The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1902, PART THREE, Page 19, Image 19

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Olds, Wotman & King i a wason svQtd&9 Wogtma.
Sale of Whitney Go-Carts
So well known, so popular, so re
liable and so mfccn in demand an
article as a Whitney Go-Cart
scarcely warrants a reduction. But
on tnc few we nave remaining we
will again quote following prices:
Regular $7.50 styles for. . . .$4.95
Regular $9.00 styles for $6.55
August First Week Specials
Broken Prices on
Whole Chinaware
Fifst Stowing of Ftesh Fall Suits
Big Statute in SfiMwaist Spits, $2.89
We Are Headquarters for
Otfting and Camping
Outing Blankets, per pair, 75c,
85c, $.00, $J.25 and $J.50.
All-wool outing Blankets, per
pair, $3.25, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00.
While light, cool, breezy garments are a delight, while our counters are stilt well supplied
with desirable, summer furnishings of all sorts and our aisles crowded with buyers, enthusiastic
over the values we offer in seasonable goods right in the glory of the sunny Summer days
we have taken forethought of the days to come, and are displaying now in our suit depart
ment, some very choice Fall styles in Separate Skirts.
Never before have we displayed such a variety of materials and fashions so early in the
season. There are rough and smooth goods, the ever-popular Scotch tweeds, cheviots, covert
and .broadcloths, all in beautiful soft shades and the styles embrace everything that is new.
There is exquisitely neat, plain stitching, stitched plaits, kilts, yoke effects and the new slot
seam and foot flare. In make, style and finish, these skirts ihavc never been equaled for the
price. Come and make your selection while the stock is complete.
Our Fall Suits are also displayed. These are all man-tailored garments in the newest weaves
and styles. Skirts are beautifully made and trimmed, and the accompanying jackets neat and
jaunty in Norfqlk, Eton, blouse, peplin, and an almost endless variety of other styles.
To get a goWn so cool, so comfortable and so stylish, made of the
season's most popular materials without the bother of planning or making,
for less than the cost of the materials, is like finding money.
These dresses are of silk chambrays, mercerized ginghams in the new
reds and blues and linens, trimmed with white or blue pipings and embroid
eries and have a completeness of finish' about them that make them appro
priate" for almost any Summer day function.
Quicken's Colored Dresses
Beautiful materials in many tasty, childish styles, variously trimmed
with lace embroidery edgings, some with white tucked yokes; -3 SS H
original prices, 75c to $635; this week, 69c to O O
Men's Bathing, Suits
Now is the time you want them.
We have them in solid blue, and
blue with white, yellow and red
stripes. Regular $1.00 and $J.25
values we will close at
each 0JC
Wash Goods Specials. Another
Great Reduction
Dressy Negligee Shirts
Men's silk stripe shirts, with soft
attached collars. These are cool,
fine and light. Regular
price $2.00, this week . . .
Tissue, Persian, Batiste, Brodee and French
Dimities, in pink, reseda, cadet, navy, tan, red, apple;
in stripes, scrolls and floral effects; all in the fresh,
new folds, regular value per yard 20c,
per yard this week '
The much-wanted mercerized Madras, plain and
fancy stripes, colors ox-blood, tan, gray, Q
Nile green and blues, special per yard. 37C
Shirtwaists at Half Price
Great Linen Redactions
Here are prices that appeal to the
purse, and designs and qualities
that appeal to the taste for the fine
and the beautiful. House and hotel
keepers should read this advertise
ment closely.
Richardson'sFamous Table Dam
ask, 85c value now 6 9 C
Richardson's Famous Table Dam
ask, $1.00 value now JT
only UnJ'w
Richardson's Famous Table Dam
ask, $J.25 value now 00
We still continue to sell our entire line of shirt
waists at half price, and some rare bargains in
dainty white waists are to be secured.
Our line of 69c waists, which originally sold for
$?.25, is particularly attractive, -both as to style of
make, materials and designs.
Children's White Dresses.
Fine white dresses, simply or elaborately trim
med, with lace or embroidery, some low neck and
half sleeves, for children from 3 to 2 years of age,
at these prices:
Regular prices $2.15 to $2.70, special $U67
Regular prices $3.20 to $4.50, special $2.73
Regular prices $4.85 to $5.75, special $3.J3
Regular prices $6.95 to $7.50, special $4.23
Regular prices $8.90 to $9.75, special $6J7
Wash Dress Skirts
We have some odd lines of com
plete dinner sets, the prices cf which
are shattered gene to pieces and
we anticipate the quotations below
will flock our Crockery Department
with women who will appreciate
the beauty cf these bargains and,
eagerly take them away.
