TOE.SUISDAY OREGONIAN," PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1902; 15 FOR KENT. Housekeeping; Rooms. WO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; no children; references. Mrs. C E. Bennett, 40S Main. I LARGE, PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING II st ...... hath trfts. IWUW, UtOt UW1 - " phone. 105 7th. cor. Taylor. B COMPLETELY FURNISHED House keeping rooms. In private xamuy. x x.ver ett, between 12th and 13th. 294 BENTON i-ROOM iWll, WJiriitii. ly furnished for housekeeping; reasonable; close In. Phone CS9. CWO I FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; no children; bath and phone; Irving ton. 341 East 13th north. llHETLER BLOCK. 20S GRAND AVE. FUR- nlshcd ana unrurnisnea nouseKeepmg; aii frcnt rooms; no children. THREE CORNER ROOMS. COMPLETELY furnished, for housekeeping; bath. 1 Union ave., cor. Bast Ankeny. 63 FIRST ST., COR. PINE TWO NICE FUR nlshed housekeeping: rooms; quiet, respect able house; no children. SUITE OF WELL - FURNISHED BOOMS; bath, gas range; telephone; adults only; ref erences. CCO Sixth st. S05 WASHINGTON FURNISHED AND UN furnlshed housekeeping suites; sleeping rooms, $1.25 and up per week. 202 14TH FURNISHED FLAT; NEW bouse; modern conveniences; will bo ready Aug. 15; fine location. FOUR FURNISHED AND FOUR UNFUR nlshed rooms. Call Monday at 70S Fourth, cr phone West 2S05. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES: ALL CONVEN lences for washing: no children; $10, $3 yer week 204 Fourth. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS; private bath, hot and cold water; no chil dren. 1S7 Chapman. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. NICELY FUR nlshed, bath and phone; also single. 321 Water st , cor. Clay, 144 11TH, BETWEEN MORRISON AND AL der Two or three desirable housekeeping roms; 210 children. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT for August; next McGulr'. Hotel, Seaside, Or. Mrs. F. S. Austin. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; central; no children. S35 Clay st-. cor. Seventh. VE.tY DESIRABLE NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, first floor; gas, bath, phone. 314 Mill st , cor. Cth. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, with use of bath and phone. 573 4th st. 288 SECOND ST. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent; phone and bath; reasonable. FURNISHED FIRST FLOOR COMPLETE for housekeeping; bath, gas. 423 3d street. Kent, ?50. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rent reasonable. 292 11th st,, near Columbia. FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED HOL'SE keeplng rooms, over stable. Fifth and Jeffer son; $3. 231 MARKET LIGHT. CLEAN ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping; gas range; rea sonable. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath, phone, water; $6;50. EOS Jeffer son st. B30 TAYLOR STREET. NEAR FOSTOFFICE Neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; refer ences. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; bath, phone. 314 Sixth, corner Clay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AND FURNISHED rooms; bath, gas, telephone. 81 7lh, cor. Oak. LARGE FRONT PARLORS. UNFURNISHED, for housekeeping; bath and phone. S01 Sixth. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR HOUSE keeplng; telephone and bath. 410 Salmon st. Unfurnlrhed rooms; modern conveniences. 2C0 lith and Jefferson. References. No children. The Graham. 545 Wasn. sv. Newly furnished modern and desirable housekeeping suites. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping room3. 227 Montgomery st. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; no children. 429 Main st. THE ABBOTT. 228 WASH. Fine furnished rooms, en suite, single or housekeeping. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rent reasonable. 231 Sixth st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AT 223 Market; bath. Phone Hood 270. Furnished . rooms, single cr en suite, or tran sient; brick block. 230 Russell st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEMAN OR housekeeping. Ill North 0th st. "FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 124 N. 10th. Inquire Mrs. Bolso. If ouacs. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 348 Columbia St.. 4 rooms $ 7.00 375 Seventh st., 6 rooms 10.00 E. 35th st. -near Division St.. 5 rooms.. 12.00 494 Magnolia ave.. 7 rooms -12.00 604 Irving St., flat over store, 0 rooms.. 15.00 812 Larrabee at.. 0 rooms 18.00 120 N. 19th st., upper flat, 6 rooms 15.75 305 Everett St., 0 rooms 17.00 1C9 Arthur St., C rooms 20.00 440 Hall st.. furnished, 8 rooms 25.00 421 12th St.. 8 rooms 25.00 S72 E. 15th st. N., 8 rooms 25.00 420 E. Grant St., 8 rooms 25.00 20 E. 14th St., 8 rooms 30.00 532 Couch St., 0 rooms 80.00 41 E. Oth st., furnished, 7 rooms 30.00 CS7 Glisan St., 8 rooms 32.50 564 Glisan St., S rooms 35.00 708 Everett St., furnished. 0 rooms 55.00 453 Holladay ave.. 8 rooms 00.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark st. FOR RENT 8-room house. Holiday's Add., on Wasco etreet. In fine condition, on corner. Full lot, beautiful yard; price, $25; very reasonable. 8-room house. East Oak street. $20. 8-room house. East Everett street. $18. "-room house East Oak street. $18. 0-room cottage, Belmont street, $18. o-room cottage, $14. Two unfurnished, rooms In private resi dence to right parties; beautiful location, $3. J. L. WELLS & CO., 100 Grand avenue. t J FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS. MODERN RES ldence, on Northrup street, near 20th; seven rooms; cement basement; porcelain bath; stationery woshstands, gas, grounds 90-100; $30 a month. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 0 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL FIVE-ROOM COT tage, entirely new, fronting on electric car line In Oak Grove; $8 per month. A nice 8-room house, with block, Berkeley ave nue, 1 block from Hawthorne; $13 per month. R. H. Dunn. 149 1st st. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, EAST SIDE. $23. u-room modern nouse, is. .Morrison, C-room -cottage, Sunnyslde. $12. F. W. TORGLER. 100 Sherlock bid. HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS FOR RENT; close In; $25 per month. Furniture of -four rooms for sale; three rooms now rented for $15 per month. Address B 84. Oregonlan. NICE SEVEN-ROOMED MODERN HOUSE for rent at C94 GU?an St., near 21st; In per fect order; rents $30 monthly. Shaw, Mac leod & Co.. 243 Stark, near 21 st. FOR RENT A QUARTER BLOCK. 5-ROOM cottage; brick basement and all kinds of fruit, very reasonable. 425 Knott St., Upper Aiblna. f- FuR RENT FIVE-ROOM MODERN RESI dence, with basement. 327 Wheeler St.. East Side; $15. Inquire 412 Hall St.. West Side. ROOMING - HOUSE. 