken, of
Ban Francisco: James Mott E. H. Wood
ward, R. W. Baislger, James L. Barnctt;
Captain G. A. Gore, of Kalama; Mrs. G.
A. Gore, of Kalama; Mr. E. McKercher,
of Kalama; Lloyd Hunter, L. De Ccos,
of San Francisco: Mrs. M. E. Miller. Mrs.
T. W. Scott A. G. Clarke. C. H. Keinath,
C. A. Peterson, W. W. Harlow, William
Edwards, H. M. Sterner, J. H. Sprague. of
Seattle: T. Dominie, of Mount Angel; Al
fred Anderson, of Portland; Ed. Mueckle,
of San Francisco.
N The Breakers.
There have been great "doings" at the
Breakers for the last three weeks. The
only complaint the guests have to make
Is that the days do not seem to "be half
long enough.
The attractions at the hotel Itself arc
numerous. The -bowling alleys are much
patronized, and if come of the players are
not professionals, yet the pleasure of
the game is In no way decreased. Dr.
A. C. Ewing, of Salt Lake City, is con
sidered the "crack" bowler, his highest
score being 34 points, bowled with his left
hand. The "Hot Scotch" and tho "Rag
Time" teams had somo exciting games.
It is feared that the "Hot Scotch" team
had decidely the worst of It but they
took their defeats with very good grace.
Tho tennis court is a very fine one. and
there have been many hotly contested
games. Boating on Clear Lake has been
very popular with the guests, and the
new boats which arrived last week have
been very much in demand.
At the shriek of tho melodious whistle,
there is a general commotion around
the hotel, as that is the signal for bath
ing. All agree that the eurf bathing has
been exceptionally good. Tho billiard and
pool tables have been kept in constant
use. At dusk the guests gather in the
spacious parlor for -very enjoyable even
ings. Duplicate whist has been very
much in vosue. All .enjoy the sweet
strains of the acolian and1 pianola. .
Mr.Herbort Irwin, in bia launch Maid
Marian, conducted a large party on an
excursion up the Nassl River. Some of
the party stayed at Mr. F. M. Arthur's
ranch until the next day, but most of
thom returned that evening after a very
enjoyable trip. x
Driving- parties havo made tours to
North Head, the rocks. Shoalwater Bay
and other places of interest
Quite a large dance was given last Sat
urday. The dining-room was prettily dec
orated with evergreens and Hags. Some
of the dancers camo from different parts
of the beach, and all agreed that it was a
decided success.
There has been a Breakers Club organ
ized, the idea being to promote soblabll
ity and general good times.
Last Monday a large bonfire was built
and the guests gathered around In true
camp style. Mr.-T. N. Llnman was the
moving spirit and his song, "Qne More
River to Cross" afforded much amuse
ment After singing various camp pongs
the company vied with each other in tell
ing funny stories.
At the Breakers.
F. J. Cook, H. J. LItt M. W. Hunt anCt
family. W. A. Wardle, J. C. Hughes,
James A. Clock, F. S. Doernbecher, wief
and daughter. Mrs. J. A. Wadd, A R.
Daimoad. Mrs. A. R. Dalmond, J. M.
Henley, E. S. Jackson, O. G. Hughson. F.
O. Downing. William Mackay, Mrs. Bry
ant F. H. Clark and wife, C. H. Jackson.
George W. Collins, W. B. Wells, V. Cook,
Mrs. W. H. Mitchell. William A. Mac
Corquodale and child, George M. Corn
wall, A. J. Paul, Fred W. Gfaves, Miss
Roberta Graves. C. D. Bewail, George A.
Warren, Edward M. Doernbecher. J. G.
Mack and wifo. H. E. Janckel, R. D. In
man. T. G. Webber. Mrs. E. Beck. A. E.