86-piece English decorated porce
lain dinner set, value $ 1 2, J T
59-pieccHaviland decorated china
dinner set, value $29, J y
J 02- piece Haviland decorated
china dinner set, OCT ETjf
value $37, special 32Vr
t!2 - piece Haviland decorated
china dinner set, A 1
value $72, special V
The extra low price at which we are selling
wash dress skirts with pretty trimmed, triple circular
ruffles, should banish all ideas of making.
Royal Worcester Corset
Colored Summer Petticoats
Very pretty Summer petticoats in plain pink or
blue chambrays, and pink and white or blue and
white stripes, with lace trimmed double Spanish
flounce, ruffled, special at 63c, 84c and SJ.J9.
Fall Walking Hats
This comfortable, durable, shape
ly garment needs no introduction.
Or, if it does, we are always ready
to display its beauties and excellent
points to a caller. We carry 50
styles of this corset, in four lengths,
and have made the following re
ductions on them, at prices that
ranged from 75c to $58 jC O Q
are now 35c to J
Our new Fall felt hats are very stylish, especially
those soft, white ones.
Cushion Tops
We Have Reduced All O'jr Bathing Suits "
Marseilles and Satin Finish.
$2.00 value, now $J.50
$225 value, now $J.75
Towel Bargains
A most desirable material for bathing suits and
very stylish, light, cool and serviceable for Summer
skirts. A new lot in all the latest shades, cream,
navy, cadet, royal, red, garnet, myrtle, brown, cas
tor gray and black, just opened, 38 to 46 inches
wide; prices 50c to $f.50.
Silk Specials Three of Them That Are Bar
gains Indeed
Damask Towels, white, or fancy
colored borders, Knotted fringe, J 8c
and YLz each, according to size,
Sale of Silk Etons
Hemmed Huck towels,
soft and absorbent, each . .
X 4c
Very stylish black silk, moire and taffeta etons,
in black and white effects; also solid black, trimmed
in velvet and applique, at greatly reduced prices
this week.
Bargain shines from every glossy, shimmering fold of our
entire line of Foulards. All those dainty, delicate patterns, all
those rich designs, all those new attractive colors at prices that ad
mit of no hesitation. Now is the time to secure a swell Summer
silk gown.
Foulards that were 60c per yard are now 44c
Foulards that were 75c per yard are -now 52c
Foulards that were 85c per yard are now 63c
Foulards that were $J.00 per yard, are now 67c
Foulards that were $J.25 per yard, arc now 82c
Foulards that were $J.50 per yard, are now . . . ; 99c
Right in the nick of need time comes this un
der price news.
The beach is near, warm springs are near, and
right in our beautiful river is the glorious institution,
the free swimming bath with its "Ladies' Days," so
there's ample opportunities for dips, and what is
more invigorating and health-producing in the hot
Summer weather? Here arc our prices on bathing
Women's Suits
$2.50 kind for $2.00
3.75 kind for 2.98
5.00 kind for 3.98
6.50 kind for : 535
7.50 kind for ... . 6.00
J0.Q0 kind for 8.50
Misses' Suits
$2.G0 kind for .'$J.50
2.50 kind for 2.00
3.00 kind for 2.53
We will close out an odd line of
Cushion Tops, with backs, regular
value 50c, this week J 9c
New Art Chinas
We are now opening new Fail
lines in Bonn Vases, Figures, Fancy
China and Ornaments.
Fell Dress Shirts
A Great Bargain
A small line of men's $ J. 25 white
Full Dress Shirts, to close T
out at, each
Washakie Stocks
Lace Lisle Gloves
Extra fine, beautifully shaped lace lisle Gloves,
all sizes, in mode, slate and black, regufar Q 3
price, $J.25; this week s OC
In very neat, plain and fancy col
ors, selling regularly at 50c fT
and 60c,to close out at OQC
Soap Specials
Women's Shoes
Ready-Made Sheets
Wash Silks
White, good standard quality,
nicely hemmed and laundered.
Size 54x90 36c each
Size 63x90 38c each
Size 72x90 43c each
Women's Knit Underwear
A lot of odds and ends in women's white lisle or
cotton Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle
length; or V neck, short sleeves, knee length; an ex
cellent, well-made garment, worth 75c to 5
$1.00, special while they last C
Our entire line of wash silks in cream, black and colors, 50c
grade for 38c
Fancy Silks
Special reduction in our Summer Colonials
and Oxfords.
