1! 8ft PAGES 17 TO 24 PART THREE NO. 31r VOL. XXL PORTLAOT, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1902. r BUNCH OF HITS WINS h n i Ms n..ii r..L ws roruana mne runs uui vie tory in Third Inning. . TEAMS PLAY BRILLIANT BALL Helena Makes Game Finish but Loses 4-3-Time of Play, 70 Minutes Brealu Local Record. 1 Another ' hotly . contested . and close fecored baseball game was pulled off yes terday afternoon by the Portland and to head off Hannlvan and at the same time Flanncry started for second. Vigneux saw that Hannlvan had returned to tr-lrd. so ho threw to Anderson to get Flanriery. Hannlvan tried to take advantage of the play and score, but Anderson was too quick for him and got tho hall back to Vlgneux In time to cut off the runner, tlsrlit Box in the Sixth. In the sixth Portland pulled out of a tight box after Flannery and Shaffer, the first two men up, had made singles. With two men on the bases and none tout it looked as if Helena would certainly score, but two flies to Van Buren and one to Weed settled the next three men. Things became dangerous In the eighth when singles put Peoples and Flannery on the bases. Shaffer hit to Delsel and Flannery was caught, at sec ond. Anderson threw wide to first to get Shaffer and Peoples ecorod. Holly hit past second and Van Buron ran up to get the ball, but It got away from him and Shaffer scored. Partridge ended the inning by striking out, and Helena went out Into the field with Portland but one run ahead. The ninth failed to give them the necessary run to tie, so Sammy Vigneux carried off the honors, and his team is again alone in third place, while the two Jacks, Flannery and Grim, are GREAT RAGE MARRED Borajma Injured in Trot With Lord Derby. CUT HIS LEG IN THIRD HEAT Boston Horse "Was Drajrrn-ana the Victory ATrardcd to Smither's Racer Severe Disappointment Xor the LuTrson Croivd. HARTFORD, Conn., Aug. 2. An acci dent today marred what was expected to prove the greatest trotting-event in turf at Charter -Oak Park August SO. The Lawson contingent was deeply disap pointed, and said that Boralma would have won had .he not been Injured. In addition to the pacing match there were three other races on the card. The summary follows: I , Match race, $50,000 Lord Derby, b. g., by Mambrino - - . Klng-Clarlbelle. 'by- Hamlin's Monte. Jr. (Geers) 2 111 Boralma,' ch. g.. by BoreaP- Earalma, by Earl (Marsh) .,..1 2 2or Time by Quarters First heat, 0:324. 1:WU, 1:26, 28; second heat,' 0:22;. 1:03, l:37-i. 2.-03Ji: third heat, 0:35, 1:0S& 1XVA, 2:0Si; fourth beat, 3:34. Exhibition mile by Lord Derby, with runner Tima by quarters, 0:32, 1:05, 1:365J, 2:03. 2:09 pace, purse 51000 Joe Pointer won tho first and third heats in 2:0SH. 2:094. Sphynx won- the second heat in 2:03. 2:11 pace, purse 51200 Don Derby won two straight heats in 2:0S, 2:07. 2:14 trotting, purse $1200 The King won two straight heats in 203, 2:13. THE BRIGHTON DERBY. Hyphen, With Odom Up, Proves an. Easy Winner. NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Captain S. S. ENGLAND IS WARNED Trinidad Longs for the Stars and Stripes, PROTEST OF SUGAR PLANTERS Relief Measures -Proposed by . tho Colonial -Office Are Totally Inade quateThe Recent Liberal Victory. , LONDON", Aug. 2. A striking contrast to Colonial Secretary Chamberlain's op timistic West Indian speech Thurs- authority for the statement was tho prin cipal medical officer to whom the orders were issued, and he added that tho Brit ish could- not complain or tno jsoers uo in what General Buller had done 20 years previously. The Associated Press is authorised to glva most emphatic contradiction to tho report that J-PIerpont Morgan intends to retire from active business life on Ms re turn from Europe to the United. States. The confessed inefficiency of tho postal telegraph service is revealed in a circular of instruction to the effect that a con siderable percentage of the 3000 operators employed in the central office at London are inexperienced and Inefficient, and di rects operators at outside offices to adapt their rate of working to the capacity of receivers in the central office. Austen Chamberlain, Financial Secretary of the Treasury, endeavored to explain the mat ter in the House of Commons on tho theory that "there must always be many recruits employed, but older telegraphers deny this, and point out that years of in struction were required formerly, while now only three months is exacted before actual sen-ice