The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1902, PART TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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Lurce Brick Structure Plrt to Go Up
May Coiuiollilnte With Soutli-
ern Pacific Snop.
It la stated that the O. E- & N. Co.
Is preparing to erect more large build
ings on the Alblna terminal grounds In
the near future. It Is known that meas
urements have been taken for a large
building north of the transfer track and
north of the present buildings covering
COO one way and about COO another. Meas
urements were also taken for an office
building to take the place of the present
wooden building now used for an office.
The first building "will be the largest on
the terminal grounds, and will be of brick
and on modern lines. This structure, it
Is said, has been needed for a long time,
owing to press of work In the other shops.
The office is locatel in a cramped little
wooden structure. There are also rumors
of some other structures to be built on
the terminal grounds in the near future.
Plans are said to have been prepared.
It is also said that the Southern Pacific
shops in Southeast Portland will be event
ually consolidated with the Albina ter
minal works, and that preparations for
erection of these structures Is a step in
that direction. It will be remembered
that the contract for the erection of a
blacksmith shop and boiler-house at the
Southern Pacific carshops was .called off,
after the contract had been let. immedi
ately followjng the visit of the president
to Portland. There has been talk along
this line off and on for some time; In
fact, ever since the management of the
two companies became practically the
same. If these buildings should be erect
ed on the Alblna terminal grounds it will
largely increase the importance of the lat
ter shops.
Evenlnsr Star Grange Gets Ground
for Building on Section Road.
At a well-attended meeting of Evening
Star Grange. No. 27r Patrons of Hus
bandry, held yesterday In Multnomah
Hall, on the Section road, C. Milem, of
the committee on building site, reported
that all the money required to purchase
the grounds but $10 had been secured.
Plympton Kelly, a well-known pioneer,
and one of the founders of the Evening
Star Grange, who had" already given ?25,
arose and said he would give $10 more.
This completed the $20 required to pur
chase about half an acre on the Section
road, a short distance from the Mount
Tabor reservoir, at the turn In the road.
The members appreciated Mr. Kelly's do
nation. The deed for the grounds will be
be secured at once, and the building
project will next be taken up.'
During the afternoon a committee was
appointed to prepare resolutions "of con
dolence over the tragic death of George
B. Cornelius, who had been a respected
member of the Grange.
The meeting of the Grange was made
Interesting by the presence of Plympton
Kelly, a pioneer, and one of the founders
of Evening Star Grange. Mr. Kelly is
over 75 years of age, and a son of
"Father" Clinton Kelly. He made an
interesting talk on the growth and work
of the Grange organization, and Its influ
ence In Improving the condition of farm
ers. He has unbounded faith in the or
ganization, and In his remarks yesterday
afternoon Mr. Kelly set forth the advan
tage that has resulted from the Grange.
Mr. Kelly cannot attend often, but ho
still holds a deep Interest In the Patrons
of Husbandry. Better methods of farm
ing and closer social relations, he said,
were among the benefits of the Grange,
besides Its educational advantages.
Remarks were also made by Mr. and
Mrs. Paulsen. It was voted to hold an
Ice cream social on the evening of Satur
day, August 16. for the benefit of the
building fund. Yesterday 10 received the
third and fourth degrees. The session
lasted all through the day. The nlarket
block question was discussed, but no ac
tion was taken.
East Eleventh and East Oak-streets. Lone
Fir cemetery will be the place of Interment.
Ennt Side Notes.
E. A. Hammond, civil engineer' on the
Columbia Southern, arrived yesterday on
a short visit on the East Side.
William Trahar, son and daughter, and
Miss Ethel Cralb left yesterday for a
month's outing near Mount Hood.
Chief Inspector of Customs Secures
Nevr Appointment. .
George T. Black, Chief Inspector of Cus
toms at this port, has been promoted to
the position of Special inspector of Cus
toms, Collector Patterson receiving official
information of the approval of Mr. Black's
advancement in the service on Thursday.
Chief Inspector Black has been In the
Federal eervlce since July, 1SS3, when he
received the appointment of Inspector of
Customs under his father, T. J. Black,
now deceased, who was appointed Col
lector of Customs soon after President
Cleveland entered upon his second term.
He was afterward transferred to a. posi
tion in the office of United States Marshal
Grady; but during the time he had been
employed In the customs service Mr. Black
had shmvn euch ability in the perform
ance of his duties that the department at
Washington secured his return to his
former position, since which time he has
filled the porition of Chief Inspector to
the greatest satisfaction of his superiors.
His promotion is regarded as a recogni
tion of past efficient services in his par
ticular line of duty.