' $J.50 and $ U 75 Oxfords, full round toes,
medium heavy, flexible soles,at s QC
2J50 dress Colonials, patent or vici kid $J.68
$3.00 dress Colonials, patent or vici kid U9Z
$3.00 welt street Oxfords and Colonials, foot
form last, extension edges, all f O
P tW
Every piece in this collection is a prize pretty colors and ser
viceable goods; $J.00 and $fc25 values at 7Jc.
S3 and $3.50 8 and JO-in mountain, O f S3
karti nnrt brrvcle shoes ' W
Violet, oatmeal, glycerine, honey,
white rose, cider flower and mag
nolia, three cakes to box,
regular price, 25c; this week . . -A
Dr. Graves' tooth powder, one of
the best on the market, per Q
bottle yc
Pure white Castile soap, with
wash rag, value, SOc; this Q
week sOr
Napthallne, camphor crystaline,
a sure protection against moths and
insects, large cox, this
Brown returned to her home In Portland
Mrs. Charles H. Caufleld and family
leave In a few days for an outing of sev
eral -weeks on the Zigzag, near Mount
Mrs. Martha Klnnlard, of Portland, was
In the city last week visiting her son.
United States Examiner of Surveys, D.
W. Klnnlard.
Mrs. R. J. Good fellow. Miss Maggie
Goodfellow and Miss Jessie Humphreys
are staying at Newport, where the two
latter are attending" the Summer Normal.
Miss Etta Deiss is visiting in Grant's
PaES. .
Mrs. S. B. Eakin Is visiting friends in
Miss Belle Mllllcan is taking an outing
at the beach.
Mrs. E. W. Packard left Wednesday to
visit friends In Portland and Vancouver.
Mrs. G. B. Dorrls is in Portland, visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh.
Rev. G. N. Wall and family and J. J.
Holt and family are taking an outing at
the coast.
Mrs. D. H. Glass and little daughters, of
Oregon City, are visiting Dr. Lulu M.
E. J. Lampshire and wife, nee Miss
Grace Brown, are here from Burns, vis
iting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Condon, of Mos
cow, Idaho, are in Eugene, visiting rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. G. W. Hill, of Salem, visited a
few days the past week with Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Hendricks.
County Clerk E. TJ. Lee returned this
ween from a trip to San Francisco and
other California polnta.
Dr. W. Kuykendall left Thursday for
Cripple Creek, Colo., to attend the con
vention of "Women of "Woodcraft, Pacific
jurisdiction, of which ho is physician.
for Portland and the coast. From there
they will return to their home in Hart
ford, Conn.
Dr. and' Mrs. H. B. Johnson and Mrs. H.
F. .Johnson and daughter, Harriet, have
gono to Bingham to spend the Summer.
Mr& George Engel is camping In Ash
land Creek Canyon.
. Dr. Myra Brown Tynan, of Portland, is
visaing Mrs. Frank Dickey.
Mrs. Charles Brady and family are
camping at Tolman's Springs.
Mrs. J. J. O'Nell and son, John, have
gone to Newport for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Calhoun, witn
their son, have gone to Watsonville, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Billings leave Mon
day , for Newport, to be gone several
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Van Sant and Mrs.
P. Dunn have gono to Port Townsend lor
a vacation.
victor Low and George Ganler have
started to Los Angeles, making the trip
on their bicycles.
Lieutenant Arthur Stump, United States
Array, is visiting at the home of Mrs. A.
L. Irwin. In company with his wife, he
will soon return to Manila.
Mrs. R. K. Sutton, Mra. Mary Ward,
Mrs. H. L. Bayles. Miss May Sutton, Miss
Nellie Ewan and Miss MayHevener made
a happy party leaving for Newport Thursday.
Miss Ethel Cox. will bo celebrated at the
Episcopal Church, In this city, this (Sun
day) evening. Rev. Mr. Corbett, rector of
the church, officiating. Mr. LIvormore is
the editor-in-chief of the Baker City Her
ald and Miss Cox la one of Baker City's
most popular and beautiful young ladles.
She Is an accomplished singer. She was
the unanimous choice for Goddess of Lib
erty for the Fourth of July celebration
this year. Mr. and Mrs. Llvermorc will
leave this evening on their wedding tour,
going to Salt Lake City and from there
to San Francisco.
Mrs. E. L. Irvine, who has been for a
week the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wag
goner, has returned to her home In Port
land. Mlsa Leona Smith has returned from a
week's visit with Portland friends.
W. W. Calkins and family, after a resi
dence of several months In Corvallls. have
gone to Eugene to reside.