Is begun. The inefficiency. It is asserted, is due wholly to new eco nomics undertaken in the department. BUYS GODS BAY LAND M. J. Kinney Makes First Pay- ment on 97,000 Acres, PRICE SAID TO BE $600,000 Deal Is Believed to Bo Favorable to Success of Great Central Railroad Project to Make a Town Out of Danger. The option which M. J. Kinney took a few weeks ago on a large block of prop erty reaching Inland from Coos Bay wa3 FIVE CANDIDATES IN THE RACE FOR QUEEN OF THE - ELKS' CARNIVAL Miss Louise Mountain Miss Carrie Burgroyao The first count of votes for "Queen of the Carnival" was taken yesterday at noon, and was bjs follows: Miss Mfcybelle loufclass, '722; Miss "Graea "Walton, S3; Miss Csrfle Bur gojut, 15; Miss Loulso Mountain, 14. Two. more candidates MUs Sadie L. Rldgeway and Miss Octavla. Downing have entered the race, and , will appear In the next count. "Much in terest Is toeing taken la the race, for Queen of the) Carnival. and the. rsanagement asdy that the supporters of the various' candidates' are holding 'back, tn'elr'VoCes and will-spring Jhem as a surprise at the laBt. Mlsa Msybelle Douglass,hos ayhandaome lead la the flrst'CoanC hut ( after the many friends 'of "tho 'other aspirants realize 'that' tht raoels: on In earnest they. IKlss Octavla Down las; trill roll up a vote that will -toe a surprise. Miss Downing la la charge of the guests' tele otadne booth, at the Portland Hotel,! and Jtmay well be supposed that the; many patrons of the hotel and also the people connected with the telephone company will support her. It Miss Moybelle Douglass Miss Grace Walton. Miss Mountain is & "Woodlawn bello. and has expressed It as her intention to us the prise, should she receive It. to complete her med.cal education. She has a largo circle of Influential friends who wllt-givo her their hearty support. The fact that s!n wishes to maKe,tjU9 they start out with the Intention of electing her they will not give la easy, and she can- practical ue of-the prize will give her the votes of many. Miss Burgdyne Is held lnihlgb. easily be counted as one of the moat promising candidates. Miss Walton Is a member-cot'. esteem-by hervmanr friends; and-they will not see her lose without making a hard struggle. number, of 'fraternal orders, and has many friends, who say that they will see thatshe .haa thcretei' honor. Jitter they e the number of vqiesthat Is going to be Tequlred to;eljrct tie Queen they will commence In earnest, and Miss "Walton may. surprise her opponent. Miss Downing and' Miss Rldgeway are somewhat handicapped by. the late start; they, have made, but they'wlirboth be'w'ell supported by thelr-clrclea of friends, and the next count' Is expected to show that their late start has not put them' out of the' race. Helena teams, and this time It was Port land's turn to carry oft the victory. The contest yesterday broko the season's record in this city for the length of time consumed In deciding which was the bet ter team. But 70 minutes were, required to play the game, a remarkably fast rec ord, considering the number of run's made. "With the exception of some poor work by Zlegler In the first two Innings the playing by both - teams was brilliant throughout. Fast fielding was the order of the day. Both "Werner and Slagle were In good form and did good box work. "Werner was touched up for -the most hits but the nine made oft of his delivery were kept pretty well scattered and not one of them was for more than one base. For once in the history of the -Portland ball team the lads were able to hit at the right time: All but one of the hits made by the locals were made' In the third inning, when threo singles and two doubles scored the four runs that won the game. Xew Umpire Docs Good Worlr. Chauncey Fisher, the new league um pire, arrived on the scene and officiated at yesterday's game. Fisher made a good Impression at his first appearance and umpired a good game, He is an ex 1 pitcher with a long reputation, having been on the slab for nearly all of . the big Eastern teams. As In the contest on the day previous, the locals started their fielding with a double. Hannlvan got to first on a hit and Peeples followed by lining the ball out to Delsel, who quickly touched sec ond and sent the ball to "Weed, retiring :both the baserunners. Following this came some bad work on the part of Zleg ler. Flannery hit to him and he threw wild So first and the Helena manager got to leecond on that part of the