27 ROOMS. UNFUR nlshed, for rent; brJck building; three years' lease. Snap. 231 Morrison, cor. Second. FOR RENT COO BROADWAY (IRVINGTON). modern 0-room house, very desirable lo cation. Portland Trust Co.. 109 Third st. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER, BRICK basement, one block from car line; carpets for sale. Inquire .253 Chapman i- FOR RENT-755 IRVING ST., COR. 23D. S roora modern house; fine location. Portland Trust Company. 109 Thlrr-st, FOR. RENT 902 CORBETT ST.. NEAR Lane, C-room house. $14. Portland Trust Company. 109 Third st- 1000 EAST WASHINGTON: S-ROOM MOD a house; rent $10. Inquire 134 East 34th st Phone Union 1032. HOUSE. CC2 JOHNSON ST.; GOOD LOCA tlon. Apply At Albright's, cor. 21st, cr C50 Glisan et. NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH GAS and electric lights: 272 14th st. Inquire 472 Park at. FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT 1 OTH AND HARRISON STS.; three new houses, 8 rooms, with all modem conveniences. Portland Trust Company. 109 Third st. NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH GAS and electric lights. 370 14th st. Inquire 472 Park st. TWO, NEW FLATS. 7 AND S ROOM8; DE slfhbls, modern. Inquire 188 13th. Telephone Brown 80S. 1m EW SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NORTH ALBINA. neaK store. Apply thero or address W S4, Oreronlan. 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. 312 CHERRY ST., East Side; fruit trees and flowers. Inquire at premises. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, GOOD CON d.tlon. corner 20th and E. Morrison sta. Key next door. A GOOD HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. FURNACE AND bath, in a good neighborhood. Inquire 333 14th. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. ON GROV t er at., near Front. Inquire at 103 10th st. 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. $15 PER MO. Inquire 317 Eugene st., near Rodney ave. HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 ROOMS; FINE CON dltlon; rent $25. 700 First, cor. Meade. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 24C STARK ST rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. 53 North Ninth st., near Davis. FOR RENT S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NO. 30 East 15th st. $25. FOUR-ROOM HOUSES, GARDENS. 234 Morrison, room 2. 0-ROOM COTTAGE. WOODLAWN. INQUIRE 71 First st. C-ROOM COTTAGE. WOODLAWN. INQUIRE 71 First st. Furnished ' 11 oases. COMPLETELY FURNISHED MODERN house for one or two months. Call Monday or Tuesday. W. L. Green. 330 Kalsey St.. or room 24 Alnsworth block. FOR RENT NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE; FUR nlshed; never been occupied; $40 for August and September. Address A. A. L., caro Lockeley Hall,Soaside. Or. r NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR ONE year or more, on lOtn ct., between Irving and Johnson Ms. By bhaw, Macieod & Co., 213 Stark, near 2d st. FURNISHED MORERN C-ROOM HOUSE TO responsible parties; good location. Inquire at room 202, Marquam, 3 to 0 months. Pnono Hood C37. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. ONE BLOCK from car line. Call 541 East Sixth or J. L. Wells & Co.. 100 Grand avoacr. $13 PER MONTH, WITH WATER-S-ROOM house, furnished for two families. Inquire of J. Landigan, 184 Sherman. TWO FURNISHED FLATS OF FOUR ROOMS each, with babement. $10. Apply CIS Sev enth, head of Carutbers. MODERN 5-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. 515 E. Waslilngton, cor, E. 11th. Convenient to cars. References. FURNISHED HOUSE. FOR MONTH OF Au gust, to responsible parties. 207 Seventh tt. Phone West 1231. A SMALL COTTAGE. NICELY FURNISHED; very convenient; rent reasonable. 515 2tKh, Portland Heights. VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSE TO rent; modern, central, gas, electricity, piano. Tel. Brown 403. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR ONE MONTH, beginning August 7; lawn, piano; cheap. 40a E. 8th st. MODERN, NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE for rent; cheap to responsible parties. 4bb Rodney ave. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE,. 173 E. titn, corner Yamhill. Summer Resorts. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board, for Summer, $6 per week. For 'fur ther particulars address Mrs. L. B. Aber crombe. Seaside. Or. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. LONG Beach. Inquire of Mrs. G. Shlndler, prem ises, or C V. Dolph, 502 Commercial build ing, city. WANTED 8 Y REFINED YOUNG WOMAN, board with family at beach about August 15; best of references; box 070, city. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL COTTAGE ON North Beach; Seavlew preferred. Telephone Red 2701. or 1 81, Oregoman. ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED AND UN furnlshed. In the old Grlmee House. Address S. A. Grimes. Seaside, Or. FOR RENT DESIRABLE OCEAN-FRONT cottage; suitable for large party or two fam ilies. K Hi. Oresonlan. FOR RENT AT CENTERVILLE.V LONG Beach, furnished cottage, 5 rooms. 235 Third et. Phone Front 28. STEVENS COTTAGE AT SEAVIEW FOR rent. See R. M. Wilbur, Portland, or M. E. Thompson. Seavlew. FOR SALE 5-Ro6m COTTAGE AT SEASIDE. Bargain. Address D C2, Oregonlan. For Rent All or part of b-room furnished cot tage at Seaside. W 72. Oregonlan. Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE OF VERY NICE .EIGHT-ROOM house, U blocks from Postofllce; will bo sold very reasonable If taken at once; house mak ing more than expenses; rent, $30. P. O. box 320. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND furniture for salo; a bargain; located on7ta st., near College. For particulars Inquire at ISO Oth st. today. FURNITURE OF SEVENS-ROOM HOUSE, very central; patt of house for rent. Adare&j Y 85. care Oregonlan. SELLING-HIKSCH BUILDING SUITE OF rooms for runt, furniture for sale. Call at robm 49. 10 -ROOM HOUSE. IN GOOD LOCATION: furniture for sale; house to rent. CO 18th north. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE, CHEAP; houe for rent. M 83, Oregonlan. FINE STORE FOR RENT-430 WASHINGTON st.. between 11th and 12th. Inquire Parrlsh & Watktns. 250 Alder st. CORNER STORE FOR RENT, WITH Liv ing rooms in rear. Inquire upstairs, 425 Evorett, cor. 10th. STORE, 271 FIFTH ST.. OPPOSITE CITY Hall, with rooms in rear. .Apply upstairs. Ring bell. Ufhces. FURNISHED OFFICES. FAILING BUILD lng, for two months; deskroom as long there as desired. Inquire 320 Falling building. Hotels. NEW YORK HOTEL, GEO. W. LAMPING, proprietor; centrally located, Hoqulam. Wash ington; three free sample room; 1 blocks lrum N. P. Depot; rates f2 a day. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT TO UNIONS, CLUBS, Associ ations. tc. rooms 214-215 Chamber of Com merce. Monday. Tuesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday evenings; accommodates 4) peo ple; terms, $0 per month for one night per week. Inquire of Chas. L. Brown, lzs Sixth st. Phone South 741. LOST ASD FOUND. LOST 14-KARAT HUNTING CASE GOLD watch, Waltham movement, plaUnunt and gold chain and Elk charm containing four diamonds. Very liberal reward will be paid "and absolutely no questions neked. Address G10 Chamber of Commerce building. LOST ENVELOPE CONTAINING LETTER and pair of nickel-framed spectacles, be tween Olds & King and Third St.. on Wash ington. Return to 211 1st. Reward. LOSt OR STOLEN YALE BICYCLE. NO. 41. 81S, cushion frame, coaster brake. Liberal reward to finder If returned to Shaver trans portation Co.. foot Washington sL LOST LADY'S PURSE. BLACK LEATHER, containing four keys, ticket to Vancouver, about $4.50 in silver. Return 135 .First sL Reward. LOST-LARGE ENGLISH SETTER DOG; has blaok saddle, blue belt on legs. Com municate Columbia Phone. 5110. LOST-A LADY'S WHITE EMBROIDERED pottlcoat and table centerpiece. Return to 295 Pettj-grove. Reward. LOST BUNCH KEYS. FRIDAY NIGHT. RE turn to 52 First st. Reward. PERSONALS. JO-HEC A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texa. The most wonderful discovery of thq aje; puzzles the medical world. Rheumatism, paralysis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic. Cures in 3 to 20 days. Sample can. 60c, postpaid. Testimonials Wree. Agents wonted. M. E. Clinton. 515 Ease Couch st., Portland. Or. Thone Union 1602. 23 WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (whites) and all diseases of- women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kcssler. 230 Yam hill sc. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. lnclos 10 2-cent stamps. MRS. S. A. HEALD. THE WONDERFUL magnetic healer, lata graduate of the Welt mer Institute, at Nevada, Mo., has opened an office at 294 Clayat., Portland, where she will be pleased to meet all the a filleted. Con sultation free. Treatments reasonable. A HANDSOME YOUNG WIDOW, NO RELA tlons. worth $9,000. wants immediately a re liable, honest nusband capable of managing same. Dudes and men looking for doll faces please do not answer. Address Unity, 40S Ogden ave.. Chicago. A WEEKLY INCOME PAID EVERY WEEK as largo as that paid yearly by savings banks. No gamble, but a solid business proposition. Deposits always at your call. Send lor pros pectus. The IL P. (irlffln Co.. 41 West 24th st.. New York. LADIES OF PORTLAND AND VICINITY A man claiming to be our agent Is taking or ders for halrwork and swindling people out of their hair; this man Is a faker, as we have no agents. Paris Hair Store. 3C8 Washing ton st. THE GREAT ACTRESS HAS NO WRIN kles. Bernhart'a Cream prevents wrinkles. Oriental superfluous painless hair remover. Perfume vapor baths. Ladles only. ' Treat ment free. Room 59 Washington building. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, all SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, button tewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opposite Cordray's. BE HAPPY Moles, pimples, wrinkles, supsr fluous hale, etc., CAN BE permanently re moved. Gray or faded hair corrected. Let us explain bow; no charge. N. Y. Electro Therapeutic Co., 702 Marquam. Black 2S5L SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC, RE moved with electric needle; permanent cure; eight years experience In Portland; lady operator; physicians' references. Parlors 15 10 Lewis bulldlnr. Phone Brown C57. MME. AZA HOLMES. COMPLEXION. HAIR, scalp and skin specialist, will give free dem onstrations In expert facial and icalp mas-rage- this week, at her Oriental Parlors, Sll Morrison St.. opposite P. O. Tel. Black 182S. GENTLEMAN FROM THE EAST, STRAN ger in city, aged 35, wlui considerable means, would like to meet young lady or widow of some means; object soclabUlty and matri mony. T 84. Oregonlan. ' A PHILANTHROPIST REV. MELVIN L. Peden, pastor of "Church of Christ. 157 Stone St., Glbsonburg. O.. offers to send Information free as to how consumption cart be cured at home. ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. MRS. Dreyfus, the great palmist ana cardreader, positively reveals the past, present and fu ture. See her and b convinced. 133 First. HER HIDDEN CHARMS, ROSA'S CONFES slon. Sweet Silence. Bel-Ami. The Parson's Sin. Prince and Musician, Olivia. Sappho, 50c each. Schmale, 229 First. OTOSA POSITIVELY ENLARGES THE BUST 3 to 0 inches; sold under a guarantee to do co since 1849. Particulars free;' sealed. Western Department Placaurd Medical Co.. Globe bldg.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TO MEET HONORABLE GEN tlemen with homes or means, matrimonially Inclined; also ladles of responsible age de siring homes. B 71. Oregoman. HAPPINESS RESTORED BY SEXJNE PILLS, the great cure for weak kidneys and nervous weakness; $1 a box, U for $5. Sold only by J. A. Clemenson, Druggist, Second and Yam hill ets., Portland, Or. r- MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts' Nerve Globtilea. One month's treat ment, $2; 3 months, $3. sent securely sealed by mall. Agents. Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland, Or. A WIDOWER "WANTS HOUSEKEEPER: AN other town; will rnOvo to Portland In De cember; full charge; small family; light Work; no objection to one child. C S3. Ore gonlan. ATTRACTIVE LADY, SWEET DISPOSITION, with $50,000 annually, refined and klnd-heart-e, will devote life to kind husband. Con stance. S12 .Holland bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. ENJOY LIFE BY REGAINING STRENGTH and happiness by using Sexlnc I'M; price $1, 0 for $5. J. A. Clemenson. Druggist, cor. becond and TambUl. Portland. Or. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, nature's great tonic for either sex; 25c box by mall. Albert Bern!, 2d and Washington, Agent. Portland, Or. MORPHINE. OPIUM. LAUDANUM. CO calne habit; myself cured; wilt Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mrs." Baldwin, box 1212. Chicago, I MATRIMONIAL ASSOCIATION-3O00 MEM ben, worth $100 to $100,000; unquestionable rcrerenco given; paper -10c sealed. R. L. Love, Mgr.. Denver, Colo., REMUNERATIVE HOME EMPLOYMENT for married laay In every city and town. Address with stamp Dept. 2V 1, 7? West Broadway, Butte, Mont. r A WONDERFUL FRENCH CLAIRVOYANT: what he tells comes true; send 10c and birthday. Prof. E. Qarnot, P. O. Box 2179, Boston. Mas J. GENTLEMAN OF GOOD STANDING DE feirea acquaintance of lady 25, who is fond of horses and driving. Object pleasure. J hi, Oregonlan. . j GENTLEMAN, AGED 35. STRANGER IN the city, - desires acquaintance with lively young lady; object, amusement. Address L, 84, Oregonlan. A CHICAGO MERCHANT. VERY WEALTHY, wants a plain and sensible iiomolovlng wile. Address Mr. Carson Ogden ave, cor. Robey St.. Chicago. MARRIAGE PAPER. CONTAINING HUN dreds "Personal" advert laments of raar rlagable people, mailed free. B. Gunnels; Toledo. O. GENTLEMAN OF MEANS. STRANGER IN city, desires acquaintance young lady; blonde preferred; object, amusement. T bl, Orego nlan. A YOUNG. COMPETENT AND EXPE rlenced .graduate chiropodist, masseuse and manicurist; terms reasonable. OfUco 20, Ral eigh. MARRY SEND 2C FOR BIG DESCRIPTIVE list, ladles or gentlemen; many rich and want to marry. Mutual Excnange, Denver, Colo. MRS. , STEVENS. PALMIST AND CLAIR voyant, has no equal In revealing past, pres ent and future; readings, 50c. 221 Morrison. We print your name on 80 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c; 250 business cards, $1. Brown & Schmale, 229 First, Portland, Or. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eystsell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st., bet. 1st and 2d. PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE CLUB, BOX S3, St. Louis, Mo. Marriageable men and women send stamp for particulars. GENTLEMAN WISHES TO CORRESPOND with middle-aged woman; object, matrimony. Address M S4, caro Oregonlan. A MIDDLE-AGED LADY WISHES TO COR respond with elderly gentleman. Object made known later. Q 8?. Oregonlan. ROBINSON STAMMERING INSTITUTE; cures guaranteed; best references. 'MQ Ellis ct.. San Francisco. Cal. WANTED A RESPECTABLE GIRL OR woman for roommate. Call today room 20. A. O. U. W. bldg. JUST THE BOOKS YOU'RE LOOKING, FOR. Send stomp for list. Box 373, Montreal, Canada. CARDS-rlOO FOR 20c; 50 FOR 10c; COIN, business or calling. Griffith, Copenhagen, N. Y. THERMAL BATHS. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE, by experienced masseuse. Room 20 Ralotgh. DfL LAMOTXETS FRENCH CORN PAINT.' The best corn cure. 25 cents. All druggists. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, EASY PAYMENTS. DIamonJs bought, W. H. ,Lesb, 513 Dckum. MRS. DR. McCOY and assistant; electric treat ments. Ross Houts 211 First, cor. Salmon. ONE-MINUTE TOOTHACHE DROPS. CURE instantly. 10 and 23 cents. All druggists. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED 7 MAR rlage paper. 10c Box 060. Portland, Or. VERA: PLEASE SEND ADDRESS TO GENE. MUa Bes La Rue. masseuse, manicurist; select patrons only. 331. MorrUon. room 10. BUSINESS CHANCES. JENNINGS & CO 300 MORRISON ST. ESTABLISHED 19 rEARS. ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. BUSINESS CHANCE BROKERS. TEA STORE RARE BARGAIN. Tea, coffee and crockery store la good town. 12.000 population; pays $150 to $200 a month net profit; will invblce about $3500. Se UENNINGS & CO SC9 MORRISON T. NEWS AlND CIGAR STORE. Half Interest In old established news and ci gar store clearing over $300 per month; cood location; clean business. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN. Well established, doing good business: cheap rent; stock will Invoice about $2000; will sell at Invoice or lump for $1500. JENNINGS & CO. 3C0 MORRISON ST. PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON. A gocd-paylng business; too much for present owner to handle alone; both wholesale and re tall; about $3000 required, but will make terms to suit to right party. JENNINGS & CO S09 MORRISON ST. CIGAR AND CANDY STORE On best street In city, old stand: has living rooms la rear of store; present owner has other business and must sell; & barsaln for $400; worth $S00. JENNINGS & CO 3C0 MORRISON ST. PARTNER WANTED IN RESTAURANT. Must be capable restaurant man; business clearing over $400 per month at present; busi ness too confining for present owner: one of the best places in the city; price. $1500. JENNINGS & CO 3C9 MORRISON ST. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE In good town, about 8000 population: receipts averager $40 a day; rent $35; brick building: will sell at invoice, about $2500. JENNINGS & CO 3C9',4 MORRISON ST. NOVELTY JEWELRY BUSINESS. Establlrhed 5 years; sales about $10,000 a year; must be good salesman: no other expe rience necessary; will sell halt Interest for $1000. as owntr wishes to go East for a few months JENNINGS '& CO 3C0 MORRISON ST. MISCELLANEOUS. Express and transfer business, pays hlg..$ SOO Dellcale-essen and home bakery $650 150-room hotel in this city Restaurant and luncn counter f Cash grocery. 0 Hvlne rooms f Good paying- delivery business f J Country hotel, furniture and building... $4000 Brickyard complete and running '"tfii Restaurant, average dally receipts $50....150 Delicatessen, bakery and grocery Stock of sen. tndse and buildings VSSl. Cigar and news store, country town $ 500 Grocery, doing big business, will lnvolce.$i00O Furniture, paints, store, good town $2000 Saloon, old established, popular stand $2200 JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 20 ROOMS. GRAND FURNITURE $2000 11 " VERY CHEAP RENT $ 300 33 WOKKINGMEN'S HOTEL ....$1200 19 " DOING FINE BUSINESS $1250 20 " ALL-ON ONE FLOOR $1250 22 " 13 FURNISHED $1350 15 " SELECT. BOARD AND ROOM.ilSOO 21 " NEAR PORTLAND.HOTEL....$2100 0 " ALL FULL t M 8 " NEW FURNITURE $ .? " CLOSE IN $000 J " ON EAST SIDE 65 20 " FIRST CLASS $2100 10 GOOD LOCATION fj'jj 32 " MODERN CORNER 500 " " FINE TRANSIENT 1??0 28 BRICK. LOW RENT $2100 . BRICK BUILDING UOOO 40 " BEST IN TOWN W500 JO " ELEGANT HOUSE $1230 10 " ON WASHINGTON ST. $ COO CAN MAKE TERMS ON THE ABOVE. JENNINGS & CO 309 MORRISON ST. GOOD ROOMING-HOUSES, VERY CHEAP 15 rooms, rent $20, clears $60 to $70....$ C50 9 rooms, rent $15. part housekeeping.... 200 2S rooms, rent $00. fine, new furniture.. 2700 10 rooms, rent $23. transient, lease 450 23 rooms, rent $20, hotel, lease 350 32 rooms, rent $100, cholco location 2500 10 rooms, rent $23, housekeeping 425 12 rooms, rent $31, fashionable boarding 750 35 rooms, rent $30, hotel, long lease S50 13 rooms, rent $25, swell, transient, full 600 40 rooms, rent $125. new, elegant, central 5500 22 rooms, rent fA25. with good saloon... 2500 21 rooms, swell, very fine 2100 64 rooms, rent $175, lease, central., 5000 Another good rooming-house, unfurnished, to lease; snap. PROFIT-PAYING BUSINESS CHANCES Grocery, with 0 living rooms, low rent, geed cash trade: $900. Grocery, flno storeroom, 4 living rooms, rent $17, snap; $450. Grocery and bakery, central, paying; $300. Grocery, on good corner; rent $12.50; $123: Cigar, confectionery and Ice-cream store, rent only $2, well stocked, receipts about $20 dally, a fine little stand; 550. Very good cigar store, with low rent, fruits, candles, newspapers; $125. Two good country weekly papers, with Job departments, for sale reasonable. Valuable patent for sale, or to .manufacture on royalty, or form stock company. Bakery and candy factor: $825. Delicatessen, with lease and low rent; $900. Restaurant and lunch counter; $500. Partner wanted In brickyard; $i50. Saloons; $400. $1000. $2500. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO.. 234 Morrison st.. comer 2d. GOOD ROOMING-HOUSES. VERY CHEAP 15 rooms, rent $20. clears $C0 to $70 $ 050 9 room, rent $13, part housekeeping.. 200 23 rooms-, rent $00. line, new furniture.. 27W 10 rooms, rent $25. transient, lease 430 23 rooms, rent $20. hotel, lease.., 350 32 rooms, rent $100. choice location 2500 10 rooms, rent $25. housekeeping 425 12 rooms, rent $31. fashionable boarding 750 25 rooms, rent $20, transient, lodging... 223 35 rooms, rent $30, hotel, long lease 850 13 rooms, rent $23. swell, transient, full 700 40 rooms, rent $125, new, elegant, centrl. 5500 22 rooms, rent $225. with good saloon... 2500 31 rooms, rent $100, splendid location, transient 2500 21 rooms, rent $00, swell, very fine 2100 b4 rooms, rent $175, lease, central 5000 OUR ADDRESS BELOW. GROCERIES $900 Good cash trace. 6 living rooms, barn, low rent. Great bargain, $450 Flno storeroom. 4 living rooms, rent $17. Chance seldom offered. $125 Good corner, close In. large store- rooms, email stock, but excellent chance to build up. CIGAR STORES- Good cigar and confectionery store, rent $7.50, on busy street, for $125. Cigars, confectionery and lunch counter, 'with 5 living rooms. $425. Meat market, good natures, central. We have a choice list of all kind business chances, farms, stock ranches, bouses and lots. COLUMBIA REAL ESTATE & TRUST CO., 234 Morrison at., cor. Second. - JOSEPH M. HEALY. RELIABLE BUSINESS-CHANCE .BROKER. Rooms 5 and 0, 290 Morrison St. Both phones Mala 193 Candy and Ice cream parlors, splendid loca tion; decided bargain at $350. Several good grocery stores, all prices.. Country hotel, 50 rooms; price Includes fur niture, building and grounds; $4250, half cash. Cigar store, central, long lease; bargain. Feed stable, city, long lease, $1200, Transfer business, one ct the- best In the city, only $3200. Dining-room, good trade, $250, terms. Manufacturing business, city, clears over $150 month, only 52000. Dellcate-essen and grocery,. $300. Hotel. 150 rooms, all complete, city. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE 14 rooms, very good corner, $1200. 15 rooms, light housekeeping, $850. 80 rooms, low rent, central, $1800. 22 rooms, central, corner; bargain, $1500. 25 rooms, modern brick, good furn., $2000. 35 rooms, brick, new furniture, $1800. 23 rooms, long lease; bargain, $2500. 12 rooms, splendid transient, corner, $1100. 30 rooms, worklngmen's hotel; snap, $1200. 50 rooms, family hotel, long lease; will sell for $4750, hajf cash. Several furnished houses, 7 to 10 rooms. Can make terms on any of the above, JOSEPH M. HEALY. 290 Morrison at. PATENTS. Patents, Patents. Guaranteed. Patents Secured or Fee Returned. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentability. Send tor our Illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest publication Issued tor free distribution. Contains ICO mechanical movements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PAT ENT. HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT. HOW TO SELL PATENTS. LAW POINTS FOR INVENTORS. ETC. Talents. recurea tnrougn us advertised without charge in the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY FREE. We also send free our LIST OF IN VENTIONS WANTED. Address EVANS. WILKENS & CO REGISTERED PATENT ATTORNEYS. EVANS BUILDING. WASHINGTON, D. a $20 STARTS YOU IN BUSINESS. Week ending July 0, $20 made $ 93 Week ending-July 12, $20 made 116 Week ending July 19. $20 made. 02 Week ending July 26. $20 made 176 Week cndlr.K August 2. $20 made 91 It gives you a weekly Income. Patrons clear $40 to $200 each week. Our system perfect and no risk. Wo are the oldest firm In the business. Being in the racing business for 10 yeare. Write at once for particulars, etc Metropolitan Turf Bureau, 935 Market st, room 14, San FrancUco. Cal. WANT.ED TO BUY A CIGAR 8TORE IN good location; give particulars. T 5, -care Xreoalan. QUIT WORKING FOR OTHERS; $200 WILL start ycu In business for yourself.. E 85, Oregonlan. "BUSINESS CHANCES. GRUSS1 & HIG LEY'S REVISED LIST $275, $900, $1200. $1700 and $3300 grocery store; $300. creamery? $375, confectionery. J 550 Barber shop and cigar store. 650 Bakery and grocery; living rooms. 600 Hardware, tinware and grocery store. $750 Barber shop. $2000 Best saloon In city. $1500 Best cigar store oh Washington street. $830 Cigar store, central, corner. $1200 Oyster house; paying. $3000 Beat restaurant in Portland; or $1500 tor halt Interest; good cause for selling. . $7000 Saloon, restaurant and lodging-house; large business; Astoria: Includes buildings. $7500 Dry goods, ladles' and gents' furnish ings, shoes; big discount on invoice price. $10,000 Manufacturing business. ROOMING-HOUSES $110012 rooms. Main st. $300 Nine rooms. $70012 rooms. 4-year lease. $4500 rooms, on Oth st- $50010 rooms. $5007 rooms, on Taylor st. $105010 rooms; very swell; making money. $110012 rooms, on Washington st. $125022 rooms, swell, partly furnished. 500 IS rooms, all full. , $125011 rooms, near Hotel Portland. $175033 rooms. $1650 15-room flat on Stark st. $5500-0. rooms. $210020 rooms, on 7th st. $210035 rooms, on 3d St.; cheap rent, $210028 rooms, cheap rent, clearing $150. $750064 rooms, elegantly furnished house; Income $750 per month. GRUSSI & HIGLEY. Phono Main 305. 132 3d St.. near Alder. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE 14 rooms, good corner, lease $ 700 10 roams, new furniture, piano...., 1C50 17 rooms, well located, filled 1000 12 rooms, near City Hall SCO 29 rooms, brick, lease 1700 10 rooms, 5th st., lease COO 11 rooms. Jefferson st., fine furniture.... 850 15 rooms. 12th at., fins residence 1350 16 rooms, low rent, good business 1000 CO rooms, best-paying house in city 7500 28 rooms, select housekeeping. 2000 Wo have a number of 8, 9 and 10-room houses, very centrally located, $200 to $600. BUSINESS CHANCES Restaurants, splendid business: $300, $S00. Saloons, $600. $3500; cafe and bar. $2500. Grocery .$500; delicatessen. $425; bakery, $400; cigar stands. $200. $450. ftVOU. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY. Cor. 4th and Morrison. South 1371. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE . 17 rooms, brick building, cheap rent .5 850 7 rooms, choice location, finely furnished GOO 13 rooms, doing good-paying business.. 625 12 rooms, close in. nlco yard 875 7 rooms, fine carpets, new furniture.... 450 20 rooms, rent $00; desirable location.... 