Eberhardt Judith Evans, Irma Eberhardt
Effle Hitch, G. H. Campbell, Mrs. Camp
bell, Miss Campbell, Marjorle Campbell,
Clarence Campbell, 2i F. Tourtellotte,
Mrs. J. F. Tourtellotte, Louise Tourtel
lotte, Frances Tourtellotte, Margaret
Tourtellotte, E. P. Murphy, Now
Tork; Rev. D. P. Curley, Dublin, Ireland:
Rev. J. C. Hughes. Portland: Dr. A. C.
Ewlng and wife. Salt Lake City; David A
Stickler, M. D.; C. E. Tennant M. D., and
wife; Dr. Mary R. Bradner, Denver, Colo.;
Mrs. L. McQuillan, Miss McQuillan. A
McQuillan, F. McQuillan. St Paul; Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Corbett Mrs. P. C. Schuy
ler, Sr., Mrs. F. G. Wheeler. Mrs. H. B.
Robertson, Miss M. A. Hoyt Miss C
Whitehouae. J. H. Mason. Seaview; F. J
Whitney, St Paul; A. B. a Denniston,
P. L. Einclair, Seattle; MIsa Wilson, Chi
cago; Mrs. E. R. Wheeler, Tacoma; Miss
Mead. Miss Clara McQuillan, St Paul; C.
E DeCamp, Los Angeles; M. E. Stone,
Vancouver; W. C Barnhard. Miss Carl
ton, O. G. Hughson, Mrs. R. D. Schrlber,
Tacoma; Brooke Payne. Fort Canby; Mrs.
L. a Grahn, Hlltja Van der Bri, Mary C.
Van der Bri, Minneapolis; Mrs. R. S.
Sheridan, Bol3e: T. G. Webber, and wife.
Salt Lake: D. C. Corbln, Spokane; H. D.
.Niles. Miss Elizabeth Nlles. Bait Lake;
L. D. Desmarais, Baker City; Mrs. L P.
Eisenbach, San Francisco.
At Long Beach Hotel.
J. C. Hughes, Clarence Lind, James
Fink. Ralph Knight Miss Hazel Beam,
C. H. Baab and wife, Charles Lansing,
T. H. Morris, E. J. Pierson. C. C. Esers,
G. W. Hamlon, Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Clark, Charles Jennlng, A. H. Lovelace,
Mrs. M. S. Harter, J. H. Bruce, Mrs. W.
J.iMcBrlde, Miss A. M. Durant E. P.
Murphy, N. Y.; J. A. Rood, Seattle;
Charles A. Simpson, Boston, Mass.; J. A.
William. S. F.; E. W. Wheeton, wlfo
and daughter, Fargo, N. D.; F. J. Claf
fey, Seattle: W. J. Corbln, Seattle; Ar
thur Morton. Seattle; Harry Miller. Che
halls; Victor H. Eeckman, Seattle; George
J. Crane and daughter. Council Bluffs;
R. Burns-, wife and son. Walla Walla; P.
C. Hetsler. Salem; S. E. Berry. Master
Harry Robb, R. Latourolle. Latourelle
Falls; L. R. Millor. T. M. Bowman, Alice
P. Hall, Cincinnati; Mrs. A. A Crandall,
Minneapolis; S. O. Bwackhamer, La
Grande; E. B. Scotland wife, .Seattle; P.
C. Hctzler, Salem; B. L. Brumbach,
Odell, -III.; A. C. Ahrendren, Beaverton-;
C M. Sharpsteln, Walla Walla; Mrs. A.
A. King, Walla Walla; Mrs. Cyrus Nerson,
Walla Walla; S. W. Wallace. SaltLake;
Mrs. H. J. "Wallace, Leda Wallace, Salt
Lake City; Nelson Merchant Ottawa,
Kan.; Mrs. H. F. Ellis, Phoebo Ellis.
Ottawa, Kan.
At the Bri tt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ad A. Brown. Miss Lena
Gray, Mrs. E. Glanvlllo, Miss B. Rife.