play. Zlegler 'continued to make matters worse when jhe dropped the ball when returned to him i by weed, and let iannery get to tiuru. '"With Shaffer facing the pitcher with his telephone pole bat It looked as If Helena could not help but score, but a foul fly to Muller ended the Inning. In Portland's half of the first Muller heat out a ball to first, but he got no further than secon'd. Zlegler made an other bad play In the second, which pre etnted a run to Helena without any other aid. Sullivan hit out to him and the third baseman again threw wide to. "Weed: this time so much so that the ball went Into the bleachers, and Sullivan scored on tho ball going out of the grounds. Portland's Ten-Strike In Third. It was In the third that Portland made Its ten-strike. Vigneux, the first man up, wa3 retired at first. Pitcher "Werner started the excitement by eendlng the ball East third base for a single. Harris took is place at first to do the running for him. Max .Muller still stuck to his old place of hitting the ball and sent It along holding fourth by themselves. Tho score PORTLAND. AB. R, Muller. 1. f .4 Van Buren, c. f 3 "Weed, lb Anderson. 2b 4 Zelgler, 3b 2 Harris, r. f 3 Delsel, s. 8 3 Vlgneux, c 3 "Werner, p 3 Totals-! 29 4 HEL.'ENA. Hannlvan. c, t 4 0 Teeples. 2b 4 1 F.annery. c. f 4 0 Shaffer, lb 4 1 Sullivan, c 4 1 Holly. 3b 4 .0 Partridge, r. f 4 0 'Schmeer, b. o 3 0 Slagle, p 4 0 -H. PO. A. 2 5.1 3 10 1 0 1 3 4 0 6 27 15 6 9 24 9 ! , 0-3 Totals 35 SCORE BY INNINGS. 1 2 3 4 5 Helena 0 10 0 0 Portland 0 0400000"-H v SUMMARY. ; Earned runs Portland. 4. ' Bases on balls-Dff "Werner. 2. Struck out By "Werner, 2; by Slagle, 3. Two-base hits Muller. Van Buren. Sacrifice hits Peeples, Van Buren, Zelg ler. ' Stolen bases Weed. Flannery. Double play Delsel to "Weed. Left on bases Portland. 3; Helena, 7. Time of gaine 1 hour and 10 minutes. UmpireFisher. Attendance 1500. XORTHWEST LEAGUE. "Yesterday's Games. Portland, 4; Helena, 3. Seattle, 3; Tacoma. 2. Butte, 0; Spokane, 1. Standing: of the Clubs. Won. Lost. Seattle 40 28 Butte 37 0 Portland S2 34 Helena 31 35 Spokane SI S5 Tacoma S3 33 p. a .5S3 .301 .47S .470 .470 .424 Oregon City fleets Portland Today. OREGON CITY, Aug. 2. At Canemah Park tomorrow afternoon the local nlifo will 'play the All-Star team of Portland. Tho visitors are picked men from tho Monogram, Upchurch and Fidelity, teams, and expect to beat Oregon City. The ball grounds at the park were inclosed this week, and a grandstand erected. The line up will be as follows; All-Star. Position. Oregon ICty. Slavln G. -Martih Haynes P. '....". Callff Stutt 1 B Parrott Stevens 2 B Giles ! T- C 2 T31rln the line-of first base like a shot out of a ga . "..V.V.V.V.V.3 bV.V.V.V.V.V.'.V. Oliver cannon, which nettea mm a coupie ot parrott L F I-ee bags and brought Harris across the plate. Van Buren also got a two-acker by put ting the ball along the opposite corner of the diamond. "Weed's rap to center-field brought Muiler across the plate. Ander eon was the last man to get a hit. He also liked the looks of third base, and the sphere went singing from his bat Just over Holly's head. The ever-present third baseman got his hands on the ball, but it was too hot to rest in his fingers and Van Buren and "Weed scored. Zleg ler struck out and Harris was retired at first. After that Slagle braced up and not a "Webroot got a hit and only two got on tho bags. Muller. Vigneux and Anderson got in one of the fastest and neatest plays seen here this season in the third inning. Han nlvan had reached tl'Ird when Flannery knocked the ball through Delsel for a hit. Mullr sot the ball and threw to the plate Anderson Davey ....O F.... ....P. F.... C. Bapp Giles Xntlonal Leagrue Catcher for Tacoma TACOMA, Aug. 2. President John S. Baker, of the Tacpma baseball" club, an nounces that the 'services of Zltnmer, the old National League catcher .have been secured for tho Tigers, and that he will probably reach Tacoma today -and be be hind the hat In Sunday's Tacoma-Seattle game. at Seattle. history. In the third heat of tho $50,000 race between Lord Derby, owned by E. E. Smlthers, of New York, and Boralma, of which Thomas "W: Lawson, of Boston, Is the owner, the latter horse sustained an Injury which caused him to be drawn, and the race was given to Lord Derby. The result was a bitter disappointment, not only to the owner of the Boston horso, but to tho general public, which to tho number of 15.000 congregated at Charter Oak Park. The injury to Boralma is such that he will probably be prevented from racing for some time. In scoring, the Boston horse gashed the quarter of his 'nigh fore leg badly, and was unable to start in the fourth eat. The day was perfect for racing. A light breeze prevailed, but It was not strong enough to Interfere with the speed of the horses. 