200 22-room flat, fine transient place 1000 30 rooms, lease, fine part of city 1030 44 rooms, strictly first-class, rent $100.. WW) 74 rooms, nothing better on market 7500 We have many others; also a long list of business chances of even description. WESTERN INVESTMENT CO.. 291 Morrison st., room 3. GILT - EDGE INVESTMENT A SMALL block of the famous Red-Boy Consolidated Gold Mines Co. stock for sale. Dividend paying. Guaranteed; better than Government bonds; pays larger Interest on Investment. Stock sure to advance 50 to 100 per ceni. For price and Information address A. H. wiilett Si Co., GOT Jdarquam Diag. BEFORE YOU INCORPORATE SEND STAMP for "Dakota as a Corporate State," a book let giving an exhaustive summary of the ad vantages offered corporations by South Da kota, quoting charter fees of 18 other states, and giving a lucid explanation ot the rela tion of foreign and domestic corporations. R. T. Ruxton. 32 Broadway, New York. BY" OUR RECUPERATIVE SYSTEM OF speculation, we are able to earn for our clients handsome semi-monthly dividends. Amounts for $10 and upward arc accepted and placed In operation on the day the re mittance Is received. For particulars, ad dress White & Co., SS Pulitzer bldg.. New York. (Mention paper.J FOR SALE DELICATE-ESSEN, FRUITS, groceries and cigars; one of the best" loca tions in Portland for this kind of business. Parties wishing to go in business will do well to Investigate this before buying else where. Stock and fixture at Invoice; will Invoice $900. Address G. S. Allen, 390 East Morrison st. PUBLIC NOTICE: ALL PERSONS HAVING lost In turf, grain and stock speculation can be shown how they can get their money back In 14 weeks In regular Installments. Com plete Information fiec This notice Is insert ed for the: benefit of earnest parties. Ad dress N. S. Gcodslll. 41 Rlmbach Block. Ham mond, Ind. WE PAY OVJi SUBSCRIBERS WEEKLY", larger Interest on their Investment of $10 and upwards with us than they would recelvo in a year from the savings bank. Wo have never had a dissatisfied subscriber nor a loss. Write for circular. Sollltt Si Co., Beard bldg.. New York. (Mention this pa per.) $10 AND UPWARDS WILL BRING YOU A good, steady Income, payable every 15 days. If you desire to place your idle money where It will bring you good returns, without fear of loss, send for circular. National Fiscal Agency, Suite 57-8. Brooks bldg.. New York. (Mention this paper.) GOOD OPENING FOR HOTE.L. 30 ROOSIS. dining-room; furnished complete; saloon in rear if desired; new building and furniture;, 2 years' lease; would sell restaurant sen-1 arately If desired; reasons for selling; good Income. 321 Water st. FOR SALE STOCK OF CLOTHING AND genu furnishing goods. Excellent location. Clean, desirable stock. Reasons for selling, change of residence. Splendid opportunity for buslnes Investment In substantial town. Address S. S. Morltz, Dayton. Wash. OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE IN MER cantlle or manufacturing business In city or country, only legitimate, paying propositions handled. Information furaisned parties look ing for timber or homestead cla!ms. Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton building. BUY TWO -ACRE SHARES IN THE MEX Ican Rubber Culture Co.; $5 monthly will give annual Income of $500 for life. J. C. Hoberaon. Assistant General Manager, 326 and 32S Clumber of Commerce bldg.. Port land, Or.. Agents wanted. THE GUARANTEED FUND HAS PAID Divi dends of 1 to 7 per cent fortnightly. Send for free book. Facts and figures, explain Ins option trading. Osborn Grain Co.. 8S3 Phoenix bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Members Chamber Commerce. A -FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE MAN Not your money alone, but brains and money, can buy interest in paying; business; not one sinking, but ono needing jnoro brains and money to widen out, B &3, Oregonlan. FAMILY HOTEL. 60 ROOMS. CITY. LONG lease, only $4750, half cash; furniture coat double that amount. This Is a bargain, -and will' brlor $0500 before the 1005 Fair. Jo seph M. Healy, 290 Morrison st, FOR SALE CANDY KITCHEN, ONLY ONE in city of 4000 population; excellent oppor tunity tor candymaker. Further Information write Frod leensee, Ik B. 1C9, Hoquiam, Waah. ROOMINO-HOUSE. 47 ROOMS. LONG LEASE, brick building, good location, house full; see. It. Also 10 rooms, beautiful furniture, mod ern In every respect, Q 85. caro Oregonlan. RARE CHANCE TO PURCHASE A PAYING business; notions, fancy goods, etc.; Jnven' tory, $1000: low rent; suitable tor man and wife. Byrt E. Nau. box 273. city. FOR SALE FOR CASH: A VERY GOOD paying dry goods business: no dead stock; splendid patronage; selling on account of Ill health, a 02. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTY TO START RESTAU rant, bakery, etc, In connection with lodging-house; rooms for family; rents $20 montn. 233 Russell st, WANTED PARTY WITH $1000 TO $3000 TO keep books and do general office work In clean and good-paying business. Address IV 87, Ocegonlan, HAVE EIGHT FINE TIMBER CLAIMS, cruising from 5 to 7 million; will only be available a short time. D St. care Ore gonlan. 1 FOR HALE-SO ACRES LAND. WITH TIM bar and saw jnlU. for cash or In trade for Portland property. Inquire at 227 Morrison street. DAILY NEWSPAPER; BEST PAYING IN Em tern Oregon; big bargain. Full informa tion, addreaa Dally Rsporter. Sumpter, Or. FIRST-CLASS SALOON. IN FIRST-CLASS location. In business district; reason for sale, owner calld away. C So. Oregonlan. OFFICE BUSINESS. $123; IN BEST BUILD lns In Portland: low rent; furnlturo Includ ed. Address N 82, care Oregonlan. A PARTNER WITH $125. RAPID MONEY maklng business; pays $23 to $50 a week profit. Address box 978, city. SACRIFICE. $300 DOWN. EASY TERMS, furniture ot 31-room house, rooming and boarding. O S3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, very central, no agents. Call from 2 to 4 to day or Monday, 347 Taylor. FOR SALE CIO AR STORE. PROMINENT location; established trade; a bargain. Ad dress box S70, city. THE FURNITURE OF 21-ROOM ROOMING and 'boarding-bouse; rent $13; very cheap. 504 Goldsmith. FOR SALE OLD-ESTABLISHED GROCERY business; selling on account of sickness. 301 North 21st st. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 ROOMS, $325; S rooms, $250. Inquire 255 Fourth, st. BUSINESS CHAXCES ARE YOU STILL LOOKING FOR A SAFE and profitable Investment? $10.50 paid on each $100 from July 1 to 15. $101.91 on each $100 frcm March 17 to July 15. Co-operation desired: perrons seeking handsome profits with the risk practically eliminated. Finan cial and commercial reference from your - own locality. Depo3ita entered on tne day following receipt. Address S. J3. Jackson, Downing bulldlntr. New York. FOR SALE WELL-EQUIPPED HOTEL, newly furnished. Inquire of O. P. Mc Laughlin. Sheridan. Or. FINANCIAL. ' ; 1 LOANS MADE TO ' SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions wim reiponsloa firms, upon their own names; easy pajmeuu; fetrlctly confidential. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgages. New Era- Loan & Trust Co., room 206 Ablngton building. NOTICE PARTIES WISHING TO DISPOSE of Helena Consolidated. Mustek Mining & Milling or Star Consolidated mining stocks, will t.nd It to their interest to consult the undersigned before, disposing of the sams. I. U. Bingham. 110 Sherlock building. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett. 213 Com mtrcial block. Telephone Grant S36. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500. ON ALL klndd of security. IJ. I. Eckerson Ss Co., room 5 Washington bldg. Phono Clay 73. $3 AND UP IN SUMS TO SUIT ON ALL kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington building. Phone Hood 413. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission, and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co., 602 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. ON city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., 243 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT ON all kinds of good security. W. H. Nunn, 552 Snerlock block. Six per cent money to loan cn Clackamas Coun ty lands. E. F. Riley. 608 Cham. Commerce. State funds loaned 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 per cent, farm -or city property. O. M, Smith. 3 Cn. of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. IIolL room 0 Washington bldg. LOANS on chattels, salaries; low rates. See us first. Mann & Co.. 604 Dekum building. Money fo loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Kawley. 2 Chamber of Cora. $3C0.00 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. O. Bock. 321 Morrison st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL'., JULY 15. 1802. healed proposals. In duplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock A. M., Thursday, August 7, 1902. and then opened, for furnlsn lnjf lumber, shingles, etc.. for Presidio of Ban Francisco, Cal. Government rebtrves rignt to reject or accept any or all bids In wnole or In part. Preference given to arti cles of domestic production, conditions of price and quality tmcludlng In the price of lorelsn productions the duty thereon) being equal, and &ucn preference given to articles of American proauctlon produced on tne Pa cific Cot, to extent of consumption re quired by the public service there. ' Infor mation turnlahed on application to the un dersigned or to Depot Quartermaster at Portland, Oregon, or Seattle, Washington. D. D. WHEELER. Deputy Q. M. General, U. H. A.. Chief Quartermaster. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks, -Wash., July 31. 1V02. Sealed propo sals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. August 20. lOul. tor fur nishing forage and bedalng at posts in this department, for year ending June 30. 1003. Information furnished here or by Quarter masters at pottX U. S. reserves right to re ject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "iToposala for fotage and bedding at ," and addressed to under signed. J. W. JACOBS, C. Q. M. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., July 23, 1002. Sealed propo- vsal3, la triplicate, will be received here until IL A. M. August 15. ll02, for furnishing 715 cords ot fir wood at Fort Worden, Wash. In formation furnished here or by Quartermas ter. Fort Worden. Wash. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept uny or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for nr wood at Fort Worden. Wash.," addressud J. W. JACOBS. C. Q. M. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. - Accountant itnl Auditor. George T. Murton. 318 Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 430. Bookkeeping, expertlng. teaching. Assayer nud Annlyatn. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYEIi AND An alytical chemist and mining engineer, 204 , Washington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. Experts on analysis ot coals, minerals, rocks and mineral waters. J. T. Gove, Manager. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 228 Stark eL Attomeya-nt-Law. NIXON & DOLPH. GENERAL PP.ACTITION ers Notaries Public. 502 Commercial bldg. N. MOSESSOHN, Attorney and Notary Pub lic. 722 Chamber of Com. Consultation free. EMMONS & EMMONS. ATTORNEYS. FIFTH ttoor," Worccfctr block. Cnrncntcrx nnd Bullderx. JOHN A. MELTON. CARPENTER AND builder, 307 Stark St.: otllce and store fix tures built and remodeled, altering and re pairing houses; grjll work. Phone Muln 747. W. L. BUCKNEK. carpenter and builder. 330 Stark. Houses altered and repaired; store and office fixtures, general jobbing. Phone Blk 1)14. CORDON. REMOVED TO 20$ 4TH. FLY screens, counters, shelving. Tel. Clay 174. Chiropodists and Mnnlcurlnfr. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Altsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16., This Is the long-haired gentleman. Ho la lie man you are looking for. Civil Engineer. PHILIP G. EASTWICK. CIVIL. MINING and hydraulic engineer. 65G Worcester block. Clairvoyants. MADAME JOHNSTON WILL READ FOR LA dies or gentlemen clairvoyantly: short time. 50s: satisfaction guaranteed. 251 Fifth st. Coal lJcnlers. VULCAN COAL CO.. WHOLESALE DEAL ers best coals, foundry and smelter coke. Coal 11 lid Wood. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kinds coal, coke, charcoal, slabwuod. Stalls to let. 151 N. Fifth. Both phones. BROWN & HICKS. COAL AND DRY WOOD, foot Yamhill st. Both phones. Main 715. Commission Merchants. HERMANN METUGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, xurs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant. Front st,, near Main. Portland. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock build ing. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO . duco merchants. Front & 15 .. Portland. Or. Imiicluy. MISSES MATTINGLY, ACADEMY OF DANC ing. 269 South 14th. Class of private lessons. DyclnR and Cieaninsr. Portland Steam Dye Works; gents' clothing only dyed and cleaned. 211 4th. Tel. Clay 704. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean ,er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Red 131. Educational. PRIVATE TEACHER WILL GIVE INSTRUC tlon during whole or any part of the year. Pupils prepared for any university, business college, or tor special examinations. Special attention given to backward pupils in gram mar grades of public schools. Call at Port land Business College between 9 and 12. Hen rietta M. Holmes. Electro-Plating. GOLD. SILVER. , COPPER, NICKEL. ETC. Mining and battery slates. Peninsular Plat ins "Works. 