Some years ago, when the smuggling
of Chinese and opium into this city was
at its height. Inspector Black made a rec
ord In his successful running down of
those engaged in the unlawful business.
It was while on the trail of a notorious
smuggler that Inspector Black discovered
the first clew that brought to light the
great conspiracy to rob the registry de-,
partment of the Portland Postoffice and
the conviction of the prime mover of the
well-planned scheme.
The advancement of Inspector Black will
necessitate his departure from Oregon, his
native state, which will be regretted by
his fellow officials and numerous friends,
many of whom have known him from
childhood. He may possibly be assigned
to the District of Arizona for duty, but
as yet has not been officially Informed
where he will be stationed.
County Commissioners Decide That
They "Wili Give Appointees a.
Trial Without Pay.
County Judge Webster and Commission
ers Barnes and Showers, who have many
applications for positions on the bridges
and other county positions, have adopted
a rule' that only competent men will be
employed. They will first be placed on
trial without pay, and only men who prove
themselves efficient will be retained. A
man named Kenneally was recently placed
on the steel bridge to fill a vacancy with
out compensation, and was removed at the
expiration of two weeks for carelessness.
He permitted a loaded wood wagon to be
driven on the draw Just before the draw
was to be opened. The draw was swung
with the wood wagon at one end, and the
weight caused the draw to balance un
evenly, and thereby nearly caused a costly
accident. Watchfulness and experience
are required for the proper operation of
the bridge, and the County Board will
not trust the work to any but good men.
Three vacancies have occurred on the
bridges, caused by the resignations of
Messrs. Tomlinson, Fleming and Haworth.
These men succeeded in obtaining other
employment, and took the places that
offered thcmselvw? for the reason that
with a change of administration a political
job was considered an uncertainty.
him in August, 1S92. There js one child,
who is with his mother.
J. C Littler has commenced suit against
Sarah J. Littler, to whom he was mar
ried at Astoria In May. 1900, for a divorce.
He alleges In his complaint that he has
been a kind and considerate husband and
provided his wife with a comfortable
home, which she deliberately abandoned
on June 5, 190L She Is now In California.
H. B. Adams has filed salt In the State
Circuit Court against 'Emma Eggen et aL
to foreclose a mortgage for $200 on a lot
In Paradise Springs tract
Frances D. Duncomb has sued Gros
venor A. Duncomb for a divorce on ac
count of desertion, beginning In August,
1900. They were married In April, 1S59, In
Portland, and Mrs. Duncomb has three
children, the Issue of a' former marriage.
Duncomb is engaged In business In Butte.
Articles of Incorporation.
Articles of Incorporation of the Colum
bia Music Company were filed In the
County Clerk's office yesterday by Wlllard
J. Brown. Samuel W. Drlscoll and E. A.
Barnes. The capital stock Is $10,000. The
objects are to publish and sell sheet and
folio music, create a popularity for music
published by the corporation, etc.
Stole Before Joining: Army.
PORTLAND, Aug. 1. (To the Editor.)
In fairness to Oliver C. Davis, who has
been arrested for embezzling school funds,
and to the Salvation Army, I .feel, that It
is only right to state that, while Davis
Is guilty of the crime of which he Is
charged, he committee! the same years
before he had anything at all to do with
the Salvation Army, and successfully
evaded the law for a number of years.
After his converalon and reformitlon,
through the instrumentality of the Salva
tion, Army, ho of his own free will wroto
to the authorities at Decatur, confessing
the crime, and at the same time telling
them where he was to Be found.
I feel that in Justice to the man, and to
the Salvation Army, which has been try
ing to restore him to a life of honesty and
goodness, this should appear In your col
umns. R. DUBBIN,
Major, Salvation Army.
Waslilnsrton Life Insnrnnce Com
pany Asks for "Writ of Revicvr.
In the suit of J. Crcagh against the
Washington Life Insurance Company,
filed in the West Side Justice Court, the
insurance company first filed a petition for
a writ of review, in the State Circuit I
Court yesterday. Crcagh sued to recover
$193 balance alleged due for services per
formed as a solicitor at $100 per month
and $50 per month traveling expenses. An
answer was filed s.tatlng that Creagh was
omployed by Blair T. Scott, the agent of
the Northwest department, and that the
contract v.v.j one between Crcagh and
Scott, and in which the company was In
terested. It was further set forth that the
contract was modified to the effect that
Creagh should receive $100 per month, pro
vided he did business each month to the
amount of $10,000. This, It Is alleged, be
did not do. sometimes doing business In a
month only to the extent of $2600 or less.