'The trapk was in splendid. shape, and everything was favorablo to record breaking time. Among the celebrities who occupied boxes were "William C "Whitney and B. F. Tracy, both ex-Secretaries of the Navy. I Lord Derby was a hot favorite in tho 'betting. Just before tho first heat odds of 2 to 1 were freely offered on him. "When Boralma won the first heat the odds wero- even, and at the close of the second heat, which was won by Lord Derby, they shifted decidedly in favor of the latter. The racers came on the track shortly after 3 o'clock, both being greeted by prolonged cheering. Geers. driving Lord I Derby, won the toss for position, and ' chose the pole. After scoring threo j times, during which Geers showed a dis position to hold back Lord Derby, Starter Walker gave the word to go. The Boston ! horse outstepped Lord Derby from the first. He took possession of the polo at tho first turn and held it all the way. Tho horses were about a length apart until the home stretch was reached. As they came toward the wire Lord Derby swerved and broke, and Boralma came under the wire four lengths ahead in 2:08. Loud cheering marked the finish of the heat. Tho horses got off promptly In the sec ond heat, and Boralma led until the dis tance pole was passed. Then Lord Derby drew up and shot by Boralma. The Bos ton horse followed gamely and rallied, but the rally was followed by a break, and ho crossed the wire two lengthsbe hlnd Lord Derby. In this heat Boralma showed signs of lameness. Time, 2:09$. In tho third heat Boralma once more took the lead at the start, but his advan tage was shortlived. He broko at tho first turn and again at the stretch. As the racers came toward the wire. It was plainly evident that something serious had happened to Boralma, for he went to pieces. Geers pulled Lord Derby in order not to distance his unlucky rival, and al lowed Boralma to cqme within a length of him at the wire. Time, 2:1SV. As soon as the heat was over the an nouncer called for a veterinary surgeon. Dr. Low, of Boston, responded, and found that Boralma had been so badly Injured J that he could race no more today. Con sequently, wun tne consent or tne judges, he was drawn. In order to fulfill tho requirements of tho match. Lord Derby trotted tho next heat alone, and was then awarded' the victory. After the last heat had been trot ted, Lord Derby, accompanied by a run ner, trotted an exhibition mile in 2:08. After the accident Boralma .was taken to his quarters and Dr. Low set to work on the animal. He said the wound was the result of the horso over-reaching, and that the gash cut In the leg was four inches in length. He was unable, to siy if tho horse had been permanently in jured. T. D. Marsh, who drove Boralma. said he was unable to tell Just when tho Brown's Hyphen, ridden by Odom. gal loped homo an easy winner of the $10,000 Brighton Derby at Brighton Beach today. Major Daingerfleld was always favorite, closing at even money, with Hyphen sec ond choice at 6 to 5. Homestead was at 8 to L Tho start was good. Hyphen broke In front, the favorite second. Ab they passed the stand the first time Hyphen was in the lead by half a length and gqing easy, with tho Major second. This order was maintained around the first turn and in' the back stretch. Homestead was now beaten, -unable to keep up with the fast pace. Nearing the fiveeighths pole Odom let his mount have his head," and In a twinkling he bounded forVrard and opened a gap of two lengths op ' the iavorite. Bounding into the stretch Hyphen was galloping, while the Major was under whip and epur, until Shaw, realizing he had no chance to win. eased up his mount. Hyphen galloped home , four lengths in front of Major Daingerfleld, who beat Homestead nearly a sixteenth of a mile. Julius Flelschmann's Hurstbourne, the favorite, won the Brighton Junior stakes at six furlongs by a head from Blue Rib bon. The race was worth $10,000. Sum mary: i Five furlongs Sovereign won. Mount Kls'clo second, Monte Carlo third; time, 1:01 2-5. Mile and a sixteenth, selling Lucent won, Khaltl secohd. Justice third; time. 1:19 1-5; Atheola finished third; but was disqualified for fouling. , Tho Brighton Junior stake of $10,000. for 2- year-olds, elx furlongs Hurstbourne, 107, Redfern, 11 to 20. won; Blue Ribbon. 