H. B. McKay, Mrs. W. B. 6tar Miss
Maurlne Star, Top Zachrlason, Misses Jua
11a and Anna O'Brien, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. George Bamford. Mount Tabor; F.
D. Brown and wife. Pueblo, Colo.;' R. O.
Holmes, wife and child. Park Place; Mrs.
E. Hlnz, Miss Edith Hint, F. HInz. Oma
ha, Neb.;- S. Keljcy, wife and two chil
dren. Hoqulam; Miss Gladys Lymsden,
Portland: Percy O. Brltt, Nahcotta life
saving station; A. Tanner, Portland; H.
Beard and wife, Hudson, Wis.; Mrs. Eb
blcr White. Portland; Ellen M. Beard,
Milwaukee, Wis.
At Harvest Home.
Mrs. J. W. Cookerly and daughter, L.
Roberts, Miss S. T. Buxton. Walla Walla;
Margaret A. McGulre, Portland; Fay
Kandle, J. R. McGulre. Elizabeth Galla
gher, Portland; Milton Seaman, Portland;
Gordon G. Sahr. Nahcotta; Mrs. C. GInn,
Minerva Glnn. Rachel McLean. Mrs. C.
N. McLean. Gilbert McLean. Walla Walla; J
Mrs. H. A. Thcrnburgh. Portland; Mrs.
G. Jones, Spokane; Mrs. A. C. Davis,
Council Bluffs; Miss Goldie Jones, Spo
kane; Miss Anstle Johnson, Portland.
At the Taylor Honse.
Mra. M. M. Newton. Master L. C. New
ton, Master T. F. Newton, all of Butte,
Mont; N. W. Clark. "Mrs. N. W.
Clark, Salem: Mra. It Miller. Master Rob
ert Miller, Monroe Miller, Mi3s Maybelle
Allison, Spokane: Mabel Murphy, Mls3
Jennie Wilcox, Boise; Mrs. M. A. Kan
ouse, Madison. Wis.; T. C. Elliott Walla
Walla; Captain H. M. Rlggs, William 3.
Shlvas, Frank Shivas. Mis3 L. E. Dem
raer. R. W. Ho'dgklnson. Mrs. Cogs
well, Marie Cogswell, Marjcrie Cogswell,
C. A. Cogswell, Jr.. Mrs. J. Bullivant,
Robert H. Loller, wife and daughter, AV.
H. Sheely, Ralph K. Rockwood, Mrs. H.
M. Rlggs, Mrs. C. W. Vanstone, Portland.
At tho Xcwton.
Mrs. William Monk's and sons, Omaha;
Mrs. lone Glbbs, Portland; Banner G.
Bowen, Portland; Mrs. J. C. Henry. La
Grande: Mrs. J. F. Pool, South Bend.
Ind.; S. O. Swackhamer and wife. La
Grande. -
At the Hackney Cottasrc.
Louise Harder. W. N. Plntler, T. D.
Cook, North Yakima; C. D. Cook, North
Yakima; J. C. Currie, A. J. McDaniel,
J. H. Stiles, H. L. Green, Miss Laura
Read,- Captain E. W. Spencer, S. Boise
and wife, Miss Ako Masten; M. J. Buck
ley, La Gra'ndeJ David N. Mosessohn,
Portland; M. Mosessohn, J. P. Bourke, V.
Cook, T. J. Cook, H. Lett Dr. S. .
Schaefer, Dr. J. H. Miller, Mrs. Sam
Beck, Sophie Beck, Mrs. J. L. Klein,
Mrs. William Madeson, Mrs. Williams. C.
D. Bewail, Fred West George C. Her
rlot At Mrs. Kntzschnn's.
E. D. Casey, Oswald Barau, Woodlawn,
Wash.; J. A. Graef, wife and six children,
B. F. Hedges, Jr., wife and children. Miss
Harry Riffle. Miss Elsie, Riffle, Walla
Walla; Mrs. G. Brettman, Mrs. A. Friend
ly, Ivan Simon, Mrs. H. S. Simon, Caro
lyn Friendly, C. H. Brettman.