This defense was stricken from the an
swer In the Justice Court, and In the
writ of -review just filed It Is alleged that
the Justice Court acted, erroneously, and
the higher court is asked to overrule the
action of the lower one.
Court Notes.
The remainder of the estate is devised
to the four children in equal shares. Will
iam C. Smith Is named as executor.
Milton W. Smith, administrator of the
estate of Ella M. Smith, deceased, waa
authorized by the County Court "yester
day to pay $1000 to the Portland Library
Association. Mrs. Smith left her entire
estate td the library, and money 13 turned
over as It Is received.
The will of Harriet A Smith, deceased,
was admitted to probate In the County
Court yesterday. It bequeaths $1000 each
to Emery H. and William C. Smith, sons
of the testatrix, certain articles of per
sonal property to Benjamin E. Smith, a-
son, and $500 to Dora S. Towle. a daughter.
Three Husbands nnd a Wife Seelc to
Sever Matrimonial Bonds.
Suit for a divorce has been filed In the
State Circuit Court by Ely P. Spauldlng
against Elizabeth A. Spauldlng; on the
ground of desertion. In his complaint
Spauldlng sete forth that he was' married
to the defendant In 1SS7, and. that she left
Death of Mrs. Abigail Whitlnff At
vrood at the Age of 83.
.The notice of the passing from life on
August 1 of Mrs. Abigail Whiting At
wood brings a sense of personal loss to
an unusually wide circle of acquaintances
and friends. Mrs. Atwood was born Jan
uary 19, 1S19, at Dedham, Mass. Slnco
lS62'she has lived In Portland, and for
about 40 years In the. home at 211 Main
street, where her husband, James T. At
wood, died nearly seven years ago. Mrs.
Atwood waa a gentle, quiet woman, but
with a strength of character which great
ly Impressed Itself upon all who knew her.
Calmly and with unflinching fortitude she
bore all the trials of life, -and by her
winning personality and the charm of
her sweetnees and kindliness endeared
herself to all associates.
Her Influence was widespread In the
community, and beyond computation in
the church, of which she was a charter
member. For many months she has been
a patient Invalid, ministered to by the de
voted daughter who was her constant
companion. A son, living In the State of
Washington, also survives the mother. Her
children and her friends all "rise up and
call her blessed."
Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Summer weak
ness", because It makes rich, "pure blood:
Snnnysidc Club Denies That They
Robbed an Orchard.
The Boys' Brigade, of Sunnyside, under
charge of W. O. NIsley and wife, returned
last evening from their outing at Trout
Lake,- well pleased with their trip. They
reached Hood River and then crossed
over to White Salmon River Monday,
July 2L From this place the party walked
to Trout Lake.
The boys were very tired, and thought
they would get supper, pitch their tents
and spend the night. They here met a
cranky professor from The Dalles, who
fcrbade their camping. He went to the
hotel and Induced the proprietor to for
bid the boys camping on the ground. Mr.
Nlsley. after much difficulty, got a team
and moved the outfit about half a mile,
where they were permitted to camp for
the night- Mr. Nisley and the boys feel
grateful to J. Smith, a farmer, who helped
them out of their trouble and extended
them every kindness during their stay
at Trout Lake.
They fished and hunted for 10 days.
Jack Povcy and Harold Kemp supplied
the whole party with fish during the
stay. The boys visited Lava Cave, where
they met Judge Frazer, who "joshed"
them about stealing green apples. The
boys were highly Indignant and denied
that they had robbed an orchard on the
trip. Mr. Nlsley explains the story about
the boys being taken sick and his having
to administer hot ginger. One of the
boys was . taken sick from some causo
and be was given ginger, and the other
boys complained so they could get some
ot the beverage. Since their return the
brlgado has been looking for the man
who brought the story that they stole
green apples. However, they had a good
time and came home with pleasant mem
Death of Mrs. Carrie Shields.
Mrs. Carrie Shields, wife of C. C,
Shields, died In the family residence, 554
Taggart street, corner East Eighteenth,
Friday, after an illness lasting nearly
eight years. Mrs. Shields was 63 years
and 3 months old. and with her husV.nd
hod lived at this corner for the past 17
years. They came to Oregon IS years
ago. A little oi'er seven years ago Mrs.
Shields was stricken with paralysis on
the right side, and had been helpless
from that time till her death, only being
able to use her left hand. A husband
and two children survive her. the latter
being Henry Allen Shields, of Troutdale,
and Miss Helen Shields, of Portland. The
funoral will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock from her late home. Lone Fir
cemetery will be the place of Interment.
Constable Kcenan Sued.