107, Odom, 10 to 1 and 4 to L second; "Wood Lake, 101, E. Burns. 30 to 1, third; time, 1:13. TantaluB Cup, Prediction, Artvis and Dalesman also ran. The Brighton Derby stakes of $10,000 for 3- year-olds, mile and a quarter Hyphen, 111, . Odom, 6 to 5. .wotr; Major Dainger fleld. 125, Shaw, 4 to 5, second; Home stead, 111..L. Jackson, 8 to L third; time, 2:04 1-5. Only three starters. Handicap, six furlongs Songster won. Demurrer second, St. Flnan third; time; 1:13 1-5. . . Mile and a sixteenth Lord Badge won, Annie Grace second, Amlnte third; time, 1:49. Selling, five furlongs-Blsmarck . won. Mount Hope second. Squid third; time, 1:01 1-5. Pitcher Salisbury Released. Manager Vlgneux yesterday handed Pitcher Salisbury his release from the pitching staff of tho Portland team. J accident occurred, but was of the opinion "While Salisbury Is a good twrler, he has not oecn pitcoing -wsnniny ckt.ii cicca re joining the team, and the management thought it best to dispense- with his ser-rlcfis that It occurred at the three-quarter pole. John Roach. Mr. Lawson's representa tive, said that the injury to Boralma would undoubtedly prevent the race be tween the Boston horse and Tho Abbot LlEThtnlni: Kills Mallcarrler. GUTHRIE, O. T.," Aug. 2. Charles Campbell, a rural mallcarrler between Bllllng3 and Bliss. O. T., was instantly killed by being struck by lightning when leturnlng from a daily trip. The acci dent occurred near Harpersvllle. In the same neighborhood A. L. Freeman, a har vester salesman, was. struck by lightning and rendered unconscious for several hours. "Wind Storm and Cloudburst. REDWOOD FALLS, Minn., Aug. 2. Redwood Falls suffered badly from a heavy wind storm and cloudburst late last night.' King Bros.' machinery warehouse was unroofed, the Courthouse roof was torn off and the city bell tower blown down, crashing" through an adjoining building. Trees were uprooted and win dows! broken. Water ran in torrents through the streets. All crops are flat.. Crops Totally Destroyed. LISBON, N. D., Aug. 2. Lisbon was the center of a hurricane and destructive hall I storm last evening. Crops In this section i are totally destroyed. Barns -and out ' hous&3 were wrecked, and dwelling-houses I and stores unroofed. Several persons were ! injured. The neighboring towns of Butts I vilte, Englcvale and Sheldon were also af jeeted by the stoma. day Is furnished by , advices from .Trinidad to tho effect that a depu tation Is starting from there for Lon don to make a strong presentation to the Colonial Office on the "island's financial condition. Tho party Includes Influential members of the Legislative Council and the president of the island's Chamber of .Commerce, who are charged to point out nit: luaueijuttcy uiu z.ix,vw iciuuu i the Immigration tax which it Is proposed to allot to the island. 'The loss on the sugar, crop Just gathered is estimated at 150.000, while the planters must continue to lose at the same rate for an indefinite periodlor be obliged to throw 50,000 labor ers on tho hands of the. government. The deputation was requested to remind the Colonial Secretary thati if-Trinidad, was taken under the- American -flag.-llko Porto Rico, the sugar estates could be run at' a profit, ' - - w There was an interesting ceremony at Windsor CastW, where tho Duke of art borough had forwarded a banner to bo placed over the bust of his famous ' an cestor, John Churchill, 'the first" Duke of Marlborough. This ceremony is necessary each year, and by carrying. It out, the head of the Churchill family, retains pos D3E3ion of Blenheim Palace, which was granted by Parliament to the great mili tary leader. Calmer estimates of tho significance of tho unprecedented Liberal victory in this week's Parliamentary election in Leeds Indicates little real' basis for - the, alleged renewed hopes that the Liberals are gaining control of the gpvernrnent. The government has been soundly lectured and soundly warned "this week, not only by Its opponents, but also by some of Its Journalistic supporters: but tho opposi tion's enthusiastic prophecies about early getting together of all branches of the op position were pretty effectually squelched by Lord Rosebery's dispassionate reitera tion that he has no Intention of aban doning the imperialistic platform, and