At the Scncroft.
Joseph Norton Dolph. W. H. Guild, T.
S. Green, F. May Green. George E. Whar
ton, Mrs. E. Wharton. G. J. Perkins, Mrs.
C. Y. Williams, W. F. Williams. B. Hop
kins, Fred M. Booth, Bloux Falls, S. D.;
Gladys Smith, Lewiston. Idaho; Mrs. 7.
C. Ufford and children, Spokane; Mabelle
Williams, T. C. Elliot, Miss Mary E.
Elliot Vina Abrams, Miss HG. Stratton,
MIsa Florence Stratton, Waitsburg, Wash.
Personal Mention.
S. A. McGowan occupies the Frank
Hacheney cottage at Tioga for tho sea
son. Judgo A. H. Tanner and family are at
"their cottage at Tioga for the season.
James Hyland made a Sunday visit to
Tioga and the North Beach.
Mr. L Amos and two daughters came
down Tuesday to Tioga on a "visit "to
their cottage.
Mr. Holmes, of the Portland Packing
Company, spent Sunday at Tioga with
his family.
Claude Scoffins. mother and Miss Alice
Thomas paid a few days' visit to the
Scoffins cottage at Tioga,
Mrs. C N. Rankin opened her cottage
Thursday week at Tioga.
Mr. M. Brady and family lately arrived
at Long Beach for the Summer.
Mrs. Max Lowenson has opened her Sea
view cottage for. the season.
L Gevurtz has a cottage at Centervllle.
Mrs. Curran bought the Stocp place at
Seaview recently.
Mrs. J. T. Richards has opened her Sea
view cottage for the season.
Miss Sadie Sutherland and Mrs. W. P.
Jenkins are vl3itlng for a few weeks at
Mr?. Haskell's.
Mrs. J. H. M. Richards occupies the
Steel cottage at Seaview.
Mrs. J. W. McHowland. Miss Nora Mc
Howland, Mrs. G. W. Ako aro tenting at
Mr. and Mrs. Chemaln lately arrived at
their cottage at Centervllle for the sea
son. Dr. E. S. Prindell. of Menominee. Mich.,
and Miss AllceHubbard are visiting Mrs.
J. E. Jameson, at Long Beach.
Mrs. W. Anderson has opened the Erick
son cottage at Long Beach and Charles
Photo by H. B. Chase.
Levy and daughter, of Portland, aro at
Seaview for a few weeks' vacation.
Mrs. R. H. McMillan and W. H. Mc
Monles are passing a few days with F.
Wasserman at Long Beach.
Mrs. Stansbury and Mrs. Zeller arrived
Tuesday at Mrs. Chamberlain's for a few
weeks' sojourn at the beach.
Dr. Bell, of Latourelle Falls, arrived
Tuesday to take a cottage at Long Beach.
Mrs. Moore, of Roseburg, lately arrived
at Long Beach for the season to open a
C. S. Broadwell, of the Honeyman Hard
ware Company, Is spending a few days at
Mrs. Kceley's, at Newton Station.
Mrs. Bradshaw Is among those boarding
at Mrs. Keeley's.
Mrs. Lowenstein has a cottage for the
Scmmer at Seaview.
J. H. Stiles, who has Just recovered
from an operation for appendicitis, Is re
cuperating at Seaview, at Mrs. Hackney's.
Chester Sewall -is spending a few days
at Seaview, at Mrs. Hackney's.
F. J. Cook and H. Litt are spending a
couple of weeks at Long Beach, w:lth
headquarters at Mrs. Hackney's.
Mr. and Mrs. Heitkempcr left Seaview
last Sunday for a short visit to Tillamook.
M. J. J. Griggs, of Wenatchee, Wash.,
occupies his new cottage at Seaview for
the Summer.
Miss Nellie Raab returned to Portland
Thursday, after two weeks' visit with
Mrs. Schacht at Seaview."