353 Stark st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Fence and Wire Worfcs; OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works. A. Carlson, 2S9 East Morrison st. Hair dressing. Toupees, Manicuring. ROSENTHAL SISTERS. ICO FIFTH ST. Switches, toupees, hairdresslwr. manicurtw;. PARIS HAIR STORE. 30S WASH. ST. The leading wigmaker and hairdressers. Furnaces. HOT-AIR FURNACES. J. C. BAYER. 2C3 Second st. Fraternal Innnniucc. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects. the living.. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y. 612-615 Mcr.iuain 'bWg. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BO WEN. PORTLAND. SAN FRAN clsco. Seattle. Harness nnd Saddle. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLK sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 12 Front-st. THE BUEYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE salo saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather ot all kinds. 73 Front at. InKuranve. HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INS. CO 1W2 First st. Paul van Frldach. General ARMt. Junlc. Hides and lelt. L. Shank & Co. pay highest prlee3 fee eld rubber, metals, bottles. Iron, rtt-s, hides pelts and tallow. 312 Front. Tel. outh $! Leather and Finding;. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. MFtS boot and shoe uppers, findings, shee store supplies, leather of all kinds. 7a Front st. J. A. REID, rofr. boot and shoe upier: futl stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 at. Machinery. TRENKMAN ii CO.. MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, casting of all kinds repaired. lfM North Fonrta st. Machinery. THE H. C ALBEE CO.; SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etr. 248 Grand ave. TATUM & BO WEN. PORTLAND. SI ' Francisco. Seattle. Manufacturers ot Ladies' Goods. Midsummer sale Waists, 25c up; skirts, 25c up; ull line ladles' underwear; le than cost. Sing Chong Co., 33H Morrison st. Mnrble and Granite. BUY" MONUMENTS OF WEEKS. 720 FRONT. Fine work, low prices. , 1 MusKaRc. . VAPOR AND SPONGE BATHS. WITH MAS sage, given at SC0 Washington St., Ue Snowden bathrooms; alro t-lectrte. tem butha and electric treatments. Room 1 ami 3. FRENCH LADY WITH TWO YOUNG CRAD uate assistants, slves massage treatments; electric, perfume. 2 US 3th. Phona W. 178. A YOUNG LADY GRADUATE MASSEUSE, thoroughly experienced and scientific mani curist and chiropodist. Otttce 20 Kale!. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE GIVEN II Y YOUNG lady from the East; strictly firat-cluss. Room 16, 351 Morrison. JlctllcnI. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN nyroyal Pills are the best. Sate. relmbl. Take no other. Send 4c. tor par ticulars, "Relief tor Ladle.V In letter by jeturn mall. Ask your druggist. Chietwster Chemical Co.. Phllada.. Pa. Mu.ilcnl. GUITAR. BANJO. VIOLIN AND MANDOLIN Instructor. Professor E. A. Smith. 254 lth. Phone- Brown 695. Oregon Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health talks to ladbjs. Thursday. 2:0 P. M. Palmistry. HAVE YOUR HANDS READ BY PROF. Sterling; he has returned. Your hands re veal all questions of life, pertaining to mar riage, sickness, death, changes', travels, di vorces, separations, lawsuits, business trans actions, wills, deals, mortgages, loot or ab sent friends, mining ventures, etc. Office hours are 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. dally. Charges 50c and $1. 2S0 3d st. Thone North 4241. SPECIAL FOR SEVEN DAYS-FULL LIFE reudlngs, 25c. Pror. Wallace, the palmist. Cosmos, Fourth and Morrison, parlors 1 and 2. Larsen. the palmist, returned; scientific read ings. 5Cc: past and future. 216 Al'sky bMs. Pliysleinn.n and Surjseon. DR. MRS. CAREY TALOOTT SUCCESSFUL ly treats and cures all disease or women. Successful home treatments by mall. 3trt Salmon St.. between Fifth and Sixth. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID ney ami skin diseases. Odd Fellows' Terap4. Dr. Flora A. Brown: diseases of women and children a specialty. Office 517 The Dekum. Plumbers. FOX & CO.. SANITARY" PLUMBERS: ALL wor guaranteed. 2S3 2d. Phone Clay 5C7. Safes. BEWARE. Certain "STANDARD" safes sold are trustworthy until tested by fire, Ave4d thin walls. DlEBOLD safea omjn after fire, preserving contents. LOCKOUTS opened, gvneral repairs, urIar alarms. Jails, safes exchanged. J. E. Davis. 66 Third. BARNES SAFES PORTLAND SAFE & LOCK Co.. gen'l agts.. 205 2d St.. A. Q. U. W. dWr. HALL'S SAFES, standard of the world. Norrls Sate Co.. Ul lsi st,. 2a door north of Stark. Showca.seii and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE .. CO.. SUCCESSORS .TO DIXON. Borgeson & Co.. Sixth aud Hoyt sts.' Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.. 343 Washington St.; pioneer slot machine- house: establlsned Jb93; largest and most complete establishment of the kind in the U. S. Re- pairing a specialty. Oregon phone Oak lSul. Columbia phone 570. Splritunllsts. MME. AD WARD, SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits', love, matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran teed. Rooms 5, 6. A. O. U. W. bldg.. corner Second and Taylor. Take elovator. 4th tleor. ALL IN TROUBLE CALL AND SEE MRS.' Wallace, the ramous psychic: gives valuublo advice on all affairs of life, traces absent friends, mines, family difficulties. Always consult the best. 332 Wash. St.. room 1. GERTRUDE MYREN. CLAIRVOYANT. 507 Goodnough building. Fifth and Yamhill, reads your life accurately. Satisfaction guaranteed. No sign; keep this address. Prof. De Amandus. medium and mental scien tist of 56 years' experience, may be consult ed dally 01 all nfftilrs. 167 First st. Mrs Stevens, rpiritual life reader; scientific palmist; past and future, 50c. 221 MorrUon. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH FOR A SHORT time at 133 Fifth, cor. Alder, room 1. Storage. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 31 North Frent, StoruKe and Transfer. C O. PICK, office S3 First, bet. Stark and Oct; phone 5S6- Pianos and furnlturu taoved and packed Jr shipping; commodious fire proof brick warehouse: Front and Clay sta. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 50 THIRD ST.; wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Turkish BiitliK. DEKUM ELECTRIC LIGHT Turkish baU; hours ladles. 9 to 3: gentlemen. 3:2tt to tt. Typewriters. Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Tytewrltert gt catalogue. 319 California St.. San Franelsee. Wall Paper. H. P. CHRISTENSEN. wall paper, grab-ins paper, picture framing-. -131 7th. cor. Alder. W'ntchaiakers and Jewelers.- , JOHN A. BECK. WATCHES. DIAMONDS. Jewelry- sllverwars. 207 Morrison. Repairing. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sta.. Portland; Or.