the equally stubborn contention of the Radicals that they will not relinquish home mle as a standard partj Issue. In politely deploring Lord Rosebery 8 utterances, the. Liberal organ disappoint edly remarks: ' "We do not think Lord Rosebery quite realizes the passionate desire for unity that exists among Lib erals throughout- the country,- nor the passionate ' desire to arrive at it with or without' leadership." . The paper pcolds the Liberal leaders for their folly In splitting hairs yat a time when the government 'Is floundering In the labyrinths of tho patched-up educa tion bill, and Is "revealed to the country' to be -without aim or policy." At a meeting of the Anglo-American Telegraph Company, the chairman, Fran cis A. Bevan, said nothing had occurred so far as he knew to alter the opinion of the directors that, although wireless telegraphy would, carry a, certain class of telegrams, such as those between ships or between ships and the shore, thero was no reason apparent why It would compete in the class of telegrams sent by cable companies. During a conversation the other day with Lord Kelvin, the latter said to Mr. Bevan: - "I have given careful consideration to this subject, and I do not believe the shareholders of your company need be alarmed at tho prospect of wireless telegraphy." : Surgeon-General Hamilton, before ameet lng of the British Medical Association at Manchester, yesterday, definitely charged that General Sir Redvers Buller, during the Boer War of 1SS1. used Army medical wagons with tho red cross tnereon for taking ammunition to the front, and armed the bearer companies,, using them as escorts. Tho Surgeon-General declared his since plenty of efficient employes are available. It Is considered extraordinary' that in tho entire telegraph service no typewriters are used, except for a few In the foreign departments. Tho funeral services in memory of J. Watts, the one-time well-known and suc cessful Jockey, were held at Newmarket this afternoon in the presence of a re markable gathering. The King sent Lord Marcus Hereford especially to represent him, and wreaths were sent by the King, Lord Rosebery. Sir Edgar Vincent and others. Many notable persons and al most the entire town of Newmarket marched in the funeral procession. John Watts was known as "The Grand Old Man" of the English turf, although he was only 41 years of age at the time of his death. He rode Derby winners four times In 10 years. In 1S91 he rode 114 winner?. When he became too stout to ride he be came a trainer, and served in that ca pacity for the King. THE FLAGLER MILLIONS. Foundlings Establish Kinship to Millionaire's Demented "Wife. NEW YORK. Ag. 2. Evidence, hun dreds of pages of It. has been taken by J. E. Hedges, referee, who has prepared his report for the Supreme Court as to kinship of relatives of Ida Flagler, for merly wife of Henry M. Flagler, of the Standard Oil Company. The estate of Mrs. Flagler, which has been in charge of committees since she was declared to be incompetent, amounted to $2,273,000 on Au gust 4, 1S99. and has increased. The net income runs from $116,000 to $117,000 a year. An Important point in the proceeding was whether Mr. Flagler had. through his divorce, lost his interest In the estate of his wife if she should die first. Mr. Flag ler laid no claim to such an interest, but the question had not been judicially determined. The referee will report that Mr. Flagler has no interest whatever in the estate. A mass of evidence was sifted as to how the three foundlings, who are nephews of Mrs. Flagler, came to learn of their rela tionship. Mrs. Flagler's maiden name was Shourds. Her sister, Mary Emma Taylor, died on February' 2S. 1SC4, and Mary's husband. Edward W. Taylor, gave the custody of their three sons. William. Richard and George, to the New York Foundling Asylum. Ten years later they were apprenticed to farmers In Iowa. In 1901. William, who had become a harness maker, became interested In his family tree, and tho discovery of his relation ship to Mrs. Flagler followed. Richard, one of the three foundlings. Is a painter, while the third Is an engineer on the Northern Pacific Railroad. The relatives, as judicially determined, of Mrs. Flagler, and the proportion each ! will get of her estate If she dies are: ! Charles- E. Shourds. brother, one-quar-! ter; Stephen E. Shourds. brother, one I quarter; Mrs." Mattle A. Johnson, sister, one-quarter, and the other quarter will