Joe Doiph went to Portland last week
on a short business trip, but will return
to Seaview shortly.
Judge Sharpsteln, of Walla Walla, and
wife, have taken a cottage at Ocean Park.
Their son. C. M. Sharpsteln, will be with
them occasionally during the! season.
Itoln Falls to Dampen Spirits of the
Pleas-are Seekers.
Rain fell all Wednesday night here.
Thursday was showery, but not disagree
able. The soft Chinook that blew com-
HAYSTACK. Photo by H. V. MllHsan.
pensated partly for the inconvenience of
carrying an umbrella.
Nearly all the cottages at Seaside have
been opened by either the owners, or by
One of the swell hops of the season was
given on the veranda of Locksley nan
Thursday night Parsons orchestra dis
coursed sweet music, whllo refreshments
were served in the Turkish room. Thurs
day's hoD was the first of the larga hops
that Mrs. Carlisle intends giving 4urlng
the season.
The Gear-In boys, of Portland, in com
pany with James Welch, of Spokane, all
of whom are registered at the New
Grimes, spent Wednesday fishing up the
Necanlcum. They returned that night
well laden with salmon trout ranging
from seven inches to eighteen inches In
length. They fished entirely with fly, and
said that a salmon trout 18 Inches long
on tho end of a line wa3 the greatest
sport they had struck.
Two hops a week now aro regularly
given by Parsons at the Old Grimes
House. The hops are scheduled for Wed
nesday and Saturday nlght3, and large
crowds attend. Parsons' orchestra 1telf
furnishes music, bo that popular music is
always on hand.
Walter Gadsby and Gene Grimes spent
"Wednesday and Thursday fishing up the
Necanlcum. Wednesday night they were
drenched with rain, but were amply repaid
with a large catch of fish. They went
10 miles up and fished nearly to Seaside,
landing some 75 salmon trout ranging
from 10 to 18 Inches In length.
3 At the Grimes.
Miss Jessie Chase, C. Lewis Mead, Mrs.
C. Lewis fMead, Mrs. G. F. Wells, Eugene
Bolta,' Etta Schulderman, Edith Baum,
W. R. Glendening and wife, two children,
W. G. Elliot and wife, Luella M. Knapp.
Mrs. D. E. Buchanan, Rose Buchanan,
Miss Ada Jones, Mr. D. Jones and wife,
George H. Hill, Fred Howard, Ben Rosen
steln, Mrs. Ben Rosensteln, Miss Faye
Rosensteln. Hugh C. Gearln, Walter J.
Gearln, Grace E. Gearln, Mr. and Mrs.
Gearln. Mrs. J. C. Pllklngton. Mr. A. H.
Devers, H. A. Delton and wife, Mrs. John
Genson, Mra. Harry C. Allen, F. P. Mays
and wife, Genevieve Mays, Louise Carey,
H. H. Newhall. R. E. Davis, C. W. Cor
nelius, E. H. Saradon. Miss Goss, M.
Brownson, Miss Emma Teeter. Miss Josle
Clarke, Mrs. S. T. Gill, Gertrude Gill, Mrs
Fred Leinenweber, Miss Killing, Dr. H. V.
Adlx, Dr. R. B. Northrup, F. S. Doern
becher. Miss Ada Doernbecher, AV. K.
Morley, H. E. Coleman and wife, B. F.
Hedge. Jr., and wife, Miss Agnes Kles
llng. James Lotan, Mrs. Charles Hussey,
Mrs. Charles P. Hogue, Mrs. E. T. Weath
erred, Miss James, Mrs. G. H. George. As
toria; Mrs. H. G. Van Duscn, Miss Crang,
Miss Winnie Van Dusen, Miss Maude Van
Dusen. Master Harry George, Astoria; P.
T. King, St Joseph, Mo.; Lena Grossmul
len, Oregon City; L. A. Farrand, New
ark, N. J.; J. F. Van Doosen. Ashland.