Mlsa Edith Gibson left last week for
Mrs. W. H. Fowler and son have gone to
the coast.
Mrs. Charles W. Brownfiold has gone to
Teel Springs.
Miss Neva Lane has gone to the coast
for an outing.
Mrs. L. G. Frazler has gone to Seattle
to visit her brother.
Mrs. William Slusher and daughter have
gone to Teel Springs.
Mrs. Edward Swltzler has gone to Portland-
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Judd have gone to
the coast for a few days.
Mrs. N. Berkeley, Jr., and children are
at Bingham Springs for the Summer.
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Vaughan, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Ayres will go soon to Salt
Lake City on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Judd. Mr. and Mrs.
F E, Judd and Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Judd
passed a few days at Bingham Springs
this week.
Mr. and Mrs H, C. Judd left Wednesday
Baker visited In. Portland
E. M.
2H. DeLin has gone to California to be
absent two months.
Mrs. T. M. Lighter, of Portland. Is vis
iting relatives In the city.
Miss Margaret Higglhs entertained the
Thursday Afternoon Club this week.
E. H. Streomcycr and Mrs. fitreomeyer
have returned from a visit to Seaside. ,
Mrs. Samuel Elmore entertained a num
ber of her friends Tuesday afternoon.
Judge J. H. D. Gray has returned from
White Salmon slightly improved In health.
Mrs. Edyth Tozler Wcatnerred, of Tort
land, is visiUng Astoria friends for a few
A social hop was given at Flavel Hotel
Friday evening and was attended ty a
large number of Astorlans.
Dnker City
Hon. C Ax Joins and daughter have
gone to the sea coast to remain for a
week or two during the heated town.
The Ladles Aid Society of the Presby
terian Church gave a shingle' social In
the courthouse yard Tuesday evening.
The feature of the affair was the serv
ing of ice cream and cake on a shingle.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Baring, of
London, England, are at the .North Polo
mine, near Bourne. -Mr. Baring is the
principal owner of this noted mine and
Is combining business "with pleasure on the
tour of inspection.
The marriage of L. Bush Llvermore and
Demontrello, the sensational barrel-Jumper, who Injured his ankle last Sunday night, has fully recovered from
the sprain and appears tonight as the feature of the show. He will have all his own paraphernalia this time,
and the wonderful Jumping he did at Ids first appearance bears no comparison to what he will do this week.
He- practiced for two hours at the park yesterday morning to be euro of his - underpinning, and Jumped over
tables, In and out of barrels, and over a five-foot fence, from one pedestal to another, with the agility of a
cat, and all the time he was blindfolded -and bad both feet tied .together. He is not the only good thing on
the programme by any means. The Lamonts are another strong feature. They are .members of the famous La
ment family of acrobats, and Miss Lamont, of this team. Is considered the best and most graceful lady acrobat
on the staged
Helen Lamar will appear in another of her pleasing recitals, a thrilling story? of the rescue of a rockibound
ship by Jane Conquest. , v
Dorothy Jpbne, a handsome little comedienne, who comes direct from the big Eastern circuits, makes her in
lUal appearance in a specialty entitled "Jemmle, the Pride of Newspaper Row."
The Lawrences, comedy sketoh artists, are also Imported, and make their first appearance In Portland In a
socioty playlet.
. The clever Duffy children made such a pronounced hit the past week that they are rc-engagcd, and- win have
a star place on the bill In a new act.
Joseph Thompson, who is gaining thesobrlquet of the J'OId Reliable," will sing "You Ain't Changed a Bit"
and "I've a Longing in My Heart for'You, Louise," both of which are -handsomely. Illustrated.
Among a number of other Interesting and humorous pictures, the polyscope will show a Sunday outpouring
at The Baker Theater. This film Is no clear and distinct that every one who passed the taking camera can
be- readily recognized.
Heretofore Manager Shields has given his patrons eight acts each week, but he goes two better thl3 time, and
the show will be stronger and bettor than ever before.
The view herewith reproduced shows the main entrance, a portion of the ground seats, grandstand and
the new balcony of the park. The seating capacity is 3000, and. is filled nearly every night.
Boston- to resume her studies In the Bos
ton Conservatory of Music.
Mrs. Moses Kline and child, who have
been guests of MIs3 Pauline Kline, have
returned to Portland.
Miss Shields, who has been the guest,
of Mr. and Mrs. Harper for several weeks,
has returned to her home In Indiana.
The marriage of George L. Paul, editor
of the Corvallls Gazette, and Miss Julia
Warrior, was solemnized at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Zlerolf In this city at 4:30 o'clock Wednes
day afternoon, Rev. Father Jurek officiating.