go among .the three Taylors. The referee advises that $4000 a year of income be paid now to the three Taylors, so that each will get a third of It. The two brothers and sister -of the Incompe tent have previously obtained orders for $4000 a year each from the surplus Income of Mrs. Flagler. All charges against the Income of Mrs. Flagler, Including allow ances made for her support, leave a sur plus income of about $60,000 a year. Horse Show Invites President. DENVER, A'ug. 2. The Denver Horse Show Association has sent President j Roosevelt an Invitation to attend Its an j nual exhibition, and to act as Judge of the ' rough riding contest which will take place ' on tho opening day, September L taken up yesterday, and Sir. Kinney made his first payment. The property includes 87.000 acres of timber land and most of the platted town of Empire City, including the big sawmill tnut was -built and op erated for a time by Elijah Smith. It. Is owned by the Southern Oregon Company, of which Prosper Smith, brother of Eli jah, is the head, his home being In Bos ton. No official announcement of tho price "to be paid has been made, but It Is said to be the round figure of $300,000. It 13 also said that this deal Is favorable to the success of the Great Central Railroad. The Great Central Land Company yes terdny made the first payment on 840 acre3 of land between Empire City and Marsh field, on which an option was taken last week. Thl3 tract belongs to the Flanagan estate and Dr. Merchant. The land conr pany holds options on 1S60 acres of land between Empire City and Marshfield. Thirty-six . men are now surveying and platting the tract, and as soon as arrange ments can be mado the town of Bmgcr will be laid off there and given legal ex istence. The Bank of Bangor will be or ganized this week, and the first Issue of the first paper of the new town will also appear this week. The company will soon begin construction of a cut-stone building to house the bank, a trust company vand a tltlo company. This structure will bo a model that it la expected other buildings in the town will follow. "Portland Is the first town In Maine and Bangor is second." said L. D. Kinney, chief engineer of the Great Central Rail road and the moving spirit in the allied enterprises. "We concede, of course, that Portland Is the first city of Oregon, and we Intend to make Bangor the second. The country Is there to warrant It. All that is needed Is development, and we ex pect to provide means for its development. "But the thing that gives me greatest pleasure is this message," and he submit ted the following: Empire City. Or.. Aup. 2, 1002. L. D. Kin ney, chief engineer, Ainsworth block. Portland, Or.: in 01 .ountlInn on bar at tow tide, had average of 34.3 feet. Four soundings, approx imate 300 feet in distance, showed 27.7 feeu J. II. DIERS. Chief of Construction. "That shows a better condition of the bar than I had expected, and I am now entirely at rest concerning the marine feature of our enterprise. Vessels can meet our railroad there." W. L. Green has resigned his position as second assistant engineer of the Great Central Railroad to accept the presidency of the Belt Line Railway, now arranged for at Coos Bay. His position In tho Great Central has been taken by Mr. Peltz. H. D. Jerritt. of San Franclso. has been appointed first assistant engineer of the Great Central, vipe A. F. Scars, Sr.. who Is now head of the Informa tion bureau of the company. F. B. Mc Donald, of Skagway. Alaska, has been ap pointed purchasing agent of the Empire Construction Company, and will take up his new duties August 15. i Chen Sails for Sew York. WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Ambassador Porter has cabled the State Department that Prince Chen, the Chinese envoy to the coronation, with his suite, sailed to day from Cherbourg on the St. Paul for New York. At New York the Prince will be met by Minister Wu. who will escort him to Oyster Bay. where he will be dined by President Roosevelt. A special c?r furnished by tho State Department whl bring him to Washington, where he will be entertained by the Chinese legation. General Smith Will Go Home. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. General Jacob H. Smith, who arrived at San Francisco yesterday, is not under orders to report to the AdJutant-deneral. The order here tofore published directed General Smith to proceed to his home, the usual order In case of retired officers.