Wis.; J. T. Gregory, M. J. Grammont,
San Francisco; Mra. H. E. Gilbert Los
Angeles; Mervlll M. Gilbert L03 Angeles;
William C. A. Eldrldge, Salt Lake City;
MIsa Mary J. Eldrldge, Salt Lake City;
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Eldrldge, Guy S. El
drldge, Salt Lake City; S. C. McLeod, As
torla; Miss Sutherland, Astoria; J. B.
Badolett, Thomas J. Diven, Chicago; H.
H. Hughes. St. Joseph, Mo.; W. A. Stine,
Astoria; Helen Cranston. Pendleton; C
Koontz, Denver, Colo.; G. A. Wood, As
toria; A. V. Allen, Jr., Astoria; Mr. and
Mrs. Walter C. Barnhart Tacoma, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. G. Zlegjer, Astoria; E. Sul
livan, Mrs. E. Sullivan, Arllno Davi3, San
Francisco; Lottie Jacobsen, Dorothy Som
mervllle, Gladys Ross, Boston; Mrs. W". E.
Borsh, Boise; Mrs. B. W. Ross and chil
dren, Boise; Mrs. N. G. Spofford, Eolse,
Photo by H. B. Chase.
Idaho; P. Welch, Spokane; S. B. Coultex
ana wire, noise; G. D. Fell, Pendleton;
irs. G. Zlegler. Astoria; Walter Zleglert
Mrs. Albert Allen. Snokane: Miss Fannl
M. Allen, Spokane; W. P. Simpson, St
Jt-aui; Mrs. 1. a. nays. Wlntersett, la.
Mrs. George H. Stultz. P. C. Hetzler. Sa
lem; C. E. Brady, Colorado Springs.
At Seaside Honse.
Mrs. R. Leo Barnes. Isabella. iraolfnv.
R. Lee Barnes, Jr., Lottie Johnson, George
Taylor. A. E. Rockey and wife. H. E.
McGinn, Grant Phegley. Mrs. Grant Pheg-
iey, j. .Edwards' Phegley, Charlotte
Foulkes, Mabel Finn. Jarae3 Laidlaw. Mrs.
Laidlaw. Ethelv.'vnne Glass. William H.
Kene, Mrs. L. W. White. Mr. and Mrs.
xi. iv ijrooKe. H. M. Cake and wife. E. A.
wym ana xamliy, Mrs. A. Gordon, Bes
sie Hamilton. H. Trent wife and baby;
Captain Andrew Hoben, Elizabeth Hoben,
xvaue 10 Den. Josephine A. Hoben, W. T.
Bunnell. Mis3 Clara. Teal. Mrs. C Lewii
Mead. Hugh C. Gearln. 21. M. Gearln,
Grace E. Gearln. Mrs. t v Woii Afr
Thomaa G. Halley. Mis3 Nelle Beach. Mrs.
uicKson, joan Dickson, Wcstbrcok
Dickson, Frank Dickson, Pendleton; C. A
Stuart St Paul; Eleanor Rockwell, Mrs.
C. J. Chollor, Miss Edith Flynn, Se
attle; Mrs. Henry Riffle. Mis3 Elsie Riffle,
Mrs. John Hale. Welghtman Hale. Walla
Walla: S. H. Brown. H. T. P. Brown,
Marblehead. Mass.; J. M. Turney, Flavel;
F. S. Magill. Kalama; C. R. Griffith,
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Henshaw. ol
Oakland: Jane M. Slocum, M. Thompson,
Cascade Locks; Louise Wells. P. Wells,
M. Wells, Milwaukee, Wis.; K. E. Wlndle,
At Locksley Hall.
Mrs. A. E. Butterfleld. J. Al Waddle,
Joseph Ramey. W. E. Larkins and wife,
F. D. Wooley, William Laurlders, Laura
G. Dunne. Grant Mays. Mr. and Mrs. A
O. Jones, C. W. King, wife and daughter,
Jane Owen. Emma Rueter. Gertrude
Campbell. F. P. Mallory. Samuel C Kerr,
G. F. Russell. Mrs. G. F. Russell, Miss.
Nan Russell, Frank Woodfleld. George H.
Durham, Jesse H. Read. T. TJ. Wright,
Mrs. D. W. Ross. Gladys Ross, Mra
Georgo A. Welngetz, Mrs.x Julius Greene,
George E. Wasgoner and" wife. Earl J.
Cleland. D. H. Stevenson. Mrs. Charlei
P. Hogue, Mrs. Charles Hussey. Charlei
B. Collins. Mrs. C. B. Collins. James A
Lynch, St Louis, Mo.; Miss Alice Fargo,
Kaukauna, Wis.; Ben Fargo, Everett
Wash.; Emll Glutch. Germany; Edith
Koch. San Jose, Cal.; L. Anderson. Ever
ett Wash.; Mrs. T. J. Armstrong, Spc
kane; Mr. James E. Gray, Lewiston;
E. A. Blackmore, Mrs. Blackmore ani
child. Rldgefleia. Wash.; Miss V. Warren.
Olympia; Charles A. M. Hellborn. Theresi
Hellborn. Washington. D. C: Olga Hell
born, Washington. D. C; Anna C. West,
daal. Miss Root. Seattle. George H. Ohler,
Astoria; A. G. Butterfleld, Welser, Idahoj
Mrs. John F. Flannery, Helena, Montj
E. I. Goodklnd and son. Helena. Montj
Mrs. H. S. Goddard, -Goldendale. Wash.i
Miss Catherine Goddard. H. N. Mayo, W.
J. Mclntyre, Salt Lako City.
At Xecanlcom Inn.
Mrs. R. W. Hastings. Mrs. Wesley Jack
son, Mrs. B. N. Bowman. F. A. Ford. Mlsj
Hazel Ford. B. N. Bowman. Mra R. P
Efflnger, Brazee Efflnger. R. p. Efflngcr.
Jr.. R. P. Efflnger. N. F. Sargent. Mra
N. F. Sargent. AV. J. Hawkins. M. L
Beach. Mrs. M. L. Beach. Lee and Laura
Beach. W. J. Ramsey, Hazel Elmer Ram
sey. Gladys Ramsey. Dr. James H. Brls
tow. Mrs. James H. Bristow, Harlow
Bristow. J. A. Clcmenson, John A. Clenv
enson. Mrs. J. A. Clemenson, F. Everts.
Russell Johnstone. Mrs. H. M. Haller,
Miss Marie Haller. Miss Helen Haller!
Mr. E. W. Ball. Mrs. E. W. Ball, Mr.
Maxwell Ball, Miss Joyce Ball. Miss Allca
Sansom, all of Portland; Mrs. Hza Ken
nedy, Martha E. Kennedy, Galesburg. Ill;
Mrs. W. A. Harris. Lincoln. Neb.; Mra.
De Vln. Minneapolis: Miss Gladys Lerin,
Margaret Quigley. of Portland.
At Gearhnrt Hotel.
C. Lombardl. Mrs. Lombardl. Miss Lom
bard!, M. E. Lombardl. C. E. Lombardl,
Mias Failing. Miss M. F. Failing. Mrs. L
M. Mcars. Miss Margaret Hears, Miss
Lucile Palmer, W. H.. Smith, F. J. Arm
strong and wife. Rowena Allen. Miss
Maymo Schulderman. C. A. Bell, Mra
Harry C. Allen, Mrs. E. It Elderedge,
Mrs. G. F. Wells. Mrs. C. L. Mead. Mrs.
M. M. Gearln. Mrs. A. F. Velguth. Mra
F. W. Wascher. Frank Boulan. Mme. M.
Von Bolton. Miss Edith Nicholson, Mra
C. O. Davis, Mrs. W. P. Short. Miss Helen
Davis, Mr. D. Wing Ross. Alma Rosa E.