. Constable A D. Keenan, o the East
8Ide Justice Court, has been sued for
$1S0 and $75 damages In this court. This
case grew out of the attachment suit
of M. V. Billion against George Brown.
The former attached a team" of horses
and harness, the, property of Brown, and
Constable Kcenan took possession of the
horses under attachment. Brown sues
for. the value of the team and damages
resulting in the horses being taken from
him. The constable is protected by a
Death of Mrs. Mnrjyuerlte Tritschler.
Mrs. Marguerite Trltscheler. who 'lived
oh the Section Line road,' died yesterday
in St. Vincent's Hospital, aged S9 years,
A husband and one child survive her.
The funeral will be held this afternoon
at 2 o'clock from Dunnlngs undertaking
parlors. East Alder street. Afterward ser
vices will be held at St. Francis Church,
Attend to Y
our Teeth
Summer Months
We can then take your work up immediately, aftd you will be
surprised and delighted how quickly we can remedy all defects.
How different you feel when you are rid of old stumps, and in
their place you find solid teeth ready to perform -all the work
you may impose upon them. Call at once and secure our figures,
which are most reasonable, consistent with' the most skillful work.
When you entrust
your work to us.
We are too well
known In P6rt
'land to need any
introduction to
the people of this
city. Our patients
include some ol
the best-known
people in the
All of our work
is performed with
the greatest skill,
and we can state
without fear of
contradiction that
painless dentistry
Is an actual fact.
Perfection Is the
constant aim of
all of our
operators. ,
Office, hours:
8 A M. to 5
P. M.; even
ing, 7:30 to
8:30. Sun
days, 10 A.
M. to 12 M.
Phone, North
Graduate Philadelphia
Dental College.
Graduate State.
University of Iowa.
Graduate Chicago
College Dental Surgery.
Dr. B. E Wright's Dental. Off ice
When the end to the Moyer Clothing Co.'s
Big Clearance Sale
comes some of you will regret that you didn't take advantage of
the many specially advertised items. We have not one article
in our big store that has escaped a reduction. Everything goes
at from 20 to 50 per cent off our already low prices.
You have no doubt heard of the MONEY BACK STORE: THAT'S OURS.
Your money back without an argument when purchases ai;e not satisfactory
Men's all-wool cheviot and
worsted Suits, all hand tailored;
god J as you can buy elsewhere at
$20.00. rfjQgc
Our sale price 0 D
Five lines of Men's Qp
Summer Underwear OcJC
Men s all-wool Suits in all
the late fabrics, but not all sizes,
actually sold right along at $12.00
to $15.00. ahq
Our sale price ...v
Men's Suits, made from blue
and brown Oregon cheviot, they are
fast colors, good wearing, well lined
and fit as well as the best, cfc r q r
Reg. vol., $10, our sale p'cev-oO
Boys' heavy Knee Pants, I
desirable patterns, riveted buttons'
and strongly made, the regular 50c
nnd i 39c
Our sale price Oi?u
Boys' Wash Suits. We have
sold these by the dozens at 75c, all
new patterns and fit to perfection,
just right for these warm days, qa
Our sale price . . . 0C
Men's soft bosom Shirts in
fancy madras, cheviot .oq
aqd percale stripes. . .3cJC
Boys' School Suits, jacket
and pants, ages 8 to 15, all colors
and patterns, splendid values at
$2.95. (t j-q
Our sale price s 1 O 5?
Men's President Sus
penders, 50c kind ofcJC
All Boys' 25c j-
Boys' 25c iron-clad r
Stockings C...iC
All Men's and Boys' q
25c Suspenders IcC
We have quite an assortment
left of those $3.95 Suits that sold so
well last week.
Our sale price .
Men's Working Shirts. We al
ways have carried the largest assort
ment in the city and always gave the
best values. A special lot for
this week. Our sale price.
All Straw Hats, men's or
boys', half price.
Men's black clay worsted Suits
in sack or frock style, made from the
best Washington Mills goods,all hand
tailored, all sizes, 20 ounces to the
yard, never gets shiny. r C
Our sale price pv?.OQ
All 50c Men's or
Boys' Caps
Men's Garters, good qual
ity rubber, the 25c
kind -C
Sweet, Orr & Co. union made
corduroy Pants. Tney need no des
cription or praising. There are none
better, j-j-
Our sale price ip&.OO
We wduld like you to come in the morning to do your trading
c. oAVJti vjVJ 1 IriclVi men at clearance sale price
The Summer Sale
Grows Greater and
Wonder Why
A week ago we started the most wonderful Summer Sale Portland people have ever known. We simply
said all the Summer things must go, and quoted some prices that set even some merchants wondering
how on earth we do .business. You took us at our word and the counters and aisles were blocked all
week long with eager women and men who wondering bought. LET US SAY "THANKS" for this
proof of your belief in our printed store news and for the assurance you give that many hundreds
watch these columns closely every week. But this week's offers are greater still we do queer things
here to create excitement sometimes. So read on:
$1.50 to $3.95
89c and $1.19
We make no reserve; all our very latest
nnd best waists Included In this great sale.