A. L. Cornwall and family are campotf
at Newport.
Miss Ethel Tooze la visiting Miss Birdie
McKee at McKee.
Miss Althea Hall, of Salem, is the guest
of Miss Dora Bradley.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Soules left Wednes
day for Wllholt Springs.
Dr. E. W. Flnzer Is home from Chicago,
where he spent the past rfx weeks.
Misses Mollle and Hazel "Walsh, of New
port, are guests of Mr. J. M. Poorman.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Settlemeler went to
Portland Wednesday, returning Thursday.
Walter L. Tooze. Jr., and Willis Kelsey
left Wednesday for a week's outing at
Rev. G. H. Bennett and Fred Poorman
left Monday for a 10 days' outing In tnc
Mrs. Love and children, of Honolulu, and
Miss Eva Dennis, of this place, are a:
Newport for a few days.
Miss Mlla Hostetter, of Chicago. Is In
the city, the guest of her cousins. Cap
tain W. E. and Dr. E. W. Flnzer.
visited the first of the week with Mrs.
K. Koch.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. RIsser have gone
Into camp at Newport.
Mitjs Grace Wilton, of Portland, is tho
guest of Miss Josie Sehulmerfth.
Mrs. C. P. Blanchard started Monday
for a six weeks' visit at Lewiston. III.
Miss Susie McKlnney is visiting with
Dr. C. B. Brown and family. Portland.
J. B. Keates, of Tacoma. was a guest
Thursday of George A. and J. W. Morjran.
William Dunn and daughter, of rna.
111., were sweets of Mr. and Mrs. William
Moroland, Sunday.
Grunt Ia.sM.
Korest Grove.
A. L. Macleod spent a few days, hero
this week.
Mrs. Alice Foss and daughter. Miss Eva,
visited her parents here this week.
Jack Latta. of Newberg. after a year's
absence, was here a few days this week.
Professor A. R. Sweetser, of the State
University, spent Tuesday and Wednesday
Miss Emma Staehr Is visiting a couple
of week3 with Miss Grace Reeher, at
Dr. C. E. Gelger and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Thomas, are rusticating
at Garibaldi.
William Kane and wife and Mr. 'and'
Mrs?. Thomas Roe, are at Newport for
three weeks.
Miss H. G. Perry, a Journalist of Port
land, and Mr. and Mrs. John Devlin, of
Jacksonville, arc visiting the family of
Dr. Charles Hlnes here.
HUlsboro. i
. Miss Grace Reeves visited with friends
here this week.
Thomas Tucker la taking his vacation
at Wllholt Springs.
Mr. and Mri. W. C Scott of Poxtlcnd.
Carl McCroskey returned home Tuesday
from Newport, where he enjoyed a two
weeks' vacation.
C. S. Bishop and family and S. Bodln
and family, both of Spokane, Wash., aro
spending the Summer here.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duncan and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Duncan, of Newberg, are
visiting relatives In Grant't Pass.
Miss Estelle Kane has returned to her
home In San Francisco, after a vte-lt of
several weeks with relatives here.
Miss Belle Bennett has returned to her
home at Med ford, after a pleasant v!tslt
with relatives and friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson entertained
a number of their friends Wednesday
evening, the party being given In lionet
of the departure of Miss Bertha Barrio
for Portland. '
George S. Calhoun and family arrived
in Grant's Pass thte week, from Los An
geles, Cal.. and visited with old friends.
The Grant's Fn? lodge of Masons ten
dered Mr. Calhoun a reception on Tues
day night.
Misses Mlda and Ella McCoy returned
from Tacozna Monday.
Dell Burkhnrt. of. Portland, is voting
his parents in this city.
Mies Naomi Cowan, of Lebanon. Is vis
iting friends In th!t city. . ,
Rev. Charles Wishart. of Pittsburg. Is
the guests of C. II. Stewart.
Fred Dawson and family are at New
port for a few weeks outing.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Winn left for the
East this week, to visit relatives.
Mrs. E. D. Cusick and little son are at
Newport for a few weeks' outing.
Mrs. G. F. Simpson and daughter, Mrs.
John Robson, left for Newport this week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. p. Goodman, of Wis
consin, arc the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Mrs. D. Trimble and Miss Anna Trimble
left Tuesday for a few weeks' stay at
North Beach, Wash.
Miss Mao R- Stewart, who has been
visiting in the East for several aiontfce,
returned homo. Monday.
Dr. Wayne Bridgeford. of Olympla. and
M!fs Adeline Chamberlain were united in
I.. ...