A. Wyld and wife. Mrs. R. Lea Bamea
and wife. Nan G. Reed. Astoria; Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Sutherland. Captain G. Reed.
Astoria; Arthur Davis, Milton Dayton,
Lucias McKilvey, Dorothy Sommervill,
San Francisco; Mary J. Eldredge. Salt
Lako City; Mrs. Fred Dresser. Seaside;
John Adams. Oregon City; Mr. John H.
Smith, Astoria; Mrs. W. M. Molsen. Mon
treal; James A. Welch, Spokane; Mlsi
Welch, Spokane; Elsie Folsom. Pendle
ton; Flora Folsom, Pendleton; MIs3 Mol
lie Tallman. Watervllet. Mich.; Miss A.
McLean, Astoria; Miss Edith Habersham,
Ilwaco, Wash.; Miss S. H. Devereux,
Virginia; P. A. Trulllngcr and wife. As
toria; Mrs. E. C. Ruscoe. St Paul; Miss
F. M. Cole. St Paul; Charles H. Hall,
Montana; Charles A. Barry, Mra. C. A,
Barry, Margaret Barry, Pullman. Wash.
Bess Hendrie. St Helens; Robert E.
Strahoen, Spokane; George Lawrence ani
wife, Mrs. Zcra Snow. MacConnac Snow,
Berkeley Snow, Bessie Kerns, Norm3
Personal Mention.
E. S. Jackson lately occupied his new
cottage overlooking the sea at Seaside.
W. J. Hawkins and family have taken
a new cottage near Henry's cottage at
Mrs. Ramsey Is now in her new cottage
near Necanlcum Inn at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. Shoppen and family an
tenting at Seaside until tho completion
of their cottage.
Mr&. B. Smith camo .down Thursday t
occupy the Breakers cottage at Seaside.
Mrs. C. D. Davis has lately opened thi
Ovatt cottago at Seaside.
C L. Taylor and family are now in
their new cottago near Necanlcum Inn. al
L. C. Brunton, postmaster of Walla
Walla, has -now a cottage at Seaside.
Paul Wesslnger and family came down
to their Summer home at Seaside for th
F. Dresser. D. M. Dunne, G. P. Rumme
lin and R. H. Wilson went on a fishing
trip up the Necanlcum. last week. A larg
catch of salmon trout was made and th
anglers returned vell satisfied with, theli
William Thompsr.n, general ticket In
spector of the Northern Pacific, from Spo
kane, spent Arednesday at Seaside.
Mrs. J. C. McMulIen and Miss McMullen,
well known among society circles ot
Washington, D. C, are at Seaside- for s
Mrs. Edyth Toiler Weatherrcd spent a
few days at Seaside last week.
Judge Miller, or Vancouver, is camping
at Seaside, near the Butterfleld cottages.
Donald Mackay and Dr. William Skene
occupy a cottage at Seaside.
Dr. A. E. Rockey and wifo were guests
of Graham Glass and wife at Seaside
House last week.
Henry E McGinn spent a few days at
Seaside House.
E. L Slmpsoa has the Burrell cottage at
Seaside for the season.
AV. H. Berry now occupies his new cot
tage at Seaside. '
Captain Kellogg, of the Kellogg Trans
portation Company, has opened his cot
tage at Seaside.
Dan J. Moore spent Sunday and Mon
day with his family at Seaside.
George Gee returned to Portland from
Seaside Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Henshaw spent two
days at Seaside House on their way to
Cannon Beach, where they will pass the
rest of the Summer.
Mrs. H. S. Goddard. of Goldendale,
Wash.. Is rcglst'.Tcd at Locksley Hall.
Amos Shaw, of Arnicouvcr, and family
are tenting at Seaside.
Henry Wagner returned Monday to
Portland, after a short stay at the coast
The Misses Ella and May Hir3ch arrived
at the Seaside House Friday.
W. L. Whldden and family returned to
Concluded on. Page 1.)