This looks like the last "call to dinner."
when you choose among this peerless stock
of fine white and colored waists at less
than half price. For -convenience we have
placed the entire lot of our ttnest waists
in two lots. You pay 8Dc and 51 19 for your
choice, while they last.
And about 200 more of thoseflne waists
told you about last week, values worth to
$1 Iff, choice of white or colored, all for
customers and none for dealers; your
choice, each
Wash Goods Go
for Half
These tables will create more favor
able comment than whole pages ot
newspaper talk. Dimities, Lawns,
etc., a whole tableful In all sorts
of good colors and designs, worth
from Sc to 10c; to sell Quickly, we've
marked the while lot, per ni
yard L2U
But the best pieces go flrst
And another table filled with all
lines of good washable goods, Dlml
tits. Lawns, Ginghams, Percales.
Madrasses. etc.. worth to 17c a yard.
Come early and get your 71 n
choice, yard 2u
Also 200 pieces of tho finest Silk
Ginghams and Zephyrs, marked for
quick selling; while they 1 C
last only, per yard I 0b
Fine Summer Wash Silks and Silk
Ginghams, etc.. worth 33c fjft
per yard, for ISb
Sale of Neck Ruffs
A fine lot goes on sale at quick
moving prices. They are made of
feathere and lustrous liberty silk; full
at neck, and the ends are long and
graceful. There arc three sorts In this
collection, all black with . white, and
white with black.
All the $3 30 to U 50 ones n nr
for ZibO
AH the ?1 0 ones in
foi l.JU
All the 51 25 ones ggg
A Drop in 'Parasols
The almanac shows us we have more
Parasols than good store-keeping de
mands, so we take a loss at whRt Is
left. We'd have done better if the
weather had been there. Black and
"White Slik Parasols, worth nnn
from $1 25 to $2 50, for only Ouu
Children's Dresses
98c to 52.50
Values for
39c and 9Sc
If you
have chil
dren don't
miss this
the great
est offer of
the season.
You can't
buy the
for as lit
tle. All
styles, col
ors and
sizes when
the selling
starts, but
they won't
last long at
You who
have seen
them will
best appre
ciate this
offer. Less
than half
the former
An Idea of Muslin
Underwear Selling
nrjn Ladies' White Soft Muslin
Lois Skirts, lace trimmed and dou
ble flounce.
;jQn Ladles' Muslin Drawers, inser-H-0U
tlon and lace trimmed, or em
broidery ruffle, worth 73c.
CQ- Ladies' Gowns of Soft Cambric,
with Insertion and lace yokes,
regular Jl.
7Qn Ladies' Skirts, with double
I Db flounce, two rows of lace or em
broidery insertion, regular $1 25.
QQft Ladies Gowns. Lonsdale cam
oUu brie. perfectly made and
trimmed with ribbons, lace and Inser
tion, regular $1 50.
4Q. Ladies' Plain Muslin Drawers,
I ou with deep hem and tucks,
worth 23c.
All Around the Store
Other spclals that need a w
prices are more interesting
the big descriptions.
Ladies' Duck Skirts,
full size
Ladies' Fine White Lace lat
est style Collars, worth 23c,
Ladles' Percalo Dressing
Sscques, only j.
Ladies' Good Calico Wrap
pers, full sizes, for only
Ladles' Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs, at
Men's Balbriggan Striped
Underwear, per suit
ord. The
than all
Keep Cool 35c Fans 5c
All we have left mus,t go. We have
placed them all In a box on the count
er, so take your pick early; only 5c
Clothing Company
Postal Contracts Awarded. States for four years, beginning Xovem- i Hartfcrd Manufacturing Company, of
WASHINGTON Aug 2. Acting Post- j oer nest. The bureau was the lower ot Hartford. Conn., the contract for supply-
mastcr-General Madden today awarded to j two bidden? and the price at which it now i ing registered packages, tags 3r.d official ft
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing tna i seis me contract, is Mt.iw icss man me j nu ueuuiencr enveior-s ior ine govrn-y
contract for printing adhesive pcatage original proposition. Acting Postmaster- I ment during the year beginning OctO-ber'
stamps end 3tamr books for tlje JnKed General Madden also